DEAR THE NOBLE NOZE BROTHERHOOD PLEASE KNOW THAT I FIND YOU HOOLIGANS FAR LESS THAN NOBLE AND YOUR SHENANIGANS ARE NOT AT ALL AMUSING MOREOVER THAT PUBLICATION OF PELL-MELL FRIVOLIT Y IS A POOR REPRESENTATION OF THIS STUDENT BODYS JUDGMENTS IT IS ABSURD AND BEMUSING AND WHEN IT MANAGES TO MAKE ANY SHRED OF SENSE IT IS A SORDID HUMOR OF LITTLE INTELLECT AND I DID NOT WANT TO SAY BUT I FEEL COMPELLED TO VOICE HOW HORRENDOUS YOU ALL ARE I AM WILLING TO BET THIS CAMPUS WOULD PROSPER CONSIDERABLY WELL IN YOUR ABSENCE AND I AM CERTAIN WE COULD PURSUE THE GOALS WE HAVE BEEN STRIVING TOWARD LIKE REASONABLE RATES OF TUITION AND NATIONWIDE ACADEMIC RECOGNITION WHAT A SHAME IT IS THAT YOU CHOOSE TO LABOR UNDER FRIVOLOUS MONKEYSHINES AND TOMFOOLERY AND CONCOCT THAT AID TO POST-DEFICATION YOU SO WHIMSICALLY ENTITLE THE ROPE INSTEAD OF ENGAGING IN MORE BENEFICIAL LABOR WHY THIS INSTITUTION MIGHT HAVE BEEN A BEACON AGAINST MISERY SOME TRIBUTE TO A NEW ORDER LIKE A LIGHT ON A HILL WHICH GUIDES THE NATION OF MAN TOWARDS A SACRED PURPOSE WITH THE OMISSION OF YOUR ESCAPADES WOULD YOU NOT WELCOME THAT BROTHERS HOW COULD YOU NOT BUT NO YOU JUST WANT TO MAINTAIN A CONSTANT STATE OF INEBRIATION AND CAUSE HAVOC AND GORGE ON JUNK FOOD AND NOT CONTRIBUTE ANYTHING AND BESMIRCH OUR SOCIETAL VALUES BECAUSE YOU WOULD ENJOY SOME FALL TOWARDS ANARCHY WELL TOUGH BAGELS YOU IGNOBLE NOZE BROS BECAUSE YOUR DAY OF RECKONING DRAWS NIGH AND DO NOT COMPLAIN WHEN IT DOES BECAUSE WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT! PAGE 02 A NOBLE NOZE RAG SINCE 1924 THE NOBLE NOZE VOLUME 83, NUMBER 05 CUNNING LINGUISTBRO. ELECTRIC NOZEALOO LORDE MAYORBRO. HURRICANE KATRINOZE SHEKEL KEEPERBRO. TED KENNOZEDY E-BROBRO. DEATH POTION NUMBER NOZE BORED OF GRAFTBRO. THENOZEOUS MONK, BRO. ABSTINOZE THE BROS BRO. KUNTNOZE KINTE, BRO. NO MEANS NOZE, BRO. NOZEY LOVES CHACHI, BRO. PANIC AT THE DISCNOZE, BRO. GRAND NOZE PARTY, BRO. N-O-Z-E ETC., FACULTY HOSTAGE BRO. NOZE BETTER VENERABLE EXILES BRO. KURT VONNOZEGUT, BRO. NOZE TABLE FOR ONE, BRO. THE ROPE BROTHERHOOD TABLE OF CONTENTS: PAGE 02 PAGE 03 PAGE 04 PAGE 05 PAGE 06 PAGE 07 PAGE 08 PAGE 09 PAGE 10 PAGE 11 PAGE 12 CHARLES K. PONOZI, BRO. NOZE V. WADE, BRO. NOZE SEQUITUR, BRO. FEAR AND NOZEING, BRO. FATS DOMINOZE, BRO. CLIFF’S NOZE, BRO. ARGENTINOZE, BRO. BUSH’S KRISPY TACNOZE, BRO. NOZE QUERVO, BRO. NOZEANDERTHAL AND A CAST OF THOUSANDS...* KEKO MUCKITY MUCK! KEKO MUCKITY MUCK! Mene! Mene! Teckle Upharsin! Satchel On, Brother Long NoZe, Satch! BSSS! HRSG! BMMC! BUHCC! One, two, two-and-a-half, three- if this school’s going somewhere it’s news to me. It seems unlively, humdrum, like a chewed piece of gum. Someone give it a push, someone shove- someone show the Bear some love. Take her out for a night on a town, buy her dinner and remove her frown. Seduce her for now, you can never call her back. At least conceive false hope, please, someone pick up the slack. That’s all I’ve got, complaints and bemoaning, I apologize for my one-sided droning. I’ve got a headache derived from caffeineation, which could attest for my long-winded vituperation. But that’s what I get for eating straight coffee grounds- that and mild hallucination. Someone call an ambulance, I need my stomach pumped, or a nice back massage, or my cables jumped. This is ridiculously long, it’s utterly wrong, now I’m just rhyming, I’ve lost all timing. If your still reading your wasting seconds. Oh great, now I lost the ability rhymes. Forget it. Give me a Satch. A Satchel. Satcheeeeeeellllllllisssssssssssimmmmmmmoooooooooooomomomooohhohohoooooo!!!!!?!!!!!!!! INITIATE PALAVER W/ THE NOZE NOBLE NOZE BROTHERHOOD NOTE FROM THE CUNNING LINGUIST P.O. BOX 602 Valentine’s Day conjurs up a number of memories. ELM MOTT, TX 77640 The most prevalent is from the third grade, when my class decorated shoeboxes to hold all the ValenOR Day cards we were going to give each other. NOZE.BROTHERHOOD@GMAIL.COM tine’s But I didn’t make mine from a shoebox; mine was NOZE.ADVERTISING@GMAIL.COM a steel lockbox with a very sophisticated combinaROPE.SUBSCRIPTION@GMAIL.COM tion system. No way in or out, except through me. It looked a little awkward, what with all the lace ductOR taped haphazardly to the cold metal, but third grade WWW.THENOZE.ORG was a little awkward for me. And fourth. And fifth... PAGE 04 BAYLOR DPS SEIZES TERRORIST THREAT OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW OFF MAD SKILLZ Baylor Department of Public Safety received an anonymous call during the night that could only be representative of a planned terrorist attack on Penland Dormitories. Wasting no time and eager to shine, the DPS immediately sprung into action. “We received the phone call at 10:35 p.m.,” Chief of Police Jim Doak said, “and by 10:41 we had already organized a research and response committee to elect merited officers to a special ops task force in charge of neutralizing the situation.” The committee consisted of Doak, the new guy and the broken water cooler. “As soon as roll call was over, we immediately began hypothesizing- trying to determine who was behind these threats and what their target was,” the new guy said. “After several hours of grueling gruel, and a bit of work, someone had the idea to replay the phone conversation for, what we in the business call, ‘clues’.” Fortunately, the DPS offices are outfitted with state of the art technology, including a 1989 Hamilton cassette player/recorder combo that’s meticulously taped onto the back of the last The new guy converses with a fellow Baylor DPS research and response committee member, the broken water cooler, while enjoying a lukewarm glass of water. Despite its inability to cool water, the water cooler still possesses ‘mad skillz.’ operable phone (rotary style). “Had it not been for that tape, I’m not sure what we would have done,” Doak confessed. “Upon multiple listens, we discovered that the mystery caller had clearly stated that he was going to ‘blow up the Penland cafeteria’ and that he had ‘just eaten multiple large portions of gruel,’ which seemed quite the coincidence seeing has we had just enjoyed some gruel ourselves.” Understanding the delicacy of the situation, the committee convened after a five minute break to appoint a “special ops task force.” “We knew response time would play a vital role in whether we saved the day or not, so we radioed over to Johnson, who was currently patrolling campus,” said Doak. Lieutenant Johnson sped to the scene after confiscating his Burger King drive-thru and witnessing a rerun of ‘Cheers,’ one he’d witnessed on multiple occasions. “The thrill of the chase got to me, and it wasn’t until I had arrived on site that I’d realized how parched I was, and that I’d made the mistake of driving off before obtaining my large Diet Coke.” After searching the premises and coming up empty-handed, Johnson radioed the response committee and informed them that everything seemed to be “a-OK.” Doak said Baylor DPS treats every situation like it’s real, “which is why we decided not to alert the students in the building,” Doak said. “If this particular instance had developed into a more serious threat, we couldn’t have freshmen running around in panic.” And that would look unprofessional, the new guy said. “It’s better that they just never knew it happened,” Doak said. “Also, it saves us the embarrassment of over-reacting to an ill-conceived prank, like the whole ‘Burleson’s on fire’ gag.” BAYLOR CAMPUS IN UPROAR OVER GOLDEN CALF SCANDAL ABSENCE OF ‘BAYLOR REPRESENTATION’ CAUSES TO CAMPUS-WIDE TEETH GNASHING “Sacrilegious.” That’s what Baylor statue caretaker Luke Lukeson called the recent defamation of campus’ most beloved memorials, including Burleson, Judge Baylor and the Immortal Ten, have suffered minor acts of vandalism, most involving spray paint. The most inexcusable act of vandalism occurred on the site of what some might consider campus’ most established tradition: the Golden Calf of Baylor statue. “It’s unfathomable to think someone would steal Baylor’s most cherished memorial,” Lukeson said. “Granted, the statue has seen its share of defamations throughout its endured establishment on campus, but for someone to actually remove it? Unfathomable.” Baylor PD and Baylor Administration have guaranteed strict repercussions for this act of thievery. “It’s inexcusable,” Baylor president Jonathan Lilley said through PR representative Lori Scott Fogleman. “This hits home: me and Vera were married by that Golden Calf and I’ll be damned if that memory-jogger is forever stricken from the face of this campus.” Lilley went on to say, “Seriously. My wife will banish me to the inferno...zing! Speaking of, would someone mind reminding when Valentine’s Day rolls around?” “That statue represents all that is inherent in Baylor University,” Historian Hester Hearst said. “Whoever took it may not realize it, but I’m sure if they return it unharmed they will suffer a minimal punishment for their actions.” Baylor Police chief Jim Doak violently 703 VALLEY MILLS DR., Baylor Administration forced the Noble NoZe Brotherhood off campus in 1962 for their defamation of the Golden Calf of Baylor. Those involved remain apologetic for temporarily defacing the established Baylor tradtion. disagrees. “I don’t plan to slap the wrist of whoever’s responsible,” Doak said. “I plan to break it.” The Golden Calf of Baylor has been a facet of the campus since Baylor University’s initial location at Independence, Texas. First erected in 1924, the calf maintained the initial westerntheme of Baylor University. Even though Baylor 254-772-9348 POPPA ROLLOS “Oh boy! My parents promised me that if I mow the lawn, they’d take me to Poppa Rollos Pizza! Jeepers, their pizza is swell!” PIZZA POPPA ROLLOS: EXCEPTIONAL INCENTIVE FOR VOLUNTARY CHILD LABOR moved to accept the Bear as the campus mascot, campus couldn’t bring itself to rename the Lariat or the Roundup, or remove the Golden Calf of Baylor from tradition. “I miss those big, golden eyes,” avid Golden Calf of Baylor worshipper Corpus Christi freshman Theodore Snartletoober said. “I’m going to dropkick those commie bastards.” TWO AMBITIOUS FRESHMEN KARMA FADES AWAY AN IDLE ENTER ROOMMATE INTO EATING CONTESTS SMALL FORTUNE STANDS TO BE MADE, CLAIM MORAL-RIDDEN BUSINESS MAJORS After one large GutPak and an exclamation of further hunger pangs, Plano freshmen John Calvert and Luke Pillbox realized they had inadvertently struck a potential gold mine. “’Still hungry,’ that’s what he said,” Calvert said. “I was floored. I dared him to eat another GutPak and you know what he said? ‘OK.’” Paris freshman Rich Peenuts, son of a humble potter, had eaten two GutPaks, three helpings of potato salad and two banana puddings before he declared himself “contented.” “Apparently, competition drives him,” Pillbox said. Pillbox mentioned something to the extent of “Jeez, Peenuts, guess you’re not leaving room for dessert.” To which Peenuts retorted, “You don’t think I can? How much’ you wanna to bet?” After a baffled Pillbox exclaimed he didn’t want to bet anything, Peenuts pointed decisively and exclaimed that Pillbox “was on.” Calvert and Pillbox, two business majors, immediately began discussing plans to profit off of Peenuts’ remarkable digestive system; drafting plans to tour the glutton industry extensively. “There’s been talk of dropping out after our freshman year and working our way around the fair circuit, hitting pie eating contests until we can travel out of state,” Calvert said. “Eventually we want to get into international tournaments.” Calvert and Pillbox don’t intend to pay Peenuts. “He’s eating for free, why would he need payment?” Pillbox said. “We’re giving him a place to live and sleep while on tour. All his basic necessities are provided for.” Peenuts was not available for comment. “We don’t want him using his jaw muscles for unnecessary movements. If he’s not eating he’s not utilizing his time effectively,” Calvert said. Peenuts has also been pulled from his classes. “He no longer needs to learn things. Except how to eat better. We provide him that.” Peenuts is on a strict, constant diet of horse oats. “If he can stomach a steady diet of horse oats, he’ll be able to stomach anything.” Peenuts has been secured to Pillbox and Calvert’s restroom sink. “Peenuts is now a profit-item. He no longer bears the ability to live an independent life.” PLUMMER Student Body president Travis Plummer, following in the footsteps of Baylor president Jonathan Lilley, has remained a constant archetype of idleness in the eyes of the Baylor public. Or at least he would if any of the Baylor public were able to have seen him since he took his seat in office. Sources say universal forces have begun to exact justice on ATO senior Plummer, causing him to dwindle away into the nothingness he exemplifies. “He’s become translucent. Sometimes, he’s entirely invisible.” Student senator Rick Rickson said. “Last meeting, while I was sipping on my mocha frappuccino and surfing through my iPhone for more shoes on the UrbanOutfitters online store, I noticed that I didn’t notice him. I usually wouldn’t care but we’ve got to work on some pretty important legislation for Baylor Administration to ignore.” If anyone was potentially aware of Plummer’s existence, they most likely would be baffled by Plummer’s unexpected disappearance. But experts say they hypothetically saw this coming Plummer from virtually miles away. “Like, if you don’t ‘do,’ if you don’t get off your ass and better this world, ...uh... if you waste your time, you’re going to waste away, man,” residence-free Frisbee golf expert Clover Johnson said. “That’s karma, man.” Other Student Body Officers worry that, without the leadership of a president, they too will disappear into the nether. “I can’t disappear into the nether, I’ll lose my tuition scholarship!” Samer Baransi said. Lilley’s mouthpiece Lori Scott Fogleman offered some advice for whatever is left of Plummer. “This is why you put yourself in the role of a puppet regime,” Fogleman said. “That way, you establish your purpose as a facade for under-thetable dealings. You always serve some sort of wa purpose then.” DR. PEPPER HOUR TAKES LEFT TURN FOR WORST STUDENTS SPITE NON-TRADITIONAL BRUSSEL SPROUT FLAVORED FLOAT Tuesday’s Dr. Pepper Hour at the Barfield Drawing Room provided an interesting change of scenery for students who simply wanted quick, cold refreshments – a mandatory nutritional advice session. “We thought it would be best to force our student population to live a healthier life,” said Baylor Health Inspector Margaret Boylston, host of the semi-witnessed “Commercialized Matter Melt” Workout videos, brought to you by Fazoli’s. “I know from personal experience that once you remove unhealthy foods from THE your diet and begin to exercise constantly, not only will you feel better but you’ll also feel better about yourself!” Following this exclusive interview with The Rope, Boylston’s skeletal figure was seen viciously clawing and pounding on the nearest vending machine, howling for a York Peppermint Patty. Many students described their experience at the Dr. Pepper Hour as a traumatic experience. “They made us stare at a food pyramid for at least 30 minutes and announced what types and amount of food we needed to eat each day!” said Dallas Sophomore Greg Thattleby, resident lard-ass. “2 ½ cups of veg- etables? Are you kidding me? And don’t even get me started on how much water we should be drinking.” Another point of focus at the Hour was emphasizing and creating positive body images for the attendees. After several minutes of trying to convince the float-craving audience that daily exercise and healthy eating is necessary in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the Healthy Living organizers had one last trick up their sleeve: giving out fake candy. Organizers handed out Hershey’s kisses made out of radishes, celery sticks fashioned to look like Toblerones, and wheat grass cot- ton candy. Needless to say, the ploy was largely unsuccessful and only further angered the roly-poly attendees. The brief uprising among the corpulent was only quelled after a promise from organizers for more lima beans – or unusually shaped M&Ms, as the chubsters mistakenly believed. Though most of the Baylor population would call the event an abysmal failure, some students who attended the event at the SUB would have to disagree. “Maybe next Tuesday I’ll RUN to the Barfield Drawing Room to lick that Dr. Pepper float bowl clean,” Thattleby said. BEAR MOUNTAIN VALENTINES WEEKEND SALE THURSDAY FEB 14- SATURDAY FEB. 16 4904 WEST WACO DR. 254-772-4327 GOT HER A PUPPY FOR VALENTINES DAY, HUH? TYPICAL. SHOULD’VE GRABBED THAT SORORITY GIRL A NORTH FACE FLEECE AT BEAR MOUNTAIN IF YOU HAD, SHE WOULD’VE BEEN PITCHING YOUR TENT DOWN SOUTH. IF YOU KNOW WHAT WE MEAN. PAGE 06 UNRUSH DON’T BOTHER COMING TO 7TH & JAMES BAPTIST CHURCH @ 11:14, POST MAN FEBRUARY 13TH WEDNESDAY (CATCHY PHRASE HERE) AND DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT TRYING TO BECOME A NOZE BROTHER 4:17, PUNCH MONKEY FEBRUARY 17 (SUNDAY) @ B-QUAD (SHOULD YOU FEEL COMPELLED TO HUMILIATE YOURSELF, BRING ONE PAPER (THAT YOU, YOURSELF LABORED UPON: DON’T BE AN IDIOT AND COLLABORATE WITH SOMEONE) OF A HUMOROUS NATURE. IN THE UPPER LEFT-HAND CORNER WRITE YOUR FULL NAME, YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YOUR CLASSIFICATION, YOUR CURRENT GPA AND YOUR ZODIAC SIGN. PAPERS SHOULD BE 42,013 WORDS LONG OR MUCH, MUCH LESS. NO TEATS PIDDLE OR CACA. I’LL REPEAT: NO TEATS. NO PIDDLE. NO CACA. AND THIS TIME, BE FUNNY). DROPPING EAVES U.S. ARMY RECRUITMENT OFFICE Army Officer: Alright son, you’ve passed the recruitment test with flying colors so far. Now all you have left is the eye chart test. Soldier: (gulp). Army Officer: Now if you’ll just look this way and read the second line from the bottom … Soldier: A-Alright … B … I … G … M … A … C … Army Officer: Now hold on there, son. You’re reading off of that McDonald’s bag on the table. Turn this way. Soldier: Ah … haha yes, yes I know … twas only a joke. Army Officer: The army has no room for humor, son. Now look over here and read this line. Soldier: Alright, let’s see here … C … R … a backwards Z … 7 …. A giraffe with a really short neck … Army Officer: Now hold on there son, wait just a second. Not only are not naming off the completely wrong letter, but you’re also naming off fake animals! You’re blind, aren’t you? Soldier: (Sigh). Yes sir, it’s a terrible debilitation that I am forced to live with. (Holds up leash) I have to bring my seeing-eye dog, Jake, every where I go. And he’s not as friendly as other dogs. Army Officer: You know that leash is attached to a potted plant, right? Soldier: (Sobbing uncontrollably) I was wondering why people were telling me to water him. INTRO. TO BUSINESS CLASS In order to maintain a tolerant and loyal graduate class, professor Olson and his colleagues have implemented a strict and challenging Introduction to Business course: “And as you can see by this pie chart I’ve made here—uh…oh dear. Um…” “Is there a problem, Bob?” “Uh, nothing. It’s nothing.” “No, come one. What’s the problem?” “This...this pie chart’s wrong.” “(Sighs) Oh dear. John?” “Yes, sir?” “Kill Bob.” “Oh God, please, no!” “Sir…may I ask why?” “Why what, John?” “Why must I kill Bob, sir?” “He’s failed your group, John. Made you all look bad. Ruined you. That’s bad business, John. Kill him.” “Please, John! I’ll do better…I can fix the ratios here, just let me--” “Sir, I just don’t understand why he should die—“ “For the love of…Frank, kill John and Bob.” “Yes sir.” (Man 4 pulls out a switchblade and stabs Man 1 and 3). “B+, Frank- next time choose an exit wound that’s more immediate.” “Yes sir. Thank you, sir.” LARIAT ADVERTISING OFFICE “Hello?” “Yes, hello- my name is Rob Robertson, I’m a marketing associate from the Lariat. May I ask you a question, sir?” “Yes? What is it?” “If I may inquire sir, how much are you paying The Rope for your advert in that insidious rag of theirs?” “Pardon?” “How much are you paying those moral-ridden individuals for space in their sin-print?” “Well—uh, I don’t—“ “It can’t be much…” “I’m not sure what you’re—“ “Whatever your paying them we’ll match it... in the name of the Lord.” “I’m sorry, who’re you with?” “The Lariat, sir- God’s chosen Baylor publication.” “Ah, you know what, Rob? I’m going to pass. Thanks, though.” “Uh, I’m sorry? I- I don’t understand…” “I’m just not interested Rob. Thank you.” “Is it something I said, sir?” “No, Rob. No, it’s not you, it’s me. I’m just not interested.” “Sir, let me remind you that Baylor’s newspaper is The Lariat. Therefore, God blessed The Lariat.” “Yeah. I’m not sure about that, Rob, but I’ve got to go now. Okay, bye-bye.” “Alright, sir. Thank you, and if you ever wish to choose not to burn in hell give us a call.” PAGE 08 SCRUFFY MURPHY’S 1226 SPEIGHT AVENUE 254-753-0802 NOW OPENING AT 9 P.M. TUESDAY: $2.00 BOTTLES, WELLS AND DRAFTS ALL NIGHT WEDNESDAY: $1 LONE STAR TILL 11 PM THURSDAY: $1.00 DOMESTIC BOTTLES AND $2.00 WELLS 9-11 P.M. FRIDAY: $1.00 DOMESTIC BOTTLES 9-11 P.M. SATURDAY: $1.00 DOMESTIC BOTTLES AND $2.00 WELLS 9-11 P.M. SCRUFF’S: BECAUSE YOU NEVER KNOW HOW YOUR NIGHT WILL END. LARIAT STAFF LOSES COLLECTIVE MIND INCLUSION OF PERIOD IN ‘DR. PEPPER’ DRIVES CAMPUS PAPER OVER EDGE OF INSANITY Tragedy fell upon the offices of The Lariat, God’s Chosen Baylor Publication, as three copy editors reluctantly visited the Baylor psychology ward Tuesday. Though the loss of copy editors went unnoticed by the Baylor public, The Lariat has reported detrimental symptoms running rampant throughout the staff. “You can’t do that. Loose goose. Hold me, Harold. You just can’t,” Lariat staff writer Ron Howard said amongst crackpot declarations. “Forefinger. It’s not in the AP Stylebook. Monkey piss, cat power, angel drawers, rutabaga.” Baylor psychology analysts are apparently baffled, but offered a shot-in-the-dark hypothesis anyway. “It simply didn’t compute with them,” Baylor professor and top-notch aviation maverick Hugh Riley said. “Their crystallized intelligence just couldn’t handle the addition of a new thought and thus, if I may use a medical term, they went all wibbily-wobbily.” Still, some are skeptical. “There is no way in hell wibbily-wobbily is a medical term,” Medical Dictionary editor Grace Kelly said. “Pizza pox and a blue plate paradox. Pennyfarthing, pickles, pantaloons. Alliteration is fun.” The worst case of insanity resides in the maltreated mind of Paris junior and Lariat copy editor Mick McMormick, who claims an impending doom at the hands of a gang of clocks. “How the hell did they do that!? No period? Impossible!” McMormick said. “No, I refuse. I’m not going to take it. I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore!” McMormick was killed by a notorious group of terrorists following this statement. Lariat copy editor Mick McMormick expresses his unadulterated loathing for divergences from the AP Stylebook. GOLDEN CALF OF BAYLOR HISTORY OF VANDALISM 1924: Baylor rival Texas A&M University paints the statue maroon and gold. Baylor Administration states in a press release that the defamation was “in bad taste” and that “the color scheme hideous.” Baylor University responds by stealing Revelry IV and sending him to Southeast Asia. 1956: Campus grieves the first absence of the Golden Calf of Baylor. Two years later the statue is found in a FBI search of rural Wisconsin. Baylor administration is quick to accuse the Soviet Union of the foul play, and begins immediate evaluation of students, faculty and fellow administration to “dropkick commie bastards.” The recent misplacement of the Golden Calf of Baylor is not the first time Baylor’s favored mascot has suffered defamation. PANACHE 1509 AUSTIN AVE. 1984: Houston sophomore Winston Smith is caught defacing the calf during a routine invasive surveillance. Rumors circulate that Baylor administration exacted a harsh punishment and had Smith torn apart by rats, though the rumors are never confirmed. Smith, his residence and his roommates are never seen again. TUESDAY-SATURDAY 10AM-6PM BEARBUCKS ACCEPTED CONTEMPORARY FASHIONS FOR BAYLOR BABES! HILL BAIL BONDS 1723 WEST WACO DR. 254-757-3636 254-379-5319 24-HOUR SERVICE 10% OFF FOR BAYLOR STUDENTS STAY OUT OF TROUBLE. IF YOU DON’T, GIVE ME A CALL. BAYLOR’S VISION REACHES FARTHER INTO FUTURE In an attempt to cover up the university’s short comings in regards to Baylor Vision 2012’s approaching deadline, administration officials met this month to discuss a new 50 year vision plan for Baylor. “Robert Sloan left his legacy here with his bold Vision 2012 plan,” said President Lilley, “and I’ll be darned if I can’t one-up him. I have decided that this university needs some direction, so we have put together an exhaustive plan detailing what we feel Baylor should be 50 years from now, including everything from updated bathroom color swatches to conveyor belt sidewalks.” “The idea is revolutionary,” said Vice President of Debt Reagan Ramsower. “None of us here have ever heard anything like it; I consistently marvel at the good fortune Baylor has met at the hands of John Lilley. Maybe things are looking up.” One of the many facets of the plan is to close off all highway exits from 12th street to University Parks in an attempt to further distance the student body from the city of Waco and to prevent the ‘unsightly’ homeless citizens from entering into the bubble. This measure has been lauded by the Board of Regents, who have been struggling to ignore the fact that Baylor is surrounded by an impoverished community their entire lives. “Until Lilley came along with his fresh 50 year campus plan, we had been struggling with University image, particularly the image of homeless people sleeping under the I35 bridge. If we strengthen our perimeter, we can successfully rid our beautiful campus of these ‘eye sores,’” said Baylor Regent Neal Jones. In addition to casting out the homeless, the new plan includes the building of new student dormitories. “Every time Lilley opens his mouth, I’m amazed by the ideas he posits to university development,” said Regent Jim Turner. “His ideas about achieving campus unity through elitist housing arrangements are just brilliant! I’m amazed no one thought of this earlier. Within the next 50 years, we hope to more than triple the number of dormitories on campus, which will go a long way towards successfully segregating the outside flack from our precious Baylor community.” “Another perk of the new dormitories is going to be their effect on the average cost of student housing,” revealed Turner. “Each year we spend more money building extravagant dorms and subsequently, we charge more for them to live there. Recently we’ve been getting bored with simply raising tuition cost and have had to come up with more creative ways of ‘separating the wheat from the chaff,’ if you follow my Biblical allusion. “ John Lilley seemed pleased with the initial development of his plan. “Went I went to Baylor 50 years ago, Baylor’s mission was focused on providing exceptional education to all prospective students at a moderate price. How foolish and short-sighted; I guess no one realized that it cost money to be the nation’s best college, and that we need to take advantage of our primary renewable resource: students.” CARBAJAL DROPPING EAVES (CONTINUED) Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy: MY FUZZY VALENTINE Hey … Will you be my Valentine? Yeah! Here, I got you something. Oh thank you. That’s so nice. Yeah, I wouldn’t say it’s exactly a traditional gift … Wait … what is this? Well, it’s a few locks of my hair. There’s so much! I mean it’s in a huge BALL! I like to call it a collection. But it’s just from your head though, right? Well, let’s just say it’s a grab-bag. Is that a grey hair in there? It sure is… You’re a freak … I’m leaving (sobs) Even the hairy have hearts… PENLAND DORM ROOM “Luke?” “...Hmm?” “Luke, can I stop eating? I’m really, really full.” “Let me ask you a question, Rich, my friend: who’s letting you live here?” “(Sigh)” “Go on, Rich. Who?” “You are.” “Who’s feeding you? Who’s giving you a future?” “You are.” “That’s right. Now, keeping eating those horse oats.” REALTY “Whatcha thinking about, Walter?” “I’m thinking I need to get new living arrangements.” “Oh, you... Come to bed, Walter.” LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF I-35 AND 17TH STREET WWW.CARBAJALREALTY.COM 254.235.8343 DON’T LIVE WITH CREEPY. TALK TO CARBAJAL. PAGE 10 GOLDEN’S BOOK EXCHANGE 3112 FRANKLIN, “Look, Jack! Television!” “I’m sick of television, Janet. If I see another episode of Rock of Love, I’ll gouge my eyes out.” 254-754-5729 MON-SAT, 10:00-6:00 SUN, 1:30-4:00 GOLDEN’S: READING IS COOL. MUSINGS OF AN ASTRONOMICAL NATURE Somewhere in between trying to get my hands on one of those elusive squirrels and throw a saddle on that monstrosity of a bear statue outside of the SLC I somehow stumbled into an Astronomy class. I have always been a fan of space ever since I saw “Plan 9 from Outer Space”, and since I first devised my personal aspiration to travel to the moon and take a bite out of it. I know, I know- It’s not really made of cheese but still everything tastes like something… the reason I was trying to get my hands on those squirrels. I decided to take a seat and noticed that the huge lecture hall that could easily fit all the Museum Studies and Forensic majors. You catch my drift, musty as it may be, it was a big place, but on this day I looked around and saw the paltry number of people scarcely scattered amongst the seats. ‘Is it Dia Del Oso,’ I asked myself, ‘have I somehow been made unawares yet again?’ No, the professor was there and muttering something. Why would so many students skip astronomy? Of course that shit they did to Pluto was pretty cold, but still why not sit in for that one golden opportunity. You know what I am talking about. “We sent a 6x8 foot probe to….” “Everyone take a good look we have images of….”. Once again you catch my musky drift. I sat and listened to some kind of rabble about black holes, I snickered just a little inside but that was not what I wanted. I was waiting for the crown jewel. And then it came, the professor declared “Let’s take a moment and discuss the (infamous) seventh planet”. I edged closer in my seat this was just the moment I had been waiting for; I could feel the tension and excitement building. It was almost unbearable. I loved it. I could see nothing but the professor’s lips moving as if they were in slow motion and everything around me faded into obscurity “Mars is the planet with the giant red spot; Most people are mistaken and believe that there is a giant red spot (my heart race quickened) on (I wished, I hoped, I prayed to whatever god would grant my wish God, Allah, Yahweh, Zeus) on… (yes… yes giant red spot on….) Uhhr-in-us”. I felt like I had been shot in the groin, I felt like the time I received a valentine that said “I love you” from a secret admirer and discovered it was my mom. I was in an utter state of sheer disappointment. I surveyed the rest of the class who had been waiting in the same anxious state. It was like looking at crowd who had just witnessed an untethered tight rope walker make it safely across. This was the opportunity of a lifetime. It was like surveying a crowd who had watched an un-tethered tight rope walker make it safely across in gale force winds, with a marine sniper shooting at him. I fled witah the taste of unfullfillment still lingering in my mouth and vowed to never return to another Astronomy class. HOLY LAW NUMBER 2 GETHER, THE WORLD IS MADE INTO A HAPPIER PLACE. SCHMALTZ’S SANDWICHES MRS. ROBINSON WAS UNAWARE THAT LITTLE RONNY ROBINSON HAD NO INTENTION OF EATING THE MEDIOCRE MEAL SHE WAS SURE TO PREPARE THAT MIDDAY. NO, RONNY HAD BIGGER PLANS. RONNY WAS GOING BREAK FREE FROM HIS MOTHER’S CONSTRICTING GRIP AND GRAB HIMSELF A BLUE PLATE SPECIAL. Downtown 105 South 5th Street 254-753-2332 Monday through Friday 10:00 am - 8:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Townwest 1412 N. Valley Mills 254-776-3694 CLAY POT PIKASSO PRACTICALLY DELICIOUS VIET CUISINE 920 K.H. KULTGEN FWY 254-756-2721 “Guys, after this we’re definitely going to Clay Pot.” “Yeah.” AN ECLECTIC ART STUDIO “Gee, Mary. Couples driving sure is fun, but do you think this is safe? Wouldn’t you rather be painting ceramics at Practically Pikasso?” “Don’t be a square, Lloyd!” “Here, here.” TEN MINUTES LATER THEY CRASHED VIOLENTLY INTO SEVEN MAILBOXES. 35 PERCENT OF ALL ACCIDENTS ARE COUPLES DRIVING ACCIDENTS. DON’T BECOME A STATISTIC. THIS VALENTINES DAY, TAKE YOUR DATE TO PRACTICALLY PIKASSO. CLAY POT: THE BEST VIET RESTAURANT TO EAT AT AFTER ROLLING A GIGANTIC WHEEL UPHILL... OR WHATEVER! 4310 WEST WACO DRIVE 254-77602200 THE SLINKY. SURE, IT’S MESMERIZING. BUT WOULDN’T YOU RATHER MARVEL AT THE FANTASTIC ILLUSTRATIONS OF A FEW THOUSAND MARVEL COMICS? WE THOUGHT SO. BANKSTON’S COMICS, COLLECTABLES HELP US MAKE THE ROPE. 1321 S. VALLEY MILLS 254-755-0070 BECAUSE SLINKYS SUCK. 254.296.0095 1211 Speight Ave. “Jeez, Bogart. Maybe you wouldn’t pick up so many leeches in the Brazos if you wore a shirt every once and a while.” BEAR COTTON LEECH PROTECTION. SCREENPRINTING/ EMBROIDERY/ T-SHIRTS/ CAPS VITEK’S BBQ 1600 Speight Avenue 254-752-7591 YOUR PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED. “What are you praying for?” “A GutPak. You?” “Same.”