J. soc. cos. CHEM. TWO-DIMENSIONAL DESCENDING CHROMATOGRAPHY SEPARATION OF 15, 459-4-63 (1964) AS THE A METHOD AMINO ACIDS PAPER FOR IN THE HAIR By ALBERT SHANSKY,P•.D.* ABSTRACT Results of paper chromatographic analyses of the amino acid composition of normal, of reduced, and of reduced and oxidized human hair are presented. These preliminary data suggest that reduction of hair with alkaline thioglycolate not only splits disulfide linkages of cystinc but causes chemical changes in other amino acids. Human hair can be subjectedto many chemicaltreatments in order to producevarious physical effects. It appearslikely that the changes taking place at the various bondswhich structurally support the keratin moleculecan be elucidatedthroughamino acid analyses. A particularly promisinganalytical tool is two-dimensionalpaper chromatography(1) which can be applied readily to the qualitative microanalysisof protein hydrolysatesor other amino acid mixtures. In the studiesreportedhere, the proteinhydrolysatewasfirst separatedinto fractionscomprisingacidic, basicand neutral amino acidswith the aid of ion exchangeresins. These threefractionswere then individuallysubjectedto paper chromatography. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Whatman No. 1 filter paper was used (standardsheet, 18 X 22.5 in.). The advancingfront of liquid is yellowish-brown,but this contaminant of the paper movesso rapidly that it doesnot usually interfere. A commerciallyavailabletroughfor two-dimensional paper chromatography was employed. The chamber,a glass-sided lead box (about 75 X 75 X 12.5 cm.) wasmadeairtight with a leadcover. The first solventusedwas a phenolmixture whichis preparedas follows: To a mixture of 100mi. of water and 400 mi. of liquid phenol,madehomogeneousby warming, is added 20 mg. of 8-quinolinol. During chroma* Rilling DermeticsCo., Bridgeport7, Conn. 459 460 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS tographywith thissolvent,a beakercontaining30 mi. of 0.3% ammoniais placedinto the chamber. The secondsolventis preparedas follows: To 55 parts of 2,6-1utidine are added20 partsof isopropanol and 25 partsof water. To each500 mi. of this mixture is added3.3 mi. of diethylamine. During chromatography with thissolventa beakercontaining100mg. of sodiumcyanidein 4-6 mi. of water is placedinto the chamber. EXPERIMENTAL Various hair swatcheswere exposedto the following treatments for comparativestudy: A--untreated hair. B--hair subjectedto threeminutesof total immersion in a reducingsolution of pH = 9.3 (alkali = 0.67 N; thioglycolate= 6.62%). C--hair subjectedto treatmentB followedby a four-minutetotal immersionin 1.5% H202 at pH = 4.8. D--hair subjectedto 8 minutesof total immersionin solutionof B followedby a four-minutetotal immersionin 1.5% H20=at pH = 4.8. The hair swatchesin all casesabovewere givenfinal water rinsesin order to removeresidualmatter and thenweredriedwith a hair dryer. Two hundredrag.hair charges wereplacedin 5 mi. of 1:1 HCl in Pyrex test tubes. The tubeswere sealed,and the hair was hydrolyzedin a parafIin ovenfor 6 hoursat 120øC. At the end of the hydrolysis,the tubeswere allowedto cool,thencrackedopen. HCl removalwasaccomplished by repeatedevaporationin a vacuumoven. The hydrolysates werethenfiltered and madeup to 5 mi. with deionizedwater. The filtered hydrolysateswere separatedinto their acidic, basic and neutral fractions by means of ion exchangecolumns. The hydrolysate wasfirstpassed through a column ofAmberlite IR-4B©*;theacidic amino acidsare adsorbed,and the neutral and basicamino acidspassthrough. The adsorbedacidic amino acidswere eluted with N/10 HC1 and collected separately. (The columnis convenientlyregeneratedwith 4% NaOH.) The basicand neutral hydrolysatefraction was then passedthrough a column of Amberlite IR-50-C which was previouslybufferedat pH 4.0 with an acetate buffer. The basic amino acids are adsorbed,and the neutralaminoacidspassthrough. The basicaminoacidswereelutedwith N/10 HCl. (The columnis regeneratedwith 4% NaOH and bufferedat pH 4.0 with acetate buffer.) By bufferingthe Amberlite IR-50-C at pH 4.0, cystineappearsin the neutral fractionof aminoacids. That cystine * Amberliteis a tradenameof Rohm& Haas Co., Philadelphia,Pa. METHOD FOR SEPARATION OF AMINO ACIDS IN HAIR 461 was found exclusivelyin the neutral fraction was demonstratedby the platinic iodidetest (2).* The solution(6 to 12 ml.), corresponding to 200-400 mg. of protein hydrolysate,was placednear a cornerof the filter paper sheet,6 cm. from either edge. The paper was held with one edgeslightly overlappingthe openingof the troughand pressedinto it with a strip of sheetglasssomewhat longerthan the paper. This assemblywas then transferredto the chamberwhichhadbeenpreparedasfollows: A removablelead tray, the bottom of which was coveredwith a twophaselayerof water andthe firstsolvent,wasplacedon the floorof the boxin orderto securea saturatedatmosphere. The chromatogramwas allowed to developfor 24 to 72 hours. The paperwasdriedin a dryingcupboard, turned througha right-angleand returnedto the trough in order to be developedby the secondsolvent. After drying, the paperwassprayedwith 0.1% ninhydrin in n-butanol, again dried, and then heated at 80ø for 5 minutes. The spotswereoutlinedwith pencilbecauseof eventualfading. RESULTS A--Untreated Hair. It was shownthat all the aminoacidsexpectedto be presentin untreated hair could be accountedfor. There were twelve spots on the chromatogramfor the neutral fraction, two spots on the chromatogram for the acidicfraction,and four spotson the chromatogram for the basicfraction. The spotsfor methionine,leucine,phenylalanine and proline in the neutral fraction were so closetogether that they could be regardedas one spot. No specialeffort was made to separatethe individual membersmakingup this spot. The amino acid compositionof each fraction is consideredto be as follows: •lcidic Aspartic acid Rs 0.14 Glutamic 0.24 acid Basic Lysine 0.50 Histidine 0.72 Hydroxylysine Arginine 0.76 0.67 Neutral Glycine 0.40 Alanine 0.57 * Another--lessconclusive--proof of the presence of cystinein the neutral fractionis the formationof typicalcystinecrystalswhentheneutralfractionofuntreatedhair waspermitted to remainover a weekendat refrigeratortemperature. This crystallineprecipitatemust be cystinebecause it is the only aminoacidin thisfractionwhichexhibitssuchhighinsolubility. 462 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Serine Proline Valine Threonine Leucine Methionine 0.33 0.87 0.78 0.50 0.84 0.82 Phenylalamine Tyrosine Tryptophan--theoretical Cystine 0.86 0.59 0.76 0.13 The acidicfractioncontaineda ninhydrinspot at the solvent"frontal." This wasconsidered to be due to inorganicsalt impuritiescollectedduring the ion exchangeseparation. The spotwas not characteristicof a typical aminoacid and was,therefore,discounted. B--Hair TreatedThreeMinutes in ReducingSolution. Ninhydrin development of the chromatogramsof the three amino acid fractions of treated hair disclosedthat a marked changehad taken place: The acidic fraction was completelyvoid of amino acids. However, two new spots appearedin the neutral fraction, and it is possiblethat they are due to the presenceof somedegradationproduct of the native acidic amino acids. The basicfraction,however,was completelyaccountedfor. This finding was so unexpectedthat replicationof this seriesof experimentswas necessary to excludethe possibilityof experimentalerror. The resultsof the secondexperimentalserieswere identical with the first one and suggest that the acidicaminoacidswere alteredduringthe reducingtreatment. It is believedthat this changemay be a resultof deaminationby the reducingsolutionto produceoxaloaceticacidfrom the aspatticacid: --CO-•CH-- CH•--COO- -------• HOOC- CH2--CO--COOH I - -NH and a-keto glutaric acid from glutamic acid: ---CO•CH--CH•--CH•- CO()- -- .... HOOC--CH,,.---CH2- CO---COOH - NH C & D--Hair Reducedby Method"B" for Four and Light Minutes RespectivelyThen Oxidizedin 1.5% H202 at pH ¾.8. Both methodsof treatment (C & D) yielded identical chromatograms. The chromatogramsof the acidicfractionsfor both of thesetreatmentshad a newspotwhichwas not encounteredin untreated hair. For reasonsnot clearly understood, the spotsfor glutamicand aspatticacidsreappearedin the hydrolysates from reduced-and-oxidized hair. The basic fractions of both treatments revealedchromatograms which could accountfor all amino acids. The neutral fractionsof both treatmentscontainedtwo new spotswhich were not encounteredbefore. A spot at an Rf value of 0.10 appearsto match METHOD FOR SEPARATION OI; AMINO ACIDS IN HAIR 463 the positionof a known chromatogramof lanthionine. In addition, there appeareda very largespotor groupingof spotsat an Rf valueof 0.50. Sincethesenewspotsappearedonly asa resultof treatmentsC & D, it is assumedthat their presenceis the resultof somechangeswhichtook place during reductionand oxidation of the hair. These changesprobably occurred at the disulfide linkage since lanthionine was produced; other changesprobablyoccurredat the polar linkageas well sincethe new spots are some modification of the acidic areinc acids. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION In all treated hair swatches there seemed to be a distinct reduction of the total quantity of aspatticand glutamicacids. The appearanceof a new spotin the neutral fraction as a resultof a typical coldwave procedure (total immersionnotwithstanding)suggests formationof lanthionine. It is known that acid hydrolysisof proteinsdestroysonly tryptophan by polymerizingits residuewith a prostheticcarbohydrateto form humin. On the other hand, it is known that alkalinehydrolysisof proteinsdestroys cystine and hydroxy amino acids,convertsarginine to ornithine, causes lossof ammonia,and rapidly racemizesall the areinc acids. It is likely, therefore,that the changesin areinc acid compositionof hair keratin reported here take place not during hydrolysisbut during (alkaline) cold wave treatment. It is proposedthat, duringcoldwaving,the reducingsolutionnot only convertsdisulfidelinkagesto sulfhydrylgroups,but alsocausesa variety of reactionsdue to its high alkalinity. Thus, the conversionof cystine(to lanthionine)and deaminationof acidicareinc acids(glutamicand aspattic acids)and of basicareinc acids(arginine and lysine) might well account for the unusualfindingsreportedhere. Evidently thesereactionsare not quantitative, and considerablymore work will be required to elucidate completelythe chemistryof the interactionbetweenkeratin and cold wavingpreparations. (ReceivedFebruary 7, 1964) REFERENOES (1) R. Consden,A. H. Gordon,and A. J.P. Martin, Biochem. St.,38, 224 (1944). (2) J. W. Sease,et aL, dnaL Chem.,20, 431 (1948).