RECRUIT SUSTAINMENT PROGRAM SOLDIER TRAINING READINESS MODULES Convoy Operations 12 March 2012 SECTION I. Lesson Plan Series Task(s) Taught Academic Hours ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Convoy Operations Task Number 071-326-3002 071-326-3013 071-410-0002 093-401-5040 INDIVIDUAL React to Indirect Fire While Mounted Conduct a Tactical Road March React to Direct Fire While Mounted React to Unexploded Ordnance Hazards The academic hours required to teach this lesson are as follows: Test Test Review Total Hours: Resident Hours/Methods 0 hrs 10 mins / Conference / Discussion 0 hrs 40 mins / Practical Exercise (Performance) 0 hrs 0 hrs 0 hrs 50 mins References Student Study Assignments Instructor Requirements Number Title Date FM 55-30, C-1 Army Motor Transport Units and Operations 27 Jun 1997 FM 5-19 Composite Risk Management 21 Aug 2006 STP 21-1-SMCT Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks, Warrior Skills, Level 1 02 May 2011 None a. 1 Instructor per 35 Soldiers b. Be familiar with this Training Support Package (TSP) 1 Additional Information Chapters 5, 6 and App O Equipment Required Id Name Stu Ratio 2320-01-354-3385 TRUCK CARGO: 4X4 LMTV W/E Materials Required Inst Ratio Spt Qty Exp 1:1 No 0 No 1005-01-128-9936 M16A2 Rifle 1:1 No 0 No 4240-01-258-0061 Mask, Chemical Biological M40 1:1 No 0 No 8470-01-465-1867 Interceptor Body Armor 1:1 No 0 No Helmet, Kevlar 1:1 No 0 No Instructor Materials: a. This Training Support Package (TSP) Student Materials: a. Other materials as directed by RSP Unit SOP Classroom, Training Area, and Range Requirements Organizational Classroom Instructional Guidance NOTE: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and the identified reference material. NOTE: This Convoy Operations training will be part discussion and part demonstration. The first part being an informal class covering individual skills and collective tasks associated with convoy operations through a potentially hostile environment. The second part, intermingled throughout the class is a Convoy Operations Situational Training Exercise (STX). 2 SECTION II. INTRODUCTION NOTE: SHOW Slide 1 (STRM) Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio is: 1:35 Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: None Motivator Every one of you may have heard the stories of attacks on convoys, and for the most part, what you hear is accurate. We are going to take those horror stories and break them down, giving you an accurate detailed picture of what the enemy is looking for, and what you can do to stop their action and retaliate with such strength that the enemy will be thrown off guard and you will gain the upper hand. Terminal Learning Objective NOTE: SHOW Slide 2 (Terminal Learning Objective) NOTE: Inform the students of the following Terminal Learning Objective requirements. At the completion of this lesson, you [the student] will: Action: Implement Defense Procedures during a Tactical Convoy Conditions: While traveling in the passenger seat or cargo section of a hardened vehicle that is part of a tactical road march; wearing full combat gear with an M16/M4 Series Rifle; in the contemporary operating environment Standards: Take action to identify and eliminate threats to the convoy while maintaining security and situational awareness Safety Requirements Conduct a safety brief prior to training as needed and IAW unit and installation policies. Risk Assessment Level Low - Risk Assessment to be produced locally IAW FM 5-19, August 2006. Evaluation None Instructional Lead-In In short, the enemy wants to stop your movement, isolate soft (easy) targets, and kill as many American Soldiers as possible, with back up plans to try to break your resolve and make political statements heralding their bravery and strength. This lesson plan will teach you how to make the best out of a very dangerous situation by protecting your vehicle as well as you and your fellow Soldiers. 3 SECTION III. PRESENTATION 1. Learning Step / Activity 1. Remove Materials from Hardened Vehicle Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise (Performance) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:35 Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: None NOTE: The primary Instructor uses an already hardened vehicle to point out the features to the students. NOTE: The Instructor may embellish personal experience on vehicle hardening of differing types of vehicles. a. The following criteria must be met in hardening a vehicle. The Soldiers will be broken into groups of 10 Soldiers per truck and remove all hardening materials from the vehicle to start. (1) The cargo bed of the truck has a layer of sandbags at least one deep covering the entire bed. (2) The sides of the cargo bed have been reinforced with walls of sandbags that are at least one wide and at least five deep. (3) The front of the cargo bed has a wall of sandbags extending from the floor to a level that provides protection for any Soldier covering the front arc of the vehicle. (4) The cab of the truck has a one-deep layer of sandbags covering the floors and sides of the cab as much as possible without interfering with the operation of the vehicle's controls. (5) Any tarps or coverings for the cargo bed have been removed. (6) All sandbags are secured to the vehicle frame in order to prevent shifting during vehicle movement. 2. Learning Step / Activity 2. Demonstrate Vehicle Mounting Procedures Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise (Performance) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:35 Time of Instruction: 10 minutes Media: None NOTE: The Instructor either uses a squad of Soldiers that has rehearsed this task previously, or uses permanent party cadre that have been certified to demonstrate the task. The squad should demonstrate one technique both for loading and unloading. There are no right or wrong methods of loading or unloading a tactical vehicle so long as the squad adheres to the following principles. a. Weapons must be positioned where they can employ their firepower against likely threats. b. The unit maintains 360-degree security throughout the loading or unloading process. c. Weapons remain on safe throughout the process unless actively engaging an enemy target. 4 d. Without sacrificing security or safety, the squad/section must load or unload as quickly as possible. It should take no more than thirty seconds to load or unload a squad of Soldiers. e. Soldiers understand what actions to take if the squad and/or vehicle come under direct or indirect fire. f. Leaders position themselves where they can best influence the operation. NOTE: The primary instructor briefly explains the six principles and points out how the demonstrated technique meets them. 3. Learning Step / Activity 3. React to Ambush while Mounted Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise (Performance) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:35 Time of Instruction: 5 minutes Media Slide: None NOTE: The primary instructor either uses a squad of trainees that has rehearsed this task previously, or uses permanent party cadre that have been certified to demonstrate the task. The demonstration must meet the following standards. a. Demonstrate the following performance standards for NEAR ambush: (1) Reports ambush to convoy commander immediately upon contact using analog and/or digital communications. (2) Identifies threat location. (3) Non-driving personnel return aggressive fire to neutralize the threat. Fire should be in short bursts of three rounds each. (4) Vehicle driver increases speed and clears the kill zone. (5) Keeps roadway clear by pushing disabled vehicles aside. (6) Returns fire while transiting the kill zone or while targets are in sectors of fire and maneuver of security elements to allow remaining vehicles to pass through the kill zone (senior member present). (7) Senior member present forwards SITREP to convoy /unit commander using analog and/or digital communications. (8) Consolidates and reorganizes while awaiting further orders from convoy commander (consolidation and reorganization includes the treatment and evacuation of casualties). 4. Learning Step / Activity 4. React to Indirect Fire while Mounted Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise (Performance) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:35 Time of Instruction: 10 minutes Media: None NOTE: In order to keep the residual risk of training low, and to conserve resources, Soldiers WILL NOT train on moving vehicles. The Instructor will “demonstrate” reacting to 5 indirect fire while mounted using the talk-through method. The Cadre uses a demonstration team to demonstrate actions taken when a vehicle is disabled in an indirect fire impact zone. a. Any Soldier who observes indirect fire immediately reports it through the chain of command to the convoy commander. b. Vehicles increase speed until out of impact area. c. Vehicles not yet in the impact area seek an alternate route. d. Soldiers abandon disabled vehicles in the impact area and evacuate all personnel to cover. e. Senior leaders take charge of any dismounted elements in the impact area and move them to the nearest rally point outside of the impact area. f. Senior leader provides SITREP to convoy commander. g. Unit consolidates, reorganizes, and continues mission (includes treatment and evacuation of all casualties). NOTE: The Instructor may also want to explain that vehicles do not generally stop in the impact area, even to recover Soldiers whose vehicle has been disabled. Stopping in the impact area risks damage to your own vehicle. 5. Learning Step / Activity 5. React to IED/Mine Strike Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise (Performance) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:35 Time of Instruction: 10 minutes Media: None a. Demonstrate Accomplishment of Standards under Realistic Conditions NOTE: The Instructor either uses a squad of Soldiers that has rehearsed this task previously, or uses permanent party cadre that have been certified to demonstrate the task. The squad demonstrates performance of the task at combat speed meeting the following performance measures: b. Convoy encounters a suspected IED. (1) First vehicle to spot the IED signals the rest of the convoy. NOTE: There should be multiple signals and they should be briefed during the convoy brief. (2) Keep a stand-off distance of at least 300 meters (radio or cell phone transmission within 300 meters may cause detonation). However, do not stop at exactly 300 meters as the enemy often places a secondary device at this distance. (3) All halted vehicles will remain pointed in the direction of travel. (4) Look for potential secondary devices in what may seem like the best possible area of avoidance. (5) Secure the site; be alert for a possible ambush. 6 (6) Main body of the convoy will dismount and take up a 360-degree security perimeter. Soldiers will take up positions not more than 10 to 15 meters from their vehicles. (7) The senior leader will organize an element (usually a predesignated quickreaction force) to search a 300 meter radius around the suspected IED. (8) Search likely ambush positions first. (9) Most IEDs have an observer with a remote detonation device in order to ensure the IED detonates when it can cause the most casualties. The search element attempts to identify and neutralize the observer(s). (10) Search for other IEDs. (11) Senior member present determines unit location and sends a SITREP to Higher HQs. (12) Block all traffic in vicinity of the IED until cleared by EOD or relieved by another unit (usually MPs). (13) Once threat is removed, mark the road with the date, time, unit group, and the letters “IED.” c. An IED detonation occurs. (1) The vehicle(s) stops. (2) The vehicle commander (VC) confirms casualties that are found in his vehicle(s). (3) The vehicle or convoy commander designates a rally point in a safe location. (a) Soldiers proceed to the rally point. (b) Once area is secure the nearest vehicle to disable vehicle will move up and assess casualties and vehicle. (4) The senior leader organizes a reaction force (usually predesignated) to conduct a 300-meter sweep around the detonation site. NOTE: Terrain dictates whether the QRF will need to dismount. NOTE: If time permits, stand fast and notify engineers to clear the evacuation route. NOTE: The Instructor briefly explains the six principles and points out how the demonstrated technique meets them. (5) The crew/passengers of disabled vehicles dismount to the rear of their vehicles. NOTE: If the convoy is split, ensure the lead element of the convoy knows to proceed to the forward rally point. (6) Evacuate injured personnel to the nearest Aid Station. 7 (7) The senior member present sends a situation report (SITREP) to higher headquarters (HQ). (8) The commander makes a decision on whether to recover or destroy disabled vehicles and equipment. (9) Unit consolidates, reorganizes, and continues the mission (including treatment and evacuation of all casualties). TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTION: Implement Defense Procedures during a Tactical Convoy CONDITIONS: While traveling in the passenger seat or cargo section of a hardened vehicle that is part of a tactical road march; wearing full combat gear with an M16/M4 Series Rifle; in the contemporary operating environment STANDARDS: Take action to identify and eliminate threats to the convoy while maintaining security and situational awareness 8 SECTION IV. ASK FOR QUESTIONS AND SUMMARY Method of Instruction: Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:35 Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: None a. Ask students if they have any questions. b. Answer all questions or agree to get back to students with a complete or appropriate answer. NOTE: SUMMARY Enemy tactics, techniques and procedures entail all facets of warfare. They will employ sniper fire from a building or a cluster of buildings, or often from or next to uninvolved civilians. They may attack with RPG fire or explosive devices buried or manually thrown. Their purpose is to destroy or disrupt U.S convoys and kill as many Soldiers as they can in a short period of time. You must continually be on alert and ready to effect a defensive position, secure the area and jump to the offensive with explosive force. This and subsequent training will prepare you for the challenge. Take this training seriously. 9 SECTION V. STUDENT EVALUATION (OPTIONAL) Testing None Requirements Feedback Requirements None 10 Appendix A - Viewgraph Masters (N/A) VIEWGRAPHS A-1 Appendix B - Test(s) and Test Solution(s) (N/A) B-1 Appendix C - Practical Exercises and Solutions Built into Lesson Plan C-1 Appendix D - Student Handouts (N/A) D-1