Chapter One 23 Years of Service to the Oregon Community Issue No. 33 September 2011 Planning for the next FANHS Symposium The Chapter held a special meeting on August 28 at the home of the Olandrias to finalize plans for the annual Symposium to be held on October 23 at the FilAm Center. Seated L to R: Cording Borja-Mamaril, Mila Castro, Ciony Arroyo, Rizza Knight and Ruth Olandria. Standing L to R: Lourdes Cereno Markley, Willie Olandria, Ronnie Lim, Ferdie Sacdalan, Adela Sacdalan and Remy Piccinini. Not in photo: Simeon Mamaril (who took the picture), symposium chair Jess Osilla, and guest Ricardo Gaerlan. Full story is on pages 4-6. By Lourdes Cereno Markley Among the Filipino American Oregonians, we have a very talented and highly educated senior citizen, living in Portland— Dr. Concordia R. Borja (Mrs. Simeon Mamaril), author of the book “Filipino Americans: Pioneers to the Present” with Tyrone Lim as co-author. She has been a very active member of the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS), Oregon Chapter and its public relations officer since 1990. In 2008, she was chosen as one of the trustees of FANHS by the general membership. She obtained a Master’s degree, major in Analytical Chemistry in August 1959 from Purdue University and a Ph.D. major in Bio-chemistry, minor in Organic Chemistry and Human Physiology in June 1963 from George Washington University. Dr. Borja was born in San Fernando, La Union, Philippines on August 11, 1927. She said, “My mother was pregnant with me when my father left for the United States in December 1926, but returned to the Philippines in late 1930 due to failing health.” She grew up and stayed in her birthplace until April 1953, except during the years when she was studying at the University of the Philippines, 1946-1950. As a child, she always wanted to come to the United States due to the influence of her father. As a student she had always wanted to pursue graduate studies. When asked about the person(s) who influenced her life, she mentioned her father, Mariano Borja and a former high school Physics teacher, Cleofe Bacungan. She was a Chemistry instructor at Father Burgos College, San Fernando, La Union from June 1951 to April 1953. Likewise, in October 1953, she became a Chemistry instructor at the College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines (UP) in Los Banos, Laguna, until August 1958 when she left for the United States. In 1958, she was awarded a Rockefeller scholarship towards a technical program in Analytical Chemistry for one year and one summer. She credited the opportunity to pursue graduate work to Dr. Julian Banzon, chairman of the Department of Chemistry, College of Agriculture, UP, who recommended her to the Committee who selected scholars of the Rockefeller Foundation. Dr. Banzon advised her that if she wanted to finish a Master’s degree, she had to finish it in two semesters and one summer, the duration of the scholarship. Hence, she took a full load of 21 units per semester and finished her thesis, “A Spectrophotometric Study in Vitamin A with Heteropoly Acids” in the summer of 1959. She showed her determination by finishing an M.S. within the allotted time of scholarship. At George Washington University (GWU), she was a research assistant for about four years (September 1959 to July 1963) and teaching assistant for three years (June 1960 to June 1963), while studying towards a Ph.D., which she finished in June 1963. She was employed as a research associate of Dr. Merlin Bergdoll at the Food Research Institute (FRI), University of Chicago from July 1963 to July 1966. When the FRI transferred to the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Dr. Bergdoll invited her to join the staff and she accepted the offer. She was with the University of Wisconsin from August 1966 to September 1971. She continued her research in staphylococcal enterotoxins at the University of Minnesota, St. Paul from October 1971 to July 1972. Continued on page 3 Page 2 CHAPTER ONE T September 2011 Oregon Chapter News In Brief The residence of our members, Lita and Ernie Quilban of Vancouver, WA, was the venue of our last regular meeting on July 8. Breakfast was served before the meeting started. The hospitality and generosity of the Quilbans are greatly appreciated by our Chapter members. On July 16, Ernie presented a Classical Guitar concert at Montavilla United Methodist Church as a fundraising for the church. His brother Domingo (banduria player) also performed with Ernesto some Philippine melodies. The wedding of Allan, the son of our generous members Mina and Akbar Tahayeri, was on July 23 at their palatial house in Sherwood. First there was a Persian wedding (Akbar was originally from Iran) followed by a shortened Catholic wedding of short prayers by Father Rufo, and an exchange of rings. Reception was at the wide yard with the Ronnie Exconde Band providing musical entertainment. Members Mila Castro, Cely Ward and Florence Gonzales participated in the first annual World Cuisine Festival at Immaculate Heart Parish on July 30. Tasty dishes representing many countries were: Ethiopia, Germany, Ghana, Iran, Ireland, Kenya, Italy, Mexico, Philippines, Sierra Leone,US (Hawaii, African American, etc.), Vietnam. The Lims (Jaime and Dory), generous members of our Chapter, offered their beautiful 9-room beach house in Lincoln City as a venue for the last meeting of the Council of Filipino American Associations on August 6. Chapter president Ruth Olandria presented a basket full of bathroom necessities as our donation for the raffle during the 15th conference of the Federation of Philippine American Chambers of Commerce held in Portland. On August 6, the Ingan Leyte Project (ILP) Little Children of the World held its fundraising event outdoors—lunch in Hopkins Demonstration Forest south of Oregon City—led by former Chapter member Marci Hope. Featured speakers were Tim Delano of Oregon State University Forestry Outreach Education, and ILP executive director Marci Hope. A family-like informal gathering was sponsored by Chapter members Fred and Elizabeth Asa on August 7 at their sprawling estate in Gresham. Cording Borja-Mamaril celebrated her 84th birthday on August 11 alone with her hubby Simeon with a late lunch at the Buffet Palace in Beaverton. No one was invited this year to save some money for her coming trip to St. Louis, MO in October to attend the FANHS trustees meeting for 2011. Cebuano Speaking Organization held its annual picnic in Rooster Rock on August 13, led by its founder Willie Olandria (former Oregon Chapter president, 1991-1993). There was plenty of food brought by the members that Lucy Gallarde even sent home Simeon Mamaril (guest) with some fried chicken. EXHIBIT PANELS REPAIR. The group that repaired the aging FANHS photo exhibit panels, L to R: Bill Knight, Rizza Knight, Mila Castro, Willie Olandria, Lourdes Markley, Del Castro, Ruth Olandria, Cording Borja-Mamaril. Courtesy: Simeon Mamaril who took the photo and also helped in the repair work. The Federation of Philippine American Chambers of Commerce (FPACC) held its conference on August 18-20 at the Portland Hilton. The theme of the 15th anniversary celebration was “Bridging the River of Change: Succeeding Economically in the 21st Century.” Our own chapter member Jaime Lim, president of FPACC, welcomed the attendees. By the way, our Chapter treasurer Simeon Mamaril is also the secretary of FPACC. On banquet night, the first president of the Philippine American Chamber of Commerce of Oregon, Angie Collas-Dean, was one of the speakers, aside from the keynote speakers, Portland mayor Sam Adams, and Craig Allen, deputy assistant secretary for Asia, US Department of Commerce. Overall as judged by the attendees’ input, the event was a resounding success. Aguman Capampangan had its annual picnic on August 21 at Cascade Locks led by our Chapter member Mina Tahayeri. As usual the members brought a lot of food. Simeon Mamaril presented a panel with photos taken during the associations’ medical mission to the Philippines in March. FANHS OREGON CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION & RENEWAL Rates: Individual Annual: Individual 10-Year: Individual Lifetime: Family Annual: Family 10-Year: Family Lifetime: Student/Senior Annual: $30 $150 $300 $35 $200 $350 $10 To join and/or renew your membership, please send your name, address & email address to, or to Ruth Olandria, president: Please indicate the fields of interest/expertise that you would share to volunteer for the Chapter. Tax-deductible donations accepted by the Chapter. All checks and payments may be made out to FANHS Oregon Chapter and mailed to 6020 SW Corbett., Portland, 97239. Thank you for your support of FANHS Oregon Chapter. Page 3 CHAPTER ONE T September 2011 A Talented Senior Citizen Pinay Continued from page 1 She was forced to leave Minnesota (it was too cold for her) when Serva Feinbiochemica of Heidelberg, Germany offered her a research job from August 1972 to December 1987. When she developed allergies towards some chemicals, the German owner of the company, Dr. Nikolaus Grubhofer, transferred her from the research laboratory to the marketing department where she assisted in writing scientific advertising articles from January 1982 to December 1987. Dr. Borja returned to the United States in Portland, Oregon, at the end of 1987 and later got married to her longtime admirer, Simeon D. Mamaril, who at that time had become a widower. When asked to reveal her secret to success. Dr. Mamaril said, “One has to have determination, patience, and hard work. Once you have a goal, you have to reach the goal, by doing everything to achieve the goal. For example, to finish the requirements for a Master’s degree within the allotted time given by the Rockefeller Foundation, I studied diligently and with strong determination, I finished my degree in two semesters and one summer.” Dr. Borja’s retirement years are spent in gardening both ornamental and vegetable plants and reading, as well as writing articles for Chapter One—the newsletter of FANHS Oregon Chapter. She continues to subscribe to scientific and educational magazines to satisfy her passion in reading for knowledge. Late-breaking News Last night (Sept. 18) at the Fil Am Center of Portland, Oregon, Mrs. Ruth L. Olandria, was voted and selected the new Fil Am Senior Mrs. Philippines 2011. Yeah! Congratulations, Ruth. The escort was her husband, Wilfredo Olandria, Sr. The emcee and coordinator for senior activities (every 3rd Sunday of the month) was Mila Castro. (Lourdes Markley reporting.) TEAM ASIA PACIFIC. Front row: Monica Martinez, Mariana Reyes, Ma. Regina Uytiepo. Second row: Cindy Kerr Ferrer, Danielle Mendoza, Alisha Vergara, Jaime Luz San Juan, Kevyn Anne Lacson, Dharlene Dolleton. Back row: Lucia Lorenzo, Coach Joy Lanting, Coach Hernando Posadas, Coach Esteban Lacson, Angela Caringal. Philippine team finishes 4th in Little League World Series The 2011 Little League Softball World Seriies was held at the Alpenrose Dairy Field in Portland on August 11-17. The Asia Pacific region was represented by the Philippine Little League champion Muntinlupa. Asia Pacific beat Lombardia of Milano, Italy, Willow Creek of Beaverton, Oregon, and New City Little League of New City, New York to advance to the semifinals. The Muntinlupa girls, much too small for their 11-13 age bracket, were no match to the taller, better and faster running girls of Sterling Central of Sterling, Illinois, resulting in a score of 16-1. The Filipina girls tried their very best to play for 3rd place when they played against the Southeast team of Wilkes County, North Carolina, but again they could not cope with the taller girls’ agile performances, and so garnered only 4th place. But that was not bad at all, considering the fact that there were 10 teams in all for the World Series. Sterling Central won as champion this year, beating the famous team of Waco, Texas that had won 11 straight years since 1992. Aguman Capampangan and the Filipino American Association of Portland and Vicinity hosted the Muntinlupa players and coaches with food and drinks. Next FANHS Oregon Chapter regular members’ meeting: October 8, 2011 10:00 am Montavilla United Methodist Church—Library 232 SE 81th Ave., Portland, OR Page 4 CHAPTER ONE T September 2011 President's Message Ruth Laurente Olandria FANHS Oregon Chapter It is almost a year since I took over as President of the FANHS-Oregon Chapter and I experienced good support of the membership. We have accomplished together to educate the Filipino community about FANHS through the distribution of our newsletters, educational trip and symposium. Members of FANHS-Oregon Chapter visited the National Archive in Seattle in April 2011. Members of the Cebuano Speaking Organization (CSO) joined the trip and they were amazed of the large volume of documents of many Filipinos in the United States. We will have our annual symposium this coming October 2011, in commemoration of the Filipino American history month. This symposium is chaired by Jess Osilla and assisted by Ligaya Humbert. The symposium will be about the "Challenges of Multicultural Marriages". Five speakers have been selected by the committee. Please invite more people to attend this interesting and informative symposium. A copy of the speech of each speaker will be forwarded to the National Archive in Seattle, Washington. Several chapter members helped in restoring the exhibit panels currently housed at the residence of Lourdes Markley. These exhibit panels are now ready for display when needed. To all members of FANHS-Oregon Chapter, I just want to say thank you for all your dedication to serve our organization. I am stepping down as the Chapter President as I finish the term vacated by the previous president. I am now working on a project on my mission trip to Santander, Cebu, Philippines. There are many capable leaders in our FANHS-Oregon Chapter, I know that the nomination committee will find a new President. Please continue to do your cooperative spirit and support in meeting our mission statement. I would like to thank the CFAA President Ephraim Roxas and Concordia Mamaril for stepping in during the time when I needed the support. I would specially thank all those who supported our fundraising, educational trip project, those who helped in the restoration of the exhibit panels, symposium committee, Newsletter staff and all those who attended our meetings to support our goals. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the Chapter Officers, namely Ligaya Humbert, Vice-President; Consuelo Rivera, Secretary; Simeon Mamaril, Treasurer, Robert Bayot, Assistant Treasurer and Concordia Mamaril, FANHS National Trustee. Thank you so much for the wonderful experience of serving FANHS-Oregon Chapter. Jess Osilla (in photo taken in the 1950s during his Navy career days) is chair of this year’s Symposium. Symposium 2011 is all about The Challenges of Multicultural Marriages Page 5 CHAPTER ONE T September 2011 The Symposium Panelists Cindy Fernandez Reidy Parents: Wilfredo Ollero Fernandez & Aleli Jocson Fernandez. Wilfredo graduated from University of Washington (Business Administration: Accounting). Retired U.S. Navy (28 years) and Northrop Grumman (Logistics Analyst: 10 years). Immigrated to the United States in 1958. Hometown: Urdaneta, Pangasinan, Philippines. Aleli (formerly Aleli Dimalanta Jocson) is a Homemaker. Attended Far Eastern University (Philippines). Immigrated to the US in 1963. Hometown: Concepcion, Tarlac. They currently reside in Bremerton, Washington. Washington University (Fall 2011), pursuing Pre-med studies. Cameron Alexander Fernandez Reidy: 19 years old. Incoming freshman, Clark College (Fall 2011). Plans to transfer to WSU: Major: Web Design/Graphics Cindy’s Educational Background: University of Southern California, McChord Air Force Base extension: Completed graduate credits in Organizational Behavior; accepted into the Master of Science program: Systems Management, University of California, Davis: Bachelor of Arts, International Relations: Trade & Finance; World Politics Attended University of the Philippines: 1982-83 (President’s List) Certified. Bank of America (formerly known as Countrywide): 1997 – 2008. Senior Underwriter, Chief Underwriter (Underwriter III), and Hawaii Regional Operations Manager/AVP. Other Banks, Credit Unions, and Mortgage Companies: 1983-1996 (California, Guam, and Oklahoma). Personal interests: Cindy enjoys spending time with family and friends. She looks forward to traveling more once her fraternal twin sons have graduated from college. Cindy dreams of retirement “someday”… Community Service: Active in Filipino-American Associations in SW Washington and Oregon, including ~ FAAPVI/Fil-am Portland & Vicinities: Assistant Secretary, and Lifetime MemberSpouse: ship (Reidy family); FAACCV/Fil-am Charles (“Chuck”) Arthur Reidy. Career: 28+ years in Banking and Finance, empha- Clark County & Vicinities: Member; Chuck’s parents: Ralph Albert Reidy (1920-1993) from Indianapolis, Indiana. A sizing Mortgage Banking, Bank of Amer- CFAA/Council of Fil-am Associations of World War II veteran, awarded the Silver ica: 2009 to present: Underwriter: Conven- SW Washington and Oregon: Principal Star (Gallantry in Action), Battle of Leyte. tional (Conforming and Non-conforming) Representative (FAAPVI Affiliate); Aguman Capampangan: Member; FANHS/FilRetired from the U.S. Federal Government and Government (FHA and VA): FHA (40 years). Married (1946-1993) to Estela Direct Endorsement Underwriter, and VA am National Historical Society: Member Staff Appraisal Reviewer (SAR) /Lender Lorenzo Reidy (formerly Estela Arellano Appraisal Processing Program (LAPP) Lorenzo), a Homemaker. Estela is from Malabon, Metro Manila, Philippines. Estela resides in Columbia, South Carolina Rizza Knight near two daughters. Chuck: Microsoft (Account Manager, Rizalina Knight graduated from Mindanao State Veterans Administration). Retired U.S. Air University. She achieved a Master’s degree from Force (20 years). Graduated from St. Marthe same university, and also at the University of tin’s University, Bachelor of Arts: Manthe Rockies in Colorado. She is active in Snowagement Information Systems. Attended Cap Community Charities. Recently moved to University of the Philippines (Clark Air Oregon, she is a member of the Cebuano SpeakBase extension), 1981-82. Chuck and ing Organization. She is married to Bill Knight. Cindy have been married over 28 years They live in Gresham, Oregon. (Note: Rizza’s and reside in Felida (Vancouver), Washofficial biographical data was not available at ington. presstime for this newsletter.) Children: Clarissa Lyn Fernandez Reidy: 23 years old. Graduated from Washington State University, Bachelor of Arts: Business Management; Minor: Spanish. Member Services: PIA West. Resides in Salmon Creek (Vancouver), Washington. Carlo Anthony Fernandez Reidy: 19 years old. Incoming freshman, Western Page 6 CHAPTER ONE T September 2011 The Symposium Panelists Tony Cassera Anthony Cassera was born in Manila Philippines just after WWII. He arrived in Portland OreAlong with his gon in 1960 with his parents: Franwife Barbara Afcis X. Cassera, British American fleck, they own Cascitizen father, and his mother Catasera & Affleck lina Rubio Cassera of Moncada, Video Productions. Tarlac, Philippines. He has They both two brothers—Eric and Disraeli are producers, direcCassera. tors, videograAnthony is employed at Legacy phers and editors. Health Systems at Emanuel Medical CenThey also have a catering business with ter. He is Photographer and Audio/ Visual a specialty of Roast Beef Brisket. support technician with CME ( Continuing Anthony is accomplished artist, painter, Medical Education). He has been at Legand writer. In the past few years, he has acy Health Systems for 17 years. held several art shows featuring his paint- Marci Liguid Hope FAMILY: Husband John S. Hope (deceased); son Matthew L. Hope EDUCATION: MA and Post Graduate Studies, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 1980; Bachelor of Science in Education (Majors: History & Theology), Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Philippines , 1967 CAREER: 1980-2002 (22 years) Portland Public Schools, School District #1 Taught in Middle School and High School – Portsmouth Middle School and Roosevelt High School; Special Ed Master Teacher – supervised Special Education student teachers from Portland State University and University of Portland; Special Ed Program Chair – Area II PPS Department of Special Ed; Retired as a Special Education Consulting Teacher 1973-77—Teacher Trainer, Community College of Micronesia, Ponape, Micronesia; High School Instructor – Ponape Island Central School, Ponape High School Kosrae High School, Kosrae, Micronesia 1970-1972 – Mission Work, United Board for World Ministries, Mizpah High School, Truk, Micronesia; High School Instructor, Dean of Girls and Dormitory Manager 1967-70 - Instructor, Silliman High School and college women dormitory manager, Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Philippines ONGOING ACTIVITIES & INTERESTS 2000 to Present – Original Trustee, CFAA 2002 to Present – Founding Executive Director, LCW – Ingan Leyte Project (ILP), Ingan, Hinunangan, Southern Leyte, Philippines 2002 to Present – Board of Trustee Member, Little Children of the Philippines Foundation (LCPF), Dumaguete City, Philippines 2002 to Present – Active member Montavilla Kiwanis Club and past President, Portland, Oregon 2000 to Present – Active Member, Board Member and current Secretary, Philippine American Chamber of Commerce of Oregon and SW Washington (PACCO) ing of military planes, portraiture, and exhibited his Photography. His interests includes Military History WWII in the Pacific. Anthony has been a member of the Filipino American community in Portland since 1960. He was the president of the FAYA (Filipino American Youth Association) in 1968. Over these many years he has documented the Filipino community in Portland on both film and video. Anthony and Barbara have been married for 32 years and have one daughter, Maria Affleck Cassera, age 26. Remy Dones Piccininni Registered Nurse (Retired), married to John Piccininni (Retired Federal Employee) Birthplace: Cauayan, Negros Occidental Education: College of Nursing, Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines; Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 1970 Past Nursing Licenses: Philippines Board of Nursing; Georgia State Board of Nursing; State of Illinois Board of Nursing, and Oregon State Board of Nursing Certificates: St. Luke's Hospital – Psychiatric Nursing; University of Chicago (UC) Hospitals and Clinics Critical Care Nursing Employment: St. Luke's Hospital, Quezon City, Philippines Redmond Park Hospital, Rome Georgia, USA University of Chicago Hospitals and Clinics Oregon Health and Sciences University, Portland Past Memberships: Oregon Nurses Association (ONA); American Nurses Association (ANA); FilAm Association of Portland and Vicinity Current Memberships: FANHS – Filipino-American National Historical Society Oregon Chapter; SUACONA – Silliman University Alumni Council of North America; PANOCHA –Pacific Northwest Chapter, Silliman University Alumnae of the Pacific Northwest; Oregon Grotto of the National Speleological Society (NSS) Page 7 CHAPTER ONE T September 2011 THOUGHTS of a FANHS Trustee By Concordia Borja-Mamaril FANHS National Trustee Whenever I return to my country of birth, I carry with me not only my luggage but also carloads of joy packed deep in my mind with the thought that I would again see my close relatives and friends, as well as my 1950 co-graduates in BS in Chemistry at the University of the Philippines. But not all of my visits (12 in all as of this writing) were happy ones; there were also sad events. I remember vividly the sudden trip of my sister and I in May 1993 when an unexpected call from my niece in Manila informed us that Mother died in her sleep, 11 days after celebrating her 92nd birthday. There were two other sad events, but not as sad as when Mother died. I recall my first trip to the Philippines in 1966 after being away for eight years. Why did it take me so long to return? Because I waited until I received my green card. I was one of those included in the 20,000, due to the passage of a bill in Congress transferring unused European quotas to the Asian countries. At the airport, after hugging my mother, she unexpectedly uttered in Ilocano, "Natayen in Tatang mo." (Your father is already dead.) All I could say was "Wen ammoc." (Yes I know.) Then tears welled in my eyes as I remembered the last day I saw my father on August 28, 1958 at the airport when I left for the U.S, as a Rockefeller scholar for graduate studies. In some few moments precious memories of my father's life flooded my mind, which tempered the profound sadness of death. The other sad event brought me home occurred in April 1977 when I had to join my sister and her children for the one-year death anniversary of my brother in law. My 1966 trip was also laced with happy moments. I was one of the sponsors in the christening of the youngest son of a very good friend in high school, who also brought me to Baguio City where her in-laws resided. Then we went to Legaspi City to see the famous Mayon Volcano. Through the courtesy of Dr. Cesar Ingles (brother of my good friend and UP classmate, Norma Ingles), we went around the city and to Tiwi to see the hot springs. With my mother, sister and her family. I went to Tagaytay City to witness the eruption of Taal volcano. I also went to Narvacan, Ilocos Sur to join in the christening of the only son of brother Bernardo. And of course, I had to visit Dr. Julian Banzon (chairman of the Department of Chemistry, College of Agriculture) who recommended me for a Rockefeller scholarship. In 1974 when I was already working in Heidelberg, Germany at Serva Feinbiochimica company, I went for a second visit to the Philippines. I was so glad to see my mother again and other close relatives, as well as my former UP classmates, during the Chemistry alumni reunion in Diliman. The next Chemistry alumni reunion I attended was in 2000 and our class 1950 was the honored golden jubilarian. The 1950 graduates who were able to attend presented a dance in short double steps to the tune of "Singing in the Rain" and holding our umbrellas. At the end we positioned the umbrellas to read Y2K-GOLD. We also sang "Those Were the Days" but I changed the lyrics to fit the occasion. For example the first 4 lines went as follows: "Once upon a time in nineteen fifty, When we were graduates of Chemistry, Remember when we marched with excitement, And dreamed of all the years that lay ahead." The next UP Chemistry alumni reunion I joined was in 2005, fifty-five years after graduation. One of us was supposed to since Lourdes Velez-Mantaring, former chairperson of the Institute of Chemistry did not attend for she was touring Israel and Jordan. All I did was to introduce each of my former classmates in attendance and mentioned a little about their ac- UP Chemistry class 1950: Cording Borja-Mamaril, Gregorio Abreu (cum laude), Ester Mirafuente, Lourdes Velez-Mantaring (cum laude), Amelia Bautista, Alice Buenconsejo, topnotcher of the first Chemistry board exam given in 1954. (Photo courtesy Amelia Bautista) complishments. I joined again the chemistry alumni reunion in 2008, as well as the general reunion of UP alumni. That was a grand occasion being the centennial of the founding of UP. But the most memorable of all was the 2010 reunion, for we were honored us diamond jubilarians. The Institute of Chemistry gave us colorful umbrellas marked University of the Philippines and the president of the UP Alumni Association. Alfredo Pascual (a 1970 Chemistry graduate and now the UP President since February 2011) presented to us a medallion on which was inscribed, "Diamond Jubilarian 2010." In June of this year, I went back to the Philippines, primarily to join the Chemistry alumni reunion scheduled for June 25. There was a continuous downpour that flooded Manila and Quezon City that the reunion was postponed for October. However, on July 1, five of my Chemistry co-graduates feted me for lunch at Terry's restaurant at Podium mall in Mandaluyong City. I promised them that our picture will be included in Chapter One newsletter. So here we are in the photo on this page. Our class 1950 had 3 cum laude and 1 magna cum laude. So far no other graduating year in chemistry has surpassed this number of honor students, because in 1946 when we were freshmen, only valedictorians, salutatorians, 1st and second honors were admitted due to limited space because the buildings in Ermita were badly damaged during the liberation of Manila in World War II. Page 8 CHAPTER ONE T September 2011 The purpose of Chapter One is to inform, update, and disseminate information relevant to FANHS, both locally and nationally, and to the Filipino American experience. You may already have an article ready with regard to this. Please submit your ideas, comments, and/or suggestions to the FANHS newsletter. Contact Ruth Olandria, president, or any of the officers or members of FANHS Oregon Chapter. Our Mission is to Promote Understanding, Education, Enlightenment, Appreciation and Enrichment through the Identification, Gathering, Preservation and Dissemination of the History and Culture of Filipino Americans in the United States. FILIPINO AMERICAN NATIONAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY OREGON CHAPTER Ruth Laurente Olandria, President Ligaya Humbert, Vice President Consuelo Rivera, Secretary Simeon D. Mamaril, Treasurer Dr. Concordia Borja-Mamaril, National Trustee FANHS-Oregon is a nonprofit tax-exempt organization operating under the bylaws of the Filipino American National Historical Society Incorporated. FANHS-OR Board of Advisors Fernando F. Sacdalan Wilfredo L. Olandria Albert H. Newnam Simeon D. Mamaril Danilo E. del Rosario Ligaya S. Humbert Adoracion O. Lim Lourdes Cereno Markley Dolly Pangan-Specht Ruth L. Olandria Newsletter: Ronnie Lim 1988-1991 1991-1993 1993-1994 1994-2000, 2002 2001 2003-2004 2005-2007 2008-2009 2010 2011-