Particulate organic matter and ballast fluxes measured using Time-Series and Settling Velocity sediment traps in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea Cindy Lee1*, Michael L. Peterson2†, Stuart G. Wakeham3, Robert A. Armstrong1, J. Kirk Cochran1, Juan Carlos Miquel4, Scott W. Fowler1,4, David Hirschberg1, Aaron Beck1, and Jianhong Xue1 1 Marine Sciences Research Center, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-5000, USA 2 School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Box 357940, Seattle, WA 98195-7940, USA 3 Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, 10 Ocean Science Circle, Savannah, GA 31411, USA 4 International Atomic Energy Agency, Marine Environment Laboratories, 4 Quai Antoine 1er, MC98000 Monaco † Present Address: Ocean Science Consulting and Research, 9433 Olympus Beach Road NE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 *Corresponding Author: 631-632-8741 (Tel); 631-632-8820 (Fax); 1 Abstract Prompted by recent data analyses suggesting that the flux of particulate organic carbon sinking into deep waters is determined by fluxes of mineral ballasts, we undertook a study of the relationships among organic matter (OM), calcium carbonate, opal, lithogenic material, and excess aluminum fluxes as part of the MedFlux project. We measured fluxes of particulate components during Spring and Summer of 2003, and Spring of 2005, using a swimmer-excluding sediment trap design capable of measuring fluxes both in a time-series (TS) mode and in a configuration for obtaining particle settling velocity (SV) profiles. On the basis of these studies, we suggest that distinct OM-ballast associations observed in particles sinking at a depth of ~200 m imply that the mechanistic basis of the organic matter - ballast association is set in the upper water column above the Twilight Zone, and that the importance of different ballast types follows the seasonal succession of phytoplankton. As in other studies, carbonate appears to enhance the flux of organic matter over opal. Particles must be at least half organic matter before their settling velocity is affected by ballast concentration. This lack of change in ballast composition with SV in particles with <40% OM content suggests that particle SV reaches a maximum because of the increasing importance of inertial drag. Relative amounts of OM and opal decrease with depth due to decomposition and dissolution; carbonates and lithogenic material contribute about the same amount to total mass, or increase slightly, throughout the water column. The high proportion of excess Al cannot be explained by its incorporation into diatom opal or reverse weathering, so Al is most likely adsorbed to particulate oxides. On shorter time scales, dust appears to 2 increase particle flux through its role in aggregation rather than by nutrient inputs enhancing productivity. We suggest that the role of dust as a catalyst in particle formation may be a central mechanism in flux formation in this region, particularly when zooplankton fecal pellet production is low. Key words: MedFlux, organic carbon flux, opal flux, carbonate flux, ballast ratio hypothesis, Mediterranean Sea biogeochemistry, excess aluminum Running title: Particulate organic matter and ballast fluxes in the Mediterranean Sea 3 1. Introduction Most (>90%) particulate organic carbon (POC) that is biosynthesized in the upper ocean is returned to inorganic form and redistributed in the water column as particles sink. Much of this remineralization occurs in the 100-1000 m depth, the mesopelagic or “Twilight” zone, an area that is significantly understudied. Observations made during the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) indicate that 50-80% of the vertical flux of carbon through the mesopelagic zone and into the deep ocean occurs by gravitational sinking of particles (e.g., Gardner, 2000; Baliño et al., 2001; Fasham et al., 2001). This redistribution determines the depth profile of dissolved CO2, including its concentration in the surface mixed layer, and hence the rate at which the ocean can absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and sequester it in the deep ocean. The depth-scale of OM remineralization also determines the depth profile of nutrient regeneration, which in turn determines the time scale for return of mineral nutrients to the photic zone. A quantitative and mechanistic understanding of water column POC remineralization is thus critical to predicting the response of the global carbon cycle to environmental change. Collection of sinking material in a manner that enables identification of underlying mechanistic controls on settling and decomposition will lead to better estimates of vertical fluxes and remineralization depth scales. Particles sinking out of the ocean surface contain both organic matter (OM) and minerals. Minerals (opal, CaCO3, and aluminosilicates) typically constitute more than half the mass of sinking particles (Honjo et al., 1982; Buat-Menard et al., 1989; Ittekkot and Haake, 1990; Honjo, 1996), and this fraction increases dramatically with depth 4 (Armstrong et al., 2002, Klaas and Archer, 2002). Minerals are important for making low density OM sink, and may also protect OM from degradation (Hedges and Oades, 1997; Nelson et al., 1999), allowing it to penetrate deeper into the ocean. OM preservation in sediments is thought to occur through sorptive protection with OM in mineral mesopores or between mineral interstices (Mayer, 1994; Ransom et al., 1997; Bock and Mayer, 2000; Arnarson and Keil, 2005); and/or through encapsulation of OM into a resistant organic matrix (Knicker et al., 1996) or biomineral matrix (Ingalls et al., 2003). Protective interactions between OM and minerals in sinking particles remain to be elucidated. Nonetheless, Armstrong et al. (2002) demonstrated that ratios of POC to mineral ballast converge to a nearly constant value (~3-7 wt% POC) at depths >1800 m, and Klaas and Archer (2002) showed that variability in the OM flux data might largely be explained (r2 = 85-90%) by the chemical composition of the ballast (i.e., proportions of opal, carbonate, and aluminosilicate). To understand better the mechanisms that control particle sedimentation and decomposition, and thus remineralization depth scale, we developed a sediment trap that sorts particles into discrete classes in-situ as a function of their settling velocity, thereby providing samples of particulate matter for chemical analysis with minimal handling (Peterson et al., 2005). To our knowledge there have been no prior in-situ fractionations of sinking particles on the basis of their settling velocity followed by chemical characterization of the individual classes. Using this settling velocity (SV) trap we observed during the MedFlux program that ~60% of particulate mass in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea sinks with velocities of 200-500 m d-1 (Peterson et al., 2005, 2008; 5 Armstrong et al. 2008). Estimates of average settling velocities have been made from observations in the laboratory of phytoplankton and fecal pellet settling, in the field by SCUBA or submersible observation (Komar et al., 1981; Shanks and Trent, 1980; Asper, 1987; Alldredge and Gotschalk, 1989; Pilskaln et al., 1998), and by using marker events in trap fluxes measured at different depths (Honjo and Manganini, 1993; Honjo et al., 1999; Berelson 2002). Most of these measurements or estimates suggest that particles settle at rates of 70-330 m d-1 in the upper 500 m. Recent statistical evaluation of highresolution time-series fluxes from U.S.JGOFS sites (i.e., ASPS data with cup rotation times of ≤8.5 days) and from MedFlux suggests an average sinking velocity of 205 m d-1 (Xue and Armstrong, 2008). Armstrong et al. (2008) obtain an average settling velocity of 242 m d-1 using an independent statistical approach on the MedFlux SV trap data. In this paper we describe compositions of particles collected during the 2003 and 2005 MedFlux field programs. We compare the chemical nature of particles sorted by settling velocity using our IRS-SV sediment traps (Peterson et al., 2005; 2008) with material collected during the same deployment using the conventional time-series (TS) mode to evaluate relationships between physical and biological forcing and particle dynamics. 2. Methods 2.1. Time-series samples MedFlux sampling was carried out at the French JGOFS DYFAMED (Dynamics of Atmospheric Fluxes in the Mediterranean) site in the Ligurian Sea (northwestern Mediterranean), ~52 km off Nice (43°20”N, 7°40”E) in ~2300 m water depth. This 6 location was chosen because its physics, biology, and chemistry have been extensively studied for over a decade (Marty, 2002), providing a wealth of background information with which to design our field program and interpret its results. The region is described further in the Preface to this volume (Lee et al., 2008). In 2003, a mooring with sediment trap arrays was deployed 6 March (Day of Year 65) and recovered 6 May (DOY 126); this trap deployment will be referred to as Period 1 (P1). The array was redeployed a week later on 14 May (DOY 134) and recovered again on 30 June (DOY 181); this trap deployment will be referred to as Period 2 (P2). Indented-rotating sphere (IRS) valve traps (Peterson et al., 1993) were fitted with TS carousels to determine temporal variability of particulate matter flux. TS traps were fitted with “dimpled” spheres (see Peterson et al., 2005, 2008). Vertical flux at ~200 m depth is considered to be equivalent to new or export production (Miquel et al., 1994), and traps sampled at 238 and 117 m during P1 and P2, respectively. We also collected TS material at 711 m during P1 and at 1918 m during P2. Upon recovery, samples were split using a McLane™ WSD splitter to allow multiple chemical analyses. Here we report 2003 data on TS particulate mass, and the contributions of organic carbon (OC), opal, lithogenic material and calcium carbonate to mass. Particulate radionuclide (Stewart et al., 2007; Cochran et al., 2008; Szlosek et al., 2008) and organic compositional (Wakeham et al., 2008) data are presented elsewhere. In 2005, traps were deployed as described above for 55 d during a single period from 4 March (DOY 63) to 1 May (DOY 121). TS traps were fitted with “dimpled” spheres (Peterson et al., 2008). TS particulate matter was collected from 313 m and 7 924 m. Here we report 2005 data on TS particulate mass, and on the contributions of organic carbon (OC), opal, lithogenic material, and calcium carbonate to mass. 2.2. Settling velocity samples In-situ settling-velocity separation of particles was accomplished by rotating the IRS valve once daily and then rotating the sample carousel through all 11 sample chambers at appropriate time intervals over the next 24 h as described in Peterson et al. (2005). SV traps were fitted with “saddle and ridge” spheres in 2003 and with “deeper grooved” spheres in 2005 (see Fig. 3B and C in Peterson et al., 2008). Because each cup of the SV trap collects material daily over the entire deployment, fluxes measured in individual cups of the SV traps are not directly comparable to the TS trap samples, which are collected in sequential and discrete time intervals. Thus, we will report both total mass flux for the entire deployment period, and discrete time-integrated mass flux densities (IMFD) for each collection cup. IMFD as we use it is the mass of any constituent per square meter of trap area integrated over the length of the deployment time and divided by the width of the SV interval, which is defined here as the dimensionless log10 of the ratio of the highest and lowest settling velocities in each SV interval, or log10(SVmax) – log10(SVmin) = log10(SVmax/SVmin) for that interval. IMFD has the same relationship to mass flux that probability has to probability density: if IMFD is plotted as a histogram, the area of each bar of the histogram is mass flux per square meter in that SV class, while the height of each bar is the IMFD (Armstrong et al., 2008). This normalization procedure allows us to compare samples collected using different SV intervals as we did in 2003 and 2005. 8 In 2003, the sample carousel was advanced at 1, 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 45, 90, 180, 360 and 720 min intervals after each IRS rotation. The free-fall distance between the IRS valve and the sample carousel was 0.68 m, so that the sequence of settling velocities was 0.68-1.4, 1.4-2.7, 2.7-5.4, 5.4-11, 11-22, 22-49, 49-98, 98-196, 196-490, 490-980, and >980 m d-1, respectively. Duplicate SV samples were recovered at 238 m during P1; samples from duplicate 117-m traps during P2 were combined into a single set of SV samples due to their small size. In 2005, we increased resolution in high-SV regions of the settling velocity spectrum by splitting 2003 SV class 98-196 into 98-140 and 140-196, and 2003 class 196-490 into 196-326 and 326-490 m d-1. The 2005 carousel rotation scheme also combined the 3 slowest 2003 classes into a 0.68-5.4 m d-1 interval. In 2005, SV samples were recovered from 313 m, 524 m (duplicates), and 1918 m (duplicates). After recovery, samples were split and analyzed for multiple constituents as per the TS traps. For both 2003 and 2005, we report particulate mass and the contributions of organic (OC), opal, lithogenic material, and calcium carbonate to that mass. Particulate radionuclide (Szlosek et al., 2008), organic compositional data (Wakeham et al., 2008), and further analysis of mass flux data (Armstrong et al., 2008) for SV traps are presented elsewhere in this volume. 2.3. Elemental analyses Mass was determined by filtering 30-40% (in 2003) or 20% (in 2005) of the sample onto pre-weighed 0.4 µm Nuclepore filters, gently washing collected material with 5 ml DI water, drying it overnight at 60°C, and weighing it using a semi-micro 9 balance (10-5 g capability). These samples were later used for radionuclide and ballast mineral analyses. In 2003, percentages of OC and total nitrogen (TN) in PM were determined using a procedure modified from that described by Hedges and Stern (1984); this procedure is described in detail in Peterson et al. (2005). Samples (usually 20% of the total) on 25 mm GFF filters were subsampled using a punch so that 0.8 or 1.1% of the total sample was analyzed. Punches were exposed to HCl vapor to remove carbonate and analyzed using a Carlo Erba 1106 Elemental Analyzer. This analysis also provides a replicate total nitrogen determination (TNa). Because analytical precision associated with small and inhomogeneous 2003 P2 samples gave unusually variable CN results (Peterson et al., 2005), samples from this series were rerun using a CE Instruments NC2500 elemental analyzer. We report the average of the two 2003 results here. Carbon and nitrogen contents for samples from 2005 were run in duplicate at SUNY using a Carlo Erba model 1602 CNS analyzer. We used 7-mm punches from a 10% split of the total sample; 1.2% of the total sample was analyzed. Inorganic carbon (IC) was removed using 10% HCl, and carbonate content was generally less than 5% of total carbon. For this analyzer, precision for N is ±5%, and for C is ±2%. Sediment trap samples were analyzed for elements representative of dust (Ti, Al) and biogenic minerals (CaCO3 and opal). For 2003 samples, a small amount of material was removed from the mass filters and digested following trace-metal-clean protocols (Eggiman and Betzer, 1976; Brügmann and Kuss, 1999; Newman and Zhao, 2005). Samples were sequentially leached with base and acid to separate biological and 10 lithogenic silica (Brzezinski and Nelson, 1989; Ragueneau and Tréguer, 1993). Al and Ti concentrations were measured using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) on a ThermoFinnigan Element II ICP-MS. Silicon concentration was determined by Graphite Furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS), and Ca concentration by Flame-AAS using a Perkin-Elmer AAnalyst 800 spectrometer. In 2003, sample sizes were extremely small, 0.1-0.5 mg in low flux times, so that analytical error was subsequently high (50-75%). Even in high flux times, sample size was only 1-4 mg. For 2005 samples, a 20% split of each sample was digested in 750 µL HCl, 250 µl HNO3, and 50 µl HF (all trace-metal clean) for one week and diluted to 10 mL with MilliQ water. Total Si, Ca, Al, and Ti were measured using atomic absorption spectrometry. Elemental concentration data are archived on the Medflux web site ( Elemental data are presented as masses of CaCO3, opal, OM, lithogenic material and Alxs. Calcium carbonate was determined from measured IC values, assuming that all carbonate was present as CaCO3. This estimate using IC values was always higher than estimates using Ca concentrations, suggesting the presence of other carbonates as well. In 2003, opal was determined from Si measured in the base leachate; we assumed that opal is present as SiO2.H2O. In 2005, Si in the biogenic fraction was determined from measured total Si minus lithogenic Si, which was calculated as three times lithogenic Al (Klaas and Archer, 2002). Lithogenic material (in mg) was calculated as 11.9 times the lithogenic Al concentration (in mg), i.e., the measured total Al minus Alxs, where Alxs was determined as the difference between measured total Al and 15.4 times the measured 11 total Ti (Murray and Leinen, 1996). The Al/Ti ratio in Saharan dust is the same as in average crustal rock (Formenti et al., 2003). Aluminum is seawater is found as 76.2% Al(OH)4- and 23.7% Al(OH)3 (Van den Burg et al., 1994), so we report excess Al as ‘Alxs hydroxide’ using a molecular weight of 81. OM was determined as 2.199 times OC concentrations (Klaas and Archer, 2002). When plotting ballast and OM compositions below, we determined their proportion of the total calculated mass (i.e., sum of the individual OM, CaCO3, opal, and lithogenic material masses) rather than the measured mass. Total calculated masses averaged 66% of the measured mass in spring 2003, 87% in spring 2005, and 104% in summer 2003. We exclude ‘Al hydroxides’ from the composition plots for comparison with past work. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was measured in all 2003 TS and SV trap cups using a high temperature combustion MQ-1001 analyzer after acidification (Peterson et al., 2003). DOC in excess of background seawater values made up 5-10% of the total organic carbon (POC + DOC). This OC undoubtedly was lost from the particles through leaching. Dissolved opal and carbonate were not measured. 2.4. Ancillary Data Dust deposition was examined using the Dust REgional Atmospheric Model (DREAM) of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center for the periods of trap deployment ( This model forecasts deposition of Saharan dust to the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent areas. Based on 6 h forecasts, major (50-300 mg m-2) deposition events during P1 in 2003 occurred March 1-3 and 29-31, and April 29-30, at times reaching 750-1500 mg m-2. Dust events are indicated by shading on 12 Figs. 1 and 2 with higher intensity events in darker shading. Dust deposition continued throughout May with a very large (1500-4500 mg m-2) event May 7-8 that was verified by personal observations during the trap turn-around cruise. During P2, dust deposition continued throughout May and into early June. Bartoli et al. (2005) report dust events during these same times based on recordings from Cape Ferrat near Nice. Their 6-y record between 1986-2003 shows major interannual variation in both timing and magnitude of dust events at this location. During the 2005 trap deployment, the DREAM model forecast major dust deposition events for March 26-27 reaching 300-750 mg m-2, and April 10-18 at times reaching 1500-4500 mg m-2, generally higher than during 2003 P1. In a detailed study of dust deposition at DYFAMED from 1983-1994, Moulin et al. (1997) found that two-thirds of the dust was deposited in summer, that there was an average of 16 events per year, and that deposition was highly variable from year to year. Time-series chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature data were obtained from Jay O’Reilly and Teresa Ducas, NOAA/NMFS in Narragansett, RI, USA, who used SeaWiFS data for Chl and AVHRR, TERRA, and AQUA datasets for SST. We compared 2003 chlorophyll concentrations and 2003/2005 integrated primary productivity measurements available from J. Chiaverini as part of the DYFAMED project ( Frameset_en.htm) with the satellite Chl data and found good agreement in the patterns over time where the samples overlapped. 13 3. Results 3.1. TS and SV trap mass flux comparison Replication of sediment trap data is rare because it generally means compromising the number of depths sampled in what are generally instrument-limited experiments. However, we felt it more important to test the reproducibility of the traps than to obtain more depth information. Replication produced reasonable results. To compare average fluxes in 2003, we summed mass collected in all cups in each TS and SV trap and calculated an average flux over the entire deployment time (Table 1). At 238 m during P1, TS trap mass flux averaged 346 mg m-2d-1 over the 61-d deployment period, ranging from 82-910 mg m-2d-1. The average SV trap flux at 238 m (298 mg m-2d-1) was about 15% lower. Duplicate SV trap fluxes at 238 m agreed within 10%. The TS trap flux at 771 m averaged 260 mg m-2d-1 over the entire P1 deployment period, about one-third lower than mass fluxes at 238 m. During P2, TS trap flux at 117 m averaged 46 mg m-2d-1, while the SV average trap flux (samples from duplicate traps were composited before analysis due to their small size) was 35 mg m-2d-1, about 25% less. At 1918 m, TS mass flux averaged 72 mg m-2d-1, about twice the surface mass flux. In 2005, TS trap fluxes averaged 426 mg m-2d-1 at 313 m and 322 mg m-2d-1 at 924 m, higher than in 2003 at similar depths and time (Table 1). Maximum mass fluxes were similar in the two years, 1020 mg m-2d-1 in 2003 and 906 mg m-2d-1 in 2005. SV trap samples were recovered at 313 m (475 mg m-2d-1), and in duplicate at 524 (498 mg m-2d-1) and 1918 m (438 mg m-2d-1). The SV flux over the entire deployment 14 time at 313 m was 11% higher than the total TS flux at this depth. Average mass fluxes from duplicate traps agreed well, within 6% at 524 m, and within 1% at 1918 m. 3.2. Time-series fluxes 3.2.1. 2003 time-series Elevated surface mass and OC fluxes occurred in early spring (Fig. 1A, B) when phytoplankton, mostly diatoms, normally bloom in the northwestern Mediterranean (Marty and Chiavérini, 2002); the 2003 spring bloom period was confirmed by satellite Chl (Fig. 1C), although there was no correlation between Chl concentration and mass flux. In addition to the high flux at the start of P1, there are two much smaller peaks in surface OC flux between Days 100 and 140 (Fig. 1B), also seen in mass. Satellite Chl showed a peak during the first flux event, but not the second. This second peak (extrapolated peak since part of it was during the trap redeployment) was just after a dust deposition event. Surface mass flux continued to decrease further until the end of the deployment. Although mass and OC fluxes at 771 m at the start of P1 were much lower than those nearer the surface, they quickly increased to surface values, suggesting that the surface water phytoplankton bloom quickly reached 771 m and that little particulate mass was lost between these depths. OC fluxes were slightly lower at 771 m than at 238 m, however, suggesting some loss in OC with depth. During P2, higher mass fluxes at 1918 m than at 117 m might be due to the deeper trap collecting material produced earlier in surface waters or to resuspension (see SV elemental compositions below). Maximum fluxes of particulate mass and OC at 238 m during P1 in 2003 (Fig. 1A and B) were about 3 times higher than maximum 200-m fluxes (335 mg m-2d-1mass and 15 39 mg m-2d-1 OC) measured previously at DYFAMED in 1987-1988 (Miquel et al., 1994, when DYFAMED was slightly closer to Corsica), and in 1993-1995 (Stemmann et al., 2002). In 2005, the MedFlux mass flux was slightly higher, but the OC flux lower, than at DYFAMED. The decadal flux record of Miquel and La Rosa (1999) shows considerable annual variation in flux. The lower mass (150-200 mg m-2d-1) and OC (1520 mg m-2d-1) fluxes we measured after the bloom period in 2003 were comparable to previous flux measurements in the post-bloom summer oligotrophic conditions common at this site. We did not observe the 4-fold decrease in mass and OC flux with increasing trap depth that was observed by Miquel et al. (1994) between 200 and 1000 m (see Figs. 1 and 2). Calcium carbonate, opal, lithogenic aluminosilicates, and Alxs were measured to evaluate relationships between OM and ballast minerals (Table 2). Carbonate and aluminosilicate fluxes measured nearby during 1987-1988 as part of the DYFAMED project, ~25-150 mg m-2d-1 at 200 m and <10 mg m-2d-1 at 1000 m (Miquel et al., 1994), were slightly lower than MedFlux fluxes. 3.2.2. 2005 time-series Fluxes of bulk particulate matter (mass) and OC in 2005 (Fig. 2) did not exhibit the same pattern observed in 2003 (Fig. 1). Data collected before 60 DOY would have been useful in making the comparison. However, in general, one might consider that both years are characterized by a succession of mass flux peaks in the spring, each successive one smaller than the previous; a possible explanation for this will be discussed later. Satellite data from 2005 show that Chl was generally lower throughout the spring 16 than in 2003; Chl peaked in April, 2005, two weeks after the Chl record indicated the 2003 bloom period had already ceased (Figs. 1C and 2C); as in 2003, there was no clear correlation between surface mass flux and satellite Chl in 2005. However, mass flux peaks in March and April 2005 followed dust events; peaks in 2003 also followed dust events, although they were not as closely correlated as in 2005 due to the larger number of small events in the later year. Calcium carbonate fluxes were similar in magnitude to those during the same period in 2003, but lithogenic and opal fluxes were higher (Table 3). Alxs fluxes were much higher, and OM fluxes much lower than in 2003. 3.3. Time-series sample compositions OC concentrations increased with time in both 2003 and 2005. At both 238 m and 771 m during the 2003 P1 deployment %OC increased from ~6% during the high mass flux period to ~15% when mass fluxes fell at the end of the bloom period (Fig. 1D). During the second deployment period, low particle fluxes even at 117 m made accurate measurements of %OC difficult to achieve (see Peterson et al., 2005, for details). Nonetheless, %OC at 117 m was higher (~20-30%) than during the bloom period. During the second deployment, %OC at 1918 m was ~5-10% until the very last samples when it rose, approaching values for material collected in the 117 m trap, possibly suggesting that high OC, surface-derived material was reaching the deep trap at that time. OC:TNatomic (%TN data not shown, but see Peterson et al., 2005) at 238 m decreased from a high of 12-13 during Days 60-80 of P1 to a low of ~8 after the bloom/high flux period, indicating higher amounts of fresh planktonic OM. During P2, OC:TNatomic at 117 m was lower, ranging from ~6-9, although small sample size made this analysis 17 uncertain. Organic C and N compositions for MedFlux were consistent with DYFAMED measurements in 1987-88 reported by Miquel et al. (1994), where surface %OC increased from spring (8-10%) to summer (20-25%), but with little change (~5%) at 1000 m. Lower OC:TNatomic values (5-6) were associated with the bloom compared to both preand post-bloom (10-12). In 2005, OC concentrations (Fig. 2D) increased during the deployment with similar values at 313 and 924 m until the last collection period. Values were initially ~3% at both depths, lower than in 2003, and increased to 13% at 313 m and 8% at 924 m. Satellite Chl (Fig. 2C) suggested the beginning of a bloom just as our deployment period ended, but the OC flux does not show any general increase. OC:TNatomic (data not shown) at 313 m was slightly higher than in 2003, varying between 10 and 16, with the lowest numbers when flux was highest. Relative contributions of calcium carbonate, opal, and lithogenic material changed over the course of the 2003 time series (Fig. 3). CaCO3 and organic matter became dominant as time progressed from P1 to P2, while lithogenic material and opal decreased in importance. Lithogenic material became more important in the deep trap during P2, probably because this material does not dissolve easily. During 2005, relative contributions of calcium carbonate, opal, and lithogenic material in shallow traps differed greatly from those in 2003 (Fig. 4). CaCO3 made up less of the flux in 2005, and lithogenic material much more of the material, resulting in an almost equal distribution of the three ballast types in surface material. Proportions of both CaCO3 and lithogenic 18 material increased with depth, while opal almost disappeared. Average compositions at all depths for TS traps in 2003 and 2005 are shown in Table 4. Alxs constituted most of the Al in our 2003 TS samples, and its proportion increased slightly with depth, 90% in the 238-m samples in May and virtually all the Al at 771 m; in July Alxs was 77% of total Al in the 117-m sample, and 89% at 1980 m. In 2005, Alxs made up 67% of the total Al at 313 m and 66% at 524 m. Dissolved aluminum concentrations in the Mediterranean are the highest in the World’s oceans, 200 times higher than in the Pacific Ocean and 4 times higher than in the Atlantic Ocean (Chou and Wollast, 1997; Alibo et al. 1999; Guerzoni et al., 1999); these high concentrations likely explain why sorbed Al is so high. In sediments of the equatorial Pacific and Western Antarctic Peninsula, Kryc et al. (2003) and Murray and Leinen (1996) found Alxs to be 40-50% of the total Al, considerably less than we found in the Mediterranean. To investigate the relation between dust and mass flux, we plotted 2003 lithogenic Al concentrations versus mass fluxes (Fig. 5). There was a clear relation seen that was not observed when lithogenic and biogenic Ca or Si were regressed against mass flux (latter data not shown). In 2005 when the concentration of lithogenic Al was much higher and a shorter time series was collected (Spring only), this relation was not evident. To investigate the relationship between OM and each ballast type over the course of the experiment, we plotted ratios of CaCO3, opal, lithogenic material, and Alxs hydroxide to total ballast against the ratio of OM to mass in all shallow TS trap samples from both years (Fig. 6). The ballast types were divided by total ballast mass instead of total particle mass to remove the influence of OM. This plot shows that CaCO3 19 dominates the ballast types at all OM concentrations and becomes more important as OM content increases. Opal and lithogenic material are equally important at low OM contents, but as OM content increases, the importance of opal slightly decreases and the importance of the lithogenic fraction increases. 3.4. Settling velocity flux densities In both 2003 and 2005 time-integrated mass flux densities calculated from SV sediment traps exhibited a large peak at high settling velocities (200-500 m d-1) and a much smaller tailing peak at the lower end of the SV spectrum measured (Fig. 7). SV spectra remained the same regardless of differences in phytoplankton bloom development in 2003 (P1 vs. P2), annual differences between 2003 and 2005, and differences in depth in 2005 (Fig. 8). About 60-70% of total flux was found in the rapidly settling class at all times and depths. This peak was better resolved in 2005 than in 2003 because we changed the carousel rotation scheme to sample more frequently in that SV range (200500 m d-1). In a companion paper, Armstrong et al. (2008) describe a model of these SV spectra that calculates average and modal particle settling rates; possible causes of the smaller secondary peak at the lowest settling velocities are also discussed. Profiles of organic matter and ballast flux densities showed the same general shape as IMFD in 2003 (Fig. 9 A, B) and 2005 (Fig. 10). Since each SV cup collects material over the entire deployment time, the composition of these samples will on average reflect the contribution of material falling during the time period when fluxes were highest. In 2003, calcium carbonate flux densities in SV traps were highest during P1, and CaCO3 fluxes were also highest in TS traps at this time. In P2, when TS mass fluxes were 20 generally lower, SV OM and CaCO3 flux densities were similar. In 2005, lithogenic material and opal flux densities were highest. Ballast flux densities were similar at 313 and 524 m, and increased somewhat at 1918 m, suggesting a source from lateral input or sediment resuspension. The agreement in OM and ballast flux densities between duplicate traps at 524 m and 1918 m can be seen in Figure 10. SV flux density spectra were generally similar, but there were major differences in composition. 3.5. Settling velocity sample compositions Surface SV trap compositions were generally similar to those in the corresponding TS trap samples. Indeed, the higher %OC in P2 than P1 observed in TS samples in 2003, is clearly also seen in SV samples (Fig. 8B). There was a very slight downward trend in %OC with higher settling velocities in P1 of 2003 (Fig. 8B), but this trend was seen in 2005 (Fig. 8D) only if the first and last points were excluded. Values of %OC in 2005 generally decreased with depth, being highest at 313 m and lowest at 1918 m. Relative contributions of OM (from calculated rather than measured mass as described earlier) and ballast materials in surface traps in P1 of 2003 showed no clear trend with SV (Fig. 9 C); OM and CaCO3 dominated all SV classes. The slight downward trend seen in %OC in P1 was not seen on a relative basis for OM. In P2, OM was generally a larger fraction of the material in slower settling fractions, while ballast made a greater contribution to faster settling particles (Fig. 9D). As in TS traps, opal and lithogenic material were much less important in P2. Alxs constituted over half of the total Al in 2005 samples: 66% in the 313-m samples, 73% at 524 m, and 66% at 924 m and 21 1918 m. These percentages were somewhat less than in 2003, and no clear increase with depth was observed. As in the high flux P1 of 2003, there was very little trend in composition with settling velocity in 2005 (Fig. 11), and compositions were generally similar to those of the TS traps (Fig. 4). However, surface sample compositions were very different between the two years; organic matter and carbonate were more important in 2003, while the ballast minerals were equally important in 2005 at the same time. The 2005 313-m SV trap showed relatively equal contributions from the three ballast types as did the TS trap at this depth. SV trap compositions at 524 m were similar although lithogenic material contributed more to these traps than at 313 m. Traps at 1918 m had less opal and more carbonate than more shallow traps. Comparison of duplicate SV traps at 1918 m shows reasonable agreement for the various parameters, while there is more variation between the traps at 524 m. Opal was particularly lower in SV2 at 524 m. Average compositions at all depths for SV traps in 2003 and 2005 are shown in Table 4. 4. Discussion 4.1. Relation between organic matter and mineral ballast fluxes A major goal of MedFlux was to elucidate the relationship between mineral ballast and the vertical transport and remineralization of POM. We focused on opal, carbonate, and aluminosilicate, generally indicative of biogenic silica in diatoms, calcareous shells of coccolithophores and foraminifera, and lithogenic inputs from riverine and atmospheric sources, respectively. Analyses of sinking particle fluxes previously indicated that the rain of mineral ballast is an excellent predictor of POC flux 22 in the deep ocean (Armstrong et al., 2002). Klaas and Archer (2002) further examined published data on POC flux below 1000 m from 52 locations in the world ocean and concluded that POC flux could largely be explained by chemical composition of the ballast. They suggested that different ballast types transport different amounts of OC, with opal being less efficient than carbonate. Since transport efficiencies of different ballast types did not vary significantly with depth below 1000 m, the data analyses of Armstrong et al. (2002) and Klaas and Archer (2002) suggested that the mechanistic basis of these patterns resides largely in the upper 1000 m. Data presented here from surface traps show a correlation between OM and mineral ballast types (Fig. 6; see discussion below), and further suggest that the mechanistic basis of the OM-ballast association occurs even above ~200 m. Data from the MedFlux study in both 2003 and 2005 demonstrate temporal and depth-related trends in OM and ballast content. In the 2003 shallow traps (238 and 117 m) where we have the longer time series, ballast minerals comprised on average 65-70% of the particle mass during the high flux P1, decreasing to 55-60% in P2 when mass flux was lower (Table 4). This can also be seen in more temporal detail in TS measurements of carbonate and opal fluxes showing higher relative contributions of organic matter and reduced contributions of mineral ballast in surface traps during the lower flux period (Fig. 3). CaCO3 was consistently the dominant mineral phase in sinking particles, but its relative abundance was lower during the first deployment period when the diatom-bloomdriven opal flux was strong. Lithogenic minerals were not a major component of the overall ballast flux in 2003. These observations are consistent with the seasonal 23 phytoplankton succession (spring diatom bloom, followed by haptophyte and chrysophyte nanoflagellates, and eventually picoplankton) as stratification and oligotrophic conditions build in the NW Mediterranean summer (Marty and Chiavérini, 2002). In spring 2005, lithogenic material made up a quarter of the mass flux, and Alxs was a significant fraction (5-6%). The contribution of biogenic opal was similar to the 2003 spring data, while OM and CaCO3 contributed less to the total mass than in 2003. The dust records, while incomplete, suggest that dust input was more intense in 2005 than in 2003. The observation that both large and small mass peaks were usually preceded by a dust event is consistent with a role for dust in catalyzing particle-sinking events. What appears to be a succession of smaller flux peaks could be due to a succession of dust events; that the flux peaks become smaller with time could be because previous dust events had scavenged from the water column most of the biogenic particles produced earlier in the spring. In a similar vein, Guerzoni et al. (1999) concluded that atmospheric nutrient inputs were negligible during the most intense part of the upwelling period at DYFAMED, but that during stratified periods of summer and early fall, atmospheric inputs might trigger “small but detectable phytoplankton blooms”. Dust can play two roles in particle flux. It can release nutrients that result in algal growth (possibly a bloom), although in the Mediterranean these blooms do not appear to be as large as those due to seasonal convective overturn, in spite of the relatively large dust inputs (Guerzoni et al., 1999; Herut et al., 2002; Dulac et al., 2004). Dust is also a strong catalyst of aggregation of suspended particles that results in sinking (Hamm, 24 2002). Although there can be problems interpreting satellite data in the presence of dust (Schollaert et al., 2003), the lack of correlation between satellite color data and flux (Figs. 1 and 2), and the suggestion of a correlation between dust and flux (Fig. 5), indicates that dust may be behaving more as a particle aggregator than as a source of nutrients that stimulates algal growth. The relationship between ballast type and organic matter follows an interesting pattern that may be related to seasonal phytoplankton succession during the change from a mesotrophic to an oligotrophic ecosystem at this site (Fig. 6). In shallow sinking particles collected in 2003 and 2005, the proportion of the ballast made up by carbonate generally increases as %OM increases, while the proportion made up by opal is relatively independent of %OM, and the proportion of lithogenic material decreases. Alxs hydroxide also decreases with increasing %OM, but always makes up a small percent (112%) of the total ballast. Sinking particles from the lower Chl period early in 2005 make up most of the data set for particles with <20% OM (or ~10%OC). These low-OM particles were the only samples in which lithogenic material made up a significant portion of the ballast. Samples with %OM between 20-40% are mostly from 2003 P1 and early P2 samples. Samples with %OM greater than 40% are from 2003 P2 and were clearly dominated by carbonate as the ballast material. If this pattern holds more widely, it suggests that there are distinct OM-ballast associations in particles sinking at 100300 m depth that depend on the state of phytoplankton succession. We will discuss this again later in terms of particle flux mechanisms. 25 One caveat in the discussion of MedFlux ballast data is that masses calculated by summing ballasts (including ‘Al hydroxide’) averaged 66% of the measured mass in spring 2003, 87% in spring 2005, and 104% in summer 2003. Calculated mass deficits and excesses for MedFlux and other samples are treated in detail in Xue (2008). The lower mass deficit in the spring than during the summer is interesting and warrants further investigation into other metal oxides that might serve as additional ballast at that time. 4.2. Effect of ballast composition on settling velocity Our ability to sample a settling velocity profile allowed us to investigate further the depth at which the association between organic matter and ballast minerals was initiated. Although Armstrong et al. (2002) investigated this relationship primarily below 2000 m, we wanted to determine whether differences in density caused by differences in ballast composition might affect the settling rate of particles in the upper water column. Stokes Law suggests that particle SV is proportional to the particle radius squared and the particle’s excess density relative to seawater (McCave, 1975); minerals normally provide a large part of the density differential needed to allow particles to sink (Smayda, 1970; McCave, 1975; Ittekkot and Haake, 1990; Honjo, 1996). Since OM is less dense than mineral ballast, the density of the same size particle would decrease as the OM content increases, and the particle should sink more slowly. However, Khelifa and Hill (2006) suggest that settling velocity reaches a maximum because of the increasing importance of inertial drag on large flocs. Since the Reynolds number for large flocs is around unity, Stokes Law no longer applies. 26 In fact, ballast composition appeared to have little or no effect on particle settling velocity in MedFlux SV samples in the SV range measured, but this may also depend on the state of the phytoplankton community that produces the particles. Before and during blooms in 2003 P1 and 2005 when OC was < 20% (and OM <40%), there was very little relation between ballast composition and settling rate of traps >200 m (Figs. 9C and 11). Although there were differences in composition between the two years, the basic pattern of OM and ballast type did not change with SV. However, during 2003 P2 when OM was greater than 40% and most of the mineral ballast was CaCO3, there was a definite increase in %OM as SV decreased (Fig. 9D). This suggests that particles must be at least half organic matter before their settling velocity is affected by ballast concentration. A particle that is half OM (and thus lower in ballast) may form larger and fluffier aggregates that sink more slowly (Passow and De la Rocha, 2006; Engel et al., 2008a; see later discussion). It should be noted that although we had planned to have spring and summer traps at the same 200-m depth, they were in fact 100 m apart, so part of the differences observed could be due to this depth difference. An interesting realization is that for particles of all settling velocities to have the same composition as in spring 2003 and 2005, the particles must be homogeneous and fragment to different sizes, or they must undergo considerable exchange with each other. At times when the composition varies with SV such as in summer 2003 P2, these constraints are not necessary. Since the spring flux peaks usually originate from phytoplankton bloom-zooplankton interactions throughout a deeper (20-30 m) mixed layer, and the summer material usually originates at the deep Chl max at or below the 27 base of the 5-10 m mixed layer (Faugeras et al., 2003; D’Ortenzio et al., 2005), the material sinking at the two times is likely to be very different as suggested by the ballast composition in Fig. 9 and the organic matter composition in Wakeham et al. (2008). 4.3. Change in composition with depth Changes in average composition of particles with depth were generally in line with expectations from previous trap studies (Table 4). The proportion of OM decreased with depth during all three sampling periods. During 2003 P1 and in 2005, both of which were during spring (March-May), opal was relatively high in surface waters (20-30%) and decreased with depth. The higher proportions of opal and lithogenic material in the deepest samples suggest that these traps may in fact contain some resuspended material that had been transported laterally from the continental margin. However, it has generally been thought that advection of riverine particles or resuspended sediments to this site is minor, since no major rivers flow into the basin, and the Ligurian current decreases the offshore transport of suspended coastal material (Copin-Montegut, 1988; Durrieu de Madron et al., 1990) and coastal plankton (Stemman et al., 2002). Temperature-salinity diagrams from our cruises (data available on the U.S. Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Data System, show little change near the bottom and reflect the presence of Western Mediterranean Deep Water throughout 2003 and 2005 (Ahumada and Cruzado, 2007). There was no sign of influence from the Eastern Mediterranean transient (Schröder et al., 2006) at the time of sampling. 28 The proportion of CaCO3 generally remained constant or increased slightly with depth suggesting that it did not dissolve quickly. Production of foraminifera is likely to account for much of the CaCO3 production in the surface waters (Schiebel, 2002), but would not cause an increase with depth. During the 2003 summer low-flux P2, %CaCO3 was higher (41-54%) than in spring samples, partly due to the lower opal content at that time. Lithogenic material was 2-10 times higher in 2005 than in 2003. We do not have a complete dust record for the two years, but what we have suggests major dust inputs in both years, with 2005 inputs being more intense (Figs. 1 and 2). In addition, Ti concentrations measured in MedFlux samples averaged twice as high in 2005 as in 2003. Lithogenic material increased slightly with depth in 2003 P2 and 2005, but high contributions of lithogenic material at 1918 m may be due to lateral input or sediment resuspension as mentioned above. Previous sediment trap experiments near the present DYFAMED site have shown that particulate Al derived from an atmospheric pulse of dust could be removed from the surface layers and exported below ~200 m in less than two weeks primarily through the repackaging of dust-containing particles into rapidly sinking zooplankton fecal pellets (Buat-Menard et al., 1989). Zooplankton sampling during both the MedFlux cruises suggested a greater abundance of zooplankton during spring 2005 than was noted in 2003 (data not shown). Fluxes of Alxs, or that not accounted for by aluminosilicates, were also higher in 2005 than 2003, mirroring the lithogenic material. Alxs could come from several sources, e.g., incorporation into diatom opal, diagenetic exchange, or adsorption onto the surface of particles. Incorporation into the structure of diatom opal appears to result in Al:Si 29 ratios that are no more than 0.16 even in Al-rich coastal waters (Van Bennekom et al., 1989; Van Cappellen et al., 2002). In MedFlux surface particles, Alxs: biogenic Si ratios averaged 0.4 in 2003 and 0.8 in 2005, suggesting that Alxs is added to the biogenicallyderived particles post-mortem. Higher values in 2005 than 2003 (and in P1 than P2) likely reflect the greater dust inputs in P1 and in 2005. Michalopoulos et al. (2000) found that diatom opal was converted to aluminosilicates as part of diagenetic alteration in sediments; but in laboratory diatom cultures, they found that this reverse weathering process takes 20-23 months, months longer than the residence time of large particles in the water column. Therefore the most likely source for the Alxs is surface complexation of dissolved Al in the water column onto oxyhydroxides as suggested by Kryc et al. (2003). As mentioned earlier, dissolved Al concentrations are 4-200 times higher in the Mediterranean than in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans (Alibo et al. 1999), and would thus provide a ready source of Al for surface sorption. In their leaching studies, Kryc et al. (2003) found that Alxs was associated with oxides rather than OM; our results also show little association between Alxs and OM relative to other components of the particulate fraction (Fig. 6). Alxs flux does not increase with depth, however, suggesting that if sorption is indeed the major source, scavenging is complete in the surface waters. 4.4. Implications for particle flux mechanisms Armstrong et al. (2002) suggested that at least two mechanisms might determine the asymptotic POC:ballast ratios observed below 2000 m. One was that OM was protected in some unknown way by the mineral matrix, perhaps through surface sorption (Mayer, 1994) or entombment (Lowenstam and Weiner, 1989; Knicker et al., 1996). The 30 second was that OM might serve as a glue to bind particles together. If the OM “glue” is too low in concentration, either inherently as particles are first formed or as OM degrades, particles could disintegrate. Klaas and Archer (2002) and François et al. (2002) further suggested that carbonate was the most important carrier of POC, implying a biogenic source of OM from coccolithophores and foraminifera. A significant modification to these mechanisms was recently suggested by Passow (2004). She pointed out, as had Klaas and Archer (2002), that OM degradation rates in the deep sea are not fast enough to account for the reduction in organic content of surface particles to 5%, so that protection from degradation by ballast minerals was moot. Given that we now find particle settling velocities to be at least twice as fast as previously assumed (Xue and Armstrong, 2008; Armstrong et al., 2008), this argument is even more cogent. However, in addition to decomposition, we must also consider rapid dissolution of soluble OM from particles being exported from the euphotic zone, a process that is always part of early mass loss after cell death. Dissolution is likely to be much faster than degradation, especially if there is considerable disaggregation and reaggregation of particles (Wakeham and Canuel, 1988; Hill, 1998). Passow (2004) extended our “glue hypothesis” to suggest that the 3-8% POC: ballast relationship was more likely due to the physical scavenging of minerals by sinking POC, as Deuser et al. (1983) suggested in the early days of open ocean sediment traps. Passow argues that if the carrying capacity of POC for inorganic particles were constant, then the observed POC:ballast ratios could result. This would require the presence of an excess of mineral particles too small to sediment on their own that the sinking POC could 31 interact with. Incorporation of inorganic minerals might increase the sinking rates of the POC-rich marine snow material, but would not initially ballast the particles sufficiently to cause them to sink. In this regard, Hamm (2002) and Passow and de la Rocha (2006) both show that diatom aggregates could scavenge mineral particles in laboratory experiments; Passow and de la Rocha found a carrying capacity in their experiments large enough to account for a 2-3% POC:ballast ratio. Correlation does not imply causation, however. Passow and de la Rocha (2006) further observed an interesting result in that additional incoporation of minerals caused medium-sized diatom aggregates to fragment into many tiny, dense aggregates. Engel et al. (2008 a, b) describe experiments that make similar observations with aggregates made from coccolithophores. In experiments comparing aggregation of the naked form and the CaCO3-producing forms of Emiliania huxleyi, the CaCO3-producing form made many small aggregates compared to the large fluffy aggregates formed by the naked form. Mineral-bearing coccolithophoride aggregates removed more of the suspended cells as aggregates, suggesting that a greater proportion of mineral-bearing organisms might be exported from the euphotic zone compared to non-mineral-bearing organisms. Thus, the minerals would play a major role in enhancing initial aggregation. The role of lithogenic material will depend on its relative contribution and source. Passow’s (2004) results were obtained in an area of high lithogenic flux, although from fluvial inputs rather than dust. Even though lithogenic material does not seem to be a major carrier of OM (Klaas and Archer, 2002), in the MedFlux experiments there was a 32 peak in mass flux after almost every major spring dust event for which we have data, although in 2003 the dust contribution to total mass flux was lower than in 2005. But there was little correlation between size of a dust event and flux, since dust inputs generally intensified whereas flux generally decreased over time. One could argue that this supports Passow (2004): as POC production decreases after the spring bloom, it may become limiting over time even when enough dust is present to be scavenged. However, the summer low productivity time is when %OC in sinking particles is highest. We propose a new scenario for discussion. Why is flux so decoupled from satellite Chl values (which are well correlated with in-situ measurements)? We think it is because particle aggregation requires a catalyst. At the MedFlux site, that catalyst appears to be either ballasted plankton (likely cycled through zooplankton) or dust. During the major spring flux period in both 2003 and 2005, the %OC is relatively constant at 3-5% (Fig. 1D and 2D). Satellite Chl data suggests that phytoplankton were present in the surface waters before the large flux peaks between DOY 80 and 95, more so in 2003. There were dust events prior to both of these flux events that could have catalyzed aggregation; the possibility that dust is critical is supported by Fig. 5, which shows the correlation between lithogenic Al concentration and mass flux that was not seen between Ca and Si concentrations and mass flux. On the other hand, ballasted plankton (like diatoms) could have bloomed just prior to the large mass flux peak; organic geochemical evidence suggests that the large peak occurred soon after the diatom bloom at a time when zooplankton production was at a maximum (Wakeham et al., 2008). Just after the large flux peak in both years, the 33 %OC begins to increase (to 20-30% in 2003 and 15% in 2005), possibly because ballasted plankton and dust have been scavenged from the surface waters during the first large dust/productivity event. Subsequent small flux peaks follow dust events. In summer when dust inputs are frequent and intense, there is not enough plankton biomass, particularly of the ballasted type, in the water column to drive large flux events. Annual average fluxes such as we analyzed in Armstrong et al. (2002) would reflect the average %OC of both periods. However, because most of the particle flux is in the earlier part of the year (and is poorly represented in annual averages), and the average %OC would be low, the 5-8% OC observed would result. More surface trap data is needed to assess these ideas. Boyd and Trull (2007) criticized regression approaches as being overly simplified but generally acknowledge the need to find ways to parameterize export as suggested in Sarmiento and Armstrong (1997). We continue to search for a mechanistic basis for parameterizing export that could be applied to the entire ocean, since determining “b” values (á la Martin et al., 1987) for every region of the World’s oceans cannot be as easily extrapolated to the future ocean. Unfortunately there are very few surface/epipelagic sediment trap data available, and even fewer that include OM and ballast compositional components. However, our MedFlux results make us optimistic about continuing the searching for a mechanistic basis for OM-ballast interactions to provide hypotheses for future testing in the field. 34 Acknowledgements: MedFlux is supported by the National Science Foundation Chemical Oceanography Program and the IAEA in Monaco. The International Atomic Energy Agency is grateful for the support provided to its Marine Environment Laboratories by the Government of the Principality of Monaco. The captains and crews of the RV Seward Johnson II, Endeavor, and Tethys were exceedingly helpful in deploying and recovering the sediments traps used in this study. We thank NASA IDS fellow team member J.E. O’Reilly for providing satellite data for the DYFAMED station, and fellow MedFlux program members, particularly B. Gasser, J. Szlosek, and Z. Liu, for help with sample collection and handling. We also, once more, thank J.I. Hedges who was there at the beginning and in spirit throughout. This is MedFlux contribution No. XX and MSRC contribution No. XXXX. 35 References Ahumada, M., Cruzado, A., 2007. Modeling of the circulation in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea with the Princeton Ocean Model. Ocean Science 3, 77–89. Alibo, D.S., Nozaki, Y., Jeandel, J., 1999. 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Time-series fluxes (mg m-2d-1) for 2003 of organic matter, calcium carbonate, opal, lithogenic material and Alxs as defined in text. Near-surface fluxes of carbonate, opal, and lithogenic material were high during the March bloom period but decreased to only a few mg m-2d-1 at the end of June. Patterns over time of calcium carbonate, lithogenic material, OM, and to some extent opal flux closely followed that of total mass. Cup OM CaCO3 Opal Litho Alxs hydroxide Cup OM Period 1 110 156 117 99.5 26.4 25.3 26.3 46.7 43.2 28.4 34.0 37.3 38.0 60.7 127 19.9 17.3 20.6 25.0 26.2 10.8 28.3 Litho Alxs hydroxide 11.3 22.3 2.66 0.77 0.52 0.53 0.51 0.46 0.08 ns 1.09 7.21 3.37 1.09 0.34 0.42 0.35 0.29 0.18 0.03 ns 0.19 7.52 12.1 c 6.51 15.8 11.7 7.84 9.73 4.69 ns 1.89 9.90 14.9 c 7.06 10.9 13.3 12.2 14.7 6.05 ns 2.70 TS 117 m 175 148 217 74.6 57.6 21.1 43.1 7.42 37.9 22.7 41.7 47.8 96.8 63.7 80.7 58.1 23.0 13.1 32.2 26.2 10.3 19.8 86.9 74.7 109 27.1 19.0 3.99 4.91 4.88 6.32 1.14 8.87 61.1 49.3 59.0 23.5 13.0 3.16 1.67 5.12 4.56 0.98 5.38 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 73.4 70.9 39.5 30.4 11.2 11.8 7.46 6.12 7.48 11.0 5.39 TS 771 m 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Opal Period 2 TS 238 m 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CaCO3 93.3 123 237 93.8 31.0 22.6 10.2 19.3 24.7 6.82 26.4 19.5 43.8 22.4 49.8 22.4 15.8 10.3 10.5 9.61 3.72 4.34 52.3 86.8 32.3 13.3 7.29 18.9 5.66 34.6 5.07 nd 16.42 12.49 12.79 6.42 6.64 1.96 1.48 2.08 1.41 0.60 ns 2.06 TS 1918 m 18.9 13.7 93.7 21.0 6.51 5.53 4.77 4.62 4.26 0.88 0.77 12.6 10.3 76.8 17.0 4.53 4.30 3.46 4.06 0.50 0.58 1.96 2 3/4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 24.3 18.6 c 12.6 9.20 11.8 11.6 18.0 5.18 3.55 2.45 24.2 38.5 c 17.2 24.5 44.8 11.9 31.0 7.27 4.29 1.00 4.52 6.12 c 5.93 5.96 5.68 4.73 5.34 2.92 ns 0.09 nd, not detected due to small sample size; c, the sample was combined with the previous cup and averaged; ns, no sample 46 Table 3. Time-series fluxes (mg m-2d-1) for 2005 of organic matter, calcium carbonate, opal, lithogenic material and Alxs as defined in text. Patterns with time of calcium carbonate, lithogenic material, and opal flux closely followed that of total mass. Cup OM CaCO3 Opal Lithogenic Alxs hydroxide 57.4 57.8 20.4 37.7 32.8 54.2 36.0 14.2 39.9 29.9 7.8 186 226 68.6 86.8 114 238 86.4 39.2 41.4 38.6 23.2 193 188 44.6 54.0 41.4 236 56.3 nd 113 34.7 nd 214 191 94.2 106 104 158 76.9 29.0 30.5 19.2 11.7 69.0 83.7 32.0 41.5 38.9 99.4 38.4 4.65 13.6 7.96 7.14 nd 19.0 10.1 nd nd 38.4 nd 4.7 16.3 11.0 nd 126 142 143 119 190 223 152 14.0 6.3 4.7 25.2 42.1 41.3 39.1 33.6 47.2 51.5 57.5 12.7 9.34 3.88 4.83 TS 313 m 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TS 924 m 2 35.5 78.4 3 25.4 89.1 4 26.5 101 5 26.5 105 6 33.7 132 7 33.5 54.7 8 29.6 116 9 17.6 20.6 10 13.9 14.9 11 11.4 22.2 12 16.9 9.9 nd, not detected due to small sample size 47 Table 4. Percent of each component in SV and TS sediment traps averaged over the collection period and relative to calculated mass. Trap 2003 Period 1 TS SV 1&2 (avg) Depth (m) OM (%) CaCO3 (%) Opal (%) Alxs Lithogenic hydroxide (%) (%) 238 32 34 32 32 22 21 9.5 8.5 5.0 4.3 771 32 35 19 8.8 4.8 117 42 49 46 47 7.8 1.7 3.7 2.4 1.1 0.48 1918 30 39 8.9 TS SV 313 12 17 28 20 SV 1&2 (avg) 524 12 TS 924 14 TS 2003 Period 2 TS SV TS 15 7.0 25 28 26 24 8.6 11 21 18 37 12 31 9 35 11 34 14 33 2005 SV 1&2 (avg) 1918 8.2 48 9.7 Figures Fig. 1. Mass flux (A), POC flux (B), Satellite Chl and sea surface temperature (C), and percent OC (D) in 2003 TS sediment traps. Vertical bands show dust inputs, with darker bands being heavier inputs. Surface fluxes of bulk particulate matter (mass) and OC were highest (up to ~1000 mg m-2d-1 for mass and 70 mg m-2d-1 for OC) during the first two weeks of the first deployment period and decreased by about an order of magnitude thereafter. There was no obvious correlation between Chl and flux. Surface mass flux continued to decrease further until the end of the deployment on June 30. At 771 m, mass and OC fluxes at the start of 2003 P1 were about 4-fold lower than at 238 m, but quickly increased till fluxes at 771 m were essentially the same as at 238 m. OC fluxes peaked at slightly different times at 238 and 771 m. After the initial two weeks of P1, mass fluxes at 238 and 771 m were generally similar. OC fluxes were slightly lower at 771 m than at 238 m. During P2, mass fluxes at 117 m were very low, and mass fluxes at 1918 m were often higher. OC fluxes at the two depths showed a pattern generally similar to mass flux. Fig. 2. Mass flux (A), POC flux (B), satellite Chl and sea surface temperature (C), and percent OC (D) in 2005 TS sediment traps. Vertical bands show dust inputs, with darker bands being heavier inputs. The high point shown in Chl is a single point. Mass fluxes at 313 and 924 m in 2005 were almost as high as surface fluxes in 2003, up to ~900 mg m-2d-1 mass. However, OC fluxes never reached the higher 2003 levels, peaking at 25 mg m-2d-1. Mass fluxes at 313 m were higher than at 924 m, but not greatly so, suggesting again that 49 material from the surface phytoplankton bloom quickly reached 924 m, and that little particulate material was lost between these depths. However, OC fluxes at 313 m were higher on average than 924 m fluxes, again suggesting some loss of OC with depth. Fig. 3. Contribution of organic matter, calcium carbonate, opal, and lithogenic material in 2003 TS sediment traps during P1 at 238 m (A) and 771 m (B) and P2 at 117 m (C) and 1918 m (D). CaCO3 was almost always the largest fraction of surface ballast flux during P1, and became even more dominant during P2 later in the summer and in deeper water. Lithogenic material was most important in both surface and mid-depth waters early in P1, decreasing later and becoming very low in surface waters during P2. However, lithogenic material was again important in the deep 1918 m traps during P2. Opal was usually 3050% of CaCO3 values during P1 and became even less important during P2. Fig. 4. Contribution of organic matter, calcium carbonate, opal, and lithogenic material in 2005 TS sediment traps at 313 (A) and 524 m (B). In the near-surface trap, CaCO3, opal, and lithogenic material were almost equal (~30%) in importance at the beginning of the deployment period. In the deeper trap, opal was much less important and lithogenic material was the dominant component. The lithogenic component decreased with time. Fig. 5. Relationship between lithogenic Al concentration (mg g-1) and mass flux (m-2d-1) for 2003 P1 and P2 samples (m=21.9; r2=0.71); the correlation was significant (n=22) at the 95% confidence level. There was no correlation between mass flux and biogenic Si (r2=0.02) or Ca (r2=0.03) concentration. 50 Fig. 6. Relation between the proportion of each ballast and percent organic matter. Explained variances (r2) for the proportion of calcium carbonate (), opal (∇), lithogenic material (), and Alxs hydroxide (◊) in total ballast versus %OM are 0.31, 0.004, 0.50, and 0.36, respectively. Correlations of calcium carbonate, lithogenic material, and Alxs hydroxide with organic matter are all significant at the 95% confidence level. The correlation between opal and organic mater is not significant. Data are for all 2003 and 2005 samples from nearsurface traps (~200m). Fig. 7. Time-integrated Mass flux density (IMFD) at 238 m in P1 (A) and 117 m in P2 (B) in 2003, and 313 m (C), 524 m (D), and 1918 m (E) in 2005 SV sediment traps. SV1 and SV2 are duplicate traps on the same array and are shown by dashed and solid lines. The area represented by the bars is total mass flux. Although total mass fluxes determined in duplicate SV traps for the entire collection period agreed within 10-25% in 2003 and 1-6% in 2005 (Table 1), the mass collected in individual cups in duplicate traps did not agree well. At the highest IMFD, agreement between duplicate traps in 2003 was within 38% at 238 m, and in 2005 within 24% at 524 m and 27% at 1918 m. Fig. 8. Time-integrated mass flux density (A) and percent OC (B) during Periods 1 and 2 in 2003, and average IMFD (C) and %OC (D) at all three depths sampled in 2005. For easier comparison of patterns, mass flux density is represented by a single point at the SV interval midpoint. All depths are shown in each figure. Variability in 2003 P2 %OC values may reflect error due to low sample size rather than actual changes as discussed in the text. 51 Fig. 9. Time-integrated organic matter and ballast flux densities in 2003 surface SV sediment traps during Periods 1 (A) and 2 (B). Contribution of organic matter, calcium carbonate, opal, and lithogenic material in 2003 surface SV sediment traps during Periods 1 (C) and 2 (D). Compositional data calculated in a relative sense gives a slightly different story than mass flux densities as it normalizes the data to the sum of OM, CaCO3, opal and lithogenic material. Also, samples where one of these components is missing cannot be considered (blank spaces in figures). Fig. 10. Time-integrated organic matter and ballast flux densities in 2005 SV sediment traps at 313 m, 524 m, and 1918 m. Flux density is represented by a single point at the SV interval midpoint. Duplicates are shown at 524 and 1918 m. Fig. 11. Contribution of organic matter, calcium carbonate, opal, and lithogenic material in 2005 SV sediment traps at 313 (A), 524 (B and C) and 1918 m (D and E). Duplicates are shown at 524 and 1918 m. Blank spaces occur where not all four components were measured. 52 1000 80 A 238 m OC flux (mg m-2 d-1) Mass flux (mg m-2 d-1) 1200 117 m 771 m 800 1918 m 600 400 200 0 30 C SST 25 Chl-a 1.5 20 1.0 15 0.5 0.0 40 20 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 10 190 35 30 D 25 OC (%) Chl-a (mg m-2) 2.0 60 0 Sea Surface Temperature (C) 2.5 B Day of Year 2003 20 15 10 5 0 50 70 90 110 130 150 Day of Year 2003 Figure 1 170 190 1000 30 A 313 m 924 m 800 OC flux (mg m-2 d-1) Mass flux (mg m-2 d-1) 1200 600 400 200 B 20 10 0 C 25 1.5 Chl-a SST 1.0 15 0.5 0.0 50 20 70 90 110 Day of Year 2005 130 10 150 16 D 12 OC (%) Chl-a (mg m-2) 2.0 30 (?) Sea Surface Temperature (C) 4.0 0 8 4 0 Figure 2 50 70 90 110 Day of Year 2005 130 150 MedFlux 2003 Time Series Traps A 238 m P1 B 117 m P2 C 771 m P1 D 1918 m P2 Composition (%) 100 80 60 40 20 0 80 60 40 20 16 8.5 17 3.5 17 8.5 13 6 14 0 14 4 14 8 15 2 15 6 16 0 16 4 10 5 11 1 11 7 12 3 99 93 0 67 .5 72 .5 77 .5 82 .5 87 .5 Composition (%) 100 Day of Year 2003 (mid-point) Carbonate Opal Day of Year 2003 (mid-point) Lithogenic Figure 3 Organic matter 2005 Time Series Traps A 313 B 924 m Composition (%) 100 80 60 40 20 0 80 60 40 20 96 10 1 10 6 11 1 11 6 86 91 76 81 0 66 71 Composition (%) 100 Day of Year 2005 (mid-point) Carbonate Opal Lithogenic Organic matter Figure 4 1000 Mass flux (mg m-2 d-1) 800 600 400 200 0 0 10 20 30 Al (mg g-1) Figure 5 40 50 Ballast type / total ballast (g g-1) 1.0 CaCO3 0.8 0.6 0.4 Opal 0.2 Litho Alex 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Organic matter / total mass (g g-1) Figure 6 0.7 0.8 24 20 A 238 m P1 SV-1 SV-2 24 16 12 12 8 8 4 4 0 0 1.6 1.4 28 B 24 SV-2 1.0 16 0.8 12 0.6 D 524 m SV-1 SV-2 20 1.2 C 313 m 20 117 m P2 SV-1+SV-2 2005 28 16 1.8 IMFD (g m-2 SVI-1) 2003 8 0.4 0.2 4 0 0 1 10 100 Settling velocity (m 1000 28 d-1) IMFD (g m-2 SVI-1) IMFD (g m-2 SVI-1) 28 Settling Velocity Traps 24 SV-1 SV-2 20 16 12 8 4 0 Figure 7 E 1918 m 1 10 100 1000 Settling velocity (m d-1) 2003 SV traps 25 1.5 50 1.2 40 SV-1 P1 238 m SV-2 P1 238 m SV1+2 P2 117 m 15 0.9 10 0.6 5 0.3 0 0 OC (%) 20 IMFD P2 (g m-2 SVI-1) IMFD P1 (g m-2 SVI-1) A B (?) 30 20 10 0 2005 SV traps 12 C 20 313 m 524 m 1918 m 15 10 10 6 4 5 0 D 8 OC (%) IMFD (g m-2 SVI-1) 25 2 1 0 10 100 1000 Settling velocity (m d-1) 1 10 100 1000 Settling velocity (m d-1) Figure 8 2003 Settling Velocity Traps 6 IMFD (g m-2 SVI-1) 5 0.7 A 0.6 Organic matter CaCO3 Lithogenic Opal 4 3 B 117 m P2 0.5 0.4 0.3 2 0.2 1 0.1 0 0 1 C 238 m P1 10 100 Settling velocity (m d-1) 1000 1 D 238 m P1 10 100 1000 -1 Settling velocity (m d ) 117 m P2 80 60 40 20 -1 .4 42 2. .7 75. 5. 4 411 11 -2 2 22 -4 9 49 -9 98 8 -1 19 96 64 49 90 098 >9 0 80 1. 0. 68 -1 1. .4 42 2. .7 75. 5. 4 411 11 -2 2 22 -4 9 49 -9 98 8 -1 19 96 64 49 90 098 >9 0 80 0 0. 68 Composition (%) 100 Settling velocity range (m d-1) Carbonate Opal Settling velocity range (m d-1) Lithogenic Figure 9 Organic matter IMFD (g m-2 SVI-1) 7.5 A 2005 Settling Velocity Traps SV-2 313 m Organic matter 5.0 CaCO3 Lithogenic Opal 2.5 0 IMFD (g m-2 SVI-1) 7.5 B C SV-1 524 m SV-2 524 m D E 5.0 2.5 0 IMFD (g m-2 SVI-1) 7.5 SV-1 1918 m SV-2 1918 m 5.0 2.5 (?) 0 1 10 100 (?) 1000 1 Settling velocity (m d-1) 10 100 1000 Settling velocity (m d-1) Figure 10 2005 Settling Velocity Traps A SV-2 313 m 100 Composition (%) 80 60 40 20 0 B C SV-1 524 m SV-2 524 m Composition (%) 100 80 60 40 20 0 D E SV-1 1918 m SV-2 1918 m 80 60 40 20 Opal 0 98 0 >9 80 49 0- 6 49 32 6- 6 32 19 6- 19 40 14 0- .9 97 .9 -1 .0 -9 7 49 .0 -4 9 .8 -2 1 21 .9 10 Settling velocity range (m d-1) Settling velocity range (m d-1) Carbonate .8 .9 4 10 4- -5 . 5. 68 0. 98 0 >9 80 0 49 49 0- 6 32 6- 6 32 19 6- 19 40 0- 14 -1 .9 97 .9 -9 7 .0 .0 49 21 .8 -4 9 .8 .9 -2 1 10 .9 10 45. 68 -5 . 4 0 0. Composition (%) 100 Lithogenic Figure 11 Organic matter