Functional Evaluation / Prague School Test Outline

Faulty Movement Patterns
Functional Evaluation and Prague School Test (part 1)
Instructor: Dr. Craig Liebenson, DC Quantitative Functional Capacity Evaluation:
1. Side Plank Endurance
2. Forward Plank Endurance
3. Trunk Flexor Endurance - V Sit
4. Back Extensor Endurance - Sorensen’s Test
5. One Leg Standing Balance
6. Cervico-Cranial Flexion Incoordination
1. Side Plank Endurance Test: p244-245, 826-827
Top hand held across chest with hand on bottom shoulder pulling down to
Lift hips off floor to create a straight line over the body length
Failure if:
– Loss of straight back posture (height) (1 verbal warning given)
– Pain
Functional Evaluation and Prague School Test (Part 1)
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- <45 seconds
- Asymmetry of > 5 sec.
McGill S, Childs A, Liebenson C. Endurance times for low back stabilization exercises: Clinical targets for testing and training from a normative database. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 1999;80:941-­‐4. 2. Forward Plank Endurance Test
Elbows under shoulders
Hands together
Forearms in a “V” position
Bridge off floor w/ torso straight
Failure if:
– Loss of straight back posture (height) (1 verbal warning given)
– Pain
Dysfunction: Males <90s/ Females <60s
McGill S, Belore M, Crosby I, Russell C. Clinical tools to quantify torso flexion endurance: Normative date from student to firefighter populations. Occupational Ergonomics 2010;9:55-­‐61. Functional Evaluation and Prague School Test (Part 1)
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3. Trunk Flexor Endurance Testing: The V Sit - p832
4. Back Extensor Endurance Test: p244-245, 828-829
Trunk extensors are normally in a 1.3:1 ratio with Trunk flexors
In LBP subjects the ratio is 1:1
McGill S, Childs A, Liebenson C. 5. 1 Leg Balance Test: p248-249, 807-809
– 2 trials EO (60s max) & EC (30s max) each leg
– Best score EO & EC is recorded
– If 60s EO or 30s EC is achieved test no 2nd test is performed
Record time when:
Move foot
Reach out & touch something with either hand
Maribo T, Iverson E, Andresen N, Stengaard-­‐Pedersen K, Schiottz-­‐Christensen B. Intra-­‐
observer and interobserver reliability ofone leg stand test as a measure of postural balance in low back pain patients. Int Musc Med 2009;31:172-­‐177 Functional Evaluation and Prague School Test (Part 1)
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6. Cranio-cervical flexion incoordination: p250-252, 872-873
Pts w/ headache or chronic neck pain were less able than asymptomatics to
control progressively ↑ range of C0-C1 flexion.
Jull G, Barret C, Magee R, Ho P : Further clinical clarification of the muscle dysfunction in cervical headache. Cephalgia 19: 179-­‐185,1999. Jull GA. Deep cervical flexor muscle dysfunction in whiplash. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 8:143-­‐154, 2000. C0-C1
Chronic Neck Pain vs Asymptomatic Subjects:
↓ activity in the deep neck flexor muscles
Incr. activity of the superficial SCM muscles
Reduced performance of the craniocervical flexion test is associated with
dysfunction of the deep cervical flexor muscles
Falla DL, et al. Spine. October 1, 2004; Vol. 29, No. 19, pp. 2108-­‐2114. Functional Evaluation and Prague School Test (Part 1)
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A positive test occurs with:
Loss of pressure on cuff
– Start at 20 mmHG
– Progress to 22/24/26/28/30
– Needle must remain still for 10 reps/10 seconds each
– No over activity of superficial neck muscles (SCM)
– No chin poking
– No breath holding
Prague School Tests:
1. Diaphragm Test
2. IAP Test
3. Neck/Trunk Flexion Test
4. Arm Lifting Test
5. Hip Abduction
6. Vele’s Forward Inclination
Functional Evaluation and Prague School Test (Part 1)
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1. Diaphragm Test: p553-555
The Diaphragm test
The lower chest expands symetrically in a lateral direction
Intercostal spaces widen
Ribs must not be lifted!
Results of Inspiratory position of thoracic cage:
Oblique diaphragm
Failure of oblique abdominal muscle slings
T/L overload
Lower Cross Syndrome (Janda)
Horizontal Axis of Diaphragm
Why does depression of thoracic cage matter in both phases of breathing?
2. Intra-abdominal pressure test: p555-557
Initial position:
Patient supine
Triple flexion of the legs
The lower legs supported
Functional Evaluation and Prague School Test (Part 1)
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Hip abduction corresponds to the width of the shoulders, slight external
rotation at the hips
Intra-abdominal pressure test
The therapist brings the patient’s chest passively into the caudal, expiratory
Then the support is removed from under the patient’s legs
The patients holds this position actively
Maintain co-contraction of deep muscles
Hold exhalation position of ant-inf ribs during normal respiration
3. Trunk and Neck Flexion Test: p557 McGill/Janda variations -p630 4. Arm Lifting Test: p557,558
Dying Bug w/ Med Ball OH
5. Hip abduction Test:
weak or feel low back
Hip hike - QL OA
Hip flexion - TFL OA
Functional Evaluation and Prague School Test (Part 1)
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6. Vele’s Forward Inclination:
Sign of Instability:
L/P hinge
Failure of toes to grip
Asymetric grip
Functional Evaluation and Prague School Test (Part 1)
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