Digital IF Implementation of the GSM and EDGE Modulation/Demodulation Schemes on the same Hardware Platform Christophe Moy Ph.D., Apostolos A. Kountouris Ph.D., Luc Rambaud, Pascal Le Corre* Mitsubishi Electric ITE, Telecommunication Laboratory (TCL), Rennes, France (tel.: +33-(0)2-99842110, e-mail: {kountouris, moy, rambaud} Abstract --This paper illustrates that the software radio principles are of great interest in the context of multi-standard environments. Taking advantage of last generation VLIW DSPs and configurable DUC/DDC, waveforms are generated at Tx and processed at Rx, in the digital domain, using the same HW components. In software radio as much as possible of the processing is done in software. Our case study is A real-time dual mode GSM-EDGE modulation/demodulation IF testbed. The functional mapping of the SW blocks on the HW platform and its performance are described. Index Terms--Software Radio, multi-mode, digital IF, dual mode GSM/EDGE, VLIW DSP, undersampling… I. D INTRODUCTION mode radio systems are currently most of the time made of the juxtaposition of two physical hardware chains integrated in the same box. In these transceiver chains, architecture commonality stops at the point that the digital signal processing accelerates. In most present designs specific analog circuitry handles frequency up-conversion from baseband (BB) for Tx and down-conversion to baseband for Rx. The extension of the digital processing closer to the antenna, in other words replacing the former analog processing, permits to use of the same components and contributes to bring more and more re-configurability to the radio part. Digital often indeed means configurable. This paper gives a concrete illustration of these assessments in the context of a dual mode GSM-EDGE system, combining that way both voice and high data rate services. Only modulation and demodulation functions are concerned here, from baseband to a low IF of several MHz. In the following, after presenting the generic platform used as a proof of concept for SoftWare Radio (SWR) implementations, we describe * UAL P. Le Corre is with IPSIS, Rennes, France (tel.: +33-(0)299275327, e-mail: in detail the dual GSM-EDGE modem implementation. Finally, performance, in terms of signal quality and processing speed, is discussed. II. A SWR EXPERIMENTATION PLATFORM A. General description In our laboratory an experimentation platform was assembled to study SWR system design, as well as reconfigurability and reconfiguration issues [1]. This platform, shown in FIG. 1, has a modular hardware architecture making future upgrades possible. The presence of multiple DSPs enables the study of multiprocessing issues. In the future the introduction of FPGA modules will permit to apply co-design techniques and address hardware and software reconfiguration in a unified manner. A/D and D/A boards interface the digital part to the air medium, enabling digital IF applications. All code development is done in C offering a high degree of portability from this platform to any other processor, as SWR dogma requires. Finally, taking advantage of the universal decomposition of any radio signal by its quadrature components, a complex representation of any baseband signal is possible. B. Detailled Tx The SWR approach consists in moving the digital to analog conversion (DAC) as close as possible to the antenna. Frequency translation can be done digitally by multiplication of the I and Q data streams by digitally generated cosine and sine waves (DDS: Direct Digital Synthesis) as shown on FIG. 2. fSymb fS fS fDAC fDAC Quad ‘C6201 Complex Mixer C6201 Decimating Filter FIFO In I Pulse shaping ↑ xp(t) RAM C6201 FIFO Decimating Filter C6201 Over sampling y(t) bk Pulse shaping ↑ xq(t) sin III. SW IMPLEMENTATION Sin(2πf0t) DDS FIG. 2 – Functional diagram of the digital transmitter The physical architecture of the transmit part of our platform is depicted in FIG. 3; it is appropriate to implement the functionality of FIG. 2. Note that the DDS function may be realized either by the digital upconverter (DUC) chip or by DSP software when the DUC is by-passed. The implementation is described below. Though our performance target was 270.83 kbauds (as defined in the standards), the following examples have been worked out for a symbol rate of 250 kbauds for simplification and ease of understanding. A. GSM FIG. 6 and 7 represent the functional block diagram of the GSM modulator and demodulator. C6201 FIFO C6201 C6201 RAM Q Gaussian filter FSK h=0.5 Inter Filter 8 Complex Mixer Interpolating Filter Inv SINC 12-bit 200 MHz D/A Interpolating Filter FIFO IF Out < 80 MHz DDS FIG. 6 - GSM functional block diagram for Tx sin 0 - 100 MHz DDS Buffer RF Out cos cos C6201 4á DAC sin NRZ DUC & DAC bypass Complex Mixer Inter Filter 8 Bits I DDS FIG. 5 – Platform receiver Over sampling Quad ‘C6201 IF In < 30 MHz In Q Buffer bandpass RF filter DAC 12-bit 65 MHz A/D cos C6201 Cos (2πf0t) ak DDC & ADC bypass Complex Mixer Decim Filter 8 FIG. 3 – Platform transmitter sin ADC Phase calculation (Cordic) C. Detailled Rx To adhere to the software radio design philosophy, a wideband RF sampling ADC replaces the multiple front ends. A top-level functional block diagram of such a digital receiver is shown in FIG. 4. Decision FSK 4â BER Decim Filter 8 RF In cos DDS FIG. 7 - GSM functional block diagram for Rx Cos xp(t) I BPF ADC Q Digital Low pass filter DSP Demod. 01010 bits stream B. EDGE EDGE [2] functional block diagram of the transceiver is on FIG. 8 and 9. xq(t) 8á I Sin Mapping 8-PSK (8-PSK to 16-PSK) DDS 8á FIG. 4 – Functional diagram of the digital transmitter This has been realized on the hardware (HW) system of FIG. 5. The digital down converter (DDC) is by-passable. Rotation 3 pi / 8 Q Edge Filter Inter Filter 16 Complex Mixer sin Inter Filter 16 DAC Bits Edge filter RF Out cos DDS FIG. 8 - EDGE functional block diagram for Tx Complex Mixer Decim Filter 8 Zero forcing Filter sin ADC Decim Filter 8 Zero forcing Filter 8â Rotation -3 pi / 8 Decision 8 PSK (Cordic) (16-PSK to 8-PSK) BER 8â cos DDS FIG. 9 - EDGE functional block diagram for Rx It is worth noting that an important part of Rx functionality is synchronization (carrier recovery and sampling time adjustment). These functions were implemented as well but are not shown to keep the figures simple. The mapping operation on the HW results in the characteristics of TAB 1. fbits (kbits/s) fsymbols (ksymbols/s) BB oversampling fsamples (Msamples/s) DAC interpolation fDAC (MHz) decimation fADC (MHz) f0 (MHz) IF (MHz) GSM Tx GSM Rx EDGE Tx EDGE Rx 250 250 4 1 250 250 4 750 250 8 2 750 250 8 2 1 8 8 2 10 Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) figures of TAB. 2 reveal quite satisfactory. EVM gives the deviation of a received constellation from an ideal reference constellation. Modulation GSM EDGE 2 2 RF EVM (% rms) 2 MHz 10 MHz 2 MHz 1.24 2.32 0.159 TAB. 2 - Error vector magnitude (EVM) 16 32 8 8 2 10 FIG. 10 - EDGE for fRF = 2 MHz 8 8 2 2 TAB. 1 - GSM and EDGE transceivers C. Undersampling It can be seen that in the GSM case we use the under-sampling technique. At Tx, the goal is to produce sampled versions of the modulated signal by using a sampling rate fDAC greater than 2 f0, where f0 is a low carrier frequency. Taking advantage of the replicas of the digital signal the real carrier frequency IF is chosen at n.fDAC+f0 where n is a positive integer. Similarly at Rx, a convenient ratio between IF and fsamples has to be respected [3]. B. Implemented performances Several performance measurements were obtained. Performance was considered in terms of execution speed (CPU cycle counts) and attained bit rates. The results are given in TAB. 3. For the two implementation schemes, we measured the global performance of the Tx, Rx chains as well as the performance of only the modem functionality. Implementation parameters to be taken into account are those of TAB. 1. The Tx the full chain consists of: Bit Generation - Modulator - IO Data Transfer. Similarly for Rx, it consists of: IO Data Transfer Demodulator - Synchronizations - BER. Modem Required Perf. kbits/sec IV. PERFORMANCES Performance is considered both in terms of quality of the transmitted signal, and of computation speed of the software running on the DSP processor. A. Measured quality with a VSA The modulators were validated using a vector signal analyzer (VSA), and the results shown in FIG. 10 were obtained for EDGE. GSM EDGE 270.83 812.49 Tx Rx Full Chain Modulator Full Chain 397.85 2353.7 444.6 3107.9 622.45 1329.2 Demodulator 753.56 1520.19 TAB. 3 - Attained bit rates for GSM and EDGE It can be seen that for single processor implementations (C6201 DSP at 200 MHz) of Tx , Rx for GSM, EDGE the attained performance is higher than the required for one channel. The C6x roadmap shows that soon processors at 1GHz clock speeds will be available (i.e. C64x). Having the software written in some IF. In other words, it is possible to design a dual-mode GSM / EDGE, modulation / demodulation system running on exactly the same components. What has been shown here for one 250 kHz channel is applicable in a multi-carrier situation, which we plan to study in the future. We have also applied the same concept to other wireless systems such as BlueTooth, and the future 3G cellular phone standard UMTS [6]. In these cases several processors have to be involved to obtain real-time performance . However it should be noted that the components we used are not those found in current embedded or portable systems for size and energy consumption reasons. Also for the time and analog RF was ignored in our work. As technology progress in these directions the SWR concept will find its way in such applications as well. high-level language code will permit to easily take advantage of technological progress in processor design and manufacturing. The present measurements indicate that a single C6x could handle both Tx, Rx at the same time and deliver real-time performance. However it must be noted that currently the C6x DSP chip is not destined to mobile terminals due to its high power consumption, size and price. C. Repartition of the computation load Another set of measurements investigates how processing time is distributed among the transceiver functional blocks, as shown in FIG. 11. In the GSM Tx implementation the cos, sin calculations are obtained by the CORDIC trigonometric algorithm [4]. Other more computationally efficient, tailored to the GMSK case, methods could be used. [5] combines gaussian filtering and cos, sin computations into table lookups and potentially it can be extremely fast. At the Rx CORDIC is used for angle (phase) computation using the arctan function. These comparative results confirm that modulators are a lot simpler than demodulators especially when carrier and timing recovery needs to be implemented. In addition it is clear that filtering for pulse shaping though a simple operation it is the most time consuming and this gets worse for higher oversampling factors. Such simple (regular) but time consuming processing is a good candidate for a more hardware oriented implementation. FPGA implementation is very promising in order to retain the flexibility offered by reprogrammability. VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by Trium R&D, Rennes, France. VII. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] V. CONCLUSIONS The results presented here show that it is now feasible to implement some kind of SWR by extending digital, and especially software, domain to at least A. Kountouris, C. Moy, L. Rambaud, "Re-configurability: a Key Property in Software Radio Systems", First Karlsruhe Workshop on Software Radios, March 2000. Ashkan Mashhour, "Understanding Offset 8-PSK Modulation for GSM Edge", Microwave Journal, October 1999 H. Meyr, M. Moeneclaey, S. Fetchel,"Digital Communication Receivers - Synchronization, channel estimation and signal processing", Wiley Interscience 1998 J.E. Volder, "The CORDIC Trigonometric Computing Technique", IRE Trans. Elect. Comput., EC(8):330-334, 1959. GMSK modulator on DSP, article RF Design C. Moy, A. Kountouris, L. Rambaud and P. Le Corre, "Full Digital IF UMTS Transceiver for Future Software Radio Systems", ERSA'2001, 25-28 June 2001, Las Vegas, USA F u ll E D G E T x c h a i n Full GSM Tx chain IO Data Xfer 9% Bit Gen. 1% NRZ Mapping 2% I O D a t a Xfer 19% Bit G en. 9% Interp. & Pulse Shape 31% EDGE % M a p p4ing Interp. & Pulse Shape IQ Gen. (CORDIC) 53% Phase Acc. 4% Full GSM Rx chain Frame Sync 8% BER 1% IO Data Xfer 16% Carrier Recovery Decision 17% Full EDGE Rx chain Misc. BER1% IO Data Xfer 11% Rx filter 41% 1% Sampl. Time Rec. & Decimation 9% IQ angles (CORDIC) 64% Decision 2% Frame Sync 17% 3pi/8 Derotation 3% Sampl. Time Rec. & Decimation FIG. 11 - Processing time decomposition in Tx and Rx for GSM and EDGE 9%