Volume 1 - FAA Managers Association

Human Resource Policy Manual (HRPM)
Volume 1 - Employment
EMP 1.29a - Career Enhancement Program - ATO Supplement
Air Traffic Organization Career Enhancement and Career Progression
Assignments (ATO-CE/CP)
This Chapter applies to: Air Traffic Control Specialist (ATC), AT-2152, in the Air Traffic
Organization (ATO).
Chapter Established on: July 4, 2012
This Version Effective: July 4, 2012
Background information: Under the authority granted within Career Enhancement
Program (CEP) Policy EMP-1.29 the head of a line of business (LOB), with the
concurrence of the Assistant Administrator for Human Resource Management (AHR-1),
may establish objective, quantifiable career enhancing assignments for use within the
This Chapter defines the Air Traffic Organization Career Enhancement and Career
Progression Program under the CEP and clarifies those situations when pay retention
would be appropriate. FAPM 330-4 Appendix 9, Air Traffic Career Progression Plan,
addressed career enhancing movement within the air traffic organization and provided
for pay retention if current pay was above the maximum of the grade level or pay bands.
This Order was subsequently cancelled upon implementation of the Core Compensation
Plan. Policy Bulletin #58 was issued to approve pay retention when a MSS-2/3/4
employee moved into an ATO Service Area/Headquarters position when the move was
deemed to be career enhancing. This Air Traffic supplement to CEP Policy EMP1 .XX
effectively cancels Policy Bulletin #58, Air Traffic Organization Career Progression Plan
for MSS-2/3/4 Movement to Service Area/Headquarters 2152 Positions.
Use this supplement in conjunction with EMP1.29 - Career Enhancement Assignment
Program (CEP).
Table of Contents
1. Purpose
2. Scope
3. Definitions
4. MSS Movements
5. Relationship between career enhancement and career progression assignments,
and mandatory separation at age 56:
6. Pay Retention
7. Approval Authority
8. Travel and Transportation
1. Purpose: This Chapter supplements agency policy on Career Enhancement
Assignment Program (CEP) and establishes the Air Traffic Organization (ATO) criteria
for identifying career enhancing (CE) and career progression (CP) assignments for air
traffic control specialist (ATC) in supervisory and non-supervisory positions.
2. Scope: This supplement applies to supervisory and non-supervisory ATC
employees serving on permanent excepted appointments. This program does not
preclude a manager's/supervisor's current authority to detail, reassign or promote
3. Definitions: This supplement provides definitions that are specific to the application
of CE/CP assignments in the Air Traffic Organization.
a). ATO Career Enhancing Assignments: Career Enhancing (CE) assignments
are permanent or temporary transfers (greater than 12 months) or movements
to an equivalent or a lower career level designed to broaden the experience and
qualification of individuals to further the DOT/FAA/LOB/SO mission and/or meet
succession planning goals. Career Enhancing assignments include the
following elements:
o Position is permanent
o Limited Pay Retention: Pay retention is subject to a 3-year limit
o All rules apply only if you haven't previously held the position on a
permanent basis at the same level facility.
b). ATO Career Progression Assignments: Career Progression (CP)
assignments are permanent promotions, transfers or MSS movements that
provide critical expertise that further the DOT/FAA/LOB/SO mission. These
assignments are intended to encourage good pools of qualified candidates. CP
assignments offer diverse experiences, which assist the agency in meeting
succession goals, and include the following elements:
o Pay Retention (No loss in pay when following a recognized career
progression, and
o Applies to positions not previously held on a permanent basis
c). Currency: Currency pertains only to employees in positions covered by the
special provisions of air traffic controller (ATC) retirement and is the process of
meeting the minimum time requirements on operational or control positions in a
terminal, en route, or flight service facility or in the David J. Hurley Air Traffic
Control System Command Center (ATCSCC) each calendar month.
d). Career Diversity: Experience in varied positions which broadens the individual's
range of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA's). Career Diversity is enhanced
when an employee is assigned to a staff position or a supervisory position or
has attained a journeyman position in a different option. Career Diversity is not
enhanced when an employee is assigned to a staff or supervisory position in
which he or she has already held on a permanent basis.
4. MSS Movements:
• Career progression applies when moving to same level facility, to a higher
facility level, or down 3 or fewer facility levels.
• Career enhancement applies to moves 4 or more facility levels down, if the
position was not previously held on a permanent basis.
MSS2 to MSS2:
• External lateral facility moves - same position, same facility level - are
captured by the band. If moving to a different position.
MSS2 and MSS3:
• Internal facility moves at the same status of position level will result in no
change in pay and are protected with pay retention.
MSS3 to MSS3:
• Movement between MSS3 positions is progression unless previously held on
a permanent basis at the current or higher status of positions level.
• The agency recognizes there are specialized functions associated with the
MSS3 positions. Movement between the following positions: Operations
Manager/National Operations Manager, Support Manager and Traffic
Management Officer, shall be considered career progression.
Movement to a Higher Level Facility:
• Movement to a higher level facility within the same status of position is career
progression unless position was previously held on a permanent basis at
current or higher level.
First time in HQ or Service Center:
• First time in HQ or Service Center, in a permanent position at any status of
position is career progression - one time only.
Applicability of Highest Previous Salary (in career enhancement):
• If someone takes a career enhancement job and is adjusted into a lower pay
band, then that person makes a career progression move, the highest
previous pay that fits in the new band shall be applied. (If it fits in the band,
they should be made whole by bringing them back to the salary that they
would have had, had they not taken the risk. The goal is to not punish people
for progression along a recognized career path).
Cross Option Moves:
• The first career cross option move (terminal/en route/flight service) within the
same career level is career enhancement.
5. Relationship between career enhancement and career progression
assignments, and mandatory separation at age 56:
a. Employees who have 20 years of covered air traffic control service "good time"
and whose permanent position is subject to mandatory separation at age 56,
must return to his/her permanent position or be permanently placed in a position
that is either not covered by ATC retirement or is not subject to mandatory
separation, before reaching age 56.
b. Employees who meet the requirements for retirement under the special
provisions for ATC retirement and are subject to mandatory separation at age 56
are not eligible to apply for a waiver to mandatory separation while on a career
enhancement assignment.
c. Employees who do not meet the requirements for retirement under the special
provisions for ATC retirement and who have reached age 55 while on a career
enhancement assignment may return to a covered position that is subject to
mandatory retirement upon completion of the assignment, only for as long as it
takes to meet the requirements for retirement under the special provisions for
ATC retirement. Note: Employee must qualify for the position and must meet all
medical certifications.
6. Pay Retention: Pay Retention shall be extended to any employee moving into a
career enhancement or career progression assignment as defined in this chapter:
a. For movements into or within Core Compensation pay plan, pay retention is
authorized In-Accordance-With (IAW) Comp 2.11c.
b. For movement of MSS employees within the Air Traffic pay plan, pay retention is
authorized IAW Comp 2.1 AT and reference material: Pay Rules Guide for
Managers and Supervisors in the Air Traffic Controllers Compensation Plan (Pay
Plan AT) dated 2/22/12.
7. Approval Authority:
• All assignments and determinations are subject to Deputy COO/COO
8. Travel and Transportation: All travel and per diem for temporary and permanent
duty station changes will be IAW Federal Aviation Administration Travel Policy (FAATP).
Use this Chapter in conjunction with:
• HRPM EMP 1.29: Career Enhancement Program (CEP)
• HRPM COMP 2.11c - Demotions and Pay Band and Pay Retention in Core
• HRPM COMP 2.1AT, Managers and Supervisors Pay in the Air Traffic
Controllers Compensation Plan
• Pay Rules Guide for Managers and Supervisors in the Air Traffic Controllers
Compensation Plan (Pay Plan AT)
• Reference Material: Agreement: Career Enhancement Assignment
Revision History Log
February 1, 1999:
FAPM Letter 330-4,
Merit Promotion
Program, Appendix 9,
Addressed career enhancing moves within the air traffic
controller workforce in Air Traffic and authorized pay
retention for these moves
September 2009:
Policy Bulletin #58,
Designated certain moves from MSS-2/3/4 positions to
ATO Headquarters/Service Area positions as career
enhancing, thus making them eligible for pay retention
October 5, 2010
Policy Bulletin #58,
Added standardized language about bargaining unit
employees. Deleted Core Compensation to accommodate
all pay plans