What does “selectively permeable” mean?

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4.3 – 4.4 Organelles Questions
Cell Membrane
1. The cell membrane has two other names. What are they?
2. What is the job of the cell membrane?
3. What does “selectively permeable” mean?
4. Why do we call the cell membrane a “fluid mosaic?”
5. List the four components found in the cell membrane.
6. What is the main component of the cell membrane?
7. What other lipid is found in the cell membrane? What is its function?
8. What functions do the carbohydrates found in the cell membrane serve?
9. Differentiate the locations and functions of the two types of proteins found in the cell membrane.
Cytoplasm and Cytosol
10. Describe the cytoplasm.
11. Describe the cytosol.
12. What is the job of the nucleus?
13. What are the four parts of the nucleus? What is the function of each part?
14. DNA can be found in the nucleus in two forms. What are the two forms? What is the difference
between them?
15. What are ribosomes?
16. What important reaction happens at the ribosomes?
17. There are two types of ribosomes. What are they? What is the difference between them?
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
18. Describe the ER.
19. What is the general function of the ER?
20. What is the difference between SER and RER?
Golgi Complex
21. Describe the structure of the Golgi.
22. What is the job of the Golgi?
23. What does “secrete” or “secreting” mean?
24. How are proteins exported from the cell?
25. The mitochondria are called the “powerhouses” of the cell. Why?
26. Describe the structure of a mitochondrion.
27. What are the inner folds called?
28. Why is this folded inner membrane important?
29. Why would some cells like muscle cells have lots of mitochondria while other cells like bone cells do
30. What are vesicles?
31. A lysosome is one type of vesicle. Why are lysosomes important?
32. What is the cytoskeleton?
33. Is the cytoskeleton surrounded by a membrane?
34. What is cytoplasmic streaming?
35. In addition to cytoplasmic streaming, what are the other functions of the cytoskeleton?
36. The cytoskeleton is comprised of three types of protein strands. What are they?
37. For each statement below, write the type of protein strand that the statement best describes.
a. thin strands
b. make up spindle fibers which move chromosomes around
c. strands of in-between thickness
d. thick strands
e. used in muscle cells for muscle contractions
f. involved in cytoplasmic streaming
Cilia and Flagella
38. What type of protein strand makes up both cilia and flagella?
39. What does “9+2 arrangement” refer to?
40. What anchors cilia and flagella to a cell?
41. What is the arrangement of the protein strands that make up the structure in #40?
42. What are the differences between cilia and flagella?
43. What is their function?
44. What makes up centrioles?
45. Where are they found?
46. What is their job?
Plant Cells
47. What are the three types of organelles found in plant cells but not animal cells?
Cell Wall
48. Where is the cell wall? What is its job?
49. What carbohydrate is found in the cell wall that provides the cell wall with strength and rigidity?
50. What are the two types of cell wall? What is the difference between them?
51. What is found in secondary cell walls that makes them very strong?
52. What is the middle lamella? What is it made of?
Central Vacuole
53. What is the job of the central vacuole?
54. Why are all of the other organelles and cytoplasm pushed toward the cell membrane in a plant cell?
There are three types of plastids. What are they?
Why are chloroplasts green?
Why are chloroplasts important?
What are the inner membranes inside of a chloroplast called?
Which plastid stores colored pigments and gives fruits, flowers, and fall leaves colors?
Which plastid is found in root cells and stores starch?