ELA 036 ELAA Listening and Speaking III

ELA 036
ELAA Listening and Speaking III
Course Package
Submitted 3/21/2008
Approved 4/4/2008
Course Package Form 3/21/2008
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ELAA Listening and Speaking Number
Catalog Course Description - A 3 credit hour course, designed as a continuation of
the ELAA 035 course for students with some English experience. It is intended to
expose students to high-intermediate vocabulary, grammar, listening and speaking
skills; to enable them to function in daily activities on a high-intermediate level and
to function comfortably with English in employment.
Credit hours
Lecture 3
Lab hours 0
Must be 16 years of age or older and not in high school. Must
successfully complete ELA 035 Reading and Writing 3, or obtain
an appropriate score on the BEST test.
Identify any risk
Explain the proposed modifications, if
Contact person(s)
This is a combination of ELA033A & ELA033B.
Dr. Holly Tucker (928)757-0803
Effective date of changes
Is there a similar course in
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or an equivalent offered at
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Fall 2008
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Intended Course Outcomes
Course Goals Educational goals are very general statements of the outcomes you hope students will
achieve after completing a course of study. They are the same as exit outcomes. You are not limited to three
goals. Articulate as many as necessary. Examples are provided at the end of this document.
Course Package Form 3/21/2008
1. Demonstrate the use of target language in authentic, natural speech.
2. Present social language conversations.
3. Provide practice in reading authentic texts from variety of sources.
4. Present thematically related vocabulary to enhance students' discussions.
5. Learn to comprehend standard speech delivered in many settings.
6. Write short texts using basic vocabulary.
7. Support grammar and mechanics for this and proceeding levels.
8. Make an informal oral presentation.
Course Competencies and Objectives
Competency 1 Read and identify the various parts of syllabus, the text, and the location
of the campus ELAA lab, explain the importance of signing the Attendance Sheets, read
and explain the SRFs, all of which are integral to success in ELAA Listening/Speaking
Objective 1.1 State the purpose and value of the course syllabus.
Objective 1.2 Sate the importance of the Attendance Sheets; state the purpose of
Objective 1.3 our the campus ELAA lab; explain what the tutors will and won't do for
the students.
Objective 1.4 Observe and identify the table of contents, the index, the organization
of each chapter.
Objective 1.5 State the attendance requirements as well as their instructor's
expectations for how much study time is necessary for students to achieve course
Competency 2 Make polite rquests.
Objective 2.1 Listen to the conversations.
Objective 2.2 Discuss the conversations.
Objective 2.3 Improvise new conversations using variations.
Competency 3 Understand meaning from the context.
Objective 3.1 Read and listen to the article.
Objective 3.2 Answer the comprehension questions.
Objective 3.3 Discuss the article.
Competency 4 Learn the new words and phrases on Movies and Theatres.
Objective 4.1 Listen and repeat each word.
Course Package Form 3/21/2008
Objective 4.2 Study the definition of each word.
Objective 4.3 Use the words in the statements.
Competency 5 Ask about the rules/express certainty.
Objective 5.1 Listen to the conversation.
Objective 5.2 Practice with the partner.
Objective 5.3 Improvise similar conversations using variations.
Competency 6 Learn new words and vocabulary on News and other Media.
Objective 6.1 Learn the words and phrases.
Objective 6.2 Study the definitions.
Objective 6.3 Use the words in the context.
Competency 7 Read the magazine article and discuss.
Objective 7.1 Listen and read the article.
Objective 7.2 Answer the questions.
Objective 7.3 Discuss the article.
Competency 8 Ask and tell about an occupation.
Objective 8.1 Listen to the conversation.
Objective 8.2 Practice with a partner.
Objective 8.3 Improvise similar conversation using variations.
Competency 9 Learn new words and phrases on Restaurant and Food.
Objective 9.1 Learn the new words.
Objective 9.2 Study the definitions.
Objective 9.3 Use them in the statements.
Competency 10 Confirm information.
Objective 10.1 Listen to the social language conversation.
Objective 10.2 Practice with the partner.
Objective 10.3 Improvise similar conversation using the variations.
Competency 11 Express surprise at a change.
Objective 11.1 Listen to the social language conversation.
Objective 11.2 Practice with the partner.
Objective 11.3 Improvise similar conversation using the variations.
Competency 12 Learn the vocabulary on Places of Residence.
Objective 12.1 Learn the new words.
Objective 12.2 Study the definitions.
Objective 12.3 Use them in the statements.
Competency 13 Learn about different cultures.
Objective 13.1 Read the magazine article and discuss.
Objective 13.2 Discuss the possible conclusions with the partner.
Objective 13.3 Use embedded questions.
Competency 14 Offer and accept help.
Objective 14.1 Listen to the conversation and practice.
Objective 14.2 Use some different ideas to improvise a conversation.
Objective 14.3 Learn how to fill out the chart.
Competency15 Learn about guided tours.
Objective 15.1 Look at the picture and tell the partner about the people.
Course Package Form 3/21/2008
Objective 15.2 Understand meaning from the context.
Objective 15.3 Listen to and discuss the conversation between two people on a tour
Competency 16 Learn common phrasal verbs.
Objective 16.1 Look at the picture and say each phrase.
Objective 16.2 Complete the letter with the new words.
Objective 16.3 Use the new words in the sentences.
Competency 17 Tell a partner about different types of friends.
Objective 17.1 Listen to the conversation.
Objective 17.2 Comprehend the meaning from the context.
Objective 17.3 Discuss the concept of friendship.
Competency 18 Talk about job possibilities.
Objective 18.1 Read and listen to the conversation.
Objective 18.2 Bring ads from a local newspaper and discuss them.
Objective 18.3 Use variations to improvise a conversation with the partner.
Competency 19 Learn new words and expressions about relationships.
Objective 19.1 Say each word and phrase.
Objective 19.2 Study the definitions.
Objective 19.3 Notice the opposite meanings of the words.
Competency 20 Express concern for someone.
Objective 20.1 Listen to the conversation and discuss the problems of the character.
Objective 20.2 Discuss how they can handle stress.
Objective 20.3 Make a conversation with a partner to express concerns and make
Competency 21 Read and understand the newspaper article.
Objective 21.1 Read and listen to the article.
Objective 21.2 Understand the meaning from the context.
Objective 21.3 Discuss the article.
Competency 22 Understand and tell jokes.
Objective 22.1 Listen to the joke.
Objective 22.2 Understand meaning from the context.
Objective 22.3 Read and understand the article on 'Benefits of Laughter'.
Competency 23 Learn the difference between participial adjectives and use them
properly in the oral speech.
Objective 23.1 Look at the picture and say each word.
Objective 23.2 Choose the correct word to complete the letter.
Objective 23.3 Teacher’s Guide
Course Materials and Equipment
Course Package Form 3/21/2008
True Colors/An EFL Course for Real Communication/Book 3 Jay Maurer/Irene E. Schoenberg Pearson 0‐201‐18788‐4 True Colors Power‐Workbook/Book 3 Jay Maurer/Irene E. Schoenberg Pearson 0‐13‐184609‐4 Software
Splendid ELAA Web: http://cc.pima.edu/pcae/inst/splendidweb/
Learning Units
Learning Unit Topic 1: Social Language Conversation.
Competency: Make polite requests.
Objectives: Listen and understand the conversation.
Discuss the polite requests used in the
Activities/ Assignments: Power activities.
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 2: Movie Reviews.
Competency: Understand the context from the article.
Objectives: Read and listen to the article.
Do comprehension questions.
Discuss the article.
Activities/ Assignments: Power activities.
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 3: Movies and Theatres.
Competency: Learn the new vocabulary.
Objectives: Listen and repeat each word.
Study the definition of each word.
Activities/ Assignments: Power activities.
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 4: Achievement test on previous
Competency: Show gain in the test.
Objectives: Review the vocabulary.
Review the conversations.
Activities/ Assignments:
Course Package Form 3/21/2008
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 5: Social language Conversations.
Competency: Ask about rules and express certainty.
Objectives: Listen to the conversation.
Practice the conversation with the partner.
Improvise similar conversation using
Activities/ Assignments: Power activities.
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 6: Vocabulary: News and Media.
Competency: Learn the new words and phrases on News
and Media.
Objectives: Listen and repeat each word and phrase on
News and Media.
Study the definitions.
Complete exercises using the new words
and phrases.
Activities/ Assignments: Power Activities.
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 7: Achievement test on previous
Competency: Show gain in the test.
Objectives: Review the vocabulary.
Review the conversations.
Activities/ Assignments:
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 8: A Good Cup of Tea.
Competency: Read and discuss the article.
Objectives: Read and listen to the article.
Answer the true and false questions.
Discuss the article.
Activities/ Assignments: Power Activities.
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 9: Social Language Conversations.
Competency: Learn how to ask and tell about an
Objectives: Listen and practice the conversation.
Improvise similar conversation using given
Activities/ Assignments: Power activities.
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 10: Vocabulary: Restaurant and Food.
Competency: Learn the new words and phrases on
Restaurant and Food.
Objectives: Say each word and study the definition.
Use the new words in the statements.
Activities/ Assignments: Power Activities.
Course Package Form 3/21/2008
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 11: Achievement test on previous
Competency: Show gain in the test.
Objectives: Review the vocabulary.
Review the conversations.
Activities/ Assignments:
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 12: Social Language Conversations.
Competency: Learn how to confirm information.
Objectives: Listen and practice the conversation.
Improvise similar conversation using given
Activities/ Assignments: Power Activities.
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 13: Social Language Conversations.
Competency: Learn how to express change at a change.
Objectives: Listen and practice the conversation.
Improvise similar conversation using given
Activities/ Assignments: Power Activities.
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 14: Vocabulary: Places of Residence.
Competency: Learn the new words and phrases on Places
of Residence.
Objectives: Say each word and study the definition.
Use the new words in the statements.
Activities/ Assignments: Power activities.
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 1: Not Too Close.
Competency: Learn about different cultures.
Objectives: Read the magazine article and discuss.
Discuss the possible conclusions with the
Use embedded questions.
Activities/ Assignments: Write a paragraph about the
magazine article.
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 2: Vocabulary: Polite and Impolite.
Competency: Offer and accept help.
Objectives: Listen to the conversation and practice.
Use some different ideas to improvise a
Learn how to fill out the chart.
Activities/ Assignments: Study the definitions and use
the words in the sentences.
Laboratory Activities:
Course Package Form 3/21/2008
Learning Unit Topic 3: Hiking.
Competency: Learn about guided tours.
Objectives: Look at the picture and tell the partner
about the people.
Understand meaning from the context.
Listen to and discuss the conversation
between two people on a tour bus.
Activities/ Assignments: Write a paragraph about a
guided tour.
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 4: Vocabulary: Common Phrasal
Competency: Learn common phrasal verbs.
Objectives: Look at the picture and say each phrase.
Complete the letter with the new words.
Use the new words in the sentences.
Activities/ Assignments: Write a paragraph using the
phrasal verbs.
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 5: Achievement Test on previous
Competency: Make gains on achievement test.
Objectives: Review vocabulary words.
Practice on charts.
Activities/ Assignments:
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 6: Friends.
Competency: Tell a partner about different types of
Objectives: Listen to the conversation.
Comprehend the meaning from the
Discuss the concept of friendship.
Activities/ Assignments: Write a paragraph about a
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 7: Job Ads.
Competency: Talk about job possibilities.
Objectives: Read and listen to the conversation.
Bring ads from a local newspaper and
discuss them.
Use variations to improvise a conversation
with the partner.
Activities/ Assignments: Write a paragraph about your
recent job.
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 8: Vocabulary: Relationships
Course Package Form 3/21/2008
Competency: Learn new words and expressions about
Objectives: Say each word and phrase.
Study the definitions.
Notice the opposite meanings of the
Activities/ Assignments: Complete the statements with
the new words.
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 9: Achievement Test on previous
Competency: Make gains on achievement test.
Objectives: Review vocabulary words.
Practice on charts.
Activities/ Assignments:
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 10: Stress and Problems.
Competency: Express concerns for someone.
Objectives: Listen to the conversation and discuss the
problems of the character.
Discuss how they can handle stress.
Make a conversation with a partner to
express concerns and make suggestions.
Activities/ Assignments: Improvise a conversation on
stress and problems.
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 11: World's Oldest Person.
Competency: Read and understand the newspaper
Objectives: Read and listen to the article.
Understand the meaning from the context.
Learn the vocabulary: Quality of life.
Activities/ Assignments: Match the underlined words with
the appropriate definition.
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 12: April Fool day and jokes.
Competency: Understand and tell jokes.
Objectives: Listen to the joke.
Understand meaning from the context.
Read and understand the article on
'Benefits of Laughter'.
Activities/ Assignments: Write a joke.
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 13: Vocabulary: Participial adjectives.
Competency: Learn the difference between participial
adjectives and use them properly in the oral speech.
Objectives: Look at the picture and say each word.
Course Package Form 3/21/2008
Choose the correct word to complete the
Activities/ Assignments: Write sentences with participial
Laboratory Activities:
Learning Unit Topic 14: Achievement Test on previous
Competency: Make gains on achievement test.
Objectives: Review vocabulary words.
Practice on charts.
Activities/ Assignments:
Laboratory Activities:
Course Assessment Information
Description of Course Assessments
(Essays, multiple choice, etc.)
Are exams standardized in your department?
Yes No
Are the exams required by the
department? Yes
Where can faculty members locate or access the exams
for this course?
See contact persons listed
Course Package Form 3/21/2008