YLE Starters Reading & Writing Part 1 – Teacher's Notes

YLE Starters Reading & Writing Part 1 – Teacher’s Notes
This activity gives students practice in matching key words to pictures in the form of a game.
10–15 minutes
Student’s Worksheet: one copy for each pupil and one copy for the
teacher. If possible, enlarge the copy for yourself. Cut out the pictures and
sentences on your worksheet.
Scissors, glue and Blu Tack
Sample Task (one copy for each student): Page 12 of YLE Sample
Papers downloaded from the website:
to introduce students to Part 1 of the Starters Reading & Writing paper
and to the task type
to give practice in reading of key words.
1. Display the pictures on the board. Display the ten sentences down one side of the
board. Don’t read them aloud. Give students reading and thinking time.
2. Move through Steps 2–6 quite quickly, so that students have to concentrate and to
maintain their interest. Invite students to come up one at a time and stick the correct
sentence under its picture. Check all the class agree. Put the four incorrect
sentences on your desk.
3. Work with the six correct sentences. Stick one sentence under each picture, but do
not stick it under its correct picture e.g. stick This is a clock under the picture of the
camera. Do not have any sentences under the right picture. Do not read the
sentences aloud.
4. Invite students to come to the board one at a time to change over two sentences so
that one is correct. Point to one of the pictures each time and ask the student to find
the correct sentence which describes this picture. The student then swaps the two
sentences, e.g. Point to the picture of the ball. The sentence This is a ball is under
the picture of the car. The student swaps the sentences so that This is a ball is under
the ball and the sentence which was under the ball is now under the car (it doesn’t
matter if it’s the wrong sentence at the moment).
5. Continue, pointing to different pictures and inviting different students to swap the
sentences each time until they are all correct. Invite different students to read the
sentences aloud.
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YLE Starters Reading & Writing Part 1 – Teacher’s Notes
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6. Take the four additional sentences from your desk. Stick one under a picture, e.g.
This is a bike under the picture of the tiger. Don’t read the sentence aloud. Ask
students Yes or no? They answer in chorus. Continue using all the sentences and all
the pictures. Include correct and incorrect matches.
7. Hand out a copy of the Student’s Worksheet to each student. Tell them to cut out
the six pictures and the ten sentences.
8. Remind students of the two games they have played as a class. They play the two
games in pairs. Monitor and help as necessary.
9. Hand out a copy of the Sample Task to each student. Remind them to read the
instructions and the sentences carefully. Give them three–five minutes to do the task.
For the Reading & Writing Test, it’s important to train students to get used to a limited
amount of time for each part, as in the test they need to manage the time
10. Check answers with the class.
11. At the end of the activity, tell students that in the test:
they have to make their ticks and crosses very clear
they should read the statements carefully to make sure they don’t confuse
two similar words, e.g. television/telephone
they must not to leave any answers blank. If they are not sure of an answer at
the end of the test, they should guess. There is a chance they may be right
and they won’t lose any marks for a wrong answer.
Suggested follow-up activities
1. Students stick the six pictures in their notebooks. They choose one sentence to stick
under each picture. They choose some which are correct and some which are
incorrect. Then they make a tick or a cross next to the sentence to show if it is correct
or not.
2. The games described in Steps 1–6 above can be repeated with other sets of
sentences and different pictures. This is a good way to revise new language.
© UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further
information see our Terms of Use at http://www.teachers.cambridgeESOL.org/ts/legalinfo
YLE Starters Reading & Writing Part 1 – Teacher’s Notes
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YLE Starters Reading & Writing Part 1 – Answer Key
Key to Sample Task
© UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further
information see our Terms of Use at http://www.teachers.cambridgeESOL.org/ts/legalinfo
YLE Starters Reading & Writing Part 1 – Answer Key
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YLE Starters Reading & Writing Paper 1 – Student’s Worksheet
This is a camera.
This is a doll.
This is an elephant.
This is a clock.
This is a computer.
This is a tiger.
This is a car.
This is a hat.
This is a ball.
This is a bike.
© UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further
information see our Terms of Use at http://www.teachers.cambridgeESOL.org/ts/legalinfo
YLE Starters Reading & Writing Paper 1 – Student’s Worksheet
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YLE Starters Reading & Writing Part 1 – Sample Task
(Original can be found on Page 12 of the Sample Papers, which can be downloaded
from https://www.teachers.cambridgeesol.org/ts/exams/examsforschools/ylestarters)
© UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further
information see our Terms of Use at http://www.teachers.cambridgeESOL.org/ts/legalinfo
YLE Starters Reading & Writing Part 1 – Sample Task
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