2002 Conference, Clearwater Beach, FL

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SCJA 2002 Annual Conference
SEPTEMBER 25-28, 2002
Clearwater Beach Hilton
Clearwater Beach, FL
(Room names included in parentheses)
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Wednesday September 25, 2002
9:00 Executive Board Meeting (Palm Board Room)
10:00 – 5:00
Exhibits Open (Mandalay)
10:00 – 11:15
Panel #1 Justice Southern Style: Woman Thou Shall Submit
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Chair, Etta F. Morgan, Pennsylvania State University – Harrisburg (Dolphin)
Robert T. Sigler, University of Alabama
“Forced Sexual Intercourse in Courtship Contexts: Testing a Preliminary
Etta F. Morgan, Pennsylvania State University – Harrisburg
“Gender and Language: Interpretations and Consequences”
Ida Johnson, University of Alabama
“The Effect of Alcohol on Victims’ Inhibitions and Responses”
Chadwick Shook, Bishop Law Firm, P.C., Henderson, TN
“Exactly What is Consent? A Review of Some Opinions from Southern
Appellate Courts.”
Toni DuPont-Morales, Penn State University-Harrisburg
"Sustaining the Submission"
Panel #2 You Suck! Hate, Hate Groups and the Criminal Justice Process
Chair, Alexis Miller, Middle Tennessee State University (Marlin)
Sharon Tracy, Georgia Southern University
“Hate and Bias Crime on a Southern University Campus”
Alexis Miller, Middle Tennessee State University
Robert Van Der Veld, Auburn University at Montgomery
“An Analysis of Training About Hate and Bias Crimes for Law Enforcement
11:30 – 12:45
Panel #3 Routine Activities and Governmental Involvement
Chair, Elizabeth Ehrhardt Mustaine, University of Central Florida (Dolphin)
Elizabeth Ehrhardt Mustaine, University of Central Florida
Jana L. Jasinski, University of Central Florida
“Criminal Victimization Risks and the Elderly: Assessing the Impact of
Lifestyle and Routine Activities”
Richard J. Brisson, III, University of Alabama at Birmingham
John J. Sloan, University of Alabama at Birmingham
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“The Effects of Personal Computer and Internet Usage on Crime Rates: A
Routine Activities Approach”
Terry L. Wells, Georgia College and State University
“Project Safe Neighborhoods: Intergovernmental Relationships from the
Bottom Up.”
Panel #4 Correctional Issues
Chair, Mark Lanier, University of Central Florida (Marlin)
Richard Tewksbury, University of Louisville
Kera Moseley, Baptist Community Ministries
“Sex and Drug Use Among Inmates: Predictors of High Risk Activities”
Mark M. Lanier, University of Central Florida
“Findings from the National Corrections Demonstration Project (CDP):
Florida Jail Data”
Peter B. Wood, Mississippi State University
R. Gregory Dunaway, Mississippi State University
Matthew R. Lee, Mississippi State University
“Does Prison Construction Generate Economic Development? The
Mississippi Case”
2:00 – 3:15
Roundtable #1 Terrorism in the Aftermath of 9/11 (Dolphin)
Joe Auten, North Carolina Justice Academy
Alexis Miller, Middle Tennessee State University
Bob Ruth, Davidson College
Panel #5 Criminal Justice and Hispanic Communities
Chair, M. L. Dantzker, University of Texas Pan American (Marlin)
Catherine E. Burton, Georgia Southern University
“Segregation and Crime: The Effect of Social Isolation on Latino Homicide
Camille Gibson, Prairie View A & M University
“Hispanic Interactions with, and Perceptions of, Law Enforcement”
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M.L. Dantzker, University of Texas Pan American
“Criminal Justice Experiences and Employment Goals of Hispanic Criminal
Justice Students: An Exploratory Examination”
3:30 – 5:30
Workshop #1 “Injustice: Southern Style”
Special video presentation and discussion of “Sentencing the
Victim” (Dolphin)
Amie Scheidegger, Charleston Southern University
Liz Oakley
Panel #6
TBA (Marlin)
7:00 – 9:00, Participant’s Reception (Flamingo Deck)
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Thursday September 26, 2002
9:00 – 5:00
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Exhibits Open (Mandalay)
9:00 – 10:15
Workshop #2 Research on Racial Profiling and Traffic Stop Practices:
What to Do, and What you Can Expect to Find (Dolphin)
Elizabeth Grossi, University of Louisville
Terry D. Edwards, University of Louisville
Gennaro F. Vito, University of Louisville
Angela D. West, University of Louisville
Panel #7 The Many Impacts of Literature on Crime and Justice
Chair, Matthew B. Robinson, Appalachian State University (Marlin)
Angel Dunlap, University of Southern Mississippi
“William B. Taylor’s Down on the Farm and David M. Oshinsky’s Worse
Than Slavery: Constructing a perspective on the Southern Correctional
Chester L. Quarles, University of Mississippi
"Bloodline Christianity and the Rise of Christian Militancy”
Matthew B. Robinson, Appalachian State University
“An Analysis of 2002 ACJS papers: What Members Presented About and
What They Ignored”
10:30 – 11:45
Panel #8 What’s Up with Southern Criminal Justice Students?
Chair, Philip E. Carlan, University of North Alabama (Dolphin)
Philip E. Carlan, University of North Alabama
Jerry L. DeGregory, University of North Alabama
“Educational Perceptions Among Alabama Police Officers: Do Experienced
Police Officers Value Their Criminal Justice Degrees?”
Christopher Hensley, Morehead State University
Richard Tewksbury, University of Louisville
Alexis Miller, Middle Tennessee State University
Mary Koscheski, Morehead State University
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“Criminal Justice and Non-Criminal Justice Students’ Views of U.S.
Correctional Issues”
Hill Harper, Valdosta State University
Thomas Sullenberger, Southeast Louisiana University
Robert Evans, Jacksonville State University
“Southern Criminal Justice Students’ Ranking of Seriousness of Crimes”
Panel #9 Assessing the Meaning and Value of Community Policing
Chair, Tom Barker, Eastern Kentucky University (Marlin)
Emma Jean Williams, Fayetteville State University
“Police/ Officer Attitude Surveys in Community Policing Organizations:
What Are They Really Telling Management?”
Shihlung Huant, Fayetteville State University
Sutham Cheurprakobkit, Kennesaw State University
"The Importance and Incorporation of Community Policing Characteristics
in America’s Mid-Size and Large Cities: Police Chiefs’ Views”
Chet Ballard and Rudy Prine, Valdosta State University
“Citizen Perceptions of Community Policing: Survey Results from 1998 to
2001, Thomasville, Georgia.”
Tom Barker, Eastern Kentucky University
John Durbin, Eastern Kentucky University
“Problem Oriented Rhetoric”
12:00 – 1:15
Panel #10 Leaders and Leadership in Criminal Justice
Chair, Risdon Slate, Florida Southern College (Dolphin)
Damon D. Camp, Georgia State University
Joe Auten, North Carolina Justice Academy
H. Todd Locklear, Oldsmar, FL
“Developing Competence, Confidence and Cooperation in Law
Enforcement Supervisors and Management”
Scott Cunningham, Tampa Police Department
“Building Research – Agency Partnerships”
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Mike Grabowski, Prairie View A & M University
“Bull Run to the Boardroom: Lessons in Leadership Through the Historical
Matthew B. Robinson, Appalachian State University
“An Obligation to Make a Difference in the Real World? Thoughts on the
Proper Role of Criminologists in the 21st Century”
Panel #11 Unique and Interesting Papers (Or, “Potpourri”)
Chair, Gordon Crews, Jacksonville State University (Marlin)
James Madden, Lake Superior State University
“Future Projections”
Margaret Vandiver, University of Memphis
“ ‘Hanged in Front of Pulpit’” The 1908 Triple Lynching in Lake County,
David Giacopassi, University of Memphis
Grant Stitt, University of Nevada, Reno
Mark Nichols, University of Nevada, Reno
“Are Casinos ‘Hot Spots’? An Analysis of Crime in Missouri Casinos”
2:00 – 3:00
FEATURED SPEAKER: Dr. R. Hugh Potter, Corrections and
Substance Abuse Unit,
Centers for Disease Control (Salon C)
“Correctional Health: Why Does it Matter?”
3:30 – 4:45
Panel #12 Considerations of Juveniles in Justice Processes
Chair, James Wells, Eastern Kentucky University (Dolphin)
James Wells, Eastern Kentucky University
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Betsy Matthews, Eastern Kentucky University
Earl Angel, Eastern Kentucky University
“Development of a Risk Assessment Instrument for the Kentucky
Department of Juvenile Justice Aftercare Services”
Adrien D. Clark, Prairie View A& M University
Ranyel L. Ozenne, Prairie View A & M University
“Is the Adult Court Process Effective in Trying Juvenile Crimes and Are
Adult Institutions Suitable Solutions for Juvenile Offenders”
Larry Stokes, Savannah State University
“Risky Behavior by Youth: Variations by Family Type”
Panel #13 Terrorism
Chair, Max Bromley, University of South Florida (Marlin)
Max Bromley, University of South Florida
“Evaluating Campus Security after September 11th: A Case Study”
Darin Walker, University of Southern Mississippi
Robert Moore, University of Southern Mississippi
“Stegonagraphy and its Application in Terrorist Activities”
Brooke Marsden, Murray State University
“The Middle East Conflict”
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Friday September 27, 2002
9:00 – 12:45, 2:30 – 5:00
Exhibits Open: 9:00 – 12:45, 2:30- 5:00 (Mandalay)
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9:00 – 10:15
Panel #14 The Future of Capital Punishment in the United States
Convener, Robert Bohm, University of Central Florida (Dolphin)
Michael Blankenship, Boise State University
Richard Janikowski, University of Memphis
Margaret Vandiver, University of Memphis
Gennaro F. Vito, University of Louisville
Panel #15 “Issues of Criminal Justice Staff”
Chair, James Wells, Eastern Kentucky University (Marlin)
James Wells, Eastern Kentucky University
“Predictors of Turnover among Staff in Juvenile Residential Facilities”
Stanley Swart, University of North Florida
“Black Staff in Juvenile Detention: Why?”
Carole Garrison, Eastern Kentucky University
Tom Barker, Eastern Kentucky University
Steve Heddleston, Eastern Kentucky University
“Comparative Trends in Police Corruption”
Panel #16 “Trying to Keep Kids From Being Bad”
Chair, Julie Kunselman, University of West Florida (Salon C)
Julie C. Kunselman, University of West Florida
Kimberly M. Tatum, University of West Florida
“Profiling Juvenile Arrestees in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties,
Julie C. Kunselman, University of West Florida
Allan Benjamin, University of West Florida
Julius Price, University of West Florida
“Implementing a Conflict Resolution/Peer Mediation Program in K-12
Through a Higher Education Partnership”
Charles O. Ochie, Sr., Albany State University
George Thomas, Albany State University
“The Role of Extracurricular Activities in Preventing Delinquency and
Substance Abuse among High School Students”
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10:30 – 11:30
SCJA Business Meeting (Salon C)
11:45 – 12:45
Heidi Hsai; U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Disproportionate
Minority Confinement Office (Dolphin)
1:00 –2:00
2:15 – 3:30
Panel #17 Death: Southern Style
Chair, Florence Ferguson, State University of West Georgia (Dolphin)
Etta F. Morgan, Pennsylvania State University – Harrisburg
“Justice Southern Style: Death at 16”
Toni DuPont-Morales, Pennsylvania State University- Harrisburg
Etta F. Morgan, Pennsylvania State University- Harrisburg
“Death Sentences in Alabama”
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Ida Johnson, University of Alabama
Etta F. Morgan, Pennsylvania State University- Harrisburg
“Justice Southern Style: We Execute Women – The Execution of Lynda
Chadwick L. Shook, Bishop Law Firm, P.C., Henderson, TN
“The Evolving Standards of Decency Strike Again: Atkins v. Virginia and its
Potential Ramifications”
Panel #18 A Potpourri of Interesting Legal Issues
Chair, Tad Hughes, University of Louisville (Marlin)
Darin Walker, University of Southern Mississippi
"The Legal Issues of Using the Internet to Purchase Goods from an
Embargoed Country”
Matthew B. Robinson, Appalachian State University
“What Were They Thinking? Re-Visiting Major Supreme Court Opinions
Regarding the Death Penalty”
Tad Hughes, University of Louisville
“ ‘You Just Say No’: Liberty, Civility, and Consent in U.S. v. Drayton”
Roundtable #2 Internships: What are the Objectives and How Best Can the
Discipline Meet Them? (Salon C)
Robert Jerin, Endicott College
Harry Porter
Julie Kunselman, University of West Florida
Kathrine Johnson, University of West Florida
Patricia Ryan-Ikegwuonu, Albany State University
Bob Ruth, Davidson College
3:45 – 5:00
Roundtable #3 Building a Dream Team: Undergraduate Student Interns in
Public Defender Offices (Salon C)
Convenors: Paul M. Lucko, Murray State University
Heather Perfetti, Murray State University
Tom Glover, Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy
Robin Irwin, Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy
Shane Beaubien, Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy
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Mollyanne Henshaw, Murray State University
Sabrina Eftink, Murray State University
Panel #19 Law Enforcement Values
Chair, Truc-Nhu Ho, North Carolina Central University (Dolphin)
Sutham Cheurprakobkit, Kennesaw State University
Wilson Huang, Valdosta State University
"An Analysis of Occupational Values of Police Officers: Survey Results of a
Mid-Size Police Department”
Jeffrey P. Rush, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Peter B. Symonds, Montgomery, Alabama
Samantha Prescott, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
“Promotional Considerations of Female Officers”
R. Alan Thompson, University of Southern Mississippi
Lisa S. Nored, University of Southern Mississippi
“Yarmulkes, Turbans and Scarves: Accommodating Religious Diversity
Among Criminal Justice Personnel”
Panel # 20 Drugs, Profiles and Criminal Justice Process
Chair, John Sloan, University of Alabama at Birmingham (Marlin)
John Sloan, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Jeff Rush, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
John Smykla, University of South Alabama
“A Pre-Post Evaluation of Juvenile Drug Court in Birmingham, Alabama”
R. Gregory Dunaway, Mississippi State University
Christopher Purser, Mississippi State University
Timothy Hayes, Mississippi State University
Ginger D. Stevenson, Mississippi State University
"Evaluating Mississippi’s Drug Court Program: Assessment of
Implementation and Initial Impact”
Kristin Bright, Chicago State University
Terry D. Edwards, University of Louisville
“Bias/Racial Profiling: Current Procedures, Policies and Practices at the
State Level”
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7:00 – 9:00
President’s Reception (Blue
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Saturday September 28, 2002
Registration Open: 9:00 – 11:00 (Mandalay)
9:00 – 11:00 Executive Board Meeting (Palm)
9:00 – 10:15
Panel #21 Media – Old and New – And Criminal Justice
Chair, Brian Payne, Old Dominion University (Dolphin)
Richard R. E. Kania, University of North Carolina at Pembroke
Lyuba Pervushina, Minsk Linguistics State University
“The Murder Mysteries of Margaret Truman”
Robert DeYoung, Forensic Recovery
‘Virtual-Reality: A Forensic Assessment Relating to Child Pornography in
the Prosecutorial/Defense Effort”
Brian K. Payne, Old Dominion University
Randy R. Gainey, Old Dominion University
“Electronic Monitoring and Newspaper Coverage in the National Press: A
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Content Analysis”
Panel #22 Technologies and Their Impact on Criminal Justice
Chair, Gene Stephens, University of South Carolina (Marlin)
Leo C. Downing, Jr., North Georgia College and State University
“Kreskin Meets Perry Mason: Hypnosis in the Courtroom”
Robert Moore, University of Southern Mississippi
“High Technology Crimes and Criminal Justice Curriculums: Are Graduates
Being Prepared for 21st Century High Tech Crimes?”
Gene Stephens, University of South Carolina
“Too Much High Tech / Too Little High Touch”
10:30 – 11:45
Panel #23 The Many Faces of Violence
Chair, Joyce Stephens (Dolphin)
Lisa S. Nored, University of Southern Mississippi
“Spousal Rape: History, Logic and Legal Implications”
John J. Vollmann, Jr., Florida Metropolitan University – Fort Lauderdale
“South Florida Justice, DNA and Homicide Investigations”
J.P. Guarino, Wilmington Police Department
Lynne L. Snowden, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
“Art Versus Violence: Comparing Tagger Crews to Gangs”
Roundtable #4 Issues in Police Administration; Post 9/11
Convenor, Gennaro F. Vito, University of Louisville (Marlin)
Ronald D. Hunter, State University of West Georgia
William Doerner, Florida State University
William F. Walsh, University of Louisville
Philip Turner, University of Louisville
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