Curriculum Map Discipline: Foreign Language Course: French 5-6 Weighted Teacher: Mary Zwilling August/September: Standards: 28 A, B, C Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. A Understand oral communication in the target language. B Interact in the target language in various settings. C Understand written passages in the target language 29A Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. A Understand manners and customs of various target language societies. 30A Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. A Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines. CRISS: Graphic and Pictorial Organizers, Cognitive Mapping, Think-Pair-Share Sticky Note discussions, One sentence summaries, Jigsaw, Carousel, Power Notes, Magnet Summaries, One Sentence Summary (Frame), 15-30 second monologue, 6 pane mapping (Chapter review) Essential Questions: What relationships exist between travel, geography and weather? What can we say about the influences and the results? What new concepts and vocab (as well as old) do we need to express these situations? Content: Travel vocab (new category, includes verbs) Weather vocab and expressions (synonyms + additions to previous) Related class generated vocab Class-generated extra credit questions/activities Passé Composé (review and new) with Avoir and Etre plus verbs using both L'Acadie (reading + history, geography) Skills: Students will be able to recognize, define and use vocabulary (written/oral) Students will be able to state simple sentences of geography, travel and weather. Students will be able to respond to above questions Students will be able to express the same concept in a variety of ways. Students will understand simple questions regarding reading or listening content and respond (written/oral) + Listening Lab component Students will identify and expression main ideas and items in articles(readings) Students will design a weather forecast that produces statements using current vocab and the map of France. Assessment: Oral checks and quizzes Flyswatter game Review of notes Oral presentations: Météo (weather) Written and oral quizzes Review exam Homework Class participation Listening Lab activity sheet completion October: Standards: 28 A, B, C Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. A Understand oral communication in the target language. B Interact in the target language in various settings. C Understand written passages in the target language 29A Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. A Understand manners and customs of various target language societies. 30A Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. A Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines. CRISS: Graphic and Pictorial Organizers, Cognitive Mapping, Think-Pair-Share Sticky Note discussions, Magnet Summaries, One Sentence Summary (Frame), 15-30 second monologue, 6 pane mapping (Chapter review) Essential Questions: What relationships exist between travel, geography and weather? What can we say about the influences and the results? What new concepts and vocab (as well as old) do we need to express these situations? How does mood and the fact that something "may or may not occur" affect oral and written statements in French (i.e. what verb forms become required and why). How does recognizing these scenarios affect expression in the language? Content: Ch. 1 cont'd **Subjunctive: Necessity/Wishes/Preferences/Expressions Impersonnelles --Regular and irregular verbs French Kiss DVD language acquisition/grammar Euro Review all material: PC w/ avoir and être Ordinal/Cardinal numbers Extra class generated vocab Class-generated extra credit questions/activities (e.g. French Film Festival 7-13, weather reports on francophone countries, France, in French, Without an atmosphere what color would the sky be?) Weather presentations using current vocab Excerpt from Le Petit Prince (6e Planète) Skills: Students will be able to recognize, define and use vocabulary (written/oral) Students will be able to state simple sentences of geography, travel and weather. Students will be able to respond to above questions and reading content (French Kiss/Le Petit Prince) Students will be able to express the same concept in a variety of ways. Students will understand simple questions regarding reading or listening content and respond (written/oral) + Listening Lab component Students will categorize/compare/contrast areas of information and vocab Assessment: Flyswatter game Weather forecast presentation (oral/written components) Review of notes Project: Create new planet chapter for Le Petit Prince to visit/illustrations plus written and oral quizzes narrative Review exam BV Internet support site: (activities/practice quizzes) Homework results can be e-mailed to me Class participation PPT/On-line Web/Computer Assisted Instruction Listening Lab activity sheet completion Instructional lab November: Standards: 28 A, B, C Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. A Understand oral communication in the target language. B Interact in the target language in various settings. C Understand written passages in the target language 29A Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. A Understand manners and customs of various target language societies. 30A Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. A Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines. CRISS: Graphic and Pictorial Organizers, Cognitive Mapping, Think-Pair-Share Sticky Note discussions, Magnet Summaries, One Sentence Summary (Frame), 15-30 second monologue, 6 pane mapping (Chapter review) Journal Notes, K/W/L Essential Questions: What do I need to know about medias in France? How important is it to be informed and in which ways? Are American and French cultures similar--especially youth? Content: Ch. 1 cont'd Le Petit Prince: Vocab/Reading 6e Planète Creative writing: Create own planet project with class generated rubric Video: Batteries Not Included (Cognate work and puzzle creation) overhead review Chapter 2: Media. Office and Daily chore vocab Lundi matin/midi conversation Negatives Questions Article: Media and Teens Irregular Adjectives Imparfait Song: Personne Pascal Obispo (CLOZE Passage) Skills: Students will be able to recognize, define and use vocabulary (written/oral) Students will be able to state simple sentences of media use, content and importance in French culture. Students will be able to understand and respond to above questions. Students will be able to express the same concepts in a variety of ways. Students will understand simple questions regarding reading or listening content and respond (written/oral) + Listening Lab component Assessment: Modified Concept Attainment Model completion "star" adjective activity (opposites) Review of notes written and oral quizzes PPT/On-line Web/Computer Assisted Instruction Review/Ch. 1 exam Instructional Lab Homework Class participation Listening Lab activity sheet completion December: Standards: 28 A, B, C Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. A Understand oral communication in the target language. B Interact in the target language in various settings. C Understand written passages in the target language 29A Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. A Understand manners and customs of various target language societies. 30A Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. A Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines. CRISS: Graphic and Pictorial Organizers, Cognitive Mapping, Think-Pair-Share Sticky Note discussions, Magnet Summaries, One Sentence Summary (Frame), 15-30 second monologue, 6 pane mapping (Chapter review) Journal Notes, K/W/L Essential Questions: How can I sound more like a native speaker of French through questions, responses and invitations? How can I learn to use those same types of communication with increasing familiarity? How do the French value and use the media? Content: Ch. 2 Daily Living/Media/Office Vocab/Articles Language: Yes, No, Maybe expressions/giving invitations La France Video/worksheet Conversation Questions/Question words Negatives Passé Composé with avoir and être (review) Regular and Irregular adjectives Introduce imparfait France in the 1900's article/activities Argent de Poche article/activities Subjonctif (reg and irreg) + expressions of desire/impersonal Skills: Students will be able to recognize, define and use vocabulary (written/oral) Students will be able to state simple sentences of invitation (and responses) and media Students will be able to respond to questions of invitation (and responses) and media Students will be able to express the same concept in a variety of ways. Students will understand simple questions regarding reading or listening content and respond (written/oral) + Listening Lab component Assessment: Flyswatter game Chapter 2 exam **Instructional Lab with online quiz (Glencoe) Review of notes PPT/On-line Web/Computer Assisted Instruction written and oral quizzes Review for Ch. 2 exam Homework Class participation Listening Lab activity sheet completion January: Standards: 28 A, B, C Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. A Understand oral communication in the target language. B Interact in the target language in various settings. C Understand written passages in the target language 29A Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. A Understand manners and customs of various target language societies. 30A Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. A Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines. CRISS: Graphic and Pictorial Organizers, Cognitive Mapping, Think-Pair-Share Sticky Note discussions, Magnet Summaries, One Sentence Summary (Frame), 15-30 second monologue, 6 pane mapping (Chapter review) Journal Notes, K/W/L Essential Questions: What role does money play in the lives of the French and the youth? How do they use their money for daily life and leisure activities. How does this compare to the US? Content: Final's Review/Final Chez Nous Language Magazine: Edif Piaf (worksheet/music samples) Chapter 3 Vocab/Grammar Leisure time activities Questions/Negatives/Subjonctif Morocco Video/worksheet L'imparfait M or F? Language Expressions Adjectifs Irréguliers Subjonctif ou l'Infinitif Skills: Students will be able to recognize, define and use vocabulary (written/oral) Students will be able to state simple sentences of money, spending money and its role in life and family life, including leisure activities Students will be able to respond to questions money, spending money and its role in life and family life. Students will be able to express the concepts in a variety of ways using current grammar. Students will understand simple questions regarding reading or listening content and respond (written/oral) + Listening Lab component Assessment: Flyswatter game First Semester Exams and Review Review of notes *Addition of formalized review and scantron practice written and oral quizzes PPT/On-line Web/Computer Assisted Instruction Homework Instructional Lab Class participation Listening Lab activity sheet completion February: Standards: 28 A, B, C Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. A Understand oral communication in the target language. B Interact in the target language in various settings. C Understand written passages in the target language 29A Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. A Understand manners and customs of various target language societies. 30A Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. A Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines. CRISS: Graphic and Pictorial Organizers, Cognitive Mapping, Think-Pair-Share Sticky Note discussions, Magnet Summaries, One Sentence Summary (Frame), 15-30 second monologue, 6 pane mapping (Chapter review) Journal Notes, K/W/L Essential Questions: How do French teens use their leisure time? How does this compare or contrast with American teens? How does "Mood" affect French grammar and expression? Content: Review content Ch. 2 France video Begin Ch 3 Vocabulary: Leisure Activities **PM Fieldtrip to Krannert--Guided Tour of French Adjective agreement Language Expressions Art Subjonctif (Emotions, Superlative, Past) Songs: Edith Piaf Imperfect vs. Passé Composé (review/contrast)' Yves Montand (Les Feuilles Mortes) Reading: Loisirs History (brief) of music in France Comparison/Superlative (Regular and Irreg) Mardi Gras info and vocab activity Skills: Students will be able to recognize, define and use vocabulary (written/oral) Students will be able to state simple sentences of leisure activities, use of time, comparisons and superlatif and statement of mood. Students will be able to respond to questions of leisure activities, use of time, comparisons and superlatif and statement of mood. Students will be able to express the concept of mood in a variety of ways. Students will understand simple questions regarding reading or listening content and respond (written/oral) + Listening Lab component Assessment: Team competitions with practices Evaluation forms from Krannert Review of notes PPT/On-line Web/Computer Assisted Instruction written and oral quizzes PPT review for Ch. 3 Exam -- prepared by students + me Review/ Ch. 2 Exam Instructional Lab Homework Class participation Listening Lab activity sheet completion March: Standards: 28 A, B, C Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. A Understand oral communication in the target language. B Interact in the target language in various settings. C Understand written passages in the target language 29A Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. A Understand manners and customs of various target language societies. 30A Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. A Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines. CRISS: Graphic and Pictorial Organizers, Cognitive Mapping, Think-Pair-Share Sticky Note discussions, Magnet Summaries, One Sentence Summary (Frame), 15-30 second monologue, 6 pane mapping (Chapter review) Journal Notes, K/W/L Essential Questions: How did the European Union come about and why? What stereotypes/comparisons/contrasts are made between French and American societies? How can I express impressions as well as likes and dislikes? Content: Ch. 4 Vocabulary activities) Qualities/Flaws Video (in French): Ice Age II (vocab + comprehension Article: Union Européene Les Français Les Américains Prepositions and Geographical Locations Stereotypes : Views of French and Americans by each other Song: Ma Révolution (jenifer) Langage: Interests/tastes/dislikes (verbal and adj. expressions) Skills: Students will be able to recognize, define and use vocabulary (written/oral) Students will be able to state simple sentences of current content, vocabulary and grammar. Students will be able to respond to questions of current content, vocabulary and grammar. Students will be able to express the personal impressions/likes/dislikes. Students will understand simple questions regarding reading or listening content and respond (written/oral) + Listening Lab component Assessment: Team competitions with practices Post-it Activity with articles/readings Review of notes PPT/On-line Web/Computer Assisted Instruction Written and oral quizzes Instructional Lab Ch. 3 exam Homework Class participation Listening Lab activity sheet completion April: Standards: 28 A, B, C Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. A Understand oral communication in the target language. B Interact in the target language in various settings. C Understand written passages in the target language 29A Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. A Understand manners and customs of various target language societies. 30A Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. A Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines. CRISS: Graphic and Pictorial Organizers, Cognitive Mapping, Think-Pair-Share Sticky Note discussions, Magnet Summaries, One Sentence Summary (Frame), 15-30 second monologue, 6 pane mapping (Chapter review) Journal Notes, K/W/L Essential Questions: How did the European Union come about and why? What stereotypes/comparisons/contrasts are made between French and American societies? How can I express impressions as well as likes and dislikes? Content: Chapter 4: Vocabulary Qualities/Flaws Bonnes/Mauvaises Impressions Articles: La Protections des Animaux Future/Futur Antérieur (Enrichment: Animal Vocabulary and activities) Pronoun "Y" Les Touaregs Prepositions with geographical locations Gypsy Jazz presentation: Bill French (Django Rinehart) Depuis Song: Les Gens du Pays (Gilles Vigneault) Comprehension/Interpretation Skills: Students will be able to recognize, define and use vocabulary (written/oral) Students will be able to state simple sentences of leisure activities, use of time, comparisons, superlatif, statement of mood, preferences and opinions. Students will be able to respond to questions of leisure activities, use of time,comparisons,superlatif,statement of mood, preferences and opinions. Students will be able to express the concept of mood in a variety of ways. Students will understand simple questions regarding reading or listening content and respond (written/oral) + Listening Lab component Assessment: Ch. 3 Exam On-line Glencoe site: Test practice Team competitions with practices Non-linguistic representation (Les Touaregs) Notes/Review of notes PPT/On-line Web/Computer Assisted Instruction written and oral quizzes Instructional Lab Homework Flyswatter game review Class participation Listening Lab activity sheet completion May/June: Standards: 28 A, B, C Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. A Understand oral communication in the target language. B Interact in the target language in various settings. C Understand written passages in the target language 29A Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. A Understand manners and customs of various target language societies. 30A Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. A Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines. CRISS: Graphic and Pictorial Organizers, Cognitive Mapping, Think-Pair-Share Sticky Note discussions, Magnet Summaries, One Sentence Summary (Frame), 15-30 second monologue, 6 pane mapping (Chapter review) Journal Notes, K/W/L Essential Questions: How did the European Union come into existence? How can one explore and explain historical, economic, philosophical issues and developments regarding its creation? What issues are involved in France with endangered species? What are the French doing about this topic? How does one nomadic tribe in Africa survive? How are they like "endangered species"? What are possible interpretations and significances of Daudet's "La Dernière Classe" Content: Ch. 4 Vocabulary Review Chapter review (Exam) Les Touaregs (Prepare Final's oral) Dictionary Unit: Circumlocution of "Get" Y, lui, leur pronouns M or F? unit Prepositions and Geographical locations Futur/Futur Antérieur Depuis Skills: Students will be able to recognize, define and use vocabulary (written/oral) Students will be able to state simple sentences of content, use of time, comparisons, superlatif, statement of mood, preferences and opinions. Students will be able to respond to questions of content, use of time,comparisons,superlatif,statement of mood, preferences and opinions. Students will be able to express the concept of mood in a variety of ways. Students will understand simple questions regarding reading or listening content and respond (written/oral) + Listening Lab component Assessment: Chart completion based on narrative notes (preps and geographical locations) On-line Glencoe site: Test practice Final's review + graphic organizers Team competitions with practices *Revision of finals to include Urbana's 11 words Notes/Review of notes PPT/On-line Web/Computer Assisted Instruction written and oral quizzes Instructional Lab Ch. 4 Exam Homework Class participation