Chemistry 164 Winter 2012 Physical Chemistry Lab Instructor: Shaowei Chen, 148 PSB, 459-5841; Lectures: Mondays, 11:00 am − 12:10 pm, Social Sciences II 179 Office hours: Tuesday 11:00 am − 12:00 noon, PSB 148 Computer Lab: Thursday 4:00 – 8:00 PM, Ming-Ong PC (Merrill Room 103 – Left Side) Lab: Thursday 2:00 - 6:00, and Friday 12:30 to 4:30, PSB room 465 TAs: Christopher Deming (, and Bruce Phebus ( Office hours: TBA COURSE MATERIALS A laboratory manual must be purchased at the campus bookstore. It is an essential reading material. Other materials will be found in the Science Library. GENERAL POLICIES AND PLANS OF THE COURSE • The primary emphasis of this course is the experimental investigation of several areas of physical chemistry. The experiments are drawn from spectroscopy, kinetic gas theory, chemical kinetics, and electrical properties of matter. Each student is required to complete the FTIR analysis of HBr molecules and I2 electronic spectroscopy experiments and to choose two other experiments from four additional ones that are available in the laboratory. For each of the four required experiments, a comprehensive report must be written. This report must present the motivation and theory for the experiment, the theory for the experiment, the experimental method and data, the data and error analysis, and discussion of the results. The reports will be graded on completeness and clarity. • Students are asked to form pairs to conduct the experiments, but the experimental reports must be individually developed and written. The lab reports will be due two weeks after the experiment is done and should be submitted to the responsible TAs. The reports will be graded and returned within two weeks. It is advised that the students should plan to do their experimental work as soon as possible to allow sufficient time to complete the report by the due date, because no late reports will be accepted. SIGN UPS FOR EXPERIMENTS AND DUE DATES • The first lab report will be on FTIR spectroscopic analysis of HBr molecules, which will be done by all students. You will need access to the computer lab. • The first experiment is the I2 experiment, which will be done by all students. • For other experiments, a signup list will be posted outside the door of PSB room 465 two weeks in advance. • Signing up is a commitment to do the experiment during the week. Once a group has done the second experiment, priority will be given to other groups to perform their second experiment before groups doing their third experiment. OTHER POLICIES FOR THE COURSE • READ THE MANUAL and make sure to comply with all the safety rules! • There will be at least one TA in the lab in the designated lab period. • Before the experiment begins, the students must submit the written pre-labs to the TA (which constitute 10% of the lab report scores). The TA will then spend about 10-15 minutes talking to the students to determine if the students are prepared for the planned experiments. If it is determined that one or both of the students are not adequately prepared, the TA will ask the students to leave the lab and to get prepared and sign up for another lab period. If the students fail to be prepared a second time during this quarter, they will not pass this course. • Students are encouraged to talk to the instructor and TAs for questions related to the experiments and report writing. Please do it early and don't wait till the last few days. Failure to turn in one of the three reports or failure to show up for an assigned lab period is considered as an automatic "No Pass" to this class. • Students must pass at least three of the four experiments about which they write reports. A passing level is the achievement of more than 55% of the possible points for the experiment. In addition students must obtain at least 50% of all the possible scores on their four experiments. • In the Monday lecture, the instructor will cover topics that are directly or indirectly related to the experiments. • The final grade will be based on your work on the four required experiments and reports. Date Lab Activity Lab Report Due W1 – W3 Jan 12, 19, 26 HBr FTIR (Merrill 103) Feb 2 W4 – W5 Feb 2 – 3 Feb 9 – 10 I2 (PSB 465) W6 – W7 Feb 16 – 17 Feb 23 – 24 3rd expt (PSB 465) W8 – W9 Mar 1 – 2 Mar 8 – 9 4th expt (PSB 465) Feb 16 – 17 Feb 23 – 24 Mar 1 – 2 Mar 8 – 9 Mar 15 – 16 Mar 22 – 23