QUESTION BANK DEPARTMENT: ECE SUBJECT NAME: VLSI DESIGN SEMESTER – VI SUBJECT CODE: EC2354 UNIT I CMOS TECHNOLOGY PART –A ( 2 MARKS) 1. What are four generations of Integration Circuits? SSI (Small Scale Integration) MSI (Medium Scale Integration) LSI (Large Scale Integration) VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) 2. Give the advantages of IC? Size is less High Speed Less Power Dissipation 3. Give the variety of Integrated Circuits? More Specialized Circuits Application Specific Integrated Circuits(ASICs) Systems-On-Chips 4. Give the basic process for IC fabrication [AUC May 2007 ,Nov 2009 ] Silicon wafer Preparation Epitaxial Growth Oxidation Photolithography Diffusion Ion Implantation Isolation technique Metallization Assembly processing & Packaging EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 1 5. What are the various Silicon wafer Preparation? Crystal growth & doping Ingot trimming & grinding Ingot slicing Wafer polishing & etching Wafer cleaning. 6. Different types of oxidation? Dry & Wet Oxidation What is the transistors CMOS technology provides? n-type transistors & p-type transistors. 7. What are the different layers in MOS transistors? Drain , Source & Gate 8. What is Enhancement mode transistor? The device that is normally cut-off with zero gate bias. 9. What is Depletion mode Device? The Device that conduct with zero gate bias. 10. When the channel is said to be pinched –off? If a large Vds is applied this voltage with deplete the Inversion layer .This Voltage effectively pinches off the channel near the drain. 11. Give the different types of CMOS process?[AUC May 2008] p-well process n-well process Silicon-On-Insulator Process Twin- tub Process 12. What are the steps involved in twin-tub process? Tub Formation Thin-oxide Construction Source & Drain Implantation Contact cut definition Metallization. 13. What are the advantages of Silicon-on-Insulator process?[AUC NOV 2009] No Latch-up Due to absence of bulks transistor structures are denser than bulk silicon. EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 2 14. What is BiCMOS Technology? It is the combination of Bipolar technology & CMOS technology. 15. What are the basic processing steps involved in BiCMOS process? Additional masks defining P base region N Collector area Buried Sub collector (SCCD) Processing steps in CMOS process 16. What are the advantages of CMOS process?[AUC MAY 2010] Low power Dissipation High Packing density Bi directional capability What are the advantages of CMOS process? Low Input Impedance Low delay Sensitivity to load. 17. Draw the energy band diagram of the components that make up the MOS system[AUC MAY 2011] 18. Determine whether an nMOS transistor with a threshold voltage of 0.7V is operating in the saturation region if Vgs = 2V and Vds = 3V.[AUC Dec 2011] Since Vds>=( Vgs-Vtn) >=0 , the NMOS transistor operates in the saturation region. EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 3 19. Draw the IV characteristics of MOS transistor. [AUC May 2012] 20. Brief the different operating regions of MOS systems. [AUC May 2012] Non saturated region Saturated region EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 4 Part –B [16 Marks] 1. Explain briefly about DC Characteristics of CMOS inverter [AUC MAY 2008,2012,2013] The general arrangement and characteristics are illustrated . The current/voltage relationships for the MOS transistor may be written as, In the resistive region, or In the saturation region. In both cases the factor K is a technology- dependent parameter such that The factor W/L is contributed by the geometry and it is common practice to write EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 5 Such that, In saturation, and where β may be applied to both nMOS and pMOS transistors as follows, Where Wn and Ln, Wp and Lp are the n- and p- transistor dimensions respectively. The CMOS inverter has five regions of operation is shown in Fig. Considering the static condition first, in region 1 for which Vin = logic 0, the p-transistor fully turned on while the n-transistor is fully turned off. Thus no current flows through the inverter and the output is directly connected to VDD through the p-transistor. In region 5 Vin = logic 1, the ntransistor is fully on while the p-transistor is fully off. Again, no current flows and a good logic 0 appears at the output. In region 2 the input voltage has increased to a level which just exceeds the threshold voltage of the n-transistor. The n-transistor conducts and has a large voltage between source and drain. The p-transistor also conducting but with only a small voltage across it, it operates in the unsaturated resistive region. EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 6 In region 4 is similar to region 2 but with the roles of the p- and n- transistors reversed. The current magnitudes in region 2 and 4 are small and most of the energy consumed in switching from one state to the other is due to the large current which flows in region 3. In region 3 is the region in which the inverter exhibits gain and in which both transistors are in saturation. The currents in each device must be the same since the transistors are in series. So we may write Where And Vin in terms of the β ratio and the other circuit voltages and currents EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 7 Since both transistors are in saturation, they act as current sources so that the equivalent circuit in this region is two current sources so that the equivalent circuit in this region is two current sources in series between VDD and VSS with the output voltage coming from their common point. The region is inherently unstable in consequence and the change over from one logic level to the other is rapid. Since only at this point will the two β factors be equal. But for βn= βp the device geometries must be such that The mobilities are inherently unequal and thus it is necessary for the width to length ratio of the p-device to be three times that of the n-device, namely The mobility μ is affected by the transverse electric field in the channel and is thus independent on Vgs. It has been shown empirically that the actual mobility is Ø is a constant approximately equal to 0.05 Vt includes anybody effect, and μz is the mobility with zero transverse field. 2. Explain briefly about different CMOS Technologies [AUC APR 2008, NOV 2009,NOV 2011,NOV 2013] The four dominant CMOS technologies are: P-well process n-well process twin-tub process Silicon on chip process The p-well process A common approach to p-well CMOS fabrication is to start with moderately doped n-type substrate (wafer), create the p-type well for the n-channel devices, and build the p-channel transistor in the native n-substrate. The processing steps are, 1. The first mask defines the p-well (p-tub) n-channel transistors (Fig. 1.5a) will be fabricated in this well. Field oxide (FOX) is etched away to allow a deep diffusion. EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 8 2. The next mask is called the “thin oxide” or “thinox” mask (Fig. 1.5b), as it defines where areas of thin oxide are needed to implement transistor gates and allow implantation to form p- or ntype diffusions for transistor source/drain regions. The field oxide areas are etched to the silicon surface and then the thin oxide areas is grown on these areas. O ther terms for this mask include active area, island, and mesa. 3. Polysilicon gate definition is then completed. This involves covering the surface with polysilicon (Fig 1.5c) and then etching the required pattern (in this case an inverted “U”). “Poly” gate regions lead to “self-aligned” source-drain regions. 4. A p-plus (p+) mask is then used to indicate those thin-oxide areas (and polysilicon) that are to be implanted p+. Hence a thin-oxide area exposed by the p-plus mask (Fig. 1.5d) will become a p+ diffusion area. If the p-plus area is in the n-substrate, then a p-channel transistor or p-type wire may be constructed. If the p-plus area is in the p-well, then an ohmic contact to the p-well may be constructed. 5. The next step usually uses the complement of the p-plus mask, although an extra mask is normally not needed. The “absence” of a p-plus region over a thin-oxide area indicates that the area will be an n+ diffusion or n-thinox. n-thinox in the p-well defines possible n-transistors and wires. An n+ diffusion in the n-substrate allows an ohmic contact to be made. Following this step, the surface of the chip is covered with a layer of Sio2. 6. Contacts cuts are then defined. This involves etching any Sio2 down to the contacted surface, these allow metal to contact diffusion regions or polysilicon regions. 7. Metallization is then applied to the surface and selectively etched. 8. As a final step, the wafer is passivated and openings to the bond pads are etched to allow for wire bonding. Passivation protects the silicon surface against the ingress of contaminants. EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 9 EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 10 EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 11 Basically the structure consists of an n-type substrate in which p-devices may be formed by suitable masking and diffusion and, in order to accommodate n-type devices, a deep p-well is diffused into the n-type substrate. This diffusion must be carried out with special care since the p-well doping concentration and depth will affect the threshold voltages as well as the breakdown voltages of the ntransistors. To achieve low threshold voltage (0.6 to 1.0 V), deep well diffusion or high well resistivity is needed. However, deep wells require larger spacing between the n- and p-type transistors and wires because of lateral diffusion resulting in larger chip areas. High resistivity can accentuate latch-up problems. In order to achieve narrow threshold voltage tolerances in a typical p-well process, the well concentration is made about one order of magnitude higher than the substrate doping density, thereby causing the body effect for n-channel devices to be higher than for p-channel transistors. In addition, due to this higher concentration, n-transistors suffer from excessive source/drain to p-well capacitance will tends to be slower in performance. The well must be grounded in such a way as to minimize any voltage drop due to injected current in substrate that is collected by the p-well. The p-well act as substrate for then-devices within the parent n-substrate, and, provided polarity restrictions are observed, the two areas are electrically isolated such that there are in affect two substrate, two substrate connections (VDD and VSS) are required. The n-well process: The p-well processes have been one of the most commonly available forms of CMOS. However, an advantage of the n-well process is that it can be fabricated on the same process line as conventional n MOS. n –well CMOS circuits are also superior to p-well because of the lower substrate bias effects on transistor threshold voltage and inherently lower parasitic capacitances associated with source and drain regions. Typically n-well fabrication steps are similar to a p-well process, except that an n-well is used which is illustrated in Fig. The first masking step defines the n-well regions. This followed by a low phosphorus implant driven in by a high temperature diffusion step to form the n-wells. The well depth is optimized to ensure against p-substrate to p+ diffusion breakdown without compromising the n-well to n+ mask separation. The next steps are to define the devices and diffusion paths, grow field oxide, deposit and pattern the polysilicon, carry out the diffusions, make contact cuts and metallization. An n-well mask is used to define n-well regions, as opposed to a p-well mask in a p-well process. An n-plus (n+) mask may be used to define the n-channel transistors and VDD contacts. Alternatively, we could use a p-plus mask to define the p-channel transistors, as the masks usually are the complement of each other. Due to differences in mobility of charge carriers the n-well process creates non-optimum p-channel characteristics, such as high junction capacitance and high body effect. The n-well technology has a distinct advantage of providing optimum device characteristics. Thus n-channel devices may be used to form logic elements to provide speed and density, while p-transistors could primarily serve as pull-up devices. EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 12 The twin-tub process: Twin-tub CMOS technology provides the basis for separate optimization of the p-type and n-type transistors, thus making it possible for threshold voltage, body effect, and the gain associated with n-and p-devices to be independently optimized. Generally the starting material is either an n+ or p+ substrate with a lightly doped epitaxial or epi layer, which is used for protection against latch-up. The aim of epitaxy is to grow high purity silicon layers of controlled thickness with accurately determined dopant concentrations distributed homogeneously throughout the layer. The electrical properties for this layer are determined by the dopant and its concentration in the silicon. The process sequence, which is similar to the pwell process apart from the tub formation where both p-well and n-well are utilized as in Fig. 1.7, entails the following steps: Tub formation Thin oxide etching Source and drain implantations Contact cut definition Metallization. EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 13 EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 14 Since this process provides separately optimized wells, better performance n-transistors (lower capacitance, less body effect) may be constructed when compared with a conventional p-well process. Similarly the p-transistors may be optimized. The use of threshold adjust steps is included in this process. Silicon on insulator process: Silicon on insulator (SOI) CMOS processes has several potential advantages such as higher density, no latch-up problems, and lower parasitic capacitances. In the SOI process a thin layer of single crystal silicon film is epitaxial grown on an insulator such as sapphire or magnesium aluminate spinel. The steps involves are: 1) A thin film (7-8 μm) of very lightly doped n-type Si is grown over an insulator (Fig. 1.8a). Sapphire is a commonly used insulator. 2) An anisotropic etch is used to etch away the Si (Fig. 1.8b) except where a diffusion area will be needed. 3) The p-islands are formed next by masking the n-islands with a photoresist. A p-type dopant (boron) is then implanted. It is masked by the photoresist and at the unmasked islands. The pislands (Fig. 1.8c) will become the n-channel devices. 4) The p-islands are then covered with a photoresist and an n-type dopant, phosphorus, is implanted to form the n-islands (Fig. 1.8d). The n-islands will become the p-channel devices. 5) A thin gate oxide (500-600Å) is grown over all of the Si structures (Fig. 1.8e). This is normally done by thermal oxidation. 6) A polysilicon film is deposited over the oxide. 7) The polysilicon is then patterned by photomasking and is etched. This defines the polysilicon layer in the structure as in Fig. 1.8f. 8) The next step is to form the n-doped source and drain of the n-channel devices in the pislands. The n-island is covered with a photoresist and an n-type dopant (phosphorus) is implanted (Fig. 1.8g). 9) The p-channel devices are formed next by masking the p-islands and implanting a p-type dopant. The polysilicon over the gate of the n-islands will block the dopant from the gate, thus forming the p-channel devices is shown in Fig. 1.8h. 10) A layer of phosphorus glass is deposited over the entire structure. The glass is etched at contact cut locations. The metallization layer is formed. A final passivation layer of a phosphorus glass is deposited and etched over bonding pad locations. EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 15 EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 16 EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 17 The advantages of SOI technology are: Due to the absence of wells, denser structures than bulk silicon can be obtained. Low capacitances provide the basis of very fast circuits. No field-inversion problems exist. No latch-up due to isolation of n- and p- transistors by insulating substrate. As there is no conducting substrate, there are no body effect problems Enhanced radiation tolerance. But the drawback is due to absence of substrate diodes, the inputs are difficult to protect. As device gains are lower, I/O structures have to be larger. Single crystal sapphires are more expensive than silicon and processing techniques tend to be less developed than bulk silicon techniques. 3. Explain briefly about Current-Voltage Characteristics of MOS Subsystem [AUC NOV 2010 ,2012 ,2013] The MOSFET I-V characteristics can be extracted by modelling the characteristics of the charge as a function of the gate-source voltage Vgsn. Consider first the case of cutoff which occurs when EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 18 Since Vgsnis not sufficient to induce an electron inversion layer, only immobile bulk charge QB exists under the gate. The drain and source are separated by two pn junctions, one of which has zero-bias applied (the source) while the other has a reversebias across it. This blocks the flow of current, giving Idn =0. Active operation requires that Vgs >=Vt be applied to the gate. This creates an electron inversion layer beneath the oxide, which in turn forms the FET conduction channel from drain to source. Since we have already characterized the electron charge in a simple MOS structure, we may modifyour analysis to include the FET parameters, and compute Idn as a function of Vgsn and Vdsn .Modellingcan be performed at various levels with the general tradeoff being complexity versus accuracy. First, Vgs >=Vt is required to create the channel region underneath the oxide. Second, adrainto-source Vds nvoltage must be applied to produce the channel electric field E. This fieldforces electrons to move from the source to the drain, thereby giving drift current Idn in the opposite direction, i.e., the current flows into the drain and out of the source. The electron inversion charge Qn (in units of in the channel is given by a capacitor relationof the form where V(y) represents the voltage in the channel due to The origin of the channel voltage V(y) is easily understood by noting that the drain-source voltage creates an electric field in thechannel region, giving the electric potential function V(y) such that EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 19 To obtain the I-V equations for the MOSFET, we note that the channel region acts as a nonlinear resistor between the source and drain. The channel geometry is detailed in Figure Consider the differential segment dy of the channel. Since this element has a simple rectangular shape with the current flow length of dy , the resistance is EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 20 EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 21 4. Discuss briefly about Technology-Related CAD Issues [AUC NOV 2010] The mask database is the interface between the semiconductor manufacturer and the chip designer. Two basic checks have to be completed to ensure that this description can be turned into a working chip. First, the specified geometric design rules must be obeyed. Second, the interrelationship of the masks must, upon passing through the manufacturing process, produce the correct interconnected set of circuit elements. To check these two requirements, two basic CAD tools are required: DESIGN RULE CHECK (DRC) PROGRAM MASK CIRCUIT EXTRACTION PROGRAM. . Design Rule Checking (DRC) AND layer1 layer2 -> layer3 ANDs layer1 and layer2 together to produce layer3 (i.e., the intersection of the two input mask descriptions) OR layer1 layer2 -> layer3 ORs layer1 and layer2 together to produce layer3 (i.e., the union of the two input mask descriptions) NOT layer1 layer2 -> layer3 Subtracts layer2 from layer1 to produce layer3 (i.e., the difference of the two input mask descriptions) WIDTH layer > dimension -> layer3 Checks that all geometry on layer is larger than dimension Any geometry that is not is placed in layer3 SPACE layer > dimension -> layer3 Checks that all geometry on layer is spaced further than dimension Any geometry that is not is placed in layer3 The following layers will be assumed as input: nwell active p-select n-select poly poly-contact active-contact metal Typically, useful sublayers are generated initially. First, the four kinds of active areaare isolated. The rule set to accomplish this is as follows: NOT all nwell -> substrate AND nwell active -> nwell-active NOT active nwell -> pwell-active AND nwell-active p-select -> pdiff AND nwell-active n-select -> vddn AND pwell-active n-select -> ndiff AND pwell-active p-select -> gndp EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 22 In the above specification, a number of new layers have been designated. For instance,the first rule states that wherever nwell is absent, a layer called substrate exists. The second rule states that all active areas within the nwell are nwell-active. A combination of nwellactive and p-select or n-select yields pdiff (p diffusion) or vddn (well tap). To find the transistors, the following rule set is used: AND poly ndiff -> ngates AND poly pdiff -> pgates The first rule states that the combination of poly and ndiff yields the ngates region— all of the n-transistor gates. Typical design rule checks (DRC) might include the following: WIDTH metal < 0.13 -> metal-width-error SPACE metal < 0.13 -> metal-space-error For instance, the first rule determines if any metal is narrower than 0.13µm andplaces the errors in the metal-width-error layer. This layer might be interactively displayedto highlight the errors. Circuit Extraction Now imagine that we want to determine the electrical connectivity of a mask database. The following commands are required: CONNECT layer1 layer2 Electrically connect layer1 and layer2. MOS name drain-layer gate-layer source-layer substrate-layer Define an MOS transistor in terms of the component terminal layers. The connections between layers can be specified as follows: CONNECT active-contact pdiff CONNECT active-contact ndiff CONNECT active-contact vddn CONNECT active-contact gndp CONNECT active-contact metal CONNECT gndp substrate CONNECT vddn nwell CONNECT poly-contact poly CONNECT poly-contact metal The connections between the diffusions and metal are specified by the first sevenstatements. The last two statements specify how metal is connected to poly. Finally, the active devices are specified in terms of the layers that we have derived: MOS nmos ndiff ngates ndiff substrate MOS pmos pdiff pgates pdiff nwell An output statement might then be used to output the extracted transistors in somenetlist format (i.e., SPICE format). The extracted netlist is often used to compare the layoutagainst the intended schematic. . EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 23 5. Discuss briefly about Manufacturing Issues As processes have evolved, various rules and guidelines have emerged that reflect the complexity of the processing. These rules are often called Design for Manufacturability (DFM). Antenna Rules When a metal wire contacted to a transistor gate is plasma-etched, it can charge up to a voltage sufficient to zap the thin gate oxides. This is called plasma-induced gate-oxide damage,or simply the antenna effect. It can increase the gate leakage, change the thresholdvoltage, and reduce the life expectancy of a transistor. Longer wires accumulate morecharge and are more likely to damage the gates. During the high-temperature plasma etch process, the diodes formed by source and drain diffusions can conduct significant amounts of current. These diodes bleed off charge from wires before gate oxide is damaged. Antenna rules specify the maximum area of metal that can be connected to a gate without a source or drain to act as a discharge element. Larger gates can withstand more charge buildup. The design rules normally define the maximum ratio of metal area to gate area such that charge on the metal will not damage the gate. The ratios can vary from100:1 to 5000:1 depending on the thickness of the gate oxide (and hence breakdown voltage)of the transistor in question. Higher ratios apply to thicker gate oxide transistors(i.e., 3.3 V I/O transistors). Figure shows an antenna rule violation and two ways to fix it. In Figure a long metal1 line is connected to a transistor gate. It has no connection to diffusion untilmetal2 is formed, so the gate may be damaged during the metal1 plasma etch. In Figure3.36(b), the metal1 line is interrupted with a jumper to metal2. This reduces the amount of charge that could zap the gate during the metal1 etch and solves the problem. EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 24 In Figure3.36(c), an antenna diode is added, providing a discharge path during the etch. The diodeis reverse-biased during normal operation and thus does not disturb circuit function(except for the area and capacitance that it contributes). For circuits requiring good matching, such as analog and memory cells, transistorgates should connect directly to diffusion with a short segment of metal1 to avoid gatedamage that could introduce mismatches. Layer Density Rules Another set of rules that pertain to advanced processes are layer density rules, which specifya minimum and maximum density of a particular layer within a specified area. Etchrates have some sensitivity to the amount of material that must be removed. For example,if polysilicon density were too high or too low, transistor gates might end up over- orunder-etched, resulting in channel-length variations. Similarly, the CMP process maycause dishing (excessive removal) of copper when the density is not uniform. To prevent these issues, a metal layer might be required to have 30% minimum and70% maximum density within a 100 µm by 100 µm area. For digital circuits, these densitylevels are normally reached with routine routing unless empty spaces exist. Analog and RFcircuits, on the other hand, are almost by definition sparse. Thus, diffusion, polysilicon,and metal layers may have to be added manually or by a fill program after design has beencompleted. The fill can be grounded or left floating. Grounded fill requires routingthe ground net to the fill structures. Resolution Enhancement Rules Some resolution enhancement techniques impose further design rules. For example, polysilicon typically uses the narrowest lines and thus needs the most enhancement. This can besimplest if polysilicon gates are only drawn in a single orientation (horizontal or vertical). Using a single orientation also reduces systematic process variability. Avoid small jogs andnotches (those less than the minimum layer width), because such notches can interfere withproper OPC analysis. Metal Slotting Rules Some processes have special rules requiring that wide (e.g. >10–40 µm) metal wires haveslots. Slots are long slits, on the order of 3 µm wide, in the wire running parallel to thedirection of current flow, as shown in Figure. They provide stress relief, help keep thewire in place, and reduce the risk of electromigration failure. EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 25 6. Explain briefly about rules set involved in CMOS fabrication. [AUC NOV 2011 ,APR 2012] EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 26 EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 27 7. Explain in detail , about channel length modulation [ AUC APR 2010 ,NOV 2012] For a transistor in saturation , ideally Ids is independent of Vds ,this makes transistor a perfect current source. The reverse biased P-N junction between drain and body forms a depletion region with a width Ld that increases with reverse biased voltage. The depletion region effectively shortens the channel length to The shorter channel length results in higher current Ids increases with Vds in saturation region as shown EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 28 - channel length modulation factor is inversely proportional to channel length. Channel length modulation greatly affects gain of amplifier. 8. Explain briefly about CMOS process enhancements. EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 29 EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 30 EC2354 –VLSI DESIGN III /VI ECE – PREPARED BY L.M.I.LEO JOSEPH Asst.Prof /ECE Page 31