ISSN 1995-4255, Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2008, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 214–220. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2008. Original Russian Text © Yu.S. Ravkin, V.A. Yudkin, S.M. Tsybulin, V.N. Kuranova, O.B. Borisovich, N.A. Bulakhova, S.V. Patrakov, R.R. Shamgunova, 2007, published in Sibirskii Ekologicheskii Zhurnal, 2007, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 557–565. Spatial-Typological Structure and Mapping of Reptile Population of West Siberia Yu. S. Ravkina, V. A. Yudkina, S. M. Tsybulina, V. N. Kuranovab, O. B. Borisovicha, N. A. Bulakhovab, S. V. Patrakovb, and R. R. Shamgunovac a Institute for Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Frunze 11, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia b Tomsk State University, ul. Lenina 36, Tomsk, 634050 Russia c Surgut State University, ul. Energetikov 14, Surgut, 628400 Russia Abstract—West Siberian reptiles were studied on the basis of the materials collected in forest, forest-steppe, and steppe zones of the Ob’ region during 12 years. Their abundance in certain biotopes has been determined. The relationship between the heterogeneity of reptile community and basic structure-forming environmental factors has been estimated, and a map of population of this faunal class was compiled. DOI: 10.1134/S1995425508020070 ternate with corn fields (3) and is absent from low floodplains and other noninundated areas. In subtaiga forests the sand lizard is typical of low vegetation at highmoor bogs (9), birch-aspen and pine forests (6), as well as of inundated plains of large rivers (2). Occasionally it can be found in small forests which alternate with fields (0.5); was not found in lowland bogs and noninundated meadows. In northern forest-steppe it is common in birch-aspen and pine forests (5), and in small forests alternating with corn fields (2); it is rare in inundated plains of large rivers (0.4). In southern forest-steppe this lizard is widely distributed in inundated plains of large rivers (9), in birch-aspen and pine forests (6 and 3), as well as in afforested lowland bogs (2). In open lowland bogs, field woodland, and meadows the lizard is rare (0.3–0.5) and is not met in steppe meadows and meadow steppe. In the steppe zone it is commonly found in fields and open lowland bogs (1), rarely — in meadows (0.2). Thus, the sand lizard has the widest distribution throughout the subzone of subtaiga forests decreasing in amount northward and southward. High floodplains and small-leaved noninundated forests are the preferable habitats of this lizard. The viviparous lizard (common lizard) in West Siberia is distributed from south through southern bushy tundras [9]. The route estimations of northern taiga have covered only the Sibirskie Uvaly though these lizards have been repeatedly trapped into cylinders for mammals in terraces above inundated plains of the Ob’ near Polnovat Village (Berezovo district of Tjumen’ oblast). The common lizard is the most widespread in full-grown pine riams of degenerative bogs (0.5 individual per hectare). It is almost absent from bird cherry and willow brushwoods of inundated plains of small rivers (0.09), subshrub-sphagnum and grass-moss hummock-ridge aapa bogs and pine forests (0.06 and 0.04). Reptiles are usually counted within limited territories, that is why the data on their population are utterly insufficient and do not provide a full view of their distribution over regions. In Russia, reptiles of Altai, as well as of forest-steppe and taiga plain landscapes of the Upper and Middle Ob’ region, are better studied in this respect [1–6]. This work aims at studying the distribution of reptiles within natural boundaries and landscapes of three natural zones of the Ob’ region, clearing up the territorial organization of this class of vertebrates, and mapping their population. MATERIAL AND METHODS The inventories of reptiles on one-meter-wide transects were carried out in May–July of 1967, 1976, 1977, 1985, 1991, 1992, 1999–2001, 2003–2005. Most of the habitats were examined just once. The route of each study was usually about 5 km long. In all, 359 variants of population were studied. The total route extent reaches approximately 1200 km. All the data were converted per one hectare and averaged within contours on the map “Flora of the West Siberian Plain” (scale 1 : 1 500 000, 1976) without regard to route area and extent. The species are named and ordered as in the taxonomic catalogue of amphibians and reptiles of Russia [7]. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Distribution of Species The sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) does not occur in northern taiga. In middle taiga it is found along the railway to Surgut [8]; in southern taiga it is abundant (24 individuals per hectare) in inundated forests of high ecological level, i.e. forests rarely flooded during high water. It is a common species in small forests which al214 SPATIAL-TYPOLOGICAL STRUCTURE AND MAPPING In dark coniferous, mixed coniferous-broad-leaved and small-leaved forests, as well as in logged areas the lizard was not found. In middle taiga the lizard is common in low vegetation riams of raised bogs and birch-aspen forests (5 and 3), rare in dark coniferous-small-leaved and pine forests (0.8 and 0.2), not found in inundated plains of large rivers. In southern taiga the common lizard is found in all the habitats. The widest distribution falls on dark coniferous-small-leaved forests and small forests which alternate with fields (14–15), as well as on small-leaved forests (11). This lizard is common in pine forests, in forests and meadows of inundated plains of large rivers (3–4), in dark coniferous forests and open lowland bogs (2). It is rare in vast raised bogs (0.8). In subtaiga forests the widest distribution of the common lizard falls on low vegetation riams of raised bogs and pine forests (13–14). It is common in afforested and open lowland bogs (7 and 4), as well as in birch-aspen forests and small forests which alternate with corn fields (2). In inundated plains of large rivers the lizard is rare (0.4). In northern forest-steppe the common lizard is numerous in birch-aspen forests (13), common in pine and birch-pine forests (2), and rare in small forests which alternate with fields (0.3). It was not found in inundated plains of large rivers. In southern forest-steppe the widest distribution of the lizard falls on birch-aspen forests and afforested lowland bogs (4). Moreover the species is common in pine forests (2) and in noninundated meadows alternating with shrubs (1), and rare in open lowland bogs (0.4). In steppe zone the common lizard was not found. Thus, the common lizard is widespread in southern taiga decreasing in amount northward and southward from the subzone. In northern and middle taiga most of the species inhabit suppressed pine forests and bogs (riams), in southern — dark coniferous-small-leaved and small-leaved forests, in subtaiga forests — low vegetation pine riams and pine forests, in foreststeppe — small-leaved forests. The grass snake (Natrix natrix) in southern taiga was found only in inundated plain of the Ob’ (1 individual per hectare) and in open lowland bogs (0.01). In subtaiga it occurs in noninundated meadows (0.001) and, not inventoried, has been noticed in pine forests and settlements. In northern forest-steppe the species is rare in pineries, birch-aspen forests, and small woods which alternate with fields (0.4–0.7). In southern forest-steppe it is common for pineries (2), rare in inundated plains of large rivers and birch-aspen forests (0.7 and 0.4), and very rare in small forests which alternate with fields (0.07). In lowland bogs, meadows, meadow steppes and vast open fields. In the steppe zone it was not registered during the estimation work. Thus, the the grass snake is distributed from southern taiga to southern forest-steppe; pinery is a prefera- 215 ble habitat. Most of the population falls on southern forest-steppe. The Pallas’s coluber (Elaphe dione), as inferred from the literature, occurs in forest-steppe and steppe in the south of West Siberia, though we found no supporting evidence. The mamushi (Agkistrodon halys) is registered in the forest-steppe zone on rocks of steep banks of the Berd’ middle reaches. The rocky south-facing slopes with mountain-steppe flora is the optimal habitat, where mamushi local population density comprises no less than 10–15 individuals per hectare [10]. The adder’s (Vipera berus) range in West Siberia extends from south up to northern taiga [9]. In northern taiga the widest distribution of the adder was detected in full-grown pine riams of degenerating bogs (0.5 individual per hectare). It is very rare in subshrub-sphagnous and grass-moss hummock-ridge aapa-bogs and bird-cherry and willow brushwoods of inundated plains of small rivers (0.06 and 0.04), as well as in pine forests (0.02). The species is almost absent (0.003) from light coniferous-fir-cedar riparian forests, and was not found in coniferous-broad-leaved and small-leaved forests and in logged areas. In middle taiga the adder is found in low vegetation riams of raised bogs (0.6) and small-leaved forests (0.3). The species was documented neither in coniferous and coniferous-broad-leaved forests nor in floodplains of large rivers. In southern taiga the abundance of adder is typical of willow-birch forests along small rivers and raised bogs (3–4). For afforested lowland bogs and fir-cedar damp taiga the figures are 1.5–2 times lower (2). Rarely the adder is found in small-leaved forests and coppices alternating with fields, in coniferous-broad-leaved semi-swamped forests (0.3–0.5), open lowland bogs and inundated willow shrubs combined with meadows (0.2). It does not occur in upland forests (dark coniferous, dark coniferous-small-leaved and basic), as well as in inundated water meadows which are frequently flooded for long periods. In subtaiga forests it is common in afforested lowland and raised bogs, as well as in small forests alternating with fields (1–2). In birch-pine, pine and small-leaved forests the species is rare (0.7 and 0.1). In meadows and in open lowland bogs it does not occur. In northern forest-steppe the adder is common in birch-aspen forests (1) and almost absent from fields which alternate with small forests (0.02). In pine forests and floodplains of large rivers of this subzone the species was not found. In southern forest-steppe it is rare in small-leaved forests, floodplains, afforested lowland bogs (0.5), and noninundated dump meadows (0.1). It is almost absent from fields which alternate with shrubs (0.01) and not registered in open lowland bogs, in steppe meadows, and meadow steppes. In the steppe zone the adder does not occur, either. Thus, southern taiga hosts the greatest amount of the adder, which reduces northward and southward. In the CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY Vol. 1 No. 2 2008 216 RAVKIN et al. forest zone the species generally prefers suppressed uliginous pine forests, and small-leaved forests in forest-steppe. A total of six species of reptiles occur in the near-Ob’ West Siberian Plain: two lizard species (common lizard and sand lizard) and four species of snakes (adder, grass snake, mamushi, and Pallas’s coluber). The species are listed in the order of decreasing abundance. The common lizard and adder are most frequent in southern taiga, the sand lizard — in subtaiga forests, the grass snake and mamushi — in forest-steppe zone, the Pallas’s coluber — in steppe zone. The common lizard and the adder both prefer uliginous pine forests (riams). The lizard is also frequent in dry pineries and less frequent in birch-aspen and dark coniferous-small-leaved forests. The largest distribution of the grass snake falls on pine forests, of the sand lizard — on raised, inundated plains of rivers which are rarely flooded and noninundated birch-aspen forests. The mamushi occurs only on rocky streamside southern slopes, and the Pallas’s coluber evidently prefers steppe areas. Reptile Population Using the frequency-abundance index for West Siberia extrapolated from the index for the Ob’ region, we can classify the communities under study. The cluster analysis has indicated seven types of population, one of which (subextremal territories) is subdivided into two subtypes, and another (suboptimal territories) — into six. The detailed classification reads as follows: Types of population: 1 — extremal territories (subzones of arctic and northern subarctic tundras, bogs of southern subarctic and hummocky northern taiga – no reptiles found); 2 — subextremal territories. Subtypes of population: 2.1 — subzones of southern subarctic tundras (except bogs), open boreal woodland and northern taiga (except inundated plains and hummocky bogs; percentage of population: common lizard — 93, adder — 7; density of population — 1 individual per square kilometer); 2.2 — northern- and middle-taiga inundated plains (common lizard — 1). Types of population: 3 — pessimal middle taiga territories (pineries: common lizard — 24); 4 — suboptimal territories (common and sand lizards — 51 and 33, adder and grass snake — 9 and 6; 546). Subtypes of population: 4.1 — middle taiga (except pineries, inundated plains and bogs; common lizard — 86, adder — 14; 403); 4.2 — non-pine forests and afforested lowland bogs from southern taiga up to forest-steppe and raised bogs of middle and southern taiga (common and sand lizards — 71 and 19, adder and grass snake — 9 and 0.8; 939). Classes of population: 4.2.1 — middle and southern taiga (common and sand lizards — 81 and 11, grass snake — 9; 948); 4.2.2 — subtaiga forests and forest-steppe (common lizard — 57, sand lizard — 31, adder and grass snake — 11 and 2; 928). 4.3 — forest-steppe pineries (adder — 72, common and sand lizards — 25 and 4; 540); 4.4 — inundated plains from southern taiga up to forest-steppe (sand and common lizards — 70 and 20, grass snake and adder — 8 and 2; 893); 4.5 — lowland open subtaiga bogs (common and sand lizards — 82 and 10, adder and grass snake — 8 and 0.3; 353); 4.6 — lowland open forest-steppe bogs (common and sand lizards — 84 and 9, adder — 7; 151). Types of population: 5 — optimal territories (southern taiga and subtaiga pineries; common and sand lizards — 67 and 33, grass snake — 0.4; 4410); 6 — pessimal forest-steppe territories (meadows, steppes, fields; common and sand lizards — 86 and 14; 21); 7 — pessimal steppe territories (meadows, steppes, fields — sand lizard — 109). The diagram constructed on the basis of this classification (Fig. 1) illustrates the change in communities in line with latitudinally decreasing warmth provision, the influence of prairiefication and ploughing up, salinity and swamping, as well as with the composition of forest-forming tree species and floods. As the warmth provision increases from north to south the population becomes denser up to subtaiga forests, but then in open habitats of forest-steppe and steppe zone it decreases because of prairiefication, ploughing up and the intrusion of steppe. High waters in inundated plains of rivers, particularly in the north through middle taiga lead to a decline in population density. Southward, under general soil dehydration, despite or owing to floods, the habitats of inundated territories are more suitable for reptiles than those of noninundated areas. The maximum total abundance of reptiles is recorded in southern-taiga and subtaiga pineries (4410 individuals per square kilometer). In pine forests of middle taiga the number decreases nearly 200 times, on the rest territory of this subzone — 11 times. In non-pine forests and in afforested lowland and transitory bogs of southern taiga up to forest-steppe, and the raised bogs of middle and southern taiga the reptile is 4 times less frequent than within the territories optimal for them. With increasing prairiefication, ploughing up and intrusion of steppe the density of reptile population de- CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY Vol. 1 No. 2 2008 Fig. 1. Spatial-typological structure of reptile population of West Siberia. Symbolic notations: triangle, apex up — population of open habitats poor in productivity; triangle, apex down — the same, rich in productivity; circle — mosaic; square — afforested. Inside each symbol there are numbers of taxa of corresponding classification, index — intragroup likeness. Continuous lines between symbols indicate likeness above threshold, dash lines — for maximum value below threshold. Beside the lines is given intergroup likeness, beside the symbols — occurring species, density of population and the number of species registered. The arrows beside the list of basic structure-forming factors of the environment show the growth direction of their influence and population trends. SPATIAL-TYPOLOGICAL STRUCTURE AND MAPPING CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY Vol. 1 No. 2 2008 217 218 RAVKIN et al. creases by a factor of 30—44 and even 200 in comparison with the optimal biotopes. The minimum value, disregarding territories with no reptiles found, reaches 1 individual per square kilometer to 4410 individuals per square kilometer in optimal conditions. Based on this classification, a map of reptile population has been compiled (Fig. 2). In general, it clearly shows that zonal differentiation of population does not exactly coincide with the zonal differentiation of West Siberia. For instance, the population of arctic tundras is of one type, while the communities of subarctic tundra, forest-tundra and northern taiga, of another. The fourth type and partly the populations of the third and fifth types occupy forest zone from middle taiga to subtaiga forests and forest in forest-steppe. Two other belts of population fall on forest-steppe and steppe zones. The general background shows the penetration of the first type (population of extremal territories) through hummocky bogs up to northern taiga inclusively and into inundated plains within the tundra and forest-tundra zones. The second type (population of subextremal territories) penetrates through the inundated plains southward up to middle taiga inclusive. Specific populations of pineries are well recognized on the map within the forest zone (from middle taiga): those of middle taiga, of southern subzones of forest zone – and, of separate open lowland bogs (southern subzones of the forest zone as opposed to foreststeppe). One can compare the described map with population maps of amphibians and small mammals [11, 12]. As to both amphibians and reptiles, the latitudinal zonality of population does coincide neither with natural zonality nor with the zonality typical of reptile population. The territories which are extremal for amphibians cover the whole tundra zone, not only the arctic tundras as in case of reptiles. Forest-tundra and northern taiga are shared among types of communities of pessimal and subpessimal territories. The communities of subpessimal areas are spread through steppe zone along the raised bogs and dehydrated southern biotopes (fields, meadows, steppes). Zonal and subzonal strips for amphibians are distinguished with the ratio of optimal, suboptimal, pessimal, and subpessimal conditions taken into account. For reptiles the strips are characterized by more homogeneous population with spots of optimal conditions. Floodplains are more favorable for amphibians than flood-free territories, while for reptiles – quite the contrary. The series of optimality on graphs and maps are more distinct for amphibians than for reptiles, while the degree of optimality of biotopes plays an important role for the common and sand lizards, as well as for the adder. The heterogeneity of reptile population might be reflected in a concise form by listing the habitats occupied by separate communities, whereas for amphibians this list is great and diverse, though various limiting factors have quite the same effect [13]. Small mammals show a larger degree of coincidence with natural zonality than poikilotherm vertebrates. Thus, the deviations are marked in the tundra zone (population of Arctic zone differs from the Subarctic); forest-tundra population occupies the subzones of open boreal woodlands and most of northern taiga. The population of middle and southern taiga and northern forest-steppe are significantly similar, while southern forest-steppe is inhabited by various types of communities. The habitats of small mammals are considerably less heterogeneous than of poikilotherm vertebrates. This, however, is consequence of preliminary data levelling (the map is based on contribution of species to the Shannon index of diversity). The levelling was necessitated by significant annual variations in abundance of small mammals in comparison to amphibians. Reptiles show even larger degree of locality of occurrence within complex landscape tracts than amphibians and small mammals. The locality of distribution and oscillations variations linked to smaller amount of material are compensated by preliminary group averaging of map units on the basis of forest-forming tree composition. On the map “Flora of the West Siberian Plain” (1976) these groups also include phytocenoses derived from climax forests of homogeneous compound of forest-forming species. Thus, some differences of the maps arise from methodological differences in preliminary preparation of data before cluster analysis. This, however, compensates the drawbacks of the obtained data which, in turn, allows comparison of the maps. Population Structure The assessment of force and commonness of renations between environmental heterogeneity and reptile population by linear quality approximation of matrices of resemblance showed that zonality bears maximum informativity (41% of variance for quotient of similarity). Eight times less is the influence of forest-forming species composition (5), and additionally 5 times less is the influence of prairiefication and solinity of soil (1 each) and humidification (0.8). All the listed factors cover 43% of variance, 22 and 23% of variance refer to the informativity of classification and structure (together 23%). All together the factors and conditions take into account 45% of variance, which approximately corresponds to multiple correlation coefficient equal to 0.67. As a general rule, the relations between amphibian population heterogeneity and the same environmental factors are considerably weaker than of those of reptiles (in respect to zonality — nearly three times weaker, to composition of forest-forming species and humidification — the same; general integrated assessment is half less). In regard to birds the assessments are more close: zonality is equally informative, the total influence is one and a half less, the informativity of forest-forming species composition and humidification is less considerably. In regard to small mammals the rela- CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY Vol. 1 No. 2 2008 Fig. 2. Reptile population of the West Siberian Plain (second half of summer, original scale 1 : 10 000 000). See classification for population descriptions. SPATIAL-TYPOLOGICAL STRUCTURE AND MAPPING CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY Vol. 1 No. 2 2008 219 220 RAVKIN et al. tionship estimates are lower than to reptiles: zonality — 1.3 times, forest-forming species composition — 19 times and humidification — 4 times. In general the explanation is nearly of equal informativity (47 and 45% of variance). The integral assessment showed that birds have the highest value of force and commonness of relations between environmental heterogeneity and population (69%), which approximately one and a half times less in regard to small mammals and even less — in regard to amphibians (almost three times). These differences in the degree of approximation arise from ecological heterogeneity (diversity) of population and locality of distribution of poikilotherms in comparison to homoiothermal animals. The studies are supported by the international projects of SB RAS # 5.12 and 5.14. REFERENCES 1. O. B. Borisovich, S. M. Tsybulin, and K. V. 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