Paper ID [C2008]

Roll No...........................
Total No. of Questions : 13]
[Total No. of Pages : 02
Paper ID [C2008]
(Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)
M.Sc. BI/PGDBI (202) (S05) (Sem. - 2nd)
Time : 03 Hours
Maximum Marks : 75
Instruction to Candidates:
Section - A is Compulsory.
Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B.
Section - A
(15 × 2 = 30)
a) What is the role of dehydrogenases in respiration?
b) What is the physiological importance of carbohydrates?
c) Write a brief note on anomers giving suitable example.
d) Write down overall reaction of Glycolysis for utilization of Glucose to
e) Write a short note on β oxidation.
f) Write a short note on ketone bodies.
g) Acetyl CoA is the principal building block of fatty acids, comment.
h) List out amino acids which are essential for human requirements?
L Glutamate Dehydrogenase occupies central position in nitrogen
metabolism, comment.
Write short note on polynucleotides?
k) Write a brief note on isoelectric point?
Differentiate Polar and non polar aminoacids.
m) Write a short note on coenzymes?
n) Write a brief note on competitive inhibition?
o) Write a brief note on Central Dogma?
Section - B
(9 × 5 = 45)
Q2) (a) List out six IUB classes of enzymes along with the reaction they catalyze.
(b) Differentiate cofactors and Prosthetic group giving suitable example.
Q3) What are the various mechanisms employed by enzymes to achieve catalysis
of a chemical reaction.
Q4) (a) Differentiate enzymes and isozymes.
(b) Differentiate configuration and conformation.
Q5) Explain tertiary and quaternary structures of proteins.
Q6) Explain properties of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Briefly describe
hydrogenation of oils?
Q7) What is Operon hypothesis? Briefly explain lac operon model proposed by
Jacob and Monod.
Q8) What are fats? Write down structure of some naturally occurring fatty acids.
What are the properties of lipid responsible for structure of biological
Q9) Briefly explain the various stages involved in protein synthesis.
Q10) What is Glycolysis? Write pathway involved in Glycolysis including enzymes
and phorphoryration and transfer of electrons.
Q11) What are Proteins? What is their chemical composition of proteins? Write
down various chemical and physical properties of amino acids?
Q12) What are lipids? How are they classified? Briefly discuss various classes of
Q13) Define:
(a) Fats.
(b) Saponification.
(c) Rancidity.
(d) Polar lipids.
(e) Iodine number.