PURCHASING, PAYROLL AND DISBURSEMENTS PROCUREMENT OFFICE The Procurement Office is responsible for the purchase of supplies, materials, equipment and services for the various schools, colleges and other units within the University. Additionally, it oversees and administers the purchasing card (P-card) program and the fuel card program. Summary of Major Accomplishments Order Activity The total dollar amount for formal orders increased from $155,849,350 to $164,398,690, and the total number of formal orders issued increased from 26,359 to 29,938 when comparing Fiscal Year 2009 to Fiscal Year 2010. Support Functions The Procurement Office staff provided information regarding the campus entry system and purchasing policies and procedures to University personnel through one-on-one training and small group sessions. In October, the Procurement Office participated in the University System of Georgia Regional Small and Minority Business Expo to foster relationships with these classifications of vendors. Additionally, the University of Georgia held its second annual Minority and Small Business Expo in November in the Grand Hall of the Tate Student Center. The event is part of UGA’s effort to increase the amount of business conducted with local small and/or minority-owned businesses. More than 200 vendors met with representatives from 75 University departments and 12 local agencies. In addition to hosting this Expo, Procurement staff held two sessions on “How to Do Business with UGA” during the event. In May 2010, UGA Procurement staff presented this same information at an Athens-Clarke County event and at a UGA Small Business Development Center event. Purchasing Card The purchasing card (P-card) program saw a decrease in the number of cards, the number of transactions processed on the cards, and in the total amount spent. The decrease in card numbers is attributed to ongoing reaction to changes in P-card policy and procedure as a result of House Bill 1113 and Department of Administrative Services and Board of Regents policies, as well as to the functionality of the new UGAmart system. While fewer cards resulted in fewer transactions, budget reductions also contributed to reduced expenditures. The fiscal year began with 1,366 cards in the program and ended with 1,334 cards. During the fiscal year, cardholders initiated 113,450 transactions totaling $28,870,564. This equates to a 3.7% decrease in transactions and a 4.9% decrease in dollar value. The office continues to offer training on P-card policy and procedures plus training on the Web-based reconciliation system for purchasing card transactions. The Department of Administrative Services State Purchasing Division’s Process Improvement and Audits Department conducted a purchasing card review at UGA in March/April 2009. The Purchasing Card Audit Final Summary Report dated March 22, 2010 states that “the University of Georgia’s management of the purchasing card program is sound in every area.” F-82 Procure-to-Pay and Vendor Database During FY 2010, the new procure-to-pay system, formally known as UGAmart, was released across campus. By May 2010, all UGA units had received training on use of the system. In conjunction with UGAmart, the new vendor database is being utilized. Vendors are recorded in the new database and passed into UGAmart for potential order issuance. The database contained 316 vendors at the beginning of the fiscal year and that number had grown to 2,549 by the end of the year. During the fiscal year, the staff processed 9,404 orders totaling $34,435,870 in the UGAmart system. This activity accounts for 31.4% of the total orders processed by Procurement and 20% of the dollars issued against purchase orders. Recycled Paper The State Purchasing Department’s Official Memorandum No. 93-009 provided that each agency of state government must meet a target of 95% for annual aggregate of recycled paper purchased for printing, writing and computer usage. The University of Georgia purchased 100% of its total annual aggregate paper requirements containing recycled fiber in FY 2010. Purchasing Authority Effective July 1, 2009, the DOAS State Purchasing Department granted an increase in delegated purchasing authority to state agencies and universities. Procurement’s delegated purchasing authority increased to $250,000 for requests for proposals (RFP) and an unlimited dollar designation was granted for request for quotes (RFQ). The state’s competitive bid threshold remained at $5,000. The moratorium implemented by the Governor’s Office on the purchase of motor vehicles remained in place. The DOAS State Purchasing Division’s Process and Audits Department conducted a Compliance – Delegated Purchasing Authority Validation Review in March/April 2009. While UGA has received the draft response and responded to DOAS SPD, the final report of this review has not yet been issued. Procurement-Issued Purchase Orders Formal orders include those issued on field purchase orders through the University’s Procurement Office and those issued on state purchase orders by State Purchasing against requisitions from the Procurement Office (excluding verbal and petty cash orders issued by University departments). Activity for the past 10 years is shown in the following chart. F-83 FORMAL PURCHASING DOLLARS Millions of Dollars $180 $160 $140 $120 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $0 $123 2001 $135 2002 $112 $117 $117 2003 2004 2005 $165 $165 $156 $164 2007 2008 2009 2010 $131 2006 Fiscal Year The number of formal orders increased from 26,359 to 29,938. The following chart indicates the number of formal purchases made over a 10-year period. Thousands NUMBER OF FORMAL PURCHASES 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 56.2 50.6 41.1 2001 2002 2003 38.6 2004 33.5 2005 29.8 27.7 26.4 26.3 2006 2007 2008 2009 29.9 2010 Fiscal Year Supply Contract Releases The dollar amount of purchases made under supply contracts increased 4.4% from $40,637,800 to $42,408,076, while the number of individual contract purchases increased from 10,546 to 14,473. The following chart shows the dollar value of supply contract orders. (Additional information may be seen in Exhibit 1.) F-84 Millions of Dollars SUPPLY CONTRACT DOLLARS 50 43.7 35.8 40 36.8 39.5 37.4 2004 2005 2006 42.5 41.5 40.6 42.4 2007 2008 2009 2010 30.8 30 20 10 0 2001 2002 2003 Fiscal Year Unauthorized Purchases The Procurement Office has the responsibility for screening payment requests to ensure that all are within the limits delegated to University departments. In FY 2010 there were 171 unauthorized purchases, an increase of 61% when compared to FY 2009 (106). All of the 171 transactions were violations of the University’s rules and regulations. A report on unauthorized purchases is included in Exhibit 2. Emergency Orders The number of emergency order transactions decreased from 3,347 to 2,927. The percentage of emergency orders to formal orders decreased from 12.7% to 9.8% in FY 2010. A comparison of the volume of emergency transactions for the past 10 years is shown in the following chart. NUMBER OF EMERGENCY ORDERS 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 4149 3427 2001 2519 2275 2002 2003 2004 3003 2964 3059 2005 2006 2007 3456 3347 2008 2009 2927 2010 Fiscal Year The dollar volume of emergency orders decreased, as did the percentage of the dollar volume of emergency orders to the total dollar volume of formal orders, dropping from 6.2% to 4.0%. This comparison for the past 10 years follows. F-85 EMERGENCY ORDER DOLLARS Millions of Dollars 12 9.0 10 8 6.8 6 4 3.6 3.6 2001 2002 9.8 7.4 6.8 5.6 4.6 4.3 2 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Fiscal Year Construction The University Procurement Office bids and awards construction contracts and issues field purchase orders on certain construction contracts awarded by the Board of Regents and funded through the University. In FY 2010 the University’s authority for local administration of construction contracts remained at $5,000,000. A comparison of construction awards for the past five years follows. Figures for minor construction orders ($5,000 or under) have been omitted. Fiscal Year Number of Construction Contracts Awarded Dollar Amount of Construction Contracts Awarded 2006 175 $18,082,357 2007 341 $55,388,883 2008 250 $29,005,150 2009 255 $31,770,175 2010 278 $42,162,046 A listing of construction contracts of $25,000 or more for the fiscal year is shown in Exhibit 3. SUMMARY OF FY 2011 GOALS Pursuing Cost Savings As always, a major goal of the Procurement Office is to pursue cost savings for the campus. By analyzing expenditures to ascertain trends, savings can be realized through strategic sourcing initiatives and the development of agency contracts for like or similartype items. This goal will be greatly facilitated through the implementation and ongoing use of UGAmart. Procurement will strive to increase the number of agency contracts and obtain catalog pricing from agency contract vendors to facilitate an enriched shopping F-86 environment within UGAmart. Agency contracts traditionally provide cost savings to the University through aggregation of spend, resulting in discounted pricing from the vendors. UGAmart provides an online shopping experience populated with contract items allowing the University to direct more spend to established contracts and obtain greater value through a side-by-side comparison of products. The department will continue to provide data to DOAS State Purchasing as that office pursues strategic sourcing on statewide contracts. UGAmart The goal is to increase utilization of UGAmart by campus and to discontinue use of the old system to the greatest extent possible. Procurement currently rejects purchase requests generated in the old system if the vendor is available within UGAmart. The goal is to have all purchase requests submitted through UGAmart by the end of Fiscal Year 2011. Once this goal is achieved, the old procurement system will be abandoned. The staff will continue to develop user guides to be posted along with video training and tutorials for campus users. Vendor Database The staff is working to increase the number of suppliers in the new vendor database in order to increase utilization of UGAmart. The current input process is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and an effort is underway to enable online data entry by suppliers. Procurement is working in conjunction with Accounts Payable and Enterprise Information Technology Services on this project. The staff will work with campus and vendors to upload additional vendors into the new vendor database and sync them to UGAmart. P-Card Changes The department will continue to provide P-card and WORKS training on a monthly basis as well as to meet unique individual needs. P-card policies and procedures will be updated as needed, and the staff will continue to monitor transactions to ensure ongoing compliance with the P-card policies and procedures. In accordance with DOAS and BOR policy, P-card refresher training will be conducted during FY11. The staff will meet with State Purchasing Department representatives as needed. Training Procurement will continue to avail itself to training offered by the DOAS State Purchasing Department (SPD). Procurement staff holding a “professional” title will be taking classes and exams to strive towards SPD certification. Promoting Business with Small and Minority Owned Businesses Procurement will host the UGA Small and Minority Business Expo III within FY11. The department also plans to hire a business development coordinator to enhance awareness of small and minority vendors across campus. F-87 Statistical Information The following exhibits depict Procurement activities during the fiscal year: Exhibit 1 - Report of Supply Contracts for FY 2010 Exhibit 2 - Report of Unauthorized Purchases During FY 2010 Exhibit 3 - Report of Construction and Public Works Contracts of $25,000 or more for FY 2010 Exhibit 4 - FY 2010 Purchasing Volume in Dollars Exhibit 5 - FY 2010 Purchasing Volume by Orders Organizational Chart F-88 EXHIBIT 1 REPORTS OF SUPPLY CONTRACTS For the Fiscal Years 2009 – 2010 I. FY 2009 FY 2010 Percentage Change 8,479 406 0 1,462 199 0 10,546 6,689 378 0 1,286 169 0 8,522 -21% -7% 0% -12% -15% 0% -19% 40% 42% 37,626,618 357,169 0 1,701,446 952,567 0 40,637,800 26,201,489 373,014 0 2,291,916 930,812 0 29,797,231 26% 16% Comparative Volume: Number of Contract Releases Procurement Campus Scientific Stores Central Office Supply Central Research Stores Physical Plant Printing Department Total Number of Releases Number of Releases as a Percentage of Total Formal Orders Dollar Amount of Contract Releases Procurement Campus Scientific Stores Central Office Supply Central Research Stores Physical Plant Printing Department Total Dollar Amount of Releases Dollar Amount as a Percent of Total Formal Orders Dollars -30% 4% 0% 34% -2% 0% -26% EXHIBIT 2 Report of Unauthorized Purchases Description No. of Unauthorized Purchases No. of Unauthorized Purchases as a Percentage of Total Purchases Dollar Amount of Unauthorized Purchases Dollar Amount of Unauthorized Purchases as a Percentage of Total Dollar Purchases Average Dollar Amount of Unauthorized Purchases FY 2009 106 .05% FY 2010 171 .09% % Increase/Decrease 61% 80% 964,271 .4% 1,585,024 .74% 64% 85% 9,097 9,269 1% *Note: Unauthorized purchase data was not maintained for the months of July and August 2009. F-89 EXHIBIT 3 page 1 of 10 PROCUREMENT OFFICE Report of Construction and Public Works Contracts Over $25,000 in FY 2010 Executed Agreements Over $25,000 Contractor’s Name A & D Painting, Inc. Albion Scaccia Enterprises LLC All About Asphalt Contract Amount Project Description $87,795.00 Interior Painting, Rooker Hall $1,997,756.00 Lamar Dodd School of Art Ceramics Building *$40,000.00 Unit Cost Asphalt Repairs, Various All Painting Contractors $64,290.00 2010-2011 Interior Painting Services, Family and Graduate Housing and Greek Park Anderson Development & Construction $33,890.00 Entrance Sign and Roadside Piers, UGA Golf Course Athens-Clarke County Unified Government $389,293.00 Remove 5” Existing Deteriorated Asphalt, Pave and Install Traffic Markings for East Campus Road and Hooper Street The Athens Line, LLC $91,904.00 Furnish and Install Track Repairs and Concrete Panels at Two Campus Railroad Crossings Art’s Way Scientific Banner Security Systems, Inc. Belfor Environmental, Inc. Bezalel, Inc. $1,133,556.00 Modular Swine Buildings, Double Bridges Farm Livestock Facility $27,785.21 Upgrade Security System at UGA Intellicenter, Lawrenceville, Georgia *$40,000.00 Unit Cost Contract for Asbestos Abatement, Flooring Only, Various Locations $82,870.00 Cabin Exit Doors, Rock Eagle 4-H Center (Phase III) Bilmar Corporation *$40,000.00 Unit Price Contract for Asbestos Flooring Abatement, Various Locations Bilmar Corporation *$40,000.00 Unit Price Contract for Asbestos Abatement, Various Locations Bon Building Services, Inc. $107,985.00 Hastings Building Renovation, Rock Eagle 4-H Center Bona Fide Construction $44,678.00 Re-roof, J.W. Fanning Institute Bone Dry Roofing Co. $36,495.00 Re-roof, Vet Med 6 F-90 EXHIBIT 3 page 2 of 10 PROCUREMENT OFFICE Report of Construction and Public Works Contracts Over $25,000 in FY 2010 Executed Agreements Over $25,000 Contractor’s Name Bone Dry Roofing Co. Contract Amount Project Description $202,300.00 Re-roof, Performing Arts Center Bone Dry Roofing Co. $208,000.00 Re-roof, Poultry Science Building Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC $7,265,000.00 Central Energy Plant, NW Precinct BOR Project #J-154 Brunswick Glassworks, Inc. $37,500.00 Replacement of All Glass Windows, Marine Extension Service, Brunswick Station Busker Communications, Inc. $82,838.47 Wireless Backbone Installation, Russell Hall Carroll Daniel Construction Co. Certapro Painters Certified Finishes, Inc. Chesser Kennedy Builders, Inc. $354,265.00 Supplies, Labor, Material Required for Replacement of Bulkheads, Ramsey Center Swimming Pool $45,498.00 Exterior Repairs and Painting, Mary Lyndon Hall $276,000.00 Carpet and Vinyl Replacement, Rooker Hall $76,743.00 Furnish and Install Landscaping, Greek Park Dale Construction Co. $199,000.00 Furnish and Install Labor, Materials and Equipment for Water Main Replacement (Phase III), Rock Eagle DSI Construction Group $970,000.00 Fourth Floor Renovation, Journalism Driver Construction Co. $122,430.00 Furnish and Install Renovations, Areas 2, 3 and 5, Dawson Hall Driver Construction Company, Inc. $449,974.00 HVAC Upgrade and Additions, Church Hall Dusty Greer Roofing $269,000.00 Furnish and Install Re-roof, Hodgson School of Music E. Sam Jones Distributor, Inc. $181,000.00 Furnish and Install Lighting Upgrades, South Campus Parking Deck The Earth Comfort Company $298,585.00 Furnish and Install Geothermal Heating and Air Conditioning System, Marine Extension Service, Brunswick, Georgia F-91 EXHIBIT 3 page 3 of 10 PROCUREMENT OFFICE Report of Construction and Public Works Contracts Over $25,000 in FY 2010 Executed Agreements Over $25,000 Contractor’s Name Elevator Service Company Contract Amount Project Description $28,696.00 Furnish and Install Elevator Door Restrictors, Various Locations Engineered Restorations, Inc. $113,740.00 Distressed Masonry Repairs, Caldwell Hall Garrard Construction Group, Inc. $244,500.00 Furnish and Install Renovations to Room 225, Driftmier Engineering Center Garrett Paving Company, Inc. *$40,000.00 Unit Cost Asphalt Repairs, Various Locations Georgia Atlantic Contractors, Inc. $27,203.00 Furnish and Install Vault Hatch for Fuel Tank #2, Central Steam Plant Georgia Atlantic Contractors, Inc. $35,374.00 Furnish and Install Directional Boring, Various Locations TASK ORDER RELEASE Georgia Atlantic Contractors, Inc. $51,200.00 Furnish and Install New Sidewalk, Coverdell Building TASK ORDER RELEASE Georgia Atlantic Contractors, Inc. $67,929.00 Furnish and Install Renovations to Prepare for Fume Hood and Casework, Athens, Georgia TASK ORDER RELEASE Georgia Atlantic Contractors, Inc. $68,924.00 Furnish and Install Renovations to Men’s and Women’s Locker Rooms, Ramsey Center TASK ORDER RELEASE Georgia Atlantic Contractors, Inc. $74,218.00 Renovations, Room 1602, Miller Plant Science Building TASK ORDER RELEASE Georgia Atlantic Contractors, Inc. $75,000.00 Furnish and Install New Switch Gear, Forestry III TASK ORDER RELEASE Georgia Atlantic Contractors, Inc. $76,500.00 Furnish and Install Renovations to WUGA Control Room TASK ORDER RELEASE Georgia Atlantic Contractors, Inc. $100,000.00 Furnish and Install New Switch Gear, Poultry Science TASK ORDER RELEASE F-92 EXHIBIT 3 page 4 of 10 PROCUREMENT OFFICE Report of Construction and Public Works Contracts Over $25,000 in FY 2010 Executed Agreements Over $25,000 Contractor’s Name Georgia Atlantic Contractors, Inc. Contract Amount Project Description $225,000.00 Renovations for Jewelry Department TASK ORDER RELEASE Georgia Atlantic Contractors, Inc. $269,693.00 Furnish and Install Maintenance Building, State Botanical Garden Horticulture Complex TASK ORDER RELEASE Grosch Drilling $29,671.00 Furnish and Install Material and Labor to Reline 400 Feet of Well Casting, Air-blast Well Screening, Install New Pump, Inspect and Repair Pump Shafting Gwinnett Sprinkler Co., Inc. $84,900.00 Fire Sprinklers, Science Library Gwinnett Sprinkler Co., Inc. $159,000.00 Fire Sprinkler Levels 1 & 2 - Science Library Harrison & Harrison, Inc. $70,902.00 Furnish and Install Demolition of Phi Delta Theta Houston Asphalt Paving & Sealcoating $31,512.00 Asphalt Paving and Vicinity Maintenance, Rock Eagle 4-H Center Johnson Construction Ext., Inc. $41,407.00 Renovate Shop Area and Bathroom, Building 5714, Savannah, Georgia Johnson Controls, Inc. $176,854.30 Furnish and Install 150-Ton Chiller, Plant Sciences Building, Tifton Kevin Price General Contractors, Inc. KR-Witwer, Inc. Mann Mechanical Co., Inc. $1,395,077.00 Furnish and Install Swine Unit, Double Bridges Farm Livestock Facility $244,700.00 First Floor Renovation and Modernization, Hill Hall $4,368,000.00 NW Precinct Utility Infrastructure Martin Mechanical Co., Inc. $715,000.00 Furnish and Install Steam Pit Insulation, North Campus Martin Mechanical Co., Inc. $759,367.00 HVAC Upgrades, Animal Dairy Science - Rhodes Building F-93 EXHIBIT 3 page 5 of 10 PROCUREMENT OFFICE Report of Construction and Public Works Contracts Over $25,000 in FY 2010 Executed Agreements Over $25,000 Contractor’s Name Martin Mechanical Contractors, Inc. McLendon Enterprises, Inc. Contract Amount Project Description $1,287,000.00 Furnish and Install Condensate Replacement Boiler Plant to MH-149 $88,273.00 Grading and Asphalt Paving, Vidalia Onion Vegetable Research Center Melton Painting Co. $109,000.00 Zolatone Treatment of Cabinets, Creswell Hall Membrane Systems, Inc. $221,606.00 Roof Repairs and Replacement, Hill Community Membrane Systems, Inc. Midwest Maintenance, Inc. $48,851.00 Furnish and Install Partial Re-roof, Thomas Textile Building *$40,000.00 Unit Price Roof Maintenance as Required, Various Locations MNG Construction, Inc. $31,515.00 Repair Various Buildings Damaged By Tornado in Plains, Georgia Morris Construction $26,250.00 Dining Hall Life Safety Upgrades, Wahsega 4-H Center Multiplex, LLC $19,096.00 Furnish and Install Renovations to Lab 303A, Pharmacy TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $25,600.00 Chi Phi Demolition TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $27,825.00 Demolition and Asbestos Abatement, Animal Psychology Lab Annex TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $29,927.46 Furnish and Install Building Demolition, Waddell Street TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $30,000.00 Furnish and Install New Bathrooms in Room 150, Dance TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $30,366.00 Demolition and Asbestos Abatement, Museum of Natural History Annex A TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $30,450.00 Painting, Tate Center Parking Deck F-94 EXHIBIT 3 page 6 of 10 PROCUREMENT OFFICE Report of Construction and Public Works Contracts Over $25,000 in FY 2010 Executed Agreements Over $25,000 Contractor’s Name Multiplex, LLC Contract Amount Project Description $30,918.60 Furnish and Install Resilient Flooring, Family Housing Building N TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $35,161.69 ACM Survey, Management Plan and ACM Abatement, Phi Chi Fraternity TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $40,000.00 HVAC Upgrades, Vet Med Swine TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $43,128.00 Electrical Labor, Family Housing Building N TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $44,000.00 Furnish and Install Expanded Kitchen, McPhaul Center TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $46,965.62 Furnish and Install 108 New Bronze Windows, Family Housing Building N TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $48,519.45 Provide Electrical Labor, Family Housing Building N TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $50,000.00 Furnish and Install Structural Repairs at South Campus Parking Deck TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $54,026.00 Furnish and Install Renovations to Rooms 126, 150 and 152, Riverbend Research North TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $55,000.00 Renovations to Labs 351, 353 and 353A, Biological Science Building TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $58,103.00 Additional Cost to Complete Corridors, 1324 Lumpkin Street TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $75,000.00 Furnish and Install Structural Repairs, Geology Hydrothermal TASK ORDER RELEASE F-95 EXHIBIT 3 page 7 of 10 PROCUREMENT OFFICE Report of Construction and Public Works Contracts Over $25,000 in FY 2010 Executed Agreements Over $25,000 Contractor’s Name Multiplex, LLC Contract Amount Project Description $75,558.00 Furnish and Install Sprinkler System and Fire Main, Family Housing Building N TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $78,470.00 Furnish and Install Demolition, Chi Phi Fraternity TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $85,295.70 Furnish and Install Coil Banks, Aderhold Hall TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $71,390.00 Furnish and Install Demolition of Pi Kappa Alpha Multiplex, LLC $91,648.20 Furnish and Install Electrical Labor, Family Housing Building N TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $117,057.27 Furnish and Install Renovations, Vet Med 11 TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $650,000.00 Furnish and Install Renovations, 1324 S. Lumpkin St TASK ORDER RELEASE Multiplex, LLC $723,000.00 H-Wing Lab Renovations, Building #1070, College of Veterinary Medicine TASK ORDER RELEASE The NDM Group $167,800.00 Furnish and Install Replacement Dorm Room Front Panels, Windows, Entrance Doors, Skidaway Marine Extension, Savannah, Georgia Nicros, Inc. $150,000.00 Design and Construction of New Rock Climbing Wall, Ramsey Center TASK ORDER RELEASE O’Neal Constructors, LLC Oconee Construction Services One Stop Environmental, LLC $1,672,240.00 Design/Build Contract to Build NanoTech Cleanroom at Riverbend South $535,000.00 Renovation of WNEG Studio, College of Journalism First Floor CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT $49,450.00 Asbestos Abatement and Selective Demolition, Family and Graduate Housing Building P F-96 EXHIBIT 3 page 8 of 10 PROCUREMENT OFFICE Report of Construction and Public Works Contracts Over $25,000 in FY 2010 Executed Agreements Over $25,000 Contractor’s Name Operational Security System, Inc. Contract Amount Project Description $32,505.20 Furnish and Install Building Security and Access Control System Operational Security Systems $40,000.00 Furnish and Install Building Security and Access Control System Operational Security Systems $51,924.00 Furnish and Install Security and Access Control System, State Botanical Garden Horticulture Complex Overhead Door Company of Atlanta $57,775.00 Door and Windows Renovation, Rock Eagle Gas Building Padgett Quality Construction $29,658.00 Repairs to Blackshank Pack House, Tifton, Georgia Phillips Brothers Contracting $58,700.00 Bathtub Replacement, Rooker Hall Phillips Brothers Contracting $197,400.00 Blackshank Pavilion Renovation Project, Tifton Piedmont Water Company $139,834.00 Waste Water Treatment Facility Disinfection System, Rock Eagle 4-H Center Poultry Technical Services, Inc. Premier Elevator Quality Construction by McLeroy, Inc. $42,000.00 Furnish and Install Ventilation and Correct Electrical Code, Poultry Brooding House H $349,867.00 Upgrade Three Elevators for River’s Crossing, Building 2639 $1,163,000.00 Parking Improvements, Griffin Campus RACO General Contractors, Inc. $394,120.00 Renovations at Poultry Diagnostic Research Center Ray L. Sims General Construction $437,384.00 Renovations to Auditorium Room 100, Forestry II Building 1140 Ray L. Sims General Construction $41,965.00 Façade Repairs, Russell Hall F-97 EXHIBIT 3 page 9 of 10 PROCUREMENT OFFICE Report of Construction and Public Works Contracts Over $25,000 in FY 2010 Executed Agreements Over $25,000 Contractor’s Name RWI Fence Company Contract Amount Project Description $37,238.00 Furnish and Install Exterior Pre-fabricated Structural Steel Stair System, Central Steam Plant Site Engineering, Inc. $175,300.00 Road Storm Drainage and Roadway Repairs, East Campus Skyline Construction Services, Inc. $39,460.00 Furnish and Install Re-roof, Veterinary Medicine 10 Southeastern Contracting Services $64,414.00 Student Ticket Gate Improvements, Sanford Stadium Southern Flooring & Interiors $42,425.00 Summer Carpet Replacement, Brumby Hall Stiles Heating & Cooling, Inc. $282,700.00 Furnish and Install Air Handling Unit Replacements, Georgia Center Stiles Heating & Cooling, Inc. $224,000.00 HVAC Upgrades and Additions, Hill Hall Stiles Heating & Cooling, Inc. $460,000.00 HVAC Upgrades and Additions, Mell and Lipscomb Halls Stiles Heating & Cooling, Inc. $528,850.00 CVM Anatomy Lab HVAC Replacement, Veterinary Building #10 ThyssenKrupp Elevator $238,187.00 Upgrade Elevators, Main Lobby of Georgia Center ThyssenKrupp Elevator $121,000.00 Furnish and Install Elevator Modernization, Forestry Resources Four Traditional Contractors, Inc. $385,510.00 Renovations of Bulldog Café, Tate Student Center, Building #672 Trane $56,392.00 Furnish and Install Repair of Two Chillers at Ramsey Center Trison Group $29,811.96 HVAC Demo and Installation: Soil Lab, Redding Building, Griffin Campus TASK ORDER RELEASE Trison Group $205,810.17 Install Chiller, Redding Building, Griffin TASK ORDER RELEASE F-98 EXHIBIT 3 page 10 of 10 PROCUREMENT OFFICE Report of Construction and Public Works Contracts Over $25,000 in FY 2010 Executed Agreements Over $25,000 Contractor’s Name Trison Group Contract Amount Project Description $25,280.00 Supervision, Labor and Material for Envirotron Condensing Units Installation TASK ORDER RELEASE Trison Group $35,312.01 Furnish and Install Installation Finishes, Facilities Building, Griffin, Georgia TASK ORDER RELEASE Trison Group $49,798.21 Renovations to Environmental Rooms, Melton Building, Griffin, Georgia TASK ORDER RELEASE Trison Group $52,468.50 First Floor Ceiling Replacement, Redding Building, Griffin TASK ORDER RELEASE Trison Group $53,040.04 Demo Walls and Plumbing, New Wall Finishes, Wood Blocking, Patch Floor Penetrations TASK ORDER RELEASE Tristar of America $58,000.00 Furnish and Install Demolition of Tau Epsilon Phi Turner Construction Urban Metropolitan Development $776,108.00 Reed Plaza** Utility Relocation $63,314.00 Asbestos Abatement and Selective Demolition, Family Housing Building N Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc. $213,617.51 Renovations, 2nd Floor of Aderhold Hall (Statewide contract) Whiting-Turner Contracting Company $650,000.00 Labor and Materials for the Skills Alcoves Camera Capture System Whitsel Construction Services $715,000.00 Renovation and ADA Upgrades, President’s House, 570 Prince Avenue *Not to Exceed **Wording on original contract documents refers to this location as “Reed Alley”; per UGA Public Affairs, name has been changed to Reed Plaza. F-99 EXHIBIT 4 FY 2010 PURCHASING VOLUME BY TYPE OF ORDER Total Dollars: $248,158,312 Cash <$500 1.8 Supply Contract 42.4 Other Procurement 79.7 P-Card 28.9 Books & Perishables 8.4 Construction 42.2 Check Request 44.7 MILLIONS OF DOLLARS F-100 EXHIBIT 5 FY 2010 PURCHASING VOLUME BY TYPE OF ORDER Total Orders: 195,956 Other Procurement 15.2 Construction .3 Check Request 36.1 Books & Perishables 2.2 P-Card 113.5 Supply Contract 14.4 Cash < $500 14.3 Thousands of Orders F-101 PAYROLL AND PAYABLES DIVISION PROCUREMENT OFFICE Procurement Officer Annette Evans Assistant Donna Dorsey Admin Assoc II Vacant Assistant Procurement Officer Chad Cox F-102 Sr. Procurement Specialist Claire Boyd Sr. Procurement Specialist Jessica Beri Assistant Christy McLendon Procurement Specialist Angela Varnes Procurement Specialist Elizabeth Lemerande Assistant Cynthia Eklund Assistant Vacant P-card Administrator Jill Haag Procurement Specialist Lauren Muth Assistant Vacant P-card Administrator Lynn Stephens Procurement Specialist April McMillan Assistant Josephine Westman Procurement Specialist Katy Stephens Assistant Don Layton Assistant Vacant Procurement Specialist Deanna Wang Procurement Specialist Amanda Pruitt Assistant Vacant Assistant Kristen Ball