Kristin Wang Resource Organization Chart Resource Medium The Poetry Foundation LeMaster, J.R., & Kummings, D. (1998). Walt Whitman: An Encyclopedia (New York: Garland Publishing. Online Annotations/Rationale Resource Limitations/Comments The Poetry Foundation is a wonderful website that contains poems from all the writers that I need to use for my unit. The layout of the poems is simple, which I can use to print directly from the website. This website contains poetry from John Keats, Edwin Robinson, Langston Hughes, Edward Allan Poe, and many others. The website is good, since I can find a lot of poems from it. However, sometimes a poem would have a line or word missing. Therefore, I will have to double check on a few websites before printing a poem from this website. This article is a little bit long. I think that it will take 2-­‐3 days to read and complete. However, I can ask students to focus on the most relevant information from the text that directly connects to the poem. This text is quite long, it will take 2-­‐3 days to read in total. Therefore, I will take excerpts from this informational text (the first and second paragraphs) to share Online article This informational text includes information about the relationship between Lincoln and Walt Whitman as well as the fact that Lincoln’s death had a strong effect on Whitman’s poetry. I will use it to teach alongside Whitman’s poem, “O Captain, my captain” Shirane, H. (1999, November 4). Beyond the Haiku Moment: Basho, Buson and Modern Haiku Online article myths. Retrieved March 5, 2015, from This informational text provides information on the form, structure, and theme of haiku poetry. It contains information about all of the four masters of the haiku in Japan, Basho, Issi, Shiki, and Buson. The students will learn about the origins of this form of poetry as well as become aware of how nature is a /definitions/beyond_the_h aiku_moment.html Wheeler, D. (2011, January 1). I SEE YOU IN THERE: THE VILLANELLE. Retrieved March 4, 2015, from http://www.tweetspeakpoe Rudyard Kipling (18651936). (2014, January 1). Retrieved January 1, 2015, from ory/historic_figures/kiplin g_rudyard.shtml Kerry Washington Sojourner Truth [Motion picture]. (2009). Youtube. m/watch?v=2SQNeZKUh 38 recurrent theme. read with the students. Online Commentary This is an online commentary written by someone on his blog. This commentary is a piece of persuasive writing, having an attempt to convince the readers that the Villanelle is an unappealing form of poetry. Students will be able to identify specific devices used in argumentative texts, especially when the writer says, “No one likes the villanelle.” I will use this article to teach alongside a villanelle written by Elizabeth Bishop, to help the students evaluate the effectiveness of the author’s persuasive techniques. Online Encyclopedia I want to introduce a biography text to the students and decided to focus on one of the poets that we will study, Rudyard Kipling. Rudyard was a winner of the Nobel Prize, and had written many studies about his travels to India during the British Imperial rule. This online biography from the BBC, which I will share-­‐ read with the students to model choosing important information. The students will complete a similar task when they begin to work on their poet research project/presentations. This youtube clip is consisted of Kerry Washington reciting, “Ain’t I a woman, “ by Maya Angelou. This video is very powerful, as it helps students visualize the expressions and voice of someone reciting the poem with passion. It will help students understand the rhetorical devices associated with persuasion, the use of the logos, ethos, and pathos appeals. The length of the article is manageable to be covered in 1 day, so that I can teach it alongside a poem by Rudyard Kipling. Additionally, the information contained in the article should be interesting for the students. This video clip is short, and I will have to play it a few times for the students to fully follow along. Youtube Video