Bart Simpson is taking an essay test and handed in the following essay: He did not review the
rules for writing an essay.
Make any necessary corrections to Bart's essay so he knows how to write an essay correctly and
will earn a super grade. His teacher (and Bart) will be eternally grateful to you!
The Question: Briefly describe the non-importation agreement and committees of
Correspondence, and how they represent the British colonists rebellion against the British
Bart's Essay:"Rebellion in Massachusetts"
"No taxation without representation" shouted British colonists. They w ere really mad. The
Massachusetts colonists were mad and stuff because the British Parliament was taxing the
colonists without their consent. In this essay you will see how the committees of correspondence
and the non-importation agreement were ways in which the colonists rebelled against the unfair
taxation by the British government. It will be explained below.
In 1767, British Parliament passed the Townshend Acts. It placed new taxes on the colonies.
Instead of paying the taxes, colonial merchants and planters signed the non-importation
agreement. It promised not to buy or import goods taxed by the Townshend Acts. This is called a
boycott. This type of boycott against British imports was a form of rebellion against the British
government which hurt British trade. And that is what it is.
In Massachusetts, Sam Adams set up a committee of correspondence. And it kept them informed
about British actions. It united them. Colonists could secretly keep in contact with one another.
and let other colonists know about the injustices of the unfair taxes placed by the British guys.
This united the British colonists against the British government's actions and can therefore be
viewed as a form of rebellion.
"How to Write and Essay - Tutorial 10." Reading Power - Power Reading. Geocities, Oct. 2009. Web. 5 June 2012.
< ctl1013aw/Essayskillex.htm>.
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As said above and you read, the non-importation agreement and the committees of
correspondence represent a form of protest and rebellion against the British government. They
got hog-mad at them for the taxes. Why did this happen? The non-importation agreement and the
committees of correspondence can be viewed as the spark: which eventually led to the fire and
the fury of the American Revolution. Sam Adams was a very important dude in all of this that I
just talked about.
"How to Write and Essay - Tutorial 10." Reading Power - Power Reading. Geocities, Oct. 2009. Web. 5 June 2012.
< ctl1013aw/Essayskillex.htm>.
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