LONG BEACH CITY COLLEGE AUTO MECHANICS 438 AUTOMOTIVE EMISSION CONTROLS FALL 2013 SUBJECT MATTER AREA COURSE NUMBER SECTION NUMBER ROOM # COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS/HOURS INSTRUCTOR EMAIL OFFICE PHONE OFFICE HOURS PREREQUISITE Automotive Technology AMECH 438 70753 MM130 Auto Emission Controls 6.0 M & W 7:30-11:35 Cal Macy CMACY@LBCC.EDU MM130C (562) 938-3067 M-TH 11-1pm (after class) 1. High school auto or AMECH 421 (Recommended – not required) 2. Level 1 Completion required for BAR certification in Level 2. This course is offered in Spring semester only (Amech 440). Anyone may take this course for school credit toward graduation. In order to receive a BAR Certificate of Completion, you must have completed prior to the start of this class one year of trade experience or 9 semester units in tuneup & emissions related subjects (Automotive Fuel Systems and Automotive Electrical Systems offered at LBCC recommended). A combination of both is also acceptable but subject to approval. Classes taken at other schools may be substituted based on department approval. COURSE LENGTH 8/26/2013 -12/13/2013 (16 weeks) FINAL EXAM DATE 12/09/2013 (Monday during class) CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION Covers the California State approved "Clean Air Course," as well as preparation for the California Advanced Emission Specialist license. Also, covers operation and testing of computer-controlled oxygen feedback systems and use of the California State approved Emissions Inspection System (EIS). TEXTBOOKS All training and reference materials can be downloaded at http://www.lbcc.edu/attc/Amech236.cfm You MUST have access to an internet connected computer AND a printer as assignments will be downloaded from the website, printed out, completed, and turned in as required. 1 OBJECTIVES This is a BAR certified multi-part training program formally known as the Basic Clean Air Car Course. This program is offered in accordance with the requirements as established by the BAR Smog Check program and the State of California. Although this class is open to anyone who wishes to take the class for a grade, there are specific requirements that MUST be met in order to obtain a BAR Certificate of Completion. Successfully completing this program entitles you to the following: A Certificate of Completion for the Level 2 Inspector Training AFTER completion of the Level 1 Training course (Amech 440) and the technician passes the state initiated exam. Once certified, the technician may perform emission inspections ONLY (Test Only Stations). Emission Diagnosis & Repair training will be covered in the Level 1 Engine Emission Fundamentals course (Amech 440). You may choose to only complete this course for a grade but you are encouraged to pursue the certification as this course satisfies the second of two requirements as set forth by the state. In order to apply for the Smog Check Inspector License you must also complete the Level 1 Course which is offered in the next semester and hold current certification in the ASE A6, A8 and L1 categories or their equivalents. The other requirements will be discussed in the first few class sessions. METHODOLOGIES This class will consist of approximately 60% lecture and 40% laboratory assignments. Lab time will consist of instructor led demonstrations and hands-on student participation. You will be evaluated on your abilities to learn and apply procedures and data. EVALUATION CRITERIA Your grades will be based on the following: Level 2 Workbook & Labs (100 points) BAR97 Dyno Quiz (25 points) Level 2 Exam (35 points) OBD Systems Exam (50 points) Attendance & Class participation (25 points) Total Points Possible (235) GRADING A B C D F 90 – 100% 80 – 89% 65 – 79% 50 – 64% 0 – 49% - 212 - 235 points 188 - 211 points 153 - 187 points 118 - 152 points 117 or less points Note: Students whose attendance and class participation is excellent will receive consideration if their grade percentage falls just below grade cut point. SHOP SUPPLIES AND DRESS Students are expected to dress appropriately to work safely in a shop environment. SAFETY GLASSES are MANDATORY and should be worn AT ALL TIMES while in the shop. Shop towels will not be provided. Open toed shoes or sandals will not be allowed. 2 AMECH 438 COURSE OUTLINE 1. Introductions a. Introduction to automotive emission controls b. Resource materials overview c. Course syllabus introduction d. Explanation of course syllabus e. Grading explanation Safety (1, 2) a. Personal safety issues b. Shop safety issues c. Hazardous materials d. Combustible materials e. Safety in the workplace f. Safety quiz (mandatory) 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. LEVEL II TRAINING California Emission Laws & Regulations (3-20) Reading Assignment: Pages 6-11 of Student Workbook Homework Assignment: Questions on Pages 4-5 of Student Workbook o Use Laws & Regulations file from website to answer questions Write-It-Right Review Repair order review Emissions – Cause & Effect Reading Assignment: Pages 13-70 of Student Workbook Homework Assignment: Answer ALL questions on Pages 71-74 of Student Workbook Emission Controls – Operation & Identification Reading Assignment: Pages 75-82 of Student Workbook Homework Assignment: Answer ALL questions on Page 83 of Student Workbook Gas Analyzers & Gas Analysis (21-60) Use & Calibration of BAR97 Analyzer (EIS) 3-Day Calibration Demonstration Effects of stoichiometry, detonation, pre-ignition, and quench areas on emissions Sample dilution Lambda calculations Functional Tests o Ignition base timing o EGR o Low Pressure Fuel Evaporation Testing Visual & Functional Inspection Demonstration for 2-speed idle test Student Lab Examination – 2-speed idle testing Reading Assignment: Read the ENTIRE Smog Check Inspection Manual and Smog Check Inspection Guide Homework Assignment: Answer ALL the questions on Pages 84-90 of Student Workbook Smog Check Manual & Guide Review 2003 Update Video & Worksheet ECS Application Manuals (28-30, 42) Student Lab Examination #1: Pages 91-92 of Student Workbook Student Lab Examination #2: Pages 93-96 of Student Workbook 3 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. LEVEL II Exam 35 Questions Multiple Choice OBD SYSTEMS On-Board Diagnostics I OBD Data Acquisition & Interpretation o Major Sensors & Engine Performance Update 2005 Lab #1 Exercises o Demonstration – Scan-Tool Data Snapshot, Code Retrieval & Erasure, Bi-directional controls o Student Lab Examination – Snapshot Recording – Page 7 of Lab #1 Zirconium, Titanium, and Air/Fuel Sensors Update 2005 PowerPoint Presentations Fuel Trim Update 2007 PowerPoint Presentation On-Board Diagnostics II (49-56) Reading Assignment: Read ENTIRE Napa OBD II Book OBD II PowerPoint Presentation Student Lab Examination: Phase III Labs 1-5 Mode 6 Diagnostics Update 2007 PowerPoint Presentation Student Lab Examination: Phase III Labs 6-8 Evaporative Systems Update 2007 PowerPoint Presentation Student Lab Examination: Phase III Labs 9-13 Controller Area Networks Update 2007 PowerPoint Presentation PCM Reprogramming & Technical Service Bulletins Update 2007 PowerPoint Presentation OBD Systems Final Exam 50 Questions Multiple Choice 70% or better to pass * Numbers in parentheses refer to the appropriate competencies 4 Amech 438 – Level II Emission Training Minimum Competencies for Smog Check Training (Inspection Procedures) Safety 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Describe and demonstrate knowledge of proper personal, shop, tool and inspection equipment safety practices. Describe and demonstrate knowledge and ability to assess a vehicle to ensure that it is safe for inspection. Administrative Describe the expected standards of practice pertaining to a Smog Check Inspector. Describe Smog Check station requirements. Describe Smog Check inspector requirements. Describe Smog Check station operation requirements. Describe the provisions of the Consumer Assistance Program. Describe repair cost waiver requirements. Prepare an estimate in accordance with the Write It Right guidelines. Prepare an invoice in accordance with the Write It Right guidelines. Describe sublet rules related to Smog Check inspection. Identify vehicles subject to Smog Check inspection and vehicles exempt from inspection. Describe directed vehicle requirements. Describe general services provided by the State Referee. Identify vehicles required to be inspected by the State Referee. Describe the provisions of a Smog Check pre-inspection. Describe limitations of minor repair performed during Smog Check inspection. Describe requirements of the Visible Smoke Test failure information sheet. Describe requirements of a Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR). Describe the special circumstances that must be documented on the VIR. Equipment Maintenance Describe practices of proper equipment maintenance. Perform calibrations of the Emission Inspection System (EIS), including all sub-systems/equipment. Must perform two full calibrations. Demonstrate knowledge and ability to inspect the EIS and replace maintenance items. Describe the prohibitions of test equipment modifications Demonstrate knowledge and ability to verify operation of EIS components, including the fuel cap pressure tester, LPFET, RPM pickup, emissions sample hoses/tips, and the data communication line. Assessment Written Hands-on X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 5 Amech 438 - Level 2 Emission Training Minimum Competencies for Smog Check Training (Inspection Procedures) Visual Inspection Assessment Written Hands-on Describe the theory, design and operation of the following emission control systems: • Crankcase Ventilation (PCV, CDR) • Evaporative (EVAP) • 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Exhaust Gas Recirculation(EGR) • Thermostatic Air Cleaner (TAC) • Air Injection (AIS) • Ignition Spark Controls (SPK) • Catalytic Converter (CAT) • Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) • Periodic Trap Oxidizer (PTOX) • Diesel Particulate Trap or Filter (DPF) • Diesel Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) • Other Emission Controls Describe the visual inspection pass/fail criteria - pass, missing, modified, disconnected, and defective. Describe and determine vehicle emissions certification type. Identify and record the required emission controls for at least three different vehicle makes. Use of ECS guides and emission control labels. Identify exhaust system components and distinguish between single and dual exhaust systems. Demonstrate the knowledge and ability to use electrical wiring diagrams applicable to smog check visual inspection. Demonstrate the knowledge and ability to use electrical component locator to find emission control components- examples: OBDII DLC, EGR solenoid, EVAP purge solenoid. Describe the Smog Check inspection requirements for modified aftermarket parts. Describe California Air Resources Board (CARB) Executive Order label requirements for aftermarket modified parts, and aftermarket catalytic converters. Demonstrate the ability to check for CARB approval of aftermarket parts. Describe and demonstrate knowledge and ability to perform the Liquid Fuel Leak inspection. Describe and demonstrate knowledge and ability to perform the gasoline vehicle Visible Smoke Test. Describe and demonstrate the knowledge and ability to perform the diesel Visible Smoke Test. Identify and locate gasoline induction and fuel system components. Identify and locate diesel induction and fuel system components. Identify engine management system components, actuators, sensors, and switches. Demonstrate knowledge and ability to conduct a visual inspection on at least three different vehicles makes. Identify each required system in its entirety (all components). Recognize and accurately enter/report the failure conditions of missing, modified, disconnected and defective. X X X X X X X *X X X X X X X X X X X X *X X X X X X X 6 Amech 438 - Level 2 Emission Training Minimum Competencies for Smog Check Training (Inspection Procedures) Emissions Tests 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Describe the conditions that must be met before beginning a Smog Check emission test. Demonstrate knowledge and ability to prepare a vehicle for an emission test, including safety, ventilation, and vehicle warm-up procedures. Describe the automated second chance test for vehicles that fail the two speed idle test. Identify the types of vehicles that are incompatible with the ASM test. Describe the gear selection requirements for the ASM test. Describe emission test abort conditions. Demonstrate knowledge and ability to perform emissions tests. Functional Tests Describe OBDII monitor enabling criteria, including the purpose of drive cycles. Identify vehicles subject to the OBDII functional test. Describe the OBDII monitor readiness requirements for pre and post 2001 vehicles. Demonstrate knowledge and ability to locate and connect scan tool or EIS to diagnostic link connector (DLC) on at least three different vehicle makes. Describe the processes used to address vehicles with known OBDII test difficulties. Identify the vehicles subject to the malfunction indicator light (MIL) functional test. Describe the difference between a MIL and a maintenance reminder light. Describe and demonstrate knowledge and ability to conduct the MIL functional test on at least three different vehicle makes. Identify the vehicles subject to ignition timing functional test. Include non-adjustable timing exemption. Identify the manufacturer ignition timing specifications for at least three different vehicle makes. Use emission control labels, ECS guides or other reliable references. Describe the engine RPM requirements for the ignition timing functional test. Describe the pass/fail criteria for the ignition timing functional test. Assessment Written Hands-on X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 7 Amech 438 - Level 2 Emission Training Minimum Competencies for Smog Check Training (Inspection Procedures) Functional Tests 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Check and record the ignition timing setting on at least three different vehicle makes. Identify vehicles subject to the Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) test. Describe the general design strategies for various EGR systemsconventional, back pressure, electric/electronic controlled and actuated. Describe and demonstrate knowledge and ability to conduct the EGR functional test on at least three different vehicle makes. Identify vehicles subject to the Fuel Cap Integrity Test. Describe and demonstrate the knowledge ability to conduct the Fuel Cap Integrity Test. Identify vehicles subject to the Low Pressure Fuel Evaporative Test (LPFET). Describe and demonstrate the knowledge and ability to conduct the LPFET functional test on at least three different vehicle makes. Demonstrate knowledge and ability to upload data from the low pressure fuel evaporative tester. General Perform at least four complete Smog Check inspections. Assessment Written Hands-on X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 8