Course Catalog - Clear Creek High School







TELEPHONE (303) 679-4600

FAX NUMBER (303) 679-4690

Clear Creek High School and the Alternative Program do not discriminate against gender, race, religion, ethnicity, disability, economic disadvantage or limited English proficiency.


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Welcome to the course planning process for the 2014-15 academic year! Each of you have taken steps to develop your

Career and Academic Plan that focuses on your post-secondary goals. Course selection is important to prepare for the future and planning ahead now will open doors as you proceed along the way to YOUR future. This book will serve as a guide to provide information about graduation requirements, course recommendations for different programs, a collegebound or post-secondary plan of action, and of course, descriptions of courses.

The Colorado Council on Higher Education has recommended minimum requirements for students to enter college. We respect that you may not have made your post-secondary plans however we believe that ALL our students will be prepared for the minimum college entry requirements and therefore strongly encourage and plan to fulfill those requirements during your four years @ Clear Creek High School.

Selecting classes is an important decision; spend adequate time now to make the best possible choices to avoid pitfalls such as schedule changes, or even inadvertently omitting classes necessary to meet your goals after graduation. You should discuss your educational plan with your parents, teachers, and your counselor. This is the time to explore your options to ensure that you are appropriately placed in subjects that will meet graduation requirements as well as necessary requirements for your career path. Students need to take ownership and responsibility for their choices.

Requests for schedule changes will be considered when there are class conflicts, roster overload, or some other extenuating circumstances. Simply because you have changed your mind does not constitute a schedule change.

It is important that you make the most of your high school years by taking a challenging yet realistic schedule. As you progress each year, the number of required classes diminishes and the number of elective classes increases, so it is tempting for you, as upper-class students to desire “light loads”. Whether you choose college, the military, or the workforce, individuals such as admissions representatives, recruiters, and employers will look at your transcript to assess courses taken, grades, class rank, and particularly your motivation level. You need to challenge yourself – don’t take the

“easy” way out! In addition to academics, don’t forget to round out your high school experience with extracurricular activities and community service opportunities.

Taking the initiative at home is essential in education; parents and students can monitor accomplishments and progress toward graduation through use of the parent/student portal on Infinite Campus. In addition, there are several portfolio options online that students and parents can take advantage of:,, and

, to name a few.

Mrs. Smith

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Honors Diploma

Community Service

Writing Requirement

Foreign Exchange Students


Valedictorian/Salutatorian Criteria

Academic Letters




Career & Technical

College Preparatory






Visual Arts








Work Study


Warren Tech


Concurrent Enrollment






















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Current student’s transcripts will be reviewed based on previous requirements.

English ( an English course must be taken each year)

World Literature I

(Honors level available)

World Literature II

(Honors level available)

United States Literature

(Honors level available)

College Prep Literature & Compositio

(or approved electives) n

or AP Literature






Visual Arts OR Music OR Applied Arts OR Applied Technology


Sequence is based on student’s level and teacher recommendation



Physical Education/Health

Physical Education






Earth Science

(Honors level available)


(Honors level available)

Chemistry (


(Honors level available)








Social Studies

Human Geography

World History (AP also offered)

U.S. History (AP also offered)

Government (AP also offered)


Foreign Language

Community Service



Over the course of the four years of high school, students are required to volunteer for 40 hours.






TOTAL 26.0

Students must complete all requirements to walk with their class in the graduation ceremonies.


Students who wish to receive a diploma from Clear Creek High School must meet the following minimal standards:

 Student must be at least legal age to graduate.

 Students must complete at least 6 semesters (3 years) of high school (grades 9-12) in order to be considered for early graduation status.

 Students must meet all graduation credit standards of completion.

 Students must earn a minimum of 3.5 credits during their Senior/final year from CCHS or CCAP in order to qualify for a diploma. The final semester MUST be @ CCHS.

 Credit earned in middle school (grades 7-8) may be recognized on a transcript, but will NOT count toward high school graduation requirements unless specific requirements are met as established by Clear Creek High School administration.

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Students may earn an honors diploma according to the following requirements:


Students must have at least a 3.25 cumulative GPA


Students must take at least 1 Honors English class (full year, 2 semesters) in grades 9-11.


Students must take and pass with at least a 75% grade:

2 Advanced Placement courses (and take the corresponding AP test) and/or

2 (full year, 2 semesters) CU Gold classes for college credit or

Or 1 AP course/exam (1 full year, 2 semesters) and 1 (1 full year, 2 semesters) CU Gold class for college credit


Students must take 4 science courses


Students must take 2 fine or practical arts classes or a combination of the two types.


Students must take 4 math classes (4.0 credits) during grades 9-12 (not including Business Math or similar course) or 3 math classes during grades 9-12 if one is Calculus.


Transfer students must complete both semesters of their senior year at clear Creek High School and complete all of the above requirements.


A student athlete can earn a .25 credit for each JV/Varsity/Club sport season that is completed during the course of the regular school year.

Must fall with CHSSA regulated activities or otherwise school-approved club sport.

A maximum of 1.0 credit in PE can be earned.


Students must complete 40 hours of service before their 2 nd

semester of their senior year. With the approval of the high school principal or his/her designee, service may begin during the summer prior to a student’s freshman year. Students who enroll after the first semester of their freshmen year will have their requirement prorated. Students may earn .5 credit for each 75 hours of community service that they complete.


All students must pass the CCHS Writing Assessment with a composite score of at least 4.5 of 7. (This score equates to a

Proficient score on the current writing section of TCAP/CMAS.) All students must complete a writing-intensive project culminating in a formal presentation during the senior year according to guidelines established by Clear Creek High

School. Students must earn a passing grade on this project in order to graduate.


Clear Creek High School does not offer a graduation diploma for exchange students. Because students will only attend a year at CCHS and transfer classes and grades differ so greatly in translation from country to country, we will provide each student with a certificate verifying attendance, scheduled courses and appropriate at CCHS as well as a copy of his/her transcript to delineate the level of completion.


All courses are aligned with Colorado content standards or national standards.


Due to the nature of mathematics and the cumulative skill building, the mathematics department will administer a proficiency test at the end of the school year to students who have received less than a B for both semesters. Test results will determine whether the student may progress to the next level math course or will be required to repeat the current level. A student will receive elective credit for any repeated semester(s); the repeated course does NOT apply to the math requirements towards graduation.

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For a student to be eligible for Valedictorian or Salutatorian at Clear Creek High, the following criteria must be met:

Be in attendance at Clear Creek High School for their last (3) complete, consecutive semesters.

If there are two or more students qualified within three-one-thousandth of a grade point, they will share the honor.

Be enrolled in a certified high school program for four (4) years

Must have 19 credits at the end of Junior year to be classified as a Senior

Must have taken all high school graduation required classes at a certified high school (i.e., NO Red Rocks, correspondence, online or other outside source

Students who opt for “early grad” status their junior year, or a semester early during their senior year understand that eligibility for Valedictorian or Salutatorian is forfeited.

(This policy is not intended to exclude a student who takes advanced level courses outside of CCHS (AP, college level and/or online) to meet required courses (ex: AP World Geography, Calculus 3). Parent(s)/student shall meet with the school counselor and principal to have the course pre-approved and a notation will be made in the student’s cumulative file.)


A student is eligible for receiving an academic letter after completing two semesters at CCHS. (Transfer students must complete four semesters of high school with a minimum of two full semesters at CCHS before being eligible for an academic letter.)

Eligibility for academic letters will be determined by the following criteria:


Three blocks of academic classes each semester are required. The counselor will determine if a student has taken sufficient courses to become a recipient.


A letter will be given to any student who is on the honor roll first quarter, first semester and third quarter of the current year.


A letter and a lamp of knowledge will be given to any student who is on the principal’s honor roll first quarter, first semester and third quarter of the current year.


Letters will be awarded the first year and bars will be awarded for subsequent years. The lamp of knowledge will be awarded each year a student qualifies.


In case of dispute, an appeals committee consisting of the NHS sponsor, counselor and three NHS members will make the final recommendations to the principal.


Clear Creek High School is proud to offer Advanced Placement courses: AP Biology, AP Environmental Science, AP

Calculus AB & BC (offered based on teacher recommendation, student readiness), AP English Literature, AP Studio Art,

AP US History and AP World History. See each department’s course listings for descriptions, prerequisites, and fees.

Courses may vary from year to year.

The Advanced Placement Program has been in existence since 1955, enabling millions of students to take college-level courses and exams, and to earn college credit or placement while still in high school.

The AP Program offers more than 30 courses and exams.

More than 17,000 schools worldwide participate in the AP Program.

Each AP Exam, with the exception of AP Studio Art, consists of dozens of multiple-choice questions that are scored by machine, as well as free-response questions (essays, translations, problems, oral responses) that are scored at the annual AP Reading by approximately 10,000 college faculty and AP teachers using scoring standards and rubrics developed by college and university faculty who teach the corresponding college courses.

The composite score for each AP Exam is converted to a grade of 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1. An AP Exam grade of 5 is equivalent to an A in the corresponding college course; a grade of 4 is equivalent to grades of A-, B+ and B; and a grade of 3 is equivalent to grades of B-, C+ and C.

Students passing three (3) or more AP tests may be named an AP Scholar. Students can check with our counseling department about the policies of individual colleges that they are interested in attending.

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This curriculum is designed for the student who is not certain about future plans and commitments and wants a basic educational background with an opportunity to explore a great variety of electives, which might include courses for prevocational preparation. Following this plan can help students clarify their own thinking about interests, abilities, and needs. This curriculum will increase general awareness of the kinds of educational opportunities available and the relationships of school subjects to activities involved in a variety of potential occupations. As students explore the variety of electives possible, they will find it important to consult periodically with both the school counselor and their parents about their experiences and make changes in career plans.


Required Subject

Community Service –40 hours cumulative over 4 years

(1.0) Physical Education

9th 10th 11th

*******One credit taken at any time*******


(0.5) Health

(4.0) English

(1.0) Visual Arts OR Music

OR Applied Arts OR

Applied Technology

(3.0) Mathematics


World Lit I World Lit II US Literature College Prep Lit &


*******One credit taken at any time*******

(3.0) Science

(3.5) Social Studies

(8.0) Electives

(2.0) Foreign Language

As recommended by math teacher

Earth Science



French I

Spanish I

As recommended by math teacher




French II

Spanish II

As recommended by math teacher or

Math Elective


Work Study

(2 credits max.)



(2 credits max.)

French III

Spanish III

Math elective suggested

Chemistry/ electives

(as recommended by science teacher)

U.S. History American




Work Study

(2 credits max.)



(2 credits max.)

French IV

Spanish IV

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This curriculum is designed for the student who wants to prepare for (1) employment in certain specialized fields of work; (2) entry into apprenticeship programs for selected skilled trades; or (3) admission into institutions offering posthigh school vocational or technical training. This will also prepare the high school graduate for a course of study at a community college or a post-secondary program, which leads to an associate degree or two-year certification and to some four-year colleges or universities. Admission requirements for specific colleges vary and should be researched prior to enrollment in any sequential course of study.


Required 9 th



Community Service –40 hours cumulative over 4 years

11th 12 th

(1.0) Physical Education

(0.5) Health

(4.0) English


World Lit I

*******One credit taken at any time*******

World Lit II US Literature College Prep

English &


(1.0) Visual Arts OR Music

OR Applied Arts OR

Applied Technology

(3.0) Mathematics

(3.0) Science

(3.5) Social Studies

(2.0) Foreign Language

(8.0) Electives

***At least one credit taken at any time required; however, students should take several courses if considering a career in these fields***

As recommended by math teacher

Earth Science

As recommended by math teacher

As recommended by math teacher or Math Elective

Biology Chemistry

As recommended by math teacher or Math Elective



French I

Spanish I



French II

Spanish II

U.S. History

French III

Spanish III

Warren Tech.

(3 credits max.)


Work Study

(2 credits max.)



(2 credits max.)


Red Rocks

Community College

Advanced Learning



College Courses






French IV

Spanish IV

Warren Tech.

(3 credits max.)


Work Study

(2 credits max.)



(2 credits max.)


Red Rocks

Community College

Advanced Learning



College Courses

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This curriculum is designed for the student who is committed to further study at a college or university. It is important to keep in mind that this is only a recommended program. Admission requirements for college entrance and recommended background preparation will vary from college to college and is often dependent upon the choice of the college major and the department in which the student will work toward a degree. As soon as possible after the student identifies the college major, information should be obtained concerning entrance requirements and preparation recommended by the college or colleges to which admission might be sought. In general, many colleges have the following entrance requirements differing from or in addition to CCHS requirements:

* Math (at least 4 years of math-Algebra 1 and higher;

Engineering majors need AP Calculus)

* World Language (2 credits required; many colleges require 2-3 years; each semester earning a C or higher)

* Science (many colleges require 3 years; Engineering majors need Physics)


9th 10th 11 th

12 th

Required Subject

Community Service –40 hours cumulative over 4 years

(1.0) Physical Education

(0.5) Health

(4.0) English


World Lit I or

Honors World

Lit I

*******One credit taken at any time*******

World Lit II or

Honors World Lit II

US Literature or

Honors US


College Prep

English &

Literature or

AP Literature

*******One credit taken at any time******* (1.0) Visual Arts OR Music

OR Applied Arts OR

Applied Technology

(2.0) Foreign Language

(3.0) Mathematics

(3.0) Science

(3.5) Social Studies

(8.0) Electives

French I

Spanish I

French II

Spanish II

French III

Spanish III

French IV

Spanish IV

Pre/Algebra I,


Algebra II/


Earth Science/





Algebra II/Hon,

PreCalc or Statistics

Biology or Honors

World History/AP

Algebra II/Hon,

College Algebra,

Pre-Calculus or AP



U.S. History/AP


Statistics, AP




Foreign/World Language may require 3 years




Additional courses focusing on post-secondary areas of pursuit which may include college courses

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*Note: New students to the program should take the Beginning Woodworking course.

BEGINNING WOODWORKING: 1 semester, .5 credit

This course covers basic skills in machine and hand tool use. Students will learn the fundamentals of problem solving and wood joinery through building a traditional shaker table. Safety is always a top priority in the wood shop. All beginning woodworkers are required to complete a safety manual that will be kept on record for the student’s entire woodworking career at Clear Creek High School.

(No prerequisites) Required fee: see current fee schedule

Optional fee: depends on projects

INTERMEDIATE WOODWORKING: 1 semester, .5 credit

A natural extension to beginning woodworking, this course introduces more difficult joinery techniques and skills needed for constructing more complex compositions from wood (shop stool and musical instrument).

These projects require a moderate level of independent thinking, problem solving and follow through.

Prerequisite: Beginning Woodworking Required Fee: see current fee schedule Optional Fee: Depends on projects.

ADVANCED WOODWORKING: 1 semester, .5 credit

A natural extension to intermediate woodworking, this course requires considerable amounts of independent thinking and a high-level of problem solving capacity. Students will focus on furniture making, musical instrument making, artistic sculpture and artistic lathe turning.

Prerequisite: Intermediate Woodworking and Beginning Drafting Required Fee: see current fee schedule Optional

Fee: Depends on projects

VISUAL JOURNALING: 1 semester, .5 credit

This class is a process-focused, experimentally-driven, and theoretically-situated endeavor. It is meant to become a daily practice and tool for you this semester; and ideally beyond as well. Visual journal(s) should be used not only in connection with all aspects of this course, but also should be drawn upon in relationship with other courses, field study, and all other types of inquiry- both inside the school and out. Regardless of students’ age or present level of study, visual journaling is a vehicle used to deepen experience(s), while developing new understanding and skills. (Adapted from

Courtney D. Coyne-Jensen’s Visual Journaling course, DIS (Denmark International School, Copenhagen).

DRAFTING & DESIGN: 1 semester, .5 credit

This course covers the fundamentals of drafting. Students will learn how to use traditional mechanical/architectural drafting instruments and techniques as well as explore digital drafting and design methods (CADD). Students will draw a variety of three-dimensional objects such as mechanical devices, natural forms, furniture and house plans as well as construct three dimensional models.

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CCHS requires each student to earn four credits of English to graduate. The following courses meet the graduation requirements; students may earn one full credit per year:

World Literature I/Honors World Literature I

World Literature II/Honors World Literature II

US Literature/Honors US Literature

College Prep English & Composition/Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition

Note: At least half (.5) credit in English must be earned during the senior year.

World Literature I: 1 year/1 credit

This course is a literature-based course that includes weekly vocabulary work, as well as grammar and usage instruction as needed. We will read plays, poetry, short stories, and novels that explore the idea of the hero. This course will develop listening, writing, speaking, discussion, and study skills as we focus on critical understanding of texts and developing content and structure of written work. Students will practice writing analytical, expository, research-based, and creative pieces.

Enrollment fee: see current fee schedule

World Literature I-Honors: 1 year/1 credit

This is a course for advanced students. It is a literature-based course that includes weekly vocabulary work, as well as grammar and usage instruction as needed. We will read plays, poetry, short stories, and novels that explore the idea of the hero. This course will develop listening, writing, speaking, discussion, and study skills as we focus on critical understanding of texts and developing content and structure of written work. Students will practice writing analytical, expository, research-based, and creative pieces. We will move at a faster pace and consider texts at a more advanced level than the general English 9 course. Teacher recommendation required. Students must complete all required summer reading and assignments by the first day of class or will be reassigned to a regular level Literature course.

Required Fees: Students will provide their own copy of the summer reading text.

World Literature II: 1 year/1 credit

This course in world literature will explore the literature of Asia including India, China, Japan, Vietnam, and Afghanistan;

Europe including Greece, England, Italy, and France; Africa including South Africa and Rwanda; and North and South

America including the natives of the United States, Brazil, and the Caribbean. Students will be expected to complete a multi-genre project on a non-American influential person, write their own myths, create presentations, and write several analytical papers. This course includes a vocabulary component and instruction in grammar and usage as needed.

Prerequisite: Students must successfully complete World Literature

World Literature II-Honors: 1 year/1 credit

This advanced course in world literature will explore the literature of Asia including India, China, Japan, Vietnam, and

Afghanistan; Europe including Greece, England, Italy, and France; Africa including South Africa and Rwanda; and North and South America including the natives of the United States, Brazil, and the Caribbean. Students will be expected to complete a multi-genre project on a non-American influential person, write their own myths, create presentations, and write several analytical papers. This course includes a vocabulary component and instruction in grammar and usage as needed. We will move at a faster pace, reading additional texts, and consider them at a more advanced level than the general English 10 course. Teacher recommendation required. Students must complete all required summer reading and assignments by the first day of class or will be reassigned to a regular level Literature course.

Required Fees: Students will provide their own copy of the summer reading text.

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United States Literature: 1 year/1 credit

This course is a survey of literature from the United States that provides students with foundations in reading and writing necessary for the completion of a comprehensive standards-based high school curriculum with an emphasis on preparation for college applications and entrance exams. Students read a substantial selection of US literature including short stories, novels, drama, non-fiction and poetry. Writing instruction and evaluation are based on the Six-Trait model.

Students produce narrative, analytical, persuasive, research based and creative writings. This course includes a vocabulary component and instruction in grammar and usage as needed.

Prerequisite: Students must successfully complete World Literature II

United States Literature- Honors: 1 year/1 credit

This course is a survey of literature from the United States that provides students with a foundation in reading and writing skills necessary for completion of a comprehensive standards-based high school curriculum with an emphasis on preparation for advanced placement and collegiate level courses. Students approach a substantial selection of US literature including short stories, novels, drama, non-fiction and poetry with high focus on composition values and historical influence and perspective. Writing instruction and evaluation are based on the Six-Trait model as well as AP standards. Students produce narrative, analytical, persuasive, research based, rhetorical and creative writings. This course includes a vocabulary component and instruction in grammar and usage as needed . Teacher recommendation required. Students must complete all required summer reading and assignments by the first day of class or will be reassigned to a regular level Literature course.

Prerequisite: C or higher in previous Literature courses.

Required Fees : Up to $50 for summer reading books.

College Prep Literature & Composition: 1 year/1 credit

This course in British Literature will encompass literature from the medieval times of King Arthur's Court and Chaucer's

Canterbury Tales, through the Renaissance with Shakespeare, to the Gothic writers, Romantic writers, and Victorian writers. Students will practice writing skills for college and complete college essays in addition to a research project and a formal oral presentation. This course includes a vocabulary component and instruction in grammar and usage as needed.

AP English Literature & Composition: 1 year/1 credit

The purpose of this course is to equip students with the critical reading, mature thinking, cogent communication, and forceful writing skills they will need to succeed in college and throughout their lives. The course will be conducted as a seminar; students will read and discuss on a daily basis major plays, novels, poems, and short stories. Writing will be frequent, with a focus on forming judgments, synthesizing ideas, and controlling language. This course includes a vocabulary component and instruction in grammar and usage as needed. In the spring, students will prepare for the two

AP Exams in English Language and Literature though which college credit may be earned. Course grades use a 5.0weighted scale.

Teacher recommendation required. Students must complete all required summer reading and assignments by the first day of class or will be reassigned to a regular level Literature course.

Prerequisite: A or B in English 11.

Required Fees : Students will provide their own copies of summer reading texts (up to $50); AP exam fees (approximately

$180 for two exams).




Enrollment Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

1 year/1 credit

The Clear Creek High School Concert Band serves as the premiere instrumental music ensemble at Clear Creek High

School. The band strives to uphold the rich tradition and history of the Clear Creek HS band program through high quality and exciting performances. The course focuses on building group and individual music performance techniques

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to be displayed in public settings. Public performances, both as a group and as an individual may occur outside of the school day and are required to receive academic credit. The band performs frequently throughout the year in evening concerts, at school, school athletic events, inter-scholastic band festivals and contests. A regular program and plan for technical skill improvement by the individual is required and will be developed during the 1 st

month of the school year, and sustained throughout the academic year. Individual progress and improvement is expected and required as part of this course.

Enrollment fee: see current fee schedule

Instrument rental fee if needed

GUITAR I-II: 1 year/1 credit

Enrollment Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 (limited enrollment)

This course focuses on the study of basic musicianship and techniques of playing the guitar. Students will learn to read music notation and chord progressions. Public performances may occur during the enrollment period and are required to receive academic credit. Course is limited to 25 students and enrollment must occur within the first two weeks of the semester.

Enrollment fee: see current fee schedule

Additional Requirements: Standard acoustic guitar (steel strings) or classical guitar (nylon/steel strings). Due to limited amplifier capacity, electric guitars are not allowed for this class. Electric guitars are included as a unit of study in Guitar



Enrollment Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 (limited enrollment)

1 year/1 credit

Prerequisite: Completion of Guitar I-II (with a grade of ‘B’ or higher) or instructor approval.

This course focuses on the study of intermediate musicianship and intermediate techniques of playing the guitar.

Students will expand their knowledge of music notation, chord progressions, musical styles and guitar technique. Public performances may occur during the enrollment period and are required to receive academic credit. Course is limited to

25 students and enrollment must occur within the first two weeks of the semester.

Enrollment fee: see current fee schedule

Additional Requirements: Standard acoustic guitar (steel strings) or classical guitar (nylon/steel strings). Electric guitars and bass guitars are included as a unit of study in Intermediate Guitar and are provided in limited quantity by the school.


Prerequisite: Participation in Concert Band or Permission from Instructor

1 year/1 credit

The Clear Creek High School Jazz Band will explore genres including blues, jazz, Latin, and rock music though individual and group study. Students will participate in many performances over the course of the year, including contests and community events.

Study will focus on technique, style, history, and performance practices related to this unique genre of music.

Enrollment fee: see current fee schedule


Enrollment Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 1 year, 1 credit

This interdisciplinary course will examine the sociology, psychology, and philosophy of various popular musical forms from the late 19 th

century to the present.

Evaluation will be in the form of individual and group projects, research projects, listening exams, and written exams.

Students do not need an extensive musical background; however familiarity with basic musical terms such as melody, rhythm, and form is necessary.

Enrollment fee: see current fee schedule

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Description pending

1 year, 1 credit


Enrollment Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 1 year, 1 credit

This course is designed for students wanting to learn the percussion family of instruments. Focus is on the four main areas of percussion playing (snare, mallets, timpani and drum set). Students will learn to read music notation and basic techniques for the percussion instruments. Public performances may occur during the enrollment period and are required to receive academic credit.

Enrollment fee: see current fee schedule

Additional Requirements: School instruments are available for students use. Sticks and mallets are usually provided by the student.

BELLA VOCE (Women's Voice) :

Enrollment Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 1 year, 1 credit

This is a choir ensemble for female voices. Singers will perform a wide variety of repertoire written specifically for developing female voices. Musical concepts covered in this class include: proper vocal technique, beginning to intermediate music theory, ear training, and music history. There are several performances a year, including evening concerts at school as well as traveling performances. Participation and dedication to this group is essential – therefore it is a yearlong class. Students must keep their grade above a C-, and if this class is dropped at semester by choice, a grade of “WF” will be given for the first semester.

Prerequisite: Selection by music auditions. See vocal music instructor.

Required fee: see current fee schedule. Uniform purchase or rental is also required.

MEN'S CHOIR ( Men's Voice) :

Enrollment: 9, 10, 11, 12 1 year, 1 credit

This course focuses on helping male singers develop their choral skills. Students who have little or no singing experience are recommended for this class. Musical concepts covered include proper vocal production, music notation reading, ear training and basic music theory. A wide variety of musical literature and styles; primarily in two and three-part harmony are covered. Performances include four evening concerts throughout the year and are required to receive academic credit. Members also are required to perform as part of the Clear Creek Singers and extra rehearsals outside of class time may be required.

Prerequisite: None

Required fees: see current fee schedule; Uniform purchase or rental is also required.

MADRIGAL ENSEMBLE: 1 year, 1 credit

This is the premiere vocal group for the Clear Creek School District. This class will be very academic in focus and is geared towards preparing upperclassmen that plan to continue musical studies in college. Music of the Renaissance is the primary study of this group. Learning style elements and performance practices of the period will be required.

Musical concepts studies will include; proper vocal and choral technique, advanced music theory and ear training, and music history. As the pace and schedule for this group will be very rigorous, attendance and dedication are crucial. This group will perform several times a year including concerts, traveling performances, and putting on an authentic madrigal dinner. Members will also be required to

Attend a choir retreat over the summer. Students must keep their grade above a C-, and if this class is dropped at semester by choice, a grade of “WF” will be given for the first semester. This class will be limited to 12 members, and participation in another vocal group simultaneously is highly recommended.

Prerequisite: Invitation only based on audition and musical aptitude test.

Required fee:

see current fee schedule

; u

niform rental fee for Renaissance costume, Black concert dress will also be required.

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MUSIC THEORY 1 year, 1 credit

This course is designed for the student who desires a working knowledge of music theory. The course will emphasize music notation reading, scales, chords, harmony, 4-part chord analysis, music form and ear training. Students should have a basic knowledge of reading music notation. Some basic keyboard (piano) skills are helpful but not required.

Required fee:

see current fee schedule



TWO DIMENSIONAL DESIGN: 1 year, 1 credit

This course is an exploration of a variety of media and topics related to two-dimensional design, color theory, and printmaking projects. Students will be expected to keep a sketchbook of weekly drawings and ideas for projects. The end of the year will culminate with student produced portfolios.

Required Fee: see current fee schedule

Optional Fee: Depends on projects


This course explores pottery and sculpture. Many of the projects are functional pottery pieces, such as producing sets of mugs and bowls. Sculptural explorations of a variety of media including ceramics, wire, wood, found object sculptural projects, and mask making are also explored. Students are expected to keep a journal of drawings and ideas and the semester will culminate with student portfolios.

Required Fee: see current fee schedule

Optional Fee: Depends on projects


You must have access to a digital camera. This course is an introduction to photography and commercial art practices.

The class covers the technical operations of the digital camera and related software. During the semester students are expected to create a collection of images to be used in digital manipulations and two-dimensional artistic creations.

Students will also explore commercial art, such as branding and advertising to produce work for marketing products or services.

Required Fee: see current fee schedule

Optional Fee: Depends on projects

ART HISTORY (Da Vinci Code): 1 year, 1 credit

This course will be an exploration of the use of signs and symbols throughout art history. The art history will be covered through analysis of icons in art. We will cover a wide range of art periods in class, but the focus is defining visual clues to understand the artwork. We will answer questions such as: What does a flag at half-mast truly symbolize? How do symbols influence behavior? What is astrology and what does it mean for me? The class will unlock hidden meaning in everyday objects to create a deeper understanding of the world around us.

Required Fee: see current fee schedule

Optional Fee: Depends on projects

AP STUDIO ART 1 year, 1 credit

This class meets every day for one year. This college-level class is for seniors (or juniors with instructor permission) who wish to improve their drawing skills, develop a portfolio of work, and earn college credit while still in high school. Students must submit a portfolio of drawings to the A.P. Board in May for judging. The number of college credits earned is dependent on the score and the individual college. Students are expected to do extensive additional work outside class, keep a sketchbook and enter competitions. The portfolio consists of a breadth section of 12 pieces demonstrating a variety of techniques, media, and subjects; and a concentration section of 12 pieces demonstrating an in-depth exploration of one theme or idea. This course is strongly recommended for students who wish to major in art and/or apply for art scholarships.

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Students will be required to pass a final or a proficiency exam to be recommended for the next math class. State testing such as the TCAP, Terra Nova, NWEA and other state tests will be used to determine what math level the student will be placed in when they are new to Clear Creek High School. Advanced level classes may require proficient test scores including the TCAP/CMAS test.

PRE ALGEBRA: 1 year, 1 credit

This course focuses on number sense and operations with all types of numbers, including integers, rational numbers, and scientific representations. Students will master writing variable expressions and solving one & two-step equations, performing the distributive property, evaluating expressions & equations using the order of operations, and combining like terms. Students will find slope between two points and graph points on the coordinate plane. Other study topics include powers (± bases of 1 to 10 & exponents 1 to 3), graphical representations (line graph, bar graph, circle/pie chart, box & whisker plot, and stem & leaf plots), measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode, & range), percentages, interest, proportions, similarity, probability, the counting principle, perimeter/circumference, area, volume, surface area, single unit conversions.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of a basic math course (earning a 75% or higher on the final exam AND an overall class grade of C or higher).

ALGEBRA IA (Foundations): 1 year, 1 credit

This course focuses on number sense and operations with all types of numbers, including integers, rational numbers, and scientific representations. Students will master writing variable expressions and solving one & two-step equations, performing the distributive property, evaluating expressions & equations using the order of operations, and combining like terms. Students will find slope between two points and graph points on the coordinate plane. Other study topics include powers (± bases of 1 to 10 & exponents 1 to 3), graphical representations (line graph, bar graph, circle/pie chart, box & whisker plot, and stem & leaf plots), measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode, & range), percentages, interest, proportions, similarity, probability, the counting principle, perimeter/circumference, area, volume, surface area, single unit conversions.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of a basic math course ( earning a 75% or higher on the final exam AND an overall class grade of C or higher).

ALGEBRA IB : 1 year, 1 credit

This course focuses on number sense and operations with all types of numbers, including integers, rational numbers, and scientific representations. Students will master writing variable expressions and solving one & two-step equations, performing the distributive property, evaluating expressions & equations using the order of operations, and combining like terms. Students will find slope between two points and graph points on the coordinate plane. Other study topics include powers (± bases of 1 to 10 & exponents 1 to 3), graphical representations (line graph, bar graph, circle/pie chart, box & whisker plot, and stem & leaf plots), measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode, & range), percentages, interest, proportions, similarity, probability, the counting principle, perimeter/circumference, area, volume, surface area, single unit conversions.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of a basic math course ( earning a 75% or higher on the final exam AND an overall class grade of C or higher).

ALGEBRA I : 1 year, 1 credit

This course focuses on number sense and operations with all types of numbers, including integers, rational numbers, and scientific representations. Students will master writing variable expressions and solving one & two-step equations, performing the distributive property, evaluating expressions & equations using the order of operations, and combining like terms. Students will find slope between two points and graph points on the coordinate plane. Other study topics include powers (± bases of 1 to 10 & exponents 1 to 3), graphical representations (line graph, bar graph, circle/pie chart, box & whisker plot, and stem & leaf plots), measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode, & range), percentages,

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interest, proportions, similarity, probability, the counting principle, perimeter/circumference, area, volume, surface area, single unit conversions.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of a basic math course ( earning a 75% or higher on the final exam AND an overall class grade of C or higher).

GEOMETRY: 1 year, 1 credit

This course introduces the methods of proof by applying those methods to Geometric concepts. The methods of proof include two column, flow chart, paragraph, and coordinate proofs. The Geometric concepts to be covered will include perpendicular and parallel lines, types of angles and their relationships created when parallel lines are cut by a transversal. The concepts of Theorems and Postulates will be learned in order to explore congruent triangles, similar triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons. The application of these formulas will be emphasized: midpoint, slope, and distance (Pythagorean Theorem) so that Geometric relationships and be both discovered and explained. An introduction to Special Right Triangles and basic Trigonometric Ratios is included in the course with an emphasis on ratios, scale factors, and proportions. In addition students will be exposed to tangents, chords, arcs, central angles, inscribed angles, transformations, as well as area and volume of geometric figures.

Prerequisites: Proficiency of algebra 1 concepts (earning a 75% or higher on the final exam AND an overall class grade of

C or higher)

HONORS GEOMETRY: 1 year, 1 credit

This course focuses on number sense and operations with all types of numbers, including integers, rational numbers, and scientific representations. Students will master writing variable expressions and solving one & two-step equations, performing the distributive property, evaluating expressions & equations using the order of operations, and combining like terms. Students will find slope between two points and graph points on the coordinate plane. Other study topics include powers (± bases of 1 to 10 & exponents 1 to 3), graphical representations (line graph, bar graph, circle/pie chart, box & whisker plot, and stem & leaf plots), measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode, & range), percentages, interest, proportions, similarity, probability, the counting principle, perimeter/circumference, area, volume, surface area, single unit conversions.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of a basic math course ( earning a 75% or higher on the final exam AND an overall class grade of C or higher).

ALGEBRA II: 1 year, 1 credit

This course is an extension of the Algebra 1 curriculum. Topics that were first introduced in Algebra 1 will be built upon and applied to problems that require higher order thinking skills. The covered topics include application of functions, equations and inequalities, logarithmic and exponential relationships, quadratic and polynomial equations. Other topics include conics (parabolas, circles, ellipses), radical functions, and rational function.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Algebra 1 (earning a 75% or higher on the final exam AND an overall class grade of C or higher)

HONORS ALGEBRA II: 1 year, 1 credit

This course is an extension of the Algebra 1 curriculum. Topics that were first introduced in Algebra 1 will be built upon and applied to problems that require higher order thinking skills. The covered topics include application of functions, equations and inequalities, logarithmic and exponential relationships, quadratic and polynomial equations, conics

(parabolas, circles, ellipses, & hyperbolas) and radical functions and rational exponents. Honors Algebra 2 will be taught at a faster pace and will cover more topics with a deeper understanding of the concepts. Along with more concepts, students will be asked to apply concepts to higher order thinking skills to solve problems. (All Honors Algebra 2 students will need to maintain a C average throughout each quarter, or will be moved to a different Algebra class to help them be more successful in the course.)

Prerequisites: Exceptional completion of Algebra 1 (earning an 88% or higher on the final exam AND an overall class grade of B or higher)

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COLLEGE ALGEBRA: 1 year, 1 credit

This course is an extension of the Algebra II curriculum. Topics that were first introduced in the first two years of Algebra will be built upon, reinforced, and applied to problems that require higher order thinking skills. Fundamental skills of mathematics will be applied to such topics as operations with rational and irrational functions, linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, solving polynomial and rational functions, solving systems of linear equations, conic sections, and manipulating and solving exponential and logarithmic functions.

Prerequisites: Completion of Algebra 2 and teacher recommendation. This class is designed to build on the fundamental skills taught in the Algebra classes and is used as a preparation for students to enter a college level math course .

PRE-CALCULUS: 1 year, 1 credit

This course focuses on functional analysis including an in-depth algebraic, graphical, and numerical study of: absolute value, polynomials, radical functions, rational functions, exponential functions, logarithmic functions, trigonometric, and parametric functions. A complete study of conics will be conducted including: circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas. Functional analysis will also include transformations, operations of functions, compositions, inverse functions, and limits as they approach constants as well as infinity. There will be an extension into manipulation of expressions and identities including: trigonometric identities, exponential and logarithmic properties/expressions.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Algebra II (earning a 75% or higher on the final exam AND an overall class grade of C or higher)

ANALYTIC GEOMETRY 1 year, 1 credit

Analytic Geometry is a special topics course designed to prepare students who are committed to take AP Calculus AB or

AP Calculus BC the following year. The course present topics and concepts following the College Board recommendation of the four perspectives of mathematics: numerical, analytical, geometric, and verbal. The relationships covered in this course include: polynomials, radical functions, rational functions, logarithmic functions, exponential functions, trigonometric functions, hyperbolic relations, parabolic relations, circles, ellipses, parametric, polar, and vector defined functions. Students enrolled in this course are expected to take an AP Calculus exam the following year.

Pre-Requisites: Students must have passed Pre-Calculus, and received a 75% or higher on the Pre-Calculus final.

AP CALCULUS AB: 1 year, 1 credit

This course curriculum is designed by College Board to align with the expectations of colleges and universities around the world. The syllabus is approved by College Board and given the official Copyright of AP. The curriculum presents students with three perspectives on all concepts: analytical, graphical, and numerical representations. The concepts taught are: functions, limits, derivatives, applications of derivatives, integrals, and applications of integrals. Each concept has numerous skills and micro concepts that build throughout the year. For a complete list, please refer to the AP

Calculus AB course description at AP Central.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Pre-Calculus

Course Fees: Textbook fee, AP Exam fee

AP CALCULUS BC: 1 year, 1 credit

This course curriculum is designed by College Board to align with the expectations of colleges and universities around the world. The syllabus is approved by College Board and given the official Copyright of AP. The curriculum presents students with three perspectives on all concepts: analytical, graphical, and numerical representations. The concepts taught are: functions, limits, derivatives, applications of derivatives, integrals, and applications of integrals, improper integrals, vector defined functions, parametric defined functions, sequences, and series. Each concept has numerous skills and micro concepts that build throughout the year. For a complete list, please refer to the AP Calculus AB course description at AP Central.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of AP Calculus AB or an average of a 90% or higher in Pre-calculus and a 90% or higher on the final exam.

Course Fees: Textbook fee and AP Exam fee

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This course provides an in-depth study in univariate analysis, bivariate analysis, samples, surveys, experiments, probabilities, conditional probabilities, independent events, probability distributions, binomial and geometric probabilities, normal approximations to probabilities, t-tests, chi-square tests, and confidence intervals.

Prerequisites: Completion of Algebra II with a 75% or higher. Teacher recommendation required.


This is a secondary math course that supports the primary math course in which the student is currently enrolled. It serves to identify gaps in math learning and fill those gaps. An additional benefit of the class is a smaller student to teacher ratio to accommodate student needs.

Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation and/or struggling performance in a previous math class


FALL PE/SPRING PE: 1 semester, .5 credit


Volleyball, Tag/Flag Football, Ultimate Football, Softball, Wiffle Ball, Weight Lifting, Aerobics, Conditioning, Basketball,

Soccer, Track & Field, Badminton, Pickle Ball, Other Ball games, Strength Training, Rope Jumping, Cross Country, Indoor soccer, Jogging, Ultimate Frisbee, Floor Hockey, Lacrosse and Flexibility Exercises. There may also be opportunities to

Ski, Swim and Bicycle. Students will participate in most but not all activities during a Semester. The activities may change due to facilities and weather conditions.




Weight Training, Body Weight Training, Circuit Training, Olympic Lifting, Cross Fit Training, Cardio Vascular Training,

Anaerobic Training, Aerobic Training , Flexibility Training, Plyometrics, and any other sports specific training that can be done in the weight room or gym.

HEALTH: 1 semester, .5 credit

The Health Education Course Outline includes the following topics: Wellness, Managing Stress, Healthy Emotions,

Relationships, Reproduction, Sexual education, Nutrition, Dietary Needs, Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs, Death and coping with it, Nervous System, Skeletal System, Circulatory System, Respiratory System, Life Long Activities, Infectious Diseases and



EARTH SCIENCE: 1 year, 1 credit

Students will study the principles, forces and systems that shape our Earth and our lives. The course will be broken down into four quarters with each nine weeks focusing on a different scientific discipline. Different themes in each science and fundamentals of physics and chemistry will be studied in their 9 th

grade year. This course may be required for graduation.

Required fee: see current fee schedule

Optional fee: depends on field trip

HONORS EARTH SCIENCE: 1 year, 1 credit

Students will study the principles, forces and systems that shape our Earth and our lives. The course will be broken down into four quarters with each nine weeks focusing on a different scientific discipline. Different themes in earth science and fundamentals of physics and chemistry will be studied at an accelerated pace enabling us to cover more topics in the 9th grade year. This course may be required for graduation.

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Required fee: $5 lab fee

Optional fee: depends on field trip

This course receives a weighted grade of 4.5 with a C or higher each semester.

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation

ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) BIOLOGY (offered 2015-16): 1 year, 1 credit

This is a College level biology course is intended for students who wish to receive college credit at the high school level. The course is inquiry-based and encompasses four Big ideas: 1) The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life. 2) Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis. 3) Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes. 4) Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.

In this course students are expected to perform independent reading, independent projects and extensive independent lab work. Students are expected to complete some assignments over the summer. Students prepare for and are required to take the Advanced Placement Exam in May. In addition, 5 College Credit hours may be available.

This course uses a 5.0-weighted scale.

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation; College Prep Biology, Chemistry (recommended; not required).

Required fee: purchase own textbook as assigned by instructor (approx. $145), AP exam; plus see current fee schedule .

Optional fee: lab coat, field trips

HUMAN ANATOMY: (offered 2015-16) 1 year, 1 credit

This course is recommended for students planning to go into: medicine, veterinary medicine, sports medicine, dental, nursing and health-related occupations. This course would benefit those interested in anatomical illustration.

This course focuses on the study of various human body systems including: muscular, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, nervous, skeletal, integumentary, excretory, and reproductive. Microscopic observations and dissection are integral parts of the course. The dissection of organs/tissues is a requirement in this class. There is an optional human cadaver field trip in the spring but there must be a minimum of 15 eligible students to attend.

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation; AP Biology (not required for 2013 Seniors), Chemistry (recommended not required)

Required fee: see current fee schedule Optional fee: field trips (approx. $40)

HONORS BIOLOGY: 1 year, 1 credit

This course is an accelerated biology course intended to prepare students for state tests and AP Biology. It is recommended for students that have an interest in biological fields such as conservation, environmental studies, or any health-related field. This course focuses on the natural sciences and includes the following topics: Cell biology, individuals, populations, communities, diversity, microbiology, plants, animals, cells, reproduction, heredity, and evolution. Dissection of plants and animals is required in this class . There is an optional spring field trip. This course uses a 4.5-weighted scale.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Honors Science 9 or teacher recommendation.

Required fee: see current fee schedule Optional fee: field trips

BIOLOGY: 1 year, 1 credit

This course is designed to give the student an overview of biological concepts. Students will study genetics, ecology, cell structure and function, and evolution. This class

meets the science requirement necessary for admission to most colleges and universities.

Prerequisites: successful completion of Earth Science.

Required fee: see current fee schedule Optional fee: depends on field trip

COLLEGE PREP CHEMISTRY: 1 year, 1 credit

This course focuses on basic concepts including: periodic tendencies, acids and bases, gas law equations, chemical reactions, solutions, equilibrium and atomic theory. This course is designed as a college-preparatory class and is

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recommended for students going into any scientific field, including veterinary medicine, nursing, engineering, or geology. This course also meets the lab science requirements necessary for admission to most colleges and universities.

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation, Algebra I and successful completion of Earth Science. Required fee:

$5.00 Lab fee Optional fee: field trip


This course is accelerated College Prep Chemistry on concepts including: periodic tendencies, acids and bases, gas law equations, chemical reactions, solutions, equilibrium and atomic theory. This course is designed as a college-preparatory class and is recommended for students going into any scientific field, including veterinary medicine, nursing, engineering, or geology. This course also meets the lab science requirements necessary for admission to most colleges and universities.

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation, Algebra I and successful completion of Earth Science Required fee: $5.00

Lab fee Optional fee: field trip

PHYSICS (offered 2014-15): 1 year, 1 credit

This course focuses on the principles and laws governing behavior of the world around us. This course seeks to develop an understanding of the basic principles of observation and experimentation. This course is designed as a collegepreparatory class and is recommended for students going in to any scientific field; a must for engineers. This course also meets the lab science requirements necessary for admission to most colleges and universities.

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation, Algebra II required or may be taken concurrently and successful completion of

Science 9. Required fee: $5.00 Lab Fee Optional fee: field trips

AP ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (offered 2014-15) 1 year, 1 credit

The Advanced Placement Environmental Science course is intended to be provide students with scientific principles, concepts and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems of both natural and man-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them.

This course will cover the following themes: 1) Science as a process. 2) Energy conversions underlie all ecological processes. 3) The Earth itself is one interconnected system. 4) Humans alter natural systems. 5) Environmental problems have a cultural and social context. 6) Human survival depends on developing practices that will achieve sustainable systems.

In this course students are expected to perform independent reading, independent projects and extensive independent lab work. Students are expected to complete some assignments over the summer. Students prepare for and are required to take the Advanced Placement Exam in May.

This course uses a 5.0-weighted scale.

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation; Biology, Chemistry (concurrent enrollment preferred, must have teacher permission to take instead of Chemistry).

Required fee: purchase own textbook as assigned by instructor (approx. $120), AP exam; plus see current fee schedule .

STEM/BIOTECH (offered 2014-15) 1 year, 1 credit

STEM (Science, technology, engineering, & math): This course aims to cover aspects of science, technology, engineering, and math using an interdisciplinary and applied approach. This class will have a significant project component based on small group collaboration. Other aspects of STEM will be covered by drawing upon examples of technology and its development in applications secret codes and ciphers, and measurement of time.

Biotechnology: This course will cover techniques commonly used in the field of biotechnology. Beginning with an overview of DNA biology, the class will move through a series of labs from DNA extraction, through amplification of specific genes (PCR), gene cloning, to gene sequencing and alignment.

This course uses a 4.0-weighted scale.

Prerequisite: “C” or higher in Earth Science and Biology, and either a “C” in Chemistry or concurrent enrollment.

Required fee: see current fee schedule

Optional fee: field trips

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HUMAN GEOGRAPHY: 1 semester, .5 credit

Human geography integrates the components of society such as population growth, distribution and demographics, culture (language and religion), urban contexts, political organization of the world, and global economics and development. These elements are interpreted spatially and related to the environment in which these societies operate. Case studies will be researched, analyzed and evaluated using technology.

WORLD HISTORY: 1 year, 1 credit

This course surveys world history from the emergence of civilizations to the modern day. Students will study political, social, economic, and cultural forces in both Western and non-Western civilizations. Assessment methods include essays, projects and exams. Reading and writing are emphasized.


This course focuses on world history from 8000 BCE to the present . Students will analyze interactions among major societies, change and continuity across the world, the impact of technology and demography, social and gender structures, cultural and intellectual developments, and changes in states. Students in this course are expected to complete a summer assignment. Students prepare for the Advanced Placement Exam in May.

This Honors course is graded on a 4.5 weighted scale .

This Advanced Placement (AP) course is graded on a 5.0 weighted scale.

Required fee: Textbook (varies): AP Exam $89, Optional fee: AP exam

U.S. HISTORY: 1 year, 1 credit

The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with a comprehensive study of the United States. It is designed to help students develop a historical background of the development of the United States as a whole and our relationship to the rest of the world. Instruction will include assigned readings, lectures, audio-visual material as well as primary and secondary sources. Assessment methods include essays, projects and exams. Reading and writing are emphasized.


This course is for students who have an ambitious interest and ability in history. Studies discuss and analyze major themes in U.S. History. Considerable independent student reading and work with original documents are featured.

Students in this course are expected to complete a summer assignment. Students prepare for the Advanced

Placement Exam in May. This course uses a 5.0-weighted scale. This course and instructor has been approved under the CU-Success guidelines offering college credit (up to 6 college credits through CU-Denver). Ask instructor for more details.

Required fee: Textbook (varies): AP Exam $89 , approximately Optional fee: AP exam

ECONOMICS: 1 semester, .5 credit

This course will give students a greater understanding of economics ranging from the viewpoint of the individual consumer or small business owner to the global economy. The course will study the law of supply and demand, forms of business, labor unions, government finances and influence on the economy, and money and prices. The course relates history and politics to the study of economics.

ADVANCED ECONOMICS: 1 semester, .5 credit

This course will give students a thorough understanding of the principles of economics that apply to the functions of individual decision makers, both consumers and producers, within the economic system . It places primary emphasis on the nature and functions of product markets and includes

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the study of factor markets and of the role of government in promoting greater efficiency and equity in the economy. Students will cover the following topics: basic economic concepts; nature and function of product markets, personal responsibility in America’s economic system, and market failure and the role of government .

AMERICAN GOVERNMENT: 1 semester, .5 credit

This course is a comprehensive study and investigation of the historical background of our government structure,

Constitution, and rights contained in the Bill of Rights. Students address the historical development of our rights, current constitutional interpretation of these rights, and the manner in which contemporary situations might be interpreted and/or resolved. Students also examine the various manners in which they can practice good citizenship as a culminating activity.



This course will give students an analytical perspective on government and politics in the United States . It includes both the study of general concepts used to interpret U .S . government and politics and the analysis of specific examples . It also requires familiarity with the various institutions, groups, beliefs, and ideas that constitute U .S . government and politics. Students will become acquainted with the variety of theoretical perspectives and explanations for various behaviors and outcomes . Topics covered will include:

Constitutional underpinnings of united States Government; Political Beliefs and Behaviors; Political Parties,

Interest Groups, and Mass Media; Institutions of national Government; Public Policy; Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.

Students in this course are expected to complete a summer assignment. Students prepare for the Advanced

Placement Exam in May.

This Advanced Placement (AP) course is graded on a 5.0 weighted scale.

Required fee: Textbook (varies): AP Exam $89, approximately Optional fee: AP exam

PHILOSOPHY: 1 semester, .5 credit

“Man cannot live without philosophy. This is not a figure of speech, but a literal fact...” (Jacob Needleman).

If this sounds interesting to you then you might consider taking this class as we explore big questions like: Who are we?

And why are we here? Philosophy is literally the love of wisdom—taking this definition to heart we will examine this subject from many different angles. So be prepared to stretch your mind and think. Naturally, this will require that you read and write and be willing to speak and listen. Homework is designed to trigger/reinforce thoughts and ideas discussed in class during the day in order to carry them on into the next lesson. It will be short (5-10 minutes) provided you have completed the work assigned in class.

SOCIOLOGY: 1 semester, .5 credit

Sociology introduces students to the study of human behavior in society. This course will provide an overview focused on how humans interact with each other in the context of cultural upheaval and change. We will study relationships among individuals and groups and how they relate to each other in institutions close to home and far away.

PSYCHOLOGY: 1 semester, .5 elective credit

This course focuses on the basic principles and processes of the inner working of the human mind. Students will be expected to develop the critical thinking skills necessary study the historical roots of psychology. And apply these same critical thinking skills to reading and analyzing some of the most current scientific research on this subject.

Ultimately, our goal is to gain a well-rounded yet serious appreciation for the complexity and mystery of the human psyche.

GLOBAL ISSUES 1 year, 1 elective credit

At the core of all contemporary international and global studies are two concepts, change and interdependence.

The metaphor of a spider's web applies remarkably well to today's global problems and challenges. Touch that web

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anywhere, even lightly, and it vibrates everywhere. Similarly, if one "touches" any global problem, one instantly realizes its connectedness or interdependence with another. This is an in-depth study of the real problems and challenges facing the human race. Ten topics will be explored, including: Conflict and Security, Economic Systems,

Global Belief Systems, Human Rights and Social Justice, Planet Management, Political Systems, Population, Race and Ethnicity, The Technocratic Revolution, and Conspiracy Theories.

SURVEY OF FILM I 1 semester, .5 elective credit

The course introduces an examination of film history, terminology, technique, and criticism with an emphasis on genre studies. Students will be exposed to early cinematic films beginning with early films through modern cinema. Students will learn about cinematic innovators and how technology advances pictures in areas ranging from film editing to directing. Students will learn to view, discuss and analyze film as art, communication, and visual literature. Reading, writing and a series of projects will enhance discussion and understanding. Parental permission for some films may be required.

SURVEY OF FILM II 1 semester, .5 elective credit

The course continues to build on Survey of Film I. Students will conclude their studies of film genre and advances in the film industry. Special emphasis will focus on group projects that may include: commercials, short films and advertising campaigns to promote their films. Reading, writing and a series of projects will enhance discussion and understanding. Parental permission for some films may be required.


In each class the World Languages Department strives to achieve the following:

*Provide students with the instruction and learning opportunities necessary to become competent in all linguistic skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking;

*Integrate cultural knowledge and foster appreciation of cultural diversity;

*Encourage intellectual curiosity and personal growth;

*Help students explore opportunities, both present and future, for using their second language abilities in our global society;

FRENCH I: 1 year, 1 credit

In French I, students will develop written and oral skills necessary to discuss and ask questions about very familiar topics such as families, school, meals, weather, clothing and hobbies. Key grammatical competencies include present and future tenses, articles, and adjectives. Students will develop these communication skills while engaging in whole class and individual studies of French and Francophone areas and cultures. Teaching methods include daily written and conversation partner work, speaking, listening, and writing activities with instructional technologies such as Voice

Thread and Wikispaces.

FRENCH II: 1 year, 1 credit

In French II, students will broaden their written and oral skills as they study more complex grammar. Key grammatical concepts include present, future, and past tenses, irregular verbs, and direct and indirect object pronouns. These skills will enable students to communicate about food, health, personal and family histories, and media. Students will develop these communication skills along side whole class and individual studies of French and Francophone cultures.

Teaching methods include daily written and conversation partner work, speaking, listening, and writing activities with instructional technologies such as Voice Thread and Wikispaces.

Prerequisite : Successful completion of French I or 8th Grade French

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FRENCH III: 1 year, 1 credit

In French III, students will continue to develop listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills. Key grammatical concepts of the conditional, the subjunctive, and the comparative will enable students to communicate orally and in writing about more complex topics. Apart from expanding student knowledge of French and Francophone cultures, students will work to sustain longer conversations, interact with authentic literary and non-literary texts, and write compositions on a variety of topics. The major themes studied in French III are the environment, health, television and other media, and cultural conceptions of friendship and gender roles.

Prerequisite : Successful completion of French II

FRENCH IV 1 year, 1 credit

In French IV, students will further develop listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills. Students will work with advanced grammar and practice more sophisticated communication patterns. A variety of textbooks, authentic literary and non-literary texts, and online resources will be used in class. Major themes studied in French IV are French history, literature, public health, education policy, diverse societal issues and various aspects of Francophone culture. Students will engage in online journaling and discussions to increase proficiency in writing and speaking.

Prerequisite : Successful completion of French III

SPANISH I: 1 year, 1 credit

This course is designed as an introduction to the language, culture, and people, with an emphasis on oral communication skills. Students talk about their preferences, needs, and interests simply in present and future time.

They introduce themselves; handle basic social situations and routine travel needs, use the phone, and talk, read and write about a variety of topics such as sports, occupations, family members, and clothing.

Required fee: No fee but students need to purchase a Spanish/English, English/Spanish dictionary. Optional fee: depends on field trips

SPANISH II: 1 year, 1 credit

This course continues to emphasize oral skills. Students become more proficient in speaking, reading, and writing in the present and past. Communication focuses on themselves and others; learning to ask for and exchange information; expressing emotions; describing and stating opinions about a variety of topics such as vacations, school, social situations, spending money, jobs, planning parties, and careers, and pastimes. Prerequisite: Spanish I

Required fee: No fee but students need to purchase a Spanish/English, English/Spanish dictionary. Optional fee: depends on field trips

SPANISH III: 1 year, 1 credit

This course covers conversation, survival skills, reading for fun, literature, famous people, cultural geography, history, and regional foods. Study of grammar and multiple tenses will continue. Prerequisite: Spanish II

Required fee: No fee but students need to purchase a Spanish/English, English/Spanish dictionary. Optional fee: depends on field trips:

SPANISH IV: 1year, 1 credit

This course will allow students to apply the skills they acquired over the past three years. We will continue to study the

Spanish language using grammar, through Literature and film, as well as more traditional methods. Second semester we will focus on preparing students for the AP Language exam. Prerequisite: Spanish III Required fee: No fee but students need to purchase a Spanish/English, English/Spanish dictionary.


LIFE AFTER HIGH SCHOOL (Single Living): 1 year, 1 credit

This course will cover some of the important subjects that all young adults will need to be familiar with in order to succeed in life after high school. Students will learn how to prepare a budget, balance a checkbook, obtain credit and protect their credit rating, purchase major items such as cars and home, file income taxes, career planning, resume

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writing, interviewing skills, and basic home economics. This course will have outside guest speakers and projects that will help prepare the students to function in the adult world.

AMERICAN STUDIES: 1 year, 1 credit

This American Studies course focuses on cultural life in the past and present, always with the aim of helping us better understand our experiences and our society now and in the future. We study how Americans have thought about and experienced such matters as gender, ethnic, racial, and regional identities, humor, religion, crime and violence, childhood, family, the built environment, community, mental health and sickness, cultural ideals, and cultural criticism.

Thus you will encounter a wide range of cultural sources for study. You may read from one or more novels or autobiographies, examine movies and television, as cultural documents, consider the visual arts and music, or view examples of the built environment.


This course focuses on learning about man and oneself through a combination of philosophy, film, religion, literature, research, and the outdoors. Students rock climb and rappel, climb a peak, bicycle over one of our mountain passes, snowshoe, investigate downtown Denver, overnight camp, and learn about fly fishing, orienteering, outdoor safety and survival. In class, students look at nature, cultures of man, and interaction between man and the wilderness, in order to develop their own philosophies for living. Students will learn the basic skills of fly-fishing, the basics of fly-tying and the basics of wading safety. Students will show proficiency at tying basic knots, setting up a fly rod and reel, and tying basic fly patterns. In addition, Students will learn the essentials of a healthy aquatic habitat and receive hands on experience with entomology, and water quality.

Prerequisite: Students are responsible for supplying their own waders (boots are not required), and license, (a fly rod and some flies will be provided) bicycle, and vibram-sole hiking boots. Good academic standing (in order not to jeopardize grades when missing classes for field trips), and moderate physical abilities are necessary.

Required fee: $10 for fly tying materials. All students will need to purchase a Colorado fishing license before fishing.

Students pay for the cost of each field trip, around $120 for the year, plus any equipment or food needed. Equipment can be borrowed in most cases.




High School Teacher Assistant

Media Center Assistant

Counseling Office Assistant

High School Office Assistant

1 semester, .25 credit

1 semester, .25 credit

1 semester, .25 credit

1 semester, .50 credit

Bookkeeper Assistant

Technology Assistant

1 semester, .50 credit

1 semester, .25 credit

Students assist staff in a variety of ways: filing, errands, typing, grading papers, organizing, special projects, shelving books, monitoring locker rooms, etc. These are PASS/FAIL courses and do not enter into the student’s grade point averages. Students are responsible for arranging assistant positions with appropriate staff.

PEER TUTOR/ PEER MENTOR: 75 hours, .5 credit

Students enrolled in a study hall and who wish to earn elective credit may tutor or mentor another student during this time. Check with the counseling office for further information and to set up records to receive credit.

Tutoring/mentoring cannot receive dual service credit for club participation and elective credit.


The I.E.P. provides special educational services to all students who qualify. Services may include: IEP Academic Services

– special education teachers provided for instruction in content areas as specified by the IEP. IEP Study Skills – student develop 1) self-advocacy skills, 2) knowledge of their learning styles, 3) organizational and time management skills, and

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4) career awareness. IEP Life Skills Services – special education teachers provided for assistance to students based on their individual, vocational, interpersonal, or personal needs as specified by the IEP.


WORK STUDY: 75 hours = .5 credit, 2* credits max per year

Students can earn high school credit for employment. A student may receive up to 1 credit as a sophomore, and 2 credits as a junior/senior. Every 75 contact hours at work is equivalent to .5 credit. Students may work after school and weekends. The Counseling Office has the official enrollment paperwork that must be filled out and returned before the work hours can be counted toward credit. Students can begin Work Study at any time during the school year. Credit can only be earned during the academic year (not summer). This is a pass/fail course that counts toward graduation credits but does not affect the grade point average. Sophomores cannot get early release. Juniors and seniors may be considered for early release if certain requirements are met (enrolled in American Studies or Life After High School, counselor/admin approval, must not be failing any classes-early release is only for ACCESS.)

Prerequisite: Work Study Contract

INTERNSHIP: 60 hours = .5 credit, 2 credits max per year

Students may earn high school credit for a guided experience in the student’s career interest. Typically this is not paid employment. Similar to Work Study, a student can receive up to 2 credits as a junior and an additional 2 credits as a senior. Every 60 contact hours at the Internship site is equivalent to ½ credit. Students may intern after school and weekends. The Counseling Office has the official enrollment paperwork which must be filled out and returned before the intern hours can be counted toward credit. Students can begin an Internship at any time during the school year.

Unlike Work Study, credit can be earned during the summer months in addition to the school year. This is a pass/fail course that counts toward graduation credits but does not affect the grade point average.

A student can choose an internship site that has already been established or the student and the internship coordinator can create a new internship site depending on the student’s interests and schedule.

Prerequisite: Junior or senior status, Counselor approval

WARREN TECH: 3 credits max per year

Located on the Red Rocks Community College campus, students have the opportunity to study one area from a variety of vocational choices available. Examples of options include auto body, drafting, hotel and restaurant management, welding, etc. Students spend the morning at Warren Tech and the afternoon at CCHS. Numbers accepted and financed are limited. Interested students should see the counselor for an application during the spring semester the prior year.

Students are selected each year based on an application and interview process, conducted the previous spring semester, discipline, attendance, academic performance, and career goals.

Prerequisite: Junior or senior status, Counselor/Committee approval

COLORADO ONLINE LEARNING: .5 credit per course

COL courses are rigorous, aligned with Colorado Model Standards and conducted fully online. Students have the opportunity to register for classes that are not offered at CCHS as part of their elective programming. Students generally complete coursework during the course of their regular high school day, but they can also access courses from home.

Prerequisite: Counselor/committee approval, “Intent to Enroll”

Students will be required to reimburse the District if they earn less than a C per course.


Aventa offers a variety of courses, conducted fully online, that enhance the curriculum offerings at CCHS. Students generally complete coursework during the course of their regular high school day, but they can also access courses from home. Students should review the course options at


Prerequisite: Counselor/committee approval, “Intent to Enroll”

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Students will be required to reimburse the District if they earn less than a C per course.



Students may take college courses through Concurrent Enrollment . credits will vary


College courses should be taken to supplement CCHS courses, not replace them.


At least two months (60 days) prior to the beginning of the selected courses, students must submit written notice to the school district of their desire to enroll at an institution of higher education. It should include s description of all courses a student intends to take and whether or not high school graduation credit is anticipated for each course.


Tuition is paid at the community college rate with College Opportunity Funds applied.


Transportation, books and fees remain the responsibility of the student.


A semester class of 3-4 (college)credits or above will be worth .5 high school credits toward graduation. A course taken for 5 or 6 (college) credits will be awarded a maximum of 1 high school credit. The grade will be unweighted. (i.e. a B in the college class will earn a B on the high school transcript.)


A semester class of less than 3 credits will be worth .25 high school credits toward graduation. The grade will be unweighted. (i.e. a B in the college class will earn a B on the high school transcript.)


The student will pay the cost of any college class that has an equivalent class offered at Clear Creek High School.

The content of the course, not its name, will determine whether a course is similar to the CCHS offering.


Clear Creek School District will not pay for summer school college courses.


A student may enroll in a college level class that mirrors a Clear Creek class if one of the following conditions exits: a. An irreconcilable class schedule conflict at CCHS between graduations

requirements (CCHS class schedule supersedes college courses) courses. b.

Extenuating personal circumstances – to be determined by both counselor

and administrator to exist and be best served by this option.


The cost of college classes which are not offered at Clear Creek High School will be paid by the school district if: a.

The student receives a grade of C or above in the course. A transcript of the course and grade should be presented to verify grade and completion of the course. b.

The Student has taken the introductory/prerequisite courses at CCHS AND there is no corresponding AP or UCD Gold Credit courses offered at CCHS. (e.g. reimbursement for literature courses requires a student to complete English 12 or AP English as a prerequisite and Biology II would not reimbursed by the school district since the high school offers AP Biology .)


A maximum of 2 courses per semester (up to 6 credits), 18 credits maximum over the course of the student’s high school career, will be paid by the school district.


This policy is not intended to limit college level courses for students on an advanced track or desire the opportunity to concurrent enroll. Parent(s)/students shall meet with the school counselor and principal to have additional courses/credits pre-approved. Tuition remains at the community college rate minus COF.


Clear Creek Alternative Program:

Mission Statement: “The Alternative High School Program exists to provide alternative education opportunities for students whose needs are not being met in a traditional learning environment.”

The program is targeted for students 16-18 years old (11 th

-12 th

grade levels) from Clear Creek who have not been successful academically, socially, or have not benefited from conventional school practices and are considered “at-risk” of not completing their education. Classes are normally delivered in an online environment where students can work at their own pace. Students can earn a high school diploma from Clear Creek School District upon meeting all graduation requirements.

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