Schenectady City School District Sequential Curriculum Timeline Foreign Language Curriculum: French 11 IB CDEP Goals: (List Goals/other related CDEP information) 1. 2. 3. 4 Major Concepts and Content Focus Novel: Le Petit prince: Vocabulary Personal portrait/ physical & personality Cultural Topics in Eli Scholastic magazine Ensemble Major Concepts and Content Focus Novel: Le Petit prince Vocabulary/ body Personality descriptors Cultural Topics in Eli Scholastic magazine Ensemble Semester 1 September - French 11 IB Specific Skills Standards Impacted Students will be able to: - describe the main characters/ premise / the setting - describe physical & personality traits Student Performance Indicators NYS Standards Discussion 1- Communication of reality and 2- Culture fantasy in the Petit Prince Listening activities Quizzes on vocabulary Written autoportrait October- French IB 11 Specific Skills Students will be able to: - Describe past activities - Identify people by their description Student Performance Indicators NYS Standards Quizzes on verbs 1- Communication and vocabulary 2- Culture Reading Comprehensions taken from IB tests Chapter Tests/ Petit Prince Standards Impacted Tests Chapter Tests/ Petit Prince Unit test ROUGE Oral presentationdescribing a scene in Petit Prince Textbook - Discovering French ROUGE Unité 1 CCC/Timeline/Sept16,02/JM Tests Checkpoint C 1 Schenectady City School District Sequential Curriculum Timeline Foreign Language Curriculum Area: French 11 IB CDEP Goals: Only Goal #1 applies to curriculum committees. List area(s) where this goal is being supported. 1. 2. 3. 4. Major Concepts and Content Focus Finish : Le Petit prince Vocabulary / la toilette Cultural Topics in Eli Scholastic magazine Ensemble Major Concepts and Content Focus Start IB topic: Love and friendship Begin Poetry Unit Holiday customs of French speaking countries Cultural Topics in Eli Scholastic magazine Ensemble Semester 1 November - French 11 IB Specific Skills Standards Impacted Students will be able to: - Analyze the message of the fox in Pet Pr. - talk about their daily routine Student Performance Indicators NYS Standards Writing activities 1- Communication Quizzes on 2- Culture verbs and Vocabulary Oral presentation using IB criteria on article from Ensemble Final test: Petit Prince Unit test ROUGE December - French 11 IB Specific Skills Standards Impacted Students will be able to: - Analyze the message of the poems and couplets - Discuss poems they like Student Performance Indicators NYS Standards Oral discussions 1- Communication on love, marriage 2- Culture and friendship Tests : Reading Comprehensions taken from IB tests Textbook - Discovering French ROUGE CCC/Timeline/Sept16,02/JM Assessments Tests Unit test ROUGE IB Writing (250 words) love and friendship Unité 1 Checkpoint C 2 Schenectady City School District Sequential Curriculum Timeline Foreign Language Curriculum Area: French 11 IB CDEP Goals: Only Goal #1 applies to curriculum committees. List area(s) where this goal is being supported. 1. 2. 3. 4. Major Concepts And Content Focus French Poetry Unit French poems as songs Vocabulary of poetic terms Cultural Topics in Eli Scholastic magazine Ensemble Major Concepts And Content Focus Reflexive verbs in Past tense Vocabulary for one's feelings /chores Cultural Topics in Eli Scholastic magazine Ensemble Semester 2 January - French 11 IB Specific Skills Standards Impacted Student Performance Indicators Students will be NYS Standards Explication de texte able to: 1- Communication of French poems - discuss poets 2- Culture and French Recitation of a poetry poem in French - analyze and explain specific French poems February - French 11 IB Specific Skills Standards Impacted Students will be NYS Standards able to: 1. Communication - talk about 2. Culture their feelings - describe their daily routine in the past tense tell what one does to keep house Student Performance Indicators Reading Comprehensions taken from IB tests Test on poetry unit Tests Unit Tests -ROUGE Quiz on verbs and vocabulary Textbook - Discovering French ROUGE Unité 1 - 2 CCC/Timeline/Sept16,02/JM Assessments Checkpoint C 3 Schenectady City School District Sequential Curriculum Timeline Foreign Language Curriculum Area: French 11 IB CDEP Goals: Only Goal #1 applies to curriculum committees. List area(s) where this goal is being supported. 1. 2. 3. 4. Major Concepts and Content Focus Verbs in the subjunctive tense Things that one has to do Cultural Topics in Eli Scholastic magazine Ensemble Major Concepts and Content Focus Vocabulary to accept or refuse something and reasons why Semester 2 March - French 11 IB Specific Skills Standards Impacted Students will be able to: - describe household chores and the tools needed tell what's necessary NYS Standards 1. Communication 2. Culture April - French 11 IB Specific Skills Students will be able to: - talk and write about what they do and why - accept or refuse a request Standards Impacted NYS Standards 1. Communication 2. Culture Student Performance Indicators Quizzes on verbs and Vocabulary Student Performance Indicators Oral discussion on responsibilities at home Assessments Unit test ROUGE Tests Unit test Cultural Topics in Eli Scholastic magazine Ensemble Textbook - Discovering French ROUGE CCC/Timeline/Sept16,02/JM Unité 2 Checkpoint C 4 Schenectady City School District Sequential Curriculum Timeline Foreign Language Curriculum Area: French 11 IB CDEP Goals: Only Goal #1 applies to curriculum committees. List area(s) where this goal is being supported. 1. 2. 3. 4. Major Concepts and Content Focus Practice for Final: Individual Oral Vocabulary needed To describe size, state, form, shape, appearance & conditions Cultural Topics in Eli Scholastic magazine Ensemble Major Concepts and Content Focus Preparation for final. Cultural Topics in Eli Scholastic magazine Ensemble Semester 2 May - French 11 IB Specific Skills Standards Impacted Students will be able to describe objects thoroughly. NYS Standards 1. Communication 2. Culture June - French 11 IB Specific Skills Standards Impacted Students will be NYS Standards able to listen, speak, 1. Communication read and write at the 2. Culture IB level. Textbook - Discovering French ROUGE CCC/Timeline/Sept16,02/JM Student Performance Indicators Practice IB Exams Assessments Unit test Speaking test using IB criteria Student Performance Indicators Practice IB exams Unité 2 Tests Final Exam (old IB exam) Checkpoint C 5