The Holocaust was a tragic event. So many Jews

The Holocaust was a tragic event.
So many Jews died just because of
their religion. They obviously did
not deserve the harsh treatment.
Today we look back and reflect on
the Holocaust.
Students of Saint Patrick School, Carlisle, Pennsylvania
USA Teacher: Noreen Dempsey
By: Kraig
I think that the Holocaust was very bad. The reason it
was so bad is that the Nazis killed people because of their
difference in religion. What everyone should learn from
this is that no one should be killed because of a certain
faith. I think that Hitler was very mean too. You should
also treat others as you wish to be treated and never
become a Nazi.
By: Sasha
I learned that you shouldn’t judge people by their
religion and that the Jews didn’t deserve to die. We all did
something wrong, we watched it happen and we should’ve
stopped the Nazis. Those people died in pain and they
didn’t deserve it. There were children that died because of
the hate of the Germans. So what I learned is that when
you kill, judge, or make fun of some one because they are
different, you should stop because you wouldn’t like to be
made fun of either.
Lessons We Can Remember From the Holocaust
By: David
We should remember the Nazis killed the Jews for what
they believed in. Treat everyone the same or history might
repeat itself. We should stand up for what is wrong so it
doesn’t happen again!
By: Ale
What I learned from the Holocaust is to respect other
people. Do not hurt them if they have a different religion,
different skin color, or any different qualities. I think those
kids that were killed and the other people shouldn’t have
died. We should treat other people as we would like to be
The Holocaust
By Anthony
The Holocaust was one of the worst moments in
history. A lot can be learned from this. God made us all
different for a reason, and it wasn’t to tell us who were the
enemy. What the Nazis did was wrong, but it was just as
bad that some people didn’t stand up for the Jews even
though they knew it was wrong. So let us hope this never
happens again.
The Holocaust
By Katie
There are a lot of things we could learn from the
Holocaust. We shouldn’t be biased on religion, race, or
anything-it’s nothing but troublesome. Meaningless
violence is not a solution. Just because you don’t like
someone doesn’t mean you should exterminate them and
anyone like them. It’s cruel. We should treat people nicely,
like them or not.
The Holocaust
By Elizabeth
There are many lessons we can learn from the
Holocaust. We should never look down on others just
because they practice a different religion. Also, it was not
only adults killed in the Holocaust, kids our age and
younger were sent to live in concentration camps. We
should look back on the Holocaust and pray that it never
happens again.
The Holocaust
By Tricia
What I learned from the Holocaust is that you shouldn’t
hurt people for what they believe in. We should also stand
up for what is wrong even if it doesn’t affect us, because it
might. If they’re different, you should respect them for who
they are even if they aren’t the same as you.
By: Caroline
The Holocaust taught me to respect other people even
though they’re different. If you think the government made
a wrong decision, stand up for what you believe in. People
should stand up for others; love one another, and yourself.
By: Kelly
I learned that it’s wrong to hurt or kill someone just
because they believe in something you don’t. It was wrong
to kill all those people. Also, the children that died in the
Holocaust never got married, had children, or lived their
life. What happened was really sad and I hope it never
happens again.
By: Brian
I think the Holocaust was really bad. The people from
France, Germany, The Netherlands and Poland were sent to
death camps. When they were there, they were killed. I
wish they never were sent to death camps. What we can
learn from this terrible event is to accept all people for who
they are Gentile or Jew, Buddhist or Christian.
By: Robert
What we can learn from the Holocaust is that one should
not treat people bad because they are important. Everyone
is the same. Even if you don’t like other people you
shouldn’t use your power and put them in camps. You
should also treat others the way you would like to be
What I Learned From the Holocaust
By Joey
I think what the Nazis did was 100% wrong! If you
want to change something in the world, you don’t have to
kill innocent people. You should never disrespect someone
just because of where they’re from, or what religion they
practice. It is completely wrong. I learned that you should
never solve a problem by destroying someone or
someplace. Every choice Hitler made was wrong. Think of
what the Jews felt every time one of their people was
killed. We all should mourn.
By: Ian
The Holocaust was an event when many Jewish
families were killed. 6,000,000 Jews and many other
people were taken by Nazis to concentration camps and
suffocated in the gas chambers. There are lessons to be
learned. We should not segregate others. We should treat
others as we would like to be treated. Never insult others
because their beliefs or way of life. Never in your life treat
others horribly.
The Holocaust
By: Matt
What we can learn from the Holocaust is that we
shouldn’t treat others badly just because they’re different.
It’s wrong to judge people just because they’re too fat, too
small, too short, or even have bad language. It’s wrong to
judge them like Hitler did. He wouldn’t like it if he was
locked in a death camp and died. It’s not right.
The Holocaust
By: Peter
The Holocaust was the mass murder of Jews in
concentration camps. The Nazis thought that every person
should all be the same. I learned that Hitler had one thing
on his mind, death to any who are different. One of the
known Jews killed was a 13-year-old girl named Anne
Frank who kept a diary until she was captured and later
What I learned from the Holocaust
By: Ashley
There are many things we can learn from the
Holocaust. I have learned that all people are equal but are
different in many ways. No one is the same and everyone
should be treated as an equal. Stand up for yourself if you
are made fun of.
What I Have Learned From the Holocaust
By: Jon
What I have learned from the Holocaust is that it
doesn’t matter about your size, race or color, but it only
matters mostly about your character. I am sad that this
happened to the Jews and no other race in the world. I
think what the Germans did was evil and I hope it never
happens again.
By: Hannah
The Holocaust was a very bad thing to do to the Jews.
They didn’t do anything bad. Getting killed for not doing
anything wrong is completely crazy. It wasn’t right. These
millions of innocent people didn’t get to live the life God
gave them.