States of Consciousness bitt tt’a tif) t’f t’t’ iiit,, J1t)Lt’551ii trLeu’ to 1i ur aS xn’xe, of ourselt e and our ‘ ri xc d n x arious states ii i he b cc orrr xi onsuousness, r t n1 sac u CI Out also Deq and drruunicnz. n qnotn ‘tatc, diug altered nates, and nearuieath e\pa’Iences. \iost ut 0 e wnninoioqx in [Inc Jiapter i intro Slet and )reams and on on s du d i s, \mon the issues diron Dr (c and ream xx hether hr quo r slet cuss J a’ xx as sj uni Ut’ stare of conciousnesc, and possible psvchoIm’b ci and cciai_LuItura1 roots of drug use. clan flint /J f/c’ l’ni,t m’OPC 11: iulIiii;np no nit ;‘tatt. gOat. Objective 1: DcPcus the hcPtorv of p’n aPology tudx of rOnSCtousfle’, and contran consciou and rirxconc ions information procesirg. nascust aim 1. Ihestudvof the earls x ears ot: psx chologs and in recent decades. hut for pulte ‘-ome time it was dDoiacod 2. Ads ance in neurosciene made it prnsihle to Ft ;x bu 1 1 qo C [it ix 5( ) ‘U 1 ant Ix sD 10 radi g and boldface bin ad [lie ecnon, rex ion ouch 0 till-in and eav-tx pe nn u uiro th I at I O I O u in crdu”ta’d ajc x li,,r to i Co iscio “ reenter psi; chologs Define conciousnex n a sentence, cc it son re 0 [tic ttoouk hr t id nforrration Processing es ci idioms that arc un du I vu do or I knon ipx Id I iI h tIn’ ro’tt \f n nhtch r a a Pc’ us’ ‘‘icr to paOe Jiri for an can tun ppear n the a’ 0 1 no a in p lpp a it’ cPu In P ci I xc, pro eed cx aluate [I ,xssesbegin lx [I ncxt Se’ no to \l t a tcno an ii ,‘, , ‘77 1P8 haptc States of Constiousness 4 rcqnirc dirot SLeep and Dreams pp. i k ar is 1’ w I liLT, C I Aiaiat 5w - ° a tord ‘(C It Iii mot aeu rate. in contrast C it ., 0111 No111 s the iorn dde adults tend to Wad I ever ir tt 5. ike mat experience It orn eircad tar’ rio thm u H p a H’ : r CITI 1,1 i the at H ‘pest an is is cdi i it to unit ersttx students, w ho often are at their peak I ‘H: H r ‘usal, h sing of ins of th xpr nsions n the ttx ‘He t n a cr in the text refer ;des J Nor ,.o uxplanation: ‘ONo( :1 ° T a’; a t;;3s P at ta; riot oocr ,oia ‘lii’: Ott 4. lAf en people ire at tieir dir] colic inc in c rrupted by travel acre s’ ti so Ii cadian rhythm aist mat I Irva ‘p P;;s neat .11/ nterrupt changes. ‘rich t’ti dINT that occurs in 0111;, rtdd’e it /073’ tIc xt ilii 1ol0Il\ 1 ii ii I stIll 0 es (7 hr 10 thu one the ‘oring in mans area’. and hs xc ork b. Resethng of a disrnpted b c logic i1 it k i Ii I fated hs exposurt to 10, which trigger’ proteins in Objective 2: 0 rhs ft a ft ;n”n hi’ir is pes itt biological e n :nple I each sfto id 1. the l7 aod t ‘no ea’ 01 decrease its prodnction of k dx c an rol sex eral a of the ox ox to signal the brain’s the cluster of cells called thc control’. the Jradian lock. rna, arc The longer we remain awake, the more our brains han max gh e rise to scm vi accninulate lx hich ft dx to certai nc nr 2 -‘ ‘t I 1 us sleeps We can also reset our r’’ e”oenah’ those ‘n tar ‘tort hem n nut I’xperienee a depressed winter 1 c 01 ‘ I i nd ir ke hiol gical cl cks L’s adjusting our a r iso Objective 4’ list the stage of t ‘xpla tow they differ pen nc cc ti’ 7. f 1 hr e’ The sleep cx e 1 ronsnt— of d:,tinct stagec an in: 8. 1 unte t;ei-”- 5. xc ‘if ‘it-c-p. rhvtfm tsle ics r nsk ri toed t sat, at c as Ofl o adi rcc ‘ the night, he a, s tap inn child inns ed rapidlc This ‘t;a 4 dr p. dii:’ Oh e 1 crrvo : at’ iv ° P cx Ic ti c’ti r rreacian cc t Ivut t ha ing which 9. 1 c relati - ‘ar - 5,10- 0 i-il1-,,x,,, 24 huiricn iota’ ft c il’cd I slow am relaxed sOrt an knt xvn x c of its H it SlecpaidDrcams 10. During Stage I people often experience %ensations similar to .1 hese sensation, mai later oratediio hem 11 sleep. I tLSlec I trig ii -.%Q 1’ it’btha changes that accompans RI M 13. Duritir REM sleep. the motor cofte is (active reiaed;. while the (actii e, mu%Lie.. arc . relax d For th’s r ason, RI NI is ofte ire cITed c €,. r odeiemo cnent’ ererallv isna the P1-I scans ieit’’I lieightctied attn it) ifl the and R \4 sleep. wing e hrai ‘lit it it miii tes. stlic r tprt ‘‘tage 3-Jeep ht’ci.rnec bride-i and RE \l re. rioJ- betonie rider’ p o iii tel’s (hr h 1 s r f r NI. ,et- h . lb. \ei bom ‘spend watli a%lcLp w iii.’ a ull ic’. ni. h. t lii. ii i 17. c cep paft ms a 12. L .nge slow brain ‘.ai e’ are tailed nave.. ir,t in Stage 1 l during and 1 icreasin sleq which are their c alice. ‘%le(p -‘ per’.on in the latter %tage ni .leep generaIi will be jeas :,jjfficult) to awaken. It isd ing thi’. .tage that pcople maj et gage in let Dc nbc. t e bodil sleep. Objective 5: fplain in sitep pattern” and duration person to per%on. ar) from ccurd iccalka 179 need k as indicattd t’v tile fad that !.leep patteni’. among (identical 11 ateit.iJi in Ii” are wri %unllar. ‘Jeep cii ‘s a so in.t 1 i. t’ in eo 1€ sil 18. 4iovc k c Pu I ide at no J.cep ‘4 hou a night ‘ ople isto sleep less than icet br ‘.everal nights in a ron often shins sgfls t (It Objective 6: Di cu’s se sleep cprha risb associated with 19. Ia iager ç ‘calls i*d hours ot ‘.leep but non a t’rage ntarl hours less sleep than Si) teenagers ot years ago. To p chologist ,thasiiditatestiat William udet’ac”dangeious) thcircsiiant’ p-dco’ cd. One idicatiom o the hazards )f t fis state is that the l.lte of tend’ to mc: ease immcdiateli- after the spnng time change in Canada and the tilted State.. Arother is t it sleep depth atio ia’.- supprc.s tie. int’ounsot clx s’s orw aic.h s’s t a da czm4 I x tioninc. a n ai s t at mnm a..J a’e. Cflt.dih..i t D Ii of INC (ranter Objectis e States of Consdousness idendix four theories of whx we sleep. 20. 1 r ( ible ix rson for sleep are to is arid to help restore body I lb if he & nmais is ith high waking produce an abundance of j nrc te\ir te C i tate- xdcr i * Sleep also ot the das cnt es and stjmuiates 0 Lii I sic a rc s th h ismone is released bx the land Adults spend 1 less) time in deep (more chiidt cr1 and so release more less) growth b rrmone, problems that (run do not run) in families. [hece sleep episodes are most likely to be experienced by (x onng children adc lescents il idults r is hom this stage te ids tc hc the and Objectix e 9: Describe the most connnon content or d ream—. 26. Dreams experienced during sleep are s is id, emotional, and hi aue. tOuring dreams, thi d ca ncr ma bc sufficiently ass arc to is ondcr whethc r hc or she is in fact dreaming. 27. For both men and S in 10 dreams ate is omen, marked by tpositive. nega tine) emodons, such as fears of being Obieti’m S: identtlv the major sleep disorders. 2. a p t is t difticulty in tailing or staying asleep is it of Sleeping al hol max make the problem wotse stncr tend to (increase/ RL\i sleep. cd ccc. 23. 1 he —leep oisordet in which a person experiences unnintrniiahle sleep attacks is I erg it is air thi— disorder mar collapse directly wIn sleep and experience a h II a psi pP isith this disorder lack a t a’ in die is ni d’m’ - ‘‘r step breathing a dc II r dr’r is is m’s, bile Objective 10: Compare the major perspectives on why we dream. 29. Freud referred to the actual content of a dream a its content. Freud behesed that this is a censored symbolie s ersic of the true meaning, or of the drean w t lied hr extremt oe et eoisr rcles nf the dreams of ad al.— is (shes and rre the ken 31. 1 reud’s thcnrs ha ‘s en xx ax U i’ them x th i drc airs sers e a rose’ function. Support t )r thi thc ory s pr r I d b th f set that RIM sleca faciht tcs Lnlik tire—c ei’ be— usually happen earls riatit, d orlna’ Sta(e or to understandine inner Fspeciaiix pres aicnt pid F ‘art e it and breathing P saIled ‘is sanre is ft cultures worldis ide. retlect xi * C this gendcr dii (ts s not) found in 30. Aceordina to Freud mo—t 24 inii-,iii—serferingfron iI more about fercnce that pro neon rtranintter me a tb 5 d 28. Although fema its tend to dream equalls otter about males and females, males tend to dn am 32. Other theories propose —nine rl,t drennrin;a —crs es tons tine, that RP\l sitt pt*er 5 d ’ - the htah anch an e 5, S xi a example th neeIle’i natIon is Hypnosis who claimed to attributed to hax e discovered an suppc rted bi the fact that dults) 5 pend the most time in REM (intants 181 sleep. 33. Still other theories propose that dreams are elicit actix ed by random bursts of its origmatmg rn loxx er regionc ot the bruin, suih \cording to the as the theory, sense ot to make brain’s attempt drcams x e the thls actn ‘ty. The bursts a e behexed to be gnen their t m )tiOnal tone by the brain’s svstcm PT T scans of s ceping people rex cal increase I attivit\ in the brain’s Other si stem, espcciads the theorists see dreams as a natural part of brain - - and dcx eiopment. 34. Resean..hers agree that xx e (need. do riot need) REM sleep. After being deprix ed of REM sleep. a person spends more time iii RFM sleep; this is the effect. (does/does not) 35. RI M sleep occur in other mammals, Animals snch as fish, whose behavior is Ic ss influenced by learning, (do, do not) dream. 1 his finding ‘up orts the theors oT dreaming. Hypnosis pp. 290—29n) tf r ou do not knoxx the meaning of any ot the foiioxx ing words, phrase’.. or expressions in the context in which thex appear in the text, refer to pag 202 tor an explanation: a; ;;w;;icrirn as /n /1; scram d aas z i i/lcd sud / g / c zeus, ; li’mJ’ r d lg Objective IT: Dchne a:/pac z nd n tc come similari ties helmet r the hohax ior of hvpnotiiod people and that of moti, ated unin pnotized people. 1. FIx i1Osis is a inn Inch a hxpnntist sug gests that a uhied xx ill t’xpcdence certain tee) ng or thauchts, ,r cxamnit. Os discox crx is 2. The weight ot research cx idence suggests that lwpnosi (does does not) allow a pcrson to perform teats that are impossi ble in the normal xx aking state. The strength. sta mina, learning, and perceptual abilities of hs pno (are are not) like tized pc ople tlmse of motix ated unhy pnotiied people. Objective 12: Discuss the chara tcristics of people who are snscc ptible to h pnosis and cx aluate claims that hypnosis an influence people s memorx, ix ill, health, and perception of pain. (some 3. Most people are xx hat: not at all) hypnotically suggestible. Describe people xvho are the most susceptible to hvp 11 Osis. 4. if people are led to expect that they are hr pnotiz able, their responsix eness under hy pnosis (xx ill/xx ill not) increase. 5. The hr pnotic demonstration in xxhich a subject supposedly relix es earlier experiences is referred toas Research studies show that the subjects in such demonstrations hax e memories that are (more no more) accurate then the CnO! ies at tuih conscious persons. 6. An hyo o med o acts i pers in egtimate can in i c people ot t i pc fc rr some on kelv 7. Hr pnothc rapists nax e helped somc pe pie aHex i ate headaches asthma, and shess related skin disorders through the use 01 suggestions. 8. Eor irug ae, x —ubjcict — such as smoking and hx notic respon-ivenes 182 Chapter 7 States of Consciousness (does does not) make a diP ft rence in the effectix eness of hypnosis. Discuss the current view of hvpn wis as a hlend of the two views. 9. One statistical digest showed that l pnosis not) especialli helpful tor the treatment ot obesity. (is i 10. tlxpnosis (can cannot) relies e pain. One theory of hypnotic pain relief that hr liO5is separates. or is Drugs and Consciousness (pp duo 04) the sensors and emotional aspects of pain. Another is that hypnotic pain relief is dne to seiectix e ,that is. to the per If r on do not know the muantng or an’. of the followhrg is ords, phrases. or espressions in the context in ss hid’ thes appear in the te\t, refer to page- 202—2t(3 tor an evplanaton: tipsa an rile rai i Lec; ‘1 tIc !ciht. [jest’ rcLt,t rant jritratts lean cv’ra igai r’pua stiiqC’rnil ,‘i’ah lain; quit kar pick ‘r uepc, one ;un 1 a lmte ‘n price ‘a ntathe; gn ran p c a [ft o oak; g acid ti ip nii i it ii,i i dl relief son’s focusing on stimuli other than pain. 11. FF1 cans shon that hypnosis reduces brain activits in a region involved in to painful stimuli, but not in the cortex that receives the ran input. Objective 13: Dive arguments tor and aaainst hvpno 0 sis as an altered state of consciousness 12. Skephcs believe that hypnosis may reflect the vi orkings of These findings provide sup port for the theory of hr pnosis. Summarire the argument that hypnosis is not an altered state of consciousness. Objective 14: Dehne psgc tac a 1 ie 1. Drugs that after moods and pricepuons arc called drugs Objective 15: Discuss the naturc of 1 up dependence, and identify three common misconccphons about addiction 2. Drug users who reqoirt mcreasing doses to expe rience a drug’s effe ts has e des e(cped for the drug. 1 he aner’s brain counteracts the disruption to its nrna ( function ing; thus, the user experlenLes - 3. Atter ceasing to ue a drug, sx mptt en’- ence 13. liilgard has ads anced the idea that during hvp nosis there ft a or split hitsvaen ditterent levels of consciou’-ness. 14. 1 he \1$enre ot a separate consciouness, which n an are ot what takes place during hr pnosis, is espressed :n the concept ot the oped a phi sical of a drug to relies c stress i’- an who experi has des el Repulat nan xanrp(e at a dependence A p’-n 5( ;n is has a nimpuis” e r15 :ng for a anbrancc despite ads er’-e conseouen that substance Briefli state addiction. \ though this theorx has pror oked controversy, t cr little doubt that influ lo plar an important rc lc in hvpn )5i5 a person i to three common nw—k iw eptien— abc ut 183 Drugs ar d (onsciousnes Oh’ ct’veJ6:\an tocciags ,.ndlis n to Pci nlth neurotr ategor c s of ps choaw a r a s thc so sv bstances can itt cbrau. 51 r ee ht oad att 4. 1 he 1 t he t fdu sc’scussedin ‘ it \r 1 fl moe o afco ml 9. Opia n, i hich tend body trInronN; ht —ptec’ hod’. tenchuns: mct h o5 to a 8. Iranqulli crs wlich me a so known as hat e effects -imik r to tho’e tine and heroin all 1 çe\cite depress’ nenra functionin I ogether. these drugs are called the t’ t\ iaen met are present, the Iter perception. bra to ci lng 5 entualh stops nrodu king, sttmulartng, 5 ihee atom aLl. oUch h ntin:i or a th:h.ttne Lee actr itt or the cram’s Objective 18: td ‘ntitv the niajor stimulants. and eoplam hoxr thor attect neural actn ti an.d hehax br. Psvcltobgialiv, our also nov a nIe, Objectire 1: no plain hon detaressants affect nervous svston act\ hr and behavior and —nmmarize the tindinas .n alcohol use ano ahnc, 5. Dept cssaoL nervous s ci 1 6 bolma S ft orvho 0 th nc or itt \s r, r iaclccnts i s wear otf I hey do this F y blocking tIe of tho reorotrans n’tters, alt the I ‘no” 12. (ocaine s px chological of fec ts depend not on 0 redree ffec t cognition r especially in .C’ nt. Alec ‘hal also , a. ic’cn—e— Ones 13. The dreg . the h h’ ira’ ri’ 0 n whet— of — c” oe’h itt in— coO alcob’ a nmk once of thc non 0,0 ran and atitter— ‘ or \ID\l\. Is b th a 0 I hi- druc trgger the rcloa-e c, i no y and t to 7. F ores—h e ate of alcohol c Di I ects on dosage and fonn but also on ot hr and result ir depression as th’ drugs w r cn row am in the non e cells’ v tter docking rt i toUr utransinit’ors and acing \l ohc 1 affects hthe ri cssoftrans I’ c”n’ ingiopet ii. Cocainc and crack deplete the brain’s supply of me c tare are not) addictn e Dt(flL. r crc c and Stimulants and itt ‘1 tue stem body toni tion. I on dose’, of alci ol if tel s clasihed as a slot’ he actn Iv ot the aeth 10. The most n idelv used stimulants are at d block— dte :‘eahsorptio” ot , Anoon. the ad’ me effects of this drng. are di—rupttc ‘ii or the bodi P clock. —uppresson of the and impaired and ttl or toni hoot 184 C :ttoeet %tate’. at C an’cioU9fles’. nbc tha phi %ümlocical and p’vcho .i1u ‘.k.t,Ci’% .“tid %u’nnlan,e the )ni na Objetn t 19 Dc a •. I• ..;‘ ic tsc d o’nn ire i ‘yr flit tic ha aid heirci”t. 4rnilar ti’ a sul’tipc of k..t.lrsniPeT I ‘W) ‘2 ti’, ‘ ‘ . identift ome of the psvchologic al and social-cultuiai roots of drug use. the action. ± fl(_ ru’..’ui’%’r. 5. il icd rhc c.pnrli Iic’ :: v wijuan isab,resiat d ‘v j an Len;used whc fcrt om is ci er, ti e e medical ‘ted i’i ma’ nuana to’eJcjti. a a :1. •, “ 1 r 1 c tttet’ C alcoholism if they had a(n) (ati.’pUvt’ biological) patent with hi&tors of akohohsni. Bois isho at age 6 are itt c 1 Icss)txcitablearcmorel i te 1 noke drink aiduse Liar i gs .tne. F’t m )r common aiim ig people prc ‘ posed tc akohoh.m inas cau’e deficiencit’. in the brain s s %tCfll. 20. Among teenagers. drug use (i aries, is the pI saaI and psychological about the same) acro’ and groups. ‘clild. 21. frican- \merkan high school s n o repoit b.c (hi,hest lois a t) ratc I drug use A major sot al intlumcc n drug u c the culturc. 22. State three possible chamwls ot influence for drug prec ention and treatment prograrn. 16. ’e 1 ‘ a. at ‘c nfteicret. of drug use mai he r pal t t p’indplc that emotions t ft C. bjectt ‘intl n Jr.. h’—. gical si hological .ft ‘onthtu bO drug use. iuss ura. L do . • 1 !a; \. ti .;,.,. -i r ‘rncra, an vo,. th 4 :;ft ‘t3c I dccl .,flfl . 1 h hat I t L 1 r t , a”... ., itim.c ha t ‘more tess S 19. diic • Near-Death ExperIences (pp. 30° 0) It iou do not kncn’ the rne3ning or am of tb.’ follmving n.ord.. ‘n the oritnt .n which the’ appear in the text. refer h; page 2(’3 (ci an tnptanation. t.’i:, 0 •• . w z.:: :1 9111’ 1iith diet I 1 1P’’ iLl 1 c Ii ‘L ‘n41 ‘ wt ! ncai during ti1t c. r I it) ‘ b. tc sard al iot ch’ingec ra ptople t’S 1 Iz’.aki.fl,. ..:..zk. .. n’ ‘.u’ ect’hk t” ‘ Objective 21: Desci flit rear t c the contro4ers via sh her it proud a mind—both dualism. pcner esidei A 1. 11w reporl’. of people ss1w’ has el—ad n .’.n .leail’ 1 c’ are icrv ..imilar to H. eporttd hi inag P’rc 185 I ogress lest 1 ex eriences i sax hr he r wuit of a deficient sup 1 or t ther ir suits to the Ix’ of 7. 8. boOs a:e one svh\ it is nrornx t and then consult the appropriate pages ot the text (in parentheses following the correct ansis er). 2. tc c br n ells that tontrol tin circadian r nist amx gdaia b suprachiasmatrc ruciens c. adenosine. ci pineal. * i disrupted, we experience jet 3. When our lag. age i sleep a. t5 b. RiCh sleep c. c’rcadan rhrthn ci. Stage 4 sieep 4. Sleep sr :ndie precioniinate daring n itih stage 5. a. ran 2 5 b. ‘-race iri’. sic ics aeon 6. 1 hc a. dc’es the f’ods expt heart rate, rapid hreathin.g, and —t.’gt’ S —lee C. rnage4 10, U hich to: is app 0 umatc x do ot ti e fohoss hsg C lassified as a depres sant. a. c. nscth nwhctans s s hxpnosis is hr mode discovcrx attributc ci U. a I cci b. Mcsrer. 12. Wine marijuana ci, alcohol in b. c. c iianos, ci. iiyaid enerahs ta ernents conccrning the tolh x hypnosis is true Peoplc xi ill do anvtf it under hr pnosis. si is the san e as sleeping. p t. lfypr Os’s ‘S in part an extension of the dixi s 01 etxsec s conscious as’. areness and auto nsatie bchaxi sr ci. ifs puosis impros es mensors recall. a. b. 11 13. People ‘one nerd uTea-un uhrasn. prior te Prep ss e as’. anened ouch time rIse’ hogan Itbisi sleep. The tact that tnt”. n’menshered ic’ss rho next marulost theorx ontt ‘st b. phx siologir al -e’-’-int’ 5 inh’rmattin pro tix cs-sr nth.esis at t h 0 ci. c. minutes. 5 a, ishm, i’ioti a. a ‘-s :sholk fririllnxent ando:n neu nil tO hi its in tin’ S. the rt ‘u t at r U bh pills is 13. Arco”din,i,, to Prcud, eln’a ci, Mini -leep ‘n le Cue etrect ii s or wig a. aroaai: a. ‘Cage 1 S. Stage 3 norrnonal funeth in des ‘-up on toi’ tin inoronc ur’ 1 c Stare 4 ci. ixtAiPeep ne”o e u 1cist’O . ude. phins. 11. isp sos’s ci. all ot the abox e c I t d mctaoo c a d ‘rec creat’ t p citheab xc. te i i c c t Sri inc system. rOil ci. stinrularhig the bra,n’s prod udion of eiidon n text consuousness mcludes , 1 s nicls 01 the lohovsui a t scrr-ed att ‘n ‘or leeping ti S. depressing neural actis its in the bra in. CirLie sour aiwx ers to the toilon ing questions and check tlserit u ith the ansis ers beginning on page f 04, it S our unsiver is mrorrect, read the explanation for b ci tonic -he deprii ation c. hIockng the reuptake of Jepalnilie iii htain vlt1lttJ?iL”LlIOiCC Qtwstions 1 . t 0 ess Os m 9. Com inc and crack produce a eupliorir ruin ha: a. hIm king the actions or serotonin, i \s defined by up a. demeas Rh\i siren. in inrreawRh\isieeo. c. dee tease Stage 2 sleep. ci. inn ease Stage 2 -Jeep. beliexe thi the mind and PROGRESS TEST c eeC b. c, ci, brain 2. rhat the mind and both are distinct entities is the position of the theori%ts hoc sin as in contrast, the usc a c. d hia s t a ti r s,sm toi seiPat’ iriulatiou sioi N of I n icr t onfi 86 is. (.hapt r S at°s of Consciow.ness r.- .n’aLtnt drugs affect behavior and percep rhutugh: a. the prni er of %uggestion. t;o’i 1’. t’e placebo effect. ab iatior’ oi neural acthitv in the brain. d. p-n hiogkal riot ph siological influence’. t. th t 1 l n’ u I ill ns i’ g are common misconteption’ ttptthestatcmentthat ‘ze at iddctwn a persa i m “ 1 a it d professic ul therapy. n md medidnal drugs en quick b. ‘s is Ic t addiction. c t iologi 1 f ttors place some individuak at • re ised risk for addiction. d. rn.n-.v other repetitive. pleasure-seeking L’ehen kr’ fit the drug-addiction-as-dicease ‘s&ding—treatment model. 18. Which of the following is tiot a theory of dream ing mentioned in the tint? a. L)reams facilitate information proce-.sing. b. Dreaming stimulates the des eloping brain. c. Dreams result from random neural attn it’ originating in the brainstem. d. l)reaming is a tempt to escapc ron social stimulatic r ti)fl i A’- .N beginning. psvchologi tocused on the -tuJ’ o’-. a. obsers able bchavioi b. )fl%(i)U (½ lix. ailci C. abn all b c 19 Ih leepnakinc tick of stung oeopk sta) upto)lIt’tflht. 11 e hni.r duration. a.23 c.23 b.24 d.26 i ith it’ appropriate definition or •ie%.t1 iv. Oetj,z,’ics,i’ or Desci iptions Terms 1. nirrace meaning of dreams 2. deepc.i meaning of dreams 3. -td).e;-.) .1 ‘deep associated usith delta marijuana alcohol Stage I sleep night teirors manife-t content cocaine narcc lepsv sbcp apnc i Sb’ s r 14 CL) j. RI Msleep k at nt ‘onten 4. t j r 4 ‘deep associated is ith inu%cu i n r in u 1 h bit ithan stops ci c rrrgiiStagc4sltcp C. 9. 10 ts stage ot slap associated usith u.r. re-d. rvbl;ng hallucination-. -tnkr in uhich ‘deep attack’ orc.ur ri’ 11. ii 20. The lou est rate-. ot drug use among high -school seniors is reported bi: a. white males. b. white lemales. c. black males. d. I.atinos. tchn,ç it 1al I’ e’ h tir 11 a. b. c. d. e. f. & K I. Progress Test 2 PROGRESS TEST 2 Progress Test 2 should be completed during a final chapter review. Answer the following questions after you thoroughly understand the correct answers for the section reviews and Progress Test t. Multiple-Chofee Questions 1, Which of the following statements regarding REM sleep is true? a. Adults spend more time than infants in REM sleep. b. REM sleep deprivahon results in a REM rebound, c. People deprived of REM sleep adapt easily. d. Sleeping medications tend to increase REM sleep. 2. Which theorists believe that the mind and the body are separate entihes? a. the behaviorists c. the duahsts b. the monists d. the Ereudians 3. Alcohol has the most profound effect on: a. the transfer of experiences to long-term memory. b. immediate memory. c. previously established long-term memories. d. all of the above. 4. A person whose EEC shows a high proporhon of alpha waves is most likely: a. dreaming. c. in Stage 3 or 4 sleep. b. in Stage 2 sleep. d. awake and relaxed. 5. Circadian rhythms are the: a. brain waves that occur during Stage 4 sleep. b. muscular tremors that occur during opiate withdrawal. c. regular body cycles that occur on a 24-hour schedule. d. brain waves that are indicative of Stage 2 sleep. 6. A person who requires increasing amounts of a drug in order to feel its effect is said to have developed: a. tolerance. b. physical dependency. c. psychological dependency. d. resistance. 7. Which of the following is not an example of a bio logical rhythm? a. feeling depressed during the winter months 187 b. the female menstrual cycle c. the hve sleep stages ci. sudden sleep attacks during the day 8. Which of the following is characteristic of REM sleep? a. genital arousal b. increased muscular tension c. night terrors d. alpha waves 9. Which of the following is not a stimulant? a. amphetamines c. nicohne b. caffeine d. alcohol 10. Hypnotic responsiveness is: a. the same in all people. b. generally greater in women than men. c. generally greater in men than women. d. greater when people are led to expect it. 11. According to Hilgard, hypnosis is: a. no different from a state of heightened moti vation. b. the same as dreaming. c. a dissociahon between different levels of con sciousness. d. a type of “animal magnetism.” 12. Which of the following was not cited in the text as evidence that heredity influences alcohol use? a. Children whose parents abuse alcohol have a lower tolerance for multiple alcoholic drinks taken over a short period of time. Boys who are impulsive and fearless at age 6 b. are more likely to drink as teenagers. c. Laboratory mice have been selectively bred to prefer alcohol to water. d. Adopted children are more suscephble if one or both of their biological parents has a histo ry of alcoholism. 13. As a form of therapy for relieving problems such as warts, hypnosis is: a. ineffective. b. no more effective than positive suggestions given without hypnosis. c. highly effechve. d. more effective with adults than children. 14. Which of the following is usually the most pow erful determinant of whether teenagers begin using drugs? a. family strength c. school adjustment b. religiosity d. peer influence 188 15 Chapter 7 States of Consciousness Fl is the major actix e ingredient in: c. marijuana. a. nicotinc, d. cocaine. b NIDMA 16 1 h se rho belier e that hypnosis is a social phm no icnor argue that hxpnotized indixiduals a to isciously taking their behax ior b merel acting out a role. iJ rah cx (is storing to please the hxpnm tist d 17 I of the abox e u iris is defmed in the text as a me ital life b selc tix e attention to ongoing perceptions, thoughts and feelings c inforruauou processmg d our air areness of ourselx es and our environ nic nt thcs s theor ) 19. Aca iding D thc dreaming rcpresei ts i c’ ratc un dat d bursts a. thc brain’s ctlo ts tc ot actixitx m xisuil b i a cis v th thc emm tional tom piox ided by r if xstem acti itt. b a inecha nsin or cOpi i, i ft I c str wses of dailx’ life in s n ulfilled c. x sy mboiic def ict or )l a 0 xx ishes c ss r e r han sm for d. an informati ii onr cit ng the da c c pe it icc into Ic ng term mci or 20. 1 low a particula psi cI a t d u itic ts a pcr son depend on a the dosagc and orr r irt ci tie drug i taken. ondity b. the uaer expc tati ILd c. the situation in which F d uy i takcn ci, all of the abox e 18 I am a st nthehc stimulant and mild hallucinogen that produces euphoria and social intimacy by triggering the release of dopamine and serotonin Pr hat am I? a ND c. Ilk ci. cocaine b. MDM ‘c Matching Items Match each term with its appropriate definihon or dc scriptun Definitions or Descriptions Ierrns 1. drug that is both a stimulant and mild hallucinogen 2. drugs that increase energy and stimu late neural mtir itv 3. brxi i xx ave of awake, relaxed person 4 brim ware atn itv dunng Stac’e 2 sleep 5 slcep stage associated roth dreaming 6. d ugs tF at reduce anxietx and depress ‘c itial ncr us s stem act ‘rot i t r air k tIers Pr )duced by thc brain 8 nt urotransm tter that I SI) resembles 9 mr a arc ness of ourseh es and our cur r )nment 10. theory that dreaming reflects our crotic drn,es 11. a split bctw een different 1cr els of ror i usness - a. I reud s theory b. serotonin C. lcstasy d. alpha e, dissoc ation f. ampFctimire g. ccrs icro h slecF spird’ i, e dcrth is j RIM k. barbi ix s ss PsyChology \pplied Y P°LED PS I cf rC c id r xama If thaptCr ic i i Vivi d ep IC n e iheated p1 tore win d. e 2 csigesedbsthc ‘ it a s r erre fresestier uai a b e 1 r 1 0 h tern osts of a sCi * tC m and pur , _ ‘1 Ic se t d 3 If i C s d. IC 1 1 or ssCciatlc a i I I lug r i° XC cd tc 05 p upubesCent hiP mentation as vi snip nbrlCd t st d a s ‘C it n C Aedo RIM seep indh pc d r1 cp unie ssarr is ‘5 in rCfaxed shde the cra c b d i s apcrso r’° y tth i frCmRIM ers while the Ii s 4 I e details and S nCn I 5. Dan has recenth begnn using an addfCth e enphoria produCing drug Whic i of the fol C 55 lug is iff probab y 0CC 01 A f e repeatedly us if is drug? a As to c ancc t the d ‘ug dcvc ops Par w’ll expeuene in eas igly 0 eas iaf Ic f ‘ghs’ b. I hC don ge iC tdC d IC p ‘od uci tIe d she I effeC I n iH uwr asC, o After Cc Ch use hC will bCcC me mc rc a id nior Ltad. i d. DcperdCi CC nil beCo re e sofa p ol are lOsC d \dC C S bra 6 klthoi gh fe’ ey is gCnerating Lurst of Clcct’nal aCts ti h is likCh that Adele is: a, under thC influence of a depressai I b. under the influence of an ooiate c in R ‘vi sleep. d. has ing a near-death expenente. 7, Concluding his presentation on levels of informa lion proCessi sg Miguel states that: a. humau process both conscious a d uncon scious information iu parallel. b. conscious processing occurs in parallel wh Ic unconscious processing is serial, e Conscious processing is serial while uncor scious I0C essing is parallel. d. all information process ug is serial in u tuie - C ak c I 189 d C r Cr a crime f Csis (ner the i shC ufd you tcfl C eohe I. 8. Roberto is moderately intoxicated by Which of thC fol ow ug Cha iges in h’s behavior is hkefs to occur? a. It angered, he s i w re likely to beeor se agr s sxethanwhenhe issober. b. lie is ill be ‘ss self conscious abe ut his behax 10 c If sexualh aroused I e ill be les ii h b ted abe tenga,i g’sse i at ‘V d 11 fth ab x ar kely es 0 9J b Cs y i Sr e u I r cry f ox I .y rstas ccl isle r Her s a I i C next stage s r I d tvattenyt tJll’sdre n a. rarfs b. latest C’ Cr v wig e tI dr r C Ic r a rtf e d dss s sI s cr1 ated ) titnip s c\ I de 4 t cd k oH —tY, to p. at feiiklu e d he a. Br r 1 Oc. top stud\ to the I akened each tirnc he \ow that the e\penment Is tng can he e\pected to 4l.ts. lit u i t EtC.! Sfl K o once a. in -a c. dualist. behas iori—t. I,, monisr. Lc. H since —o deepix tot e’ eral flLglits in ‘t nhnimin, Ii sleep 5tape 4 ii Rh I ‘tht h i se in l3arr b. die hoed has died, the 15, [es a’ belies es that mind also ceases to east. Pt identh. Let aris a! 0 to sleep sO hc ‘I eonhn h rch .o c. is it RI \l sleep. d. suttcrs trom nar olepsr d. atheist. lb. \\hich of the toilou ‘op —mntdments oinerniog marta us is trod a. I he hr product— ra i o na from the body me re qn 1 pre du ts of aleot ol b Regu at users r v re d s drug te chic’ e a higi h r nould need to get th am Marrjuana is as add ts c. - I r a. 1 in s \th : k c tI d s cckbroker I pa e tl’tx o e sin: 15 n piaoer rh tafe imagination ho has troohie I Kus in el 100 Vies or 005 l\ i :ci the 1 ti els in—a a c n \‘iopteci ‘lion ug statements conterning trod cis sod—rn i ‘dual are more susceptible to tI i I an adoptir e parent r s n fh alcoholism pt k ha leohcl prob e an d a e e sts cot nsoo tIlled genes I sat at pe iple predisposed to nolisin d 13 a a is have a d rat— that nrefei alcohol l- cc Late! —mae— st the ufleetis enes— ot hvpnoss I 00’ 4 toe! i\ hate demon—trated that’ -o 1 —elf-control, 9 a ueh a— smoking. i c’ iciern is ,mialP ehetnc n tth neop e n ho t a ri 1 s ice and tnose n hr an ‘ ‘ • (4 ) ut hr ( oh I tres S p it ‘ — 4 e_ a I ii c I i rt tilt sO ‘i ,‘ Ii e sitcom nersen— brain avain 0’ 19 tIm x isnal ala aodttors -i bk I’ a i :eatt — that the s’eeper V’ b 1 n cot a aie ‘I tin ‘ F p )Sls 3 ctirins I. tI an s x soot ffcct as F t e neohne e \\ hich ot the fohon log statements concerning near-death experiences is trued a. Fester than 4 percent or patients \\ ito come close to drang report has tug them b. I hex tx picalh consist r F mtastmc mx st! imagers are more co um nl expene n e females than by male di Ihey are more coma tnt e renerc males than hr females e 18. ‘lhose who consider hrpno ms a oral phet erie non ontcnd that: a. hr pnosls is an altered state of conscioo—ne—. b. hypnotic phenomena are nnicine to’ins. c. hvprtotized subjects become onresponsn c when thex are no longer motn ated to at I as instructed. d. all ot the abc’s e ate trne ‘ . 14 do r d. Pr en mail doses ot manluana hasten tin los— of brain cells. 17. 12 in tOe ame. Itenotln on a task lo ha— nn er heen able to reads ‘inet no hu in on , 1 t are t an are ,‘.. .trz:.cHep ‘V 19. Whit in the tollon ifl stiR wilts VtLi’Vc 0 root ) dr t misc is true O’! a a. IIear3 o cr5 of I i o s it c ftes real b t a i adolescent I e ds th tIm arslteuml t aver c. I enagers uho are a de let ts seldom misc drugs d. lt is nearls impossible in redo I hetht r adoiesee t ‘.s id cper’na. nor partitular a u ith drugs. - K 20 ( ) i di y C ci C a, r C 15 iCef dttC a CC CS Cfl C temporan iiCCCssa \iari nn CIIC CiigpCntserCc’t. v CS hCd bCccu,e it W 3 t 1 t dcii dangcnis ot mci 1 c C e itation C ds c c tic b i i inC tc hei as it and ieoa i t damaged nes roes c orith th cugi a ion un ate CC I S igEti ,C 4 s isa nip in dC a ‘psi hic safCtv b d Essay I i C ( I sin i t a t Root I a si C I is CCI ii CS C I 1W I iii a ngC ss gred thC ink t uniting a t t Cd \iCC hol and klCoholism: md Preve it on What mIen mation cit ‘n yen ft. I me € sfl . alm 1 l F 8. det 9 m 10, IL i Cc CC T SICCI a icF 12. 13 din n 14. ii fe 15, MC t C i C t t In t 16. REM rCbound arhCle? (U e tie paC aoir s you nant tC makC i al CriCnCCs e iC bClou t u e p mpc n ,. C. sas C and orga n a scparate pieCe of 17. hyp C L 18. posthy iot C ho g 19. dissoc Cc tic n 20. p55 Clic aCm e drugs 21. tOlCranCc 22. nittid u I 23. physiC I dCpe idenCe 24. psyCho gi aldCpenden 25. add’ tie 26. deprC sant 27. barbituratCs 28. ) aws 29. stmmul ir t 30. amphet r i nes 31. inc thai 32. 1 KEY TERMS 33 Wi )C C 1 101 34, m t 2. 3 4, )c, I t r C ci h ta asy \ID’vt \ 5 ‘1 35.P( 36 3, nas 38. i e y Icrrns 19 C a c 1 Ci — ICon ciousness os (‘luck I ft eim d ii f I n I uo rex iew I atcrial ate nerfeat Itv a tnt to the lear ir p a ess. \fter : f ritten [hi clef U ms of the i ( t h ten ‘ ‘, ‘u i: this cilapti r, x c i should eross\\ ord p’ zJe to ensure kin teI nt ctt Lhe eru IaO’lt’/t th term the preee—— er the detinition. gn AC RO’,S I, n 1.1 nt RP\t leep rei iceting that ‘r hem N atousd hut he muscles 1 ‘and It ,r, ttraum tter u hose reuptake is 7. eka Fed dx tocaint’. 5, \‘ ‘ccix med sttmu tart mat is inhaled. 10. Dreaea in xvhicia the dreamer is suffi e’en,’x axx are to u onder if he or she is c:I’niug. 12. [‘nix c ‘[LI] halluinoge x fir t used dv hihnit Hofmanr 13. 1 i pi of protessir g t rat dccribes dcxx u e deal u th )r scious informm t Ni tim of ma e i rat occurs dum P 1 H lf:tJ ecp u ki a a n ser aion similar to a n luc ra 1 a I w r a I in,e of i at t ‘mquihzcrs. shich thc thinking and memory of old r adu t c u N dm1, 22 Tir t ot dat a a ich the thinking and ft lone students ft id to be best. memory of ANSWERS Chapter Review Consczonsness and Infor;na tion Processing 1, consciousness; hehax lot DOW\ 2. I, I x ha in ludes alcohoL e, e 1 P Ti i, nt ,n’,js, the supo ed reln ing of earlier tht ptd up’ ‘eural activity. hat Pep rcs ni urd activitt. temporariix 3. D 4. )rt 2. hrain acrh itt : mental concepts Consciouncss o nut awarene—s of 3. before: lunited ire” ‘çntt’Ia that dreatns help ha dciii “If tiLes dx our memories. 6. (1, ep “tat d’srupts the pft’cessinp of recent cape tx’ Irma term memories. Q. F’’ vu r-ll¼arci s term describing a hr pnotized 3, ‘‘‘ - It, hr ; :‘ IS. Ii 20 en’ ar’ne—s of unreported experiences. ,o” that predominates in Stage 4 sleep. during hvpnosist. h sPa’ hr u’ u a es of a relaxed, awake : ‘. 16 C a’ ;‘,, “a u ‘0? -ci ‘nsncs— ‘a— ‘hat e I t 5 t of euphoria. rana “ur—ei’a- are environment. ‘u: sue,esslvea 4. rc’quire Sleet’ tint? Dreams 1, biological rhr thrns: annual ci Lies: length, and meted appetite. —leer 2. sea—t’nai affective d’s,’rdur: 25; min—treal cx 24; alertness, body temperature. ,intl mon itt ha inc ‘no se rction; 0 3, or ii thm 193 Answers 4. thinking, nemorx tx cnmg’ morrung 5. jet lag’ timc; shitts 6. bright light’ retinas’ pincal’ metatonin; suprachiasmatic nucleus’ dcnosint irthibit’ sleep scheth ules 7, S 8. ees drear is’ R[M slccl 9. alpha 10. 5 lwpua k t 5 ’ LiliuL lLdLLUlfl 12. delta: 3’ 4’ don xx ax e’ diffitult xx alking During RI M slecp rain ware ba me as rapid as those of Stage 1 sIc ep heart rate and breathing become more rapid and irregular, and genital arousal and rapid eve mox ements occur, 13. actix e; relaxed paradoxical 15. 90; briefer’ longc r 2d to 2 16. two4hirds’ one third 17. genes’ identical’ culturc 18. sleep deprivation 19. 8 or 9’ 2 Dement’ accidents’ immune; aging; obm si; hs pertension’ niemory nnpairment 1 he major etfec t of sleep dcpnvation is sleepiness Other effects include impairc d creativity, concentrm hon, and communication, slowed performance; and irritability. 20. protect; brain’ metabohsm, free radicals; neurons; memory’ c eatixe 21. pituitarx’ less less 22. 1 nsomnia rcduce 23. narcolef s ; RIM, muscular tension; hypothala mus by 1 ocrc tin 24. sleep apnc a c x er x eigh men p 27. ncg ‘x at ickc 28. n as is i ‘ u ‘ m deep alking’ run 6 deck cst s cd 6. authoritatn e; context 7, posthypnotic 8. addictions, docs not 9’ is 10. can’ dissociates, attention 11. attending’ sensorx; en’orx 12. normal consciousness; social influence I he behax ior of hypnotized subjects is not fundamen tally different from that of other people. I herefore, hypnosis ma be mainh a social phenomenon, xx ith hypnotized subjects acting out the role of a “good hypnotic subject. 14. dream visual’ auditors kgb’ tc,ru 4’ you c dr c 26, RIM c d 3 somexi hat [hose xx ho are niost susceptib e frcquentlv become deepls absorbed in imaginatix e actix ities fhcv also tend to hare rich fantas lix es 4. will 5, age it’grtssuu nu more is t’niuries 11. sleep spindles 25. Hypnosis 1, social interaction’ Mesmer’ animal magnetism 2. does not, aie rcjcctco 29. manifcst, latent cor tc 13. dissociation 14. hidden observer’ social The social influence and dir ided consciousness views work together to explain hypnosis as an extension both of normal principles of social influence and of cv cry da[ dissociations between our conscious an areness and our automatic behax iors. Iirngs and Conscionsness 1, psvchoactn e 2. tolerance, neuroadaptation 3. withdrawal, dependencc, psy chological, addicted I he folloxving m ths about addictior are false: a. laking a psvchoactixc d ug automatically Icads to addictic n b. One ca i it ox erco r e an add ct’on xx ithout profess ona ‘elp c. Ihe addiction as diseasc needing trc tment model is p1 c ibte tc a broad 5f cctrum of plcasure seckng bcliax iors 4. depressants stimulants’ hallucinogcns transmitters; expectations 30. erotic’ conflats 31. informat on a emory 32. pbs siological; st a ulati in’ nfants 33. ncural brair s em’ a ti ation-sfnthesis hnbi ar 1 dal i t itio i’ cgn’t vc neuro 5. calm; story; depressant’ sympathetic limbic’ 6. aggrcssixe’ helpful; sexually long term; RI M sleep ‘ 34. 35. d ml’ RI \ i dc n t us u r’c m 0 i tic cssisg 7, sfrinki nor icn sch av ar nes ration futurc cm scqucm c mmcdiatc it 194 Chapter 7 States of Consciousness I i I cs h ire found that if people belier e that alcohol iffec ts social bc has ior in certain is a s, then, when t icr drink kohol (c r er en mistakenly think that they hr beer dr nkug alcohot), they rr behar e accordus, to the r cxpectations rrhich rart hr culture. br cx in p k it p eoplc believe alcohol promotes sexual H ci ng or d inking ther are likety to behar e in a sex oa I roused is at. 8. hail iturates ncotmc amphetamines, 10. c afic inc I ‘last nic thamphetamine; are cocaine lopamine norepinephrine’ serotonin; reuptake; sr napscs 12. expcctations’ personalits, situation 13 1 cstasr stiniulant’ rinid hallucinogen; dopanune, ,erotonin; serotomn; circadian; immune sy stem; memory cognitir e 14. psychedehcs, MDMA; serotonin; blocking IlK’ kiDS cancer, lung damage and pregnancy complic ahons I ike alcohol marijuana relaxes, disinhibits, and mat pioducc a euphoric feeling. Also like alcohol, man iuana impairs perceptual and motor skills, Marijuana is i mild hallucinogcn, it can amplify sensith ity to colors sounds, tastes, and smells. Marijuana also interrupts memory formahon. 15 16. opposing emotions 17 i 18. has e more 19. hi ilogical, more; dopamine ress ard S psychological factor in drug use is the feeling that onc s lifc is mc aningless and lacks drredion. Regular r sc r of psychoactir e drugs often bar e experienced s r s r failure and are somers hat depressed. Drug si ifti r t ip ns is i temporars ra air to robes o s r angc anxktv, or insomnia S porr’crful lac in dr ig use espc ciallt ar song adc les ter r Puc r c Pc crs shapc attitudes about pr di I ugs and cst bhsh thc so ial ontext 20. Sc r 21 is c dt ir I ethnic inst pier 22 a cdocation about the long term costs of a drug’s tc mporary pleasures b efforts to boost people’s self-esteem and pur 5’ c F ‘ i cult s ditc uicp uc 2 duahsts monists PROGRESS TEST i. ‘s4ultipleC’hozu Qucstions 2I 2. b. is the answer p 23 a. The amvgdala is in nit cn ci tcr in thc un bic sr stem c. Xdtnosine is a brair he r cii tI t n akcs us sleeps. d. He pincal is a g and that p ‘duc thc sleep inducing hormone mclato in 3. c. is the answcr. Jet lag is cxperic d bccausc, has ing trar eled acros ti ne )r is u c are air ake at a time when our Hologi i I irk irs Sleep this biological lock i the rcadian rhrthm, (p. 273) 4. a. is the ansis er. (p 2’ / b. & c. Delta is as es predomin iti during Stages 3 and 1. Stage 3 is the transiti in beb c cn Stages 2 ittein that has and 4 and is associated is th elements of both stages d. Faster nearly in aking hrai is as cs cccur dur ing RFM slcep. 5. d. is the ansrscr. (p ‘8 a., b., & c. During nor RI ii C a es c pu ar and breatuing are sloss tals are not aroused icreased’ drug education a 1, hatlucination 1, d,istbeansner p 9. dip css opiates endorphms 11 NearDeath Lrperzcnces south agan t pecr 4 hcart rate d H c geni 6. d.istheansrrer. p 2/) 7, is thc ansss er. (pp 2S 8 8. a. is thi anssscr Ok I Po the undi s rihk con eo c ii ri sk ep and nar run (p.28 b.,c. &d 51 p dIe s I 9.c ttca r serotcn n ard i c p a lhs irssserdcs r t ti b. Depressants a i C ocaine and crack ri ci is d.\oneoltteps\ h ti Opiates howevc r r )1 endoip nr 5. nii pPl’carra ng RIM I ) i Sc ptl c I Si tsr it c asst Ti ruts d up a hi ttfcct a is ircd tnin i t t c nswers r hi r Ft s orssbdy funca t i adp ssanLp298) v ‘as n nt Oc c fal it nogers. 0 i t i F II, s i C ahrcfc red t Eli C a r sic’s Fr ul is bcst t ) t r Ft s c ) tcraon that 193 18. d. is thc answe (pp 282 288 a., b., & c. fach cf these descricts a rahd tfec m of drcaming that was mentk cd r the text. 19. a is tht an ncr. We can e et ur biclogka dock Fr adjustin 6 0u set sthtdulw. hns young adu ts hoyt somct rirg t e to 2u or day hr stayu iptoolrtca ;t fou s 1 sccp 276 p 20. cisthc ii mc f 0 . t tO uav suUai ‘datciung Items d r 12. s fp ) 9 o Ftcts icr i t. e t ii ft Fr si o c s sc C h F r I s rth d c dr a 15. r contarninatcs xrcrr rbcrdlecthanrf ke cdd r R ct 3 r tagcs. (p 287) Frud s m c reams as psy hit Ici t e a eptabic feelings aetCt i hes (p 287) rscgidt ri u of drcarning i e s a r represent the mdi 0 shc but ‘n disguised r, c r is s c c nork pr manix at ., a g s e(p 286 k (p 2h7’ r(p.2$) /h) 2 )(p. 5.1 6. d tp. 7. b(p 8. a p 28t 284) 98 303 10 Of) 2E (p. a p 284) PROGRESS TEST 2 Flultiple-Chozcc Questions in hg c acts L 2. 3. 4, u c t arc not hke thosc cci c , ha oil 3 cs uat sleeping md t s. r f ct, the brain i r s d. nc 13 si’ I arc r f lust ci itior r i mrsscn (p.296) i Ftc taking rc a r ther ndirid g actuallr f fir c ‘3 Si 5 i 5 t ‘ ti I d t dl cpt 1. b. is the answer. Ioll awing RI M def rim ation, people temporarily ir creasc their amount of REM sleep, hr a phenomenon knomm n as RI RI ebound (p 288) a. Just the opposite is true: lIt a nount of RPM sleep is grcatest in infancy c. Deprir ed )t RPM sEep bf rcpe ted awaken mngs people return nore and morc qu ckly to the REM stages after falling back to sleet 1 hey F y no means adapt easily to the depr’r ations d. Just the opposite occurs: tF em ttnd to supprtss REM sle 3 p 2. C is thc an ncr. (p 311) a. Behav )rsts focu on obserm ablc sehar io s a id am old conccpts such is thc wi id. b. I hc ionists helievt rat tr e a nd ar d b 503 are era. d,Prcud’ rstocusonu c rsc us 1c mc iu asçe of th stand and Ia lttc Ii p ca d nythe ml d rca sh’p 3. a. sf1 rs PC Os St 5 c p c cc’ r r e F a’ Ic (I t rail us Ished r r r s y 2CC r 4. d, is thc irsi cr. p 2 a. (he Fra’n a vcs ct RIM ‘icc dc r srap are m rc ‘ke thosc of Stage f sc yers. b. Stage 2 is ‘.har, ctcri,cd b lccpsprde. c. Stages 3 and 4 arc F a ictc lad hr r riling 0 1 a ayes. 3% 16. 1 1 C 17. h x Fo’isr 2 r r d r as cbscrraFle iistcr of r Scm ft r 6.a. r h m usrcs oc crintle bserce F plxs 1 depen Fc aI xaapt F r r 1 xi r i (1 p SLt 9latelnng Items I rt asr nisloax i aStagc 4 or up t a I F I opr I I 19. a is the ansxrer (p. 2$8 P. & c. lhese essentialh I cudiai cxp aratro as it purpose of dreair n g an best d in t C that a drcarn is a psxc xi salt i xhc h n b 1’ r 1 o six disefargosotfcixri c d t d F a cxplanation d thc in U r I C I s a ssociated vith the rlorra e pont 20, d s the answer (pp 3t t 31 L 2 3. 4. ant p 29 c(p 302 1 p 300) J ) 1 d( h(p 27 ) 26 5.J1p k( 3(( 6. 1 i(p 31 8. b(a ‘1 71 9 0 10 a( 29 1. ‘ iii iii es groauy Psychology Applied ii drf or )f a ,enlc (C r a Multiple-Choice Questions 1 bchtacs that hapno n p d put t t o asuorisness much rcater cxtcr t. I t a a d a ith athor ch idron or alca Ihaaca 9i 9 tmc a d n s nakrn a ct o a’umo n no alto F tIn e catm dIe ire tFan )ta p r r , an ar r c js C aildrc usc Iru ,s 3,F 1(5 Fr r I a S u I P. is the ansuor Nare)Iopsr is J a .c cr cd a 294 uncontrollable sioop attack a. Sleep apnea is character cd ax th tcn or cessation ot breathing asPi o asic ‘p e. \ight terrors are characto ix d r h , a a u and terrified bohaa ic r oc nirir v d ar ag ta e leop icr It n a] n t d. Insomnia refers o chro an dif ar star ing asleep 2 d. is the ansxt or (p. 307 5 tJa ansaar \lt”uagh Ftx 3. b. t thc a rated c internally the ness ago 28 cortcx do not reach the muscles a. Studros of RI M-doprn ‘d o pi iad at thc opposite r e. It is difficult to a kor a c Iocp d F s thooppost occ ri N I (p sr les a rU xed ‘c th r 3 a Irs 91 u t r e apaoi r n I d ii (I fC ‘I nthta a p 29 r dnsF d P. Ifa9nctFal it n ore at iratc tFa o s rs e kthaugh hhpi cIfl(l cdur at t uar intlucnco thc urn a io al nom irs rotricaal also o curs d Hrpnotkalh rotr oacd n r c a II (cu t f ru (alt P F a rr Jo tc n t ‘ a ) aad IIl( dc S II nswers Ii sc ft u c large aid ) rgcr doses. (p. a, & d. t 6. c. a is icr. R no n 1 1 K K c 0 it) ti t a c an est ontent c t a drean is its actual cter to I,. c M ci ocind rid) cause Barn to dreani more tf a iormat. ci c icic e in REM slecp is necessarih accom f ar cd i dec eases i i Stages I -4 clecp. 11. B i answ ‘r “eoplc mm ith rich fantasy hxes a ci a nhty to aecome imaginatim elm absorbcd c s entia’ the characteristics associatcd not c i gestiti it If e fact that lam e t s aRc si ; c’t he Pt sscses such t t o p at o ak 5 1 ri a uni ly ‘I sib n, g d a t I b .A sit t cal i, & d. sc i rc ‘“ 16. a. is the ansi ri)ua ia ai i t’d ri cr n II ib cac tc u tIes I ed cm id d ‘Itt ..3 i) f thcsc is ft c ‘drI lad arc ir rc it I )i5 cI i m w ic i indicates a cc hohs r ft at least part a) r m Icmar fefcvc thu d ca cs to exist. (I s i cuarai e. bc) i a c dcatt expcu it i tor a nontI c r II IC t ie c t m e ingredient ir d 35 by p oducts hn ;er in tne body more (o. 3t 3) 17. b,’stht arsvei ies ie e s n uch tcrm in am case “omert’ i ou d x thc me as “manifest’ content. 10. d. i thc ar swer. Bet ause of the phenomenon mm i a RI M inbound Barry, h m ing been dcp ft d of RI M sleep, ix ii’ now increase his S ‘V I eo p Mo) a I cased iii t ibitity is an etfect of sleep depri i i in ieral iot of RI M clcprir ation specifi c cdi c’nccs u 3ttl) a ‘tip cxriate tc 4d pcrcmt 2 people who hays tor it clost to death rc f ort ome sort c I nta- deatiex c -ienct c. & d. Iherc is no gendcr diffcrcnc in the prem a I ‘nce of near death experiences d 12 i raist, tctmmc spIt n emels of ccn a crlcctly non ial Bcia c. m ocator visual and audito ft cnst axo drt c c cestothenind. beneic B at t ic L nd can exist apart I cm I bcdx d. tIe text dcc ii Ii cuss t e rclations up a iic r t I Ihe anaim si is em identlv try in to hc it Its ii thc dreim lid undcr drca n idden nc ar rig or thc t content. (f !8/) a. t vt anti )d It’ si ‘I c icit that i i rn i coptc c inot cs Is Ic awakc ied frt ri - U ca i c b. In tact RIM Ice icthity in thc if c ans c c or r It r I cfngs of ngcr 01 se\uaf ) o 15 tue processin’ or cxpcri crm mcnrorm p 98 299) c i 9. b. bu st II chol educt sc t can titus bit c t s iaki i people mor c )5( ii k i IS. b. is ( i mr s ft rapid tic n orcments of dc v t t n s cc ping I if Ri si sleep. Ouri tf it) 5 7, 8. d it ‘ft it eased actim ry areas of 18. c. i the answer tp. Ma 19. d.i theaisimer ( .3d7) 20 d. i tie insv er Ireud s tfecr p oposed th t dreams wIrch otto di ri i fast -mine RI If slcep scrmc i f yf’c aetv maRe. (p1 282 283 I-ssau, Qutstzon As a deprc sa it alcc ftc sit v ieu a act xitm and bodi funtt’ i i \ltf ougf 015 d ses oI aft iho iia5 pioducc Ia t i ith lar ‘t dc 5cs ‘act ins slomi t h lu-s cd fe oma ice dete i iratcs and he p occs cf t t t c per tn c into I g tcr inem ft i5 U) ed \Lt Isi rt tc s s If 1 ‘ ram macn t c a) iiI ,t it e d do m mc cc t d td ml a b c a ac a ft d t a r c - ar i r u tii 1 ) i iv ‘ in 5 ifc s d d c I t K 1r ,c’ i, i e tO’ -‘ ingsamor ft my ncr cf c i md i ay cica e i psicl i c ‘ical sun rab lit tc I 1)115 n. I c t’t,a I ue cc is 101 ‘ci ,dd st 1 Ia , i c I c t ‘ r’ dbI’r ft 197 ‘ t’r S r of Corscioc mess luiot it. g ic ‘or a ran s (II t.du -ncr a — -f alto s(iPt t tar and p pi ‘e s r-;t.- rrt peer pit to O ‘r tb dm shun and treatment prot the long-term come c torts to boost people’s s l’fe and (3) attempts to I it leads to experimenta c n. nys. KEY TERMS ii riti.R 1)ufi;zitioizs chotogisu-, consciousness is our md our environment. tp an -t 1. u- ,u °c ot ourseis es 2. Bmological rhythms are periodic fluctuations in m,r H ‘dmes hr siOiOCh 31 staten, including annual Iriatmons in appetitc. 0 0-mluute sleep cycles, the Jar menstrual cr ue, and circadian rhythms. ‘a. 3. \ circadian rhythm is am rcgular bodil\ rhythm, aN hodi ter ipc ature and sleep-wakefulness, that Ic ‘lows a M h ur crclc. (p. ) 275 I lc”ra,” ‘ rd In I thu cut means “about” and dc’s t I clrcadian rhythm is nun that is means d r or 4 nc urs in duration. ahen i d REM s cep i I c Ic ‘p stage in which the brain and ud c e actn e, the muscles are relaxed it r r ir ucurs also known as paradoxical Leg \P 6) 1 ‘a mc I RFM s an acrourm for rapid eye ci stinguishing feature of this me’ emnent tf Jr cp stage if r cc ) ts discos cry. 5 Alpha waves ie th’ relatively slow brain waves ml n’aLttristic of an n ake relaxed state. (p. 27Th 6. Sleep h the natura p ‘rr )dic, reversible loss ot )“siori—ness, on sri i h the body and mind ‘ m iaJ (or healths hail u rinations tp. 277i talse sensnrx experiences that sen—ocr stimulus (p. 277 noning. 5 tuu are rtheut am 5. Delta waves arc the largo. —low brain ware— a—sn- tel ‘tO deep ieep (,a. 277 9. Insomnia is a sleep diso der in a’ lads ha is hich the person in failing or —tar ing ditficuits , ‘sleep apnea is, sI -m ho tI ing REM sleep. p. 25Th 14. in Freud’s theory at dreaming. tim manifest con tent is the remembered story Ime. i p. 2Sel 15. In Freud’s theorx ot dreaming. tire latent content is the underlying hut censured meaning c’t dream. ,p. 287) .1 lemon’ ,ad fec 14 and 13’ I lammite-t nreans clearh apparent. ohs ions”; latent means “hidden, con cealed A dreani’s manifest content is tEst which is ohs ions; its latent content remains I id den until its syinholisnr is interpreted. 16. REM rebound is the tendener for RI M slec p tc increase hollow ing REM sleep deprir ation If 288) 17. Hypnosis is a social interaction in which one pci son (the hypnotist) suggests to anothcr (the s ject) that certain perceptions, feelings thc ugh or behax rers will spontaneous occur. (p 290) a suggestion mad durmg a hypnosis session that is to be carried c’ us hen the subject is no longer hr pnotwed. p 2 1 18. A posthypnotic suggestion is 19. Dissociation is a split between different levels of consciousness, allowing a person to dir idc attc i tion betw een tsr o or more thoughts. lp. 29 3) 20. Psychoactive drugs -—--which include stimula r depressants, and hallucinegens are cheuu, substances that alter mood and peret’ption ‘Fist tyork hr affecting or mimicking tIre aeiis its neuretransnrirter. p. 2°o I 21. Tolerance is the diminishing or a c—s chuaeh’ e drugs ettett that eceurn is ith rep-eared: u—t, requiring prugres—is eli largi r host’— or or di r ‘t produce the same efrect. (p. 29Th 22. Withdrawat refers to th.e hi—comfort and d’stre iii, \arcnlepsv a sleep ri 1—order in which the i ic to’ —cr(cr sudden. urn ontroliable sleep attarks, n. h’ni terl7ea r cubs directlr into EL \l. 11 to gasp for air falls back asleep. nd repcat ri cycle thr rughc ut the night. (p. 284) I aarnplc’ One theorr of the sudden infant de t r syndrome is thi it is caused by sleep apnea 12. \ person suturing (rum night terrors exptr ci cpu-edt of high arousal is ith apparent ter r \ight terrors usualh occur during Otage 4 sleep (p. 284i 13. Dreams are vii id sequences cmt images. emotion— and thoughts, tire rriest \ is i d ut is hiim occur do” d i si rder hr winch tire per slit p, briellr a run—es that follow the disrontmued use ot add- i( drugs. p 2’-i7, 23. Physical dependence 6. a pin siulogcal need i-n a druig thai is indicated hr the pre—ent e ot ss Ph di ass al sr mptums when tIre d rug i— n P ta km a 297 Answers 24 199 x c hological need to usc a Irug is cierred pycho1ogica1 dependcnce (p 297 i addiction is a compulsive crar ing for a drug 28 despite ds Ci c consequences and r thdraxval n nphm. (30.( 35. The major active ingredient in mat ijuana. TEIC is ciassitied as a mild hallucinogen. p 2b. Depressants are ns\ choacns drr;cs such as at 0501. opatv. and mrhituratu that reduce neural acr\ itv and —low buds functIon’-. ip. 29 36. 1 he near-death experience is an altered state of con—cionsness that has been reported hr —oinc people ixho have had a close brush a i th dcabm. 27. Barbiturates are depressants, sometime— u—ed to induce sleep or reduce anr;ets. p .30() 28, Opiates tire dept essants dern ed from the opium poppx. snen as opiunr. morphine, and heroin; thvx reduce neural a hi its and temporarily ic—sen pain and ansien. p 29. Stimulants arc ps hoactix e drugs. —uch as cat teine nicotine amphctnntnes, and cocaine, that e\cite neural actu its and speed up bods tunetans, (p 300; 30 Amphetamines are a t pe ot stirnul mt and as h peed up hods functions and menral actisi t 300) 31 Me hamphetamine is i aerfnlh addictire st’i nian hat speeds ip body functions and is n Jed ‘Ph enc rgx and m md hangc i cesses, I SI) produces its unpredictable etfects partialh her anse it blocks the action of the neuro transnritter seiotonin (p. 3u2) (p. 10’H 37. Dualism is the philosophical belief that the nnnci and hods are distinct entities—she mind non phsdcal. the hods phxsicai. (p. 31W I xnnple: Those a ho believe that near—death expe riences are proot of hnmortahts are expressing the dualist position that mind and hodi are sepa rate entities. 38. Monism is the philosophical br-hut that the mind and body are ddftrcnt aspects o( the same thing (p. 310) f raniplc: The behef that death i fhial and that no afterlife exists i5 a reflection )t the monist posi Hon that mind and body are one Cross”C’lzeck —. ECROSS 32. ( as died as both a svnd etic) stimulant and i ill nallu n ogc’n. Ecstasy (MDMA) prodnccs nphoria hr increasing sc rotonin icr c t ter in tI c brain. Repeated use may permanentir ripe scrotonin neurons, supprcss immnnitv id di rupt cognition. (p. 302) 33 Hallucinogens are psvchoactn e drugs such as l) and rnai Iluana. that distort perception and c okc sensors imapes in the ahsene of ensorx input. (p. 02) 34. PSI) is ser acid dicthviarrnde i a poxverfnl bail;cinoncn rapibie of prodricing vivid taPe pen epuons and 0 )—oriranI/att’n 05 thought pro L paradoxical 7. dopamine 8. nicotine 10, lucid dreams 12. 1.50 13. serial 14. spindle 17. depressant 18. hr pnagogic 19. barbiturates 21. rnnrning 22. cx ening DOWN 2. age regrcssic n 3 4. 5. 6. ampheta ninc s opiat n intormation processing alcohol 9. hidden ohserx er 11 15. 16. 18 20. delta dissociation alpha heroin [HP CL C .1 t S I - F, C, C P0 IC 35 eq.’ 4 3 r (V .rc U — 3 P C C itt C, 3 S - S C C • m q S t 4 C, .5 1. — ‘C C. C C 3 I C C C r r . ‘C F I, S “C 7 fl 0 C’ 4’ C ‘ C p fr r;p C’ C .4’ 4. r I C Focus on Vocabula V a c c : I 3 ‘ Pep nj v t sxhere most rescmhfe Thi I I I) hut there is I irous iox and cc air s parr lvzed tr e t i I d cp St ge 4 skep d hen disnpcars As ti tme sut r r jiJ rrntnaJx n RIPE si’eo ;ets crc iepried of y s oldIe frey t ecland nstcady and dazed xc e than cxci suffer from i c icir baring an energized Ic usc c f the pressures of 3)1 F a ior s or d so on we often s t 10 F r xc it (di iP) Os from 3 sic p ire iced I he consecit ad I’d nsufficienl si p d in tongs and discomfort 1 eo i n I ‘ci ng of sleepiness I tF I 1 ci [IA sl’ep] hI usmg c t i and after lunch 1 odav s young students p ep t i in they net d and e onse 3 m p i i g the first class of the dam c I I and the quiet school r I Ii n ay bc occupied )f e fn g students (cu rnb’r it if student 3 are soil sen hg’ pdhl, c s i c d ymtixeandmteheetu c c s rid b t a out e c t re Page 284 t i F F r a i5 I e at ti 3 r h F F s F 3 i t ci ir° \s I radsd ai r PIer s IF n I ore ii rtt i oi c m n c ie icr i’d cthnF dift mit or iw sb psxchclogis tcmFora y a 3 dreams ir n portai Freudst cc 1 Ircam mdt)saxs is urru cnsiei sw ( cx 3 ‘ s c ksaneae tFc e 01 i h p op lose ow s IA r ‘suits n cc re Pt rda hlcismg the xtra heir of sleep in cc He Morda hI r I I n, Page $ lIe [FreudJ mrgued a b5 I that xi ishes a drea n pros ides a / I hc disc barges othersi ise nac p ta ii I e a dis st n line of the dream (manifest c ntent) c i guised xersion of the rca Fri h d c cci the dream (latent content Pc d n ‘x in vmbohealiv expressi m, mc m dc I t I erotic raisFes dreams al c ts t I c cousdnsesthatmightti V e I a I c ni htuo u tcrtodissptc enta’ exp os or mg P an t 201 a tratf c ncni e S 0 say the Sme can Ste I) c rd rs Ocuni e e’pc al kssouatic n and those itt nar olcp lv at risk ( Pidrkh 989 Fah ng a I u 1 ‘0 is bile drn ing is almost a secic F F cr as drinking (boo ng and d ix in 0 POF it hi nar , it nt 31 colepsy suftei from occasional p od 3 Iahle sleepines often assou t d s h r t ona I ge )ns arousal and are thu in d mac r a xshiie diii ng rtrre F an uagc 1 S US it 3 r shoxxn that s1ce hel rot to tismc (ni n i increases mcm rya dlearr V F } prote Os c m ‘c han s i thi v a e V our cx c tutioc arx p t t c ti nkinu lb sc fi idings i e sti ccntinuh g Pu Ic i Ic rely ire r r ‘83 icoioi a d sur -,c n e e i c du cRFM sleep a t ii ti/s. He mcst pep r as i t i is for nsom’ reslegiI,Fi I c tortunatch they an I a (cgmri i ‘p by suppre sinp RE I u d c dos the peismn ix ha I i i i ) IA ren t red (next d c discontinued the ins m n a ma, g g gF s at s mdl It if a acrul H e IM I F t 5 Ic 202 r Chapter Stat of Consciousness lix brain regions that mar as rats learn IRs 2o as pc oplc learn to p form a o navig ito r ran sisr I-disc ii inatic i task L n agat t later durn g RI NI sleep. Studes der ions rate that skeping helps mu in at tc r d g The areas of thc ha n that are dn f then Icarni g s takng plate are als run c ice ii on ( I during RI RI g 5 s imp irtant tens for ship dcprised stu slcc 1h duts nhi tcnf to kLri aid rcntniber kss th i airs A r t nfrri r. tr t e i i r s’ot dt vtd cc sleepin macc up r t re P ss f e bt longer and ite crcekeds t tIc in it t tc s n. eom rstc fir hc owen lexcls ii irru ag nd re al Hypnosis Pa’ r 91 Ihus, tajt ests a act, t rut t as it n as then cahcd became inked nith qnc eni Hrp nosis a social intern tron in which a hypnotist sug gest t a subject tha certain pencepbons behas iors arid so on will 5f or taneousht occur was first referred to is it’s a s t ftc r the erghtec nth century physic ran Mesn er wI o promoted its use. Because the Franklin c omrussion found no scientific ci i den e for Mesmer s “c ures they concluded that hypnos*s n as fraudulent or bogus (qaackc ii). I Pa at it ‘Hvpr osk s not a psvchologica (rat t s arn and to rcgard it as such has been a sourt c c f considerable ntis hi ‘1. Research shows tI at hy pnotrsts can subtly influence is hat people recall nd they mar ads crIer thy create false mem ories by making suggestions and asking leading questions Ihus h pnosis is not like a so-called t ath e a t (a drug afieged to make people tefi the truth) bu rat icr has caused a great deal of annos ing and p055 bit I ar ifu effects id.’ a I t isc t fj So mrht tFe sc s e ss social influe ice and ‘ci usncss b brtl d Alfhougn rd’ fbi a a c iffc ent xpla rat is s ibc ut n n ae hI 5’ e s s ggcst tha d niv ) s p ss e t eo t s tfcc ic I is y o a c th o ml is tc ii fu c ndr is i s is cd ft ) £5 and Cc ascii usnes 9 ¼ rtri p srrishnr, is drinks al h nicht get y on c r c an of beer but an xp r r d drnkcr nar r I yet (ii w nfl the ci ¼ t t I c ir’ed use ifafsy hacfsedrng r inim,i ncinaad c f f t f sh nc ci I F i s c I) I jI g i r ular drn kc r then rug it be little c (fec t until six or mon beers h n bee r consumed i a it t a a r attd s r ad ncr ) let f hart hhis neans that the 2¼ ptrsc n r ho has bee rsing the substanec or i regu his I asis hi a i in add (icc hi a a) has non stc pped doing sc iss P ctl 1k Ft au). Mye s notes that addccf on is n t diseasc such as drabelts and many cc pie ohnnf try snop usir g addi t it drugs v t ioui tncat ncnt r tfirayy. a 2 8 ) s when ft t rcsta iran patrons lc avc c¼n t a nt tips \bcoh ii c in i ic case both barn fu arid c hpful inc Inn it ii us. I bus rt often hap pens that restaurant clii ufele gwe a baiger gratuity (extras agan t ups is hi n they are more intoxicated ¼ hates en tendencies s ou have n hen sober a itt be more otw rous is ne ry ou are drunk. Page 2¼ ¼ nth larger doses, alcohol can become a stagpc’an t F cm. My ens is usnig humor here to make an important point I o describe a problem as 6 means that thc probhcm rs cnormous and stayycrtn has serious coast quences (for example a stagger ittg dc Ft is one that is or erwhelming) One of the conse quemes of ingc sling large amuntc of alcohol is slowed reaction time memory toss (bitt ken(s), Ian guagi disruptions (start d spce ‘It), and uncoordinat ed physical mor emeut (the person stagg. j. [bus, drinking too mnch alcohol has serrous implications (ml s a staggcr p bLiP, Pagc 300: It, as commonly belies ed liquor is the cutcke pick a uv ret the effect lies partly in that pots erful sex oreau the mind, Nh ohol (liquor) is thonght by maui to speeo up thc process of meeting members of the I posite sex and to ion c r sexual inhibitions I ius a male may belmevi that use c f alcc hc will frail tatc us ab’lnty to initiate contact and gil n k o r a iemak a at IC appcr). Mv’rs fihits o t that nit cay acohol is msohr d a ra f Ps abc c 3 n cx e¼t 0 c ii in tfa n g Botf s inn lcisuni i v r t I fit r nscnn hi f r oth’nf r I is isac st a ‘aws for up ig drug-induced pleasc ies i I rt ad for an aodi t this ma Fe a nersisteut mum for meat gi t an d an urgent, persistent desire t y for anothi i di sm of the drug f c. I’ fi In cdr a c 5 C a F cI nr a ‘t at ‘satin pot at sri ha yr due a (clay c dyn scm Focus on Vocabulary and I anguage “acid trip”.. Taking any psychoactive Page 302: drug is called a trip or tripping out, When LSD (acid) is used, it is called an acid trip; regular users are someti rues called acid heads. Pa,’e ,303: marijuana may spell relief. Although there are mans reasons for not taking marijuana, it does have some therapeutic applications, such as alleviating the sick feelings that result from taking the drugs used to treat cancer chernotherapv) and the pain, nausea, and weight loss associated with AIDS. Thus, it may provide (spell) relief for some patients. T\’ear-Death Et;ieriences Page 309: And they tend to handle stress well, often taking [lie bit!! bii [lie horns rather than becoming traumatized (Britton & Bootzin, 2004). The expres 203 sion “taking the bull by the horns” means to con front a problem without fear or trepidation. For some people, a near-death experience mas result in profound changes in their li\ es: thu mas become more generous more spiritual, and more convinced about the possibilth of life after death. In addition, they are better able to handle stress, often tackling problems asserti\ el and feariesslx thex tlke the Li iii! bt, [lie horns). Page 310: Such monicts generalls belie\ e that life is embodied, that death is real, and that ‘a ithout bod ’. A ;ioia’tit, is onwone ot no 1 ies we truly are iohodf importance. \h ers is making a joke here: If mind and hods are one (the monist position), then when we are dead and gone, there is nothing left, and we are nobodies dc, ‘a e ha e no bodies) and so have no afterlife existence.