How Successful Leaders Influence Others copy


How Successful Leaders

Influence Others

Are executives, directors, and managers leaders because they have direct reports? What about the solopreneur with no employees are they leaders?

What solopreneurs, managers and executives have in common is that they are ALL leaders. Regardless of the industry, product or service, if you are in business your future depends on how well you influence others within and outside your organization.

Effective leadership is a core competency and key to getting results from every member of your team, including your virtual team (those who are not direct reports but have an impact on your results).

To lead you must be able to influence others so they can think, speak, act, and feel engaged. Without this having this skill, how can you achieve or accomplish the goals and strategies that will contribute to you and your company’s success.

Influence is considered both a science and an art. A science because there are certain principles that apply in almost any influence situation. Influence is also an art, as you need to learn how to read other people, think creatively, and respond in a timely and professional manner.

SIX Principles Every Leader Should Learn…


People do things for their reasons, not for your reasons – the key here is to connect with the other person. Learn what is important to them and what is behind their reason…such as incentives, interests, and commitments they are looking for.

Copyright 2011 Leverage Business Enterprises, LLC


Influence one person at a time – you might not be able to influence an entire company on the spot but you can certainly start by influencing one person at a time through one conversation at a time.


Build relationships while getting results – there are those who

‘push’ instead of ‘pull’ the opportunity which in turn jeopardizes the result. Keep in mind that the 2008-2010 great recession created a new type of consumer who will make buying decisions based on trust and value. Building business relationship is the key to earning trust and value.


Take 100% responsibility – your impact on others rests completely with you. Stop blaming why they ‘do not get it’ and keep in mind that communication is the response you get.


Plan a response from the other person comments – provide compelling reasons that address the other person’s concerns or objection. Ask them the questions that will get you to understand what is behind their response. When you get there, make sure you have the solutions backed by incentives.


Do not take rejection personally – there are no guarantees that you will succeed or fail influencing another person. Take a minute to reflect on your approach and how you as well as the other person reacted. The more you can learn from every experience the better you will do the next time.

A good influencer constantly assesses every situation and is ALWAYS clear on the objective – the desired outcome. Give some thought to a situation you were successful or maybe unsuccessful in influencing a business partner, supplier, client, employee or senior executive. What did you learn about yourself and about the other person?

To your success!

Jim Reilly

Copyright 2011 Leverage Business Enterprises, LLC


Jim Reilly is the founder and director of Keys To The Business helping the mid-level management team and professionals (solopreneures) handle tomorrow’s challenges today.

To learn more about how Keys To The Business can help you and your organization, contact Jim at 845-628-KEYS (5397) or email

Copyright 2011 Leverage Business Enterprises, LLC
