summer @Baylor Baylor University Summer School Advertising Campaign Marketing 3320, Fall 2011 Developed by: Mandi Clark, Layne Hancock, Rachel Moorman, Meghan Murphy, and Rebekah Radney TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 3 Environmental Analysis 4 Target Market 5 Campaign Objectives 6 Media Plan 7 Community Event Plan 8 Media Calendar 9 Budget 10 Message Strategy 11 Campaign Evaluation 12 Creative Executions Posters/Print Ads 13 Screen Saver 16 Postcard/Handout 18 T-shirt/Pen 19 Fill-in-the-details Flyer 20 summer @Baylor 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ;OPZJHTWHPNU^HZJYLH[LKMVY+Y9LHNHU9HTZV^LY]PJLWYLZPKLU[MVYÄUHUJLHKTPUPZ[YH[PVUHUK[OL6WLYHtions Department at Baylor University to combat the steady decrease since the 1980s in summer school attendance, despite the relatively increasing rate of delayed graduation. The target audience will consist of mainly students who could attend summer school, as well as their parents or families who could encourage their enrollment and potentially pay their tuition. The client’s objectives include the following: Increase awareness Early strategic academic planning *VZ[ILULÄ[HUHS`ZPZKPHSVN\L Fundamental need for lower level course success -VYTH[ZÄ[[PUN[VZ[\KLU[ZJOLK\SLZ Better utilization of campus assets The campaign will aim to meet many of these objectives, and establish clear strategies to do so, primarily through on-campus advertising methods to present a clear message and consistent brand related to summer school. In order to combat negative responses toward the phrase “summer school,” this will be re-branded as “Summer@ Baylor,” to provide a more neutral image. summer @Baylor 3 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS STRENGTHS 3VUN[LYTÄUHUJPHSYLSPLMMVYLZPNO[PUHMV\Y`LHY graduation plan Educational advantage over community colleges. Professor-student networking critical for future job placement, recommendations Guaranteed credit, without red tape, lengthy permits, waivers to maneuver Social familiarity with teachers, friends, Waco Students easily accessible for advertising feedback, interaction WEAKNESSES Higher prices, inadequate scholarship opportunities (biggest competitive disadvantage) Limited jobs and internships in Waco during the Z\TTLYOHUKPJHWZZ[\KLU[Z»ÄUHUJPHSHIPSP[`[V stay at Baylor 6]LYSHWWPUNTPUPTLZ[LYZJOLK\SLZRLLW students from full advantage of both programs Limited amount of classes offered; most popular (or needed) summer school classes aren’t H]HPSHISL[OYV\NO)H`SVYZ[\KLU[ZÄUK[OLT elsewhere 3HJRVMJVUZPZ[LU[HK]PZVYPUÅ\LUJL[HUNPISL information Campus advertising non-existent; awareness high, but necessary details vague, cluttered Additional separation from family; distance between home and Waco (very subjective) 67769;<50;0,: Nearly all students actively desire to graduate early/on time Most students have friends who remain in Waco for summer Several students have perception of more manageable schoolwork, teacher availability during summer All credit hours earned are for high quality courses THREATS Economic downturn: decrease in job opportunities changes student attitudes toward four-year graduation outlook )`4H`(JHKLTPJ¸I\YUV\[¹[HRLZZPNUPÄJHU[ mental toll on students; perceived necessity of vacation, time to unwind much more attractive than planning to get ahead in school Misconception that since summer classes HYLT\JOTVYLKPMÄJ\S[ILJH\ZL[OL`HYL abbreviated (May be true in some cases, but majority of students care about attaining those credit hours) Returning home to family an unpredictable factor (Parents can pressure kids to return home) Internships, jobs invaluable for graduating student’s resume (Nearly every company hires interns, employees for at least the full summer, never just three weeks) summer @Baylor 4 TARGET MARKET This campaign is unique because its advertisers have a great advantage; they are the target market. Their demographic cares and is involved in this domain, clearly displayed by the extensive curiosity, passion, and idea generation spawned by Dr. Ramsower’s visit to the class. What was for the rest of the year an extremely shy and quiet classroom eagerly wanted to be heard on this subject matter. ;OPZJHTWHPNU^PSSPUKPZJYPTPUH[LS`[HYNL[Z[\KLU[Z^OVTLL[[OLZLJYP[LYPHYLNHYKSLZZVMÄUHUJPHSZ[H[\ZMHTPS`VY government payments vs. personal payment): Incoming Baylor Freshmen who are less likely have a four-year plan Sophomores who don’t anticipate any need for summer school Panicking Juniors who are falling behind their needed hours 0[^PSSHSZV[HYNL[MHTPS`VYN\HYKPHUZ^OVHYLWYPTHY`PUÅ\LUJLYZVYKLJPZPVUTHRLYZ7YPTHY`YLZLHYJOZOV^LK that for this audience, the preferred method of delivery was postcard or email, and many parents are wary to push their kids toward summer school. The primary research also showed that price was the number one factor for each and every student surveyed. This includes the Qualtrics online survey conducted in spring 2011 (1.8 ranking out of 6 possible factors). The study was followed by this conclusion: “When considering summer school options with getting ‘the best education’ coming in second [factor]… Students want a quality education, but do not see the value in choosing Baylor’s Summer School over community college and other options. However, students who have chosen that route expressed regret.” Students at Baylor are currently receiving a quality education and will one day receive a quality degree. However, [OLPYNYHK\H[PVUTL[OVKZVUJLPUZPKL[OLPUZ[P[\[PVUHYLKYP]LUZPNUPÄJHU[S`I`TVUL[HY`TLHUZ:VTLZ[\KLU[Z TH`OH]LL_WYLZZLKYLNYL[PU[LYTZVMSH[LYKPMÄJ\S[`PU\WWLYSL]LSJSHZZLZI\[UVZ[\KLU[YLNYL[ZZH]PUNTVUL` This situation was likened to the illustration of a runner in a race. Baylor can give a student runner all the tools and information (shoes & uniform) needed to run; the runner may clear some small hurdles (separation from family) or SHYNLO\YKSLZSVZ[QVIVWWVY[\UP[PLZI\[\S[PTH[LS`[OLYLPZHSHYNLÄM[`MVV[IYPJR^HSSWYPJL[OH[SVVTZIL[^LLU OPTHUK[OLÄUPZOSPULZ\TTLYZJOVVSLUYVSSTLU[;OPZJHTWHPNUJHUHZZPZ[HUKLUHISLZ[\KLU[Z[VV]LYJVTL [OLO\YKSLZI\[HZPNUPÄJHU[HUKSHZ[PUNPUJYLHZLPULUYVSSTLU[^VU»[VJJ\Y^P[OV\[ZVTLHKQ\Z[TLU[[VWYPJL The Big Hurdles Late release of summer courses offered Absence of internships Lost time at home Advisors’ lack of immediate knowledge/helpfulness Advising system hiccups after freshman year (transition into colleges, new advisors, and even further student-advisor turnover) The Smaller Hurdles 8\HSP[`PZU»[]PL^LKHZHZPNUPÄJHU[HZZL[MVY)H`SVY Students unaware that extra semesters costs salary :PNUPÄJHU[PUMVYTH[PVUHUKUH]PNH[PVUI\YKLUVU BearWeb If students aren’t considering summer school, HK]PZVYZTH`ZRPW[LSSPUN[OLILULÄ[Z Extreme draw towards study abroad (K]PZVYZZH[PZÄLK^P[O[OL<UPÄLK(K]PZPUN:`Z[LT Despite the hurdles, this campaign will attempt to intrigue the audience into taking action to determine whether summer school is a necessity for them. summer @Baylor 5 CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES STUDENT AWARENESS 6]LYHSSPUJYLHZLPUHSSHZWLJ[ZVMZ\TTLYZJOVVSTLHZ\YLKI`8\HS[YPJZZ\Y]L`HNHPU 50% increase in student enrollment by summer 2015 :[\KLU[HWWYV]HSYH[PUNVMMVY)H`SVY:\TTLY:JOVVSWYPJPUN EARLY STRATEGIC ACADEMIC PLANNING Increase in strategic planning rates for Freshman and Sophomores, measured by… Simple advisor rating evaluations 9LSLHZLKH[LZHUKPUMVYTH[PVUMVYZ\TTLYJSHZZLZZPNUPÄJHU[S`LHYSPLYI`6J[VILYPU-HSSHUK4HYJOPU Spring) Social & career development measured by attendance to PDP or seminar events *6:;),5,-0;(5(3@:0:+0(36.<, Class quality measured by student/teacher evaluations Strong foundation in lower level courses emphasized by teachers and advisors Increased amount of basic classes offered Increase in number of early graduates summer @Baylor 6 MEDIA PLAN The following media tactics will be used to garner attention for Summer@Baylor, provide information for students and meet campaign objectives. LARIAT ADS & INSERTS ($10,680) Commonly used for local and on-campus advertising Circulation of 7,000/issue Directly targets students 3rd in the state of Texas Easily spreads the word about campus functions, sporting events, athletes, etc. (77(9,379646;065(37,5: Form of continual advertising :[\KLU[ZPUÅ\LUJLKI`WLLYZ Will be distributed free at events, tables 36*(34(.(A05,: Wacoan, Baylor Magazine, Waco Today Many student readers, dropped at locations students frequent Different magazines with varying levels of readership BANNERS ($600) Attention getting Students more likely to pay attention to them Mainly informational, used primarily for event promotion 76:;,9: Need to be atypical, very loud, major objects Less information driven than attention grabbing, preferably with few words Color is essential, very little copy 6WWVY[\UP[`[VJYLH[L\UYLZ[VYZLJVUKN\LZZPUN SCREEN SAVERS (FREE) Students see these in passing, but often are logging onto the computer by the time they are up close enough to read more than a headline Must be short, sweet, ads primarily aimed at arousing curiosity */(7,3(556<5*,4,5;:-9,, Reaches a captive audience, population of mostly freshmen Slideshow gives something for students to look at while waiting 79646;065(3;()3,:-9,, Set-up in the BSB, SUB, Waco Hall lobby after Chapel and Burleson Quad Flyers and other informational materials can be given Representative available to talk with interested students (can increase likelihood of participation) Limited hours Set up at practical times so students can visit 206:2: Displays provide information on what courses are offered for degree plans, suggested sequencing 05+0=0+<(3796-,::69:-9,, Easy and effective; creates awareness for Promote courses through verbal messages in students who walk through the main halls class RPVZRZSVJH[LKPU!+YHWLY/HURHTLY/VVWLY Emails to their students Schaefer, Castellaw (2), Rogers, Social Work, BSB Pre-designed Summer@Baylor posters hung (2), Carroll Science, McCrary, FCS, Sid Rich, Tidwell VUVMÄJLKVVYZI\SSL[PUIVHYKZPU[OLPYI\PSKPUN :*69,)6(9+: handed out in classes Guaranteed to be seen Mostly used for Baylor Athletics sponsor promotion Large student population, but also many locals UV[HMÄSPH[LKKPYLJ[S`^P[O)H`SVY 6WWVY[\UP[`[VZOV^ZLJVUKJVTTLYJPHS summer @Baylor 7 COMMUNITY EVENT PLAN +97,77,9/6<9(Free) ;OLWYPTHY`JVTT\UP[`L]LU[YLSH[LK[V:\TTLY')H`SVYWYVTV[PVU^PSSILK\YPUN+Y7LWWLY/V\Y6ULVY[^V representatives from each college or school will be available to communicate with students about their current status in relation to their graduation time. Laptops will be available so students can look up their degree audit right there and discuss their options with the representative from their college or school. ;^VPU[OLMHSS:LW[LTILY6J[VILY Two in the spring (February & April) Summer@Baylor shirts and pens distributed Postcard handout provides opportunity for students unwilling to stay and meet with a representative to calculate their need for summer courses 7YVTPULU[Z[\KLU[ZZ[\KLU[H[OSL[LZZ[\KLU[IVK`VMÄJLYZL[JWYLZLU[[V[HSRHIV\[[OLPYWLYZVUHS summer school experiences Advertising prior to event: Posters, Facebook event, @BaylorProud Twitter, Horizon e-mail, direct emails if possible, Lariat ads 70AA(,=,5;: ($5,120) The secondary community event for Summer@Baylor is a lunch-time free pizza offering that will allow students to meet with advising staff while receiving a free lunch. This will work much like the Dr. Pepper Hour events, but may draw more upperclassmen or students who have class during Dr. Pepper Hour. 6UJLPU[OLMHSS,UKVM6J[VILY 6UJLPU[OLZWYPUN>LLRHM[LY:WYPUN)YLHR 3 advisors present, each with a laptop Postcard handout provides opportunity for students unwilling to stay and meet with a representative to calculate their need for summer courses; given before student receives pizza Held in academic buildings 11 am-2 pm, Monday & Tuesday at Hankamer and BSB 11 am-2 pm, Wednesday & Thursday at Castellaw and Burleson Quad summer @Baylor 8 MEDIA CALENDAR 7PaaH,]LU[*HZ[LSSH^8\HK JANUARY 17 - SUB/BSB/Chapel/Quad Tables >HJVHU(KWHNL 19 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) 2 - Dr. Pepper Hour Banner 20 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) 7 - Posters 3HYPH[(KWHNL 3HYPH[(KWHNL 6*;6),9 :<)):)*OHWLS8\HK;HISLZ 3HYPH[(KWHNL 1 - Posters 3HYPH[(KWHNL :<)):)*OHWLS8\HK;HISLZ >HJV;VKH`(KWHNL 3HYPH[(KWHNL 17 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) 8 - Advising Banner 19 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) APRIL 10 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) 3HYPH[(KWHNL 3HYPH[(KWHNL 11 - Baylor Magazine Ad (Full page) 3HYPH[(KWHNL >HJVHU(KWHNL 3HYPH[(KWHNL 3HYPH[(KWHNL 3HYPH[(KWHNL 15 - Lariat Insert 28 - SUB/BSB/Chapel/Quad Tables 3HYPH[(KWHNL 16 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) 3HYPH[(KWHNL FEBRUARY 17 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) 9 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) >HJVHU(KWHNL 22 - Lariat Insert 3HYPH[(KWHNL 2 - Waco Today Ad (1/3 page) 3HYPH[(KWHNL 3HYPH[(KWHNL 3HYPH[(KWHNL 28 - Pizza Event (HSB & BSB) 15 - Baylor Magazine 11 - SUB/BSB/Chapel/Quad Tables 29 - Pizza Event (HSB & BSB) 16 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) 3HYPH[(KWHNL 30 - Pizza Event (Castellaw & Quad) 3HYPH[(KWHNL 19 - Dr. Pepper Hour Banner 31 - Pizza Event (Castellaw & Quad) 3HYPH[(KWHNL 3HYPH[(KWHNL 56=,4),9 3HYPH[(KWHNL 22 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) 6 - Baylor Magazine Ad 25 - SUB/BSB/Chapel/Quad Tables MAY 7 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) 26 - Dr. Pepper Hour Event >HJVHU(KWHNL 8 - Waco Today Ad (1/3 page) 3HYPH[(KWHNL 10 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) 3HYPH[(KWHNL 12 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) 28 - SUB/BSB/Chapel/Quad Tables 15 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) MARCH 18 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) >HJVHU(KWHNL 20 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) 3HYPH[(KWHNL 22 - Scoreboard Ad (Football) 6 - Lariat Insert 26 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) 3HYPH[(KWHNL 29 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) 8 - Waco Today Ad (1/3 page) DECEMBER 10 - SUB/BSB/Chapel/Quad Tables >HJVHU(KWHNL 3HYPH[(KWHNL 2 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) 11 - Pizza Event (HSB & BSB) 3 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) 12 - Advising Banner 3HYPH[(KWHNL 12 - Pizza Event (HSB & BSB) 5 - Lariat Ad (1/8 page) 13 - Lariat Insert 6 - Waco Today (1/3 page) 13 - Pizza Event (Castellaw & Quad) 12 - Baylor Magazine (Full page) SEPTEMBER 6 - Waco Today Ad (1/3 page) 17 - Dr. Pepper Hour Banner 26 - Dr. Pepper Hour Event summer @Baylor 9 BUDGET ITEM COST DESCRIPTION Lariat Advertising $ 9,180.00 WHNLHKZWHNLHKZWLY`LHYH[LHJO respectively. 24 x $255 = $6,120; 24 x $127.50 = $3,060 Lariat Inserts $ 1,500.00 PUZLY[ZHUK^LLRZWYPVY[VHK]PZPUNLHJOZLTLZ[LYH[WLY insert with a circulation of 5,000. 4 x $375 = $1,500 Apparel $ 3,500.00 500 Summer@Baylor logo shirts at $7 each. 500 x $7 = $3,500 Promotional Pens $ Pizza Events $ 5,120.00 WPaaHWLYL]LU[SVJH[PVUH[LHJO"L]LU[ZMVYLHJOVMSVJH[PVUZ`PLSKZL]LU[SVJH[PVUZYLX\PYPUNWPaaHZ640 x $8 = $5,120 Local Magazine Ads $ 4,380.00 >HJVHUHKZWHNLHKZWLY`LHYH[ >HJV;VKH` WHNLHKZWLY`LHYH[)H`SVY4HNHaPULWHNLHKZWLY`LHYH[ no charge. 6 x $395 = $2,370; 6 x $410 = $2,460 Banners $ 600.00 2 for Dr. Pepper Hour event and 2 during week before advising at $150 each. 4 x $150 = $600 Kiosks $ 560.00 RPVZRZPUKPMMLYLU[I\PSKPUNZH[LHJO14 x $40 = $560 Scoreboards $ 500.00 20-second commercial to be played at sporting events for $500 production fee. Posters $ Screen Savers $ 0.00 Screen saver slide posted by ITS department on computers across campus. Chapel Slides $ 0.00 Screen saver slide posted in pre-chapel slideshow. Tables in BSB/SUB/ Chapel Lobby/Quad $ 0.00 Advising staff talking with students about summer school in weeks prior to advising. Individual Professors $ 0.00 7YVMLZZVYZÄSSPUNPUKL[HPSZHIV\[[OLPYZ\TTLYJSHZZVMMLYPUNZPUWYL KLZPNULKÅ`LY[VWHZZHYV\UK[OLPYJSHZZYVVTZHUKOHUN\WPU[OLPY buildings. TOTAL 130.00 500 Summer@Baylor logo pens for $.26 each. 500 x $.26 = $130 19.20 120 glossy card stock 11”x17” posters printed in Baylor Copy Center at $.16 each. 120 x $.16 = $19.20 $25,489.20 Our campaign comes in $124,510.80 under budget.* *It is recommended that Baylor use all or some of the remaining JHTWHPNUM\UKZ[V^HYKZ\TTLYZJOVVSZWLJPÄJZJOVSHYZOPWZ summer @Baylor 10 MESSAGE STRATEGY :<44,9')(@369 In order to avoid the negative connotation associated with summer school, it will be referred to only as Summer@ Baylor. This sounds more appealing and will not bring up previous responses to the idea of summer school. :<44,9')(@369/,37::;<+,5;: The campaign will emphasize that Summer@Baylor will help students meet goals, such as: Catching up on credit hours Getting hard classes out of the way .YHK\H[LPU`LHYZ Ease the semester workload “Will you graduate on time?” proliferation This campaign will provide many opportunities to communicate the message to the target audience because of HJJLZZ[VKPYLJ[JVTT\UPJH[PVU^P[OZ[\KLU[Z6[OLYVWWVY[\UP[PLZ[VJVTT\UPJH[L[OLILULÄ[ZVM:\TTLY' Baylor include: Ability to provide superior quality courses relative to competitors Smaller class sizes allowing for better student-to-professor interaction More affordable tuition saves money long-term Assurance of on-time graduation summer @Baylor 11 CAMPAIGN EVALUATION 6UJL[OLJHTWHPNUOHZILLUPTWSLTLU[LKL]HS\H[PVUZOV\SKJVUZPZ[VMJVTWHYPUN[OLJOHUNLZ[OH[VJJ\Y^P[O the original objectives created. The following questions should be answered: STUDENT AWARENESS 1. >HZ[OLYLHUV]LYHSSPUJYLHZLPUHSSHZWLJ[ZVMZ\TTLYZJOVVSTLHZ\YLKI`8\HS[YPJZZ\Y]L`& 2. In 2015, is there a 50% increase in student enrollment since summer 2011? 3. /HZ[OLZ[\KLU[HWWYV]HSYH[PUNPUJYLHZLK[VMVY)H`SVY:\TTLY:JOVVSWYPJPUN& EARLY STRATEGIC ACADEMIC PLANNING 1. Has there been an increase in strategic planning rates for freshman and sophomores? This will be measured by: Advisor rating evaluations 9LSLHZLKH[LZHUKPUMVYTH[PVUMVYZ\TTLYJSHZZLZZPNUPÄJHU[S`LHYSPLY I` 6J[VILYPU[OL-HSSHUK4HYJOPU[OL:WYPUN Social & career development measured by attendance to PDP or seminar events *6:;),5,-0;(5(3@:0:+0(36.<, 1. Do students see better class quality at Baylor? (Student/teacher evaluations should ask this provide data.) 2. Are teachers and advisors emphasizing a strong foundation in lower level courses? 3. Is there an increased amount of basic classes offered? Is there an increase in number of early graduates? question to If these questions are mostly answered positively, the campaign has been successful. Those questions that HYLHUZ^LYLKULNH[P]LS`ZOV\SKILHZ[HY[PUNWVPU[MVYUL^VYYLPTWSLTLU[LK[HJ[PJZHM[LY[OLÄYZ[`LHYVM[OL campaign has run. summer @Baylor 12 CREATIVE EXECUTIONS Posters/Print Ads ? Will you graduate on time *VTLÄUKV\[ Tuesday, Feb. 7 at Dr. Pepper Hour! summer @Baylor summer @Baylor 13 CREATIVE EXECUTIONS Posters/Print Ads ? Will you graduate on time Get free Pizza, Tuesday, Feb. 7 HUKJVTLÄUKV\[ summer @Baylor summer @Baylor 14 CREATIVE EXECUTIONS Posters/Print Ads summer @Baylor He spent a summer at Baylor and he’ll graduate on time. Will you? Quincy Acy, ‘12 A series of posters and print ads will run that look like this execution. The silhouette will be an actual photo of students, including less well-known and those with more notoriety like Quincy Acy. This will show that reference groups, such as student-athletes or Z[\KLU[IVK`VMÄJLYZHZ^LSSHZVYKPUHY`Z[\KLU[ZWHY[PJPWH[LPU:\TTLY')H`SVY summer @Baylor 15 CREATIVE EXECUTIONS Screen Saver ? Will you graduate on time summer @Baylor summer @Baylor 16 CREATIVE EXECUTIONS Screen Saver summer @Baylor He spent a summer at Baylor and he’ll graduate on time. Will you? Quincy Acy, ‘12 summer @Baylor 17 CREATIVE EXECUTIONS ? Postcard/Handout -965; Will you graduate on time How many hours do you have left? A: __________ How many semesters do you have left? B: __________ How many hours do you have to take each semester to graduate on time? A ÷ B = __________ Will you graduate on time without summer school? Yes No summer @Baylor BACK Schedule a meeting with your advisor today! Don’t be left with courses to take when your four years are up. BAYLOR.EDU/SUMMER summer @Baylor summer @Baylor 18 CREATIVE EXECUTIONS T-shirt/Pen Z\TTLY ')H`SVY & >PSS`V\ -965; NYHK\H[L VU[PTL BACK summer @Baylor 19 CREATIVE EXECUTIONS Fill-in-the-details Flyer summer @Baylor *6<9:, 6--,905. [Course Number] [Professor Name] [Summer Session] [Brief course description.] REGISTER TODAY! Talk to an advisor or visit for details! summer @Baylor 20