learning disability today Conference and exhibition Olympia Conference Centre, London Thursday 26 November 2015 Delegates who attend this event will benefit from: Confirmed speakers include: Gavin Harding, Mayor of Selby Choosing from three targeted streams to enhance their learning Tim Spencer-Lane, Law Commission Learning from national best-practice on key themes identified by previous delegates S imon Cramp, Committee of the Learning Disability Alliance and Centre of Welfare Reform A ppraising how to overcome their biggest challenges Rob Greig, NDTi D iscovering how to drive meaningful outcomes Chris Haynes, Gloucestershire County Council Dr Dominic Slowie, NHS England Beverley Dawkins OBE, Generate Gary Vaux, Hertfordshire County Council Hazel Watson, NHS England Segun Oladokun, Care Quality Commission Tickets: £30 + VAT FREE for people with learning disabilities, family carers and volunteer workers www.learningdisabilitytoday.co.uk/ldt-event/home/ Events @PavilionLDT 10am -10.15 Panel debates 10.45-3pm (Auditorium – capacity of 350) Keynote address Gavin Nigel Xavier Harding MBE, Mayor of Selby Town Council Chaired by Dan Parton, Editor, Learning Disability Today Best practice workhops (Room 1 capacity of 150) 10.3010.45 10.4511am 11am11.15 11.1511.30 11.3011.45 12pm12.15 12.1512.30 12.3012.45 LAUNCH Transition matters: linking and Families Act and SEN Professor Sheila, The Baroness Hollins, Professor Emeritus in Psychiatry of Disability, St George’s University, London Segun Oladokun, Head of Adult Social Care Inspection, London, Care Quality Commission Simon Cramp, Member, Advisory Committee of the Learning Disability Alliance and Fellow, Centre of Welfare Reform Rob Greig, Chief Executive, NDTi Hazel Watson, Head of Mental Health and Learning Disabilities, NHS England Chaired by Penny Macoustra Nicola Gitsham, Children and Sarah McClinton, Director of Health Angela Boyle, Quality Lead, Gary Bourlet, Co-Development Chaired by Dan Parton, Editor, Delivering supported employment pathways Beverley Dawkins OBE, Chief Executive, Generate (Opportunities) Ltd Chaired by Jan Alcoe Agy Pasek, Strategy and Transformation Manager, Gloucestershire County Council Overcoming integration issues between health and social care Exploring proposals for the new legal framework for Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Chris Haynes, Joint Commissioner Learning Disability Services, Gloucestershire County Council and Clinical Commissioning Group Tim Spencer-Lane, Lawyer, Public Law Team, Law Commission The health and wellbeing zone Sign-up on arrival to attend these sessions which supplement our conference programme 11.4512pm Beyond Transforming Care: Responding to the Green Paper for learning disabilities Accessing meaningful activities Best practice workhops (Room 2 capacity of 150) Suggested pathways 10.1510.30 The health surgery Sign-up on arrival for sessions running from 10.30am, 11am or 11.30am Jim Blair, Consultant Camilla Nurse Intellectual (Learning) Disabilities, Great Ormond Street Hospital Isadora Gunther, Health Care Assistant, Great Ormond Street Hospital Lloyd Page, Volunteer, Programmes Team, External Relations and Communities, Mencap Carol Mason, Consultant Dentist, Great Ormond Street Hospital Anneliese Rigby, Senior Staff Nurse, Great Ormond Street Hospital Catherine Stuart, Sister, Great Ormond Street Hospital The music box Emma Lovell, Music Therapist, Specialist Learning Disabilities Service, Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust Alexia Quinn, Director, and Caroline Anderson, UK Research and Development, Music as Therapy International People with learning disabilities and family carers Frontline professionals and practitioners from health, social care, education and the police Commissioners and managers We look forward to welcoming you at this year’s Learning Disability Today – come and join us on our 15th anniversary! Here’s the latest update of what’s on… The exhibition Health & Wellbeing Zone Meet with Danshell, Housing and Support Alliance, SCIE, The Royal School for Deaf Children, The Sheiling Ringwood, Tracscare, Tough Furniture, The John Townsend Trust, Golden Lane Housing, University of Hertfordshire, Insane Logic, MacIntyre, NOCN, Sahara Care, Fragile X Society, Choice Care Group, United Response, Motability, and more! Take part in interactive music workshops, promoting music as a way of developing social and communication skills. Sign-up on arrival for your confidential 1-2-1 health advice surgery appointment, designed for people with learning disabilities and family carers. And later in the day make sure you come along to the Comedy Corner! What attendees said at Learning Disability Today 2014: “Felt inspired about the work to people with learning disabilities in different aspects of their lives” “Enjoyed it; very glad I came. Motivated me” 12.451pm 1pm1.15 1.151.30 1.301.45 1.452pm 2pm2.15 2.152.30 2.453pm Promoting access to health care Sara Ryan, Senior Research Lead, Health Experiences Research Group, University of Oxford Dr Michael Gill, Medical Director, Health 1000: The Wellness Practice, Dagenham, Havering and Redbridge (NE London) Challenge Fund Pilot Jim Blair, Consultant Camilla Nurse Intellectual (Learning) Disabilities, Great Ormond Street Hospital Chaired by Simon Cramp, Member, Advisory Committee of the Learning Disability Alliance and Fellow, Centre of Welfare Reform the Care Act, the Children reforms Young People’s Programme Lead, NDTi Mental Health and Disability, Department of Think Local Act Personal Lead, People First England Learning Disability Today The benefits clinic Gary Vaux, Head of Money Advice Unit, Health and Community Services, Hertfordshire County Council Commissioning forum for outcomes based services Helen Toker-Lester, New Devon CCG and Devon County Council Dr Dominic Slowie, National Clinical Director for Learning Disability, NHS England The music box 2.302.45 Emma Lovell, Music Therapist, Specialist Learning Disabilities Service, Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust Alexia Quinn, Director, and Caroline Anderson, UK Research and Development, Music as Therapy International 3pm3.15 3.153.30 3.303.45 3.454pm Bingo Richard Hook, Digital Editor, Learning Disability Today Commissioning for housing: Developing person-centred housing options Alicia Wood, Chief Executive, Housing and Support Alliance Susannah Westwood, Director, Strategic Arc Whole lives: What professionals need to know to support families Jackie Edwards, Valuing People Family Carer Co-ordinator and Carer Support Worker, North Somerset Council Effective transition in practice Sam Prowse, Expert by Experience, Hertfordshire County Council Faith Walsh, Senior Community Learning Disability Nurse, Transition Team, Hertfordshire County Council Shara Watt, Team Manager, Transition Team, Hertfordshire County Council Comedy corner Lloyd Page, Volunteer, Programmes Team, External Relations and Communities, Mencap Programme is subject to change. Please refer to the website for regular updates. All delegates need to be over 18 years of age. Look for signs or ask a member of staff about the Quiet Room, where you can escape the crowds. “As a local authority learning disabilities team, we come to this event every year as part of a team building exercise. This has been extremely useful for us to pick up the latest ideas and is also a good opportunity to network and find out what services are out there.” Visitor to Learning Disability Today 2014 Interested in raising your profile to this audience? For tailored opportunities contact Ryszard on r.holowenko@pavpub.com 01273 434959 “Great opportunity for networking, excellent seminars/presentations” @PavilionLDT Learning Disability Today booking form Please use one of the following payment methods: 1. Call 01273 434943 and pay by credit card 2. Fax the completed form to 01273 227308 3. Book online at www.learningdisabilitytoday.co.uk/ ldt-event/home/ 4. Post the completed form to: FREEPOST RLUZ-ATEU-RYUZ, Pavilion, Rayford House, School Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 5HX n Please complete and return the form including all delegate details, using photocopies where necessary. This will allow quicker entrance to the event on the day. Your booking will be confirmed on receipt. Visitor badges and your preview pack will be sent to you in advance of the event. n Delegate details 1. Name Job title I would like to book _____ tickets @ £30 excluding VAT (£36) £ _________ Email Organisation n Total £ _________ 2. Name I am eligible for a free ticket I have a learning disability I am family carer I am a commissioner Job title I am a voluntary worker for people with a learning disability Email Address Organisation 3. Name Postcode Email Tel/Fax Job title Email (of person attending) Organisation Date 4. Name n Email Please debit my debit/credit card Job title for £ ______________ Visa/Barclaycard Visa/Delta Switch/Maestro Solo Electron Mastercard Card No: Security No: Valid from: Registered cardholder’s name Registered cardholder’s postcode Terms and conditions Issue no (Switch only): Expiry date: Organisation Signature n Payment by cheque I enclose a cheque for £ ______________ Make cheques payable to: Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd Please tick if you DO NOT wish to receive further information from Pavilion. We may also make your details available to carefully screened organisations working in the health and social care field. If you DO NOT wish to receive information from these companies, please tick here. n Please note that occasionally we might film, record or photograph all or part of our events. Footage, photography or audio may be broadcast after the event and used in a professional context. Cancellation and refund policy Pavilion does not refund payments made to exhibitions, but you can send someone else in your place. Payment Please note: we do not invoice. BACS payment available, details on request. Payment or proof of payment will be needed in advance of the event.