Chuck Berry: The Autobiography

Chuck Berry: The Autobiography
by Chuck Berry
Being a guitar player, it's naturally fitting that I would be a big fan of Chuck Berry. The man's playing is still
inspiring today, almost sixty years after these songs were first recorded. While it's true that Chuck could have
toned down the coverage of certain things, I also feel that their inclusion gives us a look into how the man got to
be who he was at the time he wrote this book.
At no point in this book does Chuck make any excuses for his behavior, he just tells you exactly what happened,
how it happened, and his motivations for doing these things. I personally feel that you will only understand what
he was really saying after a few repeat readings over the years. But until you can read this book for what it is, you
won't really understand how unique of an inside glimpse Chuck gives you into himself. Before you judge the man,
walk a mile in his shoes.
You also have to think of this book as damage control, because when it was being written, the tabloids were just
starting to hit their first big stride of popularity. I think Chuck included so much of his sex life in one place (this
book) rather than have a potentially unending stream of these stories come out in the tabloids week after week.
Let's not forget that he has a wife and children to consider, too, and while he should have behaved better, only a
monk or a butt pirate would have been able to resist most of the girls he was misbehaving with, because they
weren't groupies. They were wholesome, respectable girls from decent backgrounds, and after so many
temptations, you are going to give in. How many times can somebody offer you a piece of chocolate before you
finally give in and eat one?
The only parts I didn't really care for were his forays into poetry, but then outside of song lyrics, I admittedly don't
care for poetry anyway. Luckily, he does this less than a handful of times, so it's easily forgivable, and not really
that much of an annoyance. Other than that, this book is full of interesting information about one of the best
musicians to ever do it!
care for poetry anyway. Luckily, he does this less than a handful of times, so it's easily forgivable, and not really
that much of an annoyance. Other than that, this book is full of interesting information about one of the best
musicians to ever do it!
love this autobiography of Chuck Berry's. Like his music the book is bouncy, energetic,
and unrepentant. His powerful accounts of racism make for an enlightening reading.
He is candid in his chapter dealing with his three years jail term for violating the
Mann Act (aside: less than a year after his conviction, both the Department of Justice
and the FBI handed down instructions to local prosecutors forbidding them to prosecute
Mann Act violations unless it involved "organized commercial prosecution") Simply,
Chuck Berry would not have even had the charge brought against him.
And found the lines he wrote at that time very moving:"Down from stardom, then I fell
to this lowly prison cell
Far from fortune, far from fame
where a number quotes my name.
I, amongst theses men in grief
must be firm in my belief,
that this shall not be the end,
but my chance to rise again.
Back to freedom, maybe fame,
clearing my encumbered name."
|This is a first-hand tale of the life of an early rock and roller, told as politely as can be. I thought the music side is
way under-played. He writes of a high school choir performance that got him a lot of applause, and messing
around learning guitar a bit. Then it's a 3 year stretch in prison and working as a carpenter for years until he writes
suddenly that he decided to audition for local clubs to try and play music. Chuck also writes of numerous affairs
while happily married, which isn't quite explained. There are many interesting stories though, and his versions of
prison are quite captivating, along with his personal experiences with racism. Not a bad book for one of the most
exciting guitar playing performers in the history of music.|Love the clever word-play and verse, the history of the
racism he battled, and finding out about his influences and songwriting inspiration. Did not enjoy all the
womanizing and really confused by how his wife could tolerate all that. Berry's a highly intelligent rascal and quite
compelling, just the absolute opposite of a role model|The story of Chuck Berry's life told by the man himself.
This book could easily be renamed: Chuck the Great, Chuck the Sleazebag, Chuck: Public Enemy #1.
In his autobiography, Chuck Berry tells it all, from childhood antics, run-ins with the law, time in prison, and his life
as a musician. His book leaves you thinking: wow, he did that? And, where would music today be without Chuck
Uncovering some of America's darkest truths, this book tells as much about race and America in the mid twentieth
century and as it does Chuck and his music.
The best surprise in this book is: not only can Chuck sing and play guitar, he can write- and he does it well.
Definitely worth reading! I'm glad I did!