Directional Terms Lab

Vista Murrieta High School
Anatomy & Physiology
G. Nicholas
Directional Terms Lab
Using your notes, the text book, and any other source of information you have available
to you, answer the following questions concerning a human:
1. What is located medial to the eyes?
2. What is located lateral to the eyes?
3. What is inferior to the nose?
4. What is superior to the nose?
5. What is inferior to the mouth?
6. What is superior to the knee?
7. What is located on the anterior side of the specimen?
8. What is located on the posterior side of the specimen?
9. Which of the features of the face is most proximal to the neck?
10. Which of the features of the face is most distal to the neck?
11. What movement is it called when the body moves the arms in an outward motion?
12. Use three directional terms to describe the location of the patella.
13. Use three directional terms to describe the location of the gluteal region.
14. Using three different movement terms describe a person kicking a ball.
15. Use three movement terms that describe a person that is putting their hand on the
heart for the pledge of allegiance.
On a single piece of 8.5" x 11" piece of paper, draw the best outline of a person you
can, then cut it out. Make the drawing large enough so that most of the paper is used.
From there, follow the directions exactly in order to answer the following questions:
1. First draw a face (eyes, nose, and mouth) on the specimen to give it some
2. On the dorsal side of the specimen draw a large "D".
3. Somewhere on the ventral side of the specimen draw a large "V".
4. On each lateral side, somewhere level with the eyes draw a medium-sized dot.
5. Make a transverse line directly superior to the eyes
6. Make another transverse line directly inferior to the mouth
7. Make a coronal line from one of the medium-sized dots to the other.
8. For your final line, make a sagittal line through the midline of the specimen.
9. Draw a transverse line between the right superior tarsal region and inferior to the
right patellar region.
10. Draw a sagittal line between the left superior tarsal region and inferior to the left
patellar region.
11. On the posterior side, draw a heart that is inferior to the sacral region.
12. On the left anterior thoracic region, draw a shield. (like this one.
is inferior to the shield?
) What organ
13. On the posterior draw hair along the midsagittal plane on the occipital region to the
frontal region. There should be no hair on the left or right lateral regions. What league
football game do our football players usually wear this haircut?
14. From the right posterior gluteal region draw a line to the left lumbar region and a line
to the right scapular and a line to the left deltoid region.
15. Draw a cupcake on the ventral midsagittal surface that is distal to the mandibular
region and proximal to the nasal area.