DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY COMMANDER NAVAL AIR RESERVE FORCE 4400 DAUPHINE STREET NEW ORLEANS LA 70146-5200 COMNAVAIRESFORINST 4000.1 N411A COMNAVAIRESFOR INSTRUCTION 4000.1 Subj: AVIATION MAINTENANCE ASSISTANCE MODULES (MAMS) MANAGEMENT Ref: (a) OPNAVINST 4790.2G (b) NAVAIRINST 4000.20A (c) FASOINST 4790.1K 1. Purpose. To establish procedures and responsibilities for Aviation Maintenance Assistance Modules (MAMs) used during troubleshooting and repair of test equipment and associated Weapons Replaceable Assemblies (WRAs)/Shop Replaceable Assemblies (SRAs) per references (a) through (c). 2. Scope. This instruction applies to all Naval Air Reserve Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Departments and supporting supply activities. 3. Discussion. MAMs are intended for test purposes only, not permanent replacement. Paragraph 3a below is the exception. a. Test Equipment: MAMs are used to troubleshoot and main– tain test equipment until replacement parts are received. If a module requires verification, the replacement SRA may be used to replace the MAM. The serial number of the new module(s) will be entered into the Local Asset Management System (LAMS) database to ensure proper tracking. b. Aircraft Equipment: MAMs are used to identify failed modules during troubleshooting. 4. Action a. The Supply Officer records and subcustody all The LAMS bar coding system accountability and uniform Reserve Force. will maintain the master inventory MAMs to the Maintenance Officer (MO). and database will be used for procedures throughout the Naval Air b. The MO will designate in writing a MAMs Manager and MAMs Assistant Manager. c. The Maintenance/Material Control Officer (MMCO) will: (1) Maintain control of and track MAMs requisitions. COMNAVAIRESFORINST 4000.1 (2) Direct inventories of MAMs annually and upon change of MO and MAMs Manager. d. The Avionics Division Officer will: (1) Coordinate all MAMs inventories and requisitions with material control division. (2) Submit inventory discrepancies to the MMCO and Supply Officer. (3) Expeditiously complete surveys for missing MAMs. (4) Designate an E5 or above as work center MAMs Petty Officer. (5) Sign inventories all inventories. e. The MAMs Manager will: (1) Manage the MAMs program per references (a) through (c). (2) Maintain LAMS inventory database that includes the following information: (a) Part number (b) Serial number (c) Manufacturer’s code (d) Storage location including work center (3) Conduct a physical inventory under the following conditions: (a) Annually (b) Before the change of MO (c) Upon permanent change of the MAMs manager (4) Accomplish the following upon receipt of a signed and updated MAMs listing from the Work Center Supervisor. (a) Sign inventories and obtain the Avionics Division Officer’s signature. (b) Forward a MAMs discrepancy list (by work center) to the Avionics Division Officer and Material Control Division Chief. 2 COMNAVAIRESFORINST 4000.1 (c) Ensure the MO and Supply Officer are provided the originals for the annual, change of MO, and change of MAMs manager inventories for their signatures. Forward a signed copy to the Material Control Division Chief and Aviation Support Division (ASD) Officer. (5) Ensure MAMs are maintained in Ready For Issue (RFI) condition. (6) Verify status of outstanding MAMs with material control monthly. f. The Assistant MAMs Manager will: (1) Assist the Work Center MAMs manager in all outlined duties. (2) Maintain the MAMs program per references (a) through (c) in the absence of the MAMs Manager. g. The Work Center Supervisor will: (1) Nominate a primary/assistant work center MAMs Petty Officer. (2) Ensure that the performer inventories MAMs each quarter within the work center. Ensure inventories are listed by part number, serial number, and location. Ensure the MAMs Petty Officer maintains the work center’s hard copy of the quarterly MAMs inventory for 1 year. (3) Upon assuming the duties at the Work Center Supervisor, conduct a sight inventory of work center MAMs and sign the MAMs custody listing. (4) Verify all annual, change of MO, or change of MAMs manager inventories and forward to the MO via the MAMs Manager, Avionics Division Officer, and MMCO. (5) Maintain accountability of MAMs in the work center by part number, serial number, and location. h. The Work Center MAMs Petty Officer will: (1) Use MAMs only for testing, troubleshooting, and maintaining test equipment. The following guidelines apply: (a) Use MAMs to maintain test benches in RFI/Ready For Issue (RFU) status, provided the faulty bench modules are ordered before the end of the work shift/day. 3 COMNAVAIRESFORINST 4000.1 (b) Immediately remove and return MAMs to their (See paraproper location upon receipt of replacement modules. Certify MAM S that are above for the exception). graph 3.a. RFI/RFU upon removal, and place documentation with MAMs. (c) At no time will MAMs in aircraft WRAs/SRAs remain during final RFI testing and/or aircraft installation. (d) The following information will be annotated in a MAMs inventory location when in use; repair job control number/ maintenance control number (JCN/MCN), location of the module, and date installed. Annotate serial number of bench and document number of replacement part with current status if the MAM remains installed in test bench. (2) Notify the MAMs Manager of defective MAMs and use a Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System (NALCOMIS) generate Visual Information and Display System/Maintenance Action Form (VIDS/MAF) to track repairs and to requisition replacement parts per reference (a). (3) Store MAMs in a secure location. (4) Perform required MAMs inventories by part number, serial number, and location. Maintain a copy of the previous three inventories. i. Quality Assurance (QA) will ensure compliance with established MAMs procedures during quarterly QA work center audits. Deputy Acting (COMNAVRESFORINST 5218.2B) Distribution: List B1 (42RR only) B2 (FR3, FR4, FR5 only) E9 (46B, 46C1 only) 4