minerals and trace minerals

Minerals are simple substances that play a major role in many metabolic functions. Many of the
minerals are components of enzymes, which are catalysts for chemical reactions in the body.
Boron is a trace mineral that is important in brain function, especially in enhancing memory,
cognitive function, and hand-eye coordination.
Calcium is important for muscle contraction, blood clotting and enzyme activity. Calcium works with
phosphorus to help build bone density. Speeds wound healing because it helps your blood
Chromium aids in the metabolism of blood sugar. The trace mineral also helps transport protein
where it is needed in the body.
Cobalt is an essential mineral, helps repair the myelin sheath and aids in the building of red blood
cells. Enzymes are stimulated by Cobalt. Cobalt and Vitamin B 12 work together to increase the
body’s ability to produce Vitamin B12.
Copper increases your energy levels by helping in effective iron absorption. Copper is essential for
your body’s ability to use vitamin C. It is also vital for transforming your body’s iron into hemoglobin.
Iodine is an important component of thyroid hormones - essential for reproduction. Proper levels of
iodine will help your metabolism by burning off extra fat and giving you more energy also promotes
healthy teeth, skin, nails and hair.
To metabolize iron in your body you need copper, cobalt, manganese and vitamin C .In turn, iron is
required to metabolize the family of B group Vitamins. Iron promotes resistance to infection,
forestalls fatigue and is important for growth. Iron is essential for the manufacture of myoglobin, the
red pigment in muscles. It is also a component of the oxygen- carrying protein hemoglobin.
Magnesium is an essential for the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction. It is
required by your body to convert into energy the blood sugar stored as glycogen in your liver. I t also
helps in bone- building and aids your body’s ability in dealing with physical and emotional stress.
Manganese reduces nervous irritability; aid muscle reflexes, improves memory and helps combat
tiredness. It is needed for normal bone building and is important in the production of thyrosin, the
principle hormone of the thyroid gland.
Molybdenum helps in the metabolism of both fats and carbohydrates. It is a vital part of the enzyme
responsible for the use of Iron. Very effective in detoxifying potentially harmful chemicals. Reduces
tooth decay and protects against cancers of the esophagus and stomach.
Potassium regulates the balance of your body’s acids and plays a role in nerve and muscle function.
Together with sodium, potassium works to regulate your blood pressure and water balance. Keep
your heart muscles beating in a normal steady rhythm.
Phosphorus along with the B group of vitamins is required by the body to extract energy from food,
particularly fats and starches; Phosphorous also helps with kidney functioning and heart regularity.
Selenium is an essential trace mineral in the human body. This nutrient is an important part of
antioxidant enzymes that protects cells against the effects of free radicals that are produced during
normal oxygen metabolism.
Sodium keeps your heart beating in a strong, steady rhythm. It also balances the functioning of all
muscles and nerves Sodium is the major regulator of your body’s water balance and keeps the other
vital minerals in proper concentration.
Sulphur helps ensure the oxygen supply necessary for optimum brain functions it helps fight off
bacterial infections. Sulphur is required to build protein and collagen. Sulphur also helps build the
vital amino acids cysteine, Turin and methionine.
Zinc is an essential mineral that is found in every cell. It stimulates the activity of 100’s of enzymes,
zinc supports a healthy immune system is required for wound healing and is needed for DNA