[Insert Song Lyrics Here]: The Uses and Misuses of Popular Music Lyrics in Legal Writing Alex B. on^* Table of Contents I. For Those About To Rock (I Salute You) .............................. ~ .532 , 11. I'm Looking Through You ................................ . .. . . .. . 537 A. I Count the Songs That Make the Legal Profession Sing, I Count the Songs in Most Everything, I Count the Songs That Make the Young Lawyers Cry, I Count the Songs, I Count the Songs .................................................537 B. Add It Up. ............................ . . .. . . . ,,,,. .. . . . . . . 539 C. I'm Looking Through You .................... . . .............. . 541 1. It Takes a Profession of Thousands To Hold Us Back ....541 2. Baby Boomers Selling You Rumors of Their History ..... 544 3. What the World Needs Now Is Another Foik Singer .....546 4. Every Kind of Music But Country .................................. 549 5. I Hate Alternative Rock ......................................... 553 111. I Hate Music . . . Sometimes I Don't ............................................ 555 A. I Hate Music . . . ........................... ..... .... . . . .,,. . . . .. 556 1. I Used to Be Disgusted, Now I Try to Be Amused .........556 2. Flirtin' With Disaster (q'all Know What I Mean) ..........564 . . . ........................569 B. . . . Sometimes I Don't ............... 1. Like A Song I Have to Sing ............................................ 569 2. What's So Funny 'Bout (Parody, Satire, * Associate Professor of Law, Oklahoma City University School of Law. Thanks to Dennis Arrow, Jim Chen, Barry Johnson. Chad Oldfather, and Eugene Volokh for their comments on an earlier draft. Thanks also to Mike Wrubel and Brett Schuman for their contributions. Huge thanks to Patti Monk for her tireless reference assistance. Dedicated to Robert Pollard for helping me to remember and Robert Rogan, Chris Clark, John Morris, Scott Renk. Todd Pruner, and a handful of others for helping to make the dream a reality, however briefly. 532 64 WASH, &LEE L. REV. 531 (2007) and Legal Writing)? .................................... .. ................574 IV. Gimme Three Steps Towards the Door . . . And You'll Never See Me No More ................................ .. ..................................577 L For Those About To Rock (I Salute YOU)' The fun is just about to get started, So throw the switchIt's rock 'n' roll time. (Hey!) -Guided By Voices, Over the Neptune/Mesh Gear Fox ' Popular music is a popular topic in legal writing. Legal writers need little excuse to write about legal issues involving particular musical artists or genres3 when given half a chance, and the legal problems of our favorite artists and the written judicial opinions they produce are a particular source of interest for many lawyers. We may generally care little and understand even less about the vagaries of copyright law, but you tell us that John Fogerty of Credence Clearwater Revival once got sued for plagiarizing his own songs and that the , ~ by golly, we case actually made it all the way to the Supreme ~ o u r twell, might just read your little law review article on the subject, even though we secretly think most law review articles are deadly dull. But lawyers do more than just find excuses to write about the law and popular music. Quite often, lawyers and judges will use the words of popular 1. ACIDC, For* Those About to Rock (We Salute You), on FORTHOSEABOUTTO ROCK YOU(Sony 198 1). WE SALUTE 2. GUIDED BY VOICES,Over the NeptuneMesh Gear Fox, on PROPELLER (Rockathon 1992); see also CHEAPTRICK;Hello There; on I N COLOR(CBS 1977) ("Hello there, ladies and gentlemen . . . are you ready to rock?"); RAMONES, Blitzkrieg Bop: on RAMONES (Sire 1976) ("Hey, ho, let's go!"). 3. See, e.g., Peter Alan Block, Note, Modern-Day Sirens: Rock Lyrics and the First Amendment, 63 S. CAL.L. REV.777, 777-832 (1990) (discussing the government's ability to regulate rock and roll lyrics under the First Amendment); A. Dean Johnson, Comment, music Copyrights: The Need for an Appropriate Fair Use Analysis in Digital Sampling Inpingement Suits, 21 FLA. ST.U.L. REV. 135, 135-65 (1993) (discussing the development of sampling and its analysis under the fair use doctrine); see also Alexis A. Lury, Time to Surrender: A Callfor Understanding and the Re-Evaluation of Heavy Metal Music Within the Contexts of Legal Liabilityand Women, 9 S. CAL. REV.L. &WOMEN'SSTC'D.155, 156-57 (1999) (notingvarious censorship attempts by Congress directed toward reducing violence against women and the attempt by Congress to link heavy metal with violence against women). 4. Fogertyv. Fantasy, Inc., 510 U.S. 517 (1994). [INSERT SONG L YRICS HERE] 533 music artists in an attempt to grab a reader's attention or advance the writer's thesis. Such uses could range from something as simple as using (or altering) lyrics as the title for a piece of scholarship to using descriptive passages from songs to help create a link between the song and the legal issue at hand. It is unclear how many artists would feel upon learning that judges and academics sometimes use their lyrics in order to persuade other elites as to the correctness of their thinking on a legal issue. Popular music artists have always been somewhat ambivalent about having the lyrics to their songs viewed as poetry, tools for social change, or as anything other than a means of self expression.5 There are still quarters within academia that posit that at least some popular music lyrics, and rock lyrics in particular, qualify as poetry,6 evidence in Jim Morrison's "poetry" to the contrary n ~ t w i t h s t a n d i n ~Folk .~ music has long been viewed by the ideological left as a means of effectuating ~ h a n g e and , ~ some genres of rap contain "the most overt social agenda in popular music since the urban folk movement of the 1960s."~But for every artist willing to go on record as claiming poet or social commentator status, there are almost certainly more who reject such labels. Sixties folk legend Phil Ochs is on record as stating that he wrote about political and social issues "out of an inner need for expression, not to change the w o r ~ d . " ' ~Bob Dylan's discomfort with being the "voice of a generation" is well-documented and 5. See generally U2, Rejoice, on OCTOBER(Island Records 1981) ("I can't change the world, but I can change the world in me."). 6. See Karen Alkalay-Gut, Literary Dialogues: Rock and Victorian Poetry, 21 POETICS TODAY33, 34 (2000) (positing "an extraordinary similarity of subject and technique" between rock lyrics and Victorian poetry); Brent Wood, Robert Hunter's Oral Poetry: Mind, metaphor, and Conzmunity, 24 POETICS TODAY35,35 (2003) (discussing the "renaissance of oral poetry" with the context of the "poems" of Robert Hunter, lyricist for the Grateful Dead); Kenji Yoshino, The City and the F'oet, 114 YALEL..Y 1835, 1848 n.95 (2005) (recognizing the possibility of classifying popular song lyrics as poetry); see also Walter Edwards, From Poetry to Rap: The Lyrics ofTupac Shakur, 26 THEW.J . OF BLACKSTUD.61,61 (2002) (comparing "linguistic and discourse features of Tupac's poetry with the lyrics of [his] raps"). But see Robert Christgau, Rock Lyrics are Poetry (Maybe), excerpted in STUDIO A: THEBOBDYLAN READER63 (Benjamin Hedin ed., 2004) ("Dylan is a songwriter, not a poet."). 7 . See generally Lester Bangs, Jim Morrison: Bozo Dionysus a Decade Later, in MAINLINES, BLOODFEASTS,AND BADTASTE:A LESTERBANGSREADER 2 19 (John Morthland ed., 2003) (stating generally favorable impression of the Doors, but noting that Morrison was not "so much Baudelaire, Rimbaud, and Villon as he was a Bozo Prince"). 8. See Simon Frith, 'The Magic That Can Set You Free': Distinctions, Influences, MUSIC159, 162-63 (1981) ("The radical tradition of American folk Continuities, I POPULAR music was primarily the creation of a group of metropolitan, left-wing bohemians . . . ."). 9. Paul Butler, ~bfuchRespect: Toward a Hip-Hop Theory ofPunishment, 56 STAN.L. RE\'.983, 991 (2004). 10. Frith, supra note 8, at 163 (quoting Ochs). 534 64 WASH.&LEE L.REV: 531 (2007) ultimately was a factor in his decision to abandon his protest singer roots." For the first part of R.E.M.'s career, no one could understand what Michael Stipe was even talking about.12 Nonetheless, the reliance on popular music lyrics in legal writing is natural. Popular music, in its many forms, covers the spectrum of human emotions and situations. As Johnny Cash put it on the liner notes to his Unchained album, "I love songs about horses, railroads, land, judgment day, family, hard times, whiskey, courtship, marriage, adultery, separation, murder, war, prison, rambling, damnation, home, salvation, death, pride, humor, piety, rebellion, patriotism, larceny, determination, tragedy, rowdiness, heartbreak, ' ~ maybe one or two exceptions, the and love. And Mother. And ~ o d . " With law has something to say on each of those subjects. Aside from aiding a writer in the quest to communicate about a particular issue, the use of popular music may also humanize an individual in the eyes of others. During the Samuel Alito confirmation hearings, for example, the news media enthusiastically reported that the conservative Alito was a fan of Bruce Springsteen.14 Not willing to cede his blue collar bona fides to the likes of Republican appointee Alito, Senator Richard Durbin took things a step further by using a line from an interview with Springsteen against Alito: They once asked [Springsteen], . . . "How do you come up with the songs that you write and the characters that are in them?" And he said, "I have a familiarity with the crushing hand of fate." It's a great line. I want to ask you about the crushing hand of fate in several of your decision^.'^ Perhaps the most surprising revelation of the Alito hearings was not that Senator Durbin had such knowledge of arcane Springsteen lore but the bombshell that now-Justice Alito had once attended a "ska music festival."16 11. See Steve Inskeep, Bob Dylan: A Conversation, National Public Radio, Oct. 12, 2004, http:!!~nvw.npr.org/templates/storylstory.php?storyId=4080202(last visited Feb. 2,2007) (noting that Dylan "never accepted being called the 'voice of his generation'") (on file with the Washington and Lee Law Review). STONEENCYCLOPEDIA OF ROCK& ROLL8 15 (Holly George-Warren 12. See THEROLLING & Patricia Romanowski eds., 3d ed. 2001) (noting the band's "muffled vocals" and "cryptic" and "passionately vague" lyrics). CASH,UNCHAINED (American Recordings 1996). 13. JOHNNY 14. See Jo Becker & Dale Russakoff, Alito, In His Wife's Words, WASH.POST,Jan. 9, 2006, available at http:l/www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dynicontenaphic/2OO6!01/09/GR20 06010900046.html (last visited Jan. 31, 2007) (on file with the Washington and Lee Law Review). 15. Suzanne Struglinski, Quips and Quotes From Alito Hearing, DESERETMORNING NEWS(Salt Lake City), Jan. 12; 2006 at A08, available at 2006 WLNR 618457. 16. Becker & Russakoff, supra note 14. According to the American Heritage Dictionay, [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 535 This Essay examines the many uses and misuses of popular music lyrics in legal writing. Although some discussion of the intersection between law and popular culture is inevitable when discussing this topic, this is not the primary focus of the Essay. There already exists a wealth of legal scholarship devoted to the intersection between law and popular culture (including popular music) and how each influences the other.I7 This includes examinations of how popular songs can inform legal pedagogy;'8 the role of music in the labor movement;I9 the connection between legal narratives in folk protest songs in criminal cases;20the extent to which the more accessible lyrics of popular music ~' may lead to increased action in addressing the problem of family ~ i o l e n c e ;the image of lawyers in popular music;22the ability of the lyrics of Paul Simon to help lawyers empathize with clients;23conceptions of the law in Bob Dylan ska is "[plopular music originating in Jamaica in the 1960s, having elements of rhythm and blues, jazz, and calypso and marked by a fast tempo and a strongly accented offbeat." AMERICAS HERITAGE DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE 1629 (4th ed. 2000). Ska enjoyed a renaissance in the United Kingdom during the late 1970s and early 1980s. For a representative sample, see THESPECIALS, A Message to You Rudy, on THESPECIALS (Two-Tone Records 1979); THEENGLISH BEAT,Mirror In The Bathroom, on I JUSTCAN'TSTOPIT (Go FeetiLondon 1980); MADNESS, One Step Beyond, on ONESTEPBEYOND(Stiff Records 1979). 17 See, e.g., Anthony Chase, Toward a Legal Theoy ofPopular Culture, 1986 WIS.L. REV. 527, 547-63 (1986) (discussing the images of law and lawyers found in popular culture, especially television, pop music, and advertising); Jennifer Jaff, Law and Lawyer in Pop Music: A Reason for Self-Reflection; 40 U . MIAMIL.REV. 659,668 (1986) (discussing the unflattering images of lawyers found in much popular music). 18. See, e.g , Karl Johnson & Ann Scales, An Absolutely, Positively True Story: Seven Reasons Why We Sing, 16 N.M. L. REV.433, 444-45 (1986) (discussing the use of song to increase the scope of a legal education). 19. See, e.g., Michael L. Richmond, The Music OfLabor: From Movement To Culture, 23 LEGALSTUD.F. 21 1, 213-16 (1999) (describing how labor unions used music to provide a common bond among their members); see also Wilbur Watkin Lewis, Admiralty Law and Popular Musical Culture, 3 1 J. MAR.L. & Cobf.433, 533-37 (2000) (discussing concepts of admiralty law in popular musical culture). 20. See, e.g., Michael A. Coffino, Comment, Genre, jlrarrativeand Judgment: Legal and Protest Song Stories in Two Criminal Cases, 1994 WIS.L. REV.679,689-93 (1994) (examining law and folk protest music as historical narration). 21. See, e.g., Martha Minow; Words and the Door to the Land of Change: Law, Language, and Family Violence, 43 VAND.L. REV. 1665, 1666 (1990) ("I wonder whether words by lawyers and judges differ from words by journalists, and whether the more intimate and yet more widely accessible languages of literature and popular music lyrics may change minds and prompt actions."). 22. See, e.g., Jaff, supra note 17, at 659 (discussing the unflattering images of lawyers found in much popular music); see also Chase, supra note 17, at 559-63 (discussing images of the legal system in mass culture, including popular music). 23. See, e.g., Michael L. Richmond, Law and Popular Music: An ~ t u d ein Two Movements, 22 LEGALSTUD.F. 79, 79-90 (1998) (discussing how attorneys can better empathize with their clients by listening to Paul Simon's works). 536 64 WASH. & L E E L. RET 531 (2007) songs;24 Bruce Springsteen's counterhegemonic humanism (?);25 and phenomenology, Tina Turner, and the law (??).26 While this Essay is certainly rooted in popular culture, it is not a law and popular culture essay per se. Instead, the Essay focuses primarily upon the ways in which writers utilize the lyrics of popular music artists to help advance a particular theme or argument in legal writing. At first glance, this might seem a fairly simple task. According to one author, the most common practice in linking the law and popular music is simply to "plunder popular songs for references . . . in order to provide a relevant prefatory quotation" in an effort "to be seen [as] aware of popular cultural developments whilst retaining an academic, high culture position from which to write."27 There is certainly some truth in this statement. Without question, the most common use of popular music in legal writing is to either establish a title for a piece of scholarship or to "provide a relevant prefatory quotation" in order to establish a theme. However, if one digs deeper, one can find numerous instances in which legal writers incorporate the lyrics of popular music into their writing in more creative ways. In addition, it is worth investigating to at least some extent exactly which artists and which musical forms judges, academics, and practicing attorneys are actually using in their writing. The music we listen to says something about us as individuals. Indeed, it may say more about us than does our taste in books, movies, or television. People identify with musical artists in an often intense manner and in many cases we want others to identify us with our artists of choice. Why else would any otherwise normal adult not only purchase, but also wear, a Reba McEntire t-shirt from a concert or place a Grateful Dead bumper sticker on his or her car unless the individual wants to be identified with a favorite artist? And if the music we listen to gives us a sense of identification and says something about us as individuals, then the music we, the legal 24. See, e.g., Adam Gearey: Outlaw Blues: Law in the Songs ofBob Dylan, 20 CARDOZO L. REV. 1401, 1422 (1999) (describing the role of law and ethics in Bob Dylan's works). 25. See, e.g., David Ray Papke, Crime, Lawbreaking, and Counterhegemonic Humanism in the Songs ofBruce Springsteen, 3-10, 13-15 (Marquette Univ. Law Sch. Legal Studies Research Paper Series, Research Paper No. 06-13, 2006), available at http:/lpapers.ssrn. com/sol3/papers.~fm?abstract-id=887431 (last visited Jan. 3 1,2007) (discussing Springsteen's persistent themes of crime and lawbreaking, with an emphasis on the humanity ofthe criminals, in his music) (on file with the Washington and Lee Law Review). 26. See, e.g., Gary Minda, Phenomenology, Tina Turner, and the Law, 16 N . M . L. REV. 479, 480 (1986) (describing, in actuality, "the pedagogical basis for developing a consciousness-based approach to law teaching"). UNPOPULAR CULTURES: THEBIRTHOFLAWANDPOPULAR CULTURE 27. STEVEREDHEAD, 27 (1995). [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 537 profession as a whole, write about may say something about who we are as a profession. In order to understand the uses and misuses of popular music lyrics in legal writing and what these uses tell us about the legal profession, one must first figure out which artists are most frequently cited. Thus, Part I1 describes what's hot (and what's not) on the legal writing charts by compiling a list ofthe top ten most popular music artists in legal writing. Based on this chart, I make some observations about what the legal profession's choice of musical artists says about the profession and its writing. Part I11 chronicles the uses and misuses of popular music lyrics in legal writing. Ultimately, the Essay attempts to illustrate the point that despite the sometimes unimaginative and counterproductive use of music lyrics in legal writing, there remains the potential for the lyrics of popular music to serve a useful role in the art of persuasive writing. II. II'm Looking Through you2' A. I Count the Songs That Make the Legal Profession Sing, I Count the Songs in Most Everything, I Count the Songs That Make the Young Lawyers Cry, I Count the Songs, I Count the The methodology used to compile my Top Ten list was simple: I typed in a bunch of artists' names in LexisNexis' "US Law Reviews and Journals, Combined" and "Federal and State Cases, Combined" databases and counted up the number of cites.30 This enabled me to count the writing of judges, academics, and, (to a lesser extent) practicing attorneys.31In order for a song to I'm Looking Through YO.;, on RUBBER SOUL(Capitol Records 1965). 28. THEBEATLES, I Write the Songs, on ULTIMATE MANILOW (Arista Records 29. CJ BARRYMANILOW; 2002) ("I write the songs that make the whole world sing, I write the songs of love and special things, I write the songs that make the young girls cry, I write the songs, I write the songs."). 30. The Top Ten list was current as of January 23, 2006. 3 1. Despite the limited sample of practitioner writing, some interesting uses of music lyrics in legal writing did emerge. For example, the issue in Irwin v. Grateful DeadProduction, Inc., No. A099413, 2004 WL 226286 (Cal. Ct. App., Feb. 26, 1004), concerned a dispute between the estate of Grateful Dead guitaristisinger Jerry Garcia and a guitar manufacturer over ownership of a guitar. In their appellate brief, the attorneys for Garcia's estate flavored their writing with numerous lyrics from Grateful Dead songs. See, e.g., Brief of Respondent Deborah Koons Garcia, Co-executor of the Estate of Jerome J. Garciz, Irwin v. Grateful Dead Productions, Inc., 2004 WL 226286, (No. A099413) ("On the morning of the evidentiary hearing, Irwin thought to himself: I Need A Miracle."); id. ("The litigation train had left the Terrapin Station too long ago to allow Irwin to terminate it unilaterally on the morning of the evidentiary hearing."). Although there are a number of potential dangers inherent in referencing 538 64 WASH. & L E E L. REV. 531 (2007) count toward the final total, an author had to have used a specific song in order to advance or clarify some idea. I did not count instances where an artist's name just happened to be mentioned in a piece32or where the article mentioned a song that happened to be the subject of a lawsuit or other controversy. Thus, for example, a piece of legal writing explaining why heavy metal musicians cannot be held responsible for the violent acts of their listeners and that introduces the piece by quoting from David Bowie's Rock 'n ' Roll Suicide counted toward David Bowie's final total and fits within the general framework for discussion within this ~ s s a In ~ contrast, . ~ ~ a piece of legal writing that simply references the legal dispute between rapper Vanilla Ice and rock musicians Queen and David Bowie over the former's unauthorized use of the bass line to Under Pressure did not count toward the final tallies for those artists.34 There are plenty of flaws in my methodology. Frankly, I'm not too worried about them since popular music, or at least rock 'n' roll, has historically been willing to sacrifice technical proficiency in the pursuit of authenticity and fidelity to the artistic vision.35That said, I'll mention a few of my more questionable methods. First, you might take issue with how I define the term "popular music," or more accurately, how I have failed to. Ultimately, I decided that the term "popular music" was incapable of definition and chose to trust my instincts. So, for example, I didn't search for Frank Sinatra, even though you might have. I searched for Woody Guthrie on the theory that even though he hasn't been "popular" in the sense of selling a lot of records for decades, he is a folk musician and, as the old saying goes, folk music is just music for folks. That makes it music for popular consumption, which makes it pop music in my book. Plus, I live in Oklahoma. lyrics in legal writing, see infra Part III.A, the dangers in this instance were probably limited given the fact that the case was heard in the Bay Area of California, home of the Dead. 32. See, e.g., Frank H . Wu, New Paradigms of Civil Rights: A Review Essay, 66 GEO. W A S HL. . REV. 698, 714 (1997) (noting that Pulitzer Prize winner Dale Maharidge was supposedly the inspiration for some of Bruce Springsteen's lyrics). 3 3. See Matthew Sampar, Comment, Rock 'n 'Roll Suicide: Why Heavl Metal A4z1sicians Cannot Be Held Responsible for the Violent Acts of Their Listeners, 15 SETONHALL J. SPORTS L. 173, 173 (2005) (quoting David Bowie's lyrics in Rock 'n ' Roll Suicide). 34. See, e.g., John Schietinger, Bridgeport Music, Inc. v. Dimension Films: How The Sixth Circuit Missed a Beat on Digital Music Sampling, 55 DEPAULL. REV.209, 213 (2005) (referencing the controversy between Vanilla Ice and musicians Queen and Davie Bowie). Shockingly, as a result of this exclusion, Vanilla Ice failed to make it into the Top 10. 3 5. For example, on the liner notes to his album Stereo, Paul Westerberg, former lead singer for the Replacements, notes that "no effort was made to fix what some may deem as mistakes. Tape running out, fluffed lyrics, flat notes, extraneous noises, etc. . . . Unprofessional? Perhaps. Real? Unquestionably." PAULWESTERBERG, STEREO(Vagrant Records 2002). [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 539 Another flaw in my methodology is that, due to technological limitations, it was well nigh impossible to search for some artists due to the commonness of their names. Thus, I was unable to search for bands like Yes, X, and The In other instances, the fault lies with someone else.37 For example, Paul Simon's numbers are somewhat inflated because for some reason people sometimes cited just him as the recording artist when, in reality, the proper cite ~~ could have corrected for should have been to Simon & ~ a r f u n k e l I. probably these kinds of mistakes, but I figured that Simon & Garfunkel already have enough friction in their relationship without me adding further to it. Plus, it would have meant more work for me. Finally, there was no way I could look up every artist who had ever recorded a song. I had to make some judgment calls about who to exclude. That resulted in at least two problems. First, I forgot a few artists when I first compiled the list. Fortunately for me, neither the Indigo Girls (14 cites) nor Jimmy Buffet (7 cites) produced enough cites to crack the Top 10. Second, the list is potentially underinclusive given the judgment calls I made in terms of limiting my search. Therefore, for all I know Asia's 1982 classic Heat ofthe Moment or Styx's epic Lady may be huge among legal writers, and I just flat out missed it. B. Add It So, without further ado, let's check out the Top Ten most frequently cited popular music artists in legal writing. 36. Actually, I probably could have searched for Yes by typing in "Yes" and then adding the names of each and every album that the ban@ever recorded. That would have limited the search nicely. But I don't really like Yes and that would have been a lot of trouble. I actually tried to do that for The Who because I like The Who far more than I like Yes and because I thought The Who might actually have a shot at cracking the Top 10 (unlike X, who I also like more than Yes). But Pete Townshend et al. had an annoying habit of including "Who" in their WHO'SNEXT(Decca Records 1971)), or otherwise using album titles, (see, e.g., THEWHO, (Polydor Records 1969)), common words or phrases in their album titles (see THEWHO,TOMMY thus making it difficult to search for their lyrics. 37. See BOBDYLAN,It Ain't Me, Babe, on ANOTHER SIDEOF BOBDYLAN(Columbia Records 1964) ("No, no, no, it ain't me, babe."). 3 8. See, e.g., Michael J . Remington, The Ever- Whirling Cycle of Change: Copyright and Cyberspace, 3 N.C. J.L. & TECH.213,219 n.15 (2002) (crediting So Long, FrankLloyd Wright from the album BRIDGE OVERTROUBLED WATERincorrectly to Paul Simon rather than Simon & Garfunkel). 39. THEKINKS,Add It Up, on GIVETHEPEOPLE WHATTHEYWANT(Arista Records 1981); Add It Up, on VIOLENT FEMMES(Slash Records 1983). VIOLENT FEMMES, 64 WASH,& LEE L. REV. 531 (2007) 540 Artist 1. Bob Dylan 2. The Beatles 3. Bruce Springsteen 4. Paul Simon 5. Woody Guthrie 6. Rolling Stones 7. Grateful Dead 8. Simon & Garfunkel 9. Joni Mitchell 10. R.E.M. Number of Citations in Legal Journals 160 71 64 51 42 35 30 26 27 27 Number of Citations in Judicial Opinions 26 3 5 8 1 4 2 4 1 0 Total 186 74 69 59 43 39 32 30 28 27 Other artists narrowly missing the cut include Pink Floyd (26), Billy Joel (21)' and Johnny Cash (21). The most notable absence, at least in terms of record sales and cultural significance, would be one Mr. Elvis Aaron Presley. For a number of reasons alluded to later,40Bob Dylan's reign as the King of pop41 among lawyers is not surprising. What is somewhat surprising is Dylan's appeal outside of academia and the world of practicing attorneys. Judges like Dylan too. A lot. Dylan is by far the most quoted artist in judicial opinions. Indeed, Dylan's famous observation that "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" has become almost boilerplate included in the decisi~nsof the California appellate courts when ruling on when an expert testimony before a jury is required.42 According to a California appellate court, Dylan states "the correct rule," and the California courts are simply in harmony with his statement of the law.43 Although it was easy to predict at the outset that Bruce Springsteen was probably going to end up on the charts, Springsteen's numbers increased dramatically as a result of the Widener Law Review's publication of an entire symposium dedicated to his lyrics. The symposium, entitled "The Lawyer as Poet Advocate: Bruce Springsteen and the American Lawyer," brought 40. See inpa Parts II.C.2-3 and notes 201-05 and accompanying text (describing why Dylan's lyrics are particularly applicable to use in legal writing). 41. Michael Jackson isn't on the list either. I'll leave it to you to speculate why. 42. See, e.g., Jorgensen v. Beach 'n' Bay Realty, 125 Cal. App. 3d 155, 163 (1981) (introducing the song). 43. Id. But see Peter Nate Swisher, A Realistic Consensus Approach to the Insurance Law Doctrine of Reasonable Expectations, 35 TORT& INS.L.J. 729,757 (2000) (stating that a judge may not rely upon Jimmy Buffet's Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes as precedential authority). [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 54 1 together judges, practitioners, and academics to examine "the parallels presented by Mr. Springsteen, the poet advocate, and the American lawyer."44 As a result, Bob Dylan and Woody Guthrie-two artists who have clearly served as a source of inspiration for Springsteen-saw their numbers increase as well as the authors discussed Springsteen's C. I'm Looking Through You 1. It Takes a Profession of Thousands To Hold Us ~ a c k ~ ~ Holla If You Hear Me - 2 ~ a c ~ ~ One of the more striking features of the Top Ten list is the absence of any artists of color and the inclusion of only one female artist, Joni Mitchell. The lyrics of reggae legend Bob Marley and hip hop artists Public Enemy and Tupac Shakur generated a significant number of citations, but not enough to allow these artists to crack the Top Ten. Soul legend Ray Charles generated only a handful of cites, and Motown legends like the Temptations are MIA from the Top Ten. Disco is also dead in legal writing. In some respects, these absences are not particularly surprising; white males still comprise the overwhelming majority of academics and lawyers in practice.48 The relative frequency with which ~ u ~ a clyrics ' s ~in~particular appear in legal scholarship, however, suggests a possible shift in trends. Hip-hop, 44. Randy Lee, The Lawyer as Poet Advocate: Bruce Springsteen and the American 719,d26 (2005). Lawyer: An Introduction, 14 WIDENERLJ. 45, See, e.g., Abbe Smith, The Dignity andHumanity ofBruce Springsteen 's Criminals, 14 WIDENERLJ. 787, 800 n.63 (2005) (citing Dylan's Hurricane as an example of championing criminals in song); see also id. at 8 14 n. 157 (quoting from Guthrie's P r e t ~Boy Floyd). TO HOLDUS BACK(Columbia 46. CJ PUBLICENEMY,IT TAKESA NATIONOF MILLIONS Records 1988). , ifYor~Hear Me, on STRICTLY 4 MYN.I.G.G.A.Z. (Jive Records 1993). 47. ~ P A cHolla 48. According to the American Bar Association, 73% of attorneys are male and 88.8% of attorneys are "White, not Hispanic." AMERICAN BARASSOCIATION, LAWYER DEMOGRAPHICS: http:l/www.abanet.org/marketresearch/lawyerdem2004.pdf(last visited Nov. 13,2006). Close to 85% of all law professors are white and only 35% are women, according to the American OF AMERICAN LAWSCHOOLS, STATISTICAL REPORT Association of Law Schools. ASSOCIATION ON LAWSCHOOL FACULTY AND CANDIDATES FOR LAWFACULTY POSITIONS TABLES 2004 -2005, http://aals.org.cnchost.com/statistics/0405/htm1/0405~T1B~tit4.html (last visited Jan. 3 1,2007) (on file with the Washington and Lee Law Review). 49. You have to call him "Tupac" or "2Pac," not "Shakur." 542 64 WASH. & LEE L. REV. 531 (2007) traditionally thought of as "black music," is now firmly entrenched within the main~trearn.~' Hip-hop routinely outsells other musical genres.5' The overwhelming majority of hip-hop consumers are non- lack.^^ The language of hip-hop is now spoken commonly and fluently by youth of all races and classes.53 Consequently, although increased diversity in the legal profession will unquestionably alter the culture of the profession in the coming years, the cultural force that is hip-hop may prove to have at least as significant an impact.j4 As evidence of this assertion, consider the Seventh Circuit Court of h ~footnote, . ~the court ~ Appeals 2005 decision in US, v. ~ ~ r In a~landmark felt compelled to explain that the court reporter had incorrectly substituted the word "hoe" for "ho" in transcribing a witness' testimony56and that the court was therefore taking the liberty of correcting the mistake.57 A "hoe," as the court pointed out, "is a tool used for weeding and gardening."58In contrast, the word "ho" is "a staple of rap music vernacular as, for example, when Ludacris raps 'You doin' ho activities with ho tendencies."'jg To date, this represents the only use of lyrics from Ludacris in a published judicial decision and quite likely the only explanation of the meaning of the word "howas well. I have no doubt that Judge Terence Evans is, being a federal judge, a pretty hip guy. But the inclusion of Ludacris's lyrics almost KITWANA, WHY WHITEKIDS LOVEHIP HOP: WANKSTAS, WIGGERS, 50. See BAKARI WANNABES AND THE NEWREALITY OF RACE IN AMERICA (2005) (discussing the acceptance of hip-hop in mainstream popular culture). 5 1. See, e.g., Ronald D. Brown; The Politics of "Mo ' Money, Mo ' ~Lfoney"and the Strange Dialectic ofHip Hop, 5 V A N DJ.. ENT.L. & PRAC.59, 59 (2003) (discussing the rise of hip-hop culture and lifestyle); Moises Velasquez-Manoff, Hey, You Guys. Y'all Is Now The DISPATCH, Feb. 27, 2005, at GI0 (stating that since Eloquent Alternative, RICHMOND-TIMES 2000, hip-hop has outsold every genre of music Cxcept rock). 52. See Brown, supra note 51, at 64 (stating that young non-Black consumers purchase nearly 80% of rap music). 53. See Milner S. Ball, Doing Time and Doing It in Style, in 7 LAWAND POPULAR CULTURE 303,3 11 (Michael Freedman ed., 2005) (explaining that hip-hop has broken through "the boundaries of location, class, race and ethnicity" and is now "the dominant youth culture in the land"). 54. See Butler, supra note 9; at 985 (asserting that "[blip-hop foreshadows the future of the United States-one in which no racial group will constitute a majority"). 55. United States v. Murphy, 406 F.3d 857 (7th Cir. 2005). 56. Specifically, the defendant had allegedly referred to the witness as "a snitch bitch 'ho[]."' Id. at 859 n.1. 57. Id. 58. Id. 59. Id. [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 543 certainly came from one of his (presumably younger) law clerks or administrative assistants. There is already a considerable amount of law and popular culture scholarship discussing the connection between hip-hop and the law.60 One feature of hip-hop that may limit its use in legal writing is the sometimes profane nature of its lyrics. To put it delicately, the "gangsta rap" sub-genre of hip-hop in particular contains fairly explicit language that has been the repeated target not just of the conservative element of American society, but of some socially-conscious rappers them~elves.~'Yet, as one author has implied, the success and widespread appeal of gangsta rap proves Justice John Marshall ~ ~"'[olne man's vulgarity is Harlan's observation in Cohen v. ~ a l i j b r n i athat another man's Despite its often profane lyrics, hip-hop, and gangsta rap in particular, frequently employs some fairly biting social commentary, which lends itself well to use in the discussion of a variety of legal issues, most obviously racism and the penal system.64 Admittedly, in many instances the posturing of rappers amounts simply to marketing ploys designed to provide a safe fantasy for suburbanite^.^^ But the lyrics are nonetheless often powerful indictments of the penal system and the judicial process. Although it is unlikely that the volume of Tupac, 50 Cent, or Ludacris lyrics will ever rival those of Bob Dylan in legal scholarship (and almost certainly not in judicial opinions), "rap music vernacular" may become more prevalent as the legal profession becomes more diverse and as hip-hop culture increasingly becomes mainstream. 60. See Ball, supra note 53, at 3 11-15 (discussing the "art and culture we know as hiphop" or "Gangsta Rap"); Brown, supra note 51: at 49-65 (discussing the popularity, politics, and growth of hip-hop culture); Butler, supra note 9, at 984-1016 (discussing a hip-hop theory of punishment). 6 1. See Ball, supra note 53, at 3 14-1 5 (discussing the risk of popular culture's embrace of "Gangsta Rap"). 62. See Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15, 25 (1971) (addressing the issue of whether a state may, consistent with the First and Fourteenth Amendments, make the simple public display of a single four-letter expletive a criminal offense). 63. Ball, supra note 53, at 3 12 (quoting Cohen). 64. See, e.g., id at 3 13 (referring to "violence, crime and prison" as "facts of Gangsta Rap"). 65. See id,at 3 14 (stating that Gangsta Rap can "bear witness against oppression . . . in prison and on ghetto streets," but "it can also attract listeners for whom prison" is a sort of fantasy). 64 WASH, & LEE L. REV. 531 (2007) 2. Baby Boomers Selling You Rumors of Their is tor^^^ . . . the kids of today should defend themselves against the 70s -Mike Watt, Agaiast the 70s If, as one author has suggested, the purpose of legal writers in including music lyrics in their writing is to signal a desire to be seen as aware of popular cultural developments,67they have failed miserably in the task. Nearly every artist in the Top Ten enjoyed their greatest commercial success during the 1960s and/or '70s. Dylan, the Beatles, the Grateful Dead, Simon & Garfunkel, and Joni Mitchell are all typically associated with the 1960s and/or '70s, although in some cases they continued recording beyond that point. Despite his commercial success in the 1980s and a career that continues to the present, Paul Simon is most accurately viewed as a '70s artist. The Rolling Stones, like , ~ ~did their most meaningful work in the '60s cockroaches, defy e ~ t i n c t i o nbut and '70s.~' Only three artists are not closely associated with that time period: Woody Guthrie had been confined to a hospital for years before his death in 1967;~'R.E.M. did not begin wowing the college kids in the South until the 1980s and enjoyed their greatest commercial success in the 1990s; and Bruce Springsteen, although beginning his recording career in the 1970s, enjoyed his greatest commercial success in the 1980s. With those exceptions, the Iist essentially reads like a Who's Who of baby boomer favorites. Music, as the saying goes, is the soundtrack for our lives. And the music that tends to stay with us, the music that has the greatest lasting impact, is the OR TUGBOAT(Sony 1995). 66. MIKEWATT,Against The 70s, on BALL-HOG UNPOPULAR 67. See supra note 27 and accompanying text (quoting STEVEREDHEAD, CULTURES:THEBIRTHOF LAMI AND POPULAR CULTURE(1995)). 68. The cockroach analogy is usually made in reference to Keith Richards in particular, but it's fitting for the entire band. See Sam Farmer Sc Jerry Crowe, Stevens and Porter Will Settle Things on the Field, L.A. TIMES,Feb. 3, 2006, available at 2006 WLNR 1883352 (quoting Richards as responding "I'll eat them" when asked what he would do to outlive the cockroaches after both survived a nuclear holocaust); Lester Bangs, 1973Nervous Breakdown: The 01' Fey Outlaws Ain 't What They Used to Be-Are You?, in MAINLINES, BLOODFEASTS, AND BADTASTE:A LESTERBANGS READER(John Morthland ed., 2003) (writing in 1973, "The Rolling Stones lasting twenty, thirty years-what a stupid idea that would be"); see also id. (suggesting that the band "go fertilize a forest"). 69. See Mark Caro, The Rolling Stones' Same Old Critical Tune, CHI.TRIB.,Sept. 9, 2005, available at 2005 WLNR 14230937 (noting the tendency of critics to compare favorably the Rolling Stones' releases over the last two decades to their earlier work, onlj. to recant subsequently or tone down that praise upon reflection). 70. See generally JOEKLEIN,WOODYGUTHRIE:ALIFE383-445 (1980) (describing the last years of Guthrie's life). [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 545 music of our formative years. For those who love music, the strongest connections we feel to songs are those that were with us during adolescence and early adulthood." If that is the case, one would expect members of a particular demographic group to draw upon the cultural resources most familiar to them when explaining their thoughts to others. And since somewhere around half of all lawyers could be categorized as baby boomers,72it is hardly surprising to see the likes of Paul Simon and Joni Mitchell appearing so frequently in legal writing. This is not to say that the music of Simon and others from that generation cannot be used effectively in legal writing or that their prevalence in legal writing is necessarily disproportionate to their relative importance in the pantheon of popular music. For example, Professor Michael L. Richmond has convincingly used the lyrics of Paul Simon to illustrate how popular music can help lawyers better empathize with their clients.73 But as gradually retire from academia and the lawyers from that g-g-generati~n~~ practice of law, a new generation of lawyers with a different musical soundtrack in their heads is likely to flavor their legal writing with lyrics from their own favorites. At the same time, the absence of certain artists probably says at least as much about the artists themselves as it does the nature of the legal profession. For example, given Elvis Presley's enormous influence on popular culture and boomers' familiarity with his music, one might expect to hear more from the King in legal writing than we do. But unlike Dylan, Simon, and others, Elvis's songs are not memorable primarily for their lyrics. The brilliance of Elvis's Mystery Train, for example, has at ieast as much to do with the confidence of the performance and the other-worldly quality of the production at Sun Studio as it does the universal appeal contained in the lyrics about a train taking a loved one away.75 And even when popular music lyrics can legitimately be 71. I have a bad feeling that somebody else said pretty much the same thing, but I can't find a cite. If I am using your idea, I apologize, but take solace in the fact that I'm not passing it off as my own idea. BAR ASSOCIATION, LAWYERDEI\.IOGRAPHICS (2005), http://www. 72. See AMERICAN abanet.org/marketresearch/lawyerdem2004.pdf(listing demographic information for ABA licensed lavyers). 73. See Richmond, supra note 23, at 79 (arguing that a lawyer needs to empathize with a client to best serve them, and that the music of Paul Simon can help an attorney achieve that end). (MCA 1965). But see 74. THEWHO,My Generation, on THEWHOSINGSMYGENERATION GENERATION X , Your Generation, on GENERATION X (Chrysalis 1978) ("Your generation don't IHate hiy Generation, on THEGOLDEN AGE(Virgin Records mean a thing to me."); CRACKER; 1996) ("I hate my generation."). LASTTRAINTO MEMPHIS205 (1994) (quoting 75. See generally PETERGURALNICK, Elvis's producer, Sam Phillips, and guitarist, Scotty Moore, on the appeal of Mystery Train). 64 WASH. & LEE L. REV. 531 (2007) 546 classified as clever or even great, they may sometimes have little application in serious legal writing. At first glance, Chuck Berry would seem to be just such an artist. Berry has been dubbed the poet laureate of rock 'n' roll,76yet his lyrics are rarely used in legal writing. This may be because his poetry is often thought of as the poetry of cars, girls, and being young and bored. Important themes all, but only infrequently do they find their way into the courtroom.77 3. What the World Needs Now Is Another Folk Singer 78 like I need a hole in my head. -Cracker, Teen Angst (What the World Needs Now) Another interesting tendency of lawyers, or at least law professors, when they write is the resort to the lyrics of folk music. Woody Guthrie is, of course, the most famous American folk singer of all time. Simon & Garfunkel got their start in the folk scene, and Bob Dylan's obsession with Woody Guthrie early in Dylan's career is obvious.79 So too is legal academia's general fascination with all things folk. At least two factors help account for legal academics' fixation on folk. Folk music, of course, became identified with the civil rights movement of the 1960s. For many in academia who came of age in the 1960s, it was the civil 76. See Thor Christensen, Hail: Chuck! Film About Rock 'n' Roll Pioneer is Essential Viewing, DAL.MORNING NEWS,Aug. 15,2006, available at 2006 WLNR 14132605 (noting this designation). 77. But see Yellow Cab Co. of Sacramento v. Yello~vCab of Elk Grove, Inc., 419 F.3d 925,927 (9th Cir. 2005) (quoting Berry's Nadine in aLanham Act case involving dispute over use of the phrase "yellow cab"). Yet, ifjudges a;d scholars listen a little more carehlly, they may notice that themes involving the law appear quite frequently in Berry's work and are often presented in a very clever manner. See, e.g., CHUCKBERRY,Brown Eyed Handsome Man, on THEGREATTWENTY-EIGHT (MCA 1990) ("Arrested on charges of unemployment, he was sitting in the witness standiThe judge's wife called up the district attorneyisaid you free that brown Too Much eyed man/You want yourjob, you better free that brown eyed man."); CHUCKBERRY, ikfonkey Business, on THEGREATTWENTY-EIGHT (MCA 1990) ("Same thing every day, gettin' up, goin' to school. No need of me complainin', my objection's overruled."); CHUCKBERRY, 30 Days, on THEGREATTWENTY-EIGHT (MCA 1990) ("I done talked to the judge in private early this morning1And he took me to the sheriffs office to sign a warrantiGonna put a false charge agin' ya1That'll be the very thing that'll send ya/ I'm gonna see that you be back home in thirty days."). Thus, perception, rather than reality, regarding the relative weightiness and merit of a particular artist may influence the degree to which that artist is cited in legal writing. Teen Angst (What the World Needs Now), on CRACKER (Virgin 1992). 78. CRACKER, Song to r.lloody, on BOBDYLAN(Columbia 1962) ("Hey, hey 79. See, e.g., BOBDYLAN, Woody Guthrie, I wrote you a song"); see also KLEIN,supra note 70, at 424-25 (mentioning Dylan's visit with Guthrie in the hospital). [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 547 rights movement that first opened their eyes to the potential power of the law and that inspired them to become lawyers.80 Folk music, therefore, undoubtedly holds a special place in the hearts of some academics. In addition, ideology probably plays no small role in academics' fondness for the lyrics of folk. Folk music may have originally been music sung by, about, and for people of the same working-class status, but with the folk revival of the 1950s, it soon became the music of the intellectual left.81 Although the degree of liberal proliferation of law school faculties is debatable," it would be hard to dispute that liberals outnumber conservatives in legal academia. Thus, as both a generational and ideological matter, legal scholars seem particularly predisposed to the lyrics of the folkies. Another possible explanation for the abundance of artists with roots in folk music in legal writing is the connection between narrative and folk music. Folk music has strong ties to storytelling. Folk artists historically have memorialized in song then-current events and the accomplishments and failures of individuals. From the actions of Pretty Boy ~ l o to~thed in-ring ~ ~ ' ~the wreck of the Edmund ~ i t z ~ e r a lfolk d,~~ death of boxer Davey ~ o o r e to musicians frequently employ a narrative structure in their songs.86Although storytelling is certainly not uncommon in rock, country, and hip-hop, it is not 80. See Joel L. Selig, Book Review, Commentary, and Appreciation: 1 WYO.L. REV. 263, 284 (200 1) (reviewing KENGORMLEY, ARCHIBALD COX:CONSCIENCE OF ANATION (1997) and noting that the author decided to become a lawyer in order to contribute to the civil rights movement); Lisa A. Stamm, Franlclin D. Cleclcley: Taking One Giant Step For Mankind, W. VA.LAWYER (Sept. 1994), at 14 ("To say that the Civil Rights Movement played a large role in [Professor] Frank Cleckley's desire to become a lawyer would be a gross understatement."). 8 1. See Frith, supra note 8, at 160-63 (discussing the differences between the origins of folk music and the 1950s folk music revival). 82. See generally John 0. McGinnis et al?; The Patterns And Implications of Political Contributions By Elite Law School Faculty, 93 GEO.L.J. 1167 (2005) (analyzing campaign contributions of legal academics and finding that law professors overwhelmingly contribute to Democrats). THE ORIGINAL VISION 83. See WOODYGUTHRIE;Pretty Boy Floyd, on FOLKWAYS: (Smithsonian Folkways Records 1990) ("If you'll gather 'round me, childrenlA story I will tellI'Bout Pretty Floyd: an outlaw/Oklahoma knew him well."). 84. See BOBDYLAN,Who Killed Davey Moore?, on THEBOOTLEGSERIES,VOL. 1-3: RAREAND UNRELEASED, 196 1-1 99 1 (Columbia 1991) ("Who killed Davey Moorelwhy and what's the reason for?"). 85. See GORDON LIGHTFOOT, The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, on SUMMERTIME DREAM(Reprise 1976) ("The captain wired in he had water coming in1And the good ship and crew was in perillAnd later that night when his lights went out of sightlcame the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald."). 86. See Coffino, supra note 20, at 680 (noting the importance of narrative to folk protest singers). 64 WASH.& LEE L.REV.531 (2007) 548 as deeply embedded within those art forms as it is within folk music. At the same time, storytelling is a common tool of persuasion for lawyers and is often cited as a means of creating empathy for a client.87 According to at least one study, "the presentation of evidence in story form is more persuasive [to jurors] than merely reciting facts or than organizing a presentation by witness order."88Virtually every lawyer would likewise agree that effective narrative can be an important component of persuasive writingpg Storytelling "is designed to engage our curiosity, scrutiny, sympathy, and even empathy."90 Therefore, it is hardly surprising to see the occasional folk ballad find its way into legal scholarship as writers seek to put a human face on the issues they discuss. Finally, the abundance of artists rooted in the folk tradition may be explained in part by the fact that, well, they are good lyricists. Hopefully, not many legal writers are quoting bad lyrics. And as it just so happens, the artists in the Top Ten with strong ties to folk music are generally recognized as strong lyricists. Although his roots were in folk music, the Paul Simon who achieved his greatest commercial success had little in common with Pete Seeger or Woody Guthrie. "Rhymin' Simon," however, could turn a phrase with the best of them. Even Woody Guthrie, the definitive American folk artist, is as well known for his clever wordplay and vivid imagery as he is for his protest and union songs. Guthrie's immortal line, "some will rob you with a six-gun, and some with a fountain pen"91 is probably better known than "Pretty Boy Floyd," the song from which it came, or the actual tale of Floyd himself. p p p p p - - ~ 87. See, e.g., Michael Frost, Ethos, Pathos &Legal Audience, 99 DICK.L. REV. 85, 113 n.117 (1994) (discussing the importance of storytelling); Phillip H. Miller, Storytelling: A Techniquefor Juror Persuasion, 26 A ~ JJ. I .TRIALADVOCACY 489, 490 (2003) (same). 88. Miller, supra note 87, at 489. 89. See Brian J . Foley & Ruth Anne Robbins, Fiction 101: A Prinlerfor Lawyers on How L.J. 459, To L'se Fiction Writing Techniques to Write Persuasive Facts Sections, 32 RUTGERS 459-60 (2001) (stating that "most lawyers reflexively acknowledge that it is important to tell a story to write a good facts section, and that the facts section of a brief plays an extremely important rule in persuading judges"). 90. David Dante Troutt, Screws, Koons, and Routine Aberrations: The Use ofFictiona1 ATarratives in Federal Police Brutality Prosecutions, 74 N.Y.U. L. REV. 18; 70 (1999). 9 1 . GUTHRIE, Pretty Boy Floyd, supra note 83. [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 4. Every Kind of Music But Countryg2 Bob Dylan is supposed to have remarked that judges don't listen to country music.93 Neither, apparently, do law professors. To the extent that academics write about the myriad ways the law addresses everyday problems faced by everyday people, the language of country music would seem to be a natural tool for illustrating those problems. After all, country music has always purported to be "the music of the people, of the average person with roots in the South, the mountains, the farm, or the ranch, even if they now live in big ~ i t i e s . " ' It ~ has traditionally been the music of "working-class people and their simple hopes, dreams, and desires."95 Likewise, authenticity has always been a To the extent that one wishes to make one's core value of country argument regarding, for example, the American penal system more persuasive by injecting an air of credibility and authenticity into the argument, the thoughts and words of Merle Haggard, a country outlaw who escaped from ~ seem to be a prison seventeen times before landing in San ~ u e n t i n , 'would logical choice. But with the exception of Johnny cash," the lyrics of country music appear only infrequently in legal writing. Of course, folk music is likewise theoretically just music for folks and it too places a high value on perceived authenticity.99 When Justice William 0 . Douglas told the whopper that he actually knew folk legend (and hero) Woody Guthrie "from [Douglas's] hobo days" and insisted that Guthrie's This Land is Your Land be sung at his funeral,loOit seems to have been an attempt to make himself appear even more a man of the people than he supposedly already was. LOVESONGS 92. ROBBIE FULKS,Every Kind of Music But Country, on COUNTRY (Bloodshot Records 1996); see also THEWATERBOYS; Has Anybody Here Seen Hank?, on FISHER~MAN'S BLUES(Capitol Records 1990) (paying homage to Hank Williams). 93. The Honorable Lee R. West, 0klahom; City University Law School May 11, 2003 Comnzencement Address, 29 OKLA.CITYU.L. REV. 453,460 (2004). 94. David S. Caudill, Fabricating Authenticity: Law Students as CourztryMusk Stars, 20 CARDOZO L. REV. 1573, 1576 (1999); see also Ball, supra note 53, at 307 (observing that "identification with common people continues to be a singular mark of Country's stars"). 95. Caudill, supra note 94, at 1575. 96. See id. (discussing the importance of authenticity). 97. See Ball, supra note 53, at 308 (discussing Merle Haggard and other "Outlaw Country" singers). 98, See supra Part 1I.B (noting that Johnny Cash had twenty-one references). 99. See Coffino, supra note 20, at 689 ("Folk music theoretically originates among the 'common people' . . . and is often written from the perspective of the downtrodden."). 100. See Michael E. Parrish, Book Review, 5 CONST.COMMENT.505, 510 (1988) (reviewing MELVINL. UROFSKY; THEDOUGLAS LETTERS:SELECTIONS FROMTHE PRIVATE PAPERSOF JUSTICE WILLIAM 0. DOUGL'4S (1987)). 550 64 WASH.&LEE L.REr 5.31 (2007) Yet despite their shared subject matter, lawyers are, in general, far more inclined to quote from the work of Joan Baez than that of the Dixie Chicks. But why should that be the case? If one wanted to write about the problems of the working class, the lyrics of country music seem to be more the natural language. The folkies of the '50s and '60s sang about picking a bale of cotton; Johnny Cash actually did it."' Pete Seeger was the Harvard-educated son of a renowned musicologist;102Hank Williams never finished high school.'03 And if one wished to write an article about gender and the law from a feminist perspective and wanted to quote some music lyrics to spice things up or to illustrate a point, one could hardly do better . " ~the First Lady of Country Music, than the lyrics of Loretta ~ ~ n n Yet, along with most other country artists, rarely makes an appearance in legal ~cholarship.'~~ Once again, perhaps, the distaste for country music and the preference for folk music might be explained both as an ideological and generational matter. Undoubtedly, the preference for folk has something to do with the fact that country music is often the music of conservative Republicans whereas folk music and rock 'n' roll are typically associated with the political left. lo6 Folk music historically has identified problems and called CASHREADER,at xiv (Michael Streissguth ed., 2002). 101. RINGOF FIRE:THEJOHNNY 102. See Minna Bromberg & Gary Alan Fine, Resurrecting the Red: Pete Seeger and the PuriJication ofDifficult Reputations, 80 Soc. FORCES1135, 1140 (2002) (chronicling Seeger's formative years). MUSIC:THEROUGHGUIDE158 (Orla Duane ed., 2000). 103. KURTWOLFF;COUNTRY 104. See id. at 3 10 (noting the feminist overtones to some of Lynn's songs). 105. One notable exception to this tendency to ignore country music when discussing women's issues is Sheila Simon, GreatestHits: Domestic Violence in American County Music, 82 OR. L. REV. 1107 (2003), which argues that sogiety's evolving attitudes toward domestic vio!ence are reflected both in the law and in country music. Id. at 11 12. 106. See Caudil!, supra note 94, at 1584 (equating country music's se!f-identity with such themes as security and "'how to preserve our families; our relationships, [and] our communities"' (quoting Bruce Feiler, Leaving the C o u n t y Behind, WASH.POST,Apr. 5, 1998, at Gl)). Both Presidents Bush are supposedly country music fans, as is noted Yankee conservative Sean Hannity. See Bruce Davidson, Using Rock to Get message Across Doesn 't Ahvays Work, DESERETMORNING NEWS(Salt Lake City), Aug. 29, 2004, at A6, available at 2004 WLNR 17001842 (mentioning that both Presidents Bush favor country music); Hannity & Colrnes (Fox television broadcast Oct. 13, 2005), available at 2005 WLNR 16651777 ("You know I'm a big country music fan."). Bill Clinton, in contrast, was an Elvis fan who famously used a Fleetwood Mac song as his campaign's theme song. See Salvatore Caputo, Old-Time Rock is Definitely Establishment Music Arow, FRESNOBEE,Dec. 13, 1992, at H19, available at 1992 WLNR 1409001 (describing President Clinton's musical tastes). Jimmy Carter was famous for palling around with southern rock noodlers the Allman Brothers, and once used a Law Day speech to trumpet Bob Dylan as a poet. See Doug Gross, Background Music for a STATE,Sept. 28,2004, at E l , available at 2004 Region Struggling with Redemption, COLUMBIA [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] for change, an outlook quite in keeping with the thinking of many law professors. In contrast, country music often views change itself as the problem.107 Indeed, it may be that the absence of country music on the legal scholarship charts has a good bit to do with the inherently conservative nature of the music itself. The Nashville music establishment has always been leery of non-traditional artists, and the lyrical content of much of the country music that has been popular on the charts for decades is highly c i r c ~ m s c r i b e d . 'Although ~~ country songwriting often contains a great deal of clever wordplay,109there is little in the mainstream of country lyrics to rival the more poetic and emotionally-centered lyrics of Dylan, Springsteen, etc. Part of the explanation behind legal academia's preference for folk over country may also have something to do with the elitist nature of folk and academia. Folk music may be about the common people, but it has traditionally been listened to by a primarily "urban, educated audience. "11° Country music, on the other hand, has long been about and listened to primarily by non-elites. However, in recent years, country music has achieved broader acceptance and attracted a more diverse audience. No longer a ghetto within the world of popular music, country music is now decidedly mainstream. Consequently, as elite baby boomer law professors retire and country music's popularity increases, there may be the possibility for increased reliance upon the lyrics of country music in legal writing. There is potentially an ample supply of usable material as well. According to Emmylou Harris, country music "'deals with issues that everyone from a blue-collar worker to a Yale literature professor experiences."'I l 1 It simply takes quality songwriting to appeal to both. Despite the often milquetoast quality..of much of country music, there WLNR 2838708 (noting the presence of southern rock musicians on the Carter campaign trail); Davidson, supra (quoting Carter as describing Dylan as a "friend" and "poet"). 107. See Caudill, supra note 94, at 1584 (noting that country music "expresses our 'yearning for security, for comfort, for family, for happiness and, especially in our rootless society; for rootedness'") (quoting Bruce Feiler, Leaving the County Behind, WASH. POST,Apr. 5, 1998, at GI). 108. See id, at 1577 (noting the narrow confines of acceptable topics in country music). 109. See Jill Tedford Jones, The Delight of Words: The Elizabethan Sonneteers arzd American County Lyricists, 24:4 POPULARMUSIC & SOC'Y,Winter 2000, at 63,65 (comparing Elizabethan and country lyrics and noting country music's "successes in manipulating the language"). 1 10. Frith, supra note 8, at 162. 11 1. Ball, supra note 53. at 307 (quoting Harris). 64 WASH & LEEL. REV. 531 (2007) remains an imaginative and eloquent segment of artists who can still loosely be classified as "country" and whose lyrics remain a largely untapped resource for legal scholars. The conservative nature of the country music industry in the 1960s and '70s helped inspire the first generation of "country outlaws," consisting of "Waylon and Willie and the boys,""2 who shunned the Nashville establishmentsH3A new generation of country rebels eventually followed, consisting of, among others, Steve Earle. Like their predecessors, these artists often took a more creative approach to songwriting. Earle's songs in particular contain a cast of characters, including the "good 01' boy gettin' tough,"114 the thirdgeneration bootlegger,l15 and a host of death row inmates,l16who are every . " ~surprisingly, many bit as rich and varied in nature as ~ ~ r i n ~ s t e e n ' sNot of these characters have their fair share of interaction with the legal system. ' I 8 JENNINGS, Luckenbach, Texas (Back to the Basics oflove), on OL' WAYLON 112. WAYLON (RCA Victor 1977). 113. See WOLFF,supra note 103, at 338-39 (explaining the rise of "Outlaw music" as a reaction to the "assembly line studio system" ofNashville). See generally WAYLON JENNINGS, Are You Sure HankDone it This Way, on DREAMING MYDREAMS(RCA Victor 1975) ("It's the same old tune, fiddle and guitarlwhere do we take it from here?/Rhinestone suits and new shiny carslwe've been the same way for yearslwe need to change."). 114. STEVEEARLE,Good 01' Boy (Gettin ' Tough), on GUITARTOWN(MCA Records 1986). 1 15. In this case, actually a marijuana dealer rather than a booze runner like his "daddy and ROAD(Uni Records his daddy before." STEVEEARLE:Copperhead Road, on COPPERHEAD 1988). 116. See, e.g., STEVEEARLE;Over Yonder (Jonathan 's Song), on TRANSCENDENTALBLUES (E-Squared Records 2000) (articulating a death row inmate's thoughts on his final day); STEVE EARLE,Ellis Unit One, on DEADMANWALKING;. MUSICFROMAND INSPIRED BY THE MOTION PICTURE (Columbia Records 1996) ("Well, I've seen 'em fight like lions, boyslI've seen 'em go like lambslAnd I've helped to drag 'em when they could not standlAnd I've heard their mamas cryin' when they heard that big door sladAnd I've seen the victim's family holdin' hands."); STEVEEARLE& THEDUKES,Billy Austin, on T H EHARDWAY(MCA Records 1990) ("Court appointed IawyerICouldn't look me in the eye1He just stood up and closed his briefcaseiwhen they sentenced me to die."). 117. Yeah, that's right. I said it. See generally WOLFF,supra note 103, at 469 (noting the frequent comparisons between Earle and Springsteen). 1 18. See, e.g., STEVEEARLE,Billy and Bonnie, on 1FEELALRIGHT (E-Squared 1996) ("The judge said, 'Billy, what you got to saylBefore I have the sheriff carry you away?"'); STEVE EARLE,Tom Ames ' Prayer, on TRAINA COMIN'(Winter Harvest 1995) ("Judge Parker said guilty and the gavel came downlJust like a cannon shotlAnd I went away quietlylAnd1 began to file and plot."). Earle's death row songs, however, have generated a fair number of citations in legal journals. See, e.g., Dwight Aarons, Reflections on the Killing State: A Cultural Study of the Death Penalty in the Twentieth Century United States?, 70 TENN.L. REV. 391, 436 n.234 (2003) (noting that Earle penned the lyrics to one song "after witnessing the execution of his [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 5. I H a t e Alternative ~ o c k " ~ "Alternative rock" is by now a fairly meaningless term concocted to help make more commercially viable a form of music that had previously been unviable. Originally, the term developed as a way to refer to music that had its roots in punk rock.I2O The definition apparently doesn't matter much to judges and law professors because alternative artists are rarely cited. The lyrics of Radiohead, perhaps the most critically acclaimed band of the past ten years and a band typically classified as alternative, barely registers as a blip in legal writing.12' R.E.M., one of the presiding elder statesmen of the genre, is the only alternative artist represented in the Top Ten, and even their popularity can be explained in large measure by the fact that lawyers just seem to get a kick out of the title of their song, I t ' s the E n d of the World as We K n o w I t (And I Feel ~ i n e ) . ' ~ ~ pen-pal Jonathan Nobles"). 119. BOBMOULD,I Hate Alternative Rock, on BOBMOULD(Rykodisc 1996). ALTERNATIVE ROCK, at viii (2000) (linking the birth of 120. See DAVETHOMPSON, alternative rock to the emergence of punk rock in the 1970s). 12 1. In fact, as of late January 2006, Radiohead's lyrics had only been used three times in legal writing, with two of those usages involving the same author and the same song. See Jim Chen, Biodiversity and Biotechnology: A Misunderstood Relation, 2005 MICH.ST.L. REV.5 1, 59 11.42 (2005) (quoting from Fake Plastic Trees); Jim Chen, Kfebs of Life: Biodiversity Conservation as a Species of Information Policy, 89 IOWAL. REV. 495, 556 11.432 (2004) (same); Matthew L.M. Fletcher, 'Y Shall Hear You No Further.': 27 VT. L. REV. 565, 582 (2003) (quoting from Karma Police). 122. R.E.M., It's the End of the World as We Know I1 (And I Feel Fine), on DOCUMENT (I.R.S. Records 1987); see, e.g., William T . Allen et al., The Great Takeover Debate: A ~b'editationon Bridging the Conceptual Divide, 69 U . CHI.L. REV. 1067, 1082 n.52 (2002) ("When courts scrutinize carefully whether directors have acted reasonably under Unocal in specific cases, this school tends to (somewhat hyperthyroidally) predict the end of the world as we know it."); Clay Calvert, Bono, the Culture Mfars, and a Profane Decision: The FCC's Reversal ofcourse on Indecency Determinations and Its New Path on Profanity, 28 SEATTLEU. L. REV. 61, 95 n.230 (2004) (quoting song's lyrics in footnote); Clay Calvert & Robert D. Richards, Free Speech And The Right To Offend: Old Wars, New Battles, Different Media, 18 GA.ST.U. L. REV. 671, 695 11.148 (2002) (citing to song in footnote); Mary Anne Case, Two Cheers for Cheerleading: The ~VoisyIntegration of VMI and the Quiet Success of Virginia Women in Leadership, 1999 U . CHI.LEGALF. 347,380 n.155 (1999) ("[Tlhe VMI experience was 'the end of the world as we know it.'"); Kathqn Starshak, It's The End of the 1Vorld as Musicians Know It, Or Is It? Artists Battle the Record Industry and Congress to Restore Their Termination Rights in Sound Recordings, 5 1 DEP..ZUL L. REV. 71, 7 1 (200 1) (quoting song in title); Guy McPherson, Note, It's the End ofthe World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine): Rent Regulation in New York City and the CTnanswered Questions of Market and Society, 72 FORDHAM L. REV. 1125, 1125 (2004) (quoting song in title); Steven G. Kalar et al., A Booker Advisory: Into the Breyer Patch, CHAMPION, March 2005, at 10, l l , 2 2 n. 1 (characterizing the lyrics as "prescient"). 64 WASH. & L E E L. RET 531 (2007) In one sense, this is somewhat surprising. Like folk music, much of the earlier punk rock involved social commentary with a decidedly leftist bent.123AS "punk" mutated into "alternative," a new, often less aggressive breed of singers and songwriters emerged. These artists often were more eloquent than their punk predecessors, even when not directly commenting on social issues.124 Consequently, the lyrics of some alternative artists provide a potentially wealthy source of material for commentary on the law and social problems. Yet, while the lyrics of certain artists who might fit loosely under the alternative banner (Elvis Costello and U2) have generated a fair number of citation^,'^^ these artists have failed to come close to the type of popularity among lawyers enjoyed by Dylan and others. The relative dearth of alternative performers is most likely explained once again in part by the demographics of the legal profession. Alternative music is part of the soundtrack of GenXers, not the baby boomers who comprise the majority of the legal profession.126Once again, the absence of alternative music 123. See ROLLING STONEENCYCLOPEDIA OF ROCK& ROLL,supra note 12, at 182 (noting The Clash had "many causes[] from anti-Thatcherism to racial unity to the Sandinistas"); id, at 48 1 (noting the political commitment reflected in many of The Jam's songs). 124. See id. at 213 (1995) ("Elvis Costello arrived as part of a new wave of singer/songwriters who reinvigorated the literate, lyrical traditions of Bob Dylan and Van Morrison with the raw energy and sass that were principle [sic] ethics of punk."); id. at 818 ("Paul Westerberg's angst-ridden confessional songs cast him as a postpunk Bob Dylan . . . ."). 125. See, e.g., Phillip N. Meyer, "Fingers Pointing at the Moon": New Perspectives on Teaching Legal Writing and Analysis, 25 CONN.L. REV.777,783 (1993) (quoting from ELVIS COSTELLO, Everyday I Write the Book, on PUNCHTHECLOCK (ColumbiaRecords 1983)); Joshua K. Simko, Comment, "Evevy Artist is a Cannibal, Every Poet is a Thief': Why The Supreme Court Was Right to Reverse the Ninth Circuit in Dastar Corp. v. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp., 11 J. INTELL. PROP.L. 355,355 (2004) (taking title from U2, The Fly, on ACHTLJNGBABY (Island 1991)). 126. See James A. Fanto, We 're All Capitalifis hrow: The Importance, Nature, Provision and Regulation oflnvestor Education, 49 CASEW. REs. L. REV. 105, 112 n.17 (defining the baby-boomers as those individuals born between 1945 and 1965 (citing Barry Bosworth, What Economic Role for the Trust Funds?, in SOCIALSECURITY IN THE 2 1ST CENTURY 156, 156 (Eric R. Kingson & James H. Schulz eds., 1997))); see also Nora Miles, Pop Goes the Commercial: The Evolution of the Relationship Between Popular Music and Television Commercials, 5 VAND.J. ENT.L. & PRAC.121, 130 (2003) (stating that edgier music appeals to Generation X and younger audiences); Member Demographics, The State Bar of California, http:/lmembers. calbar.ca.gov/search/demographics.aspx (last visited Jan. 3 1,2007) (stating that the average age of California active state board membership was 47 as of Jan. 31, 2007) (on file with the Washington and Lee Law Review); Demographic Profile, Lawyers Weekly, http://www. lawyersweeklyusa.comiarchives/pdf/promo/DemographicProfile.pdf (last visited Jan. 3 1,2007) (stating that the average age of Lawyers Weekly readers is 48.6) (on file with the Washington and Lee Law Review). The Sex Pistols' milestone, Never Mind the Bollocks, came out nearly NEVERMINDTHE BOLLOCKS, HERE'STHE fifteen years after Dylan's first album. SEXPISTOLS, SEX PISTOLS(Virgin 1977). It wasn't until nearly 15 years later that alternative became NEVERMIND (DGC mainstream with the success of Nirvana's Nevermind album. NIRVANA, [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 555 on the legal writing charts may also have a good bit to do with the more oblique nature of some of the lyrics. Most pop songs aren't three-minute stories set to song,127and this is particularly true in the case of alternative rock. There is a strong strain of more abstract and less linear lyrics in alternative music.'28 For example, despite the occasional flirtation with linear thought, the songs of alternative forerunners the Pixies are often verbal collages, loosely tied to some basic theme (often involving aliens and space travel)12' and set to music. Although such lyrics might occasionally be of some use in legal writing, the nonlinear qualities of some alternative music makes it less likely to be used in legal writing. III. I Hate Music . . . SometimesI Don 't130 The lyrics of popular music can be used in any number of ways in legal writing. Among other uses, popular music lyrics can be used to help establish a metaphor or analogy for a legal concept;131as a case study of what a particular artist's work says about the law;'32to restate or illustrate an idea in more colorfkl or humorous language;'33to provide the title of a piece of legal scholarship;134or 1991). (Epic 1980) ("The band 127. See generally THECLASH,Hitsville U.K., on SANDINISTA! went in and knocked 'em dead!In two minutes fifty-nine."). 128. See supra note 12 and accompanying text (noting the more abstract nature ofR.E.M.'s early lyrics). (Elektra 1990) ("They got a 129. See, e.g., THEPIXIES,The Happening, on BOSSANOVA ranch they call number fifty-one."); THEPIXIES, Planet ofsound, on TROMPELEMONDE (Elektra 1991) ("I met a guy in a rover/He said it's one more over!It's just there where your bound!This ain't the planet of sound."). 130. THEREPLACEP~~ENTS, I Hate Music, on SORRY MA,FORGOT TO TAKEOUTTHE TRASH (Twin Tone Records 198 1). 13 1. See, e.g., Caudill, supra note 94, at 1579-80 (analogizing the myth of the golden age of lawyering to the criticism of much of country music that only hard shell country music is authentic); Daniel Levin, Federalists in the Attic: Originallntent, the Heritage Movement, and Denzocratic Theory, 29 L. & SOC.INQUIRY 105, 108-09 (2004) (comparing the supposed authenticity of country music with the supposed authenticity of originalism). 132. See, e.g., Gearey, supra note 24, at 1401 (describing Bob Dylan's songs as different perspectives "on the difficult conjunctions that exist between ethics and law"). 133. See, e.g., Eric A. Lustig, IRS, 1nc.-The IRS Oversight Board-Efective Reform Or Just Politics? Some Early Thoughts From A Corporate Law Perspective, 42 DUQ.L. RE!'. 725, 726 n.3 (2004) ("Of course, taxpayer unhappiness is not limited to Americans, as the Beatles sang in their song 'Tax Man' . . . ."). 134. See, e.g., Alan K . Chen, A Trend?: "Meet the New Boss . . .", 73 DENV.U. L. REV. 1253 (1996) (using the lyrics of a song by The Who to express the author's skepticism about a purported emerging pattern in private law); Jeremy Paul, The Day, Berry & Howard Visiting 64 WASH. & LEE L.REV. 531 (2007) 556 to pay homage to a departed colleague.'35 Sometimes the resort to popular music lyrics works quite well. Other times it doesn't. A. I Hate Music . . . I don't know where you get your nerve, I don't know how you choose your words. Speak the ones that suit your worst, Leave you grounded, sad, and cursed. -Guided By Voices, The Best of Jill ~ i v e s ' ~ ~ 1. I Used to Be Disgusted, Now I Try to Be ~ r n u s e d ' ~ ~ Probably the most common use of popular music in legal writing is to quote or paraphrase lyrics that are somehow consistent with the topic being discussed in order to add some color to the writing or to help establish the writer's theme. Similarly, legal scholars frequently use the lyrics to popular songs as titles for their articles. Thus, for example, if one wishes to bemoan the spoiling of natural resources, one might lead off one's article with the lyrics from Joni Mitchell's Big Yellow Taxi: "Don't it always seem to go/That you don't know what you've gotI'Til it's gone/They paved paradise1And put up a parking lot."'3g The judge who wishes to liven up an opinion involving a railroad accident may pepper the opinion with lyrics from some of the many train songs139in p~ - Scholar: Response: Losing Our Religion, 28 CONN.L. REV.269,269 (1996) (using the title of an R.E.M. song as part of the title of an article and using lines from that song for the various sections within the article). 135. See Thomas C. Galligan, Jr., Introduction: The Jerry Phill@s Papers, 72 TENN.L. REV.I, at i-ii (2005) (quoting from WARRENZEVON,THEWIND(Artemis Records 2003)). BY VOICES, The Best ofJill Hives, on EARTHQUAKE GLUE(Matador Records 136. GUIDED 2003). (The Angels Wanna Wear iMyl Red Shoes, on MY AIMI S TRUE 137. ELVISCOSTELLO, (Columbia 1977). Big Yellow Taxi, on LADIES OF THE CANYON (Reprise Records 1970); 138. JONIMITCHELL, see also Jessica Hulting, Casenote, You Don't Know What You've Got Till It's Gone: Competing Agendas Of Presentationists, 11 MO. ENVTL.L. & POL'YREV. 209, 209 (2004) (quoting Joni Mitchell's Big Yellow Taxi). 139. See, e.g., GRATEFUL DEAD,Casey Jones; on WORKINGMAN'S DEAD(Warner Bros. 1970) ("Driving that train, high on cocaineiCasey Jones you better watch your speed."). [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 557 ~ m e r i c a n ~ o ~ umusic.140 lar The legal scholar who wishes to do somethingto make it more likely that a reader will actually take the time to choose the writer's article on the subject of trade secrets over the dozens of other articles on the subject (and thereby possibly increase the number of citations to said article!) might borrow from the Beatles and cleverly title the piece, Do You Want to Know a Trade secret?14' Sometimes references to a set of lyrics is almost unavoidable. The issue '~~ confronting the Eleventh Circuit Court ofAppeals in Unitedstates v.~ c p h e ewas quite literally whether an object in the ocean was a rock or an island. Therefore,justice virtually demanded a reference to Simon & Garhnkel's IAm a ~ 0 c k . l ~ ~ Given the diverse subject matter covered by popular music, such possibilities are virtually endless. For virtually any legal topic worth discussing, there is apop song out there for you.'" This includes topics as diverse as transgender issue^;'^' race and sex di~crimination;'~~ takings clause jurisprudence;147domestic violence;148products 140. See United States v. Youts, 229 F.3d 1312: 1315, 1317 (10th Cir. 2000) (citing the lyrics to four different train songs in an opinion for a case involving a defendant convicted of wrecking a train in violation of federal law). 141. See ROCHELLE COOPERDREYFUSS, Do You Want to Know a Trade Secret? How Article 2B Will Make Licensing Trade Secrets Easier (But Innovation More D@cultj, 87 CALIF. L. REV. 191, 191 (1999) (paraphrasing the Beatles' Do You Want to Know a Secret?). 142. United States v. McPhee, 336 F.3d 1269 (1 lth Cir. 2003). 143. See id. at 1276 n.9 ("[Wle can discern no reason why something could not be both a rock and an island at the same time. See Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel, IAm a Rock. . . .");see OF SILENCE (Columbia Records also Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel, I A m a Rock, on SOUNDS 1966) ("I am a rocWI am an island."). 144. See Thilo Tetzlaff, Why Law Needs Pop: Global Law and Global ~Wusic?; in 7 LAW AND POPULAR CULTURE 3 16,3 17 (Michael Freeman ed., 2005) (stating that "[plop culture is a way of expressing statements important to civil societies"). 145. See, e.g., THEKINKS,Lola, on LOLAVERSUSPOWERMAN AND THE MONEYGOROUND, PARTONE(Reprise 1970) ("Well I'm not dumb but I can't understandlwhy she walked like a woman and talked like a man/Oh my ~olal~a-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola."); LOUREED, Walk (RCA 1972) ("Holly came from Miami, F-L-Amitchhiked on the Wild Side?on TRANSFORVIER her way across the U.S.A./Plucked her eyebrows on the waylshaved her legs and then he was a she."). 146. See, e.g., VIOLEXT FEMMES, Black Girls, on HALLOWED GROUND (Slash 1984) ("I dig the black girls oh so much more than the white girls."). But see id. ( " I dig the white boys oh so much more than the black boys."). 147. See, e.g., JETHROTULL,Farm on the Freeway, on CRESTOF A NAVE(Capitol 1987) ("Nine miles of two-strand topped with barbed wire laid by the father for the sonIGood shelter down there on the valley floor, down by where the sweet stream runmow they might give me compensation."). 148. See, e.g., DIXIECHICKS,Good-Bye Earl, on FLY (Sony Music Entertainment, Inc. 1999) ("[Earl] walked right through that restraining order and put her in intensive care."); see also Barbara Stark, Symposium on Integrating Responses to Domestic Violence: Domestic Violence and International Law: Good-Bye Earl (Hans, Pedro, Gen, Chou, Etc.), 47 LoY. L. REV. 255, 255 (2001) (opening with the story of Earl based on the Dixie Chicks' song Good- 558 64 WASH. & LEE L. REV. 531 (2007) liability;'49 environmental law;150copyright infringement;151tax reform;'52the '~~ war on terror;'53 Section 1983 claims based on police m i s ~ o n d u c t ; elder law;155and statutory interpretation and the legislative process.'56 You can play along at home if you like. Although it is tempting to dismiss such uses as merely window dressing, such decoration can improve the quality of writing. Style is a critical component of persuasive legal writing, be it a judicial opinion or legal scholarship. The persuasive value of an argument is often directly linked with Bye Earl). The Big Three Killed My Baby, on THEWHITESTRIPES 149. See, e.g.:THEWHITESTRIPES, (Thirdman RecordsIV2 1999) ("The Big Three killed my babylno money in my hand again."); see also Fletcher, supra note 121, at 618 n.41 (quoting The White Stripes' song The Big Three Killed 1!4y Baby). Fake Plastic Trees, on THEBENDS(Capitol Records 1995) 150. See, e.g., RADIOHEAD: ("Her green plastic watering can/For her fake Chinese rubber plantlln the fake plastic earth."); (Matador Records 1997) ("Don't strip off GUIDED BYVOICES,1,4m a Tree, on MAGEARWHIG! my bark-I have been stripped of it before."); see also Jim Chen, Biodiversity and Biotechnology: A rMisunderstood Relation, 2005 MICH.ST.L. REV.51.59 (quoting Radiohead's song Fake Plastic Trees). 15 1. See, e.g., U2, The Fly, on ACHTUKG BABY(Island Records 1991) ("Every artist is a cannibal1Every poet is a thief."); UNCLETUPELO; Acuff-Rose, on ANODYNE (Sire Records 1993) ("Name me a song that everybody knowslAnd I'll bet you it belongs to [Nashville publishing company] Acuff-Rose."); see also Simko, supra note 125, at 335 (quoting U2's The Fly). 152. See, e.g., THEBEATLES,Tax Man, on REVOLVER (EM1 1966) ("If you drive a car, I'll tax the streetlIf you try to sit, I'll tax your seatIIf you get too cold, I'll tax the heatI1f you take a walk, I'll tax your feet1Taxman."); see also Lustig, supra note 133, at 726 n.3 (quoting The Beatles' Tax Man). 153. See, e.g., TOBYKEITH,Angry American (Courtesy of the Red White and Blue), on UNLEASHED (Dreamworks Nashville 2002) ("Ohhh Justice will be servedlAnd the battle will rage1This big dog will fightlWhen you rattle his cagelAnd you'll be sorry that you messed with/ The U.S. of A.1'Cause we'll put a boot in your ass/It7sthe American way."). 154. I'll list just three: BRUCESPRINGSTEEN, 3merican Skin, on LIVEIN NEWYORKCITY (Sony 200 1) ("Is it a gun? Is it a knife? Is it a wallet?/This is your life,/It ain't no secret . . . /You can get killed just for living in your American skin."); N.W.A., Fuck tha Police, on STRAIGHT OUTTACOMPTON (RuthlessIPriority 1989) ("Fuck tha policeIComin' straight from the underground1Young nigga got it bad cuz I'm brownIAnd not the other color so police thinWThey have the authority to kill a minority."); THECLASH,Know Your Rights, on COMBAT ROCK(Epic 1982) ("You have the right not to be killedmurder is a crime, unless it was done by a policeman. . . ."); see also Mark D. Rosembaum & Daniel P. Tokaji, Healing The Blind Goddess: Race And Criminal Justice, 98 MICH.L. REV. 1941, 1941 (2000) (quoting Bruce Springsteen's American Skin); Tobin Romero, Note, Liberal Discovery On Selective Prosecution Claims: FulJilling The Promise Of Equal Justice, 84 GEO.L.J. 2043, 2055 11.82 (1996) (referencing N.W.A.'s Fuck tha Police). 155. See, e.g., Patricia E. Dilley, Hope We Die Before We Get Old: The Attack On Retirement, 12 ELDERL.J. 245 (2004) (taking title from The Who's My Generation). 156. See, e.g., THENEWPORNOGRAPHERS, The Laws Have Changed, on ELECTRIC VERSION (Matador Records 2003) ("It was a crime at the time, but the laws we changed 'em."). [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 559 the quality of the accompanying writing.'57 The entire purpose of including rhetorical flourishes, such as reciting lyrics from a song, is to grab the reader's attention, thus enabling the writer to be more persuasive. "The power of vivid statements," posits Judge Richard Posner, "rivets attention, crystallizes relevant concerns and considerations, [and] provokes thought. "lSs The lyrics of popular music may assist in riveting a reader's attention because they often are more accessible and interesting than the dry style of much of legal writing.lSg The use of colorful language may also lead to a more personal connection with the reader, which leads to trust, which in turn increases the persuasiveness of writing.l6' And the more entertaining the writing, the greater the likelihood that the writer's message will reach a larger audience.16' But just because popular music can be used in such a manner doesn't mean that it necessarily should be. Such vivid statements also carry with them the potential to do harm to a writer's argument. Given the often colorless nature of legal writing, vivid statements may sometimes distract the reader from the point the author wishes to make. Particularly in the case of judicial opinions, lighthearted writing may be viewed as lacking the authority appropriate for a court.lb2One may very well question, for instance, whether an Article I11 judge should really be commenting upon "ho tendencies" in a published opinion.163The same may well be true for scholarly writing, where a 157. See Yury Kapgan, Of Golfand Ghouls: The Prose Style of Justice Scalia, 9 LEGAL WRITING 71, 72 (2003) (discussing the importance and distinction of writing style in a judicial opinion); Chad M. Oldfather, The Hidden Ball: A Substantive Critique ofBaseball Metaphors in Judicial Opinions, 27 CONN.L. REV. 17, 21 (1994) ("An opinion that is well-written and enjoyable to read will doubtless be more persuasive than one that possesses equal logical force but yet is not as well-written."). A. POSNER,CARDOZO:A STUDYIN REPUTATION 136 (1990), quoted in 158. RICHARD Kapgan, supra note 157, at 72. 159. See Minow, supra note 21, at 1666 (speculating as to "whether the more intimate and yet more widely accessible languages of literature and popular music lyrics may change minds and prompt actions"). 160. See Kapgan, supra note 157, at 80 (arguing that "humanness engenders credibility, and credibility engenders persuasion"). 16 1. See Daniel M. Filler, From Law to Content in the New Media Marketplace, 90 CAL.L. REV. 1739, 1770 (2002) (reviewing FEDWAMALTI-DOUGLAS, THESTARRREPORTDISROBED (2000)) ("[Elntertaining legal writing causes more people to hear these messages . . . [and] may amplify law's expressive voice."). 162. See id. ("When a court's language is evidently unserious, it is unlikely that readers will take the opinion seriously. An opinion written in rhyme does not look like authoritative judicial action. . . ."). 163. See supra note 56 and accompanying text (referencing a Seventh Circuit case that quoted lyrics by Ludacris). Indeed, in one instance a judge was censured for publishing an opinion in humorous verse detailing the conviction of a woman for solicitation. See In re Rome, 542 P.2d 676 (Kan. 1975) ("Because of his unusual role ajudge should be objective in his task 560 64 WASH. & L E E L. REV. 531 (2007) resort to popular music lyrics may be seen by some readers as an indication that the work in question is not "serious" scholarship. Closely related is the danger of attributing too much weight to a particular set of lyrics. Somewhere along the way, American culture began attributing considerable power to the lyrics of popular music. Somehow, rightly or wrongly, we began to view music not just as a thing to be enjoyed or even a vehicle to help create communal feelings among strangers, but as a force capable of inspiring social change, both positive and negative. In the 1980s, the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC), led by the wives of prominent members of Congress, created a stir by asserting that there was a connection between popular music and teen pregnancies, teen suicide, and rape.164Picking up on the PMRC's theme, more lawyers began filing lawsuits based on the underlying premise that a set of lyrics has the power to incite listeners to kill themselves or others.16' Of course, not all views of the power of popular music were negative. Professor Martha Minow, for example, raised the possibility that music lyrics might actually have the power to stop vi01ence.l~~ Others have viewed music lyrics as having literary qualities above and beyond those normally ascribed to pop songs.167One of the more unfortunate premises underlying the often sterile study of music lyrics as poetry is the notion that in order for a popular song to be "meaningful," its lyrics must have some meaning independent of the song. To be a "serious" piece of popular music and not "mere" popular music, the song's lyrics must be able to stand and mindful that the damaging effect of his improprieties may be out of proportion to their actual seriousness."). Of course, such a discussion might be less problematic in an unpublished opinion where any conclusions of law reached about ho tendencies would not be mandatory authority. See generally John B . Borger & Chad M. Oldfather, Anastasoff v. United States and the Debate Over Unpublished Opirzions, 36 TORT& INS.L.J. 899, 902 n.25 (2001) (discussing the debate over the precedential value of unpublighed opinions). 164. See Kenneth A. Paulson, Regulation Through Intimidation: CongressionalHearings And Political Pressure On America's Entertainment Media, 7 VAND.J. ENT.L.& PR4C. 61,7375 (2004) (describing the questioning and testimony of various musicians at the 1985 Senate Hearings on record labeling). 165. See, e.g.,Davidson v. Time Warner, Inc., No. Civ.A. V-94-006, 1997 WL 405907, at *8 (S.D. Tex. March 3 1, 1997) (concluding that Tupac Shakur did not intend to incite imminent and illegal conduct by his recording 2 P a c a l ~ p ~Now); e McCollum v. CBS, 249 Cal. Rptr. 187, 197 (Ct. App. 1988) (rejecting attempt to hold Ozzy Osbourne liable for causing listener to commit suicide); Clay Calvert, Framing and Blaming in the Culture War-s: MarketingMurders or Selling Speech, 3 VAN.J. ENT.L. & PRAC.128, 129 (discussing a lawsuit attempting to hold the band Slayer liable for the murder of a 15-year-old girl). 166. See Minow, supra note 21, at 1665-66 (asking whether the more widely accessible language of music might change minds and prompt actions). 167. See supra note 6 and accompanying text (referencing authors who have seen similarities between popular music and poetry). [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 561 alone as either narrative or poetry. But as novelist Dennis Cooper has argued, "'the real genius song lyricists know either consciously or intuitively that great songs can't be subdivided into words and music without murdering both in the process."'168In a similar vein, music critic Robert Christgau once said that My Back Pages, one of Bob Dylan's most admired and supposedly more literate songs, is a bad poem, but a great song.16' In Christgau's opinion, few of Dylan's lyrics "are tight enough to survive on the page" with no musical a c c ~ m ~ a n i r n e n tIf. 'this ~ ~ is true of Dylan, widely regarded as the greatest rock lyricist ever, then a legal writer expects perhaps too much in asking the lyrics of other artists to help make the author's rhetorical point. The lyrics of popular music may carry more weight and force than they are sometimes given credit for, but ultimately, their powers are somewhat limited by the conventions of the pop song itself. Another danger in relying upon music lyrics in legal writing is the danger of irritating the reader by the choice of a song or artist. Sometimes music may create a connection with a reader that is so personal in nature that the inclusion of a particular set of lyrics actually harms the persuasive value of the writer's argument. This is particularly true in the case of music, which often leads to strong emotional attachments or adverse reactions in a listener. We often identify with music much more strongly than we do with, say, film. The music we listen to defines us in ways that other art forms do not.17' As rock critic Lester Bangs once noted, "the deeply personal identifications that occur when that magic confluence causes a certain piece of music to come along at a certain time" can be extremely powerful.'72 In the song Panic, singer Morrissey of the 168. JAMESGREER,GUIDEDBY VOICES: A BRIEFHISTORY:TWENTY-ONE YEARSOF HUNTING ACCIDENTS IN THE FORESTS OF ROCKAND ROLL110 (Black Cat 2005) (quoting Dennis Cooper); see also Alan Hoffman, Performed Litercature: Words and Music By Bob Dylan, MLA NOTES,39:4, at 848 (June 1983) (book review) ("[Iln performance-based rock, the grunts, pauses; peculiarities of pronunciation, off-the-cuff phrasing, and ad-lib instrumental effects are all important factors in hearing and understanding the music."). 169. Christgau, supra note 6, at 63. 170. Id.; see also Hoffman, supra note 168, at 848 (contrasting the "performance-based artifact of folk or popular culture" with "the high-art poem or the high-art song, which consists of an exterior 'text' that is 'set,' on paper, by a composer"). 171. See generally The Kids in the Hall: Guy That Wants To Get Beaten Up (CBC Broadcast circa 1991) ("Alright: but tell me this: how can you tell, just by looking at me, that I hate the kind of music you listen to . . . ?") (transcribed from Comedy Central at http:l/wu~w.kithfan.org/worWtranscripts/two/beatmeuphtml) (last visited Jan. 3 1,2007) (on file with the Washington and Lee Law Review). 172. Lester Bangs, An Instant Fan's Inspired Notes: You Gotta Listen, in MAINLINES: BLOODFEASTS,AND BADTASTE:A LESTERBANGSREADER361, 366 (John Morthland ed., 2003). 64 WASH. & L E E L. REV. 531 (2007) 562 Smiths grows so frustrated at the failure of the DJ in a disco to play music that says something to Morrissey about his own life that he urges his listeners to "[blurn down the disco [and] hang the blessed D J . " ' ~Once, ~ in my twenties, 1 had an entire party turn on me when I suggested that perhaps the Canadian band Rush really wasn't all that good.174 For these reasons, the inclusion of a particular artist or song in persuasive legal writing may often be counterproductive. For instance, I thought about mocking anyone who had ever used lyrics from a Billy Joel song, particularly if that song happened to be We Didn 't Start the Fire. I was even going to single out one Mark Avsec, an adjunct professor at Case Western University School of Law, who didn't quote a Billy Joel song, but who actually dedicated an article to ~ o e 1 . IBasically, ~~ I figured, he was just asking for abuse by doing so.17"ut then I read that in a former life, Avsec had been a songwriter and music producer and had actually produced Donnie Iris's Love is Like a ~ 0 c k . l ~ ~ That fact is significant, because when I was twelve years old and surreptitiously listening to album-rock radio station WSLQ ("Q99") late at night in Roanoke, Virginia, when my parents thought I was sleeping,178I was firmly convinced (and am only slightly less so today) that Love is Like a Rock was about the ~ ~ only did this Avsec guy-staid corporate coolest song ever r e ~ 0 r d e d . lNot - - ~ 173. THESMITHS,Panic, on LOUDERTHANBOMBS(Sire Records 1987). 174. Regrettably, I think my exact words were probably "Rush sucks." 175. Mark Avsec, ':Vonconventional" Musical Analysis and "Disguised" Infringement: Clever Musical Tricks to Divide the Wealth of Tin Pan Alley, 52 CLEV.ST.L. REV.339, 370 (2005). 176. At the same time, I recognized that I was setting myself up for abuse for mocking "the Piano Man." See generally Saturday Night Live: Weekend Update with Colin Quinn (NBC television broadcast Mar. 7, 1998) (transcribed at http:l/w~w.saturday-night-live.com/snl/ weekendupdatel 9813-7.html) (last visited Jan. 3 1f2007) (on file with the Washington and Lee Law Review). On the show, Colin Quinn says: We thought everybody hated Iraq. You have to assess the vibe before you make a move like that. You know how that happens. You think you're on the same page with all your friends. You're at a bar when a Billy Joel song comes on. You're like, "Billy Joel sucks!" And everybody turns on you. "No, you suck! Billy Joel's good. What about The Stranger?" You're like, "Oh, I like The Stranger. I like his old stuff.." Id. 177. Avsec, supra note 175, at 339 n.1. 178. Or maybe I'm just remembering an old Ramones song and inserting myself into it. See R ~ M o N E s ; Do You Remember Rock ' n ' Roll Radio?, on END OF T H ECENTURY(Sire Records 1980) ("Do you remember lying in bedlwith the covers pulled up over your headRadio playin' so no one can see?"). But I'm pretty sure I remember hearing Billy Thorpe's Children of the Sun, Aldo Nova's Fantasy, and Billy Squier's The Stroke around the same time. 179. If you need proof, see DONKIEIRIS, Love is Like a Rock, on KINGCOOL(hllCA [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 563 attorney and mild mannered adjunct professor-produce the song, he was actually part of the Cruisers, Iris's band.''' So, despite his apparent fondness for Billy Joel, it's obvious that Avsec was at least at one point probably way cooler than I ever was. After all, it's not like he quoted Phil Collins or anything. So maybe I shouldn't automatically tune out the author who quotes from Joel's Only the Good Die Young. Maybe you think I'm fairly geeky for quoting Morrissey earlier.lgl Maybe you think Rush is pretty good.182 But that is the risk one runs in quoting anyone in their writing. Maybe other listenersheaders will not be as forgiving as I am. Ultimately, the purpose of much legal writing is to persuade. Therefore, the ultimate test for a writer should be whether the inclusion of a phrase or a set of lyrics helps to advance the writer's argument.lg3 The decision to inject a third person into the conversation between the writer and reader may distract the reader and prevent the personal connection the writer is seeking to make. It may also cause the reader not to take the writer seriously. Those risks are probably more pronounced in the case of the quotation of music lyrics than in other cases given the sometimes intensely personal reactions music provokes. Indeed, the personal connection that one often feels with music may lead a writer to make poor judgments with respect to the use of lyrics. Based on the deeply personal feelings for a song resulting from that "magical confluence" that led one to connect a particular song with a particular time or event, one may incorrectly assume that every reader will intuitively grasp the brilliance, profundity, or humor in the lyrics the writer chooses to cite. "Of course everyone knows who Donnie Iris is," the writer might say. "Surely," the writer says, "the brilliance of Morrissey's observation is obvious." In reality, not only might the quoted lyrics not resonate as strongly with the reader as with the writer, they may cause the reader to become annoyed or otherwise feel a sense Records 198 1). 180. Avsec, supra note 175, at 339 n.1. Not only that, the dude also produced Wild Cherry's Play that Funlcy Music. Id. 18 1. You might have a point on that one. 182. But you'd still be vlrong on that one. For other examples of lousy Canadian bands, CLASSICS see APRILWINE,CLASSIC MASTERS(EM1 Special Products 2002), and TRIUMPH, (MCA Records 1995). For examples of higher-quality Canadian artists, see NEILYOUNG,AFTER THE GOLDRUSH(Reprise 1970), THETRAGICALLY HIP,UP TO HERE(MCA Records 1989): and BOB& DOUGMCKENZIE,Take Ofion THEGREATWHITENORTH(Polygram Records 1981) (featuring Geddy Lee of Rush on vocals . . . hey, wait a minute . . . ). LEGALWRITING94 ( i d ed. 2005) ("[Ilf you think 183. See EUGESEVOLOKH,ACADEMIC some . . . phrase can make a point more vivid, use it, but only after considering both (1) whether the phrase really adds something, and (2) whether the . . . phrase might weaken your point more than . . . enhance[] it."). 564 64 WASH. &LEE L. REV. 531 (2007) of separation from the writer, a result the writer most assuredly does not want.ls4 When lyrics get separated from music, their importance is often lost, and it is the unusual set of lyrics that can be enjoyed by just about anyone. 2. Flirtin' With Disaster (Y'all Know What I ~ e a n ) " ~ The lyrics to popular music songs are also frequently used in legal writing to restate an idea, often in a more colorful or humorous manner. Thus, for example, if one wanted to convey the idea that labor unions should take solace in the fact that, despite their decline in the workforce, they still have some sway over workplace matters, one might say, "[iln this climate, some voice is better than no voice at all. Or, to paraphrase Mick Jagger . . . even if you can't always get what you want; if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need."ls6 Or if one wanted to restate in more colorful and recognizable language the point that "people may possess similar amounts of material goods but experience different levels of satisfaction-some may be completely satisfied and others very dissatisfied," one might go on to say, "[olr, as the Beatles pointed out more succinctly, 'Money can't buy me love.'"'87 The use of the words of other people to restate the author's point is a timehonored tradition in most all forms of persuasive writing. The injection of highly-recognized or pithy statements can create a more conversational tone, thus strengthening the bond between writer and reader. And if the writer is clever enough to use a quotation that has broad appeal and brings a smile to the faces of most readers, such usage may strengthen the personal connection between writer and reader and thereby strengthen the persuasiveness of the writer's argument. Indeed, a little lightheartedness can be a refreshing change from the turgid style found in much legal writing.lss But again, there are dangers in relying upon the lyrical musings of those who populate the pop charts. Numerous authors have questioned, for example, whether it is appropriate for judges to rely on humor in their written opinions (at least where the humor is at the expense of the parties) given the importance 184 See Oldfather, supra note 157, at 39 (noting that a metaphor that is not understood by a reader "becomes a nuisance"). (Epic 1979). 185. MOLLYHATCHET,Flirtin ' With Disaster, on FLIRTIK'WITHDISASTER 186. Stephen F. Befort, A New Voice For The Workplace: A Proposalfor an Atnerican Works Councils Act, 69 Mo. L. REV. 607, 65 1 (2004). 187. Grant M. Hayden, The False Pronlise o f o n e Person, One Vote, 102 MICH.L. REV. 213,237 & 237 n.126 (2003). 188. See Kapgan, supra note 157, at 78 (contrasting the use of humor with the traditional formal style of legal writing). [INSERT SONG L YRICS HERE] 565 that the parties attach to the matter being written about.1sg Thus, it might be highly enjoyable for a lawyer to read the opinion of Judge Jerry Buchmeyer of the Northern District of Texas in Rimes v. Curb Records, lnc.,lgOwhich directs that the facts, analysis, and conclusion sections be sung to the tunes of various ~] it is not clear that songs by country music artist LeAnn ~ i m e s ; ' however, Rimes or her former record company, who were arguing over the validity of Rimes's multi-million dollar recording contract, found the opinion quite as humorous as those having no personal stake in the matter. There are other dangers as well. Nothing is more likely to lessen a writer's credibility than an unfunny joke. Legal writing is easy; comedy is hard. Sometimes the inclusion of lyrics feels like a stretch on the part of the author. Sometimes it just feels like an author is reaching for a way to plug a favorite artist.19' For example, United States v. ~ a c k s o n is l ~a~ fairly routine drug conviction appeal in which the Fifth Circuit describes the dilemma faced by the defendant, Jackson, when confronted with the presence of a drug-sniffing dog on a bus he was on while in possession of cocaine: Jackson was thus forced to ask himself what The Clash famously asked two decades ago: "Should I stay or should I go now?" Doubtless Jackson knew that if he stayed on the bus and the dog alerted to him "there would be trouble." But given the officers' ultimate discovery of the cocaine strapped to his waist, the trouble turned out to be "double," notwithstanding his decision to "go."194 In this instance, the inclusion of the lyrics from Should I Stay or Should I Go seems like a long way to go to make the simple point that Jackson faced a difficult choice. Had the court simply remarked that Jackson was forced to ask himself the question posed by The Clash two decades earlier ("should I stay or should I go?"), the inclusion of the lyrics might have been a fairly humorous way of explaining Jackson's dilemma. But by going further and quoting the entire chorus to the song, the court created at least two problems. First and perhaps more importantly, the lyrics do not actually fit the fact pattern. Had 189. Id. at 78 n. 34 (citing critics of humor in judicial opinions). 190. Rimes v. Curb Records, Inc.; 129 F. Supp. 2d 984 (N.D. Tex. 2001). 191. See id. at 985-88 (citing to LEANNRIMES,How Do ILive, on You LIGHTUPMY LIFE: INSPIRATIONAL SOKGS(Curb Records 1997) and LEANNRIMES,I Need You, on I NEEDYOU (Curb Records 2001)). 192. You're waiting for me to cite this article, aren't you? You think my references to Guided By Voices and Steve Earle are gratuitous, don't you? 193. United States v. Jackson, 390 F.3d 393 (5th Cir. 2004). 194. Id. at 396 n.3 (quoting THECLASH,Should IStay or Should I Go, on COMBAT ROCK (Epic 1982)). 566 64 WASH. & LEE L.REV. 531 (2007) Jackson stayed on the bus, the dog presumably would have found the cocaine and Jackson would have been arrested. But this is exactly what happened when Jackson decided to go-he acted suspiciously while leaving the bus, the dog sniffed his seat and detected drugs, and he was arrested.lg5 Jackson's trouble was not doubled in any way by leaving. The trouble he experienced by going was exactly what it would have been had he stayed-he was arrested and convicted for drug possession.196Furthermore, for those who have never heard of Should I Stay or Should I Go or The Clash (or who have heard of The Clash but feel about the band as I feel about Billy Joel), the extended discussion of the lyrics may have harmed the overall style and, consequently, the substance of the court's opinion. Contrast the Fifth Circuit's use of The Clash's lyrics with the Delaware Chancery Court's reference to the lyrics of The Clash's contemporary, Elvis The derivative action involved a breach of Costello, in In re Oracle fiduciary duty claim against two officers of Oracle Corporation for allegedly selling stock in the company "at a time when they possessed material, adverse, nonpublic information about the company."198 In discussing the lack of evidence indicating that the officers actually possessed such information, the court borrowed the title of a Costello song to explain why the plaintiffs allegations failed: "If there is something like 'less than zero9 outside of Elvis Costello's music, then there is even less reason to infer that [the officers] 'knowingly' possessed material, adverse i n f o r m a t i ~ n . " ' ~ ~ Although the Delaware Chancery Court's use of one of Costello's more famous song titles might leave some readers scratching their heads and wondering "who this Costello guy is," the inclusion of the song title is more effective in this instance than is the Fifth Circuit's use of The Clash's Should I Stay or Should I Go. The Costello title, like The Clash's title, has a certain amount of universal appeal that most any wader should intuitively understand, regardless of whether they have heard the song or not. Indeed, the phrase "less than zero" is a particularly pithy, descriptive phrase that emphasizes the utter futility and worthlessness of a particular thing. The question "should I stay or 195. See id. at 395. 196. See id. at 396. Of course, this is arguably as much a flaw in The Clash's lyrics as it is in the court's use of the lyrics. If one's trouble is doubled by staying, as opposed to going, then one is posed with a fairly easy choice. If those are the only two options available, one should of course go. The question, at best, appears rhetorical. 197. See In ve Oracle Corp., 867 A.2d 904,953 (Del. Ch. 2004) (citing to ELVISCOSTELLO, Less Than Zero, on MY AIM1s TRUE(Columbia Records 1978)). 198. Id. at 905. 199. Id. at 953. [INSERT SONG L Y E S HERE] 567 should I go," while certainly memorable, does not, standing alone, have the same depth.200 Like a good story song, a well-turned descriptive phrase like "less than zero" is easily accessible and has the type of broad appeal that enables it to reach most readers, regardless of whether they have heard of the lyrics' author. In the Jackson court's defense, the lyrics appear in a footnote; thus, they do not constitute an integral part of the opinion. In numerous pieces of legal scholarship, however, academics and practitioners have chosen to incorporate popular music lyrics into their writing in a more prominent manner, sometimes with less than desirable results. I'm not going to cite any examples because, unlike federal judges, (a) not all of the professors necessarily have tenure, (b) they may feel tempted to go back and read some of my scholarship and punch holes in it, and (c) I may actually run into them somewhere. But trust me, they're out there. Another risk in relying upon popular music lyrics is the danger in unknowingly sounding trite or cliched. What often makes a particular set of lyrics so tempting to cite is the verisimilitude or cleverness of the lyrics. One of the things that makes the lyrics of Bob Dylan so tempting to cite is that they often are outward-looking observations about the human condition in general, rather than being more introspective in nature. "A hard rain's a-gonna "when you got nothing, you got nothing to lose";202"you've gotta serve somebody";203"even the president of the United States must sometimes have to stand naked."204These are grim observations and dire predictions, sometimes overtly biblical in nature, that can be applied in a variety of settings, not the least of which somehow involves the law and its role in society. They can all be brought back home to the practice of law.205 But the danger in citing lyrics that seem to say so much is that lots of other people may agree with you and have alceady used them in lots of different ways, both in and out of the legal context to the point that the words no longer 200. Although the last chorus where Joe Strummer repeats Mick Jones' chorus in Spanish is pretty damn cool. BOB DYLAN 201. BOB DYLAN,A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall, on THE FREEWHEELIN' (Columbia Records 1963). 61 REVISITED (Columbia Records 202. BOBDYLAN,Like a Rolling Stone, on HIGHWAY 1965). 203. BOBDYLAN;Gotta Sewe Somebody, on SLOWTRAINCOMIXG(Columbia Records 1979). 204. BOBDYLAN,It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding), on BRINGIKG IT ALLBACKHOME (Columbia Records 1965). 205. Buwah ha ha. CJ BOBDYLAN,BRISGINGIT ALLBACKHOME(Columbia Records 1965). 568 64 WASH. & LEE L. REV. 531 (2007) have much meaning outside the specific context of their own song. Familiarity can breed contempt. It may very well bring about the end of the world as we know it if you use that R.E.M. song one more time.206The journey from Point A to Point B in the law's development may very well have been "a long, strange trip," but lately it occurs to me that no one really needs to quote that particular Grateful Dead song again in legal scholarship to make that particular point.207Thinking about commenting upon the changing nature of a particular You'd field of the law by observing that "the times they are a-~hangin"'?~~' better think twice. It might not be alright.209 206. See supra note 122 and accompanying text (discussing the use of R.E.M.'s song in legal writing). DEAD;Truckin ', on AMERICAN BEAUTY (Warner Bros. 1970); see David 207. GRATEFUL Amidon, Return Of The Prodigal Lawyer: "What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been . . . "From The Grateful Dead's "Truckin ', "49 B.B.J. 16, 16 (2005) (quoting the line to describe a lawyer's transition from private practice to in house counsel); Patrick J. Borchers, Jurisdictional Pragmatism: International Shoe's Half-Buried Legacy, 28 U.C. DAVISL. REV.561,564 (1995) (quoting the line to describe the Supreme Court's personal jurisdiction jurisprudence); B.J. Jones, The Indian Child Welfare Act: In Search O f A Federal Forum To Vindicate The Rights OfIndian Tribes And Children Against The Vagaries OfState Courts, 73 N. DAK.L. REV.395, 409 (1997) (quoting the line to describe the "plight of the existing Indian family exception"); Pamela Samuelson et al., A Manifesto Concerning The Legal Protection Of Computer L. REV.2308, 23 10 n.3 (1994) (quoting the line to describe the time the Programs, 94 COLUM. authors of the article spent together in order to do their analysis); Daniel M. Serviss, The Evolution Of The "Entire Controversy" Doctrine And Its Enduring Effects On The AttorneyClient Relationship: What A Long, Strange Trip It Has Been, 9 SETONHALLCONST. L.J. 779, 779 (1999) (quoting the line to describe the development of the "entire controversy doctrine"); Jack R. Tuholske, A Litigator's Perspective: The h.fontana TMDL Litigation, in CANTMDLs EXSUREA CLEANANDHEALTHFUL ENVIRONMENT?, 22 PUB.LAND& RESOURCES L. REV. 1, 3 (2001) (quoting the line to describe "the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) litigation"); Jake WATER Tuholske, EndangeredSpecies Act and the Bull Trout Controversy, in THE1998 IDAHO QUALITY SYMPOSIUM, 35 IDAHOL. REV. 453, 527'11999) (quoting the line to describe the bull trout litigation). 208. BOBDYLAN,The Times The,v Are A-Changin ', on THETIMESTHEYAREA-CHANGIN' (Columbia Records 1964). By my count: there are approximately 43 law journal articles that quote or cite this song. 209. CJ BOBDYLAN, Don 't Think Twice, It's All Right, on THEFREEIVHEELIN' BOBDYLAN (ColumbiaRecords 1963). Honest to God, about two weeks after I came up with the somewhat lame attempt at ajoke, I realized that Canadian power pop supergroup The New Pornographers had actually used a similar line before in one of their songs. See THENEWPORNOGRAPHERS, Testament to Youth in k'erse, on ELECTRIC VERSION(Matador Records 2003) ("Baby, think twice, maybe it's not all, maybe it's not alright."). Now, I had only heard the song maybe three times when I came up with that line, but it's entirely possible that this was a case of an unconscious plagiarism on my part. For more on unconscious plagiarism, see Bright Tunes Music Corp. v. Harrisongs Music, Ltd., 420 F. Supp. 177, 180-81 (S.D.N.Y. 1976) (finding composer George Harrison had infringed on the copyright of the song He's So Fine by unconsciously copying the song in writing My Sweet Lord). [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 569 B. . . . Sometimes I Don't Despite the sometimes questionable use of popular music lyrics in legal writing, the vivid imagery of some popular music may lend itself well to lawyers' attempts to make or advance an argument. 1. Like A Song I Have to sing210 Legal analysis frequently requires a lawyer to compare dissimilar situations or concepts. Lawyers reason by analogy. They distinguish past precedent. Likewise, metaphors and similes are the bread and butter of songwriting. Therefore, it is only natural that lawyers employ popular music lyrics in their writing to help make connections for their readers. Jean Cocteau once said that " [all1 good music resembles something. Good music stirs by its mysterious resemblance to the objects and feelings which motivated it."211It is natural then that music sometimes makes explicit those resemblances and comparisons that are sometimes mysterious in nature. "Metaphors explicitly or implicitly identify one phenomenon with another phenomenon from which the first is literally distinct."212 Sometimes braggadocios ("I'm the King of Rock, there is none higher,"213"I'm a streetwalkin' cheetah with a heart full of napalmn214),other times more poignant ("Rust never or dramatic in nature ("River deep, mountain highU2l6),metaphors are a particular vivid tool for songwriters. The law and literature field contains a great deal of debate as to the . proper . role, if any, of metaphors in legal writing. One of the most common criticisms of the use of metaphors in legal writing is the concern that metaphors are often imprecise and therefore sometimes misleadinge217 Closely related is the 210. U2, Like A Song, on W A R(Island Records 1983). 21 1. The Columbia World of Quotations, 1996, http://www.ba.rtleby.corn/66/46/12746. html (last visited Feb. 6; 2007) (on file with the Washington and Lee Law Review). 212. Bernard J. Hibbitts, Making Sense of Metaphors: Visuality, Aurulity, and the Reconfiguration ofAmerican Legal Discourse, 16 CARDOZO L. REV. 229,233 (1994). 213. RUN-D.M.C.,King ofRock, on KINGOF ROCK(Profile Records 1985). Search and Destroy, on R ~ POWER w (Columbia Records 2 14. IGGYAND THE STOOGES, 1973). Hey Hey, My 1My (Into The Black), on RUSTNEVERSLEEPS(Reprise 21 5. NEILYOUNG, 1979). River Deep, mountain High, on RIVERDEEP-MOUNTAIN HIGH 2 16. IKEAND TINATURNER, (A&M 1969). 217. See Robert L. Tsai, Fire, metaphor, and Constitutional klyth-Making, 93 GEO.L.J. 181, 189 (2004) (stating that "the same metaphor can be reconfigured and redeployed" and 570 64 WASH &LEE L. RE!? 531 (2007) concern, noted by Justice Cardozo, that once a metaphor becomes established and gains currency, it has the tendency to enslave rather than illuminate the thought process.218 One additional concern with the use of metaphors is that sometimes such use is simply an unnecessary flourish that leads to bad writing. Take, for example, the following passage from an unpublished federal opinion: The Beatles once sang about the long and winding road. This 1992 case has definitely walked down it, but at the end of the day, the plaintiffs and their counsel were singing the Pink Floyd anthem "Another Brick in the Wall" after consistently banging their collective heads against a popular procedural wall-Northern District of Illinois Local Rule 12 governing the briefing and submission of summary judgment motions.219 The court's use of the "Long and Winding Road" and "procedural wall" metaphors coupled with the reference to Pink Floyd in this instance is counterproductive for several reasons. First, while the music of the Beatles is ubiquitous enough within American society that it transcends any number of age or cultural barriers, the music of Pink Floyd is not nearly so universally loved.220In order to be effective, a metaphor must not only be descriptive, but it must also be easily accessible for the listener.221 It might be possible, for example, to construct an effective "This Land is Your Land" metaphor given the fact that Woody Guthrie's classic has "entered the bloodstream of our nation's cultural body."222However, the music of Pink Floyd simply has not entered the public consciousness in the way the music of The Beatles has, nor is it able to transcend age and cultural barriers in the way the music of The Beatles does. Consequently, the Another Brick in the Wall reference is likely to be lost on a sizeable portion of the readers of the opinion and may, in fact, be off-putting. readers should therefore "remain attentive to judicial use"). 218. See Hibbits, supra note 212, at 234 ("[A] good metaphor may be so compelling that it altogether subverts its referent's original meaning."): Oldfather, supra note 157, at 26 ("[A] metaphor that might once have allowed an escape from previously restricted reasoning about an issue can create anew the very problem it was employed to solve by limiting thinking as much as it was limited before."). 219. Mader v. Motorola, Inc., No. 92 C 8089, 1999 WL 519020, at *1 (N.D. Ill. July 14, 1999). ROTTEN 74 (St. Martin's Press 1994) (noting that prior to joining the 220. See JOHNLYDON, Sex Pistols, Johnny Rotten owned a t-shirt that had been altered to read "I Hate Pink Floyd"). 221. See Oldfather, supra note 157, at 39 ("A metaphor will be less effective when areader has an incomplete or nonexistent understanding of it."). 222. Mark Allan Jackson, Is This Song Your Song Anymore?: Revisioning Woody Guthrie's "This Land is Your Land", 20 AM.MUSIC249,250 (2002). [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 57 1 Second, the court's use of metaphor does little to assist the reader in understanding the court's meaning in any meaningful way. If one of the purposes of metaphors is to allow people "to understand one phenomenon in relationship to another and to illuminate some salient details while shading others,"223the "Long and Winding Road" metaphor just barely serves this purpose. Litigation often takes a lot of twists and turns and may take a long time. We get it. There is nothing particularly wrong with The Beatles metaphor; however, if one assumes that one of the purposes of metaphors is to make a point in a more concise manner,224then the inclusion of the metaphor fails this purpose. Finally, it just isn't very funny. Humor may well have its place in legal writing, but in this instance the court asks the reader to go through several steps in order to reach a punch line that ultimately falls flat. Contrast that example with the California courts' use of the "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" metaphor used to explain under what circumstances expert testimony is required.225 The metaphor is effective in that it serves the purpose of metaphors by "making abstract concepts more concrete"226and aids in understanding; the court's use of it is also pretty darn funny. Both the inherent truthfulness and applicability of Dylan's statement are so spot-on that even one who dislikes or is ambivalent toward Dylan would be hard pressed to quibble about a court's use of the phrase. Such musical metaphors are, however, fairly uncommon in judicial writing.227 There are relatively few songs that possess both the qualities of descriptiveness and familiarity necessary to allow for the use of an effective 223. Tsai, supra note 217, at 188. 224. See Oldfather, supra note 157, at 23-24 (arguing that it is). 225. See supra note 42 and accompanying text (describing how Dylan's words have become almost boilerplate in California appellatecourts). 226. Oldfather, supra note 157, at 21. The actual standard, according to the California courts, is that expert testimony is not required where a question is "resolvable by common knowledge." Jorgensen v. Beach 'n' Bay Realty, 125 Cal. App. 3d 155, 163 (1981) (internal quotations omitted). 227. But see Andrew M . Jacobs, God Save This Postmodern Court: The Death of Necessity and the Transformation of the Supreme Court's Overruling Rhetoric, 63 U . CIN.L. REV. 1119, 1178 & 11.321 (1995) (using the title of the R.E.M. album Fables of the Reconstruction as a metaphor for "the conservative attempt at reconstructing classical necessity"). They also appear occasionally in law and popular culture scholarship. See, e g.; F . Patrick Hubbard: Justice, Creativity, and Popular Culture: The "Jurisprudence" of~Mary Chapin Carpenter, 27 PAC. L.J. 1129 (1996) (arguing that the analysis of Carpenter's songs is a useful method of fitting traditional political theory with popular culture). See generally Sanford Levinson & J.M. Balkin, Law, Music, and Other Performing Arts, 139 U . PA. L. REV. 1597 (1991) (comparing the task of statutory interpretation to the task of a musician performing someone else's work). 572 64 WASH. & L E E L . REV. 531 (2007) metaphor. Although musical metaphors appear only infrequently in legal writing, the need to explain concepts in relation to other concepts in a compelling manner is nonetheless a task shared by both lawyers and songwriters. And the descriptive character of many popular music lyrics sometimes lends itself well to legal writing. When used effectively in this manner, lyrics may be every bit as effective a tool to further communication and comprehension as a legal metaphor or more formal analogy. For instance, federal Magistrate Judge Paul W. Grimm borrows one of Bruce Springsteen's lines to help demonstrate the importance of permitting a prevailing party in a discrimination case to obtain attorney's fees for time spent in enforcing and monitoring a consent decree.228 Without enforcement lawsuits, Judge Grimm explained, the promise of discrimination-free housing would remain merely an unfulfilled dream.229Two decades earlier, the main character in the Springsteen song The River asked the question, "Is a dream a lie if it don't come true or is it something worse,"230leaving little doubt in the listener's mind as to what the correct answer really was. The court's inclusion of this lyric helps bring to life the court's "unfulfilled dream" metaphor. But it is the manner in which the opinion does so that is particularly impressive. The opinion does not introduce the line by trumpeting "as Bruce Springsteen once said" or by overtly stating the connection. Instead, Judge Grimm simply begins a footnote with the relevant line and includes no explanation.231 Standing alone, the line describing lost hope brought about by the premature onset of adulthood and its attendant responsibilities is a killer. But when the court juxtaposes the words of a former resident of the public housing at issue expressing his own dashed hopes with the rhetorical question of the protagonist of The River, the plight of the two individuals-one fictional and one realbecomes especially poignant. According to the former tenant, the former city commissioner "'told us to dream, dream about what this neighborhood could be [but] he didn't tell us . . . that the dream meant we wouldn't be included.'"232 Occasionally, a legal writer approaches popular music in a truly creative manner. For example, in his 2004 article Much Respect: Toward A Hip-Hop Theory ofpunishment, Professor Paul Butler relied heavily on hip-hop lyrics to 228. See Thompson v. U.S. Dep't of Hous. and Urban Dev., No. Civ.A MGJ-95-309,2002 WL 3 177763 1, at *4 (D. Md. Nov. 21, 2002) (borrowing Springsteen's lyrics from The River, on T H ERIVER(Columbia Records 1980)). 229. Id. 230. SPRINGSTEEN, supra note 228. 23 1. Thompson, 2002 WL 3 1777631, at *4 n.12. 232. Id. (quoting Walter F. Roche, Jr., Housing Reform's Victims, BALT.SUN,Sept. 24, 2001, at Al). [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 573 advance his rather bold thesis that "hip-hop can be used to inform a theory of punishment that is coherent, that enhances public safety, and that treats lawbreakers with respect. Hip-hop can improve the ideology and administration of justice in the United In some respects, Butler's article is in keeping with conventional law and popular culture scholarship. But although Butler draws an explicit link between hip-hop and crime and punishment, the article transcends the traditional boundaries of law and popular culture literature. It is essentially a call for moving beyond the traditional theories of punishment234that uses the lyrics of hip-hop to advance Butler's vision of the appropriate alternative. The alternative, Butler suggests, is the hip-hop theory of punishment, which more directly takes into account the unintended third-party effects "when too many people are absent from their communities."235 Explicit comparisons between a particular form of popular music and an area of the law are fairly common in law and popular culture scholarship. Five years prior to Butler's piece, David S. Caudill published a highly entertaining piece, Fabricating Authenticioi. Law Students as Country Music which analogized the myth of the decline of authenticity in country music to the myth of the loss of professionalism in the practice of law.237But Butler's use of the hip-hop genre is slightly different. Butler may give credit to hip-hop for the theory, but I suspect the theory of punishment he advances is largely his own. In effect, Butler uses hip-hop's commentary on the justice system and its effects on the certain segments of society to advance his own argument with respect to the proper goals of punishment. The language of hip-hop is a particularly effective vehicle for illustrating some of the real-world consequences of policy choices related to the law. The narrative and descriptive qualities of hip-hop lyrics may make hip-hop an effective persuasive tool in legal writing, regardless of a reader's familiarity with the music., As Butler's article demonstrates, the greater the ability of lyrics to put a human face on the law's subjects, the greater the potential utility for legal writing such lyrics have. 233. Butler, supra note 9, at 984. 234. See id. (noting the four theories of punishment as retribution, deterrence, incapacitation. and rehabilitation). 235. Id. 236. Caudill, supra note 94; see also Hubbard, supra note 227 (discussing the "jurisprudence" of Mary Chapin Carpenter). 237. See Caudill, supra note 94, at 1576 (explaining that "real lawyering and real country music are not about profit, but about values"). 574 64 WASH. &LEE L. REV. 531 (2007) 2. What's So Funny 'Bout (Parody, Satire, and Legal Butler's use of lyrics in a sometimes humorous yet persuasive manner illustrates another potential use of popular music lyrics. In the case ofjudicial opinions, the humor rarely takes center stage, but is instead a more subtle component of some opinions. In contrast, legal scholarship, not being restricted by such niceties as the need to actually settle legal disputes, is much freer to explore the humorous aspects of the law, the practice thereof, and legal scholarship. Regardless of the venue, judges, academics, and practicing attorneys have frequently turned to popular music to help bring smiles to the faces of their readers as they attempt to convince the readers of the rightness of their positions. Although judges are naturally disinclined to engage in the open and obvious social commentary of satire, humor sometimes finds its way into judicial opinion writing.239 And although, as noted, there are a number of potential concerns associated with the use of humor in judicial opinions and legal scholarship,240the use of humor can be an effective tool of persuasion.241 Well-executed humor can make legal writing more accessible and hence more persuasive.242 If used correctly, the lyrics of popular music, like other references to popular culture, may aid in the venture. But it is in legal scholarship that a writer's humorous instincts may be best turned loose. Sometimes, the humor may liven up a piece of scholarship, rather than serving as the centerpiece. Thus, for example, a writer might cleverly use song titles or lyrics to mark the beginning of each new section in a piece of legal scholarship in order to give the writing a somewhat lighthearted & THEATTRACTIONS, (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and 23 8. C j ELVISCOSTELLO Understanding, on ARMEDFORCES(Columbia 1978); see also R.E.M., Laughing, on MURMUR (I.R.S. 1983). 239. See supra note 190-9 1 and accompanying text (discussing a court order directing that the opinion be sung to various LeAnn Rimes tunes). 240. See supra notes 162-63 and accompanying text (expressing concern over the effect of humor on the legitimacy of a court's opinion). 231. See J.T. Knight, Comment, Humovand the Law, 1993 WIS.L. REV. 897,908 (1993) ("Humor can be an exceedingly persuasive device."). For further discussion on the subject of the appropriateness of employing humor in legal writing, see Thomas E. Baker, A Compendium Of Clever And Amusing Law Review Writings, 51 DRAKE L. REV. 105, 135-37 (2002) (collecting law journal articles debating the pros and cons ofjudicial humor). 242 See Knight, supra note 241, at 903 (pointing out that the most accessible works are the most memorable). 243. See, e.g., Gil Grantmore, Lex and the City,91 GEO.L.J. 913, 913-26 (2003) (using song title and lyrics to mark the beginning of each new section). [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 575 Satire in particular has a rich and distinguished history in legal scholarship.244 As satire in the law involves "an attempt to link law to life,"245it is essential that the satire be accessible. The use of popular culture, and in particular popular music, may aid in this endeavor. And then again, sometimes it's just a nice change of pace to read funny legal scholarship.246 In his (in)famous(?) "Pomobabble" trilogy,247my colleague Dennis Arrow "sought," in the words of one author, "to attack and maybe even to kill postmodernism" through satire.248In his quest, Arrow frequently summoned the forces of popular music, often with humorous effect,249such as when he somehow free associated his way from an article comparing the symptoms of postmodernism with those of paranoia to Frank Lloyd Wright to Lou Reed's Velvet Underground to Chuck Berry, Beethoven, Nirvana, professional wrestling, the Dixie Chicks, Catharine Mackinnon, George Orwell, and the Beatles' Everybody's Got Somethiuzg to Hide Except Me and My Monkey, all within the space of one footnote.250 Of course, Arrow's work satirized post-modernism by using just about any means at his disposal (including a tray liner from McDonald's, which actually reproduced the lyrics to the McDonald's jingle, You Deserve a Break ~oda.y),~j' not simply the lyrics of popular music. In contrast, Professor Jim Chen used almost exclusively the lyrics of popular music (and in particular rock 'n' roll) in his nine-page, mini-rock opera of constitutional commentary parody Chen's piece almost certainly holds the record in Rock 'n 'Roll Law - - - - - - - - 244. See Peter Goodrich, Satirical Legal Studies: From the Legists to the Lizard, 103 MICH.L. REV. 397, 400 (2004) (outlining the history of satire in legal scholarship). 245. Id. at 422. 246. See Knight, supra note 241, at 897 (noting the "long-held criticism" that law reviews are "esoteric, inaccessible, and boring"). 247. Dennis W. Arrow, Spaceball (or, Not Everything That's Lej? is Postmodern), 54 VAND. L. REV. 2381 (2001); Dennis W. Arrow, "Rich, " "Textured," and "Nuanced": . REV. Constitutional '5cholarship"and Constitzltional Messianism at the Millenium, 78 T E XL. 149 (1999); Dennis W. Arrow, Pomobabble: Postmodern Newspeak and Constitutional "Meaning"for the Uninitiated, 96 MICH.L. REV. 461 (1997). 248. Stephen M. Feldman, An Arrow to the Heart: The Love and Death ofpostnzodern Legal Scholarship, 54 V A N DL.. REV.2351,2351 (2001). 249. But see Goodrich, supra note 244, at 487 (referring to Arrow's original piece as an "unreadable diatribe"). 250. See Arrow, Pomobabble, supra note 247, at 599 11.43 for the lengthy footnote. 251. See id. at 482 11.20 ("Feed me, please me, tempt me, tease me."). CJ: U2, Hold Me, MUSIC FROMTHE MOTION PICTURE (Warner Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, on BATMAN FOREVER: Bros. 1995). 3 15 (1995). The term 252. Jim Chen, Rock 'n ' Roll Law School, 12 CONST.COMMENT. "rock opera" was first used in conjunction with the work of The Who, a band I was unable to search for when doing my search of my citations to lyrics. See supra note 36 and accompanying 64 WASH, & L E E L. REV. 531 (2007) 576 legal scholarship for the average number of song citations per page. Chen finds various ways to summarize the Supreme Court's constitutional jurisprudence through the lyrics of, among others, R.E.M., The Who, the Rolling Stones, and Smokey ~ o b i n s o n . ~ In ' ~ fact, Chen probably also holds the record more generally for most articles published that somehow utilize the lyrics to popular Rock 'n ' Roll Law School followed closely on the heels of Chen's constitutional law parody, The Constitutional Law ~ o n ~ b o o which, k , ~ ~ in~ Chen's words, made "fair use of the Beatles' Yellow ~ u b m a r i n e . " ~ ' ~ Given the highly personal nature of music, the decision to publish a humorous piece with music as the centerpiece may limit the work's potential audience. That said, Professor Eugene Volokh uses popular music lyrics to , ~ ~ presents ~ students with exam great effect in his Hum a Few ~ a~ rx a r nwhich questions based on music Most of the songs Volokh uses should be known by anyone who has ever listened to a classic rock radio station for more than a couple of hours, so the music references are accessible. Plus, they are used quite effectively in setting up most of the "questions" on the exam, such as when the student is presented with the lyrics to Bob Marley's IShot the Sheriff in an Evidence exam and asked whether the singer's admission to having shot the sheriff could be used as prior bad acts evidence to help establish that the singer also shot the deputy.259 - - -- -~ text (noting the technological limits of the search methodology). So, in order to make it up to them, if you'd like to learn more about rock operas, see THEWHO,A Quick One While He's (Polydor 1969) (the Away, on HAPPYJACK(Decca 1966) (the mini-opera), THEWHO,TOMMY first opera), and THEWHO,QUADROPHENIA (MCA 1973) (the other opera). 253. See Chen, supra note 252, at 3 18-21 (referencing The Beatles and ArethaFranklin as well). He even manages to identify correctly the theme song for all untenured junior professors: David Bowie's Five Years ("Five years, that's ail we've got. Five years . . . ."). Id, at 315 (quoting DAVID BOWIE,Five Years, on THERISEAND FALLOF ZIGGYSTARDUST AND THE SPIDERS FROM MARS(RCA 1972)). 254. See, e.g., Chen, Biodiversity, supra note 121, at 59 11.42 (quoting Radiohead lyrics); Chen: Webs o f l i f e , supra note 121, at 555-56 11.432 (same); Jim Chen, Diversity in a Different Dimension: Evolutionary Theory and AfJirrnative Action's Destiny, 59 OHIOST.L.J. 8 11,874 (1998) (quoting from JOANBAEZ,Wildwood Flower, on JOANBAEZ(Vanguard 1960)). 263 (1994). 255. JIMCHEI\',The Constitutional Law Songbook, 1l CONST.COMMENT. 256. Chen, supra note 252, at 316 n.11; see also Jim Chen, Rational Basis Revue, 17 CONST.COMMENT. 447,449-53 (2000) (putting to music the issues underlying Supreme Court decisions). 257. Eugene Volokh, Hum a Few Bar Exam: 2 GREENBAG2D 125, 126 (1998). 258. See id. at 125-26 (providing questions on contract, evidence, and family law, among others). 259. See id. at 126 (questioning the applicability of the hearsay rule in the situation). [INSERT SONG L YAICS HERE] 577 IV. Gimme Three Steps Towards the Door. . . And You'll Never See Me No And if you're saying goodbye Please don't you think me bitter For recalling every rhyme From the book, the page, the line, the word, the letter. -The White Stripes, Wasting My ~ i r n e . ~ ~ ' Is this it? -The Strokes, Is This lt262 This is the end, beautiful friend. This is the end. -The Doors, The ~ n d . ~ ~ ~ Probably the most famous song by the Northern Irish band the Undertones is Teenage Kicks, a pitch-perfect, four-chord ode to teen Despite its SKYNYRD, Gimme Three Steps, on PRONOUNCED LEH-NERDSKIN-NERD 260. LYNYRD (Epic 1979) (MCA Records 1973); see also CHEAPTRICK,Good Mght ,Vow, on ATBUDOKAN ("Goodnight now, ladies and gentlemen1Goodnight now, ladies and gentslThat's the end of the show/You know it's time to go."). 261. THE WHITE STRIPES,Wasting My Time, on THE WHITESTRIPES(Third Man Records/V2 1999). By the same token, please don't be bitter toward me. In the words of rock critic Lester Bangs, "[Ilt's harder 'n hangnails to . . . even have a little moronic fun these days without some codifying crypto-academic . . . swooping down to rape your stance and leave you shivering fish-naked in the cultural welfare line. So I wouldn't blame you for hating me for this article at all . . . ." LESTERBANGS, Everybody's Search for Roots (The Roots ofpunk, Part I), in MAINLINES, BLOODFEASTS,AKD BADTASTE:A LESTERBANGSREADER334 (John Morthland ed., 2003). 262. THESTROKES, Is This It: on IS THISIT (RCA 2001). 263. THEDOORS,The End. on THEDOORS (El~ktra1967). 264. THE~NDERTONES, Teenage Kicks, on THEUNDERTONES (Sire 1979). The lyrics are as follo\+~s: Teenage dreams so hard to beat, Every time she walks down the street, Another girl in the neighborhood, Wish she was mine, she looks so good. [chorus] I wanna hold her: wanna hold her tight, Get teenage kicks right through the night. I'm gonna call her on the telephone, Have her over 'cuz I'm all alone: I need excitement, oh I need it bad, And it's the best I've ever had. 64 WASH. &LEE L. REV, 531 (2007) 578 simplicity, the song was meaningful enough to legendary BBC radio .~~~ personality John Peel that the song was played during his f i ~ n e r a l According to Peel, he was so overcome with emotion upon hearing the song for the first time while listening to it in his car that he was forced to pull over so that he could Peel was responsible for helping to discover and make popular dozens of musical artists in the United Kingdom and United States, whose cachet was improved and lives were changed upon receiving the Peel seal of Peel's life had itself been forever changed as a teenager upon k o t e 1a,song ~ ~ with ~ clever lyrics certainly, hearing Elvis Presley's ~ e a r t b r e a ~ but lyrics that hardly rival those of Dylan or others in terms of poetic value, .~~~ all we want from the music complexity, or social c o n s c i ~ u s n e s s Sometimes to which we listen is teenage kicks; but those kicks, once attained, can stay with us through our lives. Teenage Kicks has universality and verisimilitude to bum, but it's unlikely anyone is ever going to use it to advance any sort of argument in legal writing.270The band is fairly obscure and the lyrics are juvenile. It is doubtful that even a fan as rabid as John Peel, armed only with the lyrics, could bring the song to life to someone who had never heard it. The personal connection we [chorus] (Alright) [Third verse same as the first] [chorus] [Fourth verse same as the second] [chorus] Alright! [chorus] Alright! Id. 265. 7 Days; The Weelc's Highlights, DAILYPOST (Liverpool): Apr. 8, 2005, at 3: available at 2005 WLNR 5600889; see Jill Lawless, Associated Press, InJluential BBC Radio DJJohn Peel Mourned, SPRINGFIELD STATEJ . REG., Oct. 27,2004, available at 2004 WLNR 13861727 (explaining that Teenage Kicks was Peel's favorite song). 266. Dover Mic, The Peel Good Years Are Over, NELSONMAIL,Nov. 6, 2004, at 15, available at 2004 WLNR 6704 154. 267. See, e.g., Tom Sinclair, Bands' Best Friends, ENT.WEEKLY,Nov. 5, 2004, at 80 (summarizing Peel's influence in the music industry); Jeff Miers, Bell Tolls for John Peel, BUFFALO NEWS,NOV.5, 2004, at G16, available at 2004 WLNR 6713080 (listing specific artists Peel assisted). 268. ELvrs PRESLEY,Heartbreak Hotel; on ELVIS:T H EKINGOF ROCK'N'ROLL(RCA 1992). 269. You already know the lyrics; and if you don't, why are you reading this? 270. Other than me, I mean. [INSERT SONG LYRICS HERE] 579 feel toward certain music is not attributable to lyrics alone, but rather to melody, performance, production, and the circumstances that introduced the song to you at that particular point in time in your life. Why then should we expect a set of lyrics, divorced from context, to bring our writing to life? But sometimes they do. There are most definitely risks in trying to work popular music lyrics into legal writing, but occasionally the attempt pays off in the form of more interesting and persuasive writing. So, be careful, but keep on Peace, I'm rockin' in the free - 27 1. NEILYOUNG,Rockin ' in the Free World, on FREEDOM (Reprise 1989). 272. Cf WU-TANGCLAN: Wu-Revolutio~z,on WLJ-TANGFOREVER(Relativity 1999) ("Peace, we out.").