Pre-Course Assignment - SCFA Online Training

4172 – Fire Instructor II
Pre-course assignment
Pre-Course Assignment
Conduct a needs analysis for a new training course for your department.
The purpose of this pre-course assignment is for the Instructor II student to
conduct a needs analysis for their agency to determine the training course and
course content they will develop in the 5 day Instructor II program. This program
will be based on some training deficiency or other training need.
While enrolled in the course, you will work on a training project that will meet the
need of your department. The Instructor II program will take you through a
process to develop the needed course you have selected then on the 5th day of
class you will deliver an 8 to 10 minute executive summary presentation of your
Using the work sheet provided conduct a needs analysis that will be used in
developing your end of class training course for your department or agency. This
pre-course analysis should be the basis for developing your new course.
Pre-course Assessment Checklist
 Services provided by my department and how we are performing the task
 Identify areas where the improvement is required, i.e., training, use of new
standards or SOP’s, new technology, improvement in course materials, etc.
 If knowledge needs improving, were tests given or test results looked at to
identify gaps that exist in the individuals understanding of the subject matter.
 Interview staff or department personnel to learn how training needs have
changed, evaluated, and how they were implemented.
 Look at safety records or incident reports that support the need for a change
in training. This should include “near misses”.
 Examine changes in equipment, procedures, and mission statements that
have created new training needs.
South Carolina Fire Academy/October 2013/Revision 3
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4172 – Fire Instructor II
Pre-course assignment
Name: ______________________________
Please fill out the following information.
In the area of departmental training, briefly explain the area in which you feel
there is a need for additional or improved training.
How do you, as an Instructor, determine your training needs in this subject area?
What training; if any, does your department presently have in this area of
instruction that you see a need?
Who do you feel should be the target of this training? (Firefighters, Officers,
Drivers, etc;)
Looking at your safety records, and incident reports, do you feel the course you
will develop can improve the safety issues in this subject matter? Explain.
What equipment and skills do you feel should be included in this program to
make it applicable and what implementation method will you use?
South Carolina Fire Academy/October 2013/Revision 3
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