KORA Bericht Nr. 13 e Juni 2002 ISSN 1422-5123 Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Coat Patterns of Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) in two Re-introduced Populations in Switzerland Karin Thüler KORA Koordinierte Forschungsprojekte zur Erhaltung und zum Management der Raubtiere in der Schweiz. Coordinated research projects for the conservation and management of carnivores in Switzerland. Projets de recherches coordonnés pour la conservation et la gestion des carnivores en Suisse. KORA, Thunstrasse 31, CH-3074 Muri. Tel +41-31-951 70 40, Fax +41-31-951 90 40, Email: info@kora.ch, http://www.kora.unibe.ch 2 KORA Bericht Nr. 13 KORA Bericht Nr. 13 e: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Coat Patterns of Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) in two reintroduced Populations in Switzerland Autoren Auteurs Authors Karin Thüler Amselweg 2 3322 Schönbühl karinthueler@bluemail.ch Bearbeitung Adaptation Editorial Damiano Torriani (Karten) Adrian Siegenthaler (Layout) Bezugsquelle Source Source Kora, Thunstrasse 31, CH-3074 Muri T +41 31 951 70 40 / F +41 31 951 90 40 info@kora.ch Titelfoto Photo de la page de titre Front cover picture Different coat pattern types of Eurasian lynx Anzahl Seiten/ Pages: 35 ISSN 1422-5123 ©KORA Juni 2002 Juni 2002 3 Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Coat Patterns of Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) in two reintroduced Populations in Switzerland Diploma Thesis Faculty of Science of the University of Bern presented by Karin Thüler 2001 Supervisor of the work: Prof. Dr. Marcel Güntert, Natural History Museum Bern 4 KORA Bericht Nr. 13 Acknowledgements I am grateful to the following persons who supported me during this study: Special thank to: • Dr. C. Breitenmoser-Würsten and Dr. U. Breitenmoser. • My supervisor Prof. Dr. M. Güntert who made-possible this diploma-thesis and for their comments and contributions. • J. Laass for helping with database and pictures. • E. Grégorova, Zoo Bojnice, Slovakia, C. Stanisa, Stara cerkev, Slovenia, D. Huber, Veterinary Faculty, University of Zagreb, Croatia and Aloizije Frkovic, Zagreb, Croatia for sending information about native lynx. • The Museum of Natural History in Berne, Dr. P. Lüps and M. Troxler for showing and helping me with skins, L. Schäublin for helping me with take pictures, V. Andres for helping me with literature. the Natural History Museum Basel, Dr. R. Winkler, Museum Gruérien Bulle, D. Buchs, Bündner Natural Museum Chur, Mr. Bardill, Natural Museum Thurgau, H. Geisser, Natural History Museum Fribourg, M. Beaud, Museum of Natural History Geneva, A. Keller, Museum of Natural History Lugano, S. Fossati, Natural Museum Lucerne, R. Heim, Museum of Natural History Neuchatel, Mr. Zimmerli, Natural Museum Olten, Dr. P. Flückiger and R. Leuenberger, Museum of Natural History Sion, J.-C. Praz, Natural Museum Solothurn, M. Winistörfer, Natural Museum St.Gallen, Dr. J. Barandun, Collection of Natural Science Winterthur, Mr. Fasnacht, Museum of Zoology University of Zurich, Dr. C. Claude. • Damiano Torriani for create overview Swiss-maps, colleagues from KORA (Coordinated research projects for the conservation and management of carnivores in Switzerland, Muri b. Berne, Switzerland), Kim Baumann for correct my English, my family and friends. Digitale geographische Daten: Gewässer und politische Grenzen: © BFS GEOSTAT, © Bundesamt für Landestopographie; Ortschaft und Wald: Vector 200, © Bundesamt für Landestopographie; Höhenmodell: DHM25: © Bundesamt für Landestopographie; RIMINI: © BFS GEOSTAT. Juni 2002 Content 5 Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Coat Patterns of Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) in two reintroduced Populations in Switzerland Content Abstract 6 1. Introduction 6 1.1. Evolutionary history of coat patterns in felids 6 1.2. History of lynx in Switzerland and current status 6 2. Material and Methods 7 2.1. Available materials 7 2.2. Classification of Coat Patterns 8 2.3. Evaluation ans statistical analyses 8 3. Results 8 3.1. Identification of coat pattern types 8 3.2. Assignment of coat pattern types 9 3.3. Distribution of the different coat pattern types 9 3.3.1. Spatial distribution of coat patterns in Switzerland 10 3.3.2. Temporal changes in pattern type frequencies 10 4. Discussion 20 4.1. Description of coat pattern types 20 4.2. Comparisons with other descriptions of coat patterns in lynx 20 4.3. Spatial and temporal distribution of coat patterns in Switzerland 21 5. References 24 6. Appendices 25 I Review on Coat Patterns. 25 II Form with all necessary information needed per individual and guidelines to fill out the form 31 III Spots-Counting rules 32 IV Database of Lynx - Pictures 33 6 Abstract/Introduction KORA Bericht Nr. 13 Abstract Lynx had become extinct throughout most of Central and Western Europe at the end of the 19th century. This was also the case for Switzerland. However, in 1971 the Eurasian lynx was reintroduced into the Swiss Alps. Further re-introduction programs followed in the Swiss Jura Mts, Slovenia and Croatia. All animals released came from the same source population of the Carpathian Mts in Slovakia, and some of them have been closely related. As small, isolated populations are theoretically vulnerable to genetic drift, where alleles with low frequency are likely to disappear from the population gene pool, a change in the occurrence of different coat patterns can be an indication for this. In the recent population of the Swiss Alps a temporal change of the occurrence of different coat pattern types was found. Another possible indication is the loss of the non-spotted type in the Jura Mts population. In this study, a classification system for coat patterns in lynx was developed and five different coat patterns were defined: large spots, small spots, without spots, rosettes and small spots with rudimentary rosettes. The frequency of occurrence of these coat patterns was then compared between the two reintroduced populations in Switzerland and the source population in the Carpathian Mts of Slovakia and another re-introduced population in Slovenia/Croatia. Additionally coat patterns of historic lynx from Switzerland were analyzed. The dominant coat pattern type in the historic Swiss population was non-spotted and in recent populations large-spotted. Rosettes were found only recently. There existed a correlation between spatial and temporal distribution of the different coat pattern types. 1. Introduction 1.1. Evolutionary history of coat patterns in felids Carnivores show a wide variety of pelage colors and a great diversity of markings on their coat – including spots, stripes, bands and patches (Ortolani & Caro 1996) (Appendix I, 1.). The current theory of felid coat pattern evolution proposes that the primitive pattern is one of relatively large spots which have a tendency to break down, first by forming a lighter center and then by breaking up into smaller spots spaced into rosettes and later individually. At each step in this general decay of the basic pattern, striped patterns may develop (Weigel 1961). Werdelin & Olsson (1997) coded the coat patterns of felids into six discrete categories: uniform, flecks, rosettes, vertical stripes, small blotches and blotches. It is generally accepted that specific color patterns in mammals are genetically determined but the actual mechanisms that create the patterns are still unknown. Lynx belong to the spotted cats. Their coloration can differ widely. Coats of northern lynx are more greyish and less spotted than in southern Europe where the color changes into reddish-brown (Breitenmoser and Breitenmoser-Würsten 1998). The Eurasian lynx presents a high phenotypical variability within the species. Grégorova (1997) defined a hypothesis about a new type of pattern: In principle, it is possible to distinguish two basic types of patterns: spotted (small or large spots) as the most frequent one and without spots as the rarest one. The third type is defined as an intermediate type (rosettes). This „new” type has hypothetically evolved from hybridization of the previous two types. In some felid species (e.g. the pampas cat, Felis colocolo) there exist a spatial pattern of different coat patterns (Garcia-Perea 1994) (Appendix I, 2.). 1.2. History of lynx in Switzerland and current status Until 1900 lynx was exterminated in Western and Southern Europe. Some small populations survived in the Balkan and the Carpathian Mts. In central Switzerland lynx had already disappeared during 17th century. In the Jura Mts the species survived until the beginning and in the Alps until the end of the 19th century. Ragni (1993) analyzed coat patterns of the extinct Alpine population and recognized a non-spotted type (concolor) as predominant and concluded that the Alpine lynx represented a differentiated taxon. In 1971, the Swiss government decided to re-introduce lynx into Switzerland and four years later the first animals have been released in the Alps (Breitenmoser 1983, Breitenmoser and Baettig 1992, Haller 1992). The animals originated from the Carpathian Mts in Slovakia (zoo in Ostrava). In addition to the official releases in Obwalden, Waadt and Neuenburg there were some illegal releases in the Alps and in the Jura Mts (Breitenmoser 1983, Haller 1992). In the founding population only very few individuals were released. Additionally, according to Koubek and Cerveny (1996), some of them were probably closely related (mother-son or siblings). Today, there are about 75–80 adult and subadult lynx living in the Swiss Alps. The population in the Jura Mts and in the Alps are still small and isolated and therefore theoretically vulnerable to genetic drift, where alleles with low frequency are likely to disappear from the population gene pool (Griffiths et al. 1996). Beltran and Delibes (1993) found preliminary evidence for this in the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) in Coto Doñana, Spain, where the population of approximately 40–50 lynx was isolated since the early 1960s. A project on genetic variability, analyzing inbreeding problems, shows that originally three coat patterns were present in the population, but today no animal exhibits the rare small-spotted pattern (Nowell & Jackson 1996). In Switzerland intensive field studies since 1983 Juni 2002 Introduction / Material and Methods/ had provided extensive material on 87 lynx that were caught over the years. At each capture, pictures of the animals were taken. Anecdotal observations on differences in coat patterns over space and time were made during the last few years. According to these observations, the following hypotheses were formulated: i) Lynx have clearly distinguishable coat patterns. (ii) The occurrence of these different types of coat patterns is different between the two re-introduced populations in Switzerland and has changed over time since the releases in the early 1970s. (iii) Genetic drift has occurred since the releases due to a small founder population, and therefore the occurrence of the different types of coat patterns in the reintroduced populations are different from the source population in the Carpathian Mts of Slovakia. The aim of this study therefore was to (i) develop a classification system for the different coat patterns observed and assign all available lynx individuals to a defined coat pattern type, (ii) compare the occurrence of these coat patterns between the two re-introduced lynx populations in Switzerland and the historic population and (iii) compare the occurrence of these coat patterns in Switzerland with the occurrence in the source population of Slovakia and another re-introduced population in Slovenia/Croatia. 7 2. Material and Methods 2.1. Available materials For this study I collected all available information on 342 individuals of the species Lynx lynx from populations in Switzerland, Slovakia, Croatia and Slovenia (Table 1). I created a form with all necessary information (location [last origin, place where the lynx were caught/found/dead, coordinates of caught/found], sex, age, year of birth, relatives) needed per individual and sent it to collaborators in Slovakia, Croatia and Slovenia (Appendix II). From museums of natural history in Switzerland I also received a list with information about the lynx specimens stored. All this information was collected in a table where I setup a database (Microsoft Access) with all available lynx that could provide information on coat patterns from Switzerland (Appendix IV). From the two Swiss populations, pictures from captures, photo traps, video recordings and mortalities were available. From dead lynx stored in museums, I first had to take pictures of pelts and mounts. A standardized procedure was applied: Using a grey cloth as background (only with pelts) and next to every object on every picture placed a ruler. The camera was a Nikon FE2 with a 55 macro lens (28-85, 70-210) and a Table 1. All available specimen. Material Type of specimen Switzerland Number of specimen Total 228 Monitored lynx in telemetry project Pictures from captures (various field studies in Switzerland) 87 Photo-traps Pictures from photo traps (population estimation study, predator identification program) 13 Video Pictures from videos (predator identification program) Lynx in museum Lynx hides and stuffed specimen in museums in Switzerland : Mounts Pelts Animals not yet mounted 43 51 2 Other dead lynx Pictures from dead lynx (Kora's database of dead lynx), pelts, mounts 23 Slovakia 9 Total 47 Lynx in Zoo Pictures of animals 5 Lynx in private Pictures of pelts 2 Dead lynx Pictures of pelts 40 Croatia Lynx pelt of hunter Total 45 Pictures of pelts and mounts Slovenia 45 Total 22 Lynx in zoo Pictures of animals 5 Lynx in wild cat project Pictures of animals 1 Monitored lynx in telemetry project Pictures of captures 4 Dead lynx Pictures of pelts 12 Total Objects 342 8 Material and Methods / Results KORA Bericht Nr. 13 Nikon SB-15 flesh and the film a Kodak Professional PORTRA, ISO 160vc, 135mm. I took pictures from the following body/coat areas: left and right, shoulder/ upper arm, forearm, hand, femur/hip, lower leg, foot, flank and dorsum and the complete left and right side. The pictures were made in daylight. All pictures were scanned and saved in a jpg-format. From Collaborators in Slovakia, Slovenia and Croatia I had already scanned pictures saved in a jpg-format. 2.2. Classification of Coat Patterns I intuitively deducted 5 different coat pattern types: type 1 as “large spots”; type 2 as “small spots”; type 3 as “without spots” and two types of rosettes: type 4a as “clear rosettes” and type 4b as “spots with rudimentary rosettes” and chose typical representatives of every type. To describe these 5 types I counted the number of spots on 6 selected areas of the body surface, according to anatomical criteria: left/right, shoulder, upper arm and forearm (L/R1); left/right flank and back (L/R2), left/right femur, hip and lower leg (L/R3) (Figure 1). In this areas the typical coat pattern type was represented. The area next to the backbone and the ventral-side (white coat color) depending on the posture of the individual, was not visual on several pictures. So I did not use these areas for analyses. Spots were counted after defined rules. Large or small spots: every identifiable single spot and spots in V-form were counted as one spot. Spots in rosettes or in rudimentary rosettes: every identifiable spot arranged in rosettes/small blotches was counted as one spot. Spots arranged in groups: every identifiable spot arranged in strips or other arrangements was counted as one spot. Strips where no interception was identifiable was counted as one spot. Coats without spots: no counting of spots (Appendix III). To verify the measurements and countability of counting the first 10 objects I counted three times and calculated the mean value. Also coats with undistinguishable or bleached patterns I counted three times. As reference to the degree of bleaching of pattern I used the black tail color and its degree of bleaching. To distinguish between large and small spots I randomly measured the diameter of 10 spots (randomly distributed over the body) of 12 individuals, 6 typical large and 6 typical small spots and calculated the mean value. 2.3. Evaluation and statistical analyses The differences in number of spots in the six body/coat area were tested by Kruskal-Wallis-Test. The Principal-Component-Analysis was used to test differences between the coat pattern types based on the total number of spots and the existence of rosettes. To compare data of the five populations (historical and recent Swiss Alps, Jura Mts, Slovakia, Slovenia/Croatia) I used the χ-square-test. For tests of normality I used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test. Figure 1. The six selected areas of the body/coat (dotted areas): left/right, shoulder, upper arm and forearm (L1/R1); left/right flank and back (L2/R2) and left/right femur, hip and lower leg (L3/R3). All available lynx were assigned after a created path-diagram based on the description of the five different coat pattern types. To evaluate the spatial distribution I only used individuals with known location (last origin, place of caught/found/dead, coordinates of caught/found) and for temporal analyses individuals with known year of birth. 3. Results 3.1. Identification of coat pattern types From 148 individuals, I counted the number of spots in six different body/coat areas. This method proved to be useful and applicable. The mean value was calculated of the same area between the left and right side ([L1+R1]/2, [L2+R2]/2, [L3+R3]/2) and the total number of spots of every individual. The number of spots per body/coat area of type 1 and 3 were significantly different to all other types (Mann-Whitney-U-test, P < 0.1, bilateral) and also between each other. Type 2, 4a and 4b were significantly different to type 1 and 3 but tested against each other there was no significant difference between the number of spots per body/coat area (Mann-Whitney-U-test, P > 0.1, bilateral) (Table 2, Figure 2). To distinguish between the five different types another criterion was needed: the Principal-Component-Analysis assorted the individuals in groups which showed the intuitive deducted coat pattern types, based on the total number of spots per individual and the existence of rosettes. The first principal component explained 82.76 % of variance and the second 6.58 % (Figure 3). The untypical allocations showed juveniles which have less spots according their smaller bodies. One untypical allocated type 3 showed an individual which had no spots on shoulders, flanks and hips but more than the average on the upper arms, femurs and legs. Juni 2002 Results 9 Table 2. Statistical analysis of the total number of spots per coat pattern type (n = 148). Median 25% Quartile 75% Quartile min max Type 1 316.50 294.00 349.75 130.00 430.00 Type 2 528.00 477.00 660.00 309.00 812.00 Type 3 183.50 136.50 219.00 84.00 492.00 Type 4a 630.00 586.00 714.00 335.00 812.00 Type 4b 581.00 520.00 648.00 168.00 804.00 160.00 100.00 50.00 Type 4b L/R3 Type 4b L/R2 Type 4a L/R3 Type 4b L/R1 Type 4a L/R2 Type 3 L/R3 Type 4a L/R1 Type 3 L/R2 Type 3 L/R1 Type 2 L/R3 Type 2 L/R2 Type 2 L/R1 Type 1 L/R3 Type 1 L/R2 0.00 Type 1 L/R1 number of spots per body area Coat pattern type coat pattern type and body area Figure 2. Number of spots per body/coat area of the five coat pattern types (L1/R1: left/right shoulder, upper arm and forearm; L2/R2: left/right flank and back; L3/R3: left/right femur, hip and lower leg, Figure 1). With all this information the five coat pattern types were consequently definitively defined (Table 3): type 1 with large spots (Figure 4), type 2 with small spots (Figure 5), type 3 without spots on shoulders, flanks and hips but spots on upper arms, femurs and legs (Figure 6). In type 4 (rosettes) I distinguished two types: type 4a with clear rosettes or small blotches (single spots were no more visual and the rosettes showed circle-forms) (Figure 7) and 4b with small spots and rudimentary rosettes (single spots were visual within rosettes) (Figure 8). The definition contained size, form, number, color and distribution of spots in the following body/coat areas: shoulder / upper arm, forearm, hand, femur / hip, lower leg, foot, flank and dorsum. 3.2. Assignment of coat pattern types To assign all available individuals to one of the five coat pattern types it was important to look at all body/ coat areas. Each coat pattern type showed variation and only the analysis of the complete body allowed the assignment to one type. According to the analysis of numbers of spots and the definition of types I created a path-diagram (Figure 9). First question: “are spots vis- ual on flanks or not?” (type 3 can be separated from the other four types); second question: “are rosettes identifiable or not?” (type 1 and 2 can be separated from type 4a and 4b). The question decision is between type 1 and 2, concerns the size and number of spots and between type 4a and 4b about the clearness of rosettes. From a total of 342 individuals, 4 individuals (1.2%) could not be assigned to one of the five types. Between females (n = 70) and males (n = 53) (unknown n = 28) (df = 4, χ2 = 2.6, P > 0.5) and young (juveniles & subadults, n = 55) and adult (n = 82) (unknown n= 14) animals (df = 4, χ2 = 1.89, P > 0.5) there was no significant difference. Consequently all individuals were pooled, including those with unidentifiable age and sex. 3.3. Distribution of the different coat pattern types Data from six different populations were available (historical Swiss population, n = 21; recent population of the Swiss Alps, n = 128; Jura Mts population, n = 44; Slovakian population, n = 47; Slovenian population, n = 22; Croatian population, n = 45; total individuals: 306, from 32 of total 338 assigned individuals no location data were available or they originated from zoo populations, which I did not use). Lynx from Slovenia and Croatia belong to the same re-introduced population. As the occurrence of different coat patterns did not differ between the two subsamples ( df = , χ2 = 5.52, P > 0.05), these animals were subsequently pooled. Rosettes have shown up only in recent populations. However, coat pattern type 4a and 4b have only reached a considerable proportion in the re-introduced population in the Alps (46% vs. 18-28%). For further analyses type 4a and 4b were also pooled to “type 4”. The animals re-introduced into Switzerland and Slovenia/Croatia originated from the same source population in the Carpathian Mts of Slovakia. The comparison between the source population in Slovakia and the re-introduced population in the Jura Mts (df = 3, χ2 = 5.01, P > 0.05) and the population in Slovenia/Croatia (df = 3, χ2 = 2.96, P > 0.05) showed a similar occurrence of the four different coat pattern types (Figure 10). In all three populations type 1 was dominant (over 60%). Type 4 was represented between 18-28% and Type 2 and 3 about 10%. A different development was found in the population of the Swiss Alps (df = 3, χ2 = 8.58, P < 0.05). Predominant was type 4 (46%). Type 1 10 Results was represented with 35% and type 2 and 3 with together with 18.75%. The comparison between the re-introduced population of Slovenia/Croatia and the population of the Swiss Alps showed a significant difference between the different coat pattern types (df = 3, χ2 = 20.29, P < 0.001). The occurrence of type 4 was percental higher in the population of the Swiss Alps than in the Slovenian/Croatian population. No difference was found between the re-introduced Jura Mts population and the reintroduced population of Slovenian/Croatian (df = 3, χ2 = 6.00, P > 0.1). The occurrences of the 4 coat pattern types showed same ratios. 3.3.1. Spatial distribution of coat patterns in Switzerland Analyses of the spatial distribution in Switzerland resulted in a significant difference in the frequency of the four coat pattern types between the Jura Mts population and population of the Swiss Alps (df = 3, χ2 = 24.35, P < 0.001). In the Jura Mts type 1 was dominant (77%) and type 4 were found in only 9 of 44 (20%) individuals. In the Swiss Alps the frequency showed the opposite: type 1 was found in 35% and type 4 in 59 of 128 (46%) individuals (Figure 10). In the population of the Swiss Alps all of the five types (1, 2, 3, 4a, and 4b) were found. In the Jura Mts the coat pattern type without spots (type 3) is no longer present and the one with small spots (type 2) is very rare (2%). The range of the re-introduced population of the Swiss Alps is highly topographically structured. To analyse the spatial distribution of the different coat pattern types, the range was divided into four regions (Figure 11). The occurrence of different types in the region of Berne, Waadt, Fribourg (NWA) and Wallis (SA) showed no difference (df = 3, χ2 = 1.59, P > 0.5). KORA Bericht Nr. 13 Between the Central Alps (CA) and NWA/SA the frequency of coat patterns was just not significant (df = 3, χ2 = 6.57, P > 0.05). A high significantly different frequency of coat pattern types was found between the population of the Swiss Alps and the Jura Mts population (df = 3, χ2 = 27.2, P < 0.001). 3.3.2. Temporal changes in pattern type frequencies Before 1908, in the historic population 15 of 21 (71%) individuals showed type 3 (without spots) and only 4 (19%) type 1 (large spots). Type 4 did not exist. Reintroduced lynx (after 1972) were of completely different pattern types than the historic individuals (Swiss Alps, df = 3, χ2 = 55, P < 0.001; Jura Mts, df = 3, χ2 = 45.6, P < 0.001). In the recent population of the Swiss Alps 45 of 128 (35%) individuals showed type 1 and only 10 (8%) type 3, moreover type 4 was found in 59 of 128 (46%) individuals. The frequency of type 2 was low in all populations (historical Alps: 2 of 21[9.5%], recent Alps: 14 of 128 [11%], Jura Mts: 1 of 44 [2%]). During the fist decade after the re-introduction the variety of types increased, and after 20 years all five types were present in the Swiss populations. To analyse this change more in detail frequencies were analyzed in 10 year intervals (1970-1979, 1980-1989 and 1990-1999). In the late 70s type 1 had become rare and type 3 had completely disappeared. During the 90s the frequency of type 4 increased distinctly. These temporal changes were only found in the population of the Swiss Alps. In the Jura Mts the database was too small. The temporal change correlated with the spatial distribution. The frequency of coat patterns in the 1970s showed the distribution in Central Switzerland. The distribution in the North-west and South Alps reflected the 1990s. Figure 3. Principal-Component-Analyse. Every symbol shows a single individual which is assorted after the total number of spots and the existence of rosettes. The first principal component explains 82.76 % of variance, the second 6.58 %. Total spots: Ø: 184 Type 3: Without spots Total spots: Ø: 528 Type 2: Small spots Total spots: Ø: 317 Type 1: Large spots irregular small spots Ø: < 1,5 cm round, rarely strip-formation distribution size form round small spots Ø: < 1,5 cm regular black round form black regular color distribution number no spots but small spots some small Ø: < 1 cm spots on the elbow, spots Ø: < 1 cm size regular black Ø: 33 spots (L/R 1) round regular regular distribution black black color Ø: 87 spots (L/R 1) black color number round large spots, Ø: 1,6-3 cm Ø: 58 spots (L/R 1) round, V-form (open to the head) or other different spotformations form number large spots, Ø: 1,6-3 cm Shoulder / up- Forearm per arm size Coat pattern type Spots Table 3. Description of Coat Pattern Types Regular black Ø: 25 spots round small spots, Ø: < 0,5 cm regular black Ø: 25 spots round small spots, Ø: < 0,5 cm regular black Ø: 25 spots round small spots, Ø: < 0,5 cm Hand round small spots Ø: < 1,5 cm regular black regular black round regular black Ø: 32 spots (L/R 3) round no spots but small spots, some small Ø: < 0,5 cm spots on the knee, spots Ø: < 1 cm regular black Ø: 100 spots (L/R 3) regular black round round large spots, Ø: 1,6-3 cm Lower leg Ø: 55 spots (L/R 3) small spots Ø: < 1,5 cm regular black round large spots, Ø: 1,6-3 cm Femur / hip - - - no spots - - - - no spots - - - - no spots Foot large spots, Ø: 1,6-3 cm Dorsum black or brownish regular black Ø: 19 spots (L/R 2) round no spots but some small spots on the ventral side, spots Ø: < 1 cm regular round, rarely stripformation small spots Ø: < 1,5 cm regular black - - - no spots regular black Ø: 82 spots (L/R 2) round, rarely stripformation small spots Ø: < 1,5 cm irregular black Ø: 48 spots (L/R 2) round or spots organ- round or spots organized into strips of 5 or ized into strips of 7 or fewer spots fewer spots large spots, Ø: 1,6-3 cm Flank Juni 2002 Results 11 Total spots: Ø: 581 Type 4b: Small spots with rudimentary rosettes Total spots: Ø: 630 Type 4a: Rosettes round or irregu- round lar spot- and rudimentary rosettes (small spots organized into patterns of 3-7 spots) form black irregular distribution regular black Ø: 95 spots (L/R 1) small spots Ø: < 1 cm regular black Ø: 25 spots round small spots, Ø: < 0,5 cm regular black Ø: 25 spots round small spots Ø: 1-2 cm Lower leg small spots Ø: < 1 cm irregular black or brownish irregular black irregular black Ø: 102 spots (L/R 3) round or irregu- round lar spot- and rudimentary rosettes (small spots organized into patterns of 3-7 spots) small spots Ø: < 1 cm irregular spots: black rosettes: inside brownish Ø: 116 spots (L/R 3) rosettes: small round or spots organized washed out into patterns of 3-7 spots, irregularly spotformations small spots Ø: 1-2 cm Femur / hip - - - - no spots - - - - no spots Foot spots: black rosettes: inside brownish irregular black round or irregular spot- and rudimentary rosettes (small spots organized into patterns of 3-7 spots) small spots Ø: < 1 cm irregular spots and strips: black rosettes: inside brownish irregular black Ø: 93 spots (L/R 2) round or irregular spot- and rudimentary rosettes (small spots organized into patterns of 3-7 spots) small spots Ø: 1-2 cm irregular rosettes, round spots or strips irregular small or larger spots or strips, spots: Ø: 1-2 cm strips: w: 0,5-1 cm, l: 3-7 cm Dorsum Ø: 103 spots (L/R 2) rosettes: small spots organized into patterns of 3-7 spots, irregularly spot- formations small spots Ø: 1-2 cm Flank Results color number small spots Ø: 1-2 cm size regular irregular distribution black spots: black rosettes: inside brownish Ø: 100 spots (L/R 1) color number rosettes: small round or longspots organized ish into patterns of 3-7 spots, irregularly spotformations form Hand Irregular small small spots, and larger spots Ø: < 0,5 cm small spots Ø: 1-2 cm Shoulder / up- Forearm per arm size Coat pattern type Spots Table 3. (cont.) Description of Coat Pattern Types 12 KORA Bericht Nr. 13 Juni 2002 Results 13 Type 1: large spots Shoulder / upper arm Flank Back Figure 4. Description of type 1: large spots. Forearm / hand Femur / hip Lower leg / foot 14 KORA Bericht Nr. 13 Results Type 2: small spots Shoulder / upper arm Flank Forearm / hand Femur / hip Lower leg / foot Back Figure 5. Description of type 2: small spots. Juni 2002 Results 15 Type 3: without spots Shoulder / upper arm Femur / hip Flank Forearm / hand Back Figure 6. Description of type 3: without spots. Lower leg / foot 16 KORA Bericht Nr. 13 Results Type 4a: rosettes Shoulder / upper arm Flank Forearm / hand Femur / hip Lower leg / foot Back 9. Thereofwas significant Figure 7. Fig. Description typeno4a: rosettes. correlation between the distances from the den sites to the water bodies and the precipitation (water shortage). Juni 2002 Results 17 Type 4b: small spots with rudimentary rosettes Shoulder / upper arm Flank Forearm / hand Femur / hip Lower leg / foot Back 9. Thereofwas significant correlation between the distances from the den sites to the water bodies and Figure 8. Fig. Description typeno4b: small spots with rudimentary rosettes. the precipitation (water shortage). 18 KORA Bericht Nr. 13 Results Spots on flanks no yes Type 3 Spots in Form of Rosettes no yes Clear rosettes (small blotches) Spots < Ø 1.6 cm Number of spots > Ø 422 no yes Type 1 no Type 2 yes Type 4a Type 4b Number of Individuals Figure 9. Path-diagram for assigning all available lynx to one of the five coat pattern types. Type 1: large spots, type 2: small spots, type 3: without spots, type 4a: rosettes and type 4b: small spots with rudimentary rosettes. ? ? Type 1: large spots ? ? Type 2: small spots ? ? Type 3: without spots ? ? Type 4a: clear rosettes ? ? Type 4b: small spots with 52 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 28 4 6 Slovakia rudimentary rosettes 7 2 (n=47) 45 29 14 10 Alps CH (n=128) 30 52 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 Number of Individuals 52 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 Number of Individuals Number of Individuals Source-Population 34 4 1 0 Jura CH (n=44) 5 52 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 44 10 7 4 2 Slovenia / Croatia (n=67) Figure 10. Frequency of the various coat pattern types in Swiss and European populations (recent population of the Swiss Alps; Jura Mts population; Slovakian population; Slovenian/Croatian population; total individuals: n = 307). Juni 2002 Results 19 Figure 11. Distribution of coat pattern types in recent lynx populations in Switzerland (CA: Central Alps; NWA: North west Alps with Berne, Fribourg and Waadt; SA: South Alps, Wallis; n = 185). ? ? Type 1: large spots ? ? Type 2: small spots ? ? Type 3: without spots ? ? Type 4a: clear rosettes ? ? Type 4b: small spots with rudimentary rosettes 100% Numbers of Individuals in % 1 80% 7 3 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 60% 1 1 1 3 1 2 8 2 3 2 4 3 2 4 1 2 2 4 6 6 20% 6 8 1 4 40% 8 5 2 3 7 1 1 8 4 1 12 5 10 7 1 1 Time Periode Figure 12. Changes in the frequency of the different coat pattern type from 1802 – 1999 in Switzerland (n = 175). 1998-1999 (n=18) 1996-1997 (n=30) 1994-1995 (n=28) 1992-1993 (n=15) 1990-1991 (n=12) 1988-1989 (n=6) 1986-1987 (n=9) 1984-1985 (n=4) 1982-1983 (n=10) 1980-1981 (n=7) 1978-1979 (n=3) 1976-1977 (n=6) 1974-1975 (n=3) 1972-1973 (n=3) 1970-1971 (n=0) 1851-1900 (n=11) 1802-1850 (n=10) 0% 20 Discussion KORA Bericht Nr. 13 4. Discussion 4.1. Description of coat pattern types Werdelin & Olsson (1997) coded felid coat patterns into six discrete categories: flecks (small spots not organized into patterns), rosettes (small spots arranged into patterns of six or fewer spots), small blotches (small irregularly shaped areas of dark on a usually lighter background), blotches (large areas of variable color framed by dark and set on a lighter background), vertical stripes (dark, dorsoventrally or anterodorsallyposteroventrally directed stripes on a lighter background) and uniform (no distinguishable pattern) (Figure 13). My definitions of the five coat pattern types corresponds to Werdelin & Olsson’s following types: type 1 and 2, “large and small spots” correspond to “flecks”; type 3, “without spots” to “uniform”; type 4a, “clear rosettes (small blotches) to “small blotches” and type 4b “small spots with rudimentary rosettes” correspond to “rosettes” (Figure 14). Werdelin and Olsson (1997) looked at the coat patterns of living cat species in conjunction with the evolutionary relationship within the cat family to estimate how often each type of pattern had given rise to each of the others and used clad. meth. of phyl. inf. to reconstruct historical events in a phylogenetic framework. Because small flecks gave rise to large spots, rosettes, stripes and blotches much more frequently than any of the other possible transitions, they suggest that the common ancestor of modern cats, rather than having large spots which broke apart later, was patterned with small flecks. As cats evolved, the flecks coalesced into larger blotches, rosettes or stripes. Lynx coat pattern may have developed after this hypothesis. On the other hand, Weigel (1961) proposed a felid coat pattern evolution from a primitive form with large spots to smaller spots spacing into rosettes, and then striped patterns may have developped (Figure 15). 4.2. Comparisons with other descriptions of coat patterns in lynx Several authors observed and described different coat patterns of Eurasian lynx during the last century (Table 4). Most of them observed three different types of patterns: large spots, small spots and without spots but the rosette-spotted types has not been described in details. The descriptions differ widely. Only the large spotted type was always exactly recognized and described. In most of the descriptions variations of the same type were defined as other types. Grégorova (1997) defined a hypothesis about a new type of pattern: intermediate (rosettes) type. This type has hypothetically evolved from hybridisation of a spotted and a non-spotted type. Different frequencies of coat patterns in the Eurasian lynx in different areas of its range were analyzed by several authors. The observed types were large-, small- or non-spotted. The frequencies differed immensely but geographical trends have been found (Table 5). In the Carpathian Mts the large-spotted type showed a high frequency. In Western and Northeastern Siberia and in Central Asia type 3, without spots, was mostly observed. Type 2 showed generally a low frequency. Figure 13. The six different coat patterns in felids. Left column, top to bottom, flecks, rosettes, vertical strips; right column, top to bottom, small blotches, blotches, uniform. After Werdelin & Olsson (1997). Juni 2002 Discussion 21 Figure 14. The four different types of spots in lynx coat patterns: spots correspond to flecks, (included small and large spots), without spots correspond to uniform, clear rosettes (small blotches) correspond to small blotches and rosettes or rudimentary rosettes correspond to rosettes. Left pictures top to bottom after Werdelin & Olsson (1997). 4.3. Spatial and temporal distribution of coat patterns in Switzerland In 1971 the Eurasian lynx was re-introduced into the Swiss Alps and initially, had spread quite fast over the western Alps and the Jura Mts but since the mid 1980s, the population expansion came to a halt, even though there were still large areas of suitable habitat not yet occupied in eastern Switzerland (Breitenmoser 1983, Haller 1992). Though the re-introduced individuals in the Jura Mts and population of the Swiss Alps originated from the same source population, the Carpathian Mts of Slovakia, the development of the frequency in different coat pattern types differed widely. Before the extermination the range of the Eurasian lynx extended throughout Europe (Nowell & Jackson 1996) therefore the historic Swiss population belonged to the same Carpathian population as the Slovakian population. The change of the occurrence of different types developed from type 3, without spots, in the historical population to type 1, large spots, in the early re-introduced population, then to type 2, small spots, and finally to type 4a and 4b, rosettes and rudimentary rosettes, in late re-introduced or recent populations. Ragni (1993) analyzed coat patterns of the extinct Alpine population. 22 Discussion He recognized a non-spotted type (concolor) as being predominant. In the source population all five types were present, also in the re-introduced populations in Slovenia/ Croatia and the Swiss Alps but the frequency is different. In the Jura Mts, the bottleneck created by the reintroduction lead to the loss of one coat pattern type: type 3. The population of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) with approximately 40-50 individuals was isolated since the early 1960s. Originally thee coat patterns were present but today no animal exhibits the rare small-spotted pattern (Beltran and Delibes, 1993). In the Swiss Alps population, the frequency of the coat pattern types had significantly changed compared with the source and the historical population. A probably aggravated exchange is possible between the Central and NW-Alps but between Jura Mts and Alps no exchange is possible because of the topography. Therefore the two populations are still small and isolated. KORA Bericht Nr. 13 Effects of genetically drift is found in both population in Switzerland: in the population of the Swiss Alps, a postponement of frequencies of coat pattern types was found. In the Jura Mts the genetically drift resulted in a loss of one coat pattern type. Small, isolated sub-populations are vulnerable to genetic drift. Alleles with low frequency are likely disappeared from the population gene pool (Griffiths et al. 1996). Color patterns in felids are genetically determined but the actual mechanisms that create the patterns are still unknown. Definitive conclusions about the reason for the change of the occurrence of the different coat pattern types can be made after genetically analyses, so the results will be linked to a study on populations genetics of Swiss populations. Analysis of known pedigrees from field studies in Switzerland and in zoos could contribute to the knowledge of the mechanisms behind the transmission of coat patterns. Figure 15. The current hypothesis of coat pattern evolution in Felidae. After Weigel (1961). Juni 2002 Discussion 23 Table 4. Descriptions of coat patterns of Eurasian Lynx. Ognev (1935) Central Russian lynx: a) some with more dark patterns of bands and spots; b) some have an almost uniform color without spottiness on trunk. Stollman (1963) Carpathian Lynx: a) characteristic spots (the spots form long strips on the dorsum and on the flanks the spots are almost round); b) less spotted; c) without spots (uniform: the spots appear only indicated, on the legs, shoulder and belly the spots appear clearer). Vasiliu & Decei (1964) Rumanian Carpathian Mts: a) spots (well developed all over, specially on the dorsum and flanks); b) small spots; c) without spots (on the dorsum and only pale spots on the flanks). Matjuschkin (1978) Coat pattern types: a) large and clear spots; b) small but clear spots and small stripes on the back; c) without spots on the back but with spots on the legs; d) and without spots all over. Miric (1978) Balkan lynx: a) large spots (intensive colored spots, rarely placed); b) small spots (pale, small and densely placed spots); c) weak spots (lack of spots on the back and flanks). Ragni et al. (1993) Eurasian lynx: spotted (permanent black spots), striped (the pattern is arranged in horizontal stripes and bars of permanent-evanescent) and concolour (without markings in the somatic regions or with a pattern so scattered and obsolescent that it cannot be defined). Grégorova (1997) Coat pattern types: a) spotted (small or large spots), b) without spots, c) intermediate type (rosettes, hypothetically evolved from hybridization of the previous two types). Table 5. . Frequency of the different coat patterns of Eurasian lynx in different areas of its range. Description of coat pattern types a–d: see Table 4. x = frequency unknown. Region Author large spots a small spots b The Balkans Miric (1978) Carpathian Mts Stollmann (1963) (CSSR) 90.00 % x Kunc (1971) 67.70 % 22.60 % Matjuschkin (1978) Kaukasus x x Western Siberia c d 31.83 % 33.00 % Iberian lynx not spotted 17.00 % x 9.70 % x - x 14.00 % x - - 60.00 % 20.00 % 3.00 % Sajanen/Baikal - 27.00 % Siberia 36.00 % 38.00 % Jakutien/Amur - - x x Altai - - x x x 65.00 % - - 27.00 % 73.00 % Formosow (1929) - - x x Bannikow (1954) - - x x Tienschan-Saur/Altau 10.00 % Central Asia Northern Mongolia North-eastern Siberia Kistschinski (1967) 22.20 % 77.80 % 24 References KORA Bericht Nr. 13 5. References Bannikow, A. G. 1954. Die Säugetiere der MVR. Trudy Mong. kom. Ak. Nauk SSSR Moskau 53. Beltran, J. F. and M. Delibes, 1993. Physical characteristics of Iberian Lynxes (Lynx pardinus) from Doñana, southwestern Spain. J. Mamm. 74 (4): 852–862. Breitenmoser, U. 1983. Zur Wiedereinbürgerung und Ausbreitung des Luchses (Lynx lynx L.) in der Schweiz. Schweiz. Z. Forstwes. 134: 207–222. Breitenmoser, U. and M. Baettig, 1992. Wiederansiedlung und Ausbreitung des Luchses Lynx lynx im Schweizer Jura. Revue suisse Zool. 99: 13–176. Breitenmoser, U. and Ch. Breitenmoser-Würsten, 1998. Der Luchs. Biologie einheimischer Wildtiere 1/10a, Zürich. Formosow, A. N. 1929. Die Säugetiere der nördlichen Mongolei nach dem Material der Expedition vom Jahre 1926. Predvar. Otcet zool. Eksped. V Sev. Mongoliju. Leningrad. Garcia-Perea, R. 1994. The Pampas Cat Group (genus Lynchailurus Severtzov, 1858) (Carnivora: Felidae), a systematic and biogeographic review. American Museum of Natural History Nr 3096: 1–35 (New York). Garcia-Perea, R. 1994. Pampas Cats: how many species?. Cat News 20: 21–24. Grégorova, E. 1997. Lynx, Zoological Garden Bojnice. Griffiths, A. J. F. et al. 1996. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis. Sixth Edition. W. H. Freeman and Company, New York. Haller, H. 1992. Zur Ökologie des Luchses (Lynx lynx) im Verlauf seiner Wiederansiedlung in den Walliser Alpen. Mammalia depicta 15: 1–62. Kistschinski, A. A. 1967. Zur Verbreitung und intraspezifischen Variation des Wolfs, Vielfrasses und Luchses auf dem Kolyma-Plateau und im Kolyma-Gebirge. In: Ekologija mlekopitajuschich i ptic. Pages 10–16. Moskau. Koubek, P. and J. Cerveny, 1996. Population development and recent distribution of the lynx (Lynx lynx) in the Czech republic. ACTA Scjentiarum natura 3: 2–15, Lium academiae scienti arum bohemicae Brno. Kunc, L. 1971. Individualni variabilita zbarveni rysa ostrovida (Lynx lynx) Karpatske oblasti. Lynx n. s. 12: 60–65. Matjuschkin, E. N. 1978. Der Luchs. A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt, Germany, 160 pp. Miric, D. J. 1978. Die Luchspopulationen der Balkanhalbinsel. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Vol. DXXXIX, (55): 150 pp. Nowell K. and P. Jackson 1996. Wild Cats. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 110 pp. Ognev, S. L. 1935. Mammals of USSR and adjacent countries. Vol. 3: 165–186, Carnivora, Moscow. Ortolani, A. and T. Caro, 1996. The Adaptive Significance of Color Patterns in Carnivores: Phylogenetic Tests of Classic Hypotheses. In: Gittleman J. L. (ed.) Carnivore Behavior, Ecology, and Evolution, Vol. 2: 132–188. Ithaca, Cornell University Press. Ragni, B., M. Possenti and S. Mayr, 1993. The Lynx in the Italian Alps. Cat News 19: 21–25. Stollmann, A. 1963. Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Luchses, Lynx lynx in den tschechoslowakischen Karpaten. Folia Zoologica, Brünn (Brno), 12: 301–316. Vasiliu, G. D. and P. Decei, 1964. Über den Luchs (Lynx lynx) der rumänischen Karpaten. Säugetierkundliche Mit- teilungen, München, 12: 155–183. (Bukarest). Weigel, I. 1961. Das Fellmuster der wildlebenden Katzenarten und der Hauskatze in vergleichender und stammesgeschichtlicher Hinsicht. Säugetierkundliche Mitteilungen, München, 120 pp. Werdelin, L. and L. Olsson, 1997. How the Leopard got its spots: a phylogenetic view of the evolution of felid coat patterns. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 62: 383–400. Juni 2002 Appendix I 25 Review coat patterns (supplementation of the Introduction) 1. General statements on coat patterns in mammals Mammals exhibit a remarkable variety of coat patterns (Murray 1988). Especially carnivores show a wide variety of basic pelage colors and a great diversity of markings on their coat – including spots, stripes, bands and patches (Ortolani & Caro 1996). Therefore they are an exciting taxonomic group against which evolutionary theories of coloration can be examined. At the turn of the century, naturalists began to speculate about the survival value of the pelage and skin color (e.g. Roosevelt 1911). Work on animal coloration since 1940 has concentrated primarily on the development of pelage patterning in mammals (e.g. Murray 1981), the mechanisms by which animals match their background (e.g. Endler 1978) and the theories underlying the evolution of coloration patterns (e.g. Endler 1988). It is generally accepted that specific color patterns in mammals are genetically determined but the actual mechanisms that create the patterns are still unknown. Weigel (1961) believes that all coat patterns evolved from a dark-spotted type. The spots subsequently broke up and fused in a variety of ways to give the modern array of coat markings (Figure I.1). 2. Present status of the research 2.1. Individual identification and population estimation In studies on the behavior of individual animals, spot patterns have been used as the key feature to distinguish individuals from one another in the field (Caro & Durant 1991). It is known that individual cheetahs vary in both coat color and pattern even within small populations and tail markings of cheetahs born in the same litter resemble each other more closely than those born in different litters. These natural markings of coat patterns were also used for population estimations and studies of density. Karanth and Nichols (1998) estimated densities of wild tiger populations using photographic capture-markrecapture models in four ecologically distinct study sites. Based on the fact that tigers are individually identifiable from their stripe patterns (Schaller 1967), Karanth (1995) has demonstrated the potential for estimating their population size using photographic „captures”, within the theoretical framework of formal capture-mark-recapture theory. Tigers were identified from photographs by comparing shapes of specific individual stripes and positions of several such stripes relative to each other on the animal body. Laass (1999) used the sight-resight method by photocaptures for a quantitative monitoring of a lynx population in the northwestern Swiss Alps. 2.2. Developmental biology and adaptive value Some striped animals are very difficult to detect in their natural habitat, whilst others are clearly conspicuous. The pattern composed of regularly repeated stripes were conspicuous and the irregular stripes were often cryptic (Godfrey et al. 1987). The coat coloration plays an important role for the camouflage, for example a lynx with a reddish coat and black spots disappears in a beech forest (Breitenmoser and Breitenmoser-Würsten 1990). Coloration can yield concealment through three different means: i) general color and pattern resemblance or background invoke the similarity between an animal’s color and that of the natural background in which it lives; ii) disruptive coloration, sharply contrasting colors and irregular markings break up the form of the animal, making regions of its body appear mutually discontinuous and iii) countershading, lightening of the ventral surface and darkening of the dorsal surface of the animal is believed to counteract the effects of shade and light. Striped patterns for example may camouflage in two ways: First, the stripes may Figure I.1. Lynx systematics after Weigel (1961), Eurasian and Canada lynx. 26 Appendix I simply mimic the pattern of the surrounding scenery and secondly, stripes may run across the natural contours of the animal `s body, and being visually strong features, disrupt the characteristic outline of the animal (Godfrey et al. 1987). Concealing coloration can also be divided into protective resemblance and aggressive resemblance, respectively reflecting the need to be concealed from predators and the need to approach prey undetected. Intuitively, aggressive background resemblance might be expected to be more prevalent in carnivores, but many species in this order are themselves subject to predation (Ortolani & Caro 1996). Although genes control the processes involved in coat pattern formation, the actual mechanisms that create the patterns are still unknown. It would be attractive from the viewpoint of both evolutionary and developmental biology if a single mechanism would be found to produce the enormous assortment of coat patterns found in nature (Murray 1988). Murray’s (1988) mathematical model describes how these patterns may be generated in the course of embryonic development. An important feature of the model is that the patterns it generates bear a striking resemblance to the patterns found on a wide variety of animals such as the leopard, cheetah, jaguar, zebra and giraffe. The model predicts that the patterns can take only certain forms, which in turn implies the existence of developmental constrains and begins to suggest how coat patterns may have evolved. Physically, spots correspond to regions of differently colored hair. Hair color is determined by specialized pigment cells called melanocytes, which are found in the basal, or innermost, layer of the epidermis. The melanocytes generate a pigment called melanin that then passes into the hair. In mammals there are essentially only two kinds of melanin: eumelanin, from the Greek words eu (good) and melas (black), which results in black or brown hairs, and phaeomelanin, from phaeos (dusty), which makes hairs yellow or reddish orange. Turing (1952) postulated a chemical mechanism for generating coat patterns. He suggested that biological form follows a prepattern in the concentration of chemicals he called morphogens, which can react with one other and diffuse through cells. Spatial patterns of morphogen concentrations can arise from an initial uniform distribution in an assemblage of cells. In reactiondiffusion models one starts with two morphogens that can react with each other and diffuse at varying rates. If the morphogens are now allowed to diffuse at equal rates, any spatial variation from that steady state still be smoothed out. If the diffusion rates are not equal, diffusion can be destabilizing: the reaction rates at any given point may not be able to adjust quickly enough to reach equilibrium. If the conditions are right, a small spatial disturbance can become unstable and a pattern begins to grow. The type of pattern that results depends on the various parameters of the model and can be ob- KORA Bericht Nr. 13 tained from mathematical analysis. Closely related species can exhibit similar color markings and behavioral ecology as a result of shared ancestry. In spite of this fact, by simply testing the correlation between coloration variables and behavioral-ecological variables, adaptations could not be distinguished from homologies (Ortolani & Caro 1996). 2.3. Systematics and biogeography Felids have engendered considerable systematic controversy. The cause of the problem is: small samples, lack of information, ambiguous original descriptions, and authors ignoring earlier publications. Different generic classifications resulting from the study of a variety of characters (e.g., morphological, morphometrical, behavioral, biochemical, and cytogenetic) have resulted in the recognition of 4 to 9 genera. The tendency during recent years to group many felid species into large cosmopolitan genera (e.g., Ellermann and Morrison-Scott, 1966) has simplified the nomenclature, but these assemblages are not supported by original data (Garcia-Perea 1994). In the study with the pampas cat, Felis colocolo, Garcia-Perea (1994) found some unusual patterns of variation within the population identified as colocolo while conducting a phylogenetic study on the living species of felids. An examination of all available museum specimens revealed that this assemblage consisted of three closely related species. Their diagnostic characters and geographic distribution has been the subject of that study. 86 specimens of Pampas cats have been examined, consisting of 72 skins and 51 skulls, from eight large North American, South American, and European collections. The evaluation of morphological variation included descriptions of pelage variations, which emphasized the characteristics and distribution of the markings. Spotting patterns are important in felid systematics. Closely related cats sometimes show similar patterns, which has been misinterpreted (e.g., Lynx lynx has been confused with Lynx pardinus in the Carpathian and Caucasus Mts.). Color is also important, but is unreliable in old skins because of fading. Garcia-Perea (1994) recognized five units for the morphological analysis. Each represent an apparently continuous population. Felids show great variation of coat patterns. Similarity between species has often been used to indicate phylogenetic relationships, and variation within species as taxonomic criteria for subspecific differentiation. The study of the distribution and characteristics of pelage markings revealed a significant amount of variation, which partially explains the large number of taxa described for this group. Garcia-Perea distinguished eight parts of color and pattern variation for the parts of the head, body, and tail (face, ears, spinal crest, throat, chest and abdomen, tail, legs and feet). The description of basic spotting types showed three general patterns (types 1, 2, and 3). The different coat pattern types are distributed geographically. Juni 2002 Appendix I With felids, it is often difficult to find morphological characters that are completely diagnostic, especially in closely related species, because atypical character stated commonly appear at low frequency. For this reason, distinctive morphological gaps in single character states may not prove useful for detecting genetic discontinuities between species. The level of geographic variation of the pampas cat observed within the “pajeros” group and the moderate variation shown within the less extensive “braccatus” and “colocolo” populations suggest that they have been genetically isolated for a long period. The extent of variation within each is comparable to that found between recognized subspecies in other felids. 2.4. Heritage of coat patterns The color patterns in mammals are genetically determined but very little is known about the heritage of coat patterns. Robinson (1976) suggested that the change of the spotted pattern to blotches in the cheetahs is comparable to that of the so-called „striped tabby“ to the „blotched tabby“ in the domestic cat Felis catus. This implies that the king coat color pattern results from a mutation inherited as a single autosomal recessive allele. The expression of the aberrant coat color results from the action of an autosomal recessive allele (van Aarde & van Dyk 1986). The variations of the marking-color system of the Felids are genetically controlled and, in this case, it is possible to recognize a genetic homology with the multiple allelism to the „Tabby” locus (Robinson 1977). In particular: The spotted coat and the striped coat can be considered a gradient of phenotypic expression of the „ spotted-striped” or „mackerel tabby” (Ts) allele, while the allele controlling the concolor coat is referable to the „Abyssinian tabby” (Ta). Both alleles belong to the homologous genetic series well known in Felis and, to a lesser extent, in other genera of the Felidae family: Panthera, Acinonyx, Leptailurus (Robinson 1978). A Felidae-wide study is in progress to determine the genes coding for coat patterns at the Laboratory of Genomic Diversity, National Cancer Institute, Fredrickton, VA (Director S. J. O'Brien; E. Eizirik, pers. comm.). Eizirik developed a study of genetic basis of melanism in leopards and other cats as part of a broader investigation on the evolution of coat color genes in the Felidae. 2.5. Coat patterns in Eurasian lynx Within the lynx family there are four recent species: the Eurasian lynx, the Pardel lynx, the Canadian lynx (Lynx canadensis) and the Red lynx (Lynx rufus). In Switzerland the native lynx is the Eurasian. His present range extends throughout Europe and Siberia. The habitat are primarily forested areas which have good ungulate populations. In central Asia, lynx occur in more open, thinly wooded areas (Matjuschkin 1978). Lynx are probably found throughout the northern 27 slopes of the Himalayas, and have been reported both from thick scrub woodland and from barren, rocky areas above the treeline. On the better-forested southern Himalayan slopes, the only record is a sighting in alpine tundra (4.500 m) from the Dhaulagiri region of Nepal. Lynx occur locally over the entire Tibetan plateau, and are found throughout the rocky hills and mountains of the central Asia desert regions. The Eurasian lynx has one of the widest ranges of all cat species, with approximately 75 % of the range within the borders of Russia. Lynx have been recorded as far north as 72° N, near the edge of the continental landmass (Nowell & Jackson 1996). Due to the extension of the present range the habitats of lynx – primarily forested areas inhabited by large ungulate populations – may differ considerably and consequently it is not astonishing that they show different coat patterns. In central Asia, lynx occur in more open, thinly wooded areas (Matjuschkin 1978). Lynx are probably found throughout the northern slopes of the Himalayas, and have been reported both from thick scrub woodland and from barren, rocky areas above the treeline. On the better-forested southern Himalayan slopes, the only record is a sighting in alpine tundra (4.500 m) from the Dhaulagiri region of Nepal. Lynx occur locally over the entire Tibetan plateau, and are found throughout the rocky hills and mountains of the central Asia desert regions. The habitats of lynx are very different and consequently it is not astonishing that they show different coat patterns. The following overview presents the different description of coat patterns of Eurasian lynx of several authors. Most of them observed three types of patterns (large spots, small spots and without spots). The leopard-like pattern has not yet been described in detail. But in some pictures of several studies, the leopard-like pattern can be recognized (Figure I.2, I.3, I.4). 28 Appendix I Ognev (1935): KORA Bericht Nr. 13 Color variegated: Individuals encountered with various degrees of development of pattern consisting of longitudinal bands on back and spots on trunk. Uniformly colored or almost uniformly colored lynx encountered together with individuals with fur marked by distinct design. Lynx of the same geographical regions have numerous color variations. Spots on flanks are very marked, but lose intense black shade. Spots again more marked on limbs. Blackish hair added here to spots of cinnamon-brown hair. Paws of massive legs lack spots. Three longitudinal bands formed of closely adjacent elongated spots which are quite distinct, particularly in middle and posterior region of back, visible on rear of neck. Numerous deviations exist from this most common type of winter fur colors of the Central Russian lynx, some with more dark patterns of bands and spots, while some have color almost uniform above without spottiness on trunk. The coloration of an animal depends on the wideness and number of the hair-bands, on the intensity of their coloration and on the position of this bands. The longitudinally striped- pattern is the primitive pattern of the vertebrates, because most of the juveniles show this pattern. Spots break down into smaller spots and rosettes while at the same time leading to various striped patterns as sidelines. Coat pattern types: spots almost disappeared, pale spots and large spots. Weigel (1961): Stollman (1963): Variations of coloration of the Carpathian Lynx (three types): a) characteristic spots (the spots form long strips on the dorsum and on the flanks the spots are almost round), b) less spotted and c) without spots (uniform: the spots appear only indicated, on the legs, shoulder and belly the spots appear clearer). It’s not known if the differences in the coat coloration and coat pattern correlated with the age of the individual or if it’s an adaptation at the environment or if it’s just an individual variation. Vasiliu & Decei (1964): Coat pattern types (three types in the Rumanian Carpathian): a) spots (well developed all over, specially on the dorsum and flanks), b) small spots and c) without spots (on the dorsum and only pale spots on the flanks). The spots show different forms. Three coat patterns were distinguished: wolf-lynx (on the dorsum with weak spots), fox-lynx (uniform with weak spots only on the flanks) and cat-lynx (large spots with almost strips on the dorsum). Matjuschkin (1978): Matjuschkin described in his monography four coat pattern types: a) large and clear spots, b) small but clear spots and small stripes on the back, c) without spots on the back but with spots on the legs, d) and without spots all over (Figure I.5) Miric (1978): Coat pattern types of Balkan lynx: a) large spots (intensive colored spots, rarely placed), b) small spots (pale, small and densely placed spots), c) weak spots (lack of spots on the back and flanks). Ragni et al. (1993): Within the known variation of the coat marking-color system of the Eurasian lynx, the authors recognized three types: spotted (permanent black spots), striped (the pattern is arranged in horizontal stripes and bars of permanent-evanescent) and concolor (without markings in the somatic regions or with a pattern so scattered and obsolescent that it cannot be defined). These patterns are related to the somatic regions: occipis-cervicalis, scapularis, dorsalis, lateralis, omeralis and femuralis (Figure I.6). Figure I.3. Intermediate coloration. Grégorova (1997). Figure I.2. Coloration of the back and flanks. Vasiliu & Decei (1964). Figure I.4. Coloration of the back and flanks. Ragni (1991). Juni 2002 Appendix I Figure I.5. Variability of coat patterns of Eurasian lynx: A) large and clear spots, B) small but clear spots and small stripes on the back, C) without spots on the back but with spots in the legs, D) without spots all over. After Matjuschkin (1978). Figure I.6. Variability of coat patterns of Eurasian lynx: A) large and clear spots, B) small but clear spots and small stripes on the back, C) without spots on the back but with spots in the legs, D) without spots all over. After Matjuschkin (1978). 29 30 Appendix I References Breitenmoser, U. and Ch. Breitenmoser-Würsten, 1990. Status, conservation needs and reintroduction of the lynx Lynx lynx in Europe. Nature and environment Series, No. 45. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Caro, T. M. and S. M. Durant, 1991. Use of quantitative analyses of pelage characteristics to reveal family resemblances in genetically monomorphic cheetahs. Journal of Heredity 82: 8–14. Eizirik, E. Pers. Comm. Laboratory of Genomic Diversity, National Cancer Institute, Frederickton, USA. Endler, J. A. 1978. A predator’s view of animal colour patterns. Evol. Biol. 11: 319–364. Endler, J. A. 1988. Frequency-dependent predation, crypsis and aposematic colouration. Proc. Trans. Roy. Soc. London. (ser. B) 319: 505–523. Garcia-Perea, R. 1994. The Pampas Cat Group (genus Lynchailurus Severtzov, 1858) (Carnivora: Felidae), a systematic and biogeographic review. American Museum of Natural History Nr 3096: 1–35 (New York). Garcia-Perea, R. 1994. Pampas Cats: how many species?. Cat News 20: 21–24. odfrey, D., J. N. Lythgoe and D. A. Rumball, 1987. Zebra stripes and tiger stripes: the spatial frequency distribution of the pattern compared to that of the background is significant in display and crypsis. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 32: 427–433. Karanth, K. U. 1995. Estimating tiger populations from camera-trap data using capture-recapture models. Biological conservation 71: 333–338. Karanth, U. and J. D. Nichols, 1998. Estimation of Tiger densities in India using photographic captures and Recaptures. Ecology 79 (8): 2852–2862. Laass, J. 1999. Evaluation von Photofallen für ein quantitatives Monitoring einer Luchspopulation in den Alpen. Diplomarbeit, BOKU Wien, 75 pp. Matjuschkin, E. N. 1978. Der Luchs. A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt, Germany, 160 pp. Miric, D. J. 1978. Die Luchspopulationen der Balkanhalbinsel. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Vol. DXXXIX, (55): 150 pp. Murray, J.D. 1981b. A pre-pattern formation mechanism for animal coat markings. Journal of Theoret. Biol. 88: 161– 199. Murray, J.D. 1988. How the Leopard gets its spots. Scientific. American 3/1988:62–69. Nowell K. and P. Jackson 1996. Wild Cats. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 110 pp. Ognev, S. L. 1935. Mammals of USSR and adjacent countries. Vol. 3: 165–186, Carnivora, Moscow. Ortolani, A. and T. Caro, 1996. The Adaptive Significance of Colour Patterns in Carnivores: Phylogenetic Tests of Classic Hypotheses. In: Gittleman J. L. (ed.) Carnivore Behavior, Ecology, and Evolution, Vol. 2: 132–188. Ithaca, Cornell University Press. Ragni, B., M. Possenti and S. Mayr, 1993. The Lynx in the Italian Alps. Cat News 19: 21–25. Robinson, R. 1977. Genetics for Cat Breeders. Pergamon Press. London. Robinson, R. 1978. Homologous coat colour variation in Felids. Carnivore 1: 68–71. Schaller, G. B. 1967. The deer and the tiger. University of KORA Bericht Nr. 13 Chicago Press. Chicago. Illinois. USA. Stollmann, A. 1963. Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Luchses, Lynx lynx in den tschechoslowakischen Karpaten. Folia Zoologica, Brünn (Brno), 12: 301–316. Turing, A. M. 1952. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London. B. 237, 37. Vasiliu, G. D. and P. Decei, 1964. Über den Luchs (Lynx lynx) der rumänischen Karpaten. Säugetierkundliche Mitteilungen, München, 12: 155–183. (Bukarest). Weigel, I. 1961. Das Fellmuster der wildlebenden Katzenarten und der Hauskatze in vergleichender und stammesgeschichtlicher Hinsicht. Säugetierkundliche Mitteilungen, München, 120 pp. Werdelin, L. and L. Olsson, 1997. How the Leopard got its spots: a phylogenetic view of the evolution of felid coat patterns. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 62: 383–400. Juni 2002 Appendix II 31 Form with all necessary information needed per individual and guidelines to fill out the form Guidelines to fill out the form ID Number: Contact: Date: Country: Population: Region: 3-letter country code plus running number (e.g. SLK001) who has filled out the form when was the form filled out country where the individual originated from e.g. Carpathian Mountains or Zoo XY if zoo born e.g. Mala Fatra 1. Origin of the Object ID number: Contact: Date: Country: Population: Region: 2. Information about the Animal a.) Type of Object ٱMonitored lynx in telemetry project ٱdead lynx of Switzerland registered in a KORA database ٱLynx in museum ٱLynx in zoo ٱLynx pelt of hunters ٱRandom observation ٱothers________________________________________ b.) Location of lynx/pelt Monitored Lynx Name of lynx: ٱalive ٱdead ٱunknown Dead lynx in database Name of lynx: Db-Nr: Lynx in museum Museum: Object number: Origin (last location): Date of death: Location of picture: Address of the museum: Street, nr.: Postcode, City: Phone: e-mail: Lynx in zoo Zoo: Origin: Name of lynx: ٱwild caught ٱzoo born ٱif zoo born generation no: Address of zoo: Street, nr.: Postcode, City: Phone.: e-mail: Lynx pelt with hunters Date when shot: Random observation: Data of observation: c.) Details of the animal sex: ٱmale age: at death: relatives known: ٱfemale ٱunknown on picture: age group: ٱadult ٱyes ٱno ٱsubadult Date picture taken: ٱjuvenile ٱunknown ٱMother ID Number: Name: ٱFather ID Number: Name: ٱBrother/Sister ID Number: Name: ٱBrother/Sister ID Number: Name: 32 KORA Bericht Nr. 13 Appendix III Spots-Counting rules Single spots Large and small spots: Every identifiable single spot was counted as one spot. Spots in V-form were counted as one spot. Spots in groups Large and small spots: Every identifiable spot arranged in stripes other arrangements was counted as one spot. Strips were counted as one spot if no interruptions were identifiable. Spots in rosettes or small blotches Rosettes and rudimentary rosettes: Every identifiable spot arranged in rosettes or small blotches rudimentary of rosettes Without spots was counted as one spot. no counting of spots Juni 2002 Appendix IV 33 Database of Lynx - Pictures Pictures of lynx taken by KORA members are maintained in a MSAccess database, used to recognize lynx from a photo-trap picture and to examine coat patterns. All the available lynx could provide information on coat patterns from Switzerland. The database is composed of all available pictures from captured lynx, recordings lynx found dead, photo-trap pictures, randomly taken pictures, pictures of mounts and pictures of other animals. The pictures are saved as a JPEC-files in two sizes: in a previewed form of max. 30 KB (in Fox_k6, in E:/PicDB/ Preview) and in a full-picture version on a CD. Insert of new data-records Screenshot of the MSAccess-database Real2: overview and „Path“ and „Switchboard“. “Path”: “Switchboard”: contains the path of the “Previews”. The following option can be chosen: - Entry of Pictures - Entry of new Keywords - Search in PicDB - Exit Database If “Entry of Pictures” is chosen the enter-mask appears. This consists six pages. 34 Appendix IV KORA Bericht Nr. 13 Screenshot of the enter-mask, Page 1 Page 1: Enter file-name of the “Preview”-picture (lynxnameDate_number.jpg (e.g.: balu011299_1.jpg): 1) name of the lynx (four letters), unknown lynx are named with an “U” and three numbers; 2) recording date (in ddmmyy); 3) underline; 4) serial picture-number of the same lynx. Page 2: This page only appears when “lynx” has been chosen in the index. The pictures are sorted after the examination-regions: “Alpen80”, “Jura” and “Alpen90”. In the “Coat”-list, one of the four (intuitively deducted) coat pattern types can be chosen. The criteria of the allocation are in progress. Page 3: This page only appears if it is other animals than lynx. Page 4: Enter 1) recording date (ddmmyy); 2) coordinates and name of the recording places 3) author; 4) current location and material-type (slide, negative, photo) of the picture. Page 5: Enter the data-name of the full-picture version (same like “Preview”-file). “CDAlpen90Fang” appears as a default. Page 6: Enter the initials of the reader and the date. Bisher erschienene KORA Berichte KORA Bericht Nr. 1 Landry, J.M., 1997. La bête du Val Ferret. KORA Bericht Nr. 2 Landry, J.M., 1998. L'utilisation du chien de protection dans les Alpes suisses: une première analyse. KORA Bericht Nr. 3 Workshop on Human Dimension in Large Carnivore Conservation. Contributions to the Workshop 26.11.97 at Landshut, Switzerland, with Prof. Dr. Alistair J. Bath. 1998. KORA Bericht Nr. 4 Zimmermann, F., 1998. Dispersion et survie des Lynx (Lynx lynx) subadultes d'une population réintroduite dans la chaîne du Jura. KORA Bericht Nr. 2 d Landry, J.M., 1999. Der Einsatz von Herdenschutzhunden in den Schweizer Alpen: erste Erfahrungen. KORA Bericht Nr. 2 e Landry, J.M., 1999. The use of guard dogs in the Swiss Alps: A first analysis. KORA Bericht Nr. 5 d Angst, C., Olsson, P., Breitenmoser, U., 2000. Übergriffe von Luchsen auf Kleinvieh und Gehegetiere in der Schweiz. Teil I: Entwicklung und Verteilung der Schäden. KORA Bericht Nr. 6 Laass, J., 2001. Zustand der Luchspopulation im westlichen Berner Oberland im Winter 2000. Fotofallen-Einsatz Nov./Dez. 2000. KORA Bericht Nr. 7 e Breitenmoser-Würsten, Ch., Breitenmoser, U., (Eds), 2001. The Balkan Lynx Population - History, Recent Knowledge on its Status and Conservation Needs. KORA Bericht Nr. 8 Ryser-Degiorgis Marie-Pierre, 2001. Todesursachen und Krankheiten beim Luchs – eine Übersicht. KORA Bericht Nr. 9 Breitenmoser-Würsten Christine, Zimmermann Fridolin, Ryser Andreas, Capt Simon, Lass Jens, Breitenmoser Urs, 2001. Untersuchungen zur Luchspopulation in den Nordwestalpen der Schweiz 1997–2000. KORA Bericht Nr. 11 d Breitenmoser Urs, Capt Simon, Breitenmoser-Würsten Christine, Angst Christof, Zimmermann Fridolin, Molinari-Jobin Anja, 2002. Der Luchs im Jura – Eine Übersicht zum aktuellen Kenntnisstand. KORA Bericht Nr. 11 f Breitenmoser Urs, Capt Simon, Breitenmoser-Würsten Christine, Angst Christof, Zimmermann Fridolin, Molinari-Jobin Anja, 2002. Le Lynx dans le Jura – Aperçu de l‘état actuel des connaissances. KORA Bericht Nr. 12 e Boutros Dominique, 2002. Characterisation and Assessment of Suitability of Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) Den Sites. KORA Bericht Nr. 13 e Thüler Karin, 2002. Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Coat Patterns of Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) in two reintroduced Populations in Switzerland. Bezugsquelle Source Source Kora, Thunstrasse 31, CH-3074 Muri T +41 31 951 70 40 / F +41 31 951 90 40 info@kora.ch www.kora.unibe.ch