Economics 411 Business Economics Instructor: Professor Kenneth Troske Spring 2015 Office: 103 Mandrell Hall Class Meeting Time: 8:00a-9:15a Tu, Th Office Hours: 4:00-5:00 T, Th and by appt. Classroom: BE 206 Office Phone: 257-1282 E-mail: Class Website: Course Description Business Economics applies basic economic principles to the types of problems faced by business decision-makers. Particular attention is paid to the economics of organizations and to the economics of firm strategy. Topics covered include the nature of economic organizations, the make or buy decision and the vertical chain of production, distribution channels, external market structure, compensation issues, rivalry and strategy. Reading Assignments: Many of the reading assignments will come from: Besanko, Dranove, Shanley, and Schaefer, Economics of Strategy (6th edition), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013. (Referred to as BDSS below). I will use two chapters from the following: Brickley, Smith, and Zimmerman, Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture (4th edition), McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2006. Instructions for purchasing electronic versions of these texts are at the end of this syllabus. There will also be assigned readings for each class taken from business periodicals such as the Wall Street Journal New York Times and Harvard Business Review. Instructions for accessing the supplemental readings are also provided below. Class Structure Below is a detailed outline of the course. My plan is to cover new material in a series of two to three lectures. We will then have a class period in which we discuss the material. This discussion will be structured around the supplemental readings, which illustrate how businesses actually utilize the concepts covered in the lectures. These readings will be articles from periodicals such as the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, or Harvard Business Review. Essentially, the articles will be case-studies. While I will direct the discussion, each of you are expected to do much of the talking. Therefore, it is imperative that you come to class each day having completed the assigned readings. In order to ensure that you have completed the assigned readings, I will start out each discussion 1 period with a short quiz over the assigned readings. Twenty percent of your grade will be based on classroom participation and your performance on these short quizzes. Grading Your grade will be determined by: your participation in class and your performance on the in-class quizzes, a midterm exam, a final exam and a research project. I will take attendance every period. You are expected to attend class every period, arrive prepared and on time. If you are absent for more than five class periods you will fail the class. There will be eight quizzes. I will drop your lowest quiz and count your top seven scores. I will ask you to write an 8-10 page research report (I will provide more information later) that will be based on the topics we cover in the class. This report will be due on the day of final. You should email me your report. The final exam will be cumulative. Your final grade will be determined by: Class participation and quizzes 20% Midterm exam 20% Research project 30% Final Exam (Cumulative) 30% I grade on a curve. The curve and your final grade will be determined at the end of the semester. I will provide you with a midterm grade after the midterm exam has been graded. In determining your final grade I follow the University’s rules regarding the marking system. It is the following (with slight paraphrasing): A: B: C: D: E: Represents exceptionally high achievement. Represents high achievement. Represents average achievement. Represents the minimum passing grade. Represents unsatisfactory performance and indicates failure in the course. The midterm exam is scheduled for Tuesday, March 3rd. The final exam is scheduled for Tuesday May 5, 2015 from 8:00am-10:00am. Make-up Exams A makeup exam may be given if you are unable to take the exam at the scheduled time. However, you must make arrangements with me, in person, at least two weeks prior to the date of the regularly scheduled exam. Unless you make arrangements prior to the exam, no makeup exams will be offered. For those who miss the midterm exam due to an extreme emergency, the weight on the final exam will be adjusted to include the midterm exam. You will have to provide documentation proving you had an emergency and could not attend the exam. 2 Special Needs Any student with a disability who is taking this course and needs classroom or exam accommodations should contact the Disability Resource Center, Room 2 Alumni Gym, 257-2754. Academic Honesty Cheating is in no way tolerated at The University of Kentucky. Anyone caught cheating will be penalized severely. The full penalty will be determined in consultation with the Chairman of the Department of Economics. The minimum penalty is an "E" for the course. Instructions for Purchasing Electronic Textbooks: While the electronic textbooks are from the 6th edition of each book, you may be able to find a different editions online for a cheaper price. That should work equally well. Besanko, Dranove, Shanley, and Schaefer, Economics of Strategy (6th edition), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007. The ISBN is 9781119099970. Go to the Vital Source website ( to purchase the eBook. You can also search for the Custom book by typing the ISBN into the Search box in the upper right corner of the Welcome page. You will need to download the free Vital Source Bookshelf reader to use the eBook. To do so go to: and follow the instructions. If you would like help downloading or using the eBook, please direct go to the Vital Source Customer Support page: Brickley, Smith, and Zimmerman, Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture (6th edition), McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2007: Click on Buy the book. If you have problems go to The ISBN for the book is: 9781308438689. Accessing Supplemental Readings: Links to all of the supplemental readings are provided below. Since all of the readings have copyrights, I need to restrict access to the readings. You will need the following username and password to access the readings: username: be-web\eco411; password: troske411! 3 Detailed Course Outline Jan. 15 & 20: Introduction and basics of the market system Text: BDSS, Introduction, pgs. 1-8; Economics Primer, pgs. 9-31. Jan. 22: Quiz and discussion of supplemental readings Supplemental readings: Jensen, Michael and Meckling, William, “The Nature of Man,” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Summer 1994. Meckling-The Nature of Man.pdf “China’s Winter of Discontent,” WSJ, 3/14/06. Winter Heating WSJ 3-14-06.pdf “Lawmakers struggle to define gasoline price ‘gouging,’” WSJ, 11/9/05. Price Gouging WSJ 11-9-05.pdf “Corn’s Rally Sends Ripples,” WSJ, 1/18/07. Rally WSJ 118-07.pdf Jan. 27 & 29: Production, economic costs, economic profit. Text: BDSS, Economics Primer, pgs. 9-31. Feb. 3: No class; read ahead Feb. 5: Quiz and discussion of supplemental readings Supplemental readings: “Holiday Hiring Call: People vs. Robots,” WSJ, 12/20/10. Hiring Robots WSJ 12-20-10.pdf “Can Wal-Mart Clerks Keep Up With Amazon?” WSJ, 12/19/14. Clerks Amazon WSJ 12-19-14.pdf “Honda’s Flexible Plants Provide Edge,” WSJ, 9/23/08. Plant WSF 23-09-08.pdf “Ford Unveils Aluminum Truck, in Gamble on Top Seller,” New York Times, 11/12/14. minum_Truck,_in_Gamble_on_To.PDF 4 “How Recycling Shaves Ford's Material Costs --- Aluminum Suppliers Reuse F150 Scrap,” WSJ, 12/17/14. Ford Costs WSJ 12-17-14.pdf “Decimated U.S. Industry Pulls Up Its Socks,” WSJ, 12/26/14. Industry Socks WSJ 12-26-14.pdf “With Farm Robotics, the Cows Decide When It’s Milking Time,” New York Times, 4/22/14. ,_the_Cows_Decide_When_It NYT 4-22-14.PDF Individual assignment: take online virtual plant tours of Toyota’s Georgetown manufacturing facility ( and Purity Dairy’s dairy processing facility ( Feb. 10 & 12: Horizontal boundaries of the firm—economies of scale and scope, diseconomies of size, the learning curve. Text: BDSS, Ch. 2, The Horizontal Boundaries of the Firm, pgs. 61-97. Feb. 17: Quiz and discussion of supplemental readings Supplemental readings: “Power Pork: Corporations Begin to Turn Hog Business into an Assembly Line,” WSJ, 3/28/94. Pork WSJ 2803-94.pdf If you want to see a pork processing plant in action, try “Meet the World’s Largest Cargo Ships,” WSJ, 1/8/13. Ships WSJ 0801-13.pdf “Starbucks Aims to Boost Its Food Sales in the U.S.,” WSJ 12/5/14. Boosts Food Sales WSJ 12-5-14.pdf “McDonald's Menu Problem: It's Supersized,” WSJ, 12/4/14. Menu Problems WSJ 12-4-14.pdf “How We Eat: Beer Conglomerates Cultivate Their Crafty Side,” WSJ, 12/29/14. Conglomerates Crafty WSJ 12-29-14.pdf “Dreamliners Idle on Tarmac --- Boeing Struggles to Unload Early Version 787s Made at Height of Design Issues,” WSJ, 8/30/14. Dreamliners Idle WSJ 30-08-14.pdf 5 Feb. 19: Vertical boundaries of the firm—make or buy, transactions costs, asset specificity, hold-up, vertical control devices. Text: BDSS, Ch. 3: The Vertical Boundaries of the Firm, pgs. 98-131. Feb. 24: Alternatives to Vertical Integration—backward and forward integration, franchising, joint ventures, implicit contracts. Text: BDSS, Ch. 4: Integration and Its Alternatives, pgs. 132-161. Feb 26: Quiz and discussion on supplemental readings Supplemental readings: Dyer, Jeffrey, “Dedicated Assets: Japan’s Manufacturing Edge,” Harvard Business Review, Nov. – Dec. 1994. Assets HBR Nov-Dec 94.pdf “Made to Measure: Invisible Supplier Has Penney’s Shirts All Buttoned Up,” WSJ, 9/11/03.'s Shirts WSJ 11-09-03.pdf “Companies More Prone to Go ‘Vertical,’” WSJ, 11/30/09. Vertical WSJ 30-11-09.pdf “Boeing Tightens Its Grip on Dreamliner Production,” WSJ, 7/2/09. Dreamliner Production WSJ 02-07-09.pdf “An Amazon-Disney Dispute Erupts --- In Echo of Hachette Fight, E-Commerce Giant Not Allowing Customers to Pre-Order Some Movies.” WSJ 8/11/14. Disney WSJ 11-08-14.pdf “Ericsson Joint Venture Looks Like Sony's Show,” WSJ, 4/26/01. Sony Joint Venture WSJ 4-26-01.pdf “Sony Buys Ericsson Stake in Handset Joint Venture,” WSJ, 10/28/11. Buys Ericsson WSJ 10-28-11.pdf March 3: Midterm March 5, 10 & 12, Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly— defining a market, elements of market structure, types of market structure, perfectly competitive markets. Text: BDSS, Ch. 5: Competitors and Competition, pgs. 165-195. 6 March 12: One-page description of research project due. March 17 & 19: Spring break—read ahead; start on research project March 24: Quiz and discussion of supplemental readings Supplemental readings: “Winds of Change for Boeing, Airbus,” WSJ, 3/16/10. Airbus WSJ 3-16-10.pdf “Show Stopper: How Plastic Popped the Cork Monopoly,” WSJ, 5/1/10. Cork WSJ 0501-10.pdf “Alligator Farming Shows There’s a Lot to be Said for Cows,” WSJ, 8/2/89. Farm 1 WSJ 02-08-89.pdf “Economic Woes Take a Bite out of Alligator Ranching,” WSJ, 11/12/97. Farm 2 WSJ 12-11-97.pdf “A Run on Alligators Sends Designers Scrambling,” WSJ, 3/18/06. Farm 3 WSJ 18-03-06.pdf “A Crocodile's Bumpy Road From Farm to Handbag,” Bloomberg Businessweek, 10/24/2013. “How a Fight Over a Board Game Monopolized an Economist’s Life,” WSJ, 10/20/09. Monopoly WSJ 20-10-09.pdf March 26: Pricing with Market Power—profit maximization, block pricing, two-part tariffs, price discrimination Text: BSZ, Ch. 7: Pricing with Market Power, pgs. 110-143. March 31: Quiz and discussion of supplemental readings Supplemental readings: “Seeking Fame in Apple’s Sea of Apps,” WSJ, 7/15/09. Apps WSJ 1507-09.pdf “Seeking Perfect Prices, CEO Tears Up the Rules,” WSJ, 3/27/07. Prices WSJ 27-03-07.pdf 7 “Cruise Lines Slash Their Prices as War Fears Rattle Travelers,” WSJ, 1/29/03. Lines Slash Prices WSJ 01-29-03.pdf “Amazon Offers All-You-Can-Eat Books. Authors Turn Up Noses, NY Times, 12/28/14. NYT 12-28-14.PDF “Sprint Escalates Wireless Price War With Half-Off Bills,” WSJ, 12/2/14. Wireless Price War WSJ 12-2-14.pdf “Attention, 'Discount Junkies' --- Retailers Increasingly Promote Their Clearance Sales Only to Bargain Hunters,” WSJ, 12/29/14. Junkies WSJ 12-29-14.pdf Individual assignment: go to and check out Disney World’s pricing strategy for its theme parks, resort hotels, special events, etc. Also visit your favorite airline’s web site, e.g., and analyze pricing for air travel and vacation packages. April 2: No class—catch up on readings; work on research project. April 7 & 9: Rivalry, strategic behavior, game theory Text: BDSS, Economic Primer, pgs. 31-35; Ch. 7: Dynamics: Competing Across Time, pgs. 226-257. BSZ, Ch. 9: Economics of Strategy: Game Theory, pgs. 145-176. April 14: Quiz and discussion of supplemental readings Supplemental readings: “Haven’t Shareholders Had Enough Chicken?” WSJ, 4/4/01. Chicken WSJ 04-04-01.pdf “Techdom’s Two Cold Wars,” WSJ, 7/22/09. Cold War WSJ 22-07-09.pdf “Upstart’s Tactics Allow it to Fly in Friendly Skies of a Big Rival,” WSJ, 6/23/99. Skies WSJ 23-06-99.pdf “Oil Firms’ Predicament: Who Should Cut Output?” WSJ, 12/23/14. Firms Output WSJ 12-23-14.pdf “For Wal-Mart in Mexico, Bodega Format Trumps Big Box,” WSJ, 12/31/14. in Mexico WSJ 12-31-14.pdf 8 April 16: Entry and Exit—barriers to entry and exit, limit pricing, contestable markets. Text: BDSS, Ch. 6: Entry and Exit, pgs. 196-225. April 21 & 23: Pay and Productivity—principle agent problem, types of compensation, tournaments, efficiency wages, performance in teams Text: BDSS, Ch. 12: Performance, Measurement and Incentives, pgs. 401-436. April 28: Strategy and Structure Text: BDSS, Ch. 13: Strategy and Structure, pgs. 437-469. April 30: Quiz and Discussion of supplemental readings Supplemental readings: “Jeans Therapy: Levi's Factory Workers Are Assigned to Teams, And Morale Takes a Hit,” WSJ, 5/20/98.'s Factory Workers WSJ 05-20-98.pdf “New Competitor: East Europe's Industry Is Raising Its Quality And Taking On West,” WSJ, 9/21/94. Europe's Industry . . . WSJ 09-21-94.pdf “The Need for Greed,” The Economist, 5/4/96. Need for Greed Economist 05-04-96.pdf Kohn, Alfie, “Why Incentive Plans Cannot Work,” Harvard Business Review, Sept./Oct. 1993. Incentive Plans Cannot Work - HBR Sept-Oct 94.pdf “Rethinking Rewards,” Harvard Business Review, Nov./Dec. 1993. Rewards - HBR Nov-Dec 93.pdf “How to Fix Executive Compensation,” WSJ, 2/27/12. Exec Compensation WSJ 02-27-12.pdf 9