7KHFRQVHTXHQFHVRIHYROXWLRQDU\DGDSWDWLRQRQWKH VXOIXULVRWRSHIUDFWLRQDWLRQRIVXOIDWHUHGXFLQJ PLFURRUJDQLVPV $QGUp3HOOHULQ Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences McGill University Montréal, Québec August, 2014 A thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy © André Pellerin, 2014 Table of contents $EVWUDFW 1 5pVXPp 3 $FNQRZOHGJHPHQWV 5 Preface & contributions of authors 7 Introduction 9 Paper 1: 0DVVGHSHQGHQWVXOIXULVRWRSHIUDFWLRQDWLRQGXULQJ UHR[LGDWLYHVXOIXUF\FOLQJ$FDVHVWXG\IURP0DQJURYH/DNH%HUPXGD Connection1 49 Paper 2: Evolutionary adaptation of a sulfate reducing bacterium and its sulfur isotope phenotype 5 Paper 2 Appendix 8 Connection 2 10 Paper 3: Evolutionary response of S isotope fractionation is predicted by phenotypic plasticity 10 Paper 3 Appendix 12 Conclusion 14 Abstract Sulfur metabolisms leave behind a record of their activity in the sulfur they utilize. This thesis seeks to advance our understanding of some of these processes with a particular focus on dissimilatory sulfate reduction. The multiple sulfur isotope composition of two porewater sulfate profiles in the anoxic marine sapropel of Mangrove Lake, Bermuda was investigated. The porewater sulfate profiles exhibit the distinct isotopic signatures of microbial sulfate reduction and sulfur reoxidation which simple diagenetic models can reproduce. The reoxidative cycle includes sulfide oxidation to elemental sulfur followed by the disproportionation of the elemental sulfur to sulfate and sulfide, and this process turns over from 50 to 80% of the sulfide produced by sulfate reduction. We suggest that the reoxidative S cycle in any environment can best be identified within two regions of the multiple sulfur isotope fractionation spectrum. Paper 1 is titled Mass-dependent sulfur isotope fractionation during reoxidative sulfur cycling: A case study from Mangrove Lake, Bermuda. The process of evolutionary adaptation has largely been assumed inconsequential on the sulfur isotopic fractionation produced during dissimilatory sulfate reduction and recorded in the isotope rock record. Yet, the diversity of sulfur isotope phenotypes displayed by species of sulfate reducing microorganisms isolated from modern environments amounts to strong evidence that evolutionary adaptation does matter. If this is the case, important information about the evolutionary history of DSR may be preserved in the rock record. However, the relationship between evolutionary adaptation and isotope phenotype is unexplored. To begin addressing this gap in knowledge, the impact of evolutionary adaptation on the fitness and sulfur isotopic phenotype of the dissimilatory sulfate reducer Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough (DvH) was investigated. The increases in fitness that were observed did not result in a change of the isotope phenotype. At least in the conditions of the experiment this result indicates that the isotope phenotype is not very sensitive to evolutionary adaptation on the hundreds of generations timescale. This suggests that lengthier timescales are necessary for evolutionary-driven divergence of the isotope phenotype. Paper 2 is titled Evolutionary adaptation of a sulfate reducing bacterium and its sulfur isotope phenotype. To address the issues raised in paper 2, pure cultures of Desulfomicrobium baculatm were evolved in batch culture for 300 generations. A greater than twofold increase in growth rate over the course of the experiment was measured as well as a change in isotope phenotype (34İ ) from 15 to 12 ‰. The response of 34İ to evolutionary adaptation resembles in some ways the isotopic response of physiological adaptations to changing environmental conditions. While in the narrow context of the environment where the evolutionary adaptation took place, the change in isotope phenotype is incontestable, it remains to be seen if this difference in isotope phenotype is maintained across different growth environments. Paper 3 is titled Evolutionary response of S isotope fractionation is predicted by phenotypic plasticity Résumé L’évidence des processus biogéochimiques qui utilisent le soufre dans leur métabolisme est préservée dans les signatures isotopiques du soufre. Cette thèse tente de mieux comprendre certains de ces processus. La composition isotopique multiple du soufre dans les sulfates des eaux interstitielles des sédiments de Mangrove Lake Bermuda sont l’objet de la première section de cette thèse. Le sulfate dans ces eaux a la signature isotopique diagnostique de l’effet combinée de la sulfato réduction et de la réoxidation. Ces processus peuvent êtres reproduits par de simple modèles diagénétiques. Le cycle du soufre dans les sédiments de Mangrove Lake comprend un composant d’oxidation du sulfure en soufre élémentaire suivie par la disproportionation en sulfure et sulfate. Ces processus vont recycler jusqu’à 50 a 80% du soufre passant par la sulfato réduction. Nous suggérons que le cycle du soufre peut être facilement identifié dans deux regions du spectrum des isotopes multiples du soufre. Le premier article est intitulé Mass dependent sulfur isotope fractionation during reoxidative sulfur cycling: A case study from Mangrove Lake, Bermuda. Le processus d’évolution a largement été assumé comme sans consequences sur le fractionnement isotopique produit par la sulfato reduction et preservé dans les sediments. Par contre, la diversité des phénotypes d’isotopes du soufre des différentes espèces capables de faire la sulfato réduction semblen sugéré que effectivement, l’évolution a un impact sur le phénotype isotopique. Si ceci est vrai, de l’information important à propos de l’histoire évolutionnaire de la sulfato reduction est peut etre preserve dans les sediments. Par contre la relation entre l’adaptation évolutive et le phenotype isotopique n’est pas documentée. Pour addresser cette lacune de connaissances, l’impact de l’adaptation évolutive sur le phenotype isotopique de la bacteria sulfato réductrice Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough (DvH) a été mesurée. Des augmentations de l’aptitude évolutive de DvH ont été mesurées mais n’ont pas été corrélés avec des changements dans le phenotype isotopique. Dans les conditions de croissance de l’expérience, le phenotype isotopique ne semble pas être très sensible à l’adaptation évolutive sur l’échelle des centaines de générations. Ceci suggère qu’ il est nécessaire d’avoir de plus longues échelles de temps pour que la divergence évolutive ait un impact sur le phénotype isotopique. Le deuxième article est intitulé Evolutionary adaptation of a sulfate reducing bacterium and its sulfur isotope phenotype. Pour tenter de documenter la réponse évolutive du phénotype isotopique, une experience d’évolution avec une espèce (Desulfomicrobium baculatm) ayant un taux de croissance plus lent fût entrepris pour 300 générations. Un doublement du taux de croissance fût observer pendant l’expérience ainsi qu’un changement du phenotype isotopique (34İ ) de 15 à 12 ‰. La réponse évolutive de l’adaptation semble ressembler à la réponse isotopique d’un changement des conditions environnementales sur une population à court terme. Malgré que dans le context restraint de l’expérience évolutive, un changement du phénotype isotopique n’est pas contestable, il reste à voir dans d’autre conditions environnmentales ce changement de phénotype isotopique serait toujours évident. Le troisième article s’intitule Evolutionary response of S isotope fractionation is predicted by phenotypic plasticity Acknowledgements This thesis is the result of almost five years of research which I undertook at McGill University in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. My thesis advisor, Boswell Wing, is the one who got me interested in microbial experimental evolution and who convinced me that indeed, the questions I attempt to answer in this thesis would be worth four five years of my life. Boz agreed to support the experimental work and forced me - sometimes kicking and screaming – to focus on the bigger picture, think outside the box and go wherever was needed in order to find the solutions to scientific or experimental problems. His insistence on having a broad perspective but precisely defining questions and ensuring that they are answered in a natural and logical manner allows his students to tackle high impact scientific concepts in a successful manner. Boz has played an instrumental role in my development as a scientist and I thank him for being my mentor over these last few years. I would also like to acknowledge the co-authors of the multiple manuscripts which resulted from this thesis. Grant 0Zane, Judy 'Wall, Lyle Whyte, Mikaella Rough, Alfonso Mucci, Donald E. Canfield, Thi Hao Bui and Luke Anderson-Trocme. Many people who contributed to this research in some way or another will unfortunately only be acknowledged here. I am nonetheless grateful for their contributions to this project. Despite the overwhelming difficulties we were experiencing with method development Rebecca Austin forced me continue experimenting with our qPCR assay which eventually produced very precise measurements of fitness we present in this thesis. I also thank Nadia Mykycuk for accepting to help us with the early training and development on this matter. I am grateful to Emma Wall for accepting to wash all those bottles in the lab and to Charles Kosman who found that equivalence in the calculations of fitness which made everything so much simpler. I would like to thank Jesse Coangelo-Lillis for his critical comments and reviews of my manuscripts without which reviewers would have shuddered at sentence structure. Sincere thanks are due to Thi Hao Bui for her positive attitude and willingness to help with laboratory work as well as for having in her memory all calculus shortcuts. I am grateful to Grant Cox for his camaraderie throughout the more than three years we overlapped at McGill University and his ability to accept and adapt stories to constantly changing facts. I thank Galen Halverson for his unfounded faith in my abilities as a geoscientist and for the passion he so successfully conveys with all things that got deposited by gravity before he was born. I’d also like to thank Graham Bell, Andrew Hynes and Gordon Southam for providing support in some way or another during these last five years. Thank you to the entire PROPS group past and present including Marcus Kunzmann, Emma Bertran, Kristyn Rodziniak, Matt Hryciuk, Thomas McGuire, Peter Crockford, John Prince and Clint Scott for providing support in some way or another during these last five years. All of this would have been much, much more difficult without the administrative staff of McGill EPS, namely Anne Kosowski, Brigitte Dionne, Nancy Secondo, Angela diNinno, Brandon Bray and Kristy Thornton. I would like to thank my parents Doniald and Lorraine Pellerin for their patience, unconditional support and encouragement throughout these last five years and for teaching me early on the skills necessary to persevere until objectives are attained. Finally, a sincere thanks is due to my better half, Elyse Bustros-Lussier who is a loving and understanding companion without which none of this would have been possible. Elyse encouraged me to make the leap and undertake this doctorate and remained supportive throughout these five years despite my nights and weekends in the lab, my constantly open computer, frequent absences as well all the other demands of academia. She seems to make the most out of all opportunities and even found a way to get us a small family out of this gig. Thank you. This thesis was financially supported by a NSERC CGS grant as well as the NSERC CREATE Canadian Astrobiology Research Program. Preface & contributions of authors The core of this thesis consists of three papers with multiple authors as contributors. Each manuscript has original contributions to knowledge. Paper 1 is titled 0DVVGHSHQGHQW VXOIXU LVRWRSH IUDFWLRQDWLRQ GXULQJ UHR[LGDWLYH VXOIXU F\FOLQJ$FDVHVWXG\IURP0DQJURYH/DNH%HUPXGD and authored by André Pellerin, Thi Hao Bui, Mikaella Rough, Alfonso Mucci, Donald Canfield and Boswell Wing. It was DFFHSWHG LQ the journal Geochimica & Cosmochimica Acta. The original contributions to knowledge in this manuscript consist of a revised estimate of the reoxidative cycle in Mangrove Lake based on the multiple sulfur isotopes of porewater sulfates. By doing so, this manuscript identifies key regions in multiple sulfur isotope space where the reoxidative cycle can be differentiated from sulfate reduction. Within these boundaries, the methodology elaborated in Mangrove Lake can be applied to estimate the magnitude of the reoxidative cycle in sediments and hopefully will be taken up by the community as a tool to do so. André Pellerin analyzed and interpreted the data, built the model and wrote the manuscript. Thi Hao Bui provided assistance in building the model. Mikaella Rough converted the porewater sulfates to silver sulfide and determined porewater sulfate concentrations. Alfonso Mucci and Donald Canfield sampled the core at Mangrove Lake and provided input in the manuscript during the late stages. Boswell Wing contributed equally with André Pellerin in building the models and provided input in the manuscript throughout its production. Paper 2 is titled Evolutionary adaptation of a sulfate reducing bacterium and its sulfur isotope phenotype and authored by André Pellerin, Boswell Wing, Luke Anderson-Trocme, Lyle Whyte, Judy Wall, and Grant Zane. It DFFHSWHG IRU SXEOLFDWLRQ LQ the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology. This manuscript contains the first experiments investigating the relationship between evolutionary adaptation and the sulfur isotope phenotype of microorganisms capable of dissimilatory sulfate reduction. They are significant and original contributions to knowledge because they provide empirical evidence for a low sensitivity of the isotope phenotype to evolutionary adaptation at high growth rates. Also, in the methodology developed for these experiments is a novel, high-sensitivity approach to quantifying fitness in evolution experiments with anaerobic microorganisms. André Pellerin performed the laboratory experiments, interpreted the results and wrote the manuscript. Boswell Wing supervised the project from the design of the experiments to the interpretation of the results and provided comments on the manuscript. Luke Anderson-Trocme performed the laboratory work for the 16S contamination assay as well as for the genetic investigation of respiration genes. Lyle Whyte provided access to facilities for microbiology. Judy Wall and Grant Zane provided the strain DVU 0600 which was utilized to measure fitness in this study. Paper 3 is titled Evolutionary response of S isotope fractionation is predicted by phenotypic plasticity and authored by André Pellerin, Luke Anderson-Trocme and Boswell Wing. It is to be submitted to the journal Earth and Planetary Science letters. This manuscript contains the first empirical evidence demonstrating a relationship between evolutionary adaptation and the sulfur isotope phenotype. This is an important contribution to knowledge because it enables the interpretation of sulfur isotope signatures in an evolutionary context. It establishes the behaviour of the isotope phenotype in the face of evolutionary adaptation in a constant environment at relatively low growth rate. It also provides a timescale upon which evolutionary adaptation can affect the isotope phenotype. André Pellerin performed the laboratory experiments, interpreted the results and wrote the manuscript. Luke Anderson-Trocme performed the laboratory work for the 16S contamination assays as well as for the genetic investigation of respiration genes. Boswell Wing supervised the project from the design of the experiments to the interpretation of the results and provided comments on the manuscript. André Pellerin is responsible for the full content of the thesis. Introduction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+DQVHQ -: %DN ) %DFWHULDO GLVSURSRUWLRQDWLRQ RI HOHPHQWDO VXOIXU FRXSOHG WR FKHPLFDO UHGXFWLRQ RI LURQ RU PDQJDQHVH $SSOLHG DQG (QYLURQPHQWDO0LFURELRORJ\ 7KDPGUXS % )RVVLQJ + -¡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aper 1 : 0DVVGHSHQGHQWVXOIXU LVRWRSHIUDFWLRQDWLRQGXULQJ UHR[LGDWLYHVXOIXUF\FOLQJ$FDVH VWXG\IURP0DQJURYH/DNH%HUPXGD Mass-dependent sulfur isotope fractionation during reoxidative sulfur cycling: A case study from Mangrove Lake, Bermuda André Pellerin1, Thi Hao Bui1, Mikaella Rough1, Alfonso Mucci1, Donald E. Canfield2 and Boswell A. Wing1 [1] Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and GEOTOP, McGill University, 3450 University Street, Montréal, Canada, H3A 2A7 [2] Institute of Biological Sciences, Odense University, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M, Denmark Correspondance to: André Pellerin (andrepellerin@gmail.com) Abstract The multiple sulfur isotope composition of porewater sulfate from the anoxic marine sapropel of Mangrove Lake, Bermuda was measured in order to establish how multiple sulfur isotopes are fractionated during reoxidative sulfur cycling. The porewater-sulfate G34S and ѐ33S dataset exhibits the distinct isotopic signatures of microbial sulfate reduction and sulfur reoxidation. We reproduced the measurements with a simple diagenetic model that yielded fractionation factors for net sulfate removal of between -29.2 and -32.5‰. A new approach to isotopic modelling of the sulfate profiles, informed by the chemistry of sulfur intermediate compounds in Mangrove Lake, reveals that sulfate reduction produces a relatively small intrinsic fractionation and that an active reoxidative sulfur cycle increases the fractionation of the measured values. Based on the model results, the reoxidative cycle of Mangrove Lake appears to include sulfide oxidation to elemental sulfur followed by the disproportionation of the elemental sulfur to sulfate and sulfide. This model also indicates that the reoxidative sulfur cycle of Mangrove Lake turns over from 50 to 80% of the sulfide produced by microbial sulfate reduction. The Mangrove Lake case study shows how sulfur isotope fractionations can be separated into three different “domains” in '33S-G34S space based on their ability to resolve reductive and reoxidative sulfur transformations. The first domain that differentiates reductive and reoxidative sulfur cycling is well illustrated by previous studies and requires 34S-32S fractionations more negative than у-70‰, beyond the fractionation limit of microbial sulfate reduction at earth surface temperatures. The second domain that distinguishes reductive and reoxidative processes is between 34S-32S fractionations of -40 ‰ and 0‰, where the 33S-32S fractionations of sulfate reduction and reoxidation are significantly different. In the remaining domain (between 34S-32S fractionations -70‰ and -40‰), the similarity of the multiple sulfur isotope signals from microbial sulfate reduction and disproportionation means that the two processes cannot be discriminated from each other. 1. Introduction Reoxidative sulfur (S) cycling converts the waste product of microbial sulfate reduction – aqueous sulfide – to S compounds of higher oxidation states. With the possible exception of reactive Fe-rich sediments (e.g., (Gagnon et al., 1995; Lefort et al., 2012), sulfide oxidation is an important control on the electron budget of marine sediments since a small fraction of the aqueous sulfide produced by sulfate reduction is trapped as metal sulfides and buried, while the rest is ultimately recycled back to the porewater sulfate pool (80-95%, (Canfield and Teske, 1996; Diaz et al., 2012; Jørgensen and Nelson, 2004). Although the biogeochemical reactions responsible for sulfide oxidation are complex, rapid, difficult to observe, and often interrelated (Aller et al., 2010; Canfield and Thamdrup, 1994; Canfield, 2001; Canfield et al., 1993; Howarth and Jørgensen, 1984; Kühl and Jørgensen, 1992; Werne et al., 2008), they can broadly be grouped into overall pathways in which disproportionation plays a major role, and those where sulfide is more completely oxidized to sulfate (Jørgensen and Nelson, 2004). Microbial sulfate reduction, sulfide oxidation, and S disproportionation all produce characteristic relationships between 33S-32S and 34S-32S ratios of their respective products and reactants (Farquhar et al., 2007; Johnston et al., 2005; Zerkle et al., 2009). As a result, multiple S isotopes can be used to differentiate among a variety of biogeochemical S pathways, even if the associated 34S-32S fractionations alone are not diagnostic. Within this framework, for example, multiple S-isotope measurements in ancient sulfates seem to reflect the early initiation of global microbial S disproportionation over 1.8 billion years ago (Johnston et al., 2005). Likewise, a multiple S isotope approach suggests that microbial sulfate reduction alone accounts for the S-isotope systematics in the water column of euxinic Lake Cadagno, Switzerland (Canfield et al., 2010) whereas the relative roles of reduction and reoxidation on the isotopic signature of dissolved S compounds are ambiguous in Baltic Sea sediments (Strauss et al., 2012). Importantly, multiple S-isotope measurements can also provide quantitative constraints on the relative influence of reduction and reoxidation; reaction-diffusion modeling of 33S-32S and 34S-32S ratios in water column sulfide of euxinic Green Lake, NY suggests disproportionation rates that are roughly 3050% of the sulfate reduction rates (Zerkle et al., 2010). In Mangrove Lake, a thin layer of oxic marine surface waters overlies many meters of organic carbonand sulfide-rich sediments that are iron- and manganese-poor (Boudreau et al., 1992; Canfield et al., 1998a; Knicker and Hatcher, 2001). Given the dearth of alternate electron acceptors, the marine sapropels of Mangrove Lake distinguish themselves from typical marine sediments in which a multi-step redox ladder separates oxygen-bearing from sulfidic porewaters. Biogeochemical studies have broadly constrained the S cycle in the upper sediments at Mangrove Lake and infer that it is controlled primarily by microbial sulfate reduction in the sulfidic porewaters (Boudreau et al., 1992; Canfield et al., 1998a). Stoichiometric mass balance suggests that the majority of the sulfide so produced diffuses to the sediment surface (Boudreau et al., 1992), where it can locally support sulfide-oxidizing mats of Beggiota. The distribution of 34S-32S ratios among various S pools indicates that a small fraction of the sulfide is also sequestered as organic S (Boudreau et al., 1992; Canfield et al., 1998a). Whereas budgets based on 34 S-32S ratios and total S imply that a reductive pathway dominates S cycling in the sulfidic sediments of Mangrove Lake, minor S isotopes offer an independent way to validate this conclusion and to identify where and how sulfide reoxidation might take place. This study presents a new dataset of the multiple S isotope composition of sulfate in porewaters from Mangrove Lake sediments. When interpreted with a model developed here for multiple S-isotope fractionation during S reoxidation, this dataset constrains both the intrinsic S-isotope fractionation associated with microbial sulfate reduction at Mangrove Lake, as well as the relative magnitude of the reoxidative S flux. These results highlight how multiple Sisotope measurements of porewater sulfate can provide a discriminating record of S reoxidation that complements those based on 34 S-32S measurements of porewater sulfide organic and mineral sedimentary sulfur fractions. A potentially powerful characteristic of the approach described here is that it can be applied to samples obtained from porewater profiles, independent of experimental manipulation to stimulate or monitor S reoxidation. The method can also be applied to archived samples, enabling historical records to be developed for processes – like the relative rate of S oxidation – that are typically only accessible in the present day through innovative reoxidation experiments. It can be used to study S cycling in other sedimentary systems, keeping in mind that it only provides diagnostic results in specific domains of multiple S-isotope space. 2. Methods 2.1 Site description and sampling Mangrove Lake, Bermuda is an approximately 300m by 400m interdune waterbody, connected to the ocean through fissures and fractures in the calcareous bedrock. The sediment-water interface is found 50 to 100 cm below the water surface (Boudreau et al., 1992). The lake is filled with a stratified sapropel capped by a 0-20cm layer in which the sediment is well mixed (Boudreau et al., 1992; Canfield et al., 1998a). Within this mixed layer, 210Pb activity (Boudreau et al., 1992), porewater sulfate concentrations, and the sulfate S-isotope compositions are invariant and the latter two are typical of seawater (Canfield et al., 1998a). Below this layer, sulfate concentrations decrease and porewaters eventually become sulfidic with maximum measured sulfide concentrations of 12-17 mM (Boudreau et al., 1992; Canfield et al., 1998a). The mixed layer and upper stratified layer host abundant purple and green phototrophic sulfur bacteria that persist down to 30cm below sediment-water interface (Stolz, 1991). The organic carbon content of the sediments ranges between 33% and 47% dry weight with little variation with depth over the sampling interval (Boudreau et al., 1992). In contrast, iron concentrations in the solid sedimentsare very low and register a slight increase of 0.34% to 0.55% dry weight from 5 cm to 45 cm depth (Boudreau et al., 1992). Porewater Fe and Mn concentrations do not exceed, respectively, 10 PM and 0.5 PM (Boudreau et al., 1992). Two sediment cores of approximately 60cm in length were collected in 5.5 cm inner diameter Plexiglas tubes at nearly the same location on August 2nd and August 4th, 1992 during the sampling campaign reported in (Boudreau et al., 1992). We refer to these as core 1 (2/08/92) and core 2 (4/08/92). Holes were predrilled in the tubes at 2.5 cm intervals and covered with electrical tape. Sediment was withdrawn sequentially from the surface into 60 mL plastic syringes after puncturing the tape. The tape acted as a gasket so that no air was drawn into the syringe with the sediment. The filled syringes were then taken to the Bermuda Biological Station where their content was transferred to Reeburgh-type squeezers (Reeburgh, 1967) in a N 2 –filled glove bag. Porewaters were extracted under 275 kPa of nitrogen pressure and filtered simultaneously through a glass-fiber filter and a 0.45µm Millipore filter (type MA) as they passed directly into a pre-washed 60 mL plastic syringe without atmospheric contact. The filtered porewaters were transferred to a plastic screw-top test tube, purged with a stream of N 2 and acidified with a few drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid to exsolve the dissolved sulfide. These acidic, H 2 S-free porewaters were stored in a refrigerator until the dissolved sulfate was precipitated as BaSO 4 . 2.2 Sulfate concentrations A barium chloride solution (10% w/w) was added to the H 2 S-free porewater samples. They were then gently heated to ~50 °C overnight to quantitatively precipitate dissolved sulfate as barium sulfate. The barium sulfate precipitate was filtered from the solution, dried, and weighed to determine porewater sulfate concentrations gravimetrically. International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean (IAPSO) standard seawater ([SO 4 2-] = 28 mM) was used as a control and repeated measurements of this standard yielded a relative reproducibility of 5%. 2.3 Sulfur isotope analyses Sulfate was reduced to sulfide by reacting ~10 mg of BaSO 4 with 15 mL of Thode solution (mixture of (32:15:53) HI, H 3 PO 2 and HCl) at 100 oC under a stream of pure N 2 for 90 minutes (Thode et al., 1961). The N 2 carried the generated H 2 S through a zinc acetate solution, which quantitatively precipitated the H 2 S as ZnS. A few drops of silver nitrate (0.1 N) were added to the zinc acetate solution to convert the ZnS to Ag 2 S. This reaction was carried out overnight in the dark. The Ag 2 S was then separated from the solution by filtration on a 0.2µm membrane filter, rinsed with a few millilitres of ammonium hydroxide and three times with Milli-Q water, scraped from the filter, and dried for > 24 hrs at 50 oC. The samples were then weighed to evaluate the efficiency of the recovery process relative to the starting amounts of BaSO 4 . Typical recoveries were >90% S. We view these as acceptable recoveries given the potential losses in manipulating such small quantities of solids. The Ag 2 S was reacted in the presence of excess fluorine gas for 12 hours in a Ni reaction vessel heated to 250 oC. The SF 6 generated by the reaction was first purified by removing non-condensable byproducts of the reaction by cryo-separation at -120 °C. A second purification was carried out by passing the SF 6 through two GC columns (~2m Haysep Q and ~2m Molsieve 5A) with ultrapure He as the carrier gas at a rate of 20 ml/min. The SF 6 peak was isolated from residual contaminants and the carrier gas by trapping the SF 6 on a cold finger at -192 oC as the carrier gas was pumped out. The isotopic composition of the purified SF 6 was then determined on a ThermoElectron MAT 253 dual Inlet isotope ratio mass spectrometer in the Stable Isotope Laboratory of the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department at McGill University. 2.4 Isotope notation Isotopic compositions are reported using the delta notation: (1) ଷ ܴ ௦ ߜ ଷܵ = ቆ ଷ െ 1ቇ × 1000 ܴ ି் where 3iR = 3iS/32S, i is 3 or 4 and V-CDT refers to the Vienna-Cañon Diablo Troilite international reference scale. On the V-CDT scale, the ɷ34S value of the Ag 2 S reference material, IAEA-S-1, is defined as -0.3‰ (Ding et al., 2001). The uncertainty on the measured G34S values is less than ±0.2‰. The capital delta notation is used to report deviations among the fractionation relationships of 33S-32S and 34S-32S ratios. (2) .ହଵହ ߜ ଷସܵ ο ܵ = ߜ S െ 1000 × ൭ቆ1 + ቇ 1000 ଷଷ ଷଷ െ 1൱ (Farquhar et al., 2000; Hulston and Thode, 1965)͘tĞƚĂŬĞƚŚĞȴ33S value of IAEA-S-1 to be 0.094‰ VCDT. dŚĞƵŶĐĞƌƚĂŝŶƚLJŽŶƚŚĞŵĞĂƐƵƌĞĚȴ33S values is less than ±0.01‰. 3. Results 3.1 Porewater sulfate concentration profile Both cores show similar exponential decreases in sulfate concentrations with depth below the surface mixed layer (around 10 cm) of the sediment (Figure 1). At depth, sulfate concentrations decreased to <1.5 mM, corresponding to the detection limit of our gravimetric technique. The only significant difference between the two profiles was how rapidly the sulfate concentration decreased with depth. Core 1 reached [SO 4 2-] <1.5 mM at 45 cm depth whereas, in core 2, it reached this concentration at a depth of 64 cm (Figure 1). The results are comparable to porewater sulfate profiles reported in previous studies on Mangrove Lake (Boudreau et al., 1992; Canfield et al., 1998a), indicating that long-term storage and handling of our samples did not affect the results. 3.2 Porewater sulfate ɷ34S profile The surface mixed layer of the sediment is characterized by ɷ34S values near that of seawater sulfate (20‰). Core 1 shows a largely linear enrichment in ɷ34S values from 23.7‰ at 7.0cm to 61.8‰ at 28.0cm, at which point isotopic measurements were impossible to perform due to low sulfate concentrations (Figure 2). Similarly, for core 2, ɷ34S values increased linearly from 23.3‰ at 7.5 cm to 66.0‰ at 47.5 cm. These results are similar to those reported in Canfield et al. (1998). 3.3 Porewater sulfate ѐ33S-G34S patterns In the surface mixed layer of the sediment, ѐ33S values for cores 1 and 2 (Figure 3) are close to published measurements of seawater sulfate from the open ocean most recently measured at 0.05 ±0.014к;ϮʍͿ (Tostevin et al., 2014). At the mixed layer – stratified layer transition, ѐ33S values for both cores appear to converge on a values between 0.03 and 0.04. These values are followed, at depth, by ѐ33S values that correlate positively with the increasing G34S values in both cores (Figure 3). In core 1, this trend was shallow, with '33S values increasing up to 0.06 ‰ but the correlation slope was not significantly different from 0 at the 95% confidence interval (p=0.15). In core 2, ѐ33S values increase from 0.04‰ at the bottom of the stratified layer to 0.13‰ in the deepest and most 34 S-enriched sample along the profile (Figure 3). The correlation slope is much steeper than for core 1 and significantly different from 0 at the 95% confidence interval (p<0.01). 4. Discussion 4.1 Isotopic constraints on sulfur cycling in Mangrove Lake sediments The sulfur cycle in Mangrove Lake sediments was constrained through a stepwise analysis. First, the measured sulfate and sulfur isotope profiles were fit to the predictions of a model of net sulfate removal (as described in section 4.2). The net fractionations estimated from this exercise were then broken down into component fractionations associated with the major pathways of sulfur flow in the sediments (sulfate reduction, sulfide reoxidation, and sulfide sequestration; Figure 5). By decomposing the wholecore isotopic fractionations in this way, the reoxidative signal that is preserved in the porewater sulfate was quantified. 4.2 Estimation of net isotopic fractionation accompanying sulfate removal In order to isotopically characterize the net sulfate removal process, the measured profiles were split into two zones: (1) a mixed layer, in which sulfate concentrations and isotopic compositions were treated as constant boundary conditions; and (2) a stratified layer, beneath the mixed layer, in which decreasing sulfate concentrations and increasing G34S and '33S values were modelled (cf.Boudreau et al. (1992)). This geochemical division has been recognized in previous studies (Boudreau et al., 1992; Canfield et al., 1998a). Steady-state mass conservation for sulfate can be described with the following simplified diagenetic equation (Boudreau et al., 1992): (3) ܦ௦ௗ ݀ଶ ܥ = ݎ௧ ݀ ݖଶ where ܦ௦ௗ is the diffusion coefficient of sulfate in the sediment porewaters, ݎ௧ is the net local removal rate of sulfate, and C is the porewater sulfate concentration. Equivalent expressions hold for each of the sulfate isotopologues (32SO 4 2-, 33SO 4 2-, and 34SO 4 2-). The sulfur isotope fractionation associated with net sulfate removal can be expressed as: ଷ (4) ଷ ߙ௧ = ቆ ݎ௧ ଷ ܥ ଷଶ ቇ/ቆ ݎ௧ ቇ ܥ ଷଶ where ଷߙ is the fractionation factor for the heavy isotopologues of sulfate relative to 32S, and i is either 3 or 4. From the steady-state diagenetic equation for each isotopologue, this can also expressed as ଷ (5) ߙ௧ ݀ଶ [ ଷଶ]ܥ൘ ݀ଶ [ ଷ]ܥ൘ ଶ ݀ ݖଶ ݀ۇ ۊ ݖ ۇ ۊ / =ۈ ۋ ۈ ۋ ଷଶ ଷ ۋ ۈ ۈ ۋ ܥ ܥ ۉ ی ۉ ی such that profiles of each sulfate isotopologue can be used to constrain the isotopic fractionation accompanying net sulfate removal (Donahue et al., 2008; Goldhaber and Kaplan, 1980; Jørgensen, 1979). This expression assumes that the sulfate diffusion coefficient in the sediment porewaters is negligibly sensitive to isotopic substitution. The fractionation factors for the heavy isotopologues are related by: ݈݊ ଷଷߙ ߣ = ଷସ ݈݊ ߙ ଷଷ (6) where ratios. ଷଷ ߙ is the fractionation factor for 33 S-32S ratios and ଷସ ߙ is the fractionation factor for 34 S-32S Measurements in the stratified layer were interpolated with an exponential decay equation: (7) where i is 2, 3, or 4, ଷ ଷ = )ݖ( ܥ ଷ ܥ ݁ ି య ௭ ܥ is the concentration of the various sulfate isotopologues at the top of the stratified layer and 3ik is a fitting parameter that governs the rate of change of concentration of each sulfate isotopologue with depth. Although this equation is strictly the solution to the diagenetic equation for sulfate under the assumption of complete consumption of sulfate at infinite depth (Berner, 1964), solutions that more accurately describe sulfate variations at low sulfate levels (Boudreau et al., 1992; Boudreau and Westrich, 1984) produced similar quality fits over the depth interval of our measurements. The exponential expression was used for simplicity. The total sulfate concentration ɷ34S and '33S profiles were reproduced for each core by treating ଷ ܥ and 3ik, as free parameters in equations (4-7) (Table 1). The fits to the data are visualized in Figures 1, 2 and 3. The parameters were estimated by minimizing the total least squares distance weighted by the variance of each measurement between the model predictions and the measured values at every sampled depth below the mixed layer (i.e., a weighted reduced chi-squared value, ߯ఔଶ , where v is the number of degrees of freedom in the fit and equals the number of measurements minus the number of parameters in the fit; (Press et al., 1992)). The estimated fractionation factors are expressed as: (8) Confidence regions for each ଷସ ଷସ ߝ௧ - ଷସ ଷଷ ߝ௧ (‰) = ( ଷସߙ௧ െ 1) × 1000 ߣ௧ pair were computed by finding the correlated changes in ߝ௧ and ଷଷߣ௧ values that led to prescribed increases in the ߯ఔଶ values associated with each fit (Press et al., 1992). The ߯ఔଶ increases were selected so that there was a 95% probability of finding the true ଷସ fit ߝ௧ and ଷଷߣ௧ values within the ellipse around each ଷସߝ௧ - ଷଷߣ௧ pair (Press et al., 1992). The bestଷସ ߝ௧ - ଷଷ ߣ௧ pairs from both cores plot outside the empirical field (shown in grey, Figure 4) characteristic of pure cultures of sulfate-reducing microorganisms, but the bottom of the 95% confidence ellipse from core 1 overlaps with this field. In both cores, the majority of the misfit between model and measurements was taken up by the differences between the modelled and measured G34S values rather than sulfate concentrations or ѐ33S. In core 2, the G34S misfit was distributed randomly with depth. Nevertheless, in core 1, the G34S misfit was greatest at shallow and deep depths (Figure 2A), suggesting that a model with depth-dependent ଷସߝ and ଷଷߣ values might better fit the data. This possibility was explored by letting ଷସߝ௧ values in core 1 change at the depth of the inflection point in the G34S profile (7.5 cm below the mixed layer; Figure 2A). In this case, a smaller net fractionation characterized the upper part of the core compared to the net fractionation in the lower part of the core (Table 1). In both cores, the majority of the misfit between model and measurements was taken up by the differences between the modelled and measured G34S values rather than sulfate concentrations or ѐ33S. In core 2, the G34S misfit was distributed randomly with depth. Nevertheless, in core 1, the G34S misfit was greatest at shallow and deep depths (Figure 2A), suggesting that a model with depth-dependent ଷସߝ and ଷଷߣ values might better fit the data. This possibility was explored by letting ଷସߝ௧ values in core 1 change at the depth of the inflection point in the G34S profile (7.5 cm below the mixed layer; Figure 2A). In this case, a smaller net fractionation characterized the upper part of the core compared to the net fractionation in the lower part of the core (Table 1). Based on the ଷସ ߙ௧ values that were calculated from cores 1 and 2, the expected ɷ34S H2S of the first sulfide accumulated in the core can be estimated from: ଷସ ߙ௧ ߜ ଷସ ܵுଶௌ +1 = 1000 ଷସ ߜ ܵௌைସ 1000 + 1 where ɷ34S H2S is derived from the porewater sulfide of the shallowest sample that has been measured (Canfield et al., 1998a) and ɷ34S SO4 is the depth-equivalent measure of the porewater sulfate. The estimates of ɷ34S H2S from modelling based on porewater sulfates ranged from -9 to -7.4‰ (Table 1), whereas the shallowest porewater sulfides measured at Mangrove Lake are slightly less depleted in 34S (ɷ34S H2S = -4.8‰; (Canfield et al., 1998a). Taking into consideration that the measured porewater sulfides were collected from different cores than the ones studied here, the ɷ34S H2S predictions are in reasonable agreement with the previously measured values. This exercise provides an independent test of our modelling procedure and illustrates that multiple S-isotope measurements of porewater sulfate complement techniques based on 34S-32S measurements of porewater sulfide and organic and mineral sedimentary sulfur fractions (Böttcher et al., 2000). Combined with a similar calculation for 33S-32S, this method predicts the ѐ33S H2S values of the first-formed sulfide (Table 1). Although a future investigation of porewater sulfide multiple sulfur isotopes would be required to evaluate the accuracy of this prediction for Mangrove Lake, we note that these ѐ33S H2S -ߜ ଷସ ܵுଶௌ pairs are outside the range of those observed for pure cultures of sulfate reducing microbes, but similar to those of environments were S reoxidation and disproportionation have been hypothesized (Zerkle et al., 2010). 4.3 Isotopic discrimination of the reoxidative sulfur cycle The net isotopic fractionations calculated in section 4.1 were dissected by expanding the net sulfur transformation pathway into three component fluxes (Figure 5): (1) a flux of sulfate to sulfide by microbial sulfate reduction (߮ெௌோ ), (2) a flux of sulfide to sulfate through a reoxidative pathway (߮௫ ), and (3) a permanent flux of sulfide to sequestered sulfur (߮௦ ). The sequestered sulfur pool includes all sulfur that is isolated from the porewater system. In the stratified layer at Mangrove Lake, the sequestered sulfur will largely be organic sulfur produced during diagenesis plus any sulfide fixed as iron sulfides (Canfield et al., 1998a). Sulfide that escapes into the mixed layer would also be part of this pool. Although most of the organic sulfur is isotopically static, a small portion [<15%, (Canfield et al., 1998a)] will still exchange S isotopes with the dissolved sulfide pool. In the representation shown in Figure 5, this labile organic S would be included in the porewater sulfide pool. The net fractionation factor accompanying the local removal of porewater sulfate is a function of these fluxes and their associated fractionation factors. Assuming that the local fluxes are at steady state, the following elemental mass balance applies: where ƒ௫ = ఝೝೣ ఝಾೄೃ ఝ and ƒ௦ = ఝ ೞ . ಾೄೃ 1 = ƒ௫ + ƒ௦ Assuming no isotopic fractionation associated with sulfur sequestration, ( 34ߝ = ݍ݁ݏ0), the net local fractionation factor can be expressed as: ଷ య where ଷߙெௌோ = ቆ య ோಹమ ೄ,ಾೄೃ ோೄೀ మష,ೢ ర ߙ௧ = ଷ ଷ ߙெௌோ ቀ ߙ௫ ƒ௫ + (1 െ ƒ௫ )ቁ ቇ and represents the fractionation between the sulfide produced by microbial sulfate reduction (MSR) and porewater sulfate, whereas ଷߙ௫ = ൭ య ோೄೀ మష య ర ,ೝೣ ோಹమ ೄ,ೢ ൱ represents the fractionation between the sulfate ultimately produced by the reoxidation of porewater sulfide and the porewater sulfide. In turn, this fractionation factor can be expressed as: ଷ ఝ ߙ௫ = ଷ ߙ௫ ଷߙ௦ ቀ ଷߙ ƒ + ଷߙ௦ (1 െ ƒ )ቁ where ƒ = ఝ is the fraction of the sulfide oxidation flux that is returned to the porewater sulfide pool, ଷ ೣ య ߙ௫ = ൬య ோೄ,ೣ ோಹమೄ,ೢ ൰ represents the fractionation between the S compounds of intermediate oxidation state (e.g, elemental sulfur, sulfite, thiosulfate) produced by sulfide oxidation and porewater sulfide, ଷ య ோಹమ ೄ, ߙ = ቆ య ோೄ,ೢ ቇ represents the fractionation between sulfide produced from the S ଷ intermediate compounds and the S intermediates in the porewater, and ߙ௦ = ൭ య ோೄೀ మష య ర ,ೞ ோೄ,ೢ ൱ represents the fractionation between the sulfate produced from the S intermediate compounds and the S intermediates in the porewater. For convenience, we recast these fractionation factors as in the discussion that follows. 4.4 Constraints on individual fractionation factors ଷସ ߝ values ଷସ ߝெௌோ and ଷଷߣெௌோ : Experiments with pure cultures of sulfate-reducing microbes have produced ଷସߝெௌோ values that range from near zero to nearly -70‰, close to the limit defined by S-isotope equilibrium between aqueous sulfate and sulfide (Detmers et al., 2001; Harrison and Thode, 1958; Kaplan and Rittenberg, 1964; Kemp and Thode, 1968; Leavitt et al., 2013; Sim et al., 2011a; Sim et al., 2011b). Furthermore, there is an intrinsic linear correlation between ଷସ ߝெௌோ and ଷଷ ߣெௌோ for pure cultures of sulfate-reducing microbes (Figures 4 and 6) (Leavitt et al., 2013; Sim et al., 2011a; Sim et al., 2012; Sim ଷସ ߝெௌோ and et al., 2011b). We used a linear fit to published fixes a value for ଷଷ ɉெௌோ once a value for ଷସ ଷଷ ߣெௌோ pairs (cf. Ono et al. (2012)), which ɂெௌோ is chosen. Although it is clear that there is variability around such a linear relationship (Wing and Halevy, 2014; Wu and Farquhar, 2013) this approach captures the first-order impact of MSR on S-isotope fractionation. For the present calculations, we varied ଷସ ɂெௌோ between -10 and -50‰ because values lower and higher did not appear to fit the S cycle in Mangrove Lake. ଷସ ߝ௫ and ଷଷ ߣ௫ : Sulfide oxidation experiments on pure cultures of phototrophic sulfide oxidizers have produced ଷସߝ௫ values that range from 0 to +3‰ (Chambers and Trudinger, 1979; Fry et al., 1984; Fry et ଷସ ߝ௫ values associated with abiotic sulfide al., 1988; Ivanov et al., 1977; Zerkle et al., 2009). The oxidation by oxygen can extend from -7.5 to -4.1‰ (Fry et al., 1988). Sulfide oxidation by metal oxides such as MnO 2 , has been assumed to produce the same fractionation as sulfide oxidation with oxygen (Böttcher and Thamdrup, 2001). Sulfide oxidation by chemoautotrophic sulfide oxidation is not e isotopically constrained but we assume it has fractionations resembling abiotic sulfide oxidation with oxygen. The small fractionation factors of these processes are characteristic of sulfide oxidation (Zerkle et al., 2009), but some secondary side reactions can produce larger fractionations in less common sulfur species (like thiosulfate), and this may potentially Rittenberg, 1964). Our current knowledge of characterized by ଷଷ produce higher net fractionation (Kaplan and ଷଷ ߣ௫ values is limited. Phototrophic sulfide oxidation is ߣ௫ = 0.529 at ଷସߝ௫ = +1.5‰, whereas S-isotope fractionation during abiotic sulfide oxidation has been estimated to be ଷଷ ߣ௫ = 0.5145 at ଷସ ߝ௫ = -5‰ (Zerkle et al., 2009). Fractionation values within this range are used in sensitivity tests of the impact of sulfide oxidation on our model calculations. ଷସ ߝ௦ and ଷଷ ߣ௦ , ଷସ ߝ and ଷଷ ߣ : Two end-member situations are considered for the fate of S compounds of intermediate oxidation state, specifically elemental sulfur, sulfite and thiosulfate. In the first case, all intermediate S compounds produced by sulfide oxidation are ultimately oxidized to sulfate. In this case, ƒ௦ = 1 (ƒ = 0) and the fractionation associated with the transformation of intermediate S compounds to sulfate is not expressed (i.e., ଷ ߙ௫ = ଷ ߙ௫ ). In the second case, the transformation of intermediate S compounds occurs by microbial disproportionation of elemental sulfur (S0), sulfite, or thiosulfate. Experiments with pure cultures and natural communities of sulfur disproportionating ଷସ ߝ௦ has a positive value while microbes show that ଷସ ߝ takes on a complementary negative value, R with the overall isotopic separation largely depending on the compound undergoing disproportionation (Böttcher and Thamdrup, 2001; Canfield and Thamdrup, 1994; Canfield and Thamdrup, 1996; Canfield et al., 1998b; Cypionka et al., 1998). Here, we consider two disproportionation reactants for which multiple sulfur isotope data are available: sulfite and elemental sulfur (Johnston et al., 2005). The stoichiometry of sulfite disproportionation leads to the production of three sulfate molecules for every sulfide molecule (Bak and Cypionka, 1987). Given this stoichiometry, the fractionation parameters for disproportionation of sulfite to sulfate are 10‰ and ଷଷ ߣ௦ = 0.528 whereas for sulfite to sulfide they are ଷସ ߝ = -45‰ and ଷଷ ଷସ ߝ௦ = ߣ = 0.5115. Elemental sulfur disproportionation occurs with a product stoichiometry of one sulfate molecule for every three sulfide molecules (Thamdrup et al., 1993). In this case, ଷସ ߝ௦ = 18.5 ‰ and ଷଷ ߣ௦ = 0.5195 whereas ଷସߝ = -6 ‰ and ଷଷߣ = 0.5165 (Zerkle et al., 2009). As there is only a single porewater sulfide pool in our steady-state model, the stoichiometry of the disproportionation reactions sets ƒ௦ = 0.75 (ƒ = 0.25) when sulfite is the reactant and ƒ௦ = 0.25 (ƒ = 0.75) when it is elemental sulfur. Controls on net isotopic fractionation Results of our calculations are presented as contour plots of ଷସߝ௧ and ଷଷߣ௧ , with variable ଷସߝெௌோ and ƒ௫ where bold lines indicate ଷସ ߝெௌோ and thin lines are ƒ௫ (Figure 6). When net sulfate loss is only R due to microbial sulfate reduction such that it is the sole process affecting ଷସߝ௧ and ଷଷߣ௧ - shown by the contour where ƒ௫ = 0 ଷସ ଷଷ ߣ௧ climbs from 0.5094 at ଷସ ߝ௧ = 0‰ to approximately 0.5148 at ߝ௧ = -50‰ (Figure 6). As the compilation in Figure 4 illustrates, there are environmental and possibly microbial species-specific controls on this ideal relationship that lead to ଷଷߣ௧ variations on the order of 0.002 for a given ଷସ ߝெௌோ . When viewed in light of the small fractionations associated with sulfide oxidation, the variability associated with sulfate reduction masks the isotopic signatures of sulfide oxidation. These speculations are supported by calculations that demonstrate the small scale of sulfide reoxidation. For example, a large fraction of the sulfide produced by microbial sulfate reduction needs to be reoxidized to produce a sizeable change in the net isotopic fractionation. In Figure 6A, phototrophic sulfide oxidation produces a ଷସߝ௧ that is slightly more negative (and ଷଷߣ௧ slightly more positive) than it would have been if sulfide oxidation was absent from the system. Yet, the variations in the empirical field of ଷସ ଷଷ ߝெௌோ and ߣெௌோ alone cover nearly the entire range of model predictions. Similar conclusions are reached if abiotic sulfide oxidation is considered (Figure 6B). In these calculations, the model predictions essentially track the contour of pure microbial sulfate reduction except when ଷସ ߝ௧ is less than -10 ‰. At more positive ଷସ ߝ௧ , predicted ଷଷ ߣ௧ values produced by a combination of sulfate reduction and abiotic sulfide oxidation fall outside the empirical field of microbial sulfate reduction, reaching a ଷଷߣ௧ as low as 0.505 when a ଷସߝெௌோ of -5‰ is used. Although the disproportionation metabolisms are dependent on the presence of sulfur intermediates, and therefore sulfide oxidation, ଷସ ߝ௫ is set to 0 in our next calculations in order to isolate the isotopic impact of the disproportionation metabolisms. Sulfite disproportionation produces large changes in ଷଷ ߣ௧ when ଷସߝெௌோ is small, but these get progressively smaller as ଷସߝெௌோ increases (Figure 6C). In fact, beyond ଷସ ߝெௌோ у -40‰, ଷଷ ߣ௧ approaches the value originally imprinted by the fractionation R associated with microbial sulfate reduction. Despite a different stoichiometry, elemental sulfur disproportionation produces similar, although somewhat larger, signatures (Figure 6D). Here again, the signal in ଷଷ ଷସ ߣ௧ is large when ߝெௌோ is smaller but collapses to about -40‰. R ଷଷ ߣ௦ as ଷସ ߝெௌோ increases beyond R Microbial sulfate reduction alone (Figure 6 A-D when ƒ௫ =0) will not explain the large 33 ߣ݊݁ ݐvalues observed in Mangrove Lake. Furthermore, fractionations added by sulfide oxidation alone are too small to account for these large 33 ߣ݊݁ ݐvalues (Figure 6A, 6B). These results appear to rule out a S cycle that consists only of microbial sulfate reduction or one in which sulfate reduction is accompanied by the complete reoxidation of sulfide to sulfate without disproportionation. On the other hand, when disproportionation is considered, the modelled field expands to include the results from both cores because of the slightly larger 33 ߣ value associated with this process (Figure 6C, 6D). 4.5 Analysis of the sulfur cycle in Mangrove Lake Here, we highlight the important issues identified in the previous section that impact the overall understanding of the S cycle in Mangrove Lake. These results are discussed in the context of the scenario that best reflects both the new isotopic constraints as well as the existing body of knowledge (Figure 6D). The sensitivity modelling in Figure 6 shows that both cores require 34 ߝ ܴܵܯbetween -15 and -30‰. These values are comparable to the lower end of sulfur isotope fractionations during sulfate reduction, as estimated from other marine environments (Canfield et al., 2010). The small 34 ߝ ܴܵܯvalues may R reflect the physical and chemical conditions present in Mangrove Lake. The average temperature of the marine ƐĂƉƌŽƉĞůŝƐƌĞůĂƚŝǀĞůLJŚŝŐŚ;уϮϴ °C) and organic matter is extremely abundant > 60% dry weight), resulting in high sulfate reduction rates in Mangrove Lake sediments (Boudreau et al., 1992; Canfield et al., 1998a). Elevated temperatures can lead to lower 34 ߝ ܴܵܯvalues (Hoek et al., 2006) as can the presence of readily metabolizable organic matter because both factors promote high sulfate reduction rates which, in turn, lead to smaller ଷସ ߝெௌோ values (e.g. (Habicht and Canfield, 1996; Harrison and R Thode, 1958; Kaplan and Rittenberg, 1964; Leavitt et al., 2013; Sim et al., 2011a; Sim et al., 2011b). Net sulfate removal rates decrease with depth, dropping by nearly one order of magnitude over ~30 cm (Boudreau et al., 1992), and the data gathered from core 1 are potentially consistent with a rate control on fractionation. The isotopic profile from this core would suggest that 34 ߝ݊݁ ݐand ଷଷ ߣ௧ increase with depth (Table 1). The rate control on fractionation, a behavior which has been recorded since the earliest studies of the dissimilatory sulfate reducing metabolism (Harrison and Thode, 1958; Kaplan and Rittenberg, 1964), has recently been shown to display a consistent minor (33S) isotope trajectory (Leavitt et al., 2013; Sim et al., 2011a; Sim et al., 2011b). Whether or not the fractionation estimated from core 1 results from a rate control on fractionation during sulfate reduction, however, hinges on whether the isotopic fractionation is completely set by microbial sulfate reduction, or whether re-oxidation plays a role. Mangrove Lake sediments lack the metal oxides (Fe(III)O x , Mn(III,IV)O x ) that normally serve as electron acceptors during sulfide oxidation in marine sediments (Jørgensen and Nelson, 2004). Nevertheless, the presence of photolithotrophic green and purple sulfur bacteria within the upper sediments of Mangrove Lake (Stolz, 1991) suggests that anoxygenic photosynthesis might drive sulfide oxidation. The benthic cyanobacterial community that is also present (Stolz, 1991) leads to daytime O 2 maxima (>150% air saturation) at the sediment-water interface and O 2 penetration depths of ~0.5 cm (Canfield et al., 1998a). Wind-induced mixing of the surface-sediment mixed layer could intermittently inject oxygen deeper into the sediment, enabling direct abiotic oxidation of sulfide as well as chemoautotrophic sulfide oxidation by Beggiatoa (Nelson and Jannasch, 1983). Thus, sulfur intermediates are likely produced in-situ within the sediment mixed layer and the upper parts of the underlying stratified layer. This suggestion is supported by process-rate measurements as well as direct radiotracer incubation experiments that showed net sulfate removal (or evidence for sulfide production) is highest in the surface-sediment mixed layer (Boudreau et al., 1992). In-situ porewater sulfide accumulation, on the other hand, is only observed the upper stratified layer (Boudreau et al., 1992; Canfield et al., 1998a; Hatcher et al., 1982). This imbalance sustains a strong S0 concentration gradient in the sediment of the mixed layer and the upper stratified layer of the sediment where concentrations of up to roughly 300 µmol g-1 of wet? sediment in the mixed layer gradually decrease to zero at a depth of approximately 20cm (Canfield et al., 1998a). Although S0 is a potential substrate for disproportionation-based metabolisms, there are two competing demands that must be satisfied if S-disproportionation is the source of the S isotopic signatures identified here. First, only the S0 that is mixed deeper into the sediment from overlying sediments or synthesized in-situ via sulfide oxidation in the stratified layer, can be a substrate for disproportionation and generate the isotopic signal. Second, disproportionation is favored when sulfide concentrations remain low (<1mM or lower) since this keeps the process thermodynamically viable (Canfield and Thamdrup, 1996; Finster et al., 1998; Thamdrup et al., 1993). These two conditions (low [H 2 S] and a significant standing stock of S0) are only met in ĂƐŚŽƌƚĚĞƉƚŚŝŶƚĞƌǀĂů;уϭϬĐŵͿbordered by the base of the mixed layer and the sulfidic porewaters below (Canfield et al., 1998a). Although this region is thin, the interplay between the high net rates of sulfate removal and the sizeable S0 pool enables biogeochemical processes that occur within this region to set the S-isotope signature of sulfate measured in the deeper parts of the profile. In sulfidic sediments of the Black Sea and Weser Estuary, S0 is the main product of sulfide oxidation with Fe(III) or Mn(IV) oxides, with S0 concentrations orders of magnitude higher than sulfite (where considered on cm3 of total sediment basis) (Zopfi et al., 2004). Sulfite rarely accumulates to high concentrations in porewaters because it is quickly removed by reaction with S0 to form S 2 O 3 2-. For instance, micron-resolution concentrations profiles in highly active microbial mats consisting of cyanobacteria and purple sulfur bacteria show that a peak in sulfite is present only in the first 2mm (Wieland et al., 2001). This being said, although we suspect S0 disproportionation to be a major component of Mangrove Lake’s S cycle, the influence of sulfite (and thiosulfate) disproportionation cannot be ruled out since neither sulfite nor its immediate reaction products (e.g., thiosulfate) have been measured in the sediments of Mangrove Lake. 4.6 Estimate of the reoxidative S flux The geochemical and isotopic constraints on the S cycle in Mangrove Lake appear to suggest that sulfide oxidation followed by S0 disproportionation is the main reoxidative pathway. S0 in the Mangrove Lake sediments (Canfield et al., 1998a) is likely sourced by phototrophic, chemoautotrophic, direct abiotic sulfide oxidation or a combination of the three. In metal-poor environments, rates of chemical sulfide oxidation in the presence of oxygen are orders of magnitude slower than microbial oxidative processes (Luther III et al., 2011). The geochemical conditions in Mangrove Lake may therefore favor sulfide oxidation via a microbial pathway. Regardless of the dominant sulfide oxidation process in Mangrove Lake sediments, the isotope effects associated with oxidation barely expands the 34 ߝ݊݁ ݐand 33 ߣ݊݁ ݐfield relative to S0 disproportionation alone (results not shown). As discussed above, the fractionation due to microbial sulfate reduction is limited, and elemental S disproportionation extends these initial fractionations to produce the observed ଷସߝ௧ values (Figure 6D). Following contours of constant 34ߝ ( ܴܵܯ34ߝ ܴܵܯу-ϮϱкĨŽƌĐŽƌĞϭĂŶĚу-15‰ for core 2) to the estimated values of 34 ߝ݊݁ ݐand ଷଷ ߣ௧ shows that that ƒ௫ may be up to у0.5 in core 1 and у0.8 in core 2 (Figure 6D). This means that for each mole of SO 4 2- reduced to H 2 S in Mangrove Lake, у0.5 to 0.8 moles will be reoxidized back to SO 4 2-. Of the remaining sulfide, roughly 5% will be sequestered in the sediments as organic sulfides in the sediments (Canfield et al., 1998a) while the rest (15-45%) will be “lost” from the system by diffusing out of the stratified layer into the mixed layer. This lost sulfur likely also gets reoxidized back to sulfate but reoxidation likely occurs within the sediment surface mixed layer where physical mixing leads to exchange and dilution with sulfate in the overlying water column. The '33S values for sulfate in the mixed layer of core 2 may be providing a record of this process. They are slightly larger than the '33S values from the sediments below, but have similar G34S values. Phototrophic sulfide oxidation produces this type of effect (Figure 6A). 4.7 Implications for isotopic discrimination of the reoxidative sulfur cycle In order to explore how well reoxidative sulfur cycling can be discriminated on the basis of S isotope measurements, we compare the 34ߝ݊݁ ݐ- 33ߣ݊݁ ݐfield produced by pure cultures of sulfate-reducing bacteria to the results of our modelling (Figure 6). This exercise reveals that there are three regions in ߝ݊݁ ݐ- 33ߣ݊݁ ݐspace that enable reoxidative sulfur cycling to be isotopically distinguished from microbial 34 sulfate reduction. First, isotopic fractionation of multiple sulfur isotopes can be diagnostic of reoxidative processes when ଷସ ߝெௌோ is very close to zero (between 34ߝ݊݁ = ݐ0‰ and -20‰). In such a situation, abiotic and biological sulfide oxidation could be identified because they produce large or small ଷଷߣ௧ values (Figure 6A, 6B) that migrate outside of the field associated with MSR. In an environment displaying these fractionations, minimal disproportionation reactions would mask the sulfide oxidation signal because of its larger 34ɸ͘ Environments with high sulfide concentrations e or lacking a bioavailable S-substrate of intermediate oxidation states will prevent disproportionation and may even promote a direct oxidation pathway (Habicht and Canfield, 2001). In such instances, the minor S isotopic signature of sulfide oxidation might be distinguished from sulfate reduction alone. Second, an ଷସߝோ் ƚŚĂƚŝƐŵŽƌĞŶĞŐĂƚŝǀĞƚŚĂŶу-66‰ – the largest fractionation yet measured in a pure culture of sulfate reducers and very similar to the maximum observed in natural populations (Canfield et al., 2010; Sim et al., 2011a) - likely indicates the presence of reoxidative sulfur cycling. Only the compounding effect of multiple large fractionation factors can explain these signatures. For example, some measurements in sulfidic Black Sea sediments (Figure 4) yield ଷସߝ௧ values that are more negative than -66‰. Apart from the isotopic evidence, the presence of intermediate oxidation products which can serve as substrate for disproportionation (Konovalov et al., 2007) coupled with low sulfate reduction rates have been argued to be responsible for the large fractionations observed in sediment porewaters (Neretin et al., 2003). R R Finally, when ଷସߝ௧ is less negative than ~ -66‰, ଷଷߣ௧ values above the field of MSR outlined in Figure 4 indicate an active reoxdative cycle. For example, the sediments in Wedderwarden (Figure 4), a marine tidal flat in northern Germany, are characterized by relatively low 34ߝ݊݁ ݐcoupled with high 33ߣ݊݁ݐ (Johnston et al., 2008). Elemental sulfur disproportionation was documented as a major microbial metabolism in the Wedderwarden tidal flats in the thin interface between the overlying oxic layer and the region of H 2 S accumulation (Canfield and Thamdrup, 1996). Although the sediment at Wedderwarden has higher abundances of Fe and Mn oxides compared to Mangrove Lake, the sulfidic conditions at the interface between the oxic layer and the H 2 S accumulation layer appear similar, favouring S0 disproportionating microorganisms. This likely contributes to the high both systems. 33 ߣ݊݁ ݐobserved in Nevertheless, there is a diagnostic limitation to large ଷଷߣ௧ values. As ଷସߝெௌோ gets more negative, the isotopic effect of some reoxidative processes will impart a smaller change in ଷଷߣ௧ , producing ଷଷߣ௧ ଷସ ߝ௧ trajectories that parallel the MSR field (Figures 6C, 6D). For these cases, 33 ߣ݊݁ ݐshould fall within the field of MSR when 34ߝ ܴܵܯis more negative than -40‰ despite the presence of reoxidative cycling. This behavior renders the reoxidative cycle invisible to the ଷଷߣ௧ isotopic diagnostic. For example, the isotopic fractionation in Aarhus Bay (Figure 4) appears only as a MSR signature despite biogeochemical conditions being conducive to active reoxidative cycling in the sediments (Habicht and Canfield, 2001; Moeslund et al., 1994). In such instances, other techniques might be used to trace the S cycle. For instance, in the same example as above, the likely presence of disproportionation was determined by comparing natural population fractionations with sediment values (Habicht and Canfield, 2001). 5. Conclusions New porewater sulfate multiple S isotope profiles from Mangrove Lake Bermuda show a linear increase in '33S with increasing G34S. A simple diagenetic model accounts for whole-core abundance and isotopic variability of porewater sulfate with a single set of 34ߝ݊݁ ݐand R 33 ߣ݊݁ ݐvalues that characterize the net fractionation in this system. Relatively small 34ߝ݊݁ ݐvalues are coupled to large 33ߣ݊݁ ݐ. This behavior is R inconsistent with a S cycle driven solely by microbial sulfate reduction. We developed a new model of reoxidative S-isotope fractionation that constrains the contribution of reoxidation in Mangrove Lake to between 50 and 80% of the microbial sulfate reduction flux. This model implies that sulfide oxidation to S0, followed by the disproportionation of S0 to sulfide and sulfate, is critical in generating the isotopic signature. Although they are applied here specifically to Mangrove Lake, the model predictions (i.e.., Figure 6) can be directly applied to other sedimentary systems where reoxidative cycle is thought to be important. The new understanding developed from the Mangrove Lake case study highlights the diagnostic capabilities of the multiple sulfur isotope approach in identifying the importance of the reoxidative S cycle in sedimentary porewaters. 6. Acknowledgements This work was supported by NSERC through a Canada Graduate Fellowship to AP and a Discovery grant to BAW. AM acknowledges NSERC for grants that allowed sample acquisition and participation in this work. DEC acknowledges the Danish National Research Foundation (grant DNRF53) and the “Oxygen” grant from the ERC. The Stable Isotope Laboratory at McGill is supported by FQRNT through the GEOTOP research center. We thank two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments that improved our understanding and presentation of the study described here. 7. List of Tables and Figures Table 1: Diagenetic parameters for the two cores described in this study and previous cores taken at Mangrove Lake Figure 1: Sulfate concentration profiles taken from sampled cores in Mangrove Lake (ML). A) Sulfate concentrations from core 1. Filled symbols are samples from the sediment mixed layer. Unfilled symbols are from the stratified layer. The black line corresponds to the model fit to all samples in the stratified layer that have both sulfate concentration and isotope composition measurements. The dashed line corresponds to the upper core model fit. The dotted line corresponds to the lower core model fit. B) Sulfate concentrations from core 2. Filled symbols are samples from the sediment mixed layer. Unfilled symbols are from the stratified layer. The black line corresponds to the model fit to all samples in the stratified layer that have both sulfate concentration and isotope composition measurements. Figure 2: ɷ34S isotopic profile of sulfate in ML. A) Sulfate ɷ34S values from core 1. Filled symbols are samples from the sediment mixed layer. Unfilled symbols are from the stratified layer. The black line corresponds to the model fit to all samples in the stratified layer that have both sulfate concentration and isotope composition measurements. The dashed line corresponds to the upper core model fit. The dotted line corresponds to the lower core model fit. B) Sulfate ɷ34S values from core 2. Filled symbols are samples from the sediment mixed layer. Unfilled symbols are from the stratified layer. The black line corresponds to the model fit to all samples in the stratified layer that have both sulfate concentration and isotope composition measurements. Figure 3͗ŽŵƉĂƌŝƐŽŶŽĨѐ33S and ɷ34S measurements. A) Sulfate ѐ33S and ɷ34S values from core 1. Unfilled circles are samples taken from the stratified layer. Filled circles indicate samples taken from the mixed layer. The grey triangle is the measured seawater value of Tostevin et al. (2014). Black bars are 2ʍ measurement uncertainties. The black line indicates the full core model fit for samples from the stratified layer and the shaded grey area corresponds to the 95% confidence interval on this fit. The dashed line corresponds to the upper core model fit. The dotted line corresponds to the lower core model fit. B) Sulfate ѐ33S, ɷ34S values and model fit from core 2. Unfilled squares are samples taken from the stratified layer. Filled squares indicate samples taken from the mixed layer. The grey triangle is the seawater value. Black bars are 2ʍ measurement uncertainties. The black line indicates the full core model fit for samples from the stratified layer and the shaded grey area corresponds to the 95% confidence interval on this fit. Figure 4: Comparison of ߝ݊݁ ݐand ଷଷߣ௧ of the Mangrove Lake modeled cores with results of previous 34 studies of the sulfur cycle in modern lakes or sediments. Circle is Core 1, square is Core 2. Elliptical outlines indicate the modelled 2ʍ uncertainty. The grey field outlines fractionations produced by pure cultures of sulfate reducers (Johnston et al., 2005; Leavitt et al., 2013; Sim et al., 2011a; Sim et al., 2011b). Data displayed in panel A are environmental samples and reflect S-isotope fractionation associated with S cycling (including sulfate reduction and sulfide reoxidation) in natural microbial populations (Johnston et al., 2008; Strauss et al., 2012) whereas data in panel B are from incubation or diagenetic models that were designed to isolate the fractionations associated with microbial sulfate reduction in natural populations (Canfield et al., 2010; Farquhar et al., 2008; Zerkle et al., 2010). Figure 5: Conceptual model of sulfur cycling in Mangrove Lake. The four boxes correspond to the sulfate, sulfide, intermediate oxidation-state S compounds (e.g., elemental sulfur, thiosulfate, sulfite), and sequestered pools of sulfur (e.g., metal sulfides, organic sulfides). The arrows between the boxes correspond to sulfur fluxes . Each arrow also has a specific 34ɲ and 33ʄ associated with it. Sulfate entering the system is reduced to sulfide by microbial sulfate reduction. The generated sulfide is either reoxidized to sulfate via intermediate S compounds or is taken out of the system by sequestration. Figure 6: Modeled reoxidative processes potentially affecting the sulfur cycle in Mangrove Lake. The circle is Core 1, the square is Core 2 and correspond to the calculated 34ߝ݊݁ ݐand ଷଷߣ௧ . The cores are underlain with contour lines as a function of changing 34ɸ msr as well as the fraction of reoxidation. Arrows indicate the direction of increasing 34ߝ݉ ݎݏand f reox . The fractionations associated with microbial sulfate reduction alone (bold lines, 34ߝ݉ ݎݏvaried between -10 and -50‰) are displayed as the set of contours lines where the fraction of reoxidation (f reox ) equals zero. The other set of contours traces the fraction of the sulfate reduction flux that is reoxidized. A) Corresponds to a model where only the phototrophic sulfide oxidation route has assigned fractionation factors, 34ߝ = ݔ1.54, ଷଷߣ୭୶ = 0.5290. B) Corresponds to a model where the fractionation resembles abiotic sulfide oxidation with oxygen: 34ߝ= ݔ -5, ଷଷߣ୭୶ = 0.5149. C) Corresponds to a model with sulfite disproportionation alone: 34ߝ݄݅ = -45.24, 34ߝ݅ܽ = 9.97, ଷଷߣ = 0.5115 and ଷଷߣ = 0.5281. D) Corresponds to the field of elemental sulfur disproportionation alone: 34ߝ݄݅ = -6.18, 34ߝ݅ܽ = 18.53, ଷଷߣ = 0.5165 and ଷଷߣ = 0.5195. 8. References Aller, R.C., Madrid, V., Chistoserdov, A., Aller, J.Y., Heilbrun, C., 2010. Unsteady diagenetic processes and sulfur biogeochemistry in tropical deltaic muds: Implications for oceanic isotope cycles and the sedimentary record. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, 4671-4692. Bak, F., Cypionka, H., 1987. A novel type of energy metabolism involving fermentation of inorganic sulphur compounds. Nature 326, 891-892. Berner, R.A., 1964. An idealized model of dissolved sulfate distribution in recent sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 28, 1497-1503. 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Core/study decay depth C0 į34S 0 constant of C 0 (mM) (‰) ଷସ ଷଷ ߝ௧ (‰) ߣ௧ į34S H2S ¨33S H2S (‰) (‰) -1 (cm ) (cm) Core 1 0.12 8.25 26.0 20.2 -32.5 0.514 -9.6d 0.08d Core 1 (upper) 0.08 8.25 26.0 23.7 -31.2 0.513 -8.3d 0.11d Core 1 (lower) 0.13 15.75 12.6 31.9 -35.5 0.514 n/a n/a d 0.04d Core 2 0.06 6.25 27.1 22.4 -29.2 0.515 -7.5 Porewatersa,b 0.05 16.0 27.3 21.7 -34.1c n/a -4.8 n/a Incubationsa 0.07 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a a Boudreau et al. (1992) Canfield et al. (1998) c calculated from measured į34S H2S and į34S SO42- (29.1‰) when H 2 S first appears in the profile d predicted value based on porewater sulfate model b Figure 1 A [SO4-2] (mM) 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Mixed layer Depth (cm) 10 Stratified layer 20 30 40 Core 1 (stratified layer) Core 1 (mixed layer) 50 Full core model Upper core model Lower core model 60 B [SO4-2] (mM) 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Mixed layer Depth (cm) 10 Stratified layer 20 30 40 50 Core 2 (stratified layer) Core 2 (mixed layer) Full core model fit 60 35 Figure 2 A 0 0 20 δ34S (‰) 40 60 80 100 Mixed layer Depth (cm) 10 Stratified layer 20 30 40 Core 1 (stratified layer) Core 1 (mixed layer) 50 Full core model Upper core model Lower core model 60 B 0 0 20 δ34S (‰) 40 60 80 Mixed layer Depth (cm) 10 Stratified layer 20 30 40 50 Core 2 (stratified layer) Core 2 (mixed layer) Full core model fit 60 100 Figure 3 A 0.15 Core 1 (stratified layer) Core 1 (mixed layer) ∆33S (‰) 0.12 Full core model Upper core model Lower core model 0.09 Seawater 0.06 0.03 0.00 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 70 δ34S (‰) B 0.15 Core 2 (stratified layer) Core 2 (mixed layer) ∆33S (‰) 0.12 Full core model fit Seawater 0.09 0.06 0.03 0.00 20 30 40 50 δ S (‰) 34 Figure 4 Core 1 (this study) A Lago di Cadagno Core 2 (this study) 0.520 Black Sea Wedderwarden Aarhus Bay Solar Lake Baltic sea sediments 0.516 33 λ 0.512 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 34 εnet(‰) -20 0.508 0 -10 B Core 1 (this study) Core 2 (this study) 0.520 Lago di Cadagno - accumulation experiments Natural populations of MSR Modeled MSR 0.516 33 λ 0.512 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 34 εnet(‰) -20 -10 0.508 0 Figure 5 SO ijmsr Įmsr H 2S ijox Įox ijih Įih -2 4 ijis Įis Si ijseq Įseq Figure 6 Phototrophic sulfide oxidation 0.520 A freox 0.516 34 εmsr -50‰ 1.0 33 λ 33 λ 33 λ 33 λ 0.512 -40‰ -30‰ -20‰ -10‰ Core 1 (Mangrove Lake) 0.0 Core 2 (Mangrove Lake) -70 -60 -50 0.508 -40 34 -30 -20 -10 0 εnet(‰) 0.520 B Abiotic sulfide oxidation 34 εmsr freox 0.516 -50‰ -40‰ 0.512 -30‰ -20‰ -10‰ 0.0 Core 1 (Mangrove Lake) Core 2 (Mangrove Lake) -70 -60 -50 0.508 -40 34 -30 -20 -10 0 εnet(‰) 0.520 C Sulfite disproportionation freox 0.516 34 εmsr 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 -50‰ -40‰ 0.512 0.2 -30‰ -20‰ 0.0 -10‰ Core 1 (Mangrove Lake) Core 2 (Mangrove Lake) -70 -60 -50 0.508 -40 34 -30 -20 -10 0 εnet(‰) Elemental Sulfur disproportionation 0.520 D freox 1.0 0.516 34 εmsr 0.8 0.6 0.4 -50‰ 0.512 0.2 -40‰ -30‰ -20‰ Core 1 (Mangrove Lake) -10‰ 0.0 Core 2 (Mangrove Lake) 0.508 -70 -60 -50 -40 34 -30 εnet(‰) -20 -10 0 Connection 1: Mangrove Lake to Experimental evolution In the previous chapter we presented evidence for a previously unreported S cycle in Mangrove Lake. A simple S cycling scheme was elaborated to measure the contributions of reductive and reoxidative processes and a significant portion of the S cycle was found to occur in-situ. An important question which arose during our investigation of Mangrove Lake porewaters was whether the isotopic signatures that are produced by the metabolisms involved in the S cycle are constant or have continually changed over the course of the Lake’s history. Since all life on Earth is involved in a perpetual evolutionary race, it seemed reasonable to assume that the microorganisms living in Mangrove Lake evolved over the past 10 000 years of its existence. It was however unclear whether the isotopic signatures would reflect the evolutionary race despite the knowledge that evolution can affect metabolism. An extensive literature search on the subject only yielded suggestions of the role evolutionary adaptation might play on isotopic signatures, no empirical evidence. It would remain so if this question was tackled on an experimental system such as Mangrove Lake. The study site was simply not up to the task of answering these first-principle questions given its heterogenous nature, the complex biogeochemical processes which take place within it and the large diversity of microorganisms it supports. Too many variables were at play. In order to investigate the isotopic phenotype as an evolutionary signature, it was necessary to make a switch to pure cultures in chemically defined media. In the next chapter we introduce the concept of the isotope phenotype and test its sensitivity to evolutionary adaptation. We utilize DvH as a model organism. 50 Paper 2 : Evolutionary adaptation of a sulfate reducing bacterium and its sulfur isotope phenotype Sulfur isotope fractionation during the evolutionary adaptation of a sulfate reducing bacterium André Pellerin1, Luke Anderson-Trocme1, Lyle G. Whyte2, Grant M. Zane3, Judy D. Wall3 and Boswell A. Wing1 [1] Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and GEOTOP, McGill University, 3450 University Street, Montréal, Canada, H3A 0E8 [2] Department of Natural Resource Science, Macdonald-Stewart Building, 21111 Lakeshore Road, Ste-Anne de Bellevue, Canada, H9X 3V9 [3] Biochemistry 117 Schweitzer Hall, University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211 Correspondance to: André Pellerin (andrepellerin@gmail.com) ABSTRACT Dissimilatory sulfate reduction is a microbial catabolic pathway that preferentially processes less massive sulfur isotopes relative to their heavier counterparts. This sulfur isotope fractionation is recorded in ancient sedimentary rocks and is thought to reflect a phenotypic response to environmental variations rather than to evolutionary adaptation. Modern sulfatereducing microorganisms isolated from similar environments exhibit a wide range of sulfur isotope fractionations suggesting that adaptive processes may influence the sulfur isotope phenotypes. To date, the relationship between evolutionary adaptation and isotopic phenotypes has not been explored. We addressed this by studying the covariation of fitness and the sulfur isotope phenotype of in Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough with experimental evolution. After 560 generations, the mean fitness of the evolved lineages relative to the starting isogenic population had increased by ~17 %. After 927 generations, the mean fitness relative to the intial ancestor had increased to ~20 %. Growth rate in exponential phase experienced increases during the course of the experiment, suggesting that this was a primary influence behind the fitness increases. Consistent changes were observed within selection intervals between fractionation and fitness. Fitness changes were associated with changes in exponential growth rate but changes in fractionation were not and appeared to be a response to changes in the parameters that govern the overall growth rate: yield and cell-specific sulfate respiration rate. We hypothesize that these act together through the direct influence of cell-specific sulfate respiration rate on fractionation, such that higher yields at a constant growth rate lead to larger fractionation. 1. Introduction Dissimilatory sulfate reduction (DSR) is a microbial metabolism that consumes sulfate and utilizes this sulfur as terminal electron acceptor, excreting sulfide. This process creates characteristic enrichments and depletions in the stable isotopes of sulfur that are preserved in sediments and sedimentary rocks as a legacy of the metabolic processing (1). In this way, sulfur isotope fractionation can be thought of as a phenotypic trait of the specific microbes that perform DSR. When the rock record is examined like this, the S isotope phenotype has been interpreted to be continually present in ancient sediments back to at least 3.47 billion years ago (2). However, the interpretation of S isotope fractionation as a phenotypic trait that can be preserved in ancient rocks opens up a basic question: does evolutionary adaptation influence the S isotope phenotype? Evolutionary-driven modifications to lineages of sulfate reducers may be capable of influencing the isotope phenotype by modifying the relative processing rates within the DSR pathway. If growth, and in turn the energy supplied by sulfate respiration, influence survival, then the controls on sulfate uptake, the internal regulation of concentrations of metabolites and the structure of enzymes involved in the sulfate reducing pathway (3, 4) could be key selective targets that influence the isotope phenotype. Previous work has emphasized exclusively physiological and environmental controls on the S isotope phenotype (including temperature, sulfate concentrations, and the nature and supply rate of the electron donor (1, 5-13). Among these controls, cell-specific sulfate respiration rate (csSRR) has emerged as a sort of ‘master variable’ that sets the level of S isotope fractionation. However, there are examples where large changes in fractionation are not correlated with variations in csSRR, or any environmental parameters (14-17). This suggests that there may be an evolutionary influence preserved in the S isotope fractionation expressed by extant sulfate-reducing microorganisms. For example, sulfate reducers metabolizing at similar near maximal rates can exhibit diverse S isotope fractionations (quantified as 34İYDOXHVwhich are equal to the difference in molar 34S-32S ratios between sulfate and sulfide, relative to the molar 34 S-32S ratio in sulfide; Figure 1). Although environmental variation may be responsible for some of the fractionation diversity, the genetic differences among these strains is likely to be influential as well. In this light, although environments have unquestionably changed throughout Earth history, the specific metabolic variant of DSR that was active in contemporaneous microorganisms will also influence the preserved S isotopic signature. The sulfur isotope variations in ancient rocks may therefore be, in part, a ’fossil’ record how the DSR metabolism has changed through time. As a step towards addressing this possibility, we performed selection experiments that examined the response of the isotope phenotype to evolutionary adaptation. Pure cultures of a sulfate reducing bacterium were propagated through daily serial transfer in batch cultures, maintaining constant environmental challenges to JURZWK IRU § generations. Since evolutionary adaptation typically occurs in a hyperbolically decreasing manner (18), major enhancement in fitness - the ability of an organism to directly outcompete its ancestors and the primary indicator of evolutionary adaptation - occur early on, within experimentally obtainable timeframes of hundreds of generations. In the same environment as the adaptive evolution experiment, the populations were monitored for changes in fitness, 34İ, exponential growth rate, cell-specific respiration rate and cell yield. By archiving the sample populations, these experiments produced a short span of evolutionary history, where selective pressures were tightly controlled and the impact of evolutionary adaptation on the S isotope phenotype could be directly compared with more evolved lineages. 2. Methods 2.1 Choice of model organism We used a wild-type sulfate reducing G-proteobacterium, Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough (DVH), in our study. DVH has a sequenced genome (19) and is commonly used as a model organism to investigate the evolutionary, physiological, enzymatic, genetic and growth characteristics of sulfate-reducing bacteria e.g. (19-24). Importantly, experiments have shown that populations of DVH can express a wide range of S isotope fractionations that vary predictably with the rate of sulfate respiration (7, 9, 10, 25). This plasticity in the S isotope phenotype provides a well-defined framework against which to compare any adaptive effects on S isotope fractionation. 2.2 Design of microbial evolution experiment The evolution experiments were designed to select for increased growth rate in a simple and reproducible manner, rather than to investigate selective responses to novel environmental, physiological, or genetic challenges. Twelve replicate lines of DVH were propagated in a chemically defined growth medium optimized for DVH (Figure 2). Most of the cells divisions in this media occur during a “scramble” for resources. This type of serial selection experiment in batch culture has been shown to lead to changes in fitness as well as net growth rate (18, 24). Six of the lines were taken from an isogenic wild-type population whereas six were taken from a reference mutant strain (DVU0600; http://www.microbesonline.org/ ) constructed from the wildtype DVH. The mutant strain contains unique oligonucleotides (a ‘barcode’) flanking an antibiotic-resistance cassette for kanamycin that replaced a gene encoding a putative lactate dehydrogenase. This genetic manipulation was neutral with respect to fitness of the mutant strain relative to the wild-type lines (Table 1). We refer to lineages arising from the wild-type ancestral population as DVH-wt and those arising from the mutant ancestral population as DVH-mut. Every 24 h, each of the replicate lines was propagated in batch culture by inoculating 0.6 mL of the previous culture into 10 mL of fresh, defined medium in 20-mL serum bottles capped with blue butyl rubber stoppers (Figure 2). The headspace was 100% N 2 gas (99.995% purity). Cultures were incubated at 33°C and shaken at 110 rpm. Subculturing was alternated between wild type and mutant lineages because cross contamination between DVH-wt and DVH-mut can be monitored (see section 2.4). Approximately every 10th transfer, the twelve replicate lines were preserved in a glycerol stock solution at -80°C to obtain a “fossil” record of the evolution experiment (Figure 2). These frozen stocks were revived at later times for isotopic, growth and fitness measurements. All inoculations, sampling, and transfers were performed under strictly anaerobic conditions. 2.3 Growth media All experiments were performed in a Tris-buffered chemically defined medium (MOLS4) that consists of 30 mM sodium sulfate, 60 mM sodium lactate, 8 mM MgCl 2 , 20 mM NH 4 Cl, 2 mM K 2 HPO 4 -NaH 2 PO 4 , 30 mM Tris-HCl as well as solutions of trace elements, Thauer’s vitamins and rezasurin as an oxygen indicator (26). The pH was adjusted to 7.2 with hydrochloric acid. For the solid medium, 1.5% w/v of agar was added. For the evolution experiments, 10 mL of MOLS4 was placed into 20mL serum bottles, while 80 mL of MOLS4 was placed into 120 mL serum bottles for the fitness and isotope assays. Bottles were crimp sealed with butyl rubber stoppers, and the headspace was purged of oxygen by flushing with pure N 2 gas. After gassing, individual crimp-sealed medium bottles were sterilized in an autoclave. Except for the culture volume, all our experiments (including evolution experiments and individual assays of growth and fitness) were performed in exactly the same medium under the same environmental conditions. Because sulfur isotope fractionation has a strong physiological control (27), we consistently used the same culture configurations to isolate changes in phenotypic characters that were associated with the adaptive process. 2.4 Contamination checks We performed two types of contamination checks. The first tracked potential cross- contamination between different selection lines and the second looked for contamination by foreign microbes. Subculturing was alternated between wild-type and mutant lines during the evolution experiment. As a result, cross contamination was more likely to occur between DVHwt and DVH-mut lines than between DVH-wt lines. In order to determine if such crosscontamination occurred, samples of the wild-type cultures were screened for growth on plates made with an antibiotic (400µg G418 antibiotic per mL of MOLS4 medium) that selects for the kanamycin cassette defining the DVH-mut. These contamination checks were performed approximately every 100 generations, and were always negative. We also PCR amplified and sequenced the 16S rRNA gene in order to ascertain that the cultivated lineages were composed of DVH. A detailed procedure is available in the supplemental material. In all twelve evolved lineages and the ancestor, the 16S sequences were identical matches to the 16S rRNA gene from the DVH reference genome(19). We interpret this similarity to show that exogenous strains with higher fitness did not take over any of the populations of the evolution experiment. 2.5 Fitness assay We quantified fitness of the evolved populations by direct competition experiments with ancestral populations (Figure 2). Direct competition experiments between two strains account for environmental or demographic variations that may not be detectable when measuring culture growth independently. Detailed procedures are available in the supplemental material. Cultures maintained at -80oC were thawed and inoculated into MOLS4. Growing cultures were transferred three times at 24 h intervals prior to performing the fitness assay. Fitness was assayed after serially transferring mixed cultures of wild-type lineages with the ancestral UHIHUHQFH PXWDQW RYHU § 0 generations. Cultures were inoculated with equal numbers of exponentially growing cells of each strain. At each transfer, we tracked the relative frequency of the genetic barcode of the reference mutant relative to a gene shared by both strains (dsrA ; supplemental material) with real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Since the evolved lineages ended up having higher fitness than the ancestral population, this technique was only able to monitor the fitness of the evolved wild-type strains. A similar method has been used for monitoring the fitness of RNA viruses (28) and for quantifying the relative survival of algae under predation by rotifer (29). We compared the fitness of the experimental lineages over two selection intervals. The first selection interval lasted from the start of the experiment (i.e., with the ancestral population at generation 0) to generation 560. The second interval spanned from generation 560 to generation 927. 2.6 Measurement of exponential growth characteristics Cultures used for exponential growth determinations (Figure 2) were grown in the same way as cells prepared for fitness assays (above). Specific growth rates (k in day-1) of exponentially growing cells were calculated as ݇= ln(ܥଵ ) െ ln(ܥ ) ܶଵ െ ܶ where T 0 is the time of the initiation of the experiment (in days), T 1 is the first sampling time (in days) and C 0 and C 1 are the cell concentrations (in cells mL-1) at these times. We estimated cell concentrations by measuring the optical density (OD) of an actively growing culture at 600 nm. These OD 600 measurements were converted to cell concentrations via a single constant conversion factor (11.4 x 108) obtained by counting individual cells in dilute, DAPI-stained aliquots of actively growing ancestral and evolved lines under an epifluoresence microscope. Our cell concentrations were comparable to previously published estimates of exponentially growing DVH in identical growth conditions (30). Uncertainty estimates on growth rate were propagated from the uncertainty on measurements of OD (Table S1). Determinations of yield (Y, in 106 cells per µmol SO 4 -2 consumed) and cell specific sulfate reduction rate (csSRR, in femtomoles SO 4 -2 consumed cell-1 day-1) were based on concentrations of hydrogen sulfide produced by exponentially growing cultures. Concentrations were measured with a commercial sulfide kit based on the colorimetric method of Cline (1969). Absorbance was measured on a Genesys 10S UV-VIS spectrophotometer at 670nm. The spectrophotometer was calibrated with mixed standards of dissolved sodium sulfide and zinc chloride that were reproducible to ± 0.1mM. Once H 2 S concentrations and cell numbers were measured, we estimated yield during exponential growth as ܻ= 1 ܥ௫ െ ܥ × [ܪଶ ܵ]௫ െ [ܪଶ ܵ] 10 where [H 2 S] 0 is the concentration of H 2 S (in mM) at the initiation of the experiment, [H 2 S] x concentration of H 2 S (in mM) at later sampling times, and the factor of 106 adjusts units to 106 cells/micromole SO 4 2-. This expression assumes a 1-to-1 stoichiometry between SO 4 -2 consumed and H 2 S produced. The cell specific sulfate reduction rate during exponential growth was calculated from estimates of growth rate and the yield as ܿ= ܴܴܵݏ ݇ × 10ଷ ܻ where the factor of 103 adjusts units to femtomole cell-1 day-1. 2.7 Characterization of sulfur isotope fractionation We measured S isotope fractionation by ancestral DVH wild-type and mutant populations six times each (Figure 2). We also measured fractionation of all lineages over the same intervals at which fitness was assayed (560 and 927 generations). A detailed methodology is available in supplemental material. Cultures used for sulfur isotope fractionation measurements were grown in the same way as cells prepared for fitness assays (above). At the start of the assay, 5 mL of a mid-exponential phase culture (OD 600 ~ 0.2) was inoculated into gassed and sterile assay bottles containing 80 mL of MOLS4 and a magnetic stir bar. The assay bottles were vigorously stirred while being simultaneously purged with pure N 2 gas for two to three hours to remove any sulfide that was carried-over with the inoculum. Repeated tests showed that the sulfide blank in the assay medium after purging was <5 ppm. Immediately after purging, we took a sample (labeled T 0 ) to characterize the initial S isotope composition of the sulfate (and sulfide, see above) in the medium. Assay cultures were incubated at 33oC and shaken at 110 rpm. We halted cell growth and sulfate respiration once enough sulfide was produced for a reliable isotope measurement, typically when <10% of the initial sulfate had been consumed (Table 2). The assay was stopped by adding 10 mL of an acidic, 4% (wt/vol) zinc acetate solution. This also preserved the sulfide that had been produced since T 0 as ZnS. This sample (labelled T 1 ) provided the S isotope composition of the product sulfide as well as the residual sulfate. The 34 S-32S and 33 S-32S ratios of sulfate at T 0 and T 1 , and sulfide at T 1 provided six data points that could be used to constrain the three parameters influencing the S isotope phenotype at the assay conditions, as well as their uncertainty (supplemental material). These are the fraction of sulfate left unconsumed during the assay (f), the intrinsic discrimination of 34S from 32S during sulfate respiration (34İ), and the characteristic discrimination of respiration (33O). We use the following definitions for 34İ and 33O ଷସ ߝ = ଷସ ଷସ ܵ ܵ ቈ ଷଶ െ ቈ ଷଶ ܵ sulfate ܵ sulfide ଷସ ܵ ቈ ଷଶ ܵ sulfide 33 S from 32 S during sulfate ଷଷ ߝ = ଷଷ ଷଷ ܵ ܵ ቈ ଷଶ െ ቈ ଷଶ ܵ sulfate ܵ sulfide ଷସ ܵ ቈ ଷଶ ܵ sulfide ଷଷ ߣ In the text and in the figures, = ݈݊൫ ଷଷߝ + 1൯ ݈݊൫ ଷସߝ + 1൯ İ values are multiplied by a factor of 1000 in order to be 34 expressed as parts per thousand (‰). 3. Results & discussion 3.1 Fitness trajectories reflect an optimization regime of evolutionary adaptation The mean fitness of the DVH wild-type ancestor relative to the mutant reference strain was of 1.002 ± 0.003 (uncertainty is reported as the sample standard deviation unless otherwise noted; Figure 3A; Table 1), justifying our use of the mutant ancestor as a reference strain for the RTPCR fitness assays. With this assay, the DVH-wt lineages showed fitness increases over the first 560 generations that were between 14.8% and 18.5%. This corresponds to a mean fitness increase across these lines of 17.2 ± 1.2% over the first selection interval, which is an average change in mean fitness of 0.031 ± 0.002% per generation (Figure 3A; Table 1). Between generation 560 and generation 927, the fitness of individual lineages increased between 2.0% and 3.6% relative to the fitness at generation 560, with a mean fitness increase across lineages of 2.4% +/- 1.3%. The average change in mean fitness for this selection interval is 0.007 ± 0.004% per generation, which shows that the rate of increase in mean fitness slowed as the experiment progressed (Figure 3). We interpret the competition experiments as evidence for a difference in fitness between the ancestral and evolved populations at generation 560 as well as between the evolved populations at generation 560 and generation 927. This inference is supported statistically as the null hypothesis,of no change can be rejected at a > 99% significance level (p<0.01 for no difference in means via two sided Student’s t-test assuming equal variance). It is also clear graphically from plots of the difference in fitness for each lineage from the start to the end of a selection interval (‘paired’ fitness differences) against the average fitness for the lineage over that interval (Figure 3B). This behavior attests to the precision and reliability of estimating fitness with the RT-PCR assay developed here. The fitness dynamics of the DVH-wt lines resemble those seen in other serial transfer experiments with microbial populations over similar timescales. For example, rates of mean fitness increases measured in evolving glucose-limited populations of the J-proteobacterium, Escherichia coli, increase quickly over the first 600 generations (approximately 0.0375% per generation) but then decrease to approximately 0.008% per generation over the next 400 generations (18). Similarly, in selection experiments with the methylotrophic D- proteobacterium, Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, growing on a single-carbon substrate, mean fitness increased at a rate of 0.054% per generation over the initial 300 generations of growth and decrease to 0.009% per generation between generations 900 and 1500 (31). In five hundred generations of evolution on nutrient-rich medium, 640 separate lines of the model eukaryotic microbe, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, exhibited a mean fitness that increased at a rate of 0.013 % per generation (32). With a wide range of microorganisms and in a variety of selective environments, it seems that experimental evolutionary adaptation produces a common pattern of generally decreasing rates of fitness increase, often with strikingly similar magnitudes in the deceleration of the actual rates. This behavior is characteristic of adaptive evolution in a regime of ‘optimization’ rather than ‘innovation’ (33). In this regime, beneficial mutations tend to modify the extent, rather than the kind, of existing metabolic and genetic networks leading to, for example, changes in the levels of gene expression and magnitudes of metabolic fluxes (33). The overall fitness trajectories of the evolved DVH-wt lineages appear to be similar, but this does not necessarily translate into reproducibility of the underlying population or genetic dynamics in each lineage. It is possible that the close correlation in fitness among lineages at generation 560 and 927 (Figure 3) might be because high fitness mutants that evolve in a defined environment tend to be phenotypically similar and, thus, might have accumulated similar beneficial mutations (34). However, fitness responses of decreasing sensitivity can be a more general consequence of the hierarchal fixation of beneficial mutations (35-38), affecting the dynamics of ultimate mutation incorporation in individuals and populations (39-44). Clonal interference, for example, is a population-level process that leads to a slowing down of overall adaptive rates because of the competition between multiple subpopulations, each with mutations of similar benefit (39). Diminishing-returns epistasis, on the other hand, is an individual-level effect where mutations confer smaller fitness benefits in combination than individually, leading to deceleration of adaptation (45). Both of these processes may play a role in setting the powerlaw trajectory of fitness as adapting microbial populations sample a larger and larger number of mutations (46). However, both are apparently underlain by an inherent unpredictability regarding which groups of beneficial mutations actually become fixed (32, 47). Detailed examinations of whole genomes are required to determine whether the parallel fitness trajectories of the evolved DVH-wt lineages reflect these more stochastic events or the deterministic fixation of shared beneficial mutations. In either case, however, the patterns of fitness changes seen here indicate that the populations of DVH-wt genotypes at generations 560 and 927 are distinct from the original isogenic ancestral population and from each other. 3.2 S isotope fractionation changes consistently during evolutionary adaptation Ancestral populations had İ values between 5.14 and 10.06‰, and 34 Ȝ YDOXHV EHWZHHQ 33 0.5044 and 0.5141 (Table 2; Figure 4A). These values are consistent with previous characterizations of the S isotope phenotype of sulfate-reducing microbes at high rates of respiration (7, 8, 12). Ancestral populations of DVH-wt and DVH-mut were assayed six times each and no significant differences in the underlying distribution of 34İ (p=0.17 for no difference in means via two sided Student’s t-test assuming equal variance) or 33Ȝp=0.23) were observed. The grand mean of all twelve biological replicates of the ancestral 34 İZDV 6.96 ± 1.34‰ while Ȝ was on average 0.5077 ± 0.0023. 33 The range, grand means and standard deviations of 34İDQG33ȜYDOXHVZHUHVLPLODUWKURXJKRXW the course of the adaptive evolution experiment (Table 2; Figure 4A). At generation 560, 34 İ ranged from 5.90 to 10.08 across the DVH-wt and DVH-mut lines, with a grand mean of 8.06 ± 1.38‰ (average 33 Ȝ = 0.5105 ± 0.0024). At generation 927, 34 İ ranged from 5.05 to 8.05‰ across the DVH-wt and DVH-mut lines, with a grand mean of 6.59 ± 0.51 ‰ (average Ȝ = 33 0.5094 ± 0.0013). Across lines, variability in 33Ȝ values was always similar to the magnitude of analytical uncertainty (Figure S1). However, variability in 34 than the uncertainty with which we were able assay the İ values was 5 to 10 times greater 34 İ associated with an individual population (Table 2). As a result, we looked to see if there were consistent signals in 34İ for each lineage from the start to the end of a selection interval, as the fitness of that population increased. This was only possible for the DVH-wt lines. Our fitness assay relies on the ancestral DVH-mut as a reference strain and was not able to track increasing fitness in the DVH-mut lines. When differences in İ for each lineage from the start to the end of a selection interval 34 (paired differences in İ) are plotted against the paired average fitness value for the lineage over 34 that interval (Figure 4B), it is clear that the S isotope phenotype of these lineages changed consistently during evolutionary adaption. If İ values at later generations were unrelated to 34 those at earlier generations, the paired differences in 34İ should be centered on 0, and show no systematic variation. Instead, paired differences in 34 İ are uniformly positive over the first selection interval, and dominantly negative over the second (Figure 4B). Although these phenotypic changes were consistent over each selection interval, their association with increasing fitness was not monotonic (Figure 4B). Increased variability in a phenotypic trait has been seen in microbial evolution experiments when that trait itself was not under direct selection (48). Selection is unlikely to act on the isotopic phenotype itself. Sulfur isotope exchange between sulfate and sulfide – the initial reactant and final product of sulfate respiration - is ~0.1 kJ mol-1, much less than the minimum free energy required to sustain anaerobic metabolisms (~10 kJ mol1 ; (49)). Accordingly, we looked at the DVH-wt lineages for variations in phenotypic traits that may have affected both fitness and 34İ. 3.3 Increases in exponential growth rate accompany increased fitness, but not increased 34ɂ Replicate experiments with the ancestral population established exponential growth rates (k) from 3.6 to 4.6 day-1, clustered around a mean of 4.2 ± 0.4 day-1 (Figure 5A; Table 1). Across all DVH-wt lines, the average exponential growth rate increased to 4.8 ± 0.7 day-1 at generation 560 and to 5.5 ± 0.5 day-1 at generation 927 (Table 1). The consistency of these changes across each lineage is striking, as shown by a plot of the exponential growth rate differences for each lineage from the start to the end of a selection interval (paired growth rate differences) against the paired fitness differences for that lineage across the same interval (Figure 6A). While fitness increases showed a nonlinear deceleration over the course of the adaptive evolution experiment, increases in exponential growth rate did not appear to follow a similar trajectory. In principle, overall fitness could be enhanced by adaption to any of the four phases of density-regulated growth that accompany serial transfer in batch culture (50). The competition assays accounted for fitness in both the low density, nutrient-rich conditions that characterize the early phases of growth, as well as the crowded, nutrient poor conditions that came later. Adaptive effects at high population density may have been more important during the first selection interval than during the second, accounting for the lack of proportionality between exponential growth rate and fitness (Figure 6A). However, as was the case for DVH adapting to salt-stress (23), or a mutualistic, non-sulfate-reducing lifestyle with the archaeon Methanococcus maripaludis (24), exponential growth rate appears to be a primary selective target for adaption during serial transfer of batch cultures of DVH. Although exponential growth rates increased throughout the course of the experiment, İ 34 values did not. The same relative changes in growth rate § 0.5 to 0.6 day-1) over each selection interval were associated with opposite, and near equal, effects in 34İ (Figure 7A). Although there may be a direct association of growth rate increases with enhanced fitness during evolutionary adaptation, changes in the S isotope phenotype do not appear to reflect these increases. 3.4 Exponential yield and respiration rates co-vary with fitness increases and 34İ changes Across the DVH-wt lines, cell yields during exponential growth increased slightly after the first selection and fell by a similar amount after the second (Figure 5B). Cell-specific sulfate respiration rates during exponential growth (csSRR), on the other hand, exhibited the opposite behavior (Figure 5C). The signal-to-noise ratio for determinations of yield is hampered by the small accumulation of H 2 S during the assay interval. Extending these estimates over longer times only changes these results in detail (Table S1). Since yield estimates over longer times consider a portion of the growth cycle where growth rate is not monitored, we thus utilized the initial estimates of yield for calculating csSRR and further analysis. Paired differences in yield show a consistent co-variation with fitness, with the large fitness gains seen in each lineage over the first selection interval accompanied by increases in yield, and the smaller fitness gains of the second interval associated with yield decreases (Figure 6B). As expected from the trade-off implicit in the definition of csSRR, decreased respiration rates appear with the initial fitness increases, while larger increases in respiration accompany the smaller fitness gains that came later (Figure 6C). One lineage (A) was a clear exception to these patterns, largely as a result of the atypically low exponential growth rates estimated for this population at generations 560 and 927 (Table 1). However, lineage A had a fitness trajectory that is consistent with other lines, and 34 İ YDOXHV WKDW DUH HTXLYDOHQW DV ZHOO :H GR QRW KDYH DQ explanation for the atypical growth rate behavior that it exhibited. Like fitness changes, paired differences in İ VKRZ D V\VWHPDWLF YDULDWLRQ ZLWK H[SRQHQWLDO 34 yield and csSRR (Figure 7B,C). When yield changes were positive, 34İFKDQJHVZHUHpositive; when yield decreased, İ decreased (Figure 7B). Since exponential growth rates increased 34 monotonically throughout the course of the adaptive evolution experiment (Figure 5A), variations in exponential csSRR are a reflection of those seen in yield (Figure 5B,C). For the first selection interval, this led to decreased csSRR associated with positive changes in 34İZKLOH the negative 34İFKDQJHVRYHUWKHVHFRQGVHOHFWLRQLQWHUYDODFFRPpanied csSRR increases (Figure 7C). Again, lineage A showed behavior that did not fit these patterns. 3.5 Consequences of adaptive evolution for the S isotope phenotype Over the last 60 years great efforts have been made to understand the controls on isotope fractionation during dissimilatory sulfate reduction e.g. (25, 51, 52) because a working knowledge of how environmental conditions affect S isotopes during DSR allows the reconstruction of past environmental conditions (6, 53). Temperature, pH, sulfate concentrations all impose constraints on portions of the DSR metabolism which in turn affects the S isotope signature that is produced (1, 5, 6). At high concentrations of sulfate, it is the rate of respiration of sulfate within a microbial cell that appears to explain a large portion of the isotopic selectivity. An increase in csSRR, caused by the changing nature or supply of electron donors, affects the magnitude of S isotope fractionation in a hyperbolically decreasing manner (7-10, 12, 13, 54) . With this physiological response as a guide, our results suggest that the adaptive consequences on İ might recapitulate physiological ones, within the ‘optimization’ adaptive 34 regime in which we conducted our experiments. If a common mechanism is shared by the physiological and adaptive influences of csSRR, this implies that the lineages in the evolution experiment likely saw beneficial mutations that changed protein expression levels rather than protein structure. This inference is consistent with experiments that directly test how adaptive optimization works at a molecular level, by first tuning protein expression (55) to remove pathways that are not necessary and to enhance flux through of essential metabolic pathways (56). We might expect such a similarity between evolutionary adaptation and physiological acclimation given the rapidity of these regulatory changes during adaptation and the languid occurrence of ones that affect enzyme structure. However, the interaction between evolutionary adaptation and the isotope phenotype is sure to be more complex than a simple resemblance to physiological acclimation. Some evolutionarydriven adaptations might influence genes that epistatically interact with genes affecting the isotope phenotype while others may not. If this is the case, then isotope phenotype and evolutionary adaptation may not be correlated in a broad sense but might be more contingent upon the development and optimization of particular functional traits (e.g., sulfate uptake, enzyme activity, csSRR). If the isotope phenotype is correlated with specific traits, the expected trajectory of the isotope phenotype during instances of evolutionary adaptation may be able to be anticipated. A microbial evolution experiment that starts with a strain further from the fitness ‘peak’ than the DVH-wt used here might be able to answer these questions. It may also point towards a way to reconcile evolutionary adaptation with the isotope phenotype, and its preserved variation in the rock record. 4. Conclusion This investigation shows that short-term evolutionary adaptation can affect the S isotope phenotype of sulfate-reducing microorganisms. The dissimilatory sulfate reducing bacteria Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough increased its growth rate during a simple microbial evolution experiment. Our experimental design led to mean fitness that always increased with time but at a decreasing rate, reDFKLQJLPSURYHPHQWVRIaDIWHUQHDUO\§ generations of selection. At the high growth rates of the experiment, fitness changes were directly correlated with changes in exponential growth rate. In contrast, growth rate did not appear to play a direct role in shaping the isotope phenotype. Changes in 34İ ZHUH FRQVLVWHQW ZLWKLQ D JLYHQ VHOHFWLRQ LQWHUYDO DOWKRXJK WKH\ GLIIHUHG LQ sign, from slightly positive over the first interval to slightly negative over the second. These changes appeared to vary in concert with changes in cell-specific sulfate reduction rate and yield. A physiological control of cell-specific sulfate reduction rate on34İ LV ZHOO NQRZQ ZLWK higher rates leading to lower 34İ We observed a similar inverse association between 34İDQGFHOOspecific sulfate reduction rate, leading to the possibility that adaptive effects on the sulfur isotope phenotype recapitulate physiological ones, at least at the high growth rates encountered here. Because the initial growth rates of the ancestral DvH are high, evolutionary adaptation may have a weaker impact on the genes responsible for the expression of 34İ than in other conditions conducive to slower initial growth rates. Since a common mechanism behind physiological and evolutionary change is gene expression, we hypothesize that evolutionary situations where fitness increases are directly hinged on increases in the physiology of sulfate reducers would promote higher respiration and lower 34İ 5. Acknowledgments We thank Jesse Colangelo-Lillis for assistance with counting cells and thoughtful comments on this paper, and Nadia Mykytczuk and Rebecca Austin for their efforts in the development of the RT-PCR fitness assay. This work was supported by NSERC through a Canada Graduate Fellowship to AP, Discovery and RTI grants to BAW and LGW, and a USRA to LAT. The Stable Isotope Laboratory in the Earth and Planetary Sciences department at McGill is supported by the FQRNT through the GEOTOP research center. Figure captions Figure 1: 34İvalues from pure cultures of sulfate-reducing microbes with metabolic rates in a similar range to this study (50 – 125 femtomole cell-1 day-1). Larger datasets are displayed as boxplots whereas smaller datasets are displayed as individual points. Data labelled a) from (12), b) from (7), c) from (11), d) from (14), e) from (15), and f) from (8). Figure 2: Illustration of the experimental workflow. 'DLO\ VHULDO WUDQVIHUV SURGXFH § generations of growth per day. The resulting evolved lineages are DUFKLYHGDWLQWHUYDOVRI§100 generations. Archived .ancestral and evolved lineages are revived simultaneously to measure the phenotypic differences over two selection intervals (generation 0 to 560 and generation 560 to 927). Figure 3: Magnitudes of fitness improvements decrease with increasing generations. A) Fitness of DVH-wt ancestor and evolved lineages as determined by direct competition experiments as a function of number of generations. Data from specific generations is jittered along the x-axis for easier visualization. Symbols indicate individual lineages while colors indicate different generations. Error bars indicate 1V uncertainty based on triplicate competition experiments. B) Difference in fitness for each lineage from the start to the end of a selection interval (‘paired’ fitness difference) against the average fitness for the lineage over that interval. Symbols indicate individual lineages while colors indicate different selection intervals. Error bars indicate propagated 1V uncertainties. Figure 4: Isotope fractionation (34İ) over the course of the evolution experiment. A) 34İ values as a function of number of generations. Data from specific generations is jittered along the x-axis for easier visualization. Symbols indicate individual lineages while contrasting colors indicate different generations. Like colors group lineages by their common ancestor (wt or mut). Error bars indicate 1V uncertainty estimates based on a Monte Carlo simulation (supplemental material). B) Difference in (‘paired’ difference in 34 İ for each lineage from the start to the end of a selection interval 34 İ) against the average 34 İ for the lineage over that interval. Symbols indicate individual lineages while colors indicate different selection intervals. Error bars indicate propagated 1V uncertainties. Figure 5: Growth characteristics of individual lines during exponential growth. Data from specific generations is jittered along the x-axis for easier visualization. Symbols indicate individual lineages while colors indicate different generations.. Error bars indicate 1V uncertainty propagated from measurements of optical density and [H 2 S]. (A) Growth rate (k). (B) Growth yield (Y). (C) Cell-specific sulfate reduction (csSRR). Figure 6: Difference in growth characteristics for each lineage from the start to the end of a selection interval relative to paired differences in fitness. Symbols indicate individual lineages while colors indicate different selection intervals. Error bars indicate propagated 1V uncertainties. A) Paired growth rate differences relative to paired fitness differences. B) Paired yield differences relative to paired fitness differences. C) Paired csSRR differences relative to paired fitness differences. Figure 7: Difference in İ for each lineage from the start to the end of a selection interval 34 relative to the paired differences in growth rate, yield and csSRR. Symbols indicate individual lineages while colors indicate different selection intervals. Error bars indicate propagated 1V uncertainties. A) Paired differences in differences in 34 İ relative to paired growth rate differences. B) Paired İ relative to paired yield differences. C) Paired differences in 34 İ relative to 34 paired csSRR differences. Table 1: Fitness and growth characteristics of individual lines during the evolution experiment. Table 2: Mass balance and isotopic characteristics of individual lines during the evolution experiment. References 1. 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Figure 1 40 Desulfobacula phenolicad PRTOLe 20 34 ε (‰) 30 Archaeoglobus fulgidus strain Zd 10 '066íf Desulfovibrio oxyclinaed 0 c a s b us m c i h u ecie d g c p i n u s i h o r e tor trop bor Oth uto lfata den l a u i s H de rium ris rmo cte lga e a u h v b T rio ulfo ovib Des f l u Des Figure 2 Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough (wild-type) Founders Ancestral lineages Evolved lineages A B C D E F 0.6mL Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough (mutant) 10mL G H I J K L 0 0.6mL 10mL 0.6mL 10mL 10mL 10 5 0.6mL 10mL 0.6mL 10mL 925 15 A B C D E F 10mL 930 Increasing generations Preservation at -80oC Generations 0, 560 & 927 are selected for further analysis Direct RT-PCR competition assay Phenotypic characterization “Fossil record” G H I J K L Preservation intervals of less than 100 generations Fitness Isotope fractionation (34ε) Growth rate (k) Growth yield (Y) Respiration rate (csSRR) Figure 3 A Generation 0 1.20 560 927 Lineage 1.15 A Fitness B C D 1.10 E F 1.05 1.00 0 250 500 750 1000 generations B Selection interval 0.20 Paired fitness difference 0-560 560-927 0.15 Lineage A 0.10 B C 0.05 D E 0.00 F 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 Paired average fitness 1.20 Figure 4 A Lineages Generation DvH-wt 10 wt mu A 0 B 560 C 927 9 E 8 F 34 ε (‰) D 7 DvH-mu G 6 H I 5 0 250 500 J 750 Generations K L B Selection interval Paired difference in 34 ε (‰) 0-560 2 560-927 Lineage A 0 B C í D E í F 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 Paired average fitness over interval 1.20 Figure 5 A Generation 0 Growth rate (dayí) 6 560 927 5 Lineage A 4 B C 0 500 750 Yield6 cells µmoleSO42- í) B 250 E F 80 60 40 0 250 0 250 500 750 500 750 C Respiration rate (csSRR) (fmole cellí dayí) D 80 40 Generation Figure 6 A Paired growth rate difference (dayí) Selection interval 0-560 2 560-927 Lineage A B C 0 D E í F 0.00 0.05 0.20 50 Selection interval 2- B Paired yield diffHUHQFH6 cells µmoleSO4 í) Paired fitness difference 0-560 560-927 25 Lineage A B 0 C D í E F 0.00 0.05 0.20 Paired fitness difference Selection interval C Paired respiration rate (csSRR) difference (fmole cellí dayí) 0-560 40 560-927 Lineage A 0 B C D í E F 0.00 0.05 Paired fitness difference 0.20 A Selection interval 0-560 Paired difference in ε (‰) Lineage 0 A B C í D E í F í 0 Paired growth rate difference (dayí) B Selection interval Paired difference in ε (‰) 0-560 Lineage 0 A B C í D E í F í 0 Paired yield diffHUHQFH6 cells µmole SO í) C 50 Selection interval 0-560 Paired difference in ε (‰) Figure 7 Lineage 0 A B C í D E í F í 0 Paired respiration rate (csSRR) difference (fmole cellí dayí) Ŭ;ĚĂLJͲϭͿ ʍ z;ϭϬϲĐĞůůƐͬђŵŽůĞ^KϰͿ ʍ ĐƐ^ZZ;ĨŵŽůĞͬĐĞůůͬĚĂLJͿ >ŝŶĞĂŐĞŶĂŵĞ 'ĞŶĞƌĂƚŝŽŶ &ŝƚŶĞƐƐ;tͿΎ ʍ ŶĐĞƐƚŽƌ Ϭ ϰ͘ϬϬ Ϭ͘ϯϵ ϱϲ͘ϳ ϳϬ͘ϱ ϱ͘ϭ Ϭ ϰ͘Ϭϱ Ϭ͘ϯϯ ϰϰ͘ϵ ϵϬ͘ϯ ϯ͘ϭ Ϭ ϯ͘ϲϭ Ϭ͘ϯϵ ϰϵ͘Ϭ ϳϯ͘ϱ ϱ͘ϭ Ϭ ϭ͘ϬϬϲ ϰ͘ϲϲ Ϭ͘Ϯϱ ϱϰ͘ϱ ϴϱ͘ϱ Ϯ͘ϯ Ϭ ϭ͘ϬϬϬ ϰ͘Ϯϵ Ϭ͘Ϯϳ ϰϴ͘Ϭ ϴϵ͘ϰ Ϯ͘ϰ & Ϭ ϭ͘ϬϬϭ ϰ͘Ϯϵ Ϭ͘Ϯϯ ϱϱ͘ϯ ϳϳ͘ϲ Ϯ͘ϲ ŵĞĂŶ ϭ͘ϬϬϮΎΎ Ϭ͘ϬϬϯ ϰ͘ϭϱ Ϭ͘ϯϱ ϱϭ͘ϰ ϰ͘ϳ ϴϭ͘ϭ 'ĞŶĞƌĂƚŝŽŶ ϱϲϬ ϳ͘ϲ ϱϲϬ ϭ͘ϭϳϲ Ϭ͘ϬϬϯ ϰ͘Ϯϭ Ϭ͘ϲϴ ϰϰ͘ϴ ϵϰ͘Ϭ ϵ͘Ϭ ϱϲϬ ϭ͘ϭϳϯ Ϭ͘ϬϬϰ ϱ͘Ϯϯ Ϭ͘ϲϵ ϲϲ͘ϳ ϳϴ͘ϯ ϭϬ͘Ϯ ϱϲϬ ϭ͘ϭϰϴ Ϭ͘ϬϭϬ ϱ͘ϭϯ Ϭ͘ϳϰ ϲϲ͘ϵ ϳϲ͘ϲ ϴ͘ϴ ϱϲϬ ϭ͘ϭϴϱ Ϭ͘Ϭϭϵ ϱ͘ϭϮ Ϭ͘ϲϬ ϳϬ͘ϰ ϳϮ͘ϳ ϭϳ͘ϯ ϱϲϬ ϭ͘ϭϳϳ Ϭ͘ϬϬϲ ϰ͘ϱϯ Ϭ͘ϴϯ ϳϴ͘ϭ ϱϴ͘Ϭ ϭϭ͘Ϯ & ϱϲϬ ϭ͘ϭϳϱ Ϭ͘ϬϬϰ ϰ͘ϳϰ Ϭ͘ϱϳ ϳϵ͘ϲ ϱϵ͘ϲ ŵĞĂŶ ϭ͘ϭϳϮ Ϭ͘ϬϭϮ ϰ͘ϴϯ Ϭ͘ϰϬ ϲϳ͘ϴ ϭϮ͘ϱ ϳϯ͘Ϯ 'ĞŶĞƌĂƚŝŽŶ ϵϮϳ ϳϳ͘Ϭ ϵϮϳ ϭ͘Ϯϭϯ Ϭ͘ϬϬϳ ϯ͘ϳϳ Ϭ͘ϰϮ ϰϴ͘ϵ ϵ͘Ϯ ϰϲ͘ϲ ϵϮϳ ϭ͘ϭϵϰ Ϭ͘Ϭϭϴ ϱ͘ϳϭ Ϭ͘ϰϱ ϭϮϮ͘ϲ Ϯ͘ϭ ϰϳ͘ϵ ϵϮϳ ϭ͘ϭϳϴ Ϭ͘ϬϬϯ ϱ͘ϳϲ Ϭ͘ϱϯ ϭϮϬ͘Ϯ Ϯ͘ϰ ϱϲ͘ϳ ϵϮϳ ϭ͘ϭϴϴ Ϭ͘Ϭϭϱ ϱ͘ϳϭ Ϭ͘ϯϴ ϭϬϬ͘ϲ Ϯ͘Ϯ ϲϬ͘ϰ ϵϮϳ ϭ͘ϮϭϮ Ϭ͘ϬϬϲ ϲ͘Ϭϭ Ϭ͘ϱϲ ϵϵ͘ϲ ϯ͘Ϭ ϱϱ͘ϳ & ϵϮϳ ϭ͘ϭϵϲ Ϭ͘ϬϬϳ ϱ͘ϴϯ Ϭ͘ϰϲ ϭϬϰ͘ϳ Ϯ͘ϱ ŵĞĂŶ ϭ͘ϭϵϳ Ϭ͘Ϭϭϰ ϱ͘ϰϲ Ϭ͘ϴϰ ϱϳ͘ϰ ϭϭ͘Ϭ ϵϵ͘ϰ Ύ&ŝƚŶĞƐƐĂƐƐĂLJƐĂƌĞƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĞĚŝŶĚĞƉĞŶĚĞŶƚůLJŽĨƚŚĞŐƌŽǁƚŚĂƐƐĂLJƐŝŶƚŚĞƌĞƐƚŽĨƚŚĞƚĂďůĞ͘ ΎΎ&ŝƚŶĞƐƐŽĨƚŚĞĂŶĐĞƐƚŽƌůŝŶĞĂŐĞŝƐĞdžƉƌĞƐƐĞĚƌĞůĂƚŝǀĞƚŽshϬϲϬϬ͘dŚĞĨŝƚŶĞƐƐŽĨǀ,tdĂŶĚshϬϲϬϬĂƌĞĞĨĨĞĐƚŝǀĞůLJĞƋƵĂů͘ dĂďůĞϭ͗&ŝƚŶĞƐƐĂŶĚŐƌŽǁƚŚĐŚĂƌĂĐƚĞƌŝƐƚŝĐƐŽĨůŝŶĞĂŐĞƐ ʍ Ϯϲ͘ϳ ϵ͘ϱ ϭϬ͘ϱ ϳ͘ϴ ϭϮ͘ϲ ϭϭ͘ϭ ϴ͘Ϭ ϭϯ͘ϯ ϭϭ͘Ϭ ϭϲ͘ϳ ϭϮ͘ϱ ϭϲ͘ϭ ϭϰ͘ϴ ϮϮ͘Ϭ ϴ͘ϰ ϱ͘ϲ ϳ͘Ϯ ϱ͘ϴ ϭϬ͘ϵ ϵ͘ϲ ϵ͘ϰ Table 2: Mass balance and isotopic characteristics of individual lines during the evolution experiment. Generation# 0 560 927 Lineage id A B C D E F G (DVH-mut) H (DVH-mut) I (DVH-mut) J (DVH-mut) K (DVH-mut) L (DVH-mut) L (DVH-mut, replicate) A B C D E F F (replicate) G (DVH-mut) H (DVH-mut) I (DVH-mut) J (DVH-mut) K (DVH-mut) L (DVH-mut) A B C D E F G (DVH-mut) H (DVH-mut) I (DVH-mut) J (DVH-mut) K (DVH-mut) L (DVH-mut) 34 f 0.97 0.97 0.98 0.95 0.83 0.96 0.96 0.99 0.81 0.75 0.97 0.88 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.93 0.99 0.95 0.98 0.97 0.92 0.97 0.97 0.94 0.96 0.93 0.93 0.94 0.96 0.80 0.90 0.85 0.89 0.88 0.80 34 İ 10.06 7.60 7.78 6.83 7.00 6.55 8.66 6.34 5.46 5.74 6.39 5.14 7.05 10.04 9.54 8.19 8.94 10.09 7.34 6.99 6.73 5.90 8.34 7.90 7.17 6.58 6.12 7.17 8.58 8.25 6.00 6.22 6.02 6.49 6.54 5.05 6.54 6.09 33 Ȝ 0.5060 0.5073 0.5082 0.5067 0.5081 0.5130 0.5077 0.5078 0.5046 0.5100 0.5088 0.5044 0.5047 0.5084 0.5080 0.5123 0.5070 0.5087 0.5133 0.5091 0.5087 0.5141 0.5121 0.5094 0.5131 0.5110 0.5087 0.5085 0.5100 0.5109 0.5109 0.5092 0.5078 0.5082 0.5106 0.5077 0.5111 0.5089 ı34İ 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.13 ı 33Ȝ 0.0016 0.0016 0.0017 0.0018 0.0019 0.0012 0.0014 0.0021 0.0022 0.0019 0.0019 0.0024 0.0017 0.0012 0.0012 0.0013 0.0015 0.0014 0.0012 0.0017 0.0018 0.0021 0.0015 0.0016 0.0017 0.0019 0.0020 0.0017 0.0014 0.0015 0.0020 0.0020 0.0021 0.0019 0.0019 0.0025 0.0019 0.0020 Paper 2 – Evolutionary adaptation of a sulfate reducing bacterium and its sulfur isotope phenotype Appendix Supplemental material Table S1 The growth characteristics of the DvH lineages at generation 0 (ancestor), 560 and 927 as well as the interpreted values growth rate, yield and csSRR. The data was acquired at T0, T1 but also at T2 which corresponds to time when the cultures enter stationary phase. Initially, because the biomass accumulation from T0 to T2 was greater, it was thought they may provide a more reliable estimate of yield. Different yield and csSRR estimates are based on the utilization of growth data from T0, T1 and T2 but ultimately the data from T2 was not retained for further analysis. Figure S1 The relationship between 34 İ and Ȝ throughout the microbial evolution experiment. Circles denote measurements from the ancestor, triangles are from generation 560 and the squares are from generation 927. The data obtained from cultures started from DvH wild type are colored according to lineage while the data obtained from DVU0600 are pooled together as light brown. A B C D E F A B C D E F 927 927 927 927 927 927 0.278 0.309 0.267 0.625 0.282 0.332 0.285 0.308 0.3 0.398 0.24 0.356 7.81832 9.21669 7.37753 8.59446 6.53394 8.4795 7.28633 8.5099 8.5251 8.4643 6.14635 9.42948 Lineage OD [H2S] A 0.482 13.2522 B 0.482 13.2522 C 0.482 13.2522 D 0.482 13.2522 E 0.482 13.2522 F 0.482 13.2522 560 560 560 560 560 560 Generation 0 0 0 0 0 0 Growth data Table S1 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.029 0.026 0.022 0.031 0.021 0.025 0.027 0.025 0.023 0.029 0.021 0.031 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 3.3E+07 2.9E+07 2.5E+07 3.5E+07 2.4E+07 2.9E+07 3.1E+07 2.9E+07 2.6E+07 3.3E+07 2.4E+07 3.5E+07 INOC T0 MICROSCOPY Age (hrs) Time (hrs) OD ı cells/mL 0 0.031 0.005 3.5E+07 0 0.037 0.005 4.2E+07 0 0.032 0.005 3.6E+07 Yes 0 0.047 0.005 5.4E+07 Yes 0 0.045 0.005 5.1E+07 Yes 0 0.051 0.005 5.8E+07 Page 1 ı 5.7E+06 5.7E+06 5.7E+06 5.7E+06 5.7E+06 5.7E+06 5.7E+06 5.7E+06 5.7E+06 5.7E+06 5.7E+06 5.7E+06 5.7E+06 5.7E+06 5.7E+06 5.7E+06 5.7E+06 5.7E+06 [H2S] 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 ı 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.3 Table S1 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 0.15 0.31 0.27 0.37 0.29 0.32 0.10 0.13 0.12 0.14 0.09 0.14 T1 Time (hrs) OD ı 10.5 0.18 10.5 0.22 10.5 0.16 10.5 0.36 10.5 0.29 10.5 0.33 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.7E+08 3.6E+08 3.1E+08 4.2E+08 3.3E+08 3.6E+08 1.1E+08 1.5E+08 1.3E+08 1.6E+08 1.0E+08 1.6E+08 cells/mL 2.0E+08 2.5E+08 1.8E+08 4.1E+08 3.4E+08 3.8E+08 ı 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 Page 2 [H2S] 1.9 7.1 6.1 6.9 5.1 6.1 2.1 2.0 1.8 2.2 1.1 1.8 3.1 4.9 2.9 6.9 6.1 6.2 ı 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 24 24 24 24 24 24 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 0.675 0.677 0.653 0.739 0.688 0.693 0.599 0.623 0.626 0.713 0.626 0.653 T2 Time (hrs) OD ı 49 0.53 49 0.54 49 0.523 49 0.507 49 0.516 49 0.539 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 2.3E+07 2.3E+07 2.3E+07 2.3E+07 2.3E+07 2.3E+07 2.3E+07 2.3E+07 2.3E+07 2.3E+07 2.3E+07 2.3E+07 6.8E+08 7.1E+08 7.1E+08 8.1E+08 7.1E+08 7.4E+08 7.7E+08 7.7E+08 7.4E+08 8.4E+08 7.8E+08 7.9E+08 14.2022 12.7962 12.4694 13.6246 15.1218 15.2966 13.1762 14.9622 15.1218 14.4682 14.0654 14.2858 cells/mL ı [H2S] ı 6E+08 2.3E+07 14.339 6.2E+08 2.3E+07 14.3466 6E+08 2.3E+07 14.1338 5.8E+08 2.3E+07 14.2858 5.9E+08 2.3E+07 13.7918 6.1E+08 2.3E+07 14.2326 Table S1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 3.8 5.7 5.8 5.7 6.0 5.8 4.2 5.2 5.1 5.1 4.5 4.7 k (day-1) T1-T0 ı 4.0 4.1 3.6 4.7 4.3 4.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 77.0 46.6 47.9 56.7 60.4 55.7 44.8 66.7 66.9 70.4 78.1 79.6 9.2 2.0 2.4 2.2 3.0 2.5 7.6 9.0 10.2 8.8 17.3 11.2 50.3 46.3 46.1 55.1 49.5 50.5 49.6 52.0 58.6 58.1 59.7 50.4 50.1 94.0 78.3 76.6 72.7 58.0 59.6 73.2 48.9 122.6 120.2 100.6 99.6 104.7 8.0 11.1 12.6 7.8 10.5 9.5 22.0 14.8 16.1 12.5 16.7 11.0 72.4 97.4 99.2 95.5 119.3 116.2 83.6 112.8 111.2 92.9 91.6 93.9 11.8395 8.81708 10.3645 7.36315 12.5747 10.5806 19.6061 21.2559 23.3576 15.9462 26.4114 17.317 Y(10^6cells/µmole SO4) csSRR (fmole/cell/day) (T1-T0) ı (T2-T0) Y:T1-T0 ı Y:T2-T0 ı 56.7 5.1 70.5 9.4 44.9 3.1 90.3 9.6 49.1 5.1 73.5 10.9 54.5 2.3 85.5 5.8 48.0 2.4 89.4 7.2 55.3 2.6 77.6 5.6 /ŶƚĞƌƉƌĞƚĂƚŝŽŶƐŽĨŐƌŽǁƚŚƌĂƚĞ͕LJŝĞůĚĂŶĚĐƐ^ZZ Page 3 Figure S1 0.516 Interval Ancestor Generation 560 0.512 Generation 927 Lineage 33λ A B 0.508 C D E F 0.504 All DVU0600 5 6 7 8 34ε 9 10 Detailed methods A-1 : 16S rRNA contamination check DNA was extracted from the ancestral strain and the 12 evolved lineage strains of DvH. In order to test for contaminations within the liquid cultures, we amplified and sequenced the 16S ribosomal gene from each lineage including the ancestral strain using general primers 27F (5’AGA GTT TGA TCC TGG CTC AG-3’) and 728R (5’-CTA CCA GGG TAT CTA ATC C-3’) and Sanger sequencing. The program cycle used to amplify the 16S gene is as follows: initial denaturation at 94°C for 15min followed by an initial 15 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 1min, primer annealing at 52°C for 45sec and elongation at 72°C for 1min. This is then immediately followed by 20 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 1min, primer annealing at 49.5°C for 45sec and elongation at 72°C for 1min. The final elongation step was at 72°C for 7min. All PCR were prepared in a laminar flow hood using aerosol resistant pipette tips and performed using Qiagen hotstart©. All PCR reactions were carried out on the Eppendorf Mastercycler Pro S. All the sequencing was done by the Génome Québec Innovation Centre. The gene sequences from each lineage we’re aligned using clustalW and trimmed to remove any low quality reads. In the end all sequences had a 692bp common overlap. Since all 13 tests were a 100% match to the 16S rRNA gene of DvH from Heidelberg et al. (2008), no subsequent analysis was undertaken. A-2: Measurement of the sulfur isotopes and estimation of the isotope phenotype (34İ) and 33 Ȝ The media containing both the sulfate and sulfide fractions of S was filtered through a 0.22um filter to remove all ZnS as well as cells and other precipitates from the filtrate containing the sulfate. The filter was subsequently reacted with concentrated hydrochloric acid to produce acidvolatile H2S (AVS) from the precipitated ZnS. This was carried by a N2 gas through a distillation column, a water trap and bubbled through an acidic zinc acetate trap which reprecipitated the H2S as a purified ZnS that did not contain cells or precipitates from the growth media. The sulfate in the filtrate was reacted with a ‘Thode’ reducing solution, a mixture of HI, H2PO4 and HCl that reduced the sulfate to H2S when heated to §100°C and followed the same trajectory as with the AVS extraction. The purified ZnS samples were then reacted with a silver nitrate solution to produce silver sulfide. The silver sulfide was removed from the filtrate by filtering through a 0.22um filter, which was washed with 1 M ammonium hydroxide and rinsed three times with deionized water and then dried at 50°C for 2 days. Approximately 3mg of the dried samples were weighed into aluminum packets in preparation for mass spectrometry. Subsequently, the samples were converted to sulfur hexafluoride and the gas purified using the procedure outlined in (1) (Paper 1) before analysis of the sample with a MAT 253 running in dual inlet mode in the Stable Isotope Laboratory of the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Isotopic compositions are reported using delta notation ଷ ܴ ௦ ߜ ଷܵ ൌ ቆ ଷ െ ͳቇ ൈ ͳͲͲͲ ܴ ି் where 3iR = 3iS/32S, i is 3 or 4 and V-CDT refers to the Vienna-Cañon Diablo Troilite international reference scale. All sulfur isotope data reported relative to Vienna Cañon Diablo Troilite (V-CDT), against which the international reference material IAEA-S-1 is taken to have the following isotopic composition: δ33S = -0.061‰ and δ34S ≡ -0.3‰. The precision (1ı) on individual measurements is better than 0.05 ‰ for į34S values, and 0.01‰ for ǻ33S values. Accuracy of the measurements is controlled by the analytical reproducibility (1ı), which for the full measurement procedure is better than 0.1 ‰ for į34S values and 0.01‰ for ǻ33S values. Repeat analyses of the international reference materials IAEA-S-1, IAEA-S-2, and IAEA-S-3 always matched their accepted values within these uncertainties.. Data processing In order to correct for the Rayleigh effect produced by the closed system of a batch culture, three isotopic measurements were required to produce estimates of 34 İ. We used: (1) the initial isotopic composition of the starting sulfate (T0,SO4) (2) the isotopic composition of the sulfate at the time of sampling (T1,SO4) and (3) the isotopic composition of the sulfide produced by dissimilatory sulfate reductions up to the time of sampling (T1,H2S). First, the fraction of remaining sulfate (f), can be calculated with the assumption that the isotopic composition of the sulfide will be equal to that of the starting reactant when the reaction goes to completion. This results in: ݂ൌ ߜ ଷସܵ ்ǡௌைସ ߜ ଷ ்ܵଵǡுଶௌ ቆ ͳͲͲͲ ͳቇ െ ቆ ͳͲͲͲ ͳቇ ߜ ଷ்ܵଵǡௌைସ ߜ ଷ்ܵଵǡுଶௌ ͳቇ െ ቆ ͳͲͲͲ ͳቇ ቆ ͳͲͲͲ The fractionation factor (Į) was calculated with a Rayleigh distillation correction while assuming isotopic mass balance between sulfate and sulfide (Hoek 2006, Johnston 2007, Sim 2011) ଷ ሺͳ െ ݂ ሻ ߜ ଷ ்ܵଵǡுଶௌ ͳͲͲͲ ͳ ߙൌെ ݈݊ ቆͳ ଷ ቇ ݈݂݊ ݂ ߜ ்ܵଵǡௌைସ ͳͲͲͲ We refer commonly to a form of the fractionation factor,34İ as the isotope phenotype where ߝ ൌ ሺ ଷସߙ െ ͳሻ ͲͲͲͳ כ ଷସ The relationship between the fractionation of 33S relative to 32S and the heavier 34S relative to 32 S is expressed as 33Ȝ. ߣൌ ଷଷ The uncertainty on the f, 34 İ, and 33 ሺ ଷଷߙ ሻ ሺ ଷସߙ ሻ Ȝ was estimated through a Monte Carlo simulation (2). The initial uncertainties on į values were estimated from the variability observed in the pooled ߜ ଷସܵ ்ǡௌைସ of all the experiments. This was 0.11 ‰ (see APPENDIX A-3). A-3 : Estimate of uncertainty on 34İ and 33Ȝ We assume that our results follow a Gaussian distribution and obtain an uncertainty estimate by Monte Carlo simulation. All procedures were performed in R. We created Gaussian distributions of 5000 replicates for each of our measurement of ߜ ଷସܵ ்ǡௌைସ, ߜ ଷସܵ ்ଵௌைସ and ߜ ଷସܵ ்ଵுଶௌ and assume that these distributions represent a good approximation of the true probability distribution of each measurement. These distributions center on a mean of ߜ ଷସܵ௦௨ௗ and standard deviation of ıఋ యరௌ ೌೞೠೝ The standard deviation value was set at 0.11‰ because this was the uncertainty estimate obtained from pooling the entire dataset of ߜ ଷସܵ ்ǡௌைସ values for all experiments. We utilized this as the estimator of uncertainty rather than simply the mass spectrometer uncertainty of individual measurements because it is a more relevant measure of the true uncertainty encompassing the whole-system handling. It takes into account the machine uncertainty, the extraction uncertainty, as well as manipulation uncertainty and any isotopic variation which may occur stochastically between bottles. The measure of ߜ ଷସܵ ்ǡௌைସ has not yet been subject to the bacteriological activity we wish to measure yet follows the entire rest of the preparation protocol. The uncertainties between į34S and į33S are correlated in large part. We therefore produced probability distributions for ߜ ଷଷܵ ்ǡௌைସ, ߜ ଷଷܵ ்ଵௌைସ and ߜ ଷଷܵ ்ଵுଶௌ respectively by transforming the Gaussian distributions we had created for ߜ ଷସܵ ்ǡௌைସ , ߜ ଷସܵ ்ଵௌைସ and ߜ ଷସܵ ்ଵுଶௌ . There are however deviations from the predicted relationship betweenߜ ଷଷܵ and ߜ ଷସܵ as well as a small uncorrelated uncertainty which is equivalent to ıοయయ ୗ , the machine uncertainty or 0.01‰. Both are taken into account in οଷଷ ܵௗௗ The transformation of the probability distribution from į34S to į33S is: ߜ ܵௗௗ ଷଷ Ǥହଵହ ߜ ଷସܵௗௗ ൌ ቆ ͳቇ ͳͲͲͲ Where οଷଷ ܵௗௗ is defined as ο ܵௗௗ ଷଷ െ ͳ൩ ൈ ͳͲͲͲ οଷଷ ܵௗௗ ߜ ଷସܵ௦௨ௗ ൌ ߋሺͲǡ ıοయయ ୗ ሻ ߜ ܵ௦௨ௗ ቆ ͳቇ ͳͲͲͲ ଷଷ Ǥହଵହ െ ͳ൩ ൈ ͳͲͲͲ ߋሺͲǡ ıοయయ ୗ ሻ is the uncorrelated uncertainty and ߜ ଷଷܵ௦௨ௗ is the experimentally determined į33S. With the distributions of ߜ ଷଷܵ ்ǡௌைସ , ߜ ଷଷܵ ்ଵௌைସ and ߜ ଷଷܵ ்ଵுଶௌ , ߜ ଷସܵ ்ǡௌைସ, ߜ ଷସܵ ்ଵௌைସ and ߜ ଷସܵ ்ଵுଶௌ in hand we calculated the distributions of 34İ and 33Ȝ. The standard deviation on the obtained distributions of 34İ and 33Ȝ were taken as a reliable estimate of the uncertainty. A-4 : qPCR method In order to successfully monitor the frequency of the two competitors during a competition experiment, it was necessary for them to have a differentiable trait. This trait was already available in the form of the unique DNA barcode present in the mutant DVU0600 strain, which we dubbed the “reference” strain. The stock of DVU0600 strain was therefore utilized as the reference strain in the competition experiment and every time a competition was run, it a new aliquot of the reference was utilized. The two competing strains were removed from the -80oC freezer and “revived” back to health by serial transfers for three days (three transfers) prior to the start of the competition experiment. On the day of the start of the competition experiment, the initial aliquots of contestant and reference were grown until they reached stationary phase (10e9 cells/mL) but were not allowed to remain longer than a few hours in this state of growth. This replicates perfectly the transfer dynamics of the long term evolution experiment. 3mL aliquots were then taken from the pure cultures of the strains to be competed using a needle and syringe and were mixed together in a 15 mL falcon tube. The tube was vortexed for 10s to ensure homogeneity of the mix. This mixed culture we defined as “T=0” and is the common “parent” culture to all three competition experiment replicates. In order to ensure reproducibility of the result, each competition assay is composed of three individual competitions. Volumes of 0.6mL of T0 were taken from the falcon tube and put into 20mL serum bottles containing 10mL of MOLS media (for a total volume of 10.6mL) and a headspace of 100% Nitrogen. Therefore, the only variable which is different than a normal serial transfer during the long term evolution experiment is that the culture is now a mixed population rather than a pure culture. Each triplicate was numerated according to the current transfer (eg. The first transfer for replicate one is labelled T1-A). Over the course of the next 24 hours the strains enter balanced growth and consumed the entire pool of lactate and sulfate in the media. Assuming that the cell density in the new stationary phase is the same as the previous stationary phase, in the case of the mixing ratio used (0.6mL/10.6mL, inoculum vol/total vol) one growth cycle is equivalent to 4.14 doublings (# doubling = ln(dilution)/ln2). The competitions are then serially transferred every 24 hours using the same dilution (0.6mL into 10mL) of fresh media and labelled progressively higher (eg. T2A, T3A etc.). The remaining spent media leftover after the serial transfer is centrifuged at 7000xg for 15 minutes to pellet the cells. The supernatant is removed and the pellet frozen at -20oC until the DNA extraction step. The competitions lasted for a total of 10 serial transfers (equivalent to 41.4 doublings) and at each serial transfer, cells were preserved. Mostly, only three transfers were selected for further analysis. The first competition transfer (T1) was used as a reference to quantify relative changes in the frequency of the mutant in later transfers (usually T5 and T10). For timepoint 0, we competed the ancestor wild type (parent to the evolved lines) in three distinct competition assays. In order to have a closer look at the variability of the results within one of these competitions, we tested at multiple different serial transfers (T0,T2,T3,T4,T8 and T9). As for the assays of the evolved DVH WT at 560 and at 927, each of six lines were assayed individually at T1,T5 and T10. Competition theory We track the rate of disappearance of the reference strain from the population. This has been modelled in chemostats (3) and in batch cultures (4). The growth rate of the two strains vary throughout each batch but over an entire growth cycle, each strain will have an average growth rate, which, if different, will have an impact on the abundance of a strain in a population at the time of serial transfer. We monitor this net change in frequency over multiple serial transfers. During serial transfer in batch culture, the effective exponential growth rate (the ‘malthusian parameter’, Lenski et al., 1991) of a strain (i) can be modelled through ܰ ሺݔሻ ൌ ܰ ሺͲሻሺݎ ݔሻ where x is the number of serial transfers, Ni(x) is the number of cells of strain i at transfer x, Ni(0) is the number of cells present at the first transfer and ri is the malthusian parameter of strain i in units of transfers. When a second strain (j) is present such as during a competition experiment, the ratio of the abundances can be modelled as ܰ ሺݔሻ ܰ ሺͲሻሺݎ ݔሻ ൌ ܰ ሺݔሻ ܰ ሺͲሻሺݎ ݔሻ However, we cannot estimate the numbers of two strains in the population because in our case, only the mutant barcode strain has the unique marker which can distinguish it from the rest of the population. We have only the frequency of the mutant and the total population. We can use the ratio of the abundances, which will be the same as the ratio of the frequencies because ܰ ܰ ܰ ܰ ൌ ܰ ܰ ܰ ܰ and since there are only two strains in the competition experiment we can express this ratio of abundances ൌ Finally, ൬ ே ே ାேೕ and ݍൌ ͳ െ ௫ ൰ ൌ ൬ ൰ ൫ݎ െ ݎ ൯ݔ ݍ௫ ݍ where ൫ݎ െ ݎ ൯ is the selection-rate constant (sij) in units of transfers-1, which can be determined in our case by taking multiple samples during the competition experiment, the first one being ቀబ ቁ, and fitting a straight line to logarithmically transformed frequency ratios బ Finally, in order to express the selection coefficient in units of generations-1, we calculate the number of doublings (Dx) ܦ௫ ൌ ݔ ሺ݀ሻ ሺʹሻ where d is the dilution factor of each serial transfer (10.6 mL/0.6mL = 17.67). This allows us to calculate the selection coefficient (sg) in units of generation-1. ௫ ൬ ൰ ൌ ൬ ൰ ݏ ൈ ܦ௫ ݍ௫ ݍ From this, we can calculate the fitness (W) of strain i relative to strain j, as ܹ ൌ ͳ ݏ This fitness definition is slightly different than that used in other experimental evolution studies, which is the direct ratio of malthusian parameters for strain i relative to strain j. However, if the actual average malthusian parameter in the mixed competition culture is constant and equal to the theoretical limit set by d, both fitness definitions give equivalent numerical values. Extraction of DNA DNA of serial transfers was extracted using a QIAGEN QIAquick DNA preparation columns as well as a negative control to assess contamination. The suggested protocol for gram negative bacteria was followed. We did not use DNase or RNase treatements. The final yield of DNA was quantified by measuring a 2ul subsample of the final extract on a Nanodrop spectrophotometer. qPCR target information Two targets were used for this competition experiment. The first is located on the dsrA gene of all sulfate reducing bacteria including the Wild type DvH and mutant DVU 0600 and produces a product of 222 bp. The second target region was designed to bind on the barcode inserted into DVU 0600, a deletion mutant generated through a double recombination process which swapped a gene coding for L-lactate dehydrogenase (TIGR) protein (DVU0600, accession number YP_009822) with an antibiotic resistance cassette as well as two unique barcodes flanked by common sequences to all mutants created in the Wall lab. We utilized one of the unique barcodes as a primer as well as a sequencing primer known to work on this mutant to produce a PCR product that is of an optimal size for a qPCR assay. The primers used are listed in the table below. They were ordered from Invitrogen Life Sciences as desalted purity. Table S2: List of primers used for competition experiment Primer pair Sequence (5’ 3’) Target gene Product size (bp) Reference DSR 1F ACSCACTGGAAG dsrA 222 (5) Antibiotic 157 Dr. CACG RH3-dsr-R GGTGGAGCCGTG CATGTT 2Fsequencing 2R-barcode CTACCCGTGATAT TGCTGAAGA GACCGTAATGAT cassette, Judy Wall Artificial barcode ACTACACG Real time PCR. Real-time PCR analysis was performed using the primers shown in Table 1. Quantifying the total recovery of genomic DNA from the DNA extraction was done using a Nano drop spectrophotometer. We then diluted this genomic DNA to a final concentration of 2.5attomoles/ul assuming 3570585 bp/genome (6) and used this concentration as the template for the reaction. The PCR reaction had a total volume of 12.5 ul/well. This mix was 6.75 ul of SYBR Green Supermix (Bio-Rad),(a 2X solution of 100 mM KCl, 40 mM Tris-HCI, pH 8.4, 0.4 mM of each dNTP (dATP, dCTP, dGTP,and dTTP), iTaq DNA polymerase, 50 units/ml, 6 mM MgCl2, SYBR Green I, 20 nM fluorescein, and stabilizers) 0.5 ul of each forward and reverse primer, 2ul of template DNA and 2.75ul of DEPC treated water. The final concentration of each primer was 0.4µM. Final concentration of template DNA was 5.92 ng/ul. Thermal cycling was performed on a Bio-rad IQ cycler using an optical grade 96well plate and film. The thermal conditions were as follows: 3min at 95oC followed by 40 cycles of 10 seconds at 95oC, 30 seconds at 56oC. To verify that a single PCR product was produced and to assay purity of the PCR product a melt curve sequence was performed from 55oC to 95oC after the initial cycling. Pure culture template DNA of D. Vulgaris Hildenborough was used as positive control for the dsrA primer pairs. The same template was utilized to ensure that the barcode-sequencing primer pairs did not produce a PCR product. Pure culture of JW9019 was used as positive control for the barcodesequencing primer pairs. Because of poor reproducibility between runs on the qPCR instrument, it was necessary to include all reactions which needed to be compared for relative growth rates on the same plate. Or, alternatively, two or more plates were used but the reference was run on all plates and each plate corrected to the performance of the reference during its respective run. Essentially, inter-plate results were not directly compared. The PCR efficiency was optimized using pure cultures of JW9019 with standard dilution curves. Well-specific efficiency measurements were obtained through post-run processing of the background substracted fluorescence data of each run imported into the program LinRegPCR (7). This program allows the calculation of well-specific reaction efficiencies as well as adjusted Ct values depending on set thresholds and limits which can be user-controlled. Data processing Since PCR efficiency car vary from plate to plate and from well to well, the PCR efficiency was calculated using the LinRegPCR program with default settings. This programs utilizes an algorithm to fit the measured fluorescence increases to exponential growth models available in the literature (8). We assigned each well an amplicon group (dsrA or barcode) from which an average amplicon efficiency was calculated within each plate. In order to ascertain that the efficiency of the primer pairs followed a normal distribution and to measure the variation in efficiency in-between plates, we visually inspected the distribution of efficiencies of each amplicon group with histograms and plotted theoretical and sample quantiles. We obtained reproducible calculated average efficiency (Ɯሻ and we utilized them to interpret the ct values signal using Pfaffl et al. (2001). This yielded the corrected expressions of the dsrA amplicons (A) as well as the barcode amplicons (B). Ɯௗ௦ Ɯ ି௧ ି௧ ൌܣ ൌܤ The results from the first transfer (T1a, T1b, T1c) were used as the reference signal of either dsrA or barcode in the respective competitions. This is the reference from which the other transfer points (typically T5a-c and T10a-c) were corrected to obtain the change in signal during the competition experiment. The barcode signal is then divided by the dsrA signal to obtain the relative frequency of the barcode in a given replicate, at a given transfer during the competition experiment (Barcode/dsrA at T1, T5, T10). This corrected ct value derived expression is equivalent the ratio of abundances discussed previously. ܣ௫ Τ்ܣଵ ௫ ൬ ൰ ൌ ݈݊ ܤ௫ Τ்ܤଵ ݍ௫ Uncertainty estimates Each competition experiment was performed three times. The uncertainty on the relative growth rates, which include the variability caused by manipulations during the competition (handling of cultures, bottles and media volumes), the manipulations during the PCR reaction setup (pipetting error, volumes of reagents) as well as the instrumental error on qPCR efficiency and Ct values expressed in the standard deviation on the mean ı, obtained for each experiment. References ϭ͘ Ϯ͘ ϯ͘ ϰ͘ ϱ͘ ϲ͘ ϳ͘ ϴ͘ WĞůůĞƌŝŶ͕tŝŶŐ͕ZŽƵŐŚD͕DƵĐĐŝ͕ĂŶĨŝĞůĚ͕Ƶŝd,͘ϮϬϭϰ͘ZĞŽdžŝĚĂƚŝǀĞƐƵůĨƵƌĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶ ƚŚĞƐƵůĨŝĚŝĐĐĂƌďŽŶͲƌŝĐŚƐĞĚŝŵĞŶƚƐŽĨDĂŶŐƌŽǀĞ>ĂŬĞ͕ĞƌŵƵĚĂ͘'ĞŽĐŚŝŵŝĐĂĞƚŽƐŵŽĐŚŝŵŝĐĂ ĐƚĂ;ƐƵďŵŝƚƚĞĚ͕'ͲͲϭϰͲϬϬϮϲϳͿ͘ WĂƉĂĚŽƉŽƵůŽƐ͕zĞƵŶŐ,͘ϮϬϬϭ͘hŶĐĞƌƚĂŝŶƚLJĞƐƚŝŵĂƚŝŽŶĂŶĚDŽŶƚĞĂƌůŽƐŝŵƵůĂƚŝŽŶŵĞƚŚŽĚ͘ &ůŽǁDĞĂƐƵƌĞŵĞŶƚĂŶĚ/ŶƐƚƌƵŵĞŶƚĂƚŝŽŶϭϮ͗ϮϵϭͲϮϵϴ͘ LJŬŚƵŝnjĞŶ͕,Ăƌƚů>͘ϭϵϴϯ͘^ĞůĞĐƚŝŽŶŝŶĐŚĞŵŽƐƚĂƚƐ͘DŝĐƌŽďŝŽůŽŐŝĐĂůƌĞǀŝĞǁƐϰϳ͗ϭϱϬͲϭϲϴ͘ >ĞŶƐŬŝZ͘ϭϵϵϭ͘YƵĂŶƚŝĨLJŝŶŐĨŝƚŶĞƐƐĂŶĚŐĞŶĞƐƚĂďŝůŝƚLJŝŶŵŝĐƌŽŽƌŐĂŶŝƐŵƐ͘ŝŽƚĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJϭϱ͗ϭϳϯͲ ϭϵϮ͘ ĞŶͲŽǀ͕ƌĞŶŶĞƌ͕<ƵƐŚŵĂƌŽ͘ϮϬϬϳ͘YƵĂŶƚŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶŽĨ^ƵůĨĂƚĞͲƌĞĚƵĐŝŶŐĂĐƚĞƌŝĂŝŶ /ŶĚƵƐƚƌŝĂůtĂƐƚĞǁĂƚĞƌ͕ďLJZĞĂůͲƚŝŵĞWŽůLJŵĞƌĂƐĞŚĂŝŶZĞĂĐƚŝŽŶ;WZͿhƐŝŶŐ Θůƚ͖ŝΘŐƚ͖ĚƐƌΘůƚ͖ͬŝΘŐƚ͖ĂŶĚΘůƚ͖ŝΘŐƚ͖ĂƉƐΘůƚ͖ͬŝΘŐƚ͖'ĞŶĞƐ͘DŝĐƌŽďŝĂůĐŽůŽŐLJϱϰ͗ϰϯϵͲϰϱϭ͘ ,ĞŝĚĞůďĞƌŐ:&͕^ĞƐŚĂĚƌŝZ͕,ĂǀĞŵĂŶ^͕,ĞŵŵĞ>͕WĂƵůƐĞŶ/d͕<ŽůŽŶĂLJ:&͕ŝƐĞŶ:͕tĂƌĚE͕ DĞƚŚĞ͕ƌŝŶŬĂĐ>D͕ĂƵŐŚĞƌƚLJ^͕ĞďŽLJZd͕ŽĚƐŽŶZ:͕ƵƌŬŝŶ^͕DĂĚƵƉƵZ͕EĞůƐŽŶt͕ ^ƵůůŝǀĂŶ^͕&ŽƵƚƐ͕,ĂĨƚ,͕^ĞůĞŶŐƵƚ:͕WĞƚĞƌƐŽŶ:͕ĂǀŝĚƐĞŶdD͕ĂĨĂƌE͕ŚŽƵ>͕ZĂĚƵŶĞ ͕ŝŵŝƚƌŽǀ'͕,ĂŶĐĞD͕dƌĂŶ<͕<ŚŽƵƌŝ,͕'ŝůů:͕hƚƚĞƌďĂĐŬdZ͕&ĞůĚďůLJƵŵds͕tĂůů:͕ sŽŽƌĚŽƵǁ'͕&ƌĂƐĞƌD͘ϮϬϬϰ͘dŚĞŐĞŶŽŵĞƐĞƋƵĞŶĐĞŽĨƚŚĞĂŶĂĞƌŽďŝĐ͕ƐƵůĨĂƚĞͲƌĞĚƵĐŝŶŐ ďĂĐƚĞƌŝƵŵĞƐƵůĨŽǀŝďƌŝŽǀƵůŐĂƌŝƐ,ŝůĚĞŶďŽƌŽƵŐŚ͘EĂƚƵƌĞďŝŽƚĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJϮϮ͗ϱϱϰͲϱϱϵ͘ dƵŽŵŝ:D͕sŽŽƌďƌĂĂŬ&͕:ŽŶĞƐ>͕ZƵŝũƚĞƌ:D͘ϮϬϭϬ͘ŝĂƐŝŶƚŚĞƋǀĂůƵĞŽďƐĞƌǀĞĚǁŝƚŚ ŚLJĚƌŽůLJƐŝƐƉƌŽďĞďĂƐĞĚƋƵĂŶƚŝƚĂƚŝǀĞWZĐĂŶďĞĐŽƌƌĞĐƚĞĚǁŝƚŚƚŚĞĞƐƚŝŵĂƚĞĚWZĞĨĨŝĐŝĞŶĐLJ ǀĂůƵĞ͘DĞƚŚŽĚƐϱϬ͗ϯϭϯͲϯϮϮ͘ <ĂƌůĞŶz͕DĐEĂŝƌ͕WĞƌƐĞŐƵĞƌƐ^͕DĂnjnjĂ͕DĞƌŵŽĚE͘ϮϬϬϳ͘^ƚĂƚŝƐƚŝĐĂůƐŝŐŶŝĨŝĐĂŶĐĞŽĨ ƋƵĂŶƚŝƚĂƚŝǀĞWZ͘DďŝŽŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝĐƐϴ͗ϭϯϭ͘ Connection 2: Experimental evolution with DvH to evolution with DBac. In the previous section (Paper 2) we assessed the evolutionary response of DvH to 927 generations of evolutionary adaptation in batch culture. We documented the trajectory 34 İ that occurred with the evolutionary adaptation that occurred throughout the experiment. We found that evolutionary adaptation appears to recapitulate physiological effects of 34 İ. However, the previous study left us with many unanswered questions because it was performed at relatively high growth rates where the sensitivity of 34 İ might be less than at lower growth rates. In the next section (Paper 3), we investigated whether this response is similar at lower growth rates in a different species of sulfate reducing bacteria: Desulfomicrobium baculatum which has a slower growth rate as well as a different starting isotope phenotype under the exact same environmental conditions which were utilized with DvH. Paper 3 : Evolutionary response of S isotope fractionation is predicted by phenotypic plasticity Evolutionary response of S isotope fractionation is predicted by phenotypic plasticity Andre Pellerin, Luke Anderson-Trocme and Boswell Wing [1] Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and GEOTOP, McGill University, 3450 University Street, Montréal, Canada, H3A 2A7 Correspondance to: André Pellerin (andrepellerin@gmail.com) ABSTRACT Establishing the relationship between evolutionary adaptation and isotope phenotype is critical to unlocking the isotopic record of dissimilatory sulfate reduction that is preserved in modern and ancient sediments. To address this issue, pure cultures of Desulfomicrobium baculatum were evolved in batch culture for 300 generations. A greater than twofold increase in growth rate over the course of the experiment was measured as well as a change in isotope phenotype (34İ) from approximately 15 to 12 ‰. The response of 34İ to evolutionary adaptation resembles the isotopic response of physiological adaptations to changing environmental conditions. This similitude suggests that the evolutionary adaptation which occurred during the experiment was not functional but rather regulatory. These results show that variations in S isotope fractionation during dissimilatory sulfate reduction do not require environmental change. The same effect can be obtained through evolutionary adaptation of the sulfate reducing microorganism. 1. Introduction The relationship between evolutionary adaptation of sulfate reducing microorganism and the sulfur isotope phenotype has only recently become apparent and remains largely unanswered. Even a first-order understanding of the relationship can potentially provide clues to the evolution of one of Earth’s earliest metabolism for a span of nearly four billion years (Shen et al., 2001). Early work on dissimilatory sulfate reduction (DSR) in pure cultures of sulfate reducing microorganisms has lead to a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental control that the environment (Canfield et al., 2006; Habicht et al., 2002; Hoek et al., 2006; Kaplan and Rittenberg, 1964) and cellular physiology (Johnston et al., 2007; Leavitt et al., 2013; Sim et al., 2011a; Sim et al., 2012; Sim et al., 2011b) exert on the resulting sulfur isotope fractionation. However, the genetic makeup of sulfate reducers may be an important but underexplored control on S isotope fractionation (Bolliger et al., 2001; Bruchert et al., 2001; Canfield, 2001a, b; Detmers et al., 2001; Kaplan and Rittenberg, 1964; Kleikemper et al., 2004). Work investigating the isotope phenotype response to evolutionary adaptation during a 927 generation evolution experiment led to the suggestion that the sulfate reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough (DvH) might respond in a manner reminiscent of physiological adaptation (Pellerin et al. accepted to AEM (Paper 2)). Under the high initial growth conditions of the experiment, the low sensitivity of the isotope phenotype may have rendered the isotopic effects of evolutionary adaptation more challenging to observe. In the present study, we report the results of a 300 generation evolution experiment with Desulfomicrobium baculatum, a sulfate reducing microbe whose ancestor has a much slower initial growth rate. The reasoning behind starting evolution experiment at slower initial growth rates is that at low metabolic rates, the sensitivity of the isotope phenotype is known to be relatively large in comparison to at higher metabolic rates (Kaplan and Rittenberg, 1964; Leavitt et al., 2013; Sim et al., 2011a; Sim et al., 2011b). Changes in isotope phenotype may therefore be more sensitive to evolutionary adaptation when a population starts at low rates. In simple evolution experiments with unlimited growth resources, adaptive success mostly means increasing growth rate. In these conditions, we therefore expect that evolutionary adaptation should predictably affect fractionation, through rate. Three variables may affect growth rate; yield, csSRR and maintenance metabolism. This relationship is summarized in (Hoehler and Jorgensen, 2013) ݇ = ܻ (ܿ ܴܴܵݏെ ݉) where k is the growth rate, Y is the cellular yield, m is the maintenance metabolism and csSRR is the cell specific sulfate reduction rate (respiration rate). All three parameters may be optimized to increase growth rate and lead to evolutionary success but only one, cssRR has a pre established relationship with 34İHJ(Harrison and Thode, 1958; Kaplan and Rittenberg, 1964; Leavitt et al., 2013)). Should evolutionary adaptation and isotope phenotype be related via optimization of csSRR, a smaller 34İwould be expected in identical culture conditions. 2. Methods Much of the methodology used in these experiments is described in detail in (Pellerin et al. accepted to AEM (Paper 2)). Here we describe the general methodology and highlight differences from our earlier work. For reference, we reproduce the detailed methods of (Pellerin et al. accepted to AEM (Paper 2)) in the appendix. 2.1 Choice of model organism The sulfate reducing bacterium, Desulfomicrobium baculatum (Dbac) was selected as model organism for this study because of its low growth rate in the growth medium MOLS4. Another advantage of utilizing Dbac was its fully sequenced genome (Copeland et al., 2009) which can simplify the analysis of genetic data, if necessary. The stock of this culture was purchased from the Leibniz institute DSMZ but the evolution experiment was the product of a single colony. 2.2 Design of microbial evolution experiment Rather than investigating selective responses to novel environmental, physiological, or genetic stressors, the evolution experiments were designed to select for increased growth rate in a simple and reproducible manner. Three replicate lines of Dbac were propagated in a chemically defined growth media in batch culture for 300 generations. Each batch cycle corresponded to roughly 4.1 binary fissions which we equate to generations (Appendix A). In typical evolution experiment this batch culture cycle is often a daily occurrence. However, the initial growth rates of Dbac were slow. The time for the culture to reach stationary phase varied from 5 days at the beginning of the evolution experiment to under 24 hours as the experiment progressed. The transfers were therefore performed when the culture reached an optical density greater than 0.6 which indicated the culture had entered stationary phase. The genetic composition of the evolved microbial community was assessed in order to ascertain that the cultivated lineages were composed of Dbac. We extracted DNA from the growing evolved cultures and amplified a portion of the 16S rRNA gene. A more detailed procedure is available in Appendix A. The 625bp overlap in the sequences obtained from all four lineages (the ancestor and the three evolved lineages) had 100% sequence similarity. This sequence was identical to the 16S rRNA sequence reported by (Copeland et al., 2009). We interpret this to show that exogenous strains with higher fitness did not take over any of the populations of the evolution experiment. 2.3 Measurement of exponential growth characteristics Specific growth rates (k day-1) of exponentially growing cells were measured as well as yield (Y, in 106 cells per µmol SO 4 -2 consumed) and cell specific sulfate reduction rate (csSRR, in femtomoles SO 4 -2 consumed cell-1 day-1) as outlined in (Pellerin et al. accepted to AEM (Paper 2)), (Appendix A). One remarkable operational difference was that this data was gathered from longer lengths of growth for the ancestor than for the evolved lineages. In addition, real time monitoring of the growth throughout the experiment was monitored with a homemade logger of optical density (Appendix A). 2.4 Characterization of the sulfur isotope phenotype We measured the S isotope phenotypes of the ancestral Dbac wild-type and of all three lineages in triplicate over the same interval as the exponential growth characteristics (300 generations) following the methodology outlined in (Pellerin et al. accepted to AEM (Paper 2)), (Appendix A). Again for the sulfur isotope phenotype, one difference in methodology for this study was that in some instances the slow growth rate of Dbac caused the experiment to run for periods of a few days before enough sulfide was accumulated for measurement. To characterize the isotope phenotype we use the definitions of (accepted to AEM) (Paper 2).In the text and in the figures, the thousand (‰). İ and 33ORf Pellerin et al. 34 İ is expressed as parts per 34 3. Results & discussion 3.1 Growth rate differences between evolved and ancestors are the product of evolutionary adaptation The mean growth rate (day-1) (Figure 1) that was measured from replicate growth experiments of the ancestral line was of 0.99 ± 0.16, which corresponds to 1.4 generations per day. The mean growth rate of individual lineages at generation 300 was of 2.85 ± 0.23, 2.69 ± 0.05 and 2.91 ± 0.05 for lines A, B and C respectively which amounts to a mean growth rate of 2.82 ± 0.16 or 4.0 generations per day (Table 1). There were no significant differences in mean growth rates between the three evolved lines at the 95% confidence interval (p=0.21) but the difference in growth rate between the ancestor and evolved lines is visually (Figure 1) and statistically unquestionable (p<<0.0001). Real-time logging of the growth of ancestor and evolved lineages show that changes in maximum growth rate during exponential growth phase are immense and likely the predominant parameter which appears to determine the overall fitness of individuals in the experimental conditions provided (Appendix B-1). Beneficial adaptations such as hoarding, which have provided fitness advantages in other evolution experiments in the past (Lenski and Travisano, 1994) would be dwarfed in comparison. There were no observed reductions in the lag phase. The potential fitness advantage of increasing growth rate during the evolution experiment may simply have been the dominant strategy because it conferred overwhelming advantages. We equate the relative growth rates obtained in this study directly to fitness in the limited context of our experiment while keeping in mind that other growth parameters may have a small impact on fitness. A similar conclusion, that relative growth rate and fitness are very similar features, was reached by comparing fitness and growth rate with DvH in identical environmental and selective conditions although the gains in growth rate/fitness were smaller (Pellerin et al. accepted to AEM (Paper 2)). Increases on the order that was observed in the experimental evolution with Dbac were observed with DvH in co-culture with Methanococcus Maripaludis over a 300 generation evolution experiment (Hillesland and Stahl, 2010). Yields remained relatively constant (Figure 1) with no significant differences between ancestor and evolved lines (p=0.22). The ancestor had a mean yield (expressed in 106 cells µmole SO 4 2- -1) of 47.78 ± 5.57 whereas the mean yield of the evolved lineages were of 55.25± 4.91, 49.46± 4.74, 50.75± 4.20 respectively for a combined average of 52.118 ± 4.708 (Table 1). Overall the yield results suggest that the strong growth rate increases observed during this experiment are not a result of significant changes in yield. csSRR (femto mole cell-1 day-1) (Figure 1) changed significantly (p<<0.0001) between the evolved and ancestor but similarly to growth rate, no significant differences were observed between the evolved lines (p=0.24). Mean csSRR of the ancestor was of 20.61 ± 1.47 whereas for the evolved lineages A, B and C it was of 51.71 ± 1.55, 54.87 ± 3.92 and 57.68 ± 5.08 respectively for a combined average between all three lineages of 54.73 ± 4.22 (Table 1). The difference in mean csSRR between evolved and ancestor is close to the same relative change in growth rate. A close inspection of growth rate and csSRR, reveals a slightly larger mean increase in growth rate than in csSRR. The mean growth rate between the ancestor and evolved lines corresponds to a 2.85 ± 0.12 fold increase. The mean increase in csSRR appears to be slightly lower at 2.65 ± 0.15 fold. The difference between the mean change in growth rate and csSRR is not significant at the 95% confidence interval (p=0.136). Had the fold changes in growth rate and csSRR between ancestors and evolved been significant, we might have suspected that fitness was not only caused by an increase in csSRR but also by another parameter affecting growth. However, this was not the case and the results support the hypothesis that in the environmental conditions provided, increasing growth rate is driven by increasing csSRR. In the following paragraphs we ask whether this evolutionary-driven change in csSRR translates to a change in isotopic phenotype and we investigate the mechanism connecting the genotype to the isotope phenotype if any. 3.2 The evolutionary response of 34İLVmeasurable The growth rate and csSRR differences described above between ancestor and evolved lineages are correlated with a decrease in isotope phenotype. Ancestor Dbac measurements produced a mean 34İRI15.42±0.67 ‰ (mean 33ȜRI0.5096 ±0.0008) (Figure 3). In contrast, the evolved lineages had mean İ of 12.54 ±0.50, 11.96±0.17, 12.55±0.23‰ (mean 34 Ȝ RI 33 0.5112±0.0012, 0.5097±0.0017 0.5010±0.0017) respectively (Figure 3). Each individual isotope assay had an uncertainty on 34İ between 0.13 and 0.14 based on reasonable assumptions of the combined uncertainty associated with mass spectrometry, sulfate/sulfide chemical extractions and media preparations and preservation. The uncertainty between replicate lines was greater than the estimates of uncertainty on each replicate line (Table 2). This means that the reproducibility of microbial growth was a major source of variability in İbetween replicates 34 except in the case of the lineage “B” where the replicate uncertainty was close to the individual uncertainty. Significant differences between the ancestor and each evolved lines are evident visually (Figure 2), statistically at the 95% confidence interval (p=0.001, 0.018 and 0.028 respectively) and suggest that the evolved 34 İ LV VLJQLILFDQWO\ GLIIHUHQW WR WKH DQFHVWRU¶V in all cases. By comparison, the 33ȜRIWKHHYROYHGOLQHVZHUHLQQRFDVHs significantly different to that of the ancestor at the 95% confidence interval (p= 0.089,0.991 and 0.235 respectively). This result was expected given that the experiment only covered a small range of possible relationship which typically characterizes İ and 34 34 İ. The Ȝ LV SRVLWLYH YHU\ VKDOORZ DQG DOVR KDV D 33 large degree of variability. The values obtained in this study fit in the typical 34İ-33Ȝrelationship “field” normally associated with pure cultures of sulfate reducing microorganisms (Johnston et al., 2005; Pellerin et al., 2014; Sim et al., 2011a; Sim et al., 2011b). In contrast to the results of İ between ancestor and evolved, there are no significant 34 İ 34 differences between the three evolved lines at the 95% confidence interval (p=0.11). This suggests that the İ expression of evolutionary adaptation might be a relatively stable 34 characteristic in set environmental conditions. While this study lacks evidence establishing whether the genotypes of the replicate lines evolved in parallel, the low diversity of İ in the 34 evolved populations are in line with the phenotypic parallelism observed in E. Coli populations when microbial populations are large and lineages are grown in identical conditions (Lenski and Travisano, 1994). They also support the suggestion that adaptation is predictable despite the fact that evolution can be a highly stochastic process at the genotype level (Kryazhimskiy et al., 2014). While the evolution experiment of this study does show a measurable and statistically significant decrease in 34İ, one may ask if the evolutionary signal measured in this study is large enough to matter in the “real world” where the potential fractionation is up to 66‰ (Sim et al., 2011a) and natural populations typically span roughly 15 to 45 ‰ (Habicht and Canfield, 1997). The evolutionary driven change in 34 İ that is documented in this study occurs effectively instantaneously when considering the age of the DSR metabolism. While the authors would strongly advise against taking the rate of İ change observed in this study and applying it 34 liberally to longer evolutionary periods, it should be evident that on geological timescales, the potential for evolutionary adaptation is much greater. Indeed, a quick comparison of the results of this study and the study of (Pellerin et al. accepted to AEM, (Paper 2)) shows a difference in İRI§ÅEHWZHHQ Dbac and DvH. Although it is impossible to speculate on the ancestry of 34 DvH and Dbac, they are ultimately related and at some point their common ancestor displayed only one isotope phenotype in conditions where both now have a distinct one. This simple comparison highlights the fact that larger effects on İ are attainable and that evolutionary 34 adaptation is not of negligible contribution on a grander scale than this study. What remains to be determined is the evolutionary mechanism behind changes in isotope phenotype . 3.3 The evolutionary response of 34 İ UHVHPEOHV WKH SK\VLRORJLFDO UHVSRQVH EHFDXVH WKH phenotypic expression of evolutionary adaptation is an extension of physiological adaptation The previous paragraphs offer evidence for an important role played by evolutionary adaptation on the resulting 34İ. Though evolution is incontestably the driver of the change in 34İ observed in this study, the mechanistic processes which cause this change are not exclusive (to evolutionary adaptation). A deeper analysis of the mechanisms responsible for the change is necessary if we are to understand the role played by evolutionary adaptation in the continuum of biological processes which affect İ. For one thing, the phenotypic changes associated with 34 evolutionary adaptations on generational timescales are largely an extension of physiological adaptations which take place on an organismal timescale and should be correlated (Milo et al., 2007). Physiological adaptation affects the phenotype by modifying protein expression levels while evolutionary adaptation affects the phenotype by modifying genotype. Indeed, in the case of physiological adaptation, when a microorganism is subject to increasing levels of growth substrate, cellular enzyme levels will typically scale linearly with abundance of substrate after a minimum threshold is reached and up to a certain physiological limit (Segel, 1975). The high concentration of growth substrate of the evolution experiment is a situation where the physiological limit that enables the maximum possible growth rate may be reached. It is after this physiological limit is reached that a significant fitness advantage exists for individuals capable of utilizing substrate at a higher rate and where evolutionary processes become important. Two types of genetic changes control phenotypic functional innovation; those affecting protein structure and those affecting protein expression (Blank et al., 2014). Assuming, perhaps reasonably, a certain level of preconditioned optimality in protein structure, genetic changes affecting protein expression will have larger fitness advantage and have a better chance of getting fixed. Empirical evidence suggests that protein expression variations are indeed first order evolutionary responses; In large microbial populations, a greater fraction of regulatory mutations are fixed (Blank et al., 2014) suggesting expression plays a dominant role in fitness. Microbial experiments where the evolutionary strategy is to maximize growth rate, find that most fitness gains are caused not by functional innovation but rather by the loss of unused catabolic functions (Sniegowski et al., 1997). In the simplest of cases, one may be led to believe that simply increasing the limiting enzyme concentration by a process such as gene duplication may confer a significant fitness advantage (Kondrashov et al., 2002). Fitness changes via protein expression levels preserve the fundamental structure of the metabolism because the core enzymes are not structurally changing. This is not to say that structural mutations are irrelevant. On long evolutionary timescales or when a population adapts to drastically different growth conditions, structural mutations undoubtedly play a fundamental role on fitness. However, since this study considers only the early stages of evolutionary adaptation in conditions that select for increasing growth rate, the experimental situation is likely analogous to the physiological adaptation to increasing substrate levels. The evolutionary results on 34İof this study therefore could be explained by the same common metabolic mechanism as the one involving physiological adaptation of 34 İ – simply increasing enzyme concentrations. Therefore, similar relationships between csSRR and 34İ would be expected. While the deduction postulated above appears logical and straightforward, just obtaining empirical evidence of a similarity between the evolutionary and physiological responses on İ 34 may pose a challenge. The physiological relationship which exists between csSRR and İ is in 34 practical terms limited by the resolution of available datasets. With physiological response studies, increases in csSRR and the resulting decrease in İ is evident when large changes (in 34 csSRR) are considered (Appendix B-2). However, this relationship is much less evident within the range of csSRR (18-62 fmol/cell/day) obtained in our evolution experiment; no significant trajectory in İis observable (Appendix B-3). High precision measurement of csSRR and 34 İ 34 might be an easy feat in batch culture for evolution experiments but may be more difficult for physiological studies which need to control the supply of growth substrate to obtain a given İ. Therefore, while the general tendency of physiological adaptation 34 csSRR and its resulting and evolutionary adaptation both decrease 34 İ by increasing csSRR, their analogous behaviour remains to be empirically confirmed within the same range. 3.4 Sensitivity of 34İto evolutionary adaptation and preservation of evolutionary history One important growth component which has remained in excess for evolutionary adaptation throughout this study but which has liberally varied for physiological adaptation is the availability of growth substrate. This section considers how changing growth conditions may affect the response of İ of evolved populations relative to the response of an ancestor. The 34 sensitivity of evolved populations to different growth conditions may suggest whether 34İis truly sensitive to evolutionary adaptation in an environmental context. Growth rate and csSRR are often limited by the availability of organic growth substrate (Hoehler and Jorgensen, 2013) and not, as in the case of this study, the genetic inability to grow faster. If the behaviour of İ from evolved population to substrate-limited environmental 34 conditions does not differ from that of the ancestor, then the isotope phenotype displayed in the environment has a low sensitivity to evolutionary adaptation. This would be explained by the levels of metabolic activity remaining in check by environmental constraints. In turn this means that genetic modifications which result from short term evolutionary adaptation to different conditions does not affect the metabolism in a manner which can be expressed through 34 İ. However, the opposite may also be true. The evolutionary adaptation may have tweaked the metabolism for specific environmental conditions which result in a measurable effect on İ 34 under substrate limited conditions. This would suggest that 34İis more sensitive to evolutionary adaptation. The first case would suggest that the isotope phenotype is a record of longer term divergence processes than the second instance where the divergence of the isotope phenotype would be a record of short term evolution. An empirical investigation into this matter would add powerful interpretive potential to evolution experiments because it would offer a means of applying experimental results to environmental observations. 4. Conclusion Three hundred generations of unconstrained growth produces observable growth changes in an initially isogenic Dbac culture. These changes, in turn result in a significant decrease in 34İ. The results of this study constitute the first empirical evidence demonstrating such a relationship between evolutionary adaptation and the S isotope fractionation. This evolutionary response on İ appears to behave similarly to the physiological response of 34 34 İ to an increasing supply of growth substrate. This is because the mechanisms involved in increasing growth rate in the evolution experiment and the ones which increase growth rate in physiological studies are likely correlated. The most important implication of these results is that variations in S isotope fractionation do not necessarily require a change in environmental conditions. One of the remaining challenges is to understand the how sensitivity of İ to evolutionary adaptation in 34 evolution experiments may provide a mean to assess the importance of evolutionary processes on the variability seen in environmental observations. Figure Captions Figure 1: Growth characteristics monitored as a function of progression throughout the experiment. Data is jittered along the x axis for visualization purposes. Errobars indicate the 1 ı uncertainty on measurements which is propagated from measurements of optical density and [H 2 S]. Symbols are assigned to the individual lineages while colors are meant to allow for better replicate visualization. Left: Growth rate. Middle: cell specific sulfate reduction rate (csSRR). Right: Yield. Figure 2: Measurements of İ (y-axis) suggest that the isotope phenotype of the ancestor 34 (squares) and the evolved lineages (circles) are different and negatively correlated with csSRR (x-axis). Colored bars are meant to allow for better replicate visualization and correspond to the 1ı uncertainty on the measurement propagated from the primary cell and H 2 S measurements whereas on x-axis while the y axis colored lines report the estimate of uncertainty on 34 İbased on a Monte Carlo simulation (Appendix A). Figure 3: The relationship between linear. 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Growth rate (dayí) 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Figure 1 0 Generations 300 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 Generations 300 Yield (106 cells/umole SO4) csSRR (fmol/cell/day) 40 45 50 55 60 0 Generations 300 C B A Evolved Ancestor Figure 2 16 Ancestor Evolved 14 A 34 ε (‰) 15 B 13 C 12 20 30 40 50 csSRR (fmole/cell/day) 60 70 Figure 3 0.513 33 λ (‰) 0.512 Ancestor 0.511 Evolved A 0.510 B C 0.509 0.508 12 13 34 14 ε (‰) 15 16 TABLE 1: Growth characteristics of ancestor and evolved lineages of Dbac. Normal fonts are individual measurements, bold fonts are the mean of lineages, italicized are the estimates of uncertainty on individual measurements while bold italicized are standard deviation on the mean of lineages. generation 0 300 Rep1 Rep2 Rep3 mean, sd A-Rep1 A-Rep2 A-Rep3 mean, sd B-Rep1 B-Rep2 B-Rep3 mean, sd C-Rep1 C-Rep2 C-Rep3 mean, sd Y 53.80 46.74 42.80 47.78 59.91 55.73 50.12 55.25 52.82 46.12 ı 4.17 4.67 3.34 5.58 3.10 2.59 3.11 4.91 3.53 2.96 49.47 49.12 55.53 47.61 50.75 4.74 2.42 2.70 1.94 4.20 k 1.17 0.89 0.90 0.99 3.01 2.97 2.59 2.86 2.75 2.66 2.67 2.69 2.96 2.88 2.90 2.91 ı 0.18 0.15 0.14 0.16 0.40 0.38 0.37 0.23 0.40 0.39 0.39 0.05 0.37 0.36 0.35 0.05 csSRR 21.77 18.96 21.12 20.62 50.20 53.30 51.63 51.71 52.10 57.64 ı 3.79 3.80 3.73 1.47 7.12 7.27 8.00 1.55 8.36 9.14 54.87 60.35 51.82 60.87 57.68 3.92 8.19 6.95 7.67 5.08 TABLE 2: Compilation of the measurements of 34İ and Ȝ from ancestor and evolved lineages of Dbac. Normal fonts are individual measurements, bold fonts are the mean of lineages, italicized are the estimates of uncertainty on individual measurements while bold italicized are standard deviation on the mean of lineages. generation Lineage- rep# Rep1 Rep2 0 Rep3 mean, sd A-Rep1 A-Rep2 A-Rep3 mean, sd B-Rep1 B-Rep2 300 B-Rep3 mean, sd C-Rep1 C-Rep2 C-Rep3 mean, sd İ 15.27 16.16 14.85 15.43 12.44 13.08 12.08 12.53 11.98 11.78 12.11 11.96 12.43 12.40 12.82 12.55 34 ı34İ 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.67 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.50 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.17 0.14 0.13 0.14 0.23 Ȝ 0.5112 0.5123 0.5107 0.5114 0.5115 0.5132 0.5109 0.5119 0.5115 0.5085 0.5116 0.5105 0.5076 0.5111 0.5095 0.5094 33 ı33Ȝ 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 0.0008 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 0.0012 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 0.0017 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 0.0017 Paper 3 Evolutionary response of S isotope fractionation is predicted by phenotypic plasticity Appendix Appendix A – Additional methods A-1 Growth media The experiments were performed in a Tris-buffered chemically defined media (MOLS4) that consists of a final concentration of 30mM sulfate, 60mM lactate, 8mM MgCl2, 20mM NH4Cl, 2mM K2HPO4-NaH2PO4, 30mM Tris-HCl as well as solutions of trace elements, Thauer vitamins and trace rezasurin as an oxygen indicator. The pH was adjusted to 7.2. For the evolution experiments, 10mL of MOLS4 was placed into 20mL serum bottles, while 80mL of MOLS4 was placed into120mL serum bottles for the isotope assays. Bottles were crimp sealed with butyl rubber stoppers from which the headspace was purged of oxygen by flushing with pure N2 gas. After gassing, individual crimp-sealed media bottles were sterilized in an autoclave. A - 2 Design of microbial evolution experiment Rather than investigating selective responses to novel environmental, physiological, or genetic stressors, the evolution experiments were designed to select for increased growth rate in a simple and reproducible manner. Three replicate lines of Dbac were propagated in a chemically defined growth media. Each of the replicate lines was propagated in batch culture by inoculating 0.6mL of the previous culture into a fresh media bottle containing 10mL of defined MOLS4 media. Cultures were grown in 20mL serum bottles capped with blue butyl rubber stoppers. The headspace was 100% N2 gas (99.995% purity). Cultures were incubated at 33°C and shaken at 110 rpm. Approximately every 10th transfer, the three replicate lines were preserved in a glycerol stock solution at -80°C to preserve a “fossil” record of the evolution experiment. These frozen stocks were revived at later times for isotopic and growth rate and fitness measurements. All inoculations, sampling, and transfers were performed under strictly anaerobic conditions. The evolution experiment was performed in batch culture for 300 generations. Each batch cycle corresponded to roughly 4.1 binary fissions which we equate to generations. In typical evolution experiment this batch culture cycle is often a daily occurrence. However, the initial growth rates of Dbac were slow. The time for the culture to reach stationary phase varied from 5 days to under 24 hours. The transfers were therefore performed when the culture reached an optical density greater than 0.6 which indicated the culture had entered stationary phase. This happened slowly at first and more quickly as the experiment progressed. A-3 - 16S rRNA contamination check DNA was extracted from the ancestral strain and evolved lineage strains of Dbac. In order to test for contaminations within the liquid cultures, we amplified and sequenced the 16S ribosomal gene from each lineage including the ancestral strain using general primers 27F (5’-AGA GTT TGA TCC TGG CTC AG-3’) and 728R (5’-CTA CCA GGG TAT CTA ATC C-3’) and Sanger sequencing. The program cycle used to amplify the 16S gene is as follows: initial denaturation at 94qC for 15min followed by an initial 15 cycles of denaturation at 94qC for 1min, primer annealing at 52qC for 45sec and elongation at 72qC for 1min. This is then immediately followed by 20 cycles of denaturation at 94qC for 1min, primer annealing at 49.5qC for 45sec and elongation at 72qC for 1min. The final elongation step was at 72qC for 7min. All PCR were prepared in a laminar flow hood using aerosol resistant pipette tips and performed using Qiagen hotstart©. All PCR reactions were carried out on the Eppendorf Mastercycler Pro S. All the sequencing was done by the Génome Québec Innovation Centre. The gene sequences from each lineage we’re aligned using clustalW and trimmed to remove any low quality reads. All bioinformatics analyses we’re performed using MEGA5 software. A-4 - Measurement of exponential growth characteristics Strains were revived from storage at -80oC and cultured back to activity on MOLS4. Growing cultures were transferred three times in order to acclimatize all populations to similar environmental conditions prior to measuring growth characteristics. Specific growth rates (k in day-1) of exponentially growing cells were calculated as ݇ൌ ሺܥଵ ሻ െ ሺܥ ሻ ܶଵ െ ܶ where T0 is the time of the initiation of the experiment (in days), T1 is the first sampling time (in days) and C0 and C1 are the cell concentrations (in cells mL-1) at these times. We estimated cell concentrations by measuring the optical density (OD) of an actively growing culture at 600nm on a Genesys 10S UV-VIS spectrophotometer. These OD600 measurements were converted to cell concentrations via a single constant conversion factor (1.01 x 109). The conversion factor was obtained by counting individual cells in dilute, DAPI-stained aliquots of actively growing ancestral and evolved lines under an epifluoresence microscope. We used a single conversion factor for all cultures since conversion factors between OD600 and cell numbers were similar in all assayed lineages. Uncertainty estimates on growth rate was obtained by propagating the uncertainty on measurements of OD. Determinations of yield (Y, in 106 cells per µmol SO4-2 consumed) and cell specific sulfate reduction rate (csSRR, in femtomoles SO4-2 consumed cell-1 day-1.) were based on concentrations of hydrogen sulfide produced by actively growing cultures in exponential phase. Concentrations were measured with a commercial sulfide kit based on the colorimetric method of Cline (1969). Absorbance was measured on a Genesys 10S UV-VIS spectrophotometer at 670nm. The spectrophotometer was calibrated with mixed standards of dissolved sodium sulfide and zinc chloride that were reproducible to ± 0.1mM. Once H2S concentrations and cell numbers were measured, we estimated yield during exponential growth as ܻൌ ܥ௫ െ ܥ ͳ ൈ ሾܪଶ ܵሿ௫ െ ሾܪଶ ܵሿ ͳͲ where [H2S]0 is the concentration of H2S (in mM) at the initiation of the experiment, [H2S]x concentration of H2S (in mM) at later sampling times, and the factor of 106 converts from moles to micromoles. This expression assumes a 1-to-1 stoichiometry between SO4-2 consumed and H2S produced. Uncertainty estimates on yield was obtained by propagating the uncertainty on measurements of OD and [H2S].The cell specific sulfate reduction rate during exponential growth was calculated from estimates of growth rate and the yield as ܿ ܴܴܵݏൌ ݇ ൈ ͳͲଷ ܻ where the factor of 103 converts from nanomoles to femtomoles. Uncertainty estimates on csSRR was obtained by propagating the uncertainty on measurements of k and Y. Real time monitoring of growth We built a home-made device (POD) to monitor the growth rate of cultures in Real-time. 20mL culture tubes were filled with 10mL of media and utilized to grow strains of bacteria. The device consisted essentially of a photoresistor and an IR LED embedded into a plastic mounting plate which was specifically designed to house the culture tube in which the growth curve was performed. Each plate was mounted on a magnetic stirrer. Six of these devices were connected to a breadboard which was operated by an Arduino and Ethernet shield. The entire device was mounted on an incubator shelf and was inserted into the incubator. The Arduino was operated via a USB cable which was connected to a computer, outside of the incubator. The Arduino operated the apparatus through a simple program which monitored the voltage on the photoresistor as well as the time since the start of the experiment and saved it to an SD card that was inserted in the Arduino. The intensity of the voltages measured scaled linearly with increasing OD in the range measured during the experiments. The data was measured in millivolts and the background varied between each specific pairs of LED and photoresistor and were calibrated individually. To convert the voltages obtained from the POD into the more common “OD”, we measured OD@600nm with a spectrophotometer equipped with a bottle adapter for our POD bottles at the start and the end of each experiment. The average of 10 voltage measurements around the time of the OD measurement were used as the mV calibration fitted with the “true OD” by fitting a linear model through the two points. A-5 - Characterization of the sulfur isotope phenotype We measured the S isotope phenotypes of the ancestral Dbac wild-type and of all three lineages over the same interval as exponential growth characterics (300 generations). Strains were revived from storage at -80oC and cultured back to activity on MOLS4. Growing cultures were transferred three times at 24hr intervals prior to performing the isotope assay. At the start of the assay, 5 mL of a mid-exponential phase culture (OD600 ~ 0.2) was inoculated into gassed and sterile assay bottles containing 80 mL of MOLS4 and a magnetic stir bar. The assay bottles were vigorously sitrred while being simultaneously purged with pure N2 gas for two to three hours to remove any sulfide that was carried-over with the inoculum. Repeated tests showed that the sulfide blank in the assay media after purging was <5 ppm, which would have have a negligible effect on the isotopic assay. Immediately after purging we took a sample (labelled T0) to characterize the initial S isotope composition of the sulfate in the media. Assay cultures were incubated at 33oC and shaken at 110 rpm. We halted cell growth and sulfate respiration once enough sulfide was produced for a reliable isotope measurement, typically when <10% of the initial sulfate had been consumed. The assay was stopped by adding 10mL of an acidic, 4% zinc acetate solution. This also preserved all the sulfide that had been produced since T0 as ZnS. This sample (labelled T1) provided the S isotope composition of the product sulfide as well as the residual sulfate. The 34S-32S and 33S-32S ratios of sulfate at T0 and T1, and sulfide at T1 provided six data points that could be used to constrain the three critical parameters influencing the S isotope phenotype at the assay conditions, as well as their uncertainty. These are the fraction of sulfate left unconsumed during the assay (f), the intrinsic discrimination of respiration ( İ), and the characteristic discrimination of 34 33 S from 34 32 S from 32 S during sulfate S during sulfate respiration (34Ȝ) (see below). A-6 - Measurement of the sulfur isotopes and estimation of the isotope phenotype (34İ) and 33 Ȝ The media containing both the sulfate and sulfide fractions of S was filtered through a 0.22um filter to remove all ZnS as well as cells and other precipitates from the filtrate containing the sulfate. The filter was subsequently reacted with concentrated hydrochloric acid to produce acidvolatile H2S (AVS) from the precipitated ZnS. This was carried by a N2 gas through a distillation column, a water trap and bubbled through an acidic zinc acetate trap which reprecipitated the H2S as a purified ZnS that did not contain cells or precipitates from the growth media. The sulfate in the filtrate was reacted with a ‘Thode’ reducing solution, a mixture of HI, H2PO4 and HCl that reduced the sulfate to H2S when heated to §100°C and followed the same trajectory as with the AVS extraction. The purified ZnS samples were then reacted with a silver nitrate solution to produce silver sulfide. The silver sulfide was removed from the filtrate by filtering through a 0.22um filter, which was washed with 1 M ammonium hydroxide and rinsed three times with deionized water and then dried at 50°C for 2 days. Approximately 3mg of the dried samples were weighed into aluminum packets in preparation for mass spectrometry. Subsequently, the samples were converted to sulfur hexafluoride and the gas purified using the procedure outlined in (Pellerin et al., 2014) (Paper 1) before analysis of the sample with a MAT 253 running in dual inlet mode in the Stable Isotope Laboratory of the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Isotopic compositions are reported using delta notation where 3i R = 3i S/32S, ଷ ܴ ௦ ߜ ଷܵ ൌ ቆ ଷ െ ͳቇ ൈ ͳͲͲͲ ܴ ି் i is 3 or 4 and V-CDT refers to the Vienna-Cañon Diablo Troilite international reference scale. All sulfur isotope data reported relative to Vienna Cañon Diablo Troilite (V-CDT), against which the international reference material IAEA-S-1 is taken to have the following isotopic composition: 33 S = -0.061‰ and 34 S { -0.3‰. The precision (1ı) on individual measurements is better than 0.05 ‰ for į34S values, and 0.01‰ for ǻ33S values. Accuracy of the measurements is controlled by the analytical reproducibility (1ı), which for the full measurement procedure is better than 0.1 ‰ for į34S values and 0.01‰ for ǻ33S values. Repeat analyses of the international reference materials IAEA-S-1, IAEA-S-2, and IAEA-S-3 always matched their accepted values within these uncertainties.. Data processing In order to correct for the Rayleigh effect produced by the closed system of a batch culture, three isotopic measurements were required to produce estimates of 34İ. We used: (1) the initial isotopic composition of the starting sulfate (T0,SO4) (2) the isotopic composition of the sulfate at the time of sampling (T1,SO4) and (3) the isotopic composition of the sulfide produced by dissimilatory sulfate reductions up to the time of sampling (T1,H2S). First, the fraction of remaining sulfate (f), can be calculated with the assumption that the isotopic composition of the sulfide will be equal to that of the starting reactant when the reaction goes to completion. This results in: ݂ൌ ߜ ଷସܵ ்ǡௌைସ ߜ ଷ்ܵଵǡுଶௌ ቆ ͳቇ െ ቆ ͳቇ ͳͲͲͲ ͳͲͲͲ ቆ ߜ ଷ்ܵଵǡௌைସ ߜ ଷ்ܵଵǡுଶௌ ͳቇ െ ቆ ͳቇ ͳͲͲͲ ͳͲͲͲ The fractionation factor (Į) was calculated with a Rayleigh distillation correction while assuming isotopic mass balance between sulfate and sulfide (Hoek 2006, Johnston 2007, Sim 2011) ଷ ሺͳ െ ݂ ሻ ߜ ଷ்ܵଵǡுଶௌ ͳͲͲͲ ͳ ݈݊ ቆͳ ଷ ቇ ߙൌെ ݈݂݊ ݂ ߜ ்ܵଵǡௌைସ ͳͲͲͲ We refer commonly to a form of the fractionation factor,34İ as the isotope phenotype where ଷସ ߝ ൌ ሺ ଷସߙ െ ͳሻ ͲͲͲͳ כ The relationship between the fractionation of 33S relative to 32S and the heavier 34S relative to 32S is expressed as 33Ȝ. ଷଷ The uncertainty on the f, 34 İ, and 33 ߣൌ ሺ ଷଷߙ ሻ ሺ ଷସߙ ሻ Ȝ was estimated through a Monte Carlo simulation (Papadopoulos and Yeung, 2001). The initial uncertainties on į values were estimated from the variability observed in the pooled ߜ ଷସܵ ்ǡௌைସ of all the experiments. This was 0.11 ‰ (see APPENDIX A-7). A-7 - Estimate of uncertainty on 34İ and 33Ȝ We assume that our results follow a Gaussian distribution and obtain an uncertainty estimate by Monte Carlo simulation. All procedures were performed in R. We created Gaussian distributions of 5000 replicates for each of our measurement of ߜ ଷସܵ ்ǡௌைସ , ߜ ଷସܵ ்ଵௌைସ and ߜ ଷସܵ ்ଵுଶௌ and assume that these distributions represent a good approximation of the true probability distribution of each measurement. These distributions center on a mean of ߜ ଷସܵ௦௨ௗ and standard deviation of ıఋ యరௌ ೌೞೠೝ The standard deviation value was set at 0.11‰ because this was the uncertainty estimate obtained from pooling the entire dataset of ߜ ଷସܵ ்ǡௌைସ values for all experiments. We utilized this as the estimator of uncertainty rather than simply the mass spectrometer uncertainty of individual measurements because it is a more relevant measure of the true uncertainty encompassing the whole-system handling. It takes into account the machine uncertainty, the extraction uncertainty, as well as manipulation uncertainty and any isotopic variation which may occur stochastically between bottles. The measure of ߜ ଷସܵ ்ǡௌைସ has not yet been subject to the bacteriological activity we wish to measure yet follows the entire rest of the preparation protocol. The uncertainties between į34S and į33S are correlated in large part. We therefore produced probability distributions for ߜ ଷଷܵ ்ǡௌைସ , ߜ ଷଷܵ ்ଵௌைସ and ߜ ଷଷܵ ்ଵுଶௌ respectively by transforming the Gaussian distributions we had created for ߜ ଷସܵ ்ǡௌைସ , ߜ ଷସܵ ்ଵௌைସ and ߜ ଷସܵ ்ଵுଶௌ . There are however deviations from the predicted relationship betweenߜ ଷଷܵ and ߜ ଷସܵ as well as a small uncorrelated uncertainty which is equivalent to ıοయయ ୗ , the machine uncertainty or 0.01‰. Both are taken into account in οଷଷ ܵௗௗ The transformation of the probability distribution from į34S to į33S is: ଷଷ ߜ ܵௗௗ ߜ ଷସܵௗௗ ൌ ቆ ͳቇ ͳͲͲͲ Where οଷଷ ܵௗௗ is defined as Ǥହଵହ െ ͳ൩ ൈ ͳͲͲͲ οଷଷ ܵௗௗ ଷଷ ο ܵௗௗ ߜ ଷସܵ௦௨ௗ ൌ ߋሺͲǡ ıοయయ ୗ ሻ ߜ ܵ௦௨ௗ ቆ ͳቇ ͳͲͲͲ ଷଷ Ǥହଵହ െ ͳ൩ ൈ ͳͲͲͲ ߋሺͲǡ ıοయయୗ ሻ is the uncorrelated uncertainty and ߜ ଷଷܵ௦௨ௗ is the experimentally determined į33S. With the distributions of ߜ ଷଷܵ ்ǡௌைସ , ߜ ଷଷܵ ்ଵௌைସ and ߜ ଷଷܵ ்ଵுଶௌ , ߜ ଷସܵ ்ǡௌைସ , ߜ ଷସܵ ்ଵௌைସ and ߜ ଷସܵ ்ଵுଶௌ in hand we calculated the distributions of 34İ and Ȝ. The standard deviation on the obtained distributions of 34İ and Ȝ were taken as a reliable estimate of the uncertainty. References Papadopoulos,C.E.,Yeung,H.,2001.UncertaintyestimationandMonteCarlosimulationmethod.Flow MeasurementandInstrumentation12,291Ͳ298. Pellerin,A.,Wing,B.A.,Rough,M.,Mucci,A.,Canfield,D.E.,Bui,T.H.,2014.Reoxidativesulfurcyclingin the sulfidic carbonͲrich sediments of Mangrove Lake, Bermuda. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (submitted,GCAͲDͲ14Ͳ00267). Appendix B captions Appendix B-1 Collage of growth curves from all experimental lineages when monitored in real-time with a home-built monitor of optical density. The first column is the ancestor, the second column is the evolved lineage A. Column 3 is the evolved lineage B. Column 4 is the evolved lineage C. Rows are replicates of the lineages. Within each graph, the increase in optical density is utilized as a proxy for the increase in abundance of with time. The X axis is the time in hours and Y axis is the optical density measured at 600nm. From these growth curves, one can extrapolate the growth rate. It is evident from the growth curves that the ancestor’s growth is much slower than the evolved lineages. Appendix B-2 The relationship between 34 İ and csSRR when controlled by physiological adaptation is hyperbolically decreasing at low csSRR. Red dots are a partial dataset from the study of Hoeck et al. (2006) utilizing Thermodesulfatator indicus growing on a low concentration of H2 as growth substrate at high temperatures. Purple dots are from the studies of Sim et al. 2011a, 2011b and 2012 with strain DMSS-1 where csSRR was controlled by the nature of the organic carbon substrate. Green dots are from the study of Leavitt et al. (2013) with DvH where the csSRR is controlled by limiting the abundance of organic carbon substrate in a chemostat experiments. Colored horizontal and vertical lines correspond to the uncertainty on measurements when available. Black lines are a Loess extrapolation of the relationship between csSRR and 34İ. All manipulations were perfomed in R with ggplot2. Appendix B-3 The relationship between 34 İ and csSRR when the datasets are limited to a range of csSRR between 18 and 62 fmol/cell/day show no reliable predictive relationship at the 95% confidence level. Green dots are from the study of Leavitt et al. (2013) with DvH where the csSRR is controlled by limiting the abundance of organic carbon substrate in chemostat experiments whereas purple dots are from the studies of Sim et al. (2011a,b, 2012). Colored horizontal and vertical lines correspond to the uncertainty on measurements, if available. The grey overlay represents the 95% confidence interval on the linear regression that was utilized to establish the relationship. All manipulations were performed in R with ggplot2. Appendix B-4 The growth characteristics of the Dbac lineages at generation 0 (ancestor) and 300 as well as critical information about the state of the inoculum. This data was utilized to interpret values of growth rate, yield and csSRR (Figure 1, Table 1). Appendix B-5 The isotopic measurements of sulfate and sulfides expressed in delta notation and utilized to produce 34İ and 33Ȝ estimates (Figure 3, Table 2). OD@600nm OD@600nm OD@600nm 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0 0 5 5 5 15 15 15 time(hrs) 10 Ancestor rep3 time(hrs) 10 Ancestor rep2 time(hrs) 10 Ancestor rep1 Appendix B-1 20 20 20 25 25 25 OD@600nm OD@600nm OD@600nm 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0 0 15 time(hrs) 10 15 time(hrs) 10 5 15 time(hrs) 10 EvolvHG$íUHS 5 EvolvHG$íUHS 5 EvolvHG$íUHS 20 20 20 25 25 25 OD@600nm OD@600nm OD@600nm 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0 0 15 time(hrs) 10 15 time(hrs) 10 5 15 time(hrs) 10 EvolvHG%íUHS 5 EvolvHG%íUHS 5 EvolvHG%íUHS 20 20 20 25 25 25 OD@600nm OD@600nm OD@600nm 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0 0 10 15 time(hrs) 10 15 time(hrs) 5 15 time(hrs) 10 EvolvHG&íUHS 5 EvolvHG&íUHS 5 EvolvHG&íUHS 20 20 20 25 25 25 Appendix B-2 Hoeck et al. (2008) Leavitt et al. (2013) 60 34ε (‰) Sim et al. (2011a, 2011b, 2012) 40 20 0 0 50 100 150 csSRR (fmole/cell/day) 200 Appendix B-3 30 34ε (‰) Author Leavitt et al. (2013) 20 Sim et al. (2011a, 2011b, 2012) This study 10 0 20 40 csSRR (fmole/cell/day) 60 Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Evolved Evolved Evolved Evolved Evolved Evolved Evolved Evolved Evolved Lineage id Experiment name Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 A Rep 1 A Rep 2 A Rep 3 B Rep 1 B Rep 2 B Rep 3 C Rep 1 C Rep 2 C Rep 3 WWE/yͲϰ Age 48hrs 48hrs 48hrs 18hrs 18hrs 18hrs 18hrs 18hrs 18hrs 18hrs 18hrs 18hrs Inoculum OD @600nm [H2S] mM Inoculum Vol. (mL) 0.2089 3.82 7 0.2089 3.82 5 0.2089 3.82 5 0.2152 7.74 5 0.2152 7.74 5 0.2152 7.74 5 0.2133 7.55 5 0.2133 7.55 5 0.2133 7.55 5 0.2281 8.27 5 0.2281 8.27 5 0.2281 8.27 5 WĂŐĞϭ [H2S] bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl OD 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 ı 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 T0 cells/mL 1.4E+07 1.4E+07 1.4E+07 1.4E+07 1.4E+07 1.4E+07 1.4E+07 1.4E+07 1.4E+07 1.5E+07 1.5E+07 1.5E+07 ı Elapsed time (hrs) T1 OD ı 5.7E+06 54 0.171 5.7E+06 64.5 0.133 5.7E+06 69 0.165 5.7E+06 24 0.256 5.7E+06 25 0.279 5.7E+06 26 0.209 5.7E+06 24 0.197 5.7E+06 25 0.200 5.7E+06 25 0.202 5.7E+06 24 0.260 5.7E+06 25 0.269 5.7E+06 26 0.310 WWE/yͲϰ 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 cells/mL 2.0E+08 1.5E+08 1.9E+08 2.9E+08 3.2E+08 2.4E+08 2.2E+08 2.3E+08 2.3E+08 3.0E+08 3.1E+08 3.5E+08 ı WĂŐĞϮ 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 T1 5.72 5.24 7.10 [H2S] mM ı 3.37 2.94 4.07 4.63 5.46 4.46 3.97 4.63 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.808589925 0.824712069 0.76264931 f calculated from [H2S] 0.887247271 0.901538696 0.863779535 0.845004438 0.817502759 0.850714648 0.867136612 0.84502488 A A A B B B C C C Evolved Evolved Evolved Evolved Evolved Evolved Evolved Evolved Evolved Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Lineage id Experiment name Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor WWE/yͲϱ -0.40093 -0.30352 -0.27127 -0.27262 -0.33577 -0.26556 -0.30151 -0.29546 -0.31595 -0.7721 -0.64116 -0.54812 -0.55421 -0.69597 -0.54947 -0.6371 -0.59616 -0.62323 0.42035 0.59065 0.30883 0.36056 0.37769 0.35115 0.66119 0.67194 0.92756 0.78766 1.12092 0.56029 0.69123 0.72168 0.65807 1.27825 1.31818 1.79625 -6.37327 -6.58455 -6.18046 -6.07868 -6.00579 -6.16367 -6.21136 -6.17072 -6.27183 -12.454 -12.8577 -12.089 -11.9272 -11.7807 -12.0676 -12.1438 -12.0703 -12.2761 T0 Sulfate T1 Sulfate T1 Sulfide 34 33 34 33 į S į S į S į S į S į34S -0.32703 -0.65876 0.56512 1.08201 -7.70008 -15.0745 -0.39489 -0.79951 0.40825 0.79239 -8.26406 -16.1717 -0.15169 -0.32887 0.43983 0.83266 -7.4589 -14.6093 33 WĂŐĞϭ Conclusion In the first paper, the investigation of the multiple S isotope signature of porewater sulfate in Mangrove Lake shows relatively small ଷସ ߝ௧ coupled with large ଷଷ ߣ௧ , a behavior that is inconsistent with a S cycle driven solely by microbial sulfate reduction. A simple diagenetic model accounts for whole-core abundance and isotopic variability of porewater sulfate with a single set of ଷସ ߝ௧ and ଷଷ ߣ௧ values. Splitting these net fractionations into the contributions from individual components of the S cycle enabled us to estimate the contribution of reoxidation in Mangrove Lake at between 50 and 80% of the microbial sulfate reduction flux. This model implies that sulfide oxidation to S0, followed by the disproportionation of S0 to sulfide and sulfate, is critical in generating the isotopic signature. The new understanding developed from the S cycle in Mangrove Lake highlights the diagnostic capabilities of the multiple sulfur isotope approach in identifying the importance of the reoxidative cycle in sedimentary porewaters. In the second paper, the investigation shows that short-term evolutionary adaptation at initially high growth rates can consistently affect the S isotope phenotype of sulfate-reducing microorganisms. Our experimental design led to the mean fitness increases of ~20 % after nearly §1000 generations of selection. There were consistent changes observed within different selection intervals between 34 İ and fitness. Although the fitness changes were associated with changes in exponential growth rate, the changes in 34İ were not. Changes in 34İ appeared to be a response to changes in the parameters that govern the overall growth rate: yield and cell-specific sulfate respiration rate. We hypothesize that these act together through the direct influence of cell-specific sulfate respiration rate on 34 İ, such that higher yields at a constant growth rate would lead to slower respiration and higher 34İ. In the third paper, we follow up on the discoveries of paper 2 where the 300 generations of unconstrained growth produces marked changes in the evolved lineages of Dbac which includes a measurable effect the isotope phenotype with increasing growth rate and fitness. This evolutionary response on 34İ appears to behave similarly to the physiological response of 34İ to an increasing supply of growth substrate. Because of this similarity, the isotope phenotype might be a predictable characteristic through periods of evolutionary adaptation when the environmental and evolutionary conditions are well understood. It remains to be seen whether conditions outside of this experimental framework would result in a similar response. If so, then the metabolic evolution of DSR may very well be extractable from the waste products of sulfate reducing microorganisms of past times.