CHAPTER 3 Modeling of Lengthening Muscle: The Role of Inter-Sarcomere Dynamics David Morgan 3.1 Inter-Sarcomere Dynamics Every muscle fiber is made up of a large number of sarcomeres connected in series, so the tension must be the same in all of them. If the sarcomeres are identical, then velocity will also be the same in all, so any externally applied movements will be equally distributed among all the sarcomeres of the fiber. This leads to the common procedure of modeling a muscle fiber, or even a whole muscle, as a scaled sarcomere. Most crossbridge modeling of muscle makes this assumption implicitly, bearing in mind that many experimenters have gone to great lengths, by use of segment length clamps or diffraction measurements, to make it at least approximately true in their experiments. Note that throughout this chapter the sarcomere is taken to be the fundamental unit of contraction. In many ways, the half sarcomere would be a more appropriate unit, and all the comments and calculations referring to sarcomeres could equally be taken to refer to half sarcomeres. However, it is most unreasonable to expect exact uniformity in the isometric tension-generating capability (herein referred to as strength) of the sarcomeres. There will always be some variation in cross-sectional area and in myo-filament overlap. The question is whether and when the nonuniformity is significant. Huxley and Peachey (1961) showed that fibers tetanized at long lengths exhibited internal motion, with small regions at the ends shortening and the rest of the fiber slowly lengthening. They postulated that this internal motion, together with the discontinuity of the slope of the force-velocity curve, gave rise to the slowly rising phase (tension creep) of "fiber isometric" tension records at long lengths. A long length here refers to lengths such that at least some sarcomeres are on the descending limb of the sarcomere length-tension diagram (Gordon et al., 1966b; Julian and Morgan, 1979a, Figure 1). The explanation runs as follows. Series connected elements with a length-tension diagram that shows tension decreasing with increasing length must be unstable. That is, inequalities in length will be accompanied by inequalities in tension generating capability that will lead to greater inequalities in length. The strong sarcomeres will shorten and get stronger, while the weak will be stretched and get even weaker. The force-velocity relation, however, shows an increasing force for increasing lengthening velocity. This will provide dynamic stability to the sarcomere length distribution. In fact for any achievable duration of tetanus, most of the sarcomeres will not have changed in length by more than a few tenths of a micron. The internal motion would not affect the tension (while all sarcomeres were on the linear descending limb) were it not for the change in slope of the force-velocity curve about zero velocity. This can be seen by considering two sarcomeres of unequal isometric tensions but a zero sum of velocities - that is, their total length is kept constant (Morgan, 1985, Figure 1). Their tensions must be equal and the velocities of equal magnitude and opposite direction. If the force-velocity curve were of constant slope, the tension that satisfied this condition would be the average of the two isometric tensions, and there- Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization 1.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York 3. Morgan; Modeling of Lengthening Musck fore independent of the amount of difference between the two sarcomere strengths, provided that both are on the descending limb. However, with a force-velocity curve that is steeper for lengthening than for shortening, the tension must be nearer to the isometric value of the shortening (stronger) sarcomere than to that of the lengthening (weaker) sarcomere in order to make the velocities of equal magnitude. This means that increasing the difference between the lengths and hence strengths of the two sarcomeres will increase the tension. This same argument can be generalized for many sarcomeres to show that the tension in an isometric fiber is not the average of the isometric tensions of the sarcomeres, but is closer to the isometric capability of the stronger sarcomeres. The problem can be formalized as one of distributions and transformations. The first distribution is in sarcomere lengths. This is transformed into the distribution of sarcomere strengths by the length-tension diagram. If all sarcomeres are on the descending limb, then this is a linear transformation and the mean of the transformed distribution is equal to the transform of the mean of the original distribution. That is, the mean strength is the strength of the mean sarcomere length. The second transformation is from strength to velocity at a particular tension. This is essentially the force-velocity curve. Therefore the mean velocity at a given tension will only be the velocity appropriate to the mean sarcomere strength at that tension if the force-velocity transformation is linear. In particular the mean velocity will not in general be zero when the tension is equal to the mean strength if the force-velocity transformation is non-linear, as is found experimentally. Gordon et al. (1966a, 1966b) showed that keeping the length of a more uniform central segment of a fiber constant, rather than the length of the whole fiber reduced the rate of rise of the "creep" tension, in agreement with the explanation offered. A smaller initial distribution of lengths and strengths is expected to lead to a lower tension early in the tetanus and less initial internal motion. This in turn means that the degree of nonuniformity and the amount of "extra" tension increase more slowly. Reducing the spread of sarcomere lengths has not been shown to reduce the final peak tension, nor does modeling predict that 47 it should (Morgan et aI., 1982). If the tetanus is continued long enough, the non-uniformities will become large, and so will the tension. Inter-sarcomere dynamics are also thought to be significant in slow shortening of muscle fibers (Julian and Morgan, 1979b, Figures 1 and 2) and whole muscles (Abbott and Aubert, 1952, Figure 5). Experimentally, the tension in a fiber held isometric after a slow active shortening from a long length is less than the tension generated when stimulation is commenced at the shorter final length. Rapid shortening, however, produces no tension deficit. In other words, a fiber is not able to shorten slowly up its length-tension curve, as would a crossbridge model of a sarcomere. Interrupting stimulation of the shortened fiber or whole muscle removes the deficit. Julian and Morgan showed that the slow shortening was largely absorbed by the end regions seen by Huxley and Peachey (1961). This means that most of the sarcomeres have not shortened, and so have not increased their tension generating capabilities. The initially shorter and stronger end sarcomeres have shortened out of the descending limb, and have become weaker again as they moved onto the ascending limb of the length-tension relation. However, there is always a transition zone of sarcomeres with lengths between long and short, and hence strengths greater than the tension. These are the ones that take up most of the imposed shortening. When the shortening is more rapid, the tension is less and the range of velocities for a given range of strengths is smaller. This leads to a more uniform shortening and so a final isometric tension nearer to that seen if stimulation is commenced at the final length. The model described here is able to simulate this experiment (Morgan, 1990). The depression of stiffness, or more accurately the lack of rise of stiffness, which is reported to accompany the lack of rise of tension (fsuchiya and Sugi, 1988), is also compatible with this explanation. Most of the sarcomeres have not changed length, and therefore not stiffness, so that the fiber stiffness remains near to that at the original long length. 3.2 Sarcomere Behavior During Stretch Despite the extensive attention given to the behavior of muscles during stretch in recent years (e.g., Cavagna et al., 1968; Huxley, 1971; Edman et al., 1978; Flitney and Hirst, 1978; Morgan et aI., 48 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling 1978; Julian and Morgan, 1979a; Edman et al., 1982; Cavagna et al., 1986; Umazume et al., 1986; Colomo et al., 1988; Sugi and Tsuchiya, 1988; Tsuchiya and Sugi, 1988; Bottinelli et al., 1989; Harry et al., 1990 [see also Chapter 2 (Hatze)], relatively little consideration has been given to inter-sarcomere dynamics under these conditions. Lengthening muscle produces a number of unexpected results (see Sections 3.4 and 3.5) and also a remarkable inconsistency of results. This difficulty in reproducing results in even successive stretches on the same fiber could be seen to suggest that inter-sarcomere dynamics may be important, with the initial distribution of sarcomeres being the fundamental inconsistent factor. Woledge et al. (1985, p.71) highlighted this variability in respect to the yield ratio (the yield tension expressed in terms of the isometric tension) and change in slope of the force-velocity curve, but it is apparent in many other features of tension records during lengthening (see also Chapter 6 (Winters». The force-velocity curve of a fiber or whole muscle for lengthening is usually found to have a yield tension, meaning that increasing the velocity beyond a certain point does not increase the tension any further (Katz, 1939). This of course corresponds to zero incremental damping or viscosity. The statement above, that the force-velocity curve will stabilize the inherent instability of the sarcomere length distribution, is no longer true if the sarcomeres are stretching in this yielding condition. The instabilities will be catastrophic in the sense of producing very rapid changes in the sarcomere length distribution. This becomes clear in a simple thought experiment. If a fiber is stretched at other than a very small velocity, the tension will rise as elastic structures are stretched, until it reaches the yield point of the weakest sarcomere. There will always be a weakest sarcomere, no matter how small the differences between the sarcomeres may be. At this point the weakest sarcomere will yield, that is, begin to stretch more rapidly than the others, without increasing tension. Elastic elements will also cease lengthening as the tension levels out. If the weakest sarcomere is on the descending limb of the length-tension relation, this increased lengthening will reduce its tension-generating capability. It will then be unable to support the existing tension at any velocity and so will lengthen very rapidly indeed, limited only by inertial and passive viscous forces. Of course this lengthening will allow shortening of the rest of the fiber which will cause some reduction in tension. If the number of sarcomeres in the fiber is large, however, this reduction of the tension is likely to be less than the reduction in tension-generating capability of the weakest sarcomere, and so will not stop the rapid elongation. Eventually the passive structures within the sarcomere will produce a passive tension equal to the tension in the fiber, and extension of the sarcomere will stop. If the imposed stretch is continued, the tension will again rise until it reaches the slightly greater yield point of the next weakest sarcomere, which will then extend rapidly. This process will be repeated until the motion stops. Our thought experiment suggests then that lengthening of a fiber will not be at all uniform, but will take place essentially by "popping" of sarcomeres, one at a time, in order from the weakest towards the strongest. This has far-reaching consequences, which will be discussed in Section 3.4. Where are the weakest sarcomeres likely to be? The shortest and strongest have been shown to be concentrated near the ends. It has been reported (Colomo et al., 1988), in accord with my own experience, that some fibers do have weak patches that is, the weakest sarcomeres all in one part of the fiber. In these fibers the yield ratio is low, the continued rise during stretch is large, and nonuniform lengthening can be seen. Colomo et al. (1988, Figure 5) also reported a smaller change in slope of the force-velocity curve at zero velocity. In a more uniform fiber the weakest are likely to be randomly distributed throughout most of the fiber. Of course a fiber consists of many parallel myofibrils, able to move somewhat independently of each other. The popping of the randomly distributed weakest sarcomeres in a relatively unifonn fiber is more likely to be a myofibrillar phenomenon than a fiber one. The weakest sarcomere in one myofibril may be at a different point along the fiber to the weakest sarcomere in the neighboring myofibril. This widespread distribution of elongated sarcomeres in myofibrils will make them difficult to detect by direct observation. No sarcomere will be extended all the way across the fiber, but scattered long sarcomeres extending only across one or a few myofibrils will be scattered in three dimensions throughout the 3: Morgan; Modeling of Lengthening Muscle fiber. This should be visible as increased disorder and skewing of sarcomeres. To the best of my knowledge, no quantitative measurements have been made of this. The mechanical consequences of the myofibrillar distribution of elongated sarcomeres will be small, unless significant forces are generated between myofibrils by the elongation of a sarcomere in one myofibril. Consequently the model assumes that each sarcomere has a unique sarcomere length applicable all across the fiber. In this sense it could be considered as a model of a myofibril. 3.3 The Computer Model The model was closely based on that of Morgan et al. (1982), ran on a Macintosh computer (Apple Computer Inc., Cupertino, CA), ~d was written in Lightspeed Pascal (Thmk Technologies, Bedford, MA, now a division of Symmantec) using the Programmers Extender (Invention Software Corp, Ann Arbor, MI). One half of the muscle fiber was modeled as either 100 or 500 sarcomeres (or contractile units) connected in series. In order to accommodate different muscles and temperatures, the unit of time was defined as the time for all unloaded sarcomeres to shorten 111m. Thus the unloaded shortening velocity was 1 micron per sarcomere per time unit For the usual frog single fibers, this means that one time unit corresponds to about 500 ms at O°C, and about 50 ms at 20°C. Each sarcomere was represented by a Hill type model, consisting of a contractile component characterized by a force-velocity curve, a linear series elastic component (default stiffness required 0.024 11m per half sarcomere to drop the tension from isometric to zero), and an exponential parallel elastic component. The force-velocity curve was taken as the classic Hill-Katz curve as quantified by Morgan et al. (1982). Constants could be entered for a/Fo (where a is the Hill parameter and Fo is the Hill contractile element force intercept [see also Chapter 5 (Winters)]; default here: 0.25), the change of slope between slow lengthening and slow shortening (default: 6 times higher for lengthening), the asymptote for lengthening (default: 1.8 Fo)' and a curvature coefficient for ~he lengthening region. The unloaded shortemng velocities of all sarcomeres were the same. For each sarcomere the isometric tension (strength) was taken as the product of the length-tension 49 the curve of Gordon et al. (1966b) and specified isometric capability at optimum length F of that sarcomere. The distribution of FOG,. wis specified as an exponential distribution with a random variation added. Values for the end sarcomere, the central sarcomere, the length constant of the exponential distribution, the random component amplitude, and the random number generator seed were all specified by the user. The random component was generated by smoothing a series of pseudo-random numbers generated by the computer, giving an approximately Gaussian distribution. The initial length distribution was very similarly specified. The basic passive tension curve was an offset exponential, specified by the slack length, a length constant of the exponential and the tension at some specified sarcomere length, and applied to the sarcomere at the center of the fiber end. The passive tension curves for the other sarcomeres were scaled from this so that the specified sarcomere length distribution produced the same passive tension in all the sarcomeres. No provision has been made for sarcomere lengths less than the slack length, so no simulations involving slack fibers can yet be run. The length changes to be applied were specified by the times of beginning and ending the ramp, and the fmal average sarcomere length. The initial average sarcomere length was calculated from the initial sarcomere length distribution. The program included facilities to display, save, and print the length-tension relation, the force-velocity relation, the passive curve for any sarcomere, the movement being applied, and the distributions of F ,strength and of sarcomere length, as well asOop' the tension-time recordb· emg produced. Sarcomere length, FOG,., and strength could also be displayed as histograms. In addition a "segment length" record was obtained by adding the sarcomere lengths of the "central" half of the fiber. The simulation could be stopped at any time to examine these curves and then resumed. The solution proceeded iteratively as before (Morgan et al., 1982). The time intervals for the calculation were not equal, but varied automatically to accommodate the rate of change of tension. No interval greater than 0.0001 time units (less during very rapid ramps) was accepted if tension changed more than 2% of isometric tension or if the length of any sarcomere changed more than 0.2 11m within that time interval. An option al- 50 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling lowed the fiber to be replaced by a single sarcomere, with parameters equal to the average of those for the fiber. Tension was plotted on the screen as simulation progressed. Experience using the model justified several of the assumptions made in the thought experiment above. It was found that for realistic passive tension curves and initial sarcomere lengths, a popped sarcomere was extended well beyond zero overlap. Of particular importance was the confIrmation that the sarcomere lengths are instantaneously unstable for any reasonable assignment of parameters and number of sarcomeres, even as low as 100. The only way to actually fmd a solution during the rapid elongation phase was to add a small amount of damping to the series elastic component of the sarcomere model. This meant that the tension fell to the minimum of the curve of total sarcomere tension against sarcomere length as each sarcomere popped. In practice this procedure led to a large number of very short time intervals and excessive calculation time. Consequently a "quick pop" option was provided, whereby no attempt was made to track a sarcomere through popping. If the "quick pop" option was enabled, then in each time interval, after solving for the tension but before updating the sarcomere lengths, a check of the sarcomere nearest to its yield point was made to see if its updated yield point would be less than the existing tension, that is, whether the tension would need to be reduced in the next time interval. If so, the present time step was repeated with half the duration. When a tension decrease would be required and the time interval was at the minimum allowed (0.0001 time unit), then the sarcomere would be popped by setting its isometric capability (F00 ) to zero. This ensured that only its passive tensi6n would be used from then on, and that during the next time interval, it would be stretched appropriately. This led to an instantaneous fall in tension, as the other sarcomeres shortened. This option reduced the calculations considerably, but was shown not to affect the results perceptibly other than during the actual "popping" of the sarcomere. easily observed, but produced unrealistic tension traces. Using 500 sarcomeres produced much more realistic records, though individual pops are still discernible. Most real muscle fibers have many more than 500 sarcomeres, so that an even smoother trace would be expected. Figure 3.1a shows the simulated tension during a stretch, and while isometric at the initial and final lengths. This figure shows that the model simulates a large number of the peculiar features of muscle being stretched. 3.4.1 Continued Tension Rise During Stretch Most experimenters agree that stretching a muscle at constant velocity produces a tension that continues to rise throughout the stretch, whether the sarcomere lengths are on the plateau or descending limb of the length-tension relation (see in particular Harry et al., 1990). Shortening at constant velocity within the plateau of the length-tension diagram, on the other hand, produces a tension that is much more nearly constant. The lengthening behavior is inconsistent with "normal" cross-bridge models, as the distribution of cross-bridge extensions, and hence the tension, should reach a steady state after stretching more than a few cross-bridge strokes. On the descending limb, of course, tension should fall as the overlap of thick and thin filaments is reduced. This was seen when the model was set to single sarcomere, as shown in Figure 3.2. If inter-sarcomere dynamics dominates, then the continued rise represents popping ever stronger sarcomeres. The continued rise is inherent in the model. The tension trace is just a series of yield points, each one greater than the last. On the descending limb of course there will be a countervailing effect of the slow reduction of strength of all the sarcomeres that are slowly lengthening below their yield point. This may account for occasional observations of tension falling during stretch, such as in Edman et al. (1978, Figure 2b). Variations in the pattem of sarcomere non-uniformity will account for the variable amount of rise seen between experimental records. A large spread of sarcomere lengths in the model can lead to a rounding of the yield comer as sarcomeres are popped from early in the 3.4 Modeling Results and Discussion The model with 100 sarcomeres showed a large stretch, as shown in Figure 3.2. During shortening abrupt drop in tension each time a sarcomere the slope of the force-velocity curve ensures that popped. This enabled the pattern of popping to be the sarcomeres shorten much more uniformly, and 51 3. Morgan; Modeling of Lengthening Muscle the single sarcomere cross-bridge models are more continued. The final tension is near that for an nearly correct. isometric contraction at the original length, and almost independent of the amplitude or speed of the 3.4.2 Permanent Extra Tension stretch. These are exactly the results found in The model records also show the phenomenon muscle fibers. Looking at the final sarcomere of permanent extra tension [Abbott and Aubert, length distribution (Figure 3.1b) shows what has 1952; Julian and Morgan, 1979b; Edman et al., happened. Most of the lengthening has been taken 1982; Woledge et al., 1985; Sugi and Tsuchiya, up by the few popped sarcomeres, and the rest 1988; Tsuchiya and Sugi, 1988; see also Chapter 2 have only stretched a little. Furthermore the (Hatze»). After a stretch at long length, the tenweakest sarcomeres have been "removed" from sion does not fall to the level appropriate to the final length, regardless of how long the tetanus is b) a) 27 j 24 !: , .J',.....-..' ...' -.......-" " .'V', oi"-. I ~ .r/.",r ( ...~..'"..r....... ~i 'i'" f1 ) 2' . ... : '. 30 2, 00 20 40 so 10 ",~~ A . . . of 500 IafClGfMtM. _ _ __ • ~.wn 6 MtC:O'Nt • • .3~ 1.00 Ull ~ • 1.00 IIoOI'noWk; cape MI. F"nl ,.. long"" P .....f t -=-OQIeftI-M _._.O.Ol<.wn _ _2.10 . 6 ~""""c:DI'IWN. '. 120 ,.0 160 ,10 200 2..10 L.a .. "fCIOI'nIIIr• • ~ta,... - . I''' 'x .'. \,.(~; ...:. ,..;:','"X. :'. ': .' ... : :,,':., .: ~:: . .• , • . . ,I, ; .c ~.~ <,.... • ..:; ':. ~.. ;: ";' .: :.:~ 10.00 %. -,.I .":. - 6JX) % .:o,: ~: 0 I • ' I 1:". 0 Slid. IIInglt'I .. ~ LMg1n COO*afn • 0.2." P.saNe ...,...". 81 3.lOurn .. O..2OPc. IrUf laIC III"".' .. 0.00 From aWlf'aOli aatQWlllte ieI"IQ'" Of U53lu'ft aI • _......-og •• :tO.oo_..... Q.25 .oo ~ :..!.:::",a: ... ...... ..._.l..2OP<> ~ %.. : 101 _ _ .0.00180 ~ S4net etubc .~ • O~tI · ...,C" 81 Po. ~-'" 10 2..~ A' - .--,....,-- _-.01 ..... .....,., ...0 aIPo . TIIN CICII'\el.aIII .o.OOC =,11 at'ICI 11iU" ..... unO. me ~ .. 0 .7'020 Figure 3.1: The model behavior during stretch. a) Tension traces during fixed end activation at initial and final lengths and during an active stretch of 0.2 11m between these lengths. Note the following points. The longer length produces less isometric tension, owing to the length-tension curve. The isometric traces show a "tension creep" or slow rise phase followed by a slow decline. The tension continues to rise throughout the stretch. The popping of individual sarcomeres produces the ripple during stretch. The tension after ,. t ,S J,..-----~r;;:= """'"' =.:-_ =:::, ----...., S~O the stretch does not fall to the tension generated while isometric at the same length. The details in the figure relate to the stretch record. b) The distribution of sarcomere lengths at the beginning of contraction, at the end of the stretch, and at the end of the simulation. Note the "popped" sarcomeres, scattered throughout the fiber, and extended beyond the length of filament overlap. After such a long tetanus, the sarcomeres are quite non-uniform. 52 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling the distribution of active sarcomeres, giving a slight tendency for the tension to rise above that at the original length. This is counteracted by the slight elongation of the other sarcomeres. Combined with the older evidence suggesting sarcomere non-uniformity (interrupting the stimulation long enough for the tension to fall, and then resuming produces the tension appropriate to the final length (Julian and Morgan, 1979b, Figure 6)), these records make the inter-sarcomere dynamics explanation of permanent extra tension very attractive. Note that a decrease in stiffness during the stretch is also predicted by the model, as observed by Tsuchiya et al. (1988) and Sugi et aI. (1988). The decrease in this model, however, is not due to a decreased overlap and hence number of crossbridges as they postulated, but to the increasing number of popped sarcomeres. The stiffness of the passive tension curve is less than that of an active sarcomere, so popping more sarcomeres decreases the stiffness, even though most of the sarcomeres have not lengthened. b) 0.0 1 .0 2.0 Tim. 3.0 •.0 5.0 I'::~~~--------------- I. O. 0.0 1.0 2.0 T,me 3 .0 •. 0 5.0 Figure 3.2: A fiber with a wider distribution of F..". a) The upper traces are for a fiber of 500 sarcomeres with a 10% random variation of isometric capabilities and a 0.05 11m random variation in initial sarcomere lengths. The lower traces are for a single sarcomere with the average properties of those in the upper traces. The middle trace shows the movement, calibrated in mm for the fiber. Note the following points. The fiber has a smaller yield ratio than the sarcomere, and the yield point is much less distinct. The tension continues to rise throughout the fiber stretch but falls for the Inilal oat""""" Final UICOINI. length length , •.C¥n single sarcomere, owing to the sarcomere lengtb-tension curve. Isometric contractions can also involve popping of sarcomeres. For the single sarcomere the tension decays towards that appropriate to the final length, but stays above for the fiber. b) The initial and final sarcomere length distributions shown as histograms. Initial sarcomere lengths 2.35 11m plus 0.05 m random variation. Slack length is 2.1 11m. Passive tension at 3.1 IJ.ffi is 0.2 F.. Stretch amplitude is 0.15 11m. Default force-velocity curve is utilized. 3. Morgan; Modeling of Lengthening Muscle 3.4.3 Force-Velocity Cune at High Speeds Stretching the simulated fiber produces a tension that is almost independent of the stretch velocity except for very small velocities. This is to be expected, since the tension during stretch is determined mainly by the distribution of yield points for the various sarcomeres. The velocity has a minor effect through the lengthening of the other sarcomeres below their yield points. Experiments also show that the tension of a muscle or fiber during constant velocity stretch is essentially independent of velocity beyond the yield point. A cross-bridge model, however, can only show this under specific, rather unlikely assumptions. As a sarcomere is stretched at higher and higher speeds, the opportunity for crossbridges to form becomes less and less, and in most models the number of attached sarcomeres decreases. The only way to avoid a fall in tension is to increase the average tension per cross-bridge, and hence the average extension of the crossbridges. It has been shown (Harry et al., 1990) that imposing a limit on cross-bridge extension even as large as six times the maximum extension in an isometric muscle produces predictions that depart significantly from experiment. Inter-sarcomere dynamics can easily accommodate a sarcomere force-velocity curve that falls at large velocities. Once a sarcomere yields and becomes unable to support the existing tension at any speed, the tension that it can support becomes essentially irrelevant. This is shown by the fact that using the "quick-pop" option in the model, equivalent to a sarcomere force-velocity curve that falls to zero immediately past the yield point, does not affect the overall tension trace. In this way the sarcomere force-velocity curve can fall at high speed, but the fiber force-velocity curve does not. 3.5 Explanations of Other Phenomena The ideas behind the model can also be seen to provide explanations for other puzzles about lengthening muscle that have not yet been modeled. 3.5.1 Isotonic Experiments Simulations of isotonic experiments are not appropriate to the present model, as they rely heavily on the moderately fast transient behavior of sarcomeres, which is not realistically modeled by a 53 Hill model. The behavior to be expected from a consideration of inter-sarcomere dynamics can however be predicted, and compared to experiment. If a model fiber is subjected to a load greater than the yield point of some of its sarcomeres, all those sarcomeres unable to support the imposed tension will quickly pop, giving a rapid lengthening of the fiber. When that has happened, the rate of stretch of the fiber will drastically slow to that due to the sub-yield lengthening of the sarcomeres with yield points greater than the imposed tension. Such slowing of the rate of lengthening is the behavior that has been seen in real fibers, and has proved so difficult to explain by cross-bridge or any other models (Huxley, 1971, Figure 6; Huxley, 1980, p. 84). (How can enough cross-bridges form in a rapidly extending fiber to resist the imposed load when they were unable to do so in the isometric fiber?) This would also explain the difficulty experienced by Pollack's group (e.g., Granzier et al., 1989) in plotting the force-velocity curve using isotonic stretches. They found that increasing the isotonic load increased the amplitude of the immediate lengthening, but not the steady lengthening velocity that followed (Granzier et al., 1989). Sustained rapid isotonic lengthening does not occur experimentally. 3.5.2 Damage from Eccentric Contractions Another peculiarity of muscle being lengthened while active is its propensity to damage. Step tests (Friden et aI., 1983; Newham et al., 1983) and arm curls (Clarkson and Tremblay, 1988) in humans, and downhill running in rats (Armstrong et al., 1983), all produce damage with the following characteristics. Immediately after the exercise, the only changes seen are small areas of elongated sarcomeres, sometimes as small as one half sarcomere in one myofibril. In other cases a group of elongated sarcomeres, extending part or all of the way across the fiber, are seen. The next day, the muscles involved are painful, and histology shows damaged muscle fibers being replaced. The degree of damage is not related to the general fitness of the subject. Everyday experience also shows that sports involving eccentric contractions such as horse riding and mountain climbing often produce such "delayed-onset muscle soreness," while concentric exercise sports such as swimming and bicycle riding usually do not. The proposal of non- 54 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling uniform lengthening provides the mechanism for the initial local damage, which can then lead to destruction of the fiber (Armstrong, 1984, esp. p.. ·35). When a sarcomere "pops", it is extended, probably to the point where there is no overlap of thick and thin fIlament lUTays. When the muscle relaxes, it is likely that the inter-digitating pattern of the fIlaments is not fully resumed immediately. (The question of the extent and time course of the recovery of a popped sarcomere is an area that needs more experimental investigation.) This provides a weak point during the next stretch, and increases the stress on the neighboring myofibrils at that sarcomere. In this way, repeated stretches can be envisaged to produce a microscopic tear in the fiber. At some point this tear damages sarcoplasmic reticulum or sarcolemma, allowing uncontrolled release of calcium, and "clot" formation. In single fibers, stretching will sometimes kill fibers that have withstood many isometric and/or shortening contractions (personal observations). My own recent observations suggest that these fibers often have a low fiber yield ratio, consistent with a wide spread of sarcomere strengths. (See below and Colomo et al., 1988.) 3.6 Modeling ConclusionslPredictions predicted by the model. No specific experiments have yet been undertaken to test this point, but a brief examination of the literature provides some support. Certainly the rise during stretch tends to be greater at longer lengths, where non-uniformities may be expected to be greater. Similarly, inter-sarcomere dynamics suggests that the change in slope of the force-velocity curve about zero for a fiber will always be less than the change for its sarcomeres, since the tension for a slow stretch will be measured later in the contraction, when the non-uniformity will be greater, and hence the yield point of the weakest sarcomere less. This similarly means that the sarcomere value for the slope change must be at least as high as the highest ever seen for a fiber. My measurements of Figure 5 of Colomo et al. (1988) suggest a value nearer 9 than the classically assumed 6. The isotonic measurements of Granzier et al. (1989) produced values even higher than that. If the difficulties found in measuring the force-velocity curve (continued rise of tension) by stretching at low velocities are due to non-uniformities, as seems likely, then the isotonic experiments, which quicldy pop all the very weak sarcomeres before non-uniformities become worse, may be the best method of measurement. Note that with more sarcomeres in the fiber, the deviation of strengths required to ensure that at least some are below a given threshold will be less. This modeling has led to several conclusions beyond the general principle of the non-uniform lengthening of muscle. If the yield point of the 3.7 Future Directions fiber is the yield point of the weakest sarcomere, 3.7.1 Experimental Confirmation but the isometric tension of the fiber is biased Perhaps the greatest objection to the suggestion towards the isometric capability of the stronger that inter-sarcomere dynamics dominate the sarcomeres, then the yield ratio of the fiber (yield response of muscle to stretch is the absence of tension divided by isometric tension) must be less direct evidence of such large sarcomere non-uniforthan for its sarcomeres. This means that the yield mities. Clearly if the popped sarcomeres are few ratio for a sarcomere must be greater than the and widely scattered in individual myofibrils, then highest value ever seen in a fiber of that type. seeing them will not be easy. In particular their efThat is, the true value for frog single-fiber sarfect on a diffraction pattern is likely to be comeres should not be taken as the mean of the complex, and measurements of segment length are fiber observations (approx. 1.8), but as the largest, not appropriate. at least 2.1. In addition, it is concluded that a low Other indirect evidence can be sought. If the yield ratio can be taken as indicative of a wide dis- myofibrils of popped sarcomeres do not fully persion of sarcomere strengths. retum to their inter-digitating pattern on relaxaIn the model, a steep rate of rise of tension tion, particularly after long and/or fast stretches, during a stretch is also indicative of a wide sarthen cumulative effects should be observable. comere strength distribution. Although the two Preliminary experiments with Drs. Julian and parameters are measuring slightly different aspects Claflin have shown increased apparent series comof the distribution, a general correlation is still 3: Morgan; Modeling of Lengthening Muscle pliance and shifts in the fiber length for optimum tension. Both of these were permanent and cumulative, in that repeating the stretches increased the changes. Further experiments to explore the various parameters are under way. Other experiments that could provide useful information include quantitative measurements of the disorder of sarcomeres, and looking for a correlation between the yield ratio and the rate of continued tension rise during stretch. 3.7.2 Relevance to Whole Mammalian Muscles Nearly all the experiments described here have been for single frog muscle fibers fully tetanized at near-freezing temperatures (the exception being damage from eccentric contraction). How directly relevant are these ideas to whole mammalian muscle sub-maximally activated at normal body temperature? Whole muscles have much more passive tension than single fibers, often to the point of not having a descending limb in a plot of total tension against muscle length. However, much of the additional elasticity is probably not effectively in parallel with the individual (half) sarcomeres, so that the sarcomeres probably do have a region of decreasing tension with increasing length. Permanent extra tension has certainly been shown in whole toad sartorius (Abbott and Aubert, 1952). Whole muscle does show a continuing rise during stretch, although the absence of a clear plateau of isometric tension without significant passive tension complicates the experiment. The yield ratio of tetanized mammalian muscle is commonly less than for frog fibers. One possible interpretation is that mammalian muscles have a greater range of sarcomere strengths. However, differences in species and temperature make this suggestion rather speculative. The effects of submaximal activation are even more difficult to evaluate, partly because of the difficulty in doing experiments on sub-maximally activated single fibers. If the effect of motion on a submaximally activated sarcomere is similar to the tension traces observed in whole muscle, that is, a collapse of tension as the stretch is continued, then instability is very probable and inter-sarcomere dynamics are likely to be very important However, inferring the effect of lengthening on sarcomere tension from observations of the effect of lengthening on fiber tension in this situation is 55 far from trivial. 3.7.3 Refinement of the Model Future work in this area is currently concentrated on improving the sarcomere model along the lines discussed by Zahalak (Chapter 1) so that isotonic experiments can be simulated. 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