SOLO Taxonomy - Teaching the Verbs SOLO level The Verbs Example answer to “Explain why cheetahs have spots” Extended abstract Create Formulate Generate Hypothesise Reflect Theorise “The spots are formed by melanin in the skin which is a chemical reaction during embryonic development. The spots evolved after mutation to help camouflage them.” Stripes would not be an advantage that is why the cheetah is so rare in the wild. The spots are mathematical patterns that can be described with different equations.” Extended abstract thought. Goes beyond what has been taught. Relational Analyse Apply Argue Compare/contrast Criticise Justify Relate Explain causes “The spots are formed by melanin in the skin which is a chemical reaction during embryonic development. The spots evolved after mutation to help camouflage them.” Good biological explanation with links to prior knowledge. Multistructural Combine Perform serial skills List Enumerate Describe “The spots are formed by melanin in the skin. The spots camouflaged them while hunting.” Correct but with no explanation, provides more than one fact. Unistructural Name Identify Follow simple procedure “It makes them hard to see.” Correct however this gives no explanation and provides just one fact. Prestructural Misses the point “I donʼt know.” No attempt to answer. “So that they are different from lions.” The response is irrelevant.