BUS-1202 001 Course Outline Keppler winter 2013 for print

Course Number BUS-1202–761
Course Name: Introduction to Business II, Winter 2013
Instructor Information:
Instructor: Karen Keppler
Office: 3BC27
E-mail: k.keppler@uwinnipeg.ca
Office Hours: Tuesday, 2:30 to 5:30
Online Classroom: http://nexus.uwinnipeg.ca
Cell phone: 771-8828, 7 days, 9am to 9pm
Important Dates:
Mid Term Exam – February 11
Reading Week – February 18
Voluntary Withdrawal Date (without academic penalty): March 4
Assignment Dates: March 04 and March 25
Group Project Report: Week of April 1
Final Exam: 6:00 – 9:00 pm, April 8
Prerequisite Information* (This information can be found in the UW General calendar)
BUS-1201/3 (Introduction to Business I) with a minimum letter grade of C
*Make sure that you have the necessary prerequisite to take this course. If you have not
successfully completed the above listed courses, it is in your interest to go to student registration
office and officially drop the course. Otherwise, the registration office will do it on your behalf.
Course Objectives/Learning Outcomes
This course introduces basic terminology, concepts, theories and some qualitative and
quantitative analytic techniques of the most important functional areas in business such as
marketing, production, accounting, and financial management. Emphasis is placed on relating
course material to current events in the business world. Course delivery is primarily by lecture,
complemented by videos and is supported by Web CT. Restrictions: Students may not receive
credit for both this course and the former 81.1101/6.
Text Book/Reading Materials
Introduction to Business 2, Custom Publication for the University of Winnipeg
Selected Material from:
Business: Strategy, Development, Application First Edition; Author: Gary Bissonette
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Ryerson ISBN-13: 9781259031649
On line Business Simulation: Mike’s Bikes, cost to students of $50 / student
Course Materials will be available on Nexus.
Evaluation Criteria
Midterm Test
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Group Project
Participation in Discussions
Final Exam
20% (15% business report, 5% team presentation)
*Grades from the mid-term test totaling 30% of the total course grade will be available prior to
the Voluntary Withdrawal deadline of March 4, 2013
For any student who should miss the mid-term for exceptional circumstances, the weight of the
mid-term test will be added to the final examination (i.e. your final exam will now be worth
70%). Absence due to illness requires a medical certificate. If you miss the term test for nonlegitimate reasons, the missed test grade will automatically be zero. There will be NO make up
tests for the mid-term. The instructor must be advised within 7 calendar days of the test date
and receive suitable documentation within the same 7 day time frame.
All the knowledge and information necessary for successful completion of this course with a
high mark does not come from any one of lectures, assigned readings, or suggested assignments
alone. They are all an integral part of the course. The readings form the “backbone” of your
course knowledge. The lectures are designed to amplify, clarify and in some instances
supplement the readings.
1. Mid-term Test – The mid-term test is open book and online, and will contain a combination of
multiple choice, short answer or essay questions. The short-answer questions will require you to
understand and explain your answers using proper sentence and paragraph structures. As well,
the test could also contain some questions that require numerical analysis and case analysis. The
term test will be held in the classroom during class hours.
2. Group Project – Students will be assigned to work in a team of four to six students and operate
an online virtual business – Mike’s Bikes. The assignment of teams will be provided by the
instructor during the second week of classes. This project will be explained on Nexus and a team
leader will be chosen by each team to be the main contact with the instructor. A brief (3 - 5 page)
business report and 12 to 15 minute business presentation is required from each team. The
business presentation will be presented by teleconference beginning April 1, 2013. All groups
must submit their business report, a copy of their presentation and individual team contribution
form by email to the instructor in Nexus by April 1, 2013 regardless of their scheduled
presentation time. NO LATE PAPERS will be accepted. Assignments that are not submitted
on or before April 4th will receive a zero. Assignments must be typed, double-spaced, 8.5” by
11”, using 12-point Times New Roman font and be saved and submitted in Word format.
3. Final Exam – The final exam will be open book online and a combination of multiple-choice
short answers and long-answer questions. As well, the final exam will also include some
questions that require numerical and analytical analysis.
Online Requirements
Participation in weekly class discussions is mandatory. You will be given a question to discuss,
where you will contribute an answer to the discussion, and add replies to at least two other
classmates. If you participate in the weekly discussion by Sunday midnight each week, you can
get 10 marks for participation. If you miss one weekly discussion and participate in all the others,
you will get 9 marks for participation. The weekly discussion takes about an hour a week and it
constitutes part of the learning process, much the same as class interaction in a physical
classroom. This is not a difficult way to participate; as a matter of fact, it is fun!
Expectations/General Information
It is expected that students will read the chapter(s) of the textbook related to the particular
weekly lesson and discussion. You will find that this will facilitate the discussion and your
project. Students are responsible for any course-related announcements made on the site.
Governing Policies
It is your responsibility to be familiar with the information on Academic Regulations and Policies,
Section VII of the 2012-13 course calendar. This section covers classroom regulation, grading,
transcripts, challenge for credit, academic standing, student discipline (academic and nonacademic misconduct), appeals including grade appeals, University Policies and Codes, and
graduation. The delivery of this course is governed by these regulations and policies.
Students with documented disabilities requiring academic accommodations for tests/exams (e.g.,
private space) or during lectures/laboratories (e.g., access to volunteer note-takers) are
encouraged to contact the Coordinator of Disability Services (DS) at 786-9771 to discuss
appropriate options. Specific information about DS is available on-line at
http://www.uwinnipeg,ca/index/services-disability. All information about disability is
Topics to be covered, the last scheduled date for the course, the schedule for evaluation
exercises, the weighting of evaluation exercises and applicable late penalties for the evaluation
exercises cannot be changed without the unanimous written consent of all students enrolled in
the course.
Tentative Course Outline and Schedule
Schedule is subject to change at the option of the instructor.
Please note that it is possible that all topics listed on the outline may not be covered.
January 7
Lecture / discussion topic
Introduction to Course, Explanation of Group Project
Group Formation
Chapter 6
Mike’s Bikes Presentation, Formation of groups,
Business Strategy
January 21
Chapter 9
Mike’s Bikes Presentation, Formation of groups
Operations and Supply Chain Management
January 28
Chapter 10
February 4
Chapter 11
January 14
Production Operations Exercises
The Marketing Challenge
Understanding the Marketing Effort
Mid-Term Test (chapters 6, 9, 10, 11)
Reading Week
No Class This Week
Chapter 12
Cost Base analysis and Pricing
Assignment #1: Case for Discussion P. 345 - 349
March 4
Chapter 13
Introduction to Capital and Financial Markets
Assignment #1 Due March 4
March 18
Chapter 14
Understanding Financial Statements
Assignment #2: Case for Discussion Page 419 – 421
March 25
Chapter 15
Analyzing New Business Ventures
Review project parameters – how to write an effective business report and
give a business presentation
Assignment # 2 Due March 25
April 1
Mike’s Bikes Project presentations & Business Reports
April 8
Final Exam
6:00 to 9:00 pm, Online
February 11
February 18
February 25
Mike’s Bikes Project
The Mike’s Bikes Project – is an online computer simulation of the daily operations of a bicycle
manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer. Students work in pre-assigned teams and initiate a new business
project where they operate all aspects of the virtual business environment. During this time, the student
teams will experience and practice a variety of business skills including all of the following:
Students start as Advertising/Brand Managers of a Bicycle Manufacturing company and get
hands-on experience making Pricing, Marketing and Production decisions.
As each decision period progresses students will be given more control over their company,
becoming responsible for Distribution, Operations, Product Development, and Financial
Students analyze real financial reports and market data.
Formulate a comprehensive strategy, starting with a single product focus. As the simulation
progresses students can develop new products and release these into emerging markets
Students compete against others in their course in an online multiplayer environment. Mike’s
Bikes uses a dynamic marketplace so that students must analyze the changing market and
understand the needs of their customers, therefore reinforcing the importance of planning,
implementation and evaluation of strategy.
The instructor will assign student teams during the second week of classes. From this team, a team
leader will be identified that will be the main contact between the instructor and the other team members.
The simulation is available on line; students may access it from any computer anywhere. Team
passwords for access to the simulation will be provided once team assignments have been finalized.
The cost for the simulation is $50 / student payable to Mike’s Bikes with the set-up of the
Upon completion of this project, the student teams will conduct a 12 to 15 minute presentation and submit
a three page business report (on behalf of their team) to the instructor during their scheduled presentation
For further information, it is encouraged that all students visit the following website: