Photoshop training videos - Fitness-Copy

Revealed right below: The fastest and easiest way to learn Photoshop...
"Here's How You Can Learn... And Be Using
Photoshop in One Hour and 57 Minutes
or Less... Guaranteed"
"Could it really be this easy to master Photoshop? The Answer is "YES"... I
was making graphics quickly and completely stress free... all in less than 2
hours. And I guarantee you can do the same... and I want to prove it to you.
Right below, you'll discover the same simple secrets I learned that took me
from complete beginner... to Photoshop expert. Give me just 2 hours and
you'll have the skills you need to start making pictures you're proud of... by
Dear Friend,
If you would like to learn how to use Photoshop in the fastest and easiest way
So you're creating stunning graphics and quality pictures that you're proud of in a
lot less time... then this will be the most important message you read.
Here's why:
My name is Mark Borg and I'm an Internet marketer and small business owner.
Since that's how I make my living, it's important that I know how to edit pictures,
logos, images, and other graphics.
And Photoshop is the most popular image-editing program in the world. It's used
by photographers, designers, artists, publishers, and people at home.
But the problem was... up until recently... I didn't know a single thing about using
I Was A Complete Beginner
I was always intimidated when trying to learn Photoshop myself. It seemed pretty
confusing when I looked at the control panel.
So I'd send MY projects to other graphic designers, just to get them done.
It pretty humiliating and embarassing to do that. I just knew I had to learn
Photoshop... and fast!
So at the peak of my frustration, when I ran out of patience, I decided it was time
to get smart. And it was then that I learned an important point that changed what
I was doing...
If you keep doing the same things, you're going to get the same exact
results. When you learn better, you can do better ... when you DO better,
you GET better results.
What this means is, you can learn anything you need to learn to achieve anything
you want to achieve.
Since I was tired of being clueless about Photoshop, I was determined to learn it
myself. That way, I could do all of the things I wanted to do with graphics,
pictures, and other images.
But There Was Only One Problem
I didn't know where to turn. I had no idea what the fastest and easiest way to
learn Photoshop was.
So I started spending a ton of time sifting through thousands of junky, cluttered
websites, looking for the good information.
But with so many "thrown-together" websites that were full of nothing but ads and
banners, I was frustrated going through all of them.
I just wanted an easy way to find the simple, clear instructions that would help
me design pictures and retouch photos in the least amount of time.
I soon became completely fed up with trying to figure out Photoshop on my own.
I became determined to "crack the code" and learn this stuff the right way. So I
spent a ton of time and money searching for the best Photoshop experts to train
In fact, here are some of the actual replies I got from my job posting...
I was looking for a world-class team of experts whose only goal was to cut out
ALL of the confusion and teach me the secrets of Photoshop... so I could make
better pictures and photos in the fastest time possible.
Soon, I had 5 of the best Photoshop experts that money could buy.
And believe me, I spent A LOT of money to get the best training possible.
These coaches had to take me, a complete beginner who didn't know anything
about Photoshop...
And they had to make me an experienced expert...
In The Fastest and Easiest Way Possible
As we went along, my coaches recorded everything I needed to know in order to
make incredible graphics and quality pictures. Every technique I learned, every
principle I used.
These videos really explained the basics of Photoshop in a clear, easy-tounderstand manner. (And you're going to see these exact same videos in just a
I was amazed at how well these guys could explain even the most advanced
Photoshop techniques so that a beginner could understand them.
Soon, I knew what worked and what didn't.
And in no time flat, these step-by-step instructions took me from confused
beginner... to comfortable Photoshop expert.
Finally... A Clear, Practical Roadmap
For Learning And Using Photoshop!
In less than a half a day, I knew all of Photoshop's tools, buttons and windows...
and I was proud of the crisp, clean graphics I was able to create.
I was extremely happy because I was no longer confused doing the graphic
design work I wanted to do. Better yet, the quality of my graphics was top-notch.
My confidence soared and I was able to design all sorts of stuff...
Business Logos
Business Cards
Web Pages
Greeting Cards
Ebook Covers
Product Boxes
Magazine Covers
Photo Albums
Buttons and Badges
I thought... how could something so simple be so powerful?
It seemed like magic.
But I wanted to make sure this wasn't just a "fluke".
I needed to test these strategies with others to make sure they'd work for them as
well. I wanted "real-world proof that anyone could easily copy my step-by-step
method for learning Photoshop in under 2 hours.
So it was time for...
The Mom Test
That's my mom in the picture above - Jill Borg. She's been a nurse for 24 years
and barely knows how to check her email on the computer.
I knew if my mom could watch these videos and start creating stuff in
Photoshop... then ANYONE could.
It was a Thursday at about 2:20 p.m. when I arrived at my mom's house. I told
her I had spent the last few hours learning Photoshop. I showed her some of the
new graphic design work I'd been doing for my clients.
I asked her if she'd be willing to watch a few videos that would teach her about it.
After she said yes, I loaded up Photoshop, plugged in her headset, and had her
watch the same videos my coaches created for me.
After just a few short hours... I took a screenshot of what she'd done:
I Was Blown Away!
She created this photo collage of her, my younger sister Aubrey, and my
Needless to say, I was amazed that my mom... who had never touched ANY
graphic-editing software before in her life... was able to create stuff in Photoshop
after watching these videos!
After seeing how well my mom did, I spent a few days trying them out with other
members of my family.
my older brother (an accountant),
my aunt (retired) and
my cousin Sophie (13 years old)
And they were able to get amazing results in a very short time as well!
Now I knew that ANYONE, even people afraid of computers, could quickly and
easily learn and use Photoshop.
I had "cracked the code" on Photoshop.
And I just knew I had to share these simple and easy-to-understand videos with
So I put up this website to help you cut out the confusion and learn Photoshop in
the quickest and easiest way possible.
And now, since I've been offering these same powerful training videos online,
well over 5,773 people have used them with absolutely astonishing results! So
these videos have been proven to work, time and time again.
But Please Don't Take My Word For It.
Here's What Some Of Them Are Saying...
"Thanks for your fantastic website and videos. It was the best
investment I've ever made and has taken my Photoshop
experience to the next level."
Dave Hallows
"I just wanted to thank you for the excellent Photoshop videos
you provide. They have allowed me to learn photoshop over
the course of a few nights and I have already started using
some of the techniques to improve my digital scrapbooks that I
create with photos of my family."
Sally Kerns
"I've watched all 43 of the videos and I must say that I'm totally
blown away. The level of detail is just fantastic and the videos
are so easy to follow along with. It feels like I have my very
own Photoshop trainer and I'm looking over his shoulder."
Jack Gesinger
"I'm 68 years old and although I normally am a slow learner
with technology, I followed your videos just fine! I wanted to
create a logo for my company and your videos showed me
exactly what I needed to know, and they were easy to watch."
Frank Spence
"I had just downloaded photo shop before I found this web site.
After 4 hours of watching the videos I'm very excited that I can
now create banner adverts for the company I work at. I have
already told 4 others guys at work about your web site and
they are going to buy your fantastic videos as well."
Tim Giudice
"I saw the promotion for in the
Better Photoshop magazine and decided to check it out. After I
watched some of the free videos I ordered and havent looked
back since. Great videos with real world practical applications
of techniques which I have been using to compliment my
freelace web design services for clients."
Steven Fenessy
"I purchased Friday and it is now Sunday night. I've watched
25 videos so far and I'm really confident in my Photoshop
abilities. Kudos for this fantastic web site!"
Paula Dean
But here's what's important: If regular people like my Mom and I can achieve
amazing results like these ...
There's No Reason You Can't As Well
I want you thinking "Yeah, I can do this too!"
And the truth is, you can! I'm going to take you by the hand and show you, stepby-step, exactly how I did it and why I think you can too.
But first, do me a favor.
Take a few minutes and picture this...
It's just 2 hours from now and you have the skills you need to design websites,
album covers, T-shirts, download buttons, banners, flyers, and ecovers.
You're now an expert in Photoshop... showing off your talent to friends and family
by creating digital masterpieces!
You're now able to use all the coolest features in the fastest and easiest way...
getting images into Photoshop and turning them into dazzling works of art.
Imagine The Thrill Of Creating
High-Quality Graphics For Yourself!
And what if, in under 2 hours, you could effortlessly convert your graphics into
gorgeous designs?
What if you could turn your photos into the ultimate digital works of art!
You're having fun making T-shirt designs, using brushes, creating effects and
backgrounds. Taking old pictures from your family photo album... and making
them like NEW again!
Is all of this impossible? Is it a gimmick or some miracle?
Of course not.
It's From Watching These Simple Videos!
Clearly, the fastest way to learn anything is to copy a method that's already been
proven to work.
You need a guide you can use, over and over, to shorten your learning curve and
speed up results. That way, there's no guess-work at all.
And right now, you can get ALL of these powerful videos... for a tiny fraction of
the price I had to pay.
I've taken all the "little-known" secrets I used to become an expert with
Photoshop in under 2 hours... and made them available in these videos that you
can start watching right now.
It's literally a simple, step-by-step system you can use as a shortcut to success.
Here's My Simple, Proven Method
To "Shortcut" Your Way To Photoshop Expert
Here are the same 43 simple but powerful videos that took me from absolute
beginner... to proven expert in under 2 hours!
As you can see there's everything from the absolute basics all the way to
advanced "web 2.0" effects, logos, posters, photo retouching, comic books,
business cards and more:
Introduction to Photoshop
Drawing & Painting
Resizing & Rotating Images
Saving Images for the Web
Raster Channels & Color
An Introduction to Layers
Creating Text
Layer Effects
Vintage Photo Effects
Creating an iPhone - Part 1
Creating an iPhone - Part 2
Removing the Background
from a Photo
An Introduction to Rules and
Creating Animated GIFs
Image File Formats
Wrapping Images Around
Creating the Google Logo
Creating a Web 2.0 Button
Creating a Web 2.0 Badge
Creating a Business Card
Duotones Explained
Using the Spot Healing Tool Black and White Thesholds
Red Eye Removal
Working With Smart
An Introduction to Blend
Working With Brightness
and Contrast
An Introduction to Color
An Introduction to Smart
Creating a Torn Paper Effect
Creating a Happy New Year
Creating a Christmas
Creating a Christmas Globe
Creating a Realistic Planet - Creating a Realistic Planet - Creating a Sunrise Through
Part 1
Part 2
Fog Effect
Creating Web 2.0 Reflective
Creating a Simple Logo
Creating a Collage of
Cool Pixel Art
Creating a Comic Strip
Convert a Photo to a
I want you to use these videos, just like I did, to cut out the confusion and get up
to speed with Photoshop in under 2 hours.
These videos are PERFECT for beginners and will teach you EVERY technique,
trick and shortcut you need to know in order to WOW friends, even if you've
never used Photoshop before!
And better yet, you'll have IMMEDIATE ACCESS to watch them right from the
comfort of your computer, right online just like on YouTube. That way, you don't
have to waste any time downloading huge files.
These Are The Exact Same Training Videos
That Made Me a Photoshop Expert!
I'm talking about an actual blueprint you follow, step by step. There's no
These videos were recorded by experts who show you step-by-step how to use
Photoshop. You'll hear their voices and see every movement on their computer
screen, as if you were sitting right beside them.
Forget the long hours of reading books, these videos will reduce your learning
time from days... to just a few short hours.
Now, even though it's impossible to list all of the advantages you gain by
watching these videos, I do want to mention some of the main benefits you'll
Here's Just A Small Sample
Of What These Secrets Will Do For You:
Learn how to create Ebook Covers - Create ebook and e-course
graphics that make your website conversions double... with NO extra work
on your part!
Discover how to create stunning advertisements - Design ads for
magazines, websites, newspapers, banners, billboard and more! You'll be
amazed how easy it is.
Find out how to create online Banners - Learn how to create the
highest-quality banners or ads... quickly and easily.
Learn about layers and why they're important! Also learn how to remove,
replace, and create backgrounds.
Learn how to design the best quality pictures - Create images, retouch
photos, use the drawing and painting tools, cut photos, design different
angles, and more. Discover how to edit and change the colors of your
Discover how to design killer special effects - Create special effects on
photographs, change hair color in pictures, change people's faces, or even
make home movies.
Learn how to create website buttons - Want to make 3D "join now"
buttons? Master the graphical arts we talk about on these videos and
you'll be making buttons in no time!
Start Creating Fancy Images And Graphics
Using Photoshop Right Before Your Own Eyes!
Discover Photoshop's painting tools - Painting with the brush tool,
adding color with the pencil tool, removing color with the eraser tool, and
working with other brush-using tools couldn't be easier!
Make people look better - Get the red out of eyes, use the digital
fountain of youth to whiten teeth and remove the unwanted from photos!
Adjust brightness, improve color, and fix flaws.
Learn about color - Use Photoshop's toning tools and the
Shadow/Highlight features to make color look natural. Find out about color
modes, models, and depths as well as recording color in your images.
How to create killer business logos - Master the design of high-quality
logos, whether it's for websites, Fortune 500 companies, or business
cards. It's easy once you watch these videos.
Learn how to work with images Getting images into and out of
Photoshop, downloading from your digital camera, and scanning prints.
How to fix and touch-up family pictures - Crop and export photos, fix
photo quality and touch up pictures easily, change color balance and mix
brightness together for perfect output. Master skin, hair, and beauty
Whether you're 15 years old or 50... new user or expert - you'll learn
the simple tricks to using Photoshop for changing backgrounds, changing
faces, creating hair or skin texture, editing old photos, and more.
Start a new business and make money - You can take your techniques
and become a professional designer that works on advertising for highpaying agencies. Set up your own business to become a graphic designer
that works on pictures and graphics for others.
Have fun at home - Maybe you want to learn something new and
exciting. Photoshop will give you something fun and rewarding to do in
your free time. Leisure photography, working with family, holiday, and
travel photos for albums or websites, the sky's the limit.
Update your photo albums Convert black and white photos into color.
Learn to creatively color photos, highlight certain parts of photos and
make them look professional.
Believe me, that's just a small sample of what you can do!
You can use these videos in all areas of your professional and home life. They'll
teach you everything you need to know in order to make the best pictures
Who Needs These Videos?
Well, if you're already a photoshop expert and can do things with photoshop that
most people can only imagine, then you probably don't need these videos.
If you're an expert that could probably teach a university computer science class
how to use photoshop, you probably don't need these videos.
But if you're anything like me, someone that really wanted to know the ins and
outs of photoshop in the fastest and easiest way possible, then this was made for
In fact, if this screenshot of Photoshop confuses you...
Then these videos will help you learn, understand, and use Photoshop in less
than 2 hours.
That way, you can stop wasting time sifting through cluttered website after
cluttered website, trying to sort out the good Photoshop information from the
In fact, my Photoshop coaches were given detailed instructions on how I wanted
these videos to be made.
I made sure that ANYONE who watched these videos...
Didn't have more than a basic knowledge of computers
Didn't want to read 500+ page manuals or boring books
Didn't have much time and wanted to "cut through the confusion"
Preferred seeing how things are done by watching, instead of
was able to start using Photoshop at an expert level by tonight
If you're frustrated with spinning your wheels when using Photoshop, not satisfied
with the graphics you're currently making, these videos will eliminate that
They truly are the simplest, most effective way of learning the true capabilities of
Imagine How Envious Your
Friends and Family Will Be!
These easy to follow photoshop video tutorials are full of practical tips
guaranteed to save you time and make you more productive.
What's more...
These videos assume you've never used Photoshop. Every button,
toolbar, menu, dialog box and setting is explained in clear, easy-tounderstand detail so you'll never be left scratching your head.
The video training is interactive. You can follow along will every
video and copy the steps to replicate exactly what you see. You can
pause, rewind, fast forward and more - just like YouTube.
The training is fun! The Photoshop experts who recorded the videos
are upbeat and really make learning exciting. I asked them to throw
in real world examples of how and why they use certain techniques
over others, etc.
The videos work on both Mac and PC, as do the techniques. For
example, when describing a hotkey you'll hear "To save press ctrl+s
on a PC or option+s on a Mac".
And not only am I confident these videos give you all the "insider secrets"
needed to master photoshop in less than 2 hours time...
I Guarantee It And Have
The Results To Prove It!
(More about my guarantee to you in a moment.)
That's because these videos work.
I've tested and proven it by my own trial and error. Not only that, I've shown them
to thousands of regular people. And they've worked for each and every one who
has seriously applied what they watched.
Below are a few more of the hundreds of testimonials I've received from
people having incredible success from following them.
CJ Corpin
"As soon as i saw the free videos i had to sign up. The
techniques used in those videos really impressed me and i was
eager to learn more of the beginner methods. Needless to say
i've watched another 10 or so videos since i purchased and i
really do feel confident using Photoshop to create graphics."
B. M. Cuthbertson
"I was given a copy of Photoshop CS4 and had never used it
before. After a quick search on Google I found your website
and watched the free videos. I got your tutorials and have
really learnt alot about Photoshop in a few short weeks.
Congratulations for living up to your promise that anyone can
learn to become a Photoshop expert - I am living proof of that
Ali Merhi
"Now that I consider myself a Photoshop expert I am confident
I can leave my job and start a freelancing carrer!!! Thank you
VERY much for your videos. You have a customer for life and I
am grateful that you have helped enhance my skills especially in this tough economy. I can now freelance and am
getting at least 3 new clients a week!!"
Damil Maningas
"Great videos that are easy to follow along with - even for me!!"
Dan A. McAlpine
"It is amazing how much quicker you can learn by watching
some one else. The quality of the videos and the clear
explanations on even the complex subjects is why i love
M Ling
"I have yet to find a more practical and easy to follow resource
for learning photosho than PSBE. Each video is fun to watch
and very informative. Your videos are easier to follow then
normal "article" based tutorials and I appreciate that your
tutorials work on both MAC and PC because I have a MAC at
home and 2 PCs at work."
Jesper Idon
"I do not normally send testimonials to any websites - and I use
a lot. I am a graphic designer by trade but would only consider
myself an intermediate Photoshop user. That was until 3
weeks ago when I found this site. I have watched every video even the beginner ones - and would now classify myself as a
Photoshop guru. The video tutorials are really invaluable and I
cannot recommend them highly enough!!"
Tina Lebrasky
"PSBE is great. I used it to learn Photoshop in just a weekend!"
Hanna Buckland
"I tried to learn Photoshop by watching videos on YouTube but
the people who posted the videos obviously did not know how
to teach. I saw your ad for PSBE on YouTube and clicked over
and was blown away with the video topics and helpful advice
from your Photoshop experts. They know how to teach and I
like how they mix in their personal experiences with the
Victor Kapimilous
"I am a graphic designer for the multimedia studies program in
San Francisco and I have been using your videos to teach
students the intimate details of Photoshop. Your videos in
combination with online coursework and assignments comprise
the majority of our studies program and I am thrilled to be
associated with Photoshop By Example."
Stacy Vasilev
"I vote as the best graphic design
and photoshop website on the net!!! I have searched high and
low and do not know of any other site which has as many
comprehensive videos as yours. I just wanted to let you know
Drak Zorbas
"I used what I learned from your web 2.0 logo videos to create
a new logo for my company. If that's not a hands-on use of the
knowledge you share on this website then I don't know what is
Jen Posner
"I love PhotoshopByExample. It is a one stop shop for
everything Photoshop. The range of videos covers everything
from beginner to intermediate to advanced, and if I can learn
Photoshop (a complete newbie to computers!!!) then anyone
Isac Leghorne
So What's The Bottom Line?
How Much Do These Videos Cost?
Well, let me ask: What price can you put on cutting out hours of needless surfing
through junk websites and hard-to-understand books. What is your time worth?
Because I can offer you my step-by-step system on video, I don't have to be
there in person.
And you don't have to spend $5160 to hire your own coaches, like I did.
This means you can get the very same Photoshop coaching system for even less
- AND you can get started IMMEDIATELY!
So I'm not going to charge you the $5160 these videos cost me. And I'm not
going to charge you $2500... or $599... or even the original $149 price I intended.
For a short time only, I'm offering a very limited HALF-PRICE DISCOUNT. If
you order today, your investment in these videos is now only $149.00
For Less Than The Cost Of One Starbucks Coffee
A Day, You Can Have Me As Your Personal Coach!
And unlike coffee, the information on these videos will stay with you a lifetime.
If you've ever looked over the shoulder of someone who really knew their stuff,
you know that this is the fastest way to learn.
These videos are just like looking over my shoulder! They'll walk you through
everything you need to know in a fraction of the time it would take to train
yourself through a book.
You can use these new skills to create eye-catching graphics that will blow away
friends and family... and impress professional graphic designers.
Look, if you learn this same stuff at a private college, you'd spend 6 months and
Even if you hired a few Photoshop experts to train you like I did, it would cost you
But here's the best part: You don't have to spend the $5000 dollars figuring this
stuff out like I did.
ORDER NOW And You'll Also Receive These
12 Bonus Videos, Worth AT LEAST $1140, Absolutely Free!
Since I know it's 100% to your benefit to say YES now, I want to sweeten the pot
and give you the following special bonus gifts for ordering right now.
You'll get 12 extra bonus videos, worth $1140, when you place your order today:
Creating a Realistic Starfield Creating a Realistic Starfield Creating a Realistic Starfield
- Part 1 of 3
- Part 2 of 3
- Part 3 of 3
Creating Cartman from
Southpark - Part 1 of 2
Creating Cartman from
Southpark - Part 2 of 2
Creating the Feedburner
Creating the Skype Logo
Creating a James Bond
Poster - Part 1 of 2
Creating a James Bond
Poster - Part 2 of 2
Creating the New York
Knicks Logo
Creating the Burger King
Creating the McDonalds
As you can see, I cover everything.
From the absolute basics all the way through to the advanced techniques used
by professional graphic designers to create logos, business cards, web sites,
cartoons, movie posters, magazine covers and more!
Let's Wrap This Up...
These are the same secret techniques that graphic designers routinely use to
impress the hell out of their clients and collect a nice chunk of change along the
Once you learn these simple techniques for the world's best image-editing
software, you'll be flying through Photoshop like you own it!
Best part: It's simple and easy to learn. If you can watch TV, you can master
Photoshop with these videos.
And if you order right now, you don't have to spend the $5160 that I spent on
these same 43 videos.
You can have them all for the one-time investment of $79. And what's more, you
also get the 12 bonus videos, worth $1140, absolutely FREE if you order right
You'll have IMMEDIATE ACCESS to watch them right from the comfort of your
computer, right online just like on YouTube. That way, you don't have to waste
any time downloading huge files.
8-Week No-Risk Unconditional
100% Money-Back Guarantee:
I truly believe these videos are the fastest, simplest, and easiest way for you to
learn Photoshop.
But since you don't know me personally, you may have some doubts whether
these videos can live up to my claims. And I completely understand that.
So I thought it would be important that I PROVE to you that you can trust me and
believe me.
After all, I'm just a regular, everyday guy. I want my videos to do the talking for
me, to really show my credibility.
So please, let me take all the risk. Test these videos out at my expense!
I'm confident you'll be thrilled with your results from using them. But you really
have no way of knowing that yet, so I want to eliminate all worry for you...
Get these videos now and apply a few of my proven techniques.
If, for any reason at all, you're not completely satisfied with what they've done for
you, simply let me know within 8 weeks and you'll get a prompt and courteous
Absolutely no questions asked. Period. That's more than a guarantee, that's a
personal promise.
And since you took the time, effort, and faith to give them a try, I want you to
keep ALL of the videos, free of charge, even if you decide to take advantage of
the 8-week money-back guarantee. So this offer is better than risk free!
I guess what I'm saying is, don't decide now if these videos are for you.
Just get them and try them out.
If they don't do everything I say and more... if you're not making the highest
quality graphics you've ever made... in the shortest time you've ever spent...
If you're not thrilled with them completely, just email me and I'll refund 100% of
your purchase price. Quickly and easily.
So you really have nothing to lose because you can change your mind later.
Please, don't procrastinate and "think about it". If you're tired of not using
Photoshop in the quickest and easiest way possible... you can change that right
Start Making Amazing Pictures Tonight!
Save the time, effort, and frustration. I've already made the mistakes, spent the
time and money trying to learn Photoshop.
Your time is worth more than sitting on Google all day, trying to find free tutorials.
You can better spend that time with friends or family. Or goofing off.
All you have to do is be able to watch a video and you'll be a master in no time.
Use my experience as your shortcut guide to getting good with Photoshop!
Risk-Free Acceptance Form
YES! I want to learn Photoshop in record time!
Mark, I want to download your training videos so that I'm watching them
in the next 2 minutes and using Photoshop in the next 2 hours!
I understand that your videos are PERFECT for beginners, will work
with Photoshop on Mac or PC and will teach me EVERY technique,
trick and shortcut I need to WOW my friends and become a guaranteed
Photoshop expert, even if I've never used Photoshop before IN MY
I know that I will have IMMEDIATE ACCESS to watch all 43 55 videos
from my computer after payment. I understand that I can watch the
videos online, just like on YouTube, and that I don't have to waste any
time downloading files.
I understand that I am fully protected by your 100% money-back
guarantee and that I can get a prompt and courteous refund at any time
within 60 days if I'm not completely happy with my order for absolutely
any reason.
The fastest way to get the videos is with a credit card via our
secure online order form. That way, you get access to the videos
and bonuses instantly.
You can also order online with your checking account or PayPal
using this same secure order form.
Click Here Now to Download Your Videos
For Only $79.00
(Your order will be processed over secure servers)
Best of Success,
Mark Borg
P.S. One more thing... you must hurry if you want the videos at this price.
That's because I'm going to be converting these same 55 downloadable videos
into DVDs.
Once I convert them to actual hard copy DVDs, the price will go from $79 to $297
(still just a fraction what I paid for them).
If you order today, you'll have lifetime access to the Photoshop training videos for
$79 and not the $297 that everyone else will have to pay to get them on DVD.
The DVD replication service I'm using from
However, the offer to get the videos at this currently discounted price, with all 12
free bonus videos worth $1,440 is limited. I can only guarantee you get them if
you order right now.
Click Here Now to Download Your Videos For Only $79.00
P.P.S. Please be sure to check out the testimonials above. They're from
everyday regular people, like you and me, achieving amazing results by using
these videos.
And remember, there's absolutely no risk for trying them out. If they're not for
you, you can get your money back quickly and easily. So don't you owe it to
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