Home Wound Care Instructions

 Mark A. Healey, M.D. Brenda J. Healey, M.D. Home Wound Care Instructions: Open Wounds You have an open wound that we were unable to close with sutures. The plan is to allow the wound to heal slowly from the bottom up. It will take weeks or even months depending on the size of the wound. The daily placement of fabric in the wound removes infected or unwanted tissue and fluid and allows the healthy tissues to grow faster. You will be instructed in what type of material to use to fill up the wound cavity. Filling the wound cavity is called “packing” the wound. 1. Once per day, remove the old packing and place a similar length piece of gauze in the defect. 2. Apply a dry gauze over top and tape it in place. 3. You are able to shower using one of the following two methods: a. You can shower with the dressing in place and then do a dressing change (i.e. replace the packing in the wound, the dry dressing, and the tape over top). OR b. You can remove the dressing and packing before your shower. It is okay to get soap and water in the hole. Do a new packing and dressing after your shower. 4. Eventually, the wound will become too shallow and the packing won’t stay in the cavity. At this point, stop packing the wound and simply put antibiotic ointment (e.g. Bacitracin, Polysporin – available without a prescription) on the remaining defect and a dry dressing or BandAid over it. 5. Continue this daily until the wound closes up (i.e. the skin grows over the defect). 6. I will see you weekly until the wound closes. 7. You should call the office at (802) 658-­‐5600 before your scheduled follow-­‐up if you develop signs of increasing infection such as fever, increased wound swelling or redness, increased pus, or other unexpected changes. Please call the office with any questions or concerns. Mountainview Surgery 308 Blakely Road Colchester, VT 05446 (802) 658-­‐5600 Mark A. Healey, M.D. Brenda J. Healey, M.D. Wound Care Supplies _______ ¼ inch Iodoform Gauze _______ ½ inch Iodoform Gauze _____ Sterile 2x2 Gauze _____ Nonsterile 4x4 Gauze Durapore Tape: _____ 1 inch _____ 2 inch Medipore Tape: _____ 2 inch _____ 4 inch Elastic Bandage _____ 2 inch _____ 3 inch _____ 4 inch _____ 6 inch Kerlex ____ 2 inch ____ 3 inch _____ 4 inch Tegaderm ___ 4 x 4 ¾ inches _____ 2 ⅜ x 2 ¾ inches Duoderm _____ 4x4 _____ Cotton Tipped Applicators Please note that all of these supplies are available at the following locations: Rite-­‐Aid Pharmacy on Prim Road in Colchester Price Chopper Pharmacy on Shelburne Road in South Burlington Please call the office with any questions or concerns. Mountainview Surgery 308 Blakely Road Colchester, VT 05446 (802) 658-­‐5600 