Energy Program Matrix 1-17

1) Reduce energy consumption and cost
2) Create campus engagement
Finance & Administration
1) Reduce Cost
1) Improve Carbon Footprint
University Sustainability Committee 2) Educate students about behavior change
(USC) & Student Advisory Board (SAB)
3) Create campus engagement
Facility Services
Student Life
1) Create campus engagement
Implementation of Energy Awareness Program campus‐wide.
Implementation of Energy Awareness Program campus‐wide.
Collaboration on campus events such a Creation (Earth) Week activities. Support the "Last Out Lights Out" sticker program. Attend regular meetings of the USC and SAB.
Have an on‐going presence on campus with displays in the Bill Daniel Student Center, posters, sidewalk chalking, screen‐saver messages, and an informational booth at campus events like orientation, Late Night, Baylor in Focus (Parent’s Weekend), OsoSafe, Creation Week, Diadeloso, Dr Pepper Hour, Creation (Earth) Week activities and others.
2) Educate students about behavior change
Student Leaders
1) Create engagement and events to involve students
Information Technology Services
1) Gain necessary assistance for website development
Campus Living and Learning
1) Create campus engagement
Dining Services (Aramark)
1) Create campus engagement
Alumni & Parents
1) Determine energy usage of housekeeping staff
1) Create awareness about program
Faculty & Staff
1) Create campus engagement
1) Introduce program and gain support for program implementation
Building Coordinators & Department 1) Determine building and classroom usage and schedules
Truett Seminary
Marketing & Communications
1) Gain assistance with how to encourage the understanding and care of the natural world as a matter of Christian stewardship. 1) Gain assistance with program logo development along university guidelines
Met with Student Senate and various Senate committees to gain program input and support.
Met with ITS to get needed information in order get website up and running.
Development of Baylor Energy Madness Residence Hall Competition.
Worked together to create table tents and flyers for the dining halls.
Worked with housekeeping to identify locations on campus where lights were consistently being left on. Met to determine whether housekeeping was turning off lights as they finished an area.
Host an informational booth during orientation and Baylor in Focus (Parent's Weekend.)
Met with the Good Stewardship Committee of the Staff Council as well as key faculty and staff to discuss the program and get ideas.
Meetings with University Deans and Vice‐Presidents.
Meetings to communicate university temperature guidelines as well as familiarize departments with the program. Develop relationships to find out building schedules in order to facilitate curtailment during low or non‐use times.
Recommendation to purchase a green Bible.
Created Baylor Energy Awareness Program and Baylor Energy Madness logos that followed university logo guidelines.