MATH 1350 Quiz 2 Answers 1. 9 (Edgar and his wife have 6 sons

MATH 1350 Quiz 2 Answers
1. 9 (Edgar and his wife have 6 sons and 1 daughter = 9 people. Thus, each of the sons has one sister)
2. If Rachel has twice as many Beanie Babies as Candice and Abbey has 3 times as many as Candice, then the total
of 72 must be divided by both 2 and 3 (or 6). 72÷6=12. Therefore: Candice has 12 Beanie Babies, Rachel has 24
Beanie Babies, and Abbey has 36 Beanie Babies.
If Katy is 6'6" tall, Kyndall must be 5'4" tall, and Denise must be 6' tall because she is 6" shorter than Katy and 8"
taller than Kyndall. Could set up the formula:
78"-D=D-64"-2", thus 144"=2D, thus 72"=D. (note 72" = 6')
4. The first player only shakes hands with 13 other players, the second player only shakes hands with 12 other
players (she already shook hands with the first player!), the third player only shakes hands with 11 players (she
already shook hands with the first player and second player ), and so on, until the last player who only has one
possibility left. Therefore: 13+12+11+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1=X. Reverse the numbers and add the two lines
together getting 14+14+14+14…+14 = 2X. Thus, 14(13) = 2X, and X=91.
The answer is 297 seconds, not 300 as most people would suppose. This is because the 100 pieces are made in 99
cuts. The last cut made results in 2 pieces instead of only one piece. So, answer is 297 sec or 4 min and 57 sec.
6. It takes 3 hours for the friends to meet (the each go 6 miles towards each other the first hour… cutting the
distance down by 12. Another 6 miles the 2nd hour, cutting it down by 12 again. Finally meeting after 3 hours); so
the pigeon flies for 3 hours at 18 MPH. 3x18=54 miles.
Divide 250 by 11 which equals 22.8. Now when you combine the extra 8 scraps with the scraps you'll have from
the 22 bars (don’t forget… these new 22 bars of soap each will produce 1 scrap!!), you'll have 30 more scraps.
They will produce 2 more bars; so the total additional bars will be 24. Or you could say 250+24 = 274 bars total.
8. She had 6 oranges originally, and ate 2 the first day and 2 the second day.
9. Kayla is 32, Kelsey is 28, and Sara is 16. You can set up formulas:
If x= Kayla’s age, y= Kelsey’s age, and z= Sara’s age, then
y-z=12 and
x=2z and
Use substitution for solve.
10. Order they perform: Meghan, Lauren, Alma, Brittany (by clue 3), and Kate (by elimination). Brittany = clown,
Kate = magician, Alma = acrobat, Lauren= bearded lady, Megahn = juggler
11. 12 cookies Two ways to look at this. One, is formulas. Let c = # of cookies. Bobby leaves ½c. Alex leaves ½c(1/3)(½c) = (1/3)c. Marissa leaves (1/3)c-(1/4)(1/3)c = (1/4)c. Lisa comes up and takes one, so now we have ¼c
– 1 = 2 cookies left when Brittney looks in. So solve ¼c – 1 = 2, which means ¼c = 3, thus c=12. You could also
draw a hexagon and divide it into the cookies.
12. 11 squares
13. Solution: Green
Explanation: If Leslie (3rd in line) saw that both ReAnna and Patrice had yellow hats…she would have immediately
announced hers was green. But she didn’t. So that must mean either ReAnna & Patrice both had green or one green and
one yellow. ReAnna (2nd in line) realizes why Leslie hasn’t said anything (ReAnna and Patrice must not BOTH have on
yellow hats). If Patrice was wearing a yellow hat, then ReAnna would know she must be wearing a green since they are
not BOTH wearing yellow. But when ReAnna doesn’t speak up…Patrice realizes all this and figures she must be wearing
a green hat or else the other two would have spoken.