
Day 20: 5 Days ll Christmas!
Countdown surprise
Dove—pair of doves for the sacrifice; the Holy Spirit descending at
Jesus’ bap sm
2. What do you think it means to be set apart? Reserved for something special, different than the rest, dedicated.
3. Did Jesus need to be bap zed from sin? No. He was sinless. But
he was willing to be iden fied as a sinner in our place.
4. Have you ever been dedicated to God? Ask your mom or dad to
tell you about your dedica on or bap sm and why they chose
that for you and what it means to them.
Open your Bible
Luke 2:22-24, 3:21-22
When the me of their purifica on according to the Law of Moses
had been completed, Joseph and Mary took [Jesus] to Jerusalem to
present him to the Lord (as it is wri!en in the Law of the Lord, “Every
firstborn male is to be consecrated to the Lord”), and to offer a sacrifice in keeping with what is said in the Law of the Lord: “a pair of
doves or two young pigeons”.… When all the people were being bapzed, Jesus was bap zed too. And as he was praying, heaven was
opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a
dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love;
with you I am well pleased.”
We can read in Levi cus about the complex system of sacrifices at
the temple that were required in order to atone, or make remedy
for sin. It was through this system of sacrificing animals that God related to his people. A1er the birth of a firstborn son, the parents
would bring a sacrifice of a lamb or a pair of doves if they couldn’t
afford to buy a lamb. This consecrated, or set apart, their child for
the Lord. It meant they were essen ally declaring their child belonged to God.
1. What might we learn about Mary and Joseph by the fact that
they brought two doves to sacrifice? The were not of great
means, they were too poor to afford the lamb for sacrifice.
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Go Deeper
1. Jesus was set apart for a purpose. Did you know that God asks
you to be set apart for his purpose?
2. What do you think that means for you prac cally speaking? Can
you live, act and believe the same as everyone else in the world?
3. You are special—part of God’s family—dedicated to his service.
Ask the Lord to help you iden fy and change any areas where
you have not been set apart for him.
4. God was “well-pleased” with Jesus. He tells us that if we follow
him in this life, remaining dedicated to his plans and purposes on
earth, that when we see him face-to-face he will say to us, “Well
done, good and faithful servant.” Is this the desire of your heart?
Father, you have made us special, set apart for you. We want to be a
people who reflect who you are through the everyday ac ons of our
lives. Thank you that you have given us the Bible to steer us away
from sin and into life-giving obedience. We want to hear “well done”
when we enter into your presence, God. Guide us in all our ways
that we may be dedicated to you and overflowing with the power of
your Holy Spirit. Amen.
Reflec on Song
“Cap vate Us” by Watermark
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