SPECIAL ORDER WO RKSHEET RETU RN TO FAX NO. 542-1072 To:_________________________Fax:_______________________ SPECIAL ORDER WORKSHEET CAMPUS SCIENTIFIC STORES CUSTOMER INFORMATION: Customer Name:________________________________________________________ Customer ID No:________________________________________________________ Customer Account No:___________________________________________________ Telephone:_______________________________ Fax:_________________________ PRODUCT INFORMATION: (U SE B ACK S IDE FOR A DDITIONAL ITEMS) Source (vendor):_______________________________________________________ Description:___________________________________________________________ Mfg. Name & Catalog Number:____________________________________________ Unit of Issue (Packa ging: i.e . 25 0g, 10 0m l, 10 0ul):__________________________________ Quantity Needed (of the above units of issue ):________________________________________ 0.00 _____________ X _________________ = _______________ (This line MUST be completed) Quantity Unit of Issue Price Extended Total Estimate Estimate Please reference vendors catalog page number if available:_____________________ Delivery Request: ~ OVERNIGHT ~ 2 ND DAY ~ GROUND I agree to be responsible for any restocking and/or shipping charges which may be incurred for the return of any material I may have ordered incorrectly. Additionally, in the event the supplier refused to accept the return of the material, I agree to its full acceptance for payment purposes. _______________________________________________ Signature Date