TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PLACEMENT TESTING INFORMATION FOR CURRENT AND NON-MATRICULATED STUDENTS WHO SHOULD USE THIS DOCUMENT The information in this document is intended for: - current students - students who are currently enrolled in a degree seeking program and have already taken or have started taking courses as part of their program. - non-matriculated students – students who are not formally enrolled in a degree seeking program but are taking or are planning to take individual courses at Temple. This document is not applicable for newly admitted students (incoming freshmen or transfer students). If you are an incoming freshmen or transfer student, instead refer to the document Placement Testing Information for Incoming Freshmen and Transfer Students. INFORMATION ABOUT PLACEMENT TESTING PURPOSE OF PLACEMENT TESTING Temple University Placement Tests are designed to help assess mastery of certain basic skills, to point out particular strengths and weaknesses, and to assist in designing a program of study. Placement Tests are offered in English, Math, and Foreign Languages. WHY SOME CURRENT AND NON-MATRICULATED STUDENTS TAKE PLACEMENT TESTS Even though current students have usually already taken the required placement tests when they were first admitted, they may need to take (or retake) a placement test later in their academic career. A current student may change to another program with different requirements, or an advisor may feel the student should refresh old scores before taking a course, or a student may just change their mind and decide they want to take a foreign language course while at Temple. Non-matriculated students may want to take the placement tests just to make sure they register for the appropriate level English, Math, or Foreign Language course. SCHEDULING PLACEMENT TESTS Current and non-matriculated students wanting to take a placement test must first receive written or electronic permission from their academic advisor or other authorized University administrator before scheduling a test. All Placement Tests for current and non-matriculated students are administered in person at the Institutional Research and Assessment (IRA) office and are by appointment only. To schedule a placement test, contact the office at 215-204-8611 (Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM) or come to Room 1200 Carnell Hall (main campus). THINGS REQUIRED OF STUDENTS ON TEST DAY When students call to make an appointment, the receptionist gives the student needed information, including directions. Below are some important reminders for students on test day. • • • • • Arrive on time to the test Bring your TUid number Bring your photo ID Bring permission from your academic advisor or other authorized University administrator If you are taking the English Placement Exam, bring the topic sheet that you prepared for STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Placement Test accommodations for students with disabilities may require alternate testing dates and/or times. When students call IRA to schedule a Placement Testing appointment, they must confirm that IRA has the student’s accommodations letter on file. Otherwise, the student must contact Disability Resources and Services prior to scheduling an appointment. HOW DO STUDENTS RECEIVE THE RESULTS OF THEIR PLACEMENT TESTS Test results are made available to students when they meet with their academic advisor. IRA does not give test results directly to students. DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PLACEMENT TESTS ENGLISH PLACEMENT EXAM (60 MINUTES) The English Placement Exam consists of one written essay. At test time, students choose one of randomly assigned topics on which to write. Each topic quotes a writer’s position on some issue and students are asked to explain in their own words what the writer is saying and to take a position on the writer’s argument. Students are not assessed based on having the “correct” position on an issue, but on how well the student can explain the writer’s argument and present their own argument in an organized and grammatically correct essay. Students should print out and review the topic sheets which are available on our website at: http://www.temple.edu/ira/exam-services/forms.html Each topic sheet contains four topics to choose from. To be well prepared, a student should choose one of the topic sheets and then be ready to write an essay on any of the four topics on that sheet. At test time, students will be asked to choose one of the two topics randomly assigned by the exam proctor. Prior to starting the exam, students should print one the topic sheets, read the exam directions carefully and with these in mind, prepare notes for each topic. This preparation allows students to get to work immediately once they begin the test because they have given thought to each of the potential topics. Also available on our website are examples of passing and failing essays. It is extremely important that the student bring their topic sheet with them when they come to take the English Placement Test. Exam readers will expect students to refer directly to the ideas in the prompts and address the specific points presented in the chosen topic. Math Placement Exam (75 minutes) MATH PLACEMENT EXAM (75 MINUTES) The Math Placement Exam is a multiple-choice examination containing items that range in difficulty from arithmetic and algebra to calculus readiness, and include the following: • • • • • • Arithmetic operations Decimals and fractions Percents and ratios Linear functions and equations Quadratic equations Polynomials and rational functions • • • • • • Exponents and logarithms Inequalities and absolute values Graphing Word problems Trigonometry Functions and function operations Student should review basic arithmetic and algebra skills so that test scores accurately reflect the student’s ability and enables the advisor to determine the appropriate course. Students may choose to use the services of an online, in-depth Math review program called MyMathTest (http://mymathtest.com). Note: students are not allowed to use calculators during this exam. The results of the Math Placement Exam are used to help place students in the appropriate math course. These courses may include: Math 0701 Math 0702 Gen Ed Quantitative Courses Math 1011 Math 1015 Math 1021 Math 1022 Math 1031 Stat 1001 Stat 1102 Math 1041 Elementary Algebra (no credit for College of Science and Technology students) Intermediate Algebra (no credit for College of Science and Technology students) Critical Reasoning and Problem Solving (0828), Digital Mapping (0821), Investing for the Future (0822), Math for a Digital World (0823/0923), Mathematical Patterns (0824/0924), and Statistics in the News (0826) College Mathematics Introduction to Numbers & Figures College Algebra Pre-Calculus Differential and Integral Calculus Basic Quantitative Foundations for Business and Economics I Basic Quantitative Foundations for Business and Economics II Calculus I SUGGESTED READINGS FOR REVIEW Below are some suggested texts for more extensive review: • Integrated Arithmetic and Algebra, 2nd edition, by Bill E. Jordan and William P. Palow, Addison Wesley • College Algebra and Trigonometry, 7th edition, by Raymond A. Barnett, Michael R. Ziegler, and Karl E. Byleen, McGraw Hill • College Algebra, 7th edition, by Michael Sullivan, Prentice Hall • College Algebra and Trigonometry, 7th edition, by Michael Sullivan, Prentice Hall • College Algebra and Trigonometry - Basics through Pre-Calculus, by John Schiller and Mary Wurster Available on the Institutional Research and Assessment (IRA) website (http://www.temple.edu/ira/exam-services/forms.html) are Math Placement Review Items - This PDF file contains 37 review items that were developed by the Temple University Mathematics Department to help specifically identify and review the concepts and skills needed to succeed on the current math placement exam. The items test the student’s current grasp of important mathematical concepts and techniques and reflect the core content areas of the current math placement exam. Once the review items are completed, students can view the Answer Key (also on the IRA website) to determine in which areas the student needs further review. FOREIGN LANGUAGE PLACEMENT EXAM (60 MINUTES) Foreign Language Placement Exams are offered in French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Each exam is multiple-choice and tests basic skills in Language Usage (choosing the appropriate word or phrase to complete a sentence) and Reading Comprehension (interpretation of passages written in that language). If the student has previously studied another foreign language and wishes to be tested in that language for a waiver, it may be possible to arrange testing. The Foreign Language Waiver Form and Procedures for Applying for a Foreign Language Waiver can be found on the Office of the Senior Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies website at www.temple.edu/vpus/forms. LINKS TO OTHER TEMPLE UNIVERSITY SITES OF INTEREST New Student Orientation (http://www.temple.edu/studentaffairs/orientation) Undergraduate Bulletin (http://www.temple.edu/bulletin) University Writing Center (http://www.temple.edu/writingctr) Math Science Resource Center (http://www.temple.edu/msrc)