Responding to Accidents and Sudden Illness

Training Standard: Responding to Accidents and Sudden Illness
This mandatory training standard describes the learning outcomes which must be delivered to staff working under Cambridgeshire County
Council contracts or staff working for Cambridgeshire County Council.
Who must have this training?
All staff working in a care support roles
When must the training be taken and when must it be refreshed?
Within 12 weeks of new care worker being in post, thereafter annually
 If a specific knowledge gap is identified or there are changes in service need then a full refresher will be required as soon as possible.
How must the training be delivered?
Face to face
Who is qualified to deliver the training?
Trainer with PTTLS or Level 3 Award in Education and Training together with a current Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work
Teaching Qualification equivalent to above together with a current Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work
To deliver the one day Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work or the Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work the Trainer must be associated
with an approved Awarding Body or Trade Association such as St John’s Ambulance.
All trainers must evidence subject specific Continual Professional Development / Refresher training and train others only to the level
at which they have expert knowledge and experience.
June 2015
Version 7
Next review date July 2017
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Required Learning Outcomes
Within 12 weeks
of joining the
organisation as a
new care worker
The learner must know and understand:
June 2015
Version 7
How to perform Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
The different types of sudden illness that may occur in the course of their
The appropriate level of response to take and the procedures to be followed
if an accident or sudden illness should occur in the work setting/situation
The tasks relating to emergency first aid that are NOT allowed to be carried
out at this stage of training.
The different types of accidents that may occur in the course of their work
Additional information for
designated persons
Competent persons/line
managers must ensure that
learning has taken place.
This can be achieved by asking
relevant questions and
observation of staff practice. A
record of this must be kept in the
staff members file together with
the certificate of training
Next review date July 2017
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The standards in this document comply with the following Legislation/Regulations:
Suggested resources
Version Control
Created on
Version 5
January 2013
Version 6
May 2014
These standards were
developed by the crossorganisational Cambridgeshire
Adult Social Care Training
Standards Steering Group
As above
Version 7
June 2015
L Gough
June 2015
Version 7
Next Review Date
New format.
Trainer specification
Added CPR to be compliant with Care
March 2015
July 2017
Next review date July 2017
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