Legal Issues

Legal Issues
The Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)
• Courts applied Sherman to unions, treating them
as a “commodity”
• Unions were treated like other monopolies or
conspiracies that restricted trade
• Courts used injunctions to discourage strikes
• Employers could gain injunctions quickly
Adapted from Katz & Kochan, 2004
The Railway Labor Act (1926)
• Specifies that employees have right to organize unions
without employer interference and to bargain through
representatives of their own choosing
• The purpose of the law was to establish procedures to
reduce conflict in the railroads
• Airlines were added in 1936
• Monitored by the National Mediation Board, NOT
Adapted from Katz & Kochan, 2004
Board Organizational
Organizational Chart
Chart– –August
July 2011
Collective Bargaining
Under the Railway
Labor Act
National Mediation Board
Retrieved on Sept. 08, 2011 from
Frequency of Presidential
Emergency Boards 1934 - 2004
Link to Current Frequency Chart
for Presidential Emergency
Source: National Mediation Board
Retrieved on Sept. 15, 2005 from
The Norris LaGuardia Act (1932)
• Act provided even stronger endorsement of
collective bargaining than the RLA
– It allows private sector employees full
freedom of association, self-organization, and
representatives to negotiate contractual terms
– Also known as the “Federal Anti-Injunction
Act” as it imposed restraints (but state courts
continued to issue injunctions)
Adapted from Katz & Kochan, 2004
National Industrial Recovery Act (1933)
• NIRA passed to promote recovery from the
– Allowed business groups to plan & regulate
prices; workers in the plan had minimum wages
– Meant to stimulate business activity
– Struck down by Supreme Court; Congress had
exceeded its authority
– From 1933-1935, union members grew from 2.9
to 3.9 million
Adapted from Katz & Kochan, 2004
National Labor Relations Act (1935)
a.k.a. “Wagner Act”
• Passed in 1935, the NLRA made union
activity and strikes legal in the private
– Purpose was to promote orderly and
peaceful recognition of unions and
collective bargaining as a means of
establishing terms of employment
– Later amended by Taft-Hartley (1947) and
Landrum-Griffin (1959)
Adapted from Katz & Kochan, 2004
National Emergency Disputes
• Title II of the NLRA includes procedures
when a strike has caused a national
emergency dispute
– The NLRA created the Federal Mediation
and Conciliation Service (FMCS) to mediate
disputes and assist in the free flow of
– President can ask for a court injunction to
require both sides to work under the expired
contract while holding negotiations
– If that fails, Congress can end the dispute
Adapted from Katz & Kochan, 2004
The Taft-Hartley Act (1947)
a.k.a. “Labor-Management Relations Act”
• After WWII, labor unions had grown in strength and
a strike wave stimulated hostility toward unions
• Congress passed the Taft-Hartley in 1947 to
balance the power and grant more individual rights
in dealing with unions
– Union unfair practices were added to Section 8
• Excludes supervisors in the private sector from
coverage under the NLRA
• Mandates labor reports to DOL, frequency of union
elections, and allows DOL trusteeship
Adapted from Katz & Kochan, 2004
The Landrum-Griffin Act (1959)
• Known also as the Labor-Management
Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959
– Major purpose was to protect union
members from improper union conduct
– Eliminated arrangements between unions
and employers that deprive members of
proper union representation
– Includes “bill of rights” section for members
Adapted from Katz & Kochan, 2004