Globalization & Human Rights More genocide convictions emerged from the Rwandan crisis than from any other conflict of the 20th Century Week #6 Calendar: February 28-March 5 Sunday 28 Pizza & a Movie: Hotel Rwanda, 7:00 pm Monday March 1 B & E: Review movie Hotel Rwanda. Lecture: "Rwanda: Case Study in Genocide" HW—Finish Nuremberg paper Tuesday 2 B: Discuss Nuremberg papers. Continue Rwanda lecture. HW— 3.1 "A Summary of the Rwandan Genocide" Wednesday 3 Thursday 4 Friday 5 B: Class— Video: Ghosts of Rwanda HW—Study for quiz ____ E: Class— Video: Ghosts of Rwanda HW—Study for quiz B & E: Quiz. Video: Rwanda. HW: Atlas of Global Development Worksheet 4 E: Discuss Nuremberg papers. Continue Rwanda lecture. HW— 3.1 "A Summary of the Rwandan Genocide" Monday, March 1 B & E: Review movie Hotel Rwanda. Lecture: "Rwanda: Case Study in Genocide" HW—Finish Nuremberg paper Tuesday, March 2 B: Discuss Nuremberg papers. Continue Rwanda lecture. HW— 3.1 "A Summary of the Rwandan Genocide" Wednesday, March 3 B: Class— Video: Ghosts of Rwanda HW—Study for quiz E: Discuss Nuremberg papers. Continue Rwanda lecture. HW— 3.1 "A Summary of the Rwandan Genocide" Thursday, March 4 E: Class—Video: Ghosts of Rwanda HW—Study for quiz Friday, March 5 B & E: Quiz. Video: Rwanda. HW: Atlas of Global Development Worksheet 4 Saturday 6